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For Adrian Morrow, 15 Curlough Road, Caledon (07752 465347)

Rolling Herd Average 10,000kg @4.02%BF @3.31%PR Low SCC

1 3628-3 23/06/19 October Fresh

2 3700 5 18/11/19 August 1.5M 30.2L

3 3718 2 08/12/19 Augus 4M 30.8L

4 3792-6 21/03/20 calved 2.5M 23.6L 5 3822 1 09/06/20 November Fresh 6 3843-1 17/08/20 November Fresh 7 3824 3 10/06/20 August 24L

8 3758 7 07/01/20 August 2M 25.2L 9 3760-2 09/01/20 August 2M 27.8L 10 3514 1 10/12/18 October 52.6L 11 3539-5 15/02/19 August 35.2L 12 3345 7 07/01/18 August 1.5M 46.5L 13 3640 1 04/08/19 calved 6M 37L 14 3806-2 26/05/20 November 31L 15 2915 4 23/12/15 October 60.9L 16 3729-6 19/12/19 July 6M 26L 17 3740-3 26/12/19 May 4M 29.6L 18 3745 1 31/12/19 August 5M 24.8L 19 3746-2 01/01/20 May 4.5M 19.6L 20 3747 3 01/01/20 calved 2M 26.2L 21 3750 6 03/01/20 July 5.5M 27L 22 3751-7 03/01/20 August 6M 22.2L

Lot Tag DOB Calved PD In-Calf Yield (L)
SALE-Entire Milking Herd
Thursday 24th November @11.30AM
Herd PD carried out Monday 14 November - 90% In-Calf Beef AI & 10% Holstein AI Auctioneers Fees 5% + VAT

Lot Tag DOB


PD In-Calf Yield (L)

23 3691-3 10/11/19 August 2M N/A 24 3774 2 22/01/20 August 3M 24.8L

25 3784-5 10/03/20 August 3M 31.2L 26 3763 5 14/01/20 August N/A 27 3174 4 23/03/17 October 36.1L 28 3200-2 18/05/17 October 48.4L 29 3518 5 23/12/18 November 31.2L 30 3368-2 31/03/18 Jan 5M 46.1L 31 3832 4 09/08/20 November Fresh 32 3790 4 18/03/20 May 5M 25.8L 33 3679-5 09/10/19 Jan 4M 30.6L 34 3690 2 09/11/19 May 6M 23.8L 35 3692-4 10/11/19 May ??? 28.6L 36 3703 1 20/11/19 May 5M 26.4L 37 3704 2 20/11/19 March 4.5M 45.6L 38 3705-3 22/11/19 May 5M 23.6L 39 3717 1 07/12/19 July 6M 26L 40 3722-6 12/12/19 March 2M 24.2L 41 3724-1 13/12/19 May 2M 20.2L 42 3726 3 14/12/19 August 4M 30.2L 43 3527-7 06/01/19 May 21 6M 32L 44 3382 2 19/05/18 May 20 5M 18.9L 45 3342 4 06/01/18 March 3M 35.4L 46 3353-1 17/01/18 Jan 21 6M 39.5L 47 3358 6 26/03/18 March 4.5M 33L 48 3359-7 27/03/18 October 41.4L 49 2919 1 24/12/15 October 46.3L 50 3728 5 17/12/19 May 6M 20L 51 3642-3 05/08/19 calved 2.5M 35.1L 52 3646 7 11/08/19 Jan 5M 22.4L 53 3652-6 22/08/19 calved 4M 18L

Calved PD In-Calf Yield (L)

54 3654-1 25/08/19 May 5M 25.4L

55 3657 4 28/08/19 March 5M 38.3L

56 3660-7 30/08/19 May 3M 26.5L

57 3661 1 30/08/19 April 6M 24L

58 3817 3 04/06/20 August 6M 21.4L

59 3820-6 06/06/20 July 5M 24L

60 3823 2 09/06/20 August 5M 21.6L

61 3826-5 11/06/20 July 3M 18.4L 62 3844 2 17/08/20 November Fresh 63 3852 3 27/08/20 August 4.5M 24.8L 64 3767-2 16/01/20 calved 3M 30.8L 65 3772 7 20/01/20 April 5M 28L 66 3788-2 17/03/20 March 5M 25.4L 67 3789 3 17/03/20 Jan 6.5M 22.8L

68 3801 1 28/03/20 May 3M 25.2L 69 3668-1 29/09/19 March 5M

70 3670 3 02/10/19 March 6M 25.4L 71 3487-2 21/10/18 May 6M 31L 72 3591-1 10/05/19 calved 2M 23.4L 73 3557 2 22/03/19 March 5M 36.8L 74 3594-4 12/05/19 Nov 21 3M 25.8L 75 3600 3 06/06/19 Nov 21 6.5M 26.6L

76 3610 6 12/06/19 Jan 6M 77 3612-1 13/06/19 Nov 21 5M 24.4L

78 3617 6 15/06/19 Nov 21 6M 23.2L

79 3362-3 27/03/18 Jan 21 2M 33.4L

80 3458 1 07/10/18 Nov 21 2M 37.8L 81 3412 4 02/07/18 October 40.7L 82 3460-3 08/10/18 October 47.7L 83 3482 4 19/10/18 October 25.2L 84 3168-5 19/03/17 October 41.3L


Calved PD In-Calf Yield (L)

85 3022-6 12/06/16 October 40.2L 86 3107 7 28/11/16 October 3 Teats 30.1L

87 3331-7 26/12/17 August 38.8L 88 2788 3 02/08/15 August 29.7L 89 3463 6 11/10/18 Dec 21 6M 19.8L 90 3503-4 10/11/18 March 21 3.5M 45.7L 91 3512 6 03/12/18 August 2M 45.2L 92 3285-3 27/10/17 Dec 21 5M 28.7L 93 3313 3 29/11/17 April 21 5M 32L 94 3317 7 05/12/17 Nov 21 4M 25.9L 95 3802-2 24/05/20 July 6M 24.8L 96 3804 4 26/05/20 May 2.5M 18.6L 97 3807-7 27/05/20 August 2M 27.2L * 98 3814 7 03/06/20 May 3M 24.2L 99 3816 2 03/06/20 May 4.5M 26L 100 3865-2 19/10/20 Aug ?? 101 3727 4 15/12/19 July 4M 27L 102 3754-3 05/01/20 calved 2M 21.8L 103 3755-4 06/01/20 April EMP 28.6L 104 2731 2 13/02/15 October 60L 105 3676-2 08/10/19 May 20 AI 10/11 26.8L 106 3629 4 23/06/19 Jan 1.5M 31.4L 107 3634 2 29/07/19 Jan 5M 26L 108 3645-6 10/08/20 May empt 23.4L 109 3352 7 17/01/18 March empt 36L 110 3502-3 06/11/18 March empt 50L

111 3297 1 15/11/17 March empt 30.1L 112 2999 4 18/05/16 March empt 38.4L 113 3091-5 19/11/16 Fresh ? LDAAAA 47.7L 114 3343 5 07/01/18 May 21 AI 12/11AA 35.2L 115 3625-7 19/06/19 March AI 10/11 38.1L

Lot Tag DOB

Lot Tag DOB


PD In-Calf Yield (L)

116 3540-6 17/02/19 Feb AI 10/11 30.4L

117 3552 4 16/03/19 April 21 emp 37.2L

118 3555-7 18/03/19 May 2M 46.2L

119 3358 6 26/03/18 March 4.5M

120 3170 7 20/03/17 March 5M 25.4L

121 3215-3 10/07/17 March 4M 30.8L

122 3270 2 15/09/17 March 6M 26.1L

123 3322-5 12/12/17 July 35.9L

124 3330 6 26/12/17 October 40.5L

125 3325 1 17/12/17 October AI 10/11 57.2L

126 3120-6 16/12/16 October 60.4L

127 3144 2 10/01/17 Nov 21 2M 41.3L

128 2864-2 08/11/15 April 21 6M 36.7L

129 2693 6 13/11/14 calved 6M 14.2L

130 2658 6 18/09/14 March 4.5M 32.2L

131 2617-7 05/07/14 Nov 21 6M 16L

132 2307 5 15/05/12 Nov 21 5M 17.7L

133 3469-5 12/10/18 August 26L

134 3410-2 30/06/18 July 40.1L

135 3438 2 18/07/18 Jan 21 EMP 25.8L

136 2679-6 18/10/14 Sept 21 EMP 42L

137 2602 6 22/04/14 July 21 48L

138 3112 5 02/12/16 September 45.9L

139 3744-7 31/12/19 August 21.2L

140 3764 6 14/01/20 August 21.4L

141 3773-1 20/01/20 August n/a

142 3377 4 07/04/18 March 25.8L

143 3634 2 29/07/19 Jan 22.8L

144 3765-7 14/01/20 calved 4.5M 39.1L

145 3794 1 23/03/20 calved 2M 39.6L

146 3721-5 10/12/19 April EMP 25L

Lot Tag DOB


PD In-Calf Yield (L)

147 3638-6 03/08/19 May EMP 25.2L

148 3685 4 06/11/19 Aug EMP 19.8L

149 3048-4 28/08/16 Nov 21 EMP 29.4L

150 3371 5 04/04/18 calved 1M 37.5L

151 3354 2 19/01/18 May 21 17L 152 3106-6 28/11/16 March EMP 24.8L 153 3643 4 07/08/19 April 22.8L 154 3739-2 26/12/19 calved 25.2L 155 3145 3 12/01/17 March 34.3L 156 3061 3 14/09/16 calved 40.1L 157 3039-2 30/07/16 March 30.6L 158 159 160


161 3879-2 I/C H 28/10/20 Due Nov/Dec 162 3344 6 705 07/01/18 Due 8M 163 3658-5 733 29/08/19 Due 8M 164 692 165 3227 1 633 30/07/17 Due 7M 166 3253-6 667 20/08/17 Due 5.5M 167 3043 6 578 21/08/16 Due 6M 168 3311-1 649 27/11/17 Due 169 3238 5 643 06/08/17 Due 170 2345 1 308 22/10/12 Due 171 3672-5 03/10/19 May PD+ 172 2960 7 550 30/03/16

Whilst we endeavour to give all particulars about each lot or lots this in no way constitutes a guarantee. No guarantee is given with any lot or lots.


The bidding is to be regulated by the Auctioneers, in terms of “£ ” bids plus 5% fees (exclusive of VAT) charged to the buyers. The auctioneers will regulate bid ding as they see fit, with no bid less than £ 5 between £ 100 and £ 200; therefore not less than £ 10.

The highest bidder for any lot shall be the buyer and the contract shall be con cluded on the fall of the hammer. If any dispute should arise, the lot in dispute to be put up again and resold, or the Auctioneers may determine the dispute at their discretion and their decision shall be final.

The Auctioneers reserve the right to refuse the bid of any person without being called upon to give a reason for such action. The purchaser to give his name and dwelling place and pay for all lots at the close of the sale. No lot or lots shall be removed from the premises until paid for, and a pass-out slip is obtained from the Auctioneers clerk, but each and every lot shall immediately at the fall of the hammer be considered as delivered and be and remain in every respect at the absolute risk and expense of the respective purchaser or purchasers thereof and shall be removed from the sale at the purchaser’s expense.

Title (i.e. ownership) to any animal or animals knocked down or sold to any person or persons shall not pass to that person or persons until payment of the entire price bid by that person or persons shall have be discharged in full to Michael Taaffe trading as “Taaffe Auctions”, Milltown, Termonfeckin, Co. Louth. Tendering of a cheque which is not subsequently honoured or not paid for any reason shall not be deemed to constitute payment. All loading shall be the duty and responsibility of the purchaser. All statements in the catalogue or any made by the Auctioneers at the time of sale, also the identification of the animals, are the entire responsibility of the vendors. The Auctioneers take no personal responsibility for the correctness of such statements or identities.

The Auctioneers act as agents for the vendors and any action taken by a purchaser must be against the vendor and not against the Auctioneers, and “vice, versa.” Neither the vendors, nor the Auctioneers will be responsible for any accident through fire or any other cause whatsoever, nor for any damage done to, during or after the sale. If any of these conditions are unfulfilled, the vendors or the Auctioneers shall have power to re-sell the lots, retaining any surplus and charging any deficiency and expense to the defaulter.

Taaffe Auctions 00-353-41-9881288

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