Karen Smith Snood Options
Color Swatches Page 1 Multi-Colored Acrylics Lion Brand Yarn
Color Waves Purple Vista
Homespun Wildfire
Color Waves Sunset Red
Color Waves Caribbean
Color Waves Blue Lagoon
Homespun Harvest
Homespun Painted Desert
Vanna’s Choice Woodsprint
Mixed Greens Ombre
Rainbow Dreams Jet Stream
Techno Ombre
Bohemian Green Tea
Color Waves Night Sky
Color Swatches Page 2 Multi-Colored Red Heart Acrylics
Shaded Browns
Plum Pudding
Grande Polo (extra thick)
Earth And Sky
PSn001 - Knit snood no ridges (purls)
PSn002 - Snood with vertical baby cables
PSn003 - Snood with ridges
PSn004- Snood with horizontal baby cables
PSn005 - Seed stitch Snood
PSn006 - Seed stitch Snood with Sunshine
PSn007 - Mobius Snood
PSn008 - 3 Strand Ombre Seed Stitch Snood
PSn008A - 6 Strand Ombre Seed Stitch Snood This is Camara’s. It has an extra wide opening...but it doesn’t have to.
PSn009 - Ridges Inset Snood
Homespun Painted Desert
Samples This is how it looks with just the LBY Homespun Painted Desert Yarn alone. This is two strands, which is what I used for that hat sample I emailed you.
LBY Vanna’s Choice Terra Cotta
Caron Leaf Green
Caron SimplySoft Autumn Red
Caron One Pound Deep Violet
Red Heart Real Teal
Red Heart Turqua
These are the worsted colors that are interwoven with the homespun in this sample. They can be changed too