Taco Bell Media Strategy

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May 9, 2016 – August 15, 2016


TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.  2.  3.  4.  5.  6.  7.  8.  9.  10.  11.  12.  13.  14.  15.  16.  17.  18.  19.  20.  21.

Cover Page Table of Contents Arrowhead Media Campaign Scope Brand Profile Target Market CommunicaKons Pla\orm Media ObjecKves ObjecKve/Metrics: Awareness ObjecKves/Metrics: Engagement ObjecKves/Metrics: Trial/Repeat Purchase Geography Geography Map The Flights The Flights ConKnued Flight One Alarm Clock Twi_er Ads Breakfast Challenge Radio (Flight One) Flight Two Nascar Breakfast Tailgate

22. Nascar Breakfast Tailgate ConKnued 23. Flight Three 24. NBA Final Breakfast Fantasy 25. NBA Final Breakfast Fantasy ConKnued 26. Cinema Ads and Fandango 27. Flight Four 28. VidCon 29. VidCon conKnued 30. PoliKcal ConvenKon PromoKon 31. Flight Five 32. PoliKcal ConvenKon 33. PoliKcal ConvenKon ConKnued 34.  Breaking News: PoliKcal Candidates 35.  ConKnuous Flight 36. Facebook and Pandora 37. Mobile SEM and YouTube Ads 38. Times Square Billboard and Alarm Clock 39.  Mobile Morning News 40.  Television Commercials 41. Flowchart 42. Budget 43. Call to AcKon


ARROWHEAD MEDIA Most media agencies are good at what they do -­‐ they give their clients the numbers, they suggest some placement, and they give ideas. They are fine, sure, but they are not Arrowhead Media. Here at Arrowhead Media, we do things differently. We are small, we are young, and we actually care about our clients. We will work Krelessly to make sure you get the a_enKon you need. We do not just read numbers and regurgitate them back to you; we make sure those numbers ma_er. For both local and naKonal clients, we provide a rich, well-­‐established understanding of consumers in the target, which in-­‐turn, will culKvate effecKve communicaKon through all pla\orms, tradiKonal as well as digital. When you work with a media agency, don’t se_le for something less. Work with the one that will hit the bulls-­‐eye every Kme -­‐ work with Arrowhead Media. {Ceilia Gutentag, Hannah Kronke, Tabbi Loter, Julia Jimenez, Ma_ Tulli, Angela UrruKa}

CAMPAIGN SCOPE Arrowhead Media was tasked with developing a campaign for Taco Bell breakfast that addressed two main goals: (1) Increase awareness of breakfast offerings, including improving and advancing percepKons, and (2) Increase trial of breakfast menu items and repeat purchases. In order to achieve these goals, there are several idenKfied barriers to overcome, including issues with awareness, trust, value, variety, and meaningful differenKaKon. The overall landscape included five main companies in the compeKKve set; McDonald’s, Burger King, Starbucks, Subway, and Wendy’s had to be considered when developing the campaign. The enKre campaign stretches across summer 2016, beginning May 9 and ending August 14, using a budget of $30 million for working media. The naKonal campaign will focus on the enKre United States, but will allow for heavy-­‐up opportuniKes in select markets. For evaluaKon purposes, the “liping and increasing” awareness objecKve is to be measured by a brand study, as designed by Arrowhead. The future Q1 sales data for Taco Bell breakfast will be used to measure the success of the campaign elements designed to increase trial and repeat purchases.

Overall, Arrowhead Media developed a plan to boost Taco Bell breakfast as a whole by choosing the most effecKve strategies across various media channels. Arrowhead Media conducted extensive research and considered various alternaKves in an effort to design the best strategy, which is outlined in the remainder of this document.


Taco Bell – Live Más A unique addiKon to the fast food industry, Taco Bell spices up its food in an effort to spice up the lives of its customer base. By encouraging everyone to “Live Más,” Taco Bell pushes its customers to step outside of their comfort zones and choose to enjoy a different experience. It is not just about providing people with a mean taco; it is about embodying a lifestyle of choice among various drab alternaKves -­‐ a philosophy that Taco Bell recently extended into the breakfast realm.

Pi_ed against the standard breakfast offerings from compeKtors (McDonald’s, Burger King, Subway, Wendy’s, and Starbucks), Taco Bell stands on its three pillars of differenKaKon: convenience, value, and variety. While the all-­‐day breakfast at McDonald’s poses the most significant threat, Taco Bell will rely on its compeKKve advantage to build a strong breakfast fan base throughout the following campaign.



The old cliché is that breakfast is the most important meal of the day, but frankly, who has the Kme? Not the Have To’s. These are the people who are busy, but not necessarily because they want to be. They have rouKnized lives. They are constantly working hard, feeling like they “have to” work to live, but they do not want to live to work.

This group of individuals makes up the working class of America. They are 18-­‐44 year olds who lead demanding lives due to jobs, school, or family. They open work for an hourly wage or lower-­‐level salary, earning enough to provide for themselves and their families week-­‐to-­‐week and month-­‐to-­‐month, so they can be too busy to “live in the now.” But, they want to enjoy life and will do so if they have the choice.

“Age is just a number” is a truism for this target; across the 18-­‐44 age segment, the Have To’s are people who want to break the norm and deviate from their rouKne when the chance presents itself. This is where Taco Bell breakfast comes in. The Have To’s deserve a convenient, graKfying, and low-­‐cost breakfast.

Due to their hecKc schedules, the Have To’s are an opKmal market for quick-­‐service breakfast and are ideal for Taco Bell in parKcular because they want to break from the bland and the boring. They “have to” do a lot of things in life, but sacrificing breakfast does not need to be one of them. The Have To’s will finally be able to choose and Live Más in the morning.


Taco Bell will posiKon its breakfast as a break from the target market’s busy, rouKnized, and open bland schedules. Enjoying Taco Bell breakfast is the one thing that they do not have to do, but something that they choose to do. As such, Taco Bell will be placing its breakfast messaging so that Taco Bell breakfast will be top-­‐of-­‐mind during the consumer’s “moment of choice.” Whenever the target has a choice about how to live or act during the day, Taco Bell will be there as a reminder that the power of choice also extends to breakfast. Whenever a daily decision is being made, Taco Bell’s presence will insKll the idea in consumers that although the mornings can be hecKc and anxiety-­‐ inducing, choosing Taco Bell breakfast will be the best way to start the day.







OBJECTIVES First and foremost, consumers must know of their opKons in order to make the right choice. Therefore, building awareness and knowledge of Taco Bell’s breakfast offerings will be the iniKal step to trial. Currently, half the naKon is simply unaware of Taco Bell’s breakfast opKons. Arrowhead Media believes that breaking through this iniKal barrier is essenKal to making Taco Bell an obvious choice for breakfast. The campaign’s goal is to have consumers immediately thinking of Taco Bell for value, variety, and convenience in the morning.



I n c r e a s e t a r g e t m a r k e t segment awareness to: 35% by July 1 65% by August 14 Increase awareness among all 18-­‐44 year olds to: 25% by July 1 50% by August 14 Match McDonald’s 80% unaided breakfast awareness Benchmark against McDonald’s top-­‐of-­‐mind 50% breakfast awareness with 30% for Taco Bell’s top-­‐of-­‐mind breakfast awareness

Brand surveys prior to the campaign, during the middle of the campaign, and at the end of the campaign Measure knowledge of Taco Bell breakfast, breakfast opKons (specifically the A.M. Crunchwrap), breakfast value menu, and breakfast convenience levels as compared to compeKtors Specifically monitor social media channels to determine awareness levels of followers and use email surveys to compare these awareness levels to those of the wider populaKon


OBJECTIVES Arrowhead Media’s strategies will ignite both online and offline buzz. With a_enKon-­‐grabbing ad placements, highly capKvaKng events, exciKng social strategy, and influencer engagement, Taco Bell breakfast will be the center of conversaKon. Arrowhead Media finds it incredibly important to drive mobile and social interacKon. Highly interacKve tacKcs will foster a meaningful exchange of value through engagement with the target market. Word-­‐of-­‐mouth will be a significant factor, driving consumers to Taco Bell and inspiring conversaKons, sharing, and trending among online communiKes.


Increase engagement by 40% Facebook, Twi_er, YouTube, Sn a pch at, a n d In s ta gra m interacKons and impact Taco Bell app downloads VidCon submissions News coverage and inspired editorial content integraKon A _ e n d a n c e a t m e d i a acKvaKons and events

METRICS Measure increase in social media interacKons with the brand using text-­‐ mining sopware, comment crawlers, and senKment analysis Monitor change in publicity and news coverage via text-­‐mining techniques to compare news coverage prior to acKvaKons with subsequent media coverage following the execuKons Record a_endance at media acKvaKons and events


OBJECTIVES Above all, Arrowhead Media’s campaign for Taco Bell breakfast strives to increase trial and repeat purchases of breakfast items.

Trial by 60% of those in the target market segment who are aware of Taco Bell breakfast


Trial by 20% of 18-­‐44 year olds who are aware of Taco Bell breakfast Repeat purchase by 18% of consumers in the target market segment Repeat purchase by 5% of 18-­‐44 year olds

METRICS Analyze Q1 sales data


GEOGRAPHY Although the campaign is a naKonwide effort, Arrowhead Media believes that certain DMAs deserve special a_enKon due to their potenKal impact on the target market.

Various characterisKcs were considered in order to find the 19 most effecKve locaKons to reach the target. These characterisKcs include target demographics (such as the region’s average income and age level), and Taco Bell franchise-­‐specific characterisKcs, (such as number of franchises and raKo of individuals to franchises in region). These four characterisKcs hone in on the target market while also factoring in the concentraKon of the Taco Bells serving breakfast in each region. A cross-­‐examinaKon between the top twenty potenKal high-­‐performance DMAs showed that twelve of the nineteen regions were among Taco Bell’s pre-­‐exisKng top-­‐performing locaKons. Therefore, the remaining seven locaKons deserve special a_enKon because of their potenKal.

Taco Bell will allocate 5% to heavy-­‐up in these 19 DMAs in order to efficiently reach the target market using various media tools that are implausible on a naKonwide basis. UlKmately, focusing on these specific regions will allow Taco Bell breakfast to reach the most profitable segments of the target market while opKmizing the budget.




Arrowhead Media interweaves all focal points of Taco Bell’s breakfast throughout the campaign’s duraKon, with each flight paying homage to the value, variety, and A.M. Crunchwrap at Taco Bell.

Flight 1 (Alarm Clock/Breakfast Challenge) The first flight begins with a strong impression on the target audience. Arrowhead Media understands that Taco Bell has an unique opportunity as an industry leader and does not need to spend extra Kme generaKng iniKal awareness of the overall brand. Instead, Taco Bell will immediately capitalize on its name recogniKon and focus on awareness, trial, engagement, and repeat purchase of its breakfast. From May 9, 2016 -­‐ May 23, 2016, all media efforts will be specifically tailored to foster buzz and get the target market talking about the next generaKon of breakfast.

Flight 2 (NASCAR Test Flight) Immense research has yielded an interesKng correlaKon between the opKmal target market and a propensity for NASCAR. In order to base this campaign on measurable outcomes rather than only insights, Taco Bell breakfast will spend May 19 -­‐ May 29 deeply engaging with the target market on a small scale. The results of this test flight will determine whether or not this execuKon will be expanded to include other regions.

Flight 3 (NBA Finals) From June 2 -­‐ June 17, Taco Bell breakfast will conKnue its push to engage the target market and encourage trial. This flight will build on the previous flights efforts to reach consumers in the target market who may not of interacted with Taco Bell’s breakfast yet. Similar to the earlier stages in the campaign, the goal is to reach as large of a market as possible while staying true to the brand.



Flight 4 (PoliKcal ConvenKon Part One) As the summer reaches its midway point, Taco Bell Breakfast will engage in its most significant event yet. This flight will be all about the build-­‐up and creaKon of important connecKons among influencers of the target market. From June 23 -­‐ July 21, all media efforts will focus on gaining awareness and generaKng buzz about the Taco Bell breakfast and the next major event coming up.


Flight 5 (PoliKcal ConvenKon Part Two) From July 22 -­‐ August 1, Taco Bell will bring all of its previous media efforts together to create the most buzz-­‐worthy event in its history. All of the previous and more narrowly-­‐focused media efforts will materialize and have the most impact in this period. UlKmately, the majority of the target will be reached and Taco Bell breakfast will never be forgo_en.

ConKnuous Staying top-­‐of-­‐mind within the target market is absolutely essenKal. Therefore, various media placements will be ongoing throughout the summer to stay relevant. The major focus of this effort will be to generate a baseline awareness of Taco Bell’s breakfast that will be built upon by each addiKonal flight. This constant presence will ensure that as many members of the target market as possible will have some interacKon with the brand.



Arrowhead Media interweaves all focal points of Taco Bell’s breakfast throughout the campaign’s duraKon, with each flight paying homage to the value, variety, and A.M. Crunchwrap at Taco Bell. The first flight begins with a strong impression on the target audience. Arrowhead Media understands that Taco Bell has an unique opportunity as an industry leader and does not need to spend extra Kme generaKng iniKal awareness of the overall brand. Instead, Taco Bell will immediately capitalize on its name recogniKon and focus on awareness, trial, engagement, and repeat purchase of its breakfast. From May 9 -­‐ May 23, all media efforts will be specifically tailored to foster buzz and get the target market talking about the next generaKon of breakfast.



To begin the summer campaign, Taco Bell will immediately raise the target’s awareness and trial of its breakfast by capitalizing on its immense number of already-­‐accumulated followers -­‐ especially those in the target market. To effecKvely reach the “Have To’s,” Taco Bell needs to put itself in consumers’ homes and in the consumers’ hands right when they wake up and have to make a decision about breakfast.

From May 8 -­‐ May 16, Taco Bell breakfast will have an aggressive promoKonal Twi_er presence centering around the idea of an alarm clock. Checking their phones, including browsing social media, is the first thing that the “Have To’s” do in the morning², so Taco Bell breakfast will be top-­‐ of-­‐mind when the target has a moment of choice. Every day of the first week of the campaign, Taco Bell breakfast will reach 80% of the target with a high volume of targeted promoted tweets right before the target market goes to sleep from 10 p.m. -­‐ 12 a.m.¹ to “plant the seed” for future offerings. Then, from 7 a.m. -­‐ 9 a.m. a new wave of promoKonal tweets with a funny alarm clock GIF will target the Have To’s.

Twi_er is the opKmal choice because these individuals use this pla\orm to vent about their day³, so Taco Bell breakfast will be able to posiKon itself as their savior. This will generate awareness of Taco Bell and immediately lower the barrier to trial.

1 h _ p : // w w w . h u ffi n g t o n p o s t . c o m / 2 0 1 4 / 1 0 / 0 8 / s l e e p -­‐ K m e s -­‐ a m e r i c a -­‐ counKes_n_5942296.html 2 h_p://Kme.com/4147614/smartphone-­‐usage-­‐us-­‐2015/ 3 h_ps://news.upenn.edu/twi_er-­‐behavior-­‐can-­‐predict-­‐users-­‐income-­‐level 4 h_p://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/arKcle-­‐1319713/Tuesday-­‐miserable-­‐day-­‐week.html


WHAT: Pop-­‐up on-­‐site acKvaKons WHEN: May 9, 2016 WHERE: New York, NY, Chicago, IL, San Francisco, CA WHY: Awareness, Engagement, Trial


Arrowhead Media has planned a fun spoof of the iconic “cola wars” taste tests with a Taco Bell breakfast spin. Instead of having consumers choose between tastes, they will choose based on convenience and pracKcality. And, what be_er way to do that than some whacky side-­‐by-­‐side tests?

At Grand Central StaKon in New York, Union StaKon in Chicago, and Union Square in San Francisco, Taco Bell will set up pop-­‐up stands with various li_le challenges, inviKng passers-­‐by to stop and complete tasks while eaKng the A.M. Crunchwrap1,2,3,4. Here, they will noKce just how convenient it is, as opposed to doing the same tasks with other breakfast foods, like compeKtors’ sandwiches, cereal, or pancakes. These potenKally hilarious comparisons could be made across acKviKes like running to catch a train, driving a car simulator, ge•ng into work, and taking care of kids. Overall, these engagements with the brand’s breakfast will improve awareness, sKmulate trial, and promote the A.M. Crunchwrap. AddiKonally, various interacKons could be filmed and used as the basis for further commercial or video content that promotes the offerings against the compeKKon.

Through the three pop-­‐up venues, Arrowhead Media expects that Taco Bell breakfast should be able to interact with, or at least be visible to, 250,000 people within the target market in one day. 1 h_p://www.huffingtonpost.com/2014/10/08/sleep-­‐Kmes-­‐america-­‐counKes_n_5942296.html 2 h_p://Kme.com/4147614/smartphone-­‐usage-­‐us-­‐2015/ 3 h_ps://news.upenn.edu/twi_er-­‐behavior-­‐can-­‐predict-­‐users-­‐income-­‐level 4 h_p://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/arKcle-­‐1319713/Tuesday-­‐miserable-­‐day-­‐week.html


Taco Bell will use 19 strategically selected DMAs and one naKonal radio staKon to immediately increase awareness of breakfast. This will opKmize reach while specifically connecKng with the target audience during their morning commute to work -­‐ Taco Bell will “own the drive” for these two weeks. By doing so, Arrowhead Media will be able to maximize awareness in desired locaKons without breaking the bank or focusing too heavily on specific regions.

SelecKng the strategic naKon-­‐wide staKon and most popular staKon for each influenKal locaKon will prepare the target, especially in these key regions, for the future trial and re p u rc h a s e i n ce n K ve s of t h e campaign.

Given the psychographics of the desired audience¹, the specific radio staKon for each DMA will be carefully selected by region to account for local tastes. For example, Detroit will focus on WDZH-­‐FM 98.7 (Urban) while Lexington, Kentucky will focus on country or adult contemporary hits. AddiKonally, one naKon-­‐wide radio staKon has been paired with the other nineteen staKons to reinforce the naKonal aspect of the campaign. Mike & Mike has been deemed as the most effecKve naKonal radio choice due to i t s p e r f e c t a l i g n m e n t , b o t h d e m o g r a p h i c a l l y a n d psychographically, with the target audience.




Immense research has yielded an interesKng correlaKon between the opKmal target market and a propensity for NASCAR1. In order to base this campaign on measurable outcomes rather than only insights, Taco Bell breakfast will spend May 19 -­‐ May 29 deeply engaging with the target market on a small scale. The results of this test flight will determine whether or not this execuKon will be expanded to include other regions.





WHAT: On-­‐site acKvaKon with Taco

Bell brand ambassadors (MarkeKng Test) WHEN: May 19, 2016 -­‐ May 29, 2016 WHERE: Charlo_e Motor Speedway, Charlo_e, NC WHY: Awareness, Engagement, Trial As a markeKng test, Taco Bell can resurrect its presence in NASCAR (aper a franchisee has decided to not sponsor a Taco Bell race car for the 2016 season) through a 10-­‐day on-­‐site experience during which fans can gain inKmate knowledge of the breakfast offerings. Spanning the NASCAR Sprint Cup Series Sprint Showdown, Sprint All-­‐Star Race, and Coca-­‐Cola 600, the event will include a Taco Bell breakfast fan zone strategically located near one of the family camping zones at the racetrack and will culminate with a breakfast tailgate to prepare the fans for race day of the Coca-­‐Cola 600.

The breakfast fan zone, run by Taco Bell ambassadors, will include a family area with a supervised kids’ play area, racing simulators, wifi hotspot, and Taco Bell breakfast informaKon. Such an event is a great fit for this campaign’s target market -­‐ 45% of NASCAR fans are aged 18-­‐44, 48% of them earn less than $50,000 per year, and 37% have children1. This fan zone will be free and open to the public, including those who don’t have Kckets to the races, and it provides an opportunity for the target market to become aware of the Taco Bell breakfast offerings and develop an affinity for the brand.

1. h_p://teamjdmotorsports.com/wp-­‐content/uploads/2014/09/merged_document.pdf


NASCAR BREAKFAST TAILGATE CONTINUED Aper hosKng the breakfast fan zone for nine days, the space will be converted into “tailgate central” to host a breakfast tailgate on the morning of the Coca-­‐Cola 600. ConKnuing the fun atmosphere from the fan zone, Taco Bell will offer free trials of the breakfast variety that will kickstart the fans’ day as they prepare for that night’s race. Over the 10-­‐day span, roughly 300,000 people will venture through Charlo_e Motor Speedway, which means that Arrowhead Media expects about 50,000 impressions from the target market alone1.

Prior to this acKvaKon period, the event will be publicized via radio adverKsements on WFNZ-­‐AM 610 "The Fan" and WZGV-­‐AM 730 "The Boss" in Charlo_e, NC, local billboards surrounding the race track and airport, and targeted social media. 1. h_p://www.charlo_emotorspeedway.com/documents/coca-­‐cola_600_race_facts.pdf



From June 1 -­‐ June 30, Taco Bell breakfast will conKnue its push to engage the target market and encourage trial. This flight will build on the previous flights’ efforts to reach consumers in the target market who may not have interacted with Taco Bell’s breakfast yet. Similar to the earlier stages in the campaign, the goal is to reach as large of a market as possible while staying true to the brand.


WHAT: Taco Bell Mobile

ApplicaKon, NBA Mobile ApplicaKon, NaKonal TV Commercials WHEN: June 2, 2016 -­‐ June 17, 2016 (depending on series duraKon) WHERE: Mobile, Online, NaKonal TV WHY: Awareness, Engagement, Trial


Taco Bell will leverage its relaKonship with the NaKonal Basketball AssociaKon to provide fans of both brands with an engaging fantasy sports and Taco Bell breakfast experience surrounding the NBA Finals. The game is to be fully integrated into the Taco Bell mobile app, and its premise is on consumer predicKons of various performance metrics on a quarterly basis throughout the games of the Finals series. For example, viewers in the target market, and those who want to follow along without watching, can choose which team will be leading the game aper each quarter, which player will have scored the most points (or the most rebounds, assists, etc.), and other variables in the game. Arrowhead Media believes that this idea can capture the target’s a_enKon when they make the choice to escape their hecKc and rouKnized lives. To integrate Taco Bell breakfast with this fantasy “pick ’em,” the breakfast branding will surround the predicKon prompts and dominate this app space. To start playing, users can opt-­‐in to receive updates and other Taco Bell breakfast promoKonal material via email. Furthermore, breakfast facts and trivia can be mixed in with the basketball game prompts to be_er inform consumers about Taco Bell’s breakfast and engage with them. As predicKons can be made for every quarter of the game, users will keep returning to the app and conKnue driving engagement.



Each correct predicKon can earn the users non-­‐ monetary “Taco Bell Breakfast Points” that can be redeemed for certain levels of in-­‐app or emailed coupons for the breakfast offerings. A “successful” game in which the consumer predicts several things correctly can earn enough points to exchange for a free item, such as an A.M. Crunchwrap. In the case that the user does not perform well, a coupon for 50% off a breakfast item could sKll be awarded to sKmulate trial.

The acKvaKon will begin with an awareness stage that uKlizes Taco Bell social media and naKonal TV spots (again, space-­‐allowing) to publicize the NBA Finals promoKon. TV viewers and social media browsers will be alerted about the new game (and therefore encouraged to download the Taco Bell mobile app and learn about the breakfast offerings) starKng when the two NBA teams for the Finals are set (about a week prior -­‐ around May 28th). The emails collected via the beginning of gameplay can be used for NBA Finals series reminders and further retargeKng in the Taco Bell breakfast campaign. For two weeks during the NBA finals, Taco Bell will have rich media web adverKsing on ESPN, Fox Sports, Ebay, Bleacher Reports, CBSSports, and Yahoo! Sports for web and mobile sites. The ads will focus on reaching our target market for both awareness of Taco Bell breakfast overall and the NBA Finals breakfast fantasy game on the mobile app. The target market will be checking the game Kme, keeping track of the scores, and seeing the ads when it is most relevant to them.

The NBA Finals will reach around 19 million viewers, many of who will be exposed to the ads encouraging them to download the app and play along with the fantasy game1. If only 5% of these people use the app to predict the quarterly outcomes, Taco Bell breakfast will sKll accumulate an extra 1 million of target market engagements.

1. h_p://espn.go.com/nba/playoffs/2015/story/_/id/13102198/nba-­‐finals-­‐draw-­‐highest-­‐raKngs-­‐1998-­‐michael-­‐jordan-­‐last-­‐season-­‐ chicago-­‐bulls


With an impression total of at least 20 million viewers, the ads featured before the movies will focus on awareness. Due to movie theatre popularity in the summer1, the ads will be displayed for the enKre month of June.

Due to the target audience’s busy lifestyle, the Have To’s may not have the Kme to plan vacaKons or elaborate trips, but can open enjoy simpler breaks consisKng of smaller choices, such as going out to the movies. 65% of people have gone to the movie theater to see a film in the last six months, and 37% have gone in the last month. Bigger budget films are typically released in the early summer, a_racKng higher a_endance and a prime target of ages 18-­‐341. Cinema adverKsing delivers higher recall than any other media, with 20 Kmes the media ROI for efficiency per person compared to TV, making it a great medium to reach the target consumers2.


In conjuncKon with the cinema ads, Taco Bell will adverKse with Fandango. Fandango, the top-­‐rated KckeKng site, is enjoyed by more than 26 million online and mobile visitors per month3. Fandango gives t h e c o n s u m e r m o v i e a n d entertainment choices on both mobile and desktop, so Taco Bell b r e a k f a s t w i l l b e a b l e t o communicate with the target market across both devices. Over the m o n t h , Fa n d a n g o a d s w i l l accumulate 5,000,000 impressions per week.

To reach the target market outside of their usual workday, Taco Bell will display cinema ads during high-­‐ a_endance movies. Taco Bell’s 30 second ad will be placed within a 25-­‐ minute repeaKng loop of branded content segments. The AMC contracts will extend the brand messaging beyond the movie theatre auditoriums and into the high-­‐traffic areas of the lobbies. This effort will reach AMC’s naKonwide audience and will be measurable with weekly screen rates. 1.  2.  3.

h_p://academic.mintel.com/display/755134/ h_p://mediatel.co.uk/newsline/2015/11/23/millward-­‐brown-­‐cinema-­‐beats-­‐tv-­‐on-­‐media-­‐roi-­‐for-­‐efficiency/ h_p://next.srds.com/nmp/datacard/show/7778/3



At the midway point of the summer, Taco Bell Breakfast will engage in its most significant event to date. This flight will prioriKze build-­‐up and creaKon of important connecKons among influencers of the target market. From June 23 -­‐ July 21, all media efforts will focus on fostering awareness and generaKng buzz about the Taco Bell breakfast offerings and the next major acKvaKon.


WHAT: Taco Bell will release an

online video contest at VidCon in hopes of picking a winner to create video content over the next two months of summer WHEN: June 23 – June 25 WHERE: Anaheim, CA WHO: Fans, creators, and industry leaders who are passionate about the power of online video WHY: In 2015, over 21,000 people a_ended, with expected growth for 20161.


LogisKcs The Compe))on

From June 25 unKl July 2, influencers will have a week to create a video about their experience with Taco Bell breakfast for the chance to be Taco Bell’s video content creator for the next two months. The prompt for the video applicaKon will be “Taco Bell breakfast got me feeling…” They can use any social pla\orm to post the video, as long as they use #TBBGotMeFeeling to enter the contest.

Announcing the Compe))on

Taco Bell is already a booth sponsor, which automaKcally opens that conversaKon between the brand and the video creators and influencers. Located at the booth will be constant verbal promoKon, signage, and flyers about the compeKKon. During the convenKon, there will be different events where Taco Bell representaKves will present the acKvaKon to the masses. As an inspiring perk, Taco Bell will offer for free a variety of items from their breakfast menu on June 23 to build excitement about the compeKKon.

1. h_p://vidcon.com/about/



Winner Compensa)on

The winner will be crowned Taco Bell’s voice for the summer, creaKng video content along with being the moderator of Taco Bell’s Breakfast ElecKon ConvenKon. Travel cost and housing will be paid for over the course of those two months along with $80,000 compensaKon.

Releasing this compeKKon at VidCon is ideal to get Taco Bell’s message in front of the right people and will gain 16,800 impressions by the end of those 3 days. Having these creators post online videos about Taco Bell breakfast will provide an immense amount of online impressions since most of these influencers have thousands of followers who choose their content as entertainment in their busy schedules1.

Along with free breakfast, Taco Bell will also be passing out bu_ons saying “A.M. Crunchwrap,” “Grilled Breakfast Burrito,” or “Grande Scrambler” that all a_endees to voice their opinion about what the best part of Taco Bell’s breakfast is. This will be a teaser for the poliKcal convenKon.

1. h_p://www.forbes.com/sites/stevenrosenbaum/2015/07/22/what-­‐is-­‐vidcon-­‐and-­‐why-­‐am-­‐i-­‐here/#5ccd0b13e0ad


The 2016 presidenKal race is constantly the topic of conversaKons online, in the media, and in person. To capitalize on this topic’s scope of a_enKon and relevance, especially for the target, Taco Bell will create an amusing campaign emphasizing the breakfast menu’s meaningful differenKaKon, value, and variety.

Beginning Monday July 11 and ending July 21, Taco Bell will release a social campaign teasing its own personal elecKon convenKon to choose the leader of “the next generaKon of breakfast.” This ensuing acKvaKon will be moderated and run by the VidCon compeKKon winner, who will keep a consistent voice throughout the campaign and sKmulate buzz. An entertaining press release will be sent to media outlets to announce both the impeachment of tradiKonal breakfast and the convenKon for the next generaKon. Daily social media posts across all Taco Bell channels will allow each candidate to have equal opportunity to explain why they should be chosen as the new breakfast leader. Simultaneously, targeted Facebook, Twi_er, Instagram, and in-­‐ stream YouTube ads will inform target consumers about the elecKon. All of these will specifically be targeKng mobile use of these pla\orms.




From July 22 -­‐ August 1, Taco Bell’s previous and more narrowly-­‐focused media efforts of the previous flight will compound to have the most impact in this period. The messaging during this Kme will encourage people to vote for their favorite candidate, reaching the majority of the target and promoKng Taco Bell breakfast.


WHEN: Friday, July 22, 2016


12:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. WHERE: Times Square, NYC (46-­‐47 Duffy Square)

With an average of 175,000 people walking through Duffy Square daily, Times Square is the perfect place for Taco Bell to hold it’s poliKcal 1. By generaKng 51,286 impressions2, it will help maximize the convenKon number of parKcipants along with people's knowledge of Taco Bell breakfast, variety, value menu, and A.M. Crunchwrap. At 12:00 p.m., a producKon team will set up the stage for the convenKon. This will include three large screens placed side by side with a podium facing them. A team of people will be at Time Square adverKsing the convenKon along with the three candidates (Taco Bell ambassadors dressed up in a A.M. Crunchwrap, Grilled Breakfast Burrito, and Grande Scrambler suits). Beginning at 7:00 p.m., the VidCon winner will act as a moderator and engage pedestrians in the convenKon. Projected on the screens will be each candidate and their representaKves, who will be doing the speaking (since food can’t talk). Passers-­‐by will be able to stand at the podium to ask each candidate quesKons and immediately receive responses; furthermore, a social feed will also allow people to send in quesKons via Twi_er. Besides being a great event to get the word out, this will also provide great social content for each of the candidates to posiKon themselves.

1.  2.

h_p://www.Kmessquarenyc.org/do-­‐business-­‐here/market-­‐facts/pedestrian-­‐counts/index.aspx#6 h_p://portma.com/how-­‐to-­‐obtain-­‐a-­‐full-­‐count-­‐of-­‐your-­‐event-­‐impressions


On Friday July 22, Taco Bell will have a Snapchat filter all about “the next generaKon of breakfast,” a huge geo-­‐targeted effort for all of Times Square, along with billboards promoKng the breakfast elecKons. For further promoKon of both Taco Bell’s breakfast and the breakfast convenKon acKvaKon, Cable TV spots will air during both presidenKal convenKons. More informaKon about these commercials is included in the TV Commercials secKon, but the main focus of them is awareness of the convenKon acKvaKon and to drive members of the target market to the polls. For synergy during both the Republican NaKonal ConvenKon and the DemocraKc NaKonal ConvenKon, Taco Bell will adverKse this elecKon convenKon acKvaKon on the live Snapchat stories.

To cast their votes, people will need to go to any of Taco Bell’s social media channels and click the easy-­‐to-­‐find link that will be placed in the pages’ descripKons. This will take them to an official 2016 Taco Bell Breakfast Leader ballot allowing them to submit their picks. Aper submi•ng their vote, they will also be able to see how many votes each candidate has so far. On August 1, the polls will close, and Taco Bell will officially announce the 2016 Taco Bell Breakfast Leader.



AM Crunchwrap Grilled Breakfast Party AffiliaKon: Burrito VALUE Party AffiliaKon: MEANINGFUL DIFFERENTIATION

Grande Scrambler Party AffiliaKon: VARIETY 34


Staying top-­‐of-­‐mind within the target market is absolutely essenKal. Therefore, various media placements will be ongoing throughout the summer to stay relevant. The major focus of this effort will be to generate a baseline awareness of Taco Bell’s breakfast that will be built upon by each addiKonal flight. This constant presence will ensure that as many members of the target market a s p o s s i b l e w i l l h a v e s o m e interacKon with the brand.


Facebook Ads

In order to stay top-­‐of-­‐mind, Taco Bell will use Facebook ads throughout the enKre campaign. The target audience consists of avid Facebook users, which, in turn, will maximize ROI by focusing on one of the most successful social media sites. 70% of users log onto Facebook on a daily basis1. The ads will focus on awareness, brand engagement, and increasing the audience’s interacKon with Taco Bell breakfast.

Pandora Ads

To stay conKnuously connected to the target audience, Taco Bell will use Pandora ads through the enKre campaign. Pandora is an extremely effecKve way to reach the target audience during their early morning rouKne, for many listen to Pandora on both their mobile device and desktop during this Kme. Only 17% of Pandora’s acKve listeners are willing to pay for ad-­‐free music streaming services, allowing Taco Bell to effecKvely reach them2. The ads will be focused on awareness, brand engagement, trial of the breakfast, and increasing the overall audience interacKon with Taco Bell breakfast.


1.  2.

h_p://www.pewinternet.org/2015/08/19/the-­‐demographics-­‐of-­‐social-­‐media-­‐users/ Footnote h_ps://civicscience.com/wp-­‐content/uploads/2015/05/CivicScience-­‐Pandora-­‐vs-­‐SpoKfy-­‐ May-­‐2015-­‐Final1.pdf


Mobile SEM In order to reach the target audience while they are searching on their mobile devices, Taco Bell will dedicate part of the budget to online paid search through keywords and tools, such as Google AdWords. Arrowhead Media will use mobile SEM keywords conKnuously to capture the target audience during their busy, rouKnize mornings. 80% of the target audience check their phones within 15 minutes of waking up1 and constantly use their mobile devices for informaKon. High bidding prices and simple keywords will ensure that Taco Bell will be visible immediately, relevant to the other media efforts, and capable of intercepKng the consumer’s choice when the decision is being made for breakfast. Arrowhead Media has divided the SEM keywords into three groups, breakfast, sports, and poliKcs, that are categorized to fit the target market’s interest while sKll being applicable to the campaign.

SEM Groups:


Bre a k fa s t : c h e a p b re a k fa s t , breakfast, fast breakfast, fast food breakfast, easy breakfast, different breakfast, breakfast close to me Sports: NBA finals, NBA finals score, NBA finals Kmes, Steph Curry, Golden State Warriors PoliKcal: Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton, Bernie Sanders, President, p o l i K c a l p o l l s , D e m o c r a K c C o n v e n K o n , R e p u b l i c a n ConvenKon

YouTube Ads

AdverKsing on YouTube will be a way to reach the target while they are using their phone for an extensive period of Kme. On mobile, the average viewing session is more than 40 minutes, which will capitalize on the target market’s increased a_enKon2. AddiKonally, this pla\orm is the number 2 search engine3 and cannot be overlooked as an extremely significant way to connect with the target market via smartphones. Arrowhead Media will place non-­‐skippable video ads to target people who are looking up videos about breakfast, sports, and poliKcs.

1 h_p://www.adweek.com/socialKmes/smartphones/480485 2 h_p://www.forbes.com/sites/theyec/2014/05/08/looking-­‐for-­‐new-­‐ways-­‐to-­‐reach-­‐customers-­‐try-­‐youtube-­‐adverKsing/#55f41eaa7add 3. h_ps://www.youtube.com/yt/press/staKsKcs.html


Times Square Billboard

Throughout the duraKon of the campaign, Taco Bell will publish a billboard in Times Square to supplement current and future media efforts. As one of the most heavily-­‐trafficked commercial intersecKons, it is essenKal that Taco Bell breakfast has a huge presence. 44.5 million domesKc visitors come to New York, making Time Square’s billboard viewable to people all over the U.S1.

Alarm Clock GIF Ads


In order to conKnue posiKoning Taco Bell’s breakfast as the choice to begin a day full of obligaKons, Arrowhead Media will conKnue with the alarm clock GIF promoted tweets that begin in the first week of the campaign. The promoted messages will reach 80% of the target audience that is on Twi_er but will be scaled back to once a week (10 p.m. -­‐12 a.m. on Monday night and 7 a.m. -­‐ 9 a.m. on Tuesday morning) to focus on the most difficult day of the week for the target⁴.

During this scaled back version of the alarm clock ads, Taco Bell breakfast messaging will reach 40% of the target market that is on Twi_er with one ad the night before and a different one in the morning for a total of 29.12 million impressions. In addiKon to social pla\orms, quickly checking emails is an important to-­‐do during the morning rouKne. Taco Bell will also purchase email lists to accomplish the same objecKves across even more consumers who may not use Twi_er. This will not only reinforce the posiKve posiKoning, awareness, and trial that began with the first week of the promoted tweets, but also encourage repeat purchases by reminding the target just how much Taco Bell breakfast improved their mornings earlier in the summer.

1. h_p://www.nycgo.com/arKcles/nyc-­‐staKsKcs-­‐page


WHAT: Pre-­‐roll/takeovers, banner ads WHERE: Mobile online

WHY: :Awareness As part of the overall campaign, Arrowhead Media has allocated a part of the budget for ads on mobile news services. Taco Bell will feature its breakfast in pre-­‐roll/takeovers and banner ads to raise awareness when the target consumer is accessing the daily news. As busy people, the target consumers turn to their smartphones to keep up with current events so as to stay knowledgeable and make informed choices (especially when it comes to the elecKon). 40% of adults get their news in the morning1 and the target usually reaches for their smartphones to begin the day. In an effort to posiKon Taco Bell breakfast as top-­‐of-­‐mind when a decision is actually being made about breakfast, these ads should be served in the mornings. 67% of people who use their smartphones for reading news do so through browsing the web, not through an app, so placement on mobile sites is more effecKve for this campaign2.


Some of the most popular websites for the morning news include ABC sites (3 million unique visitors per day on mobile), CNN sites (2.1 million unique visitors per day on mobile), and NBC News (2.25 million unique visitors per day on mobile)3.

1.  2.  3.

h_p://academic.mintel.com/display/757307/?highlight#hit1 h_p://www.journalism.org/2012/12/11/app-­‐vs-­‐browser-­‐use h_p://money.cnn.com/2015/04/29/media/pew-­‐media-­‐survey-­‐mobile


WHAT: NaKonal TV Spots WHERE: Network and Cable TV WHY: Awareness Arrowhead Media has included in its strategy a hepy naKonal TV commercial element because of its power in reaching a target market1 and even more so due to its power in reaching the Have To’s2.


The campaign includes one planned network prime Kme spot during each of the first four NBA Finals games, if possible. Buying these commercials would promote Taco Bell breakfast and push viewers to download the Taco Bell app in order to play along with the fantasy sports acKvaKon. This effort will reach the target audience at a Kme when they are choosing to slow their hecKc schedules. For the poliKcal convenKon acKvaKon, Arrowhead Media has allocated part of the budget to air commercials in network prime Kme. If available, Taco Bell will place one commercial during each day of both the Republican NaKonal ConvenKon and the DemocraKc NaKonal ConvenKon for a total of six commercials. As the consumer chooses to stay informed regarding the upcoming presidenKal elecKon, Taco Bell breakfast will be there to remind them to choose value, variety, and convenience in the morning instead of feeling bogged down by all that they have to do. This placement will Ke seamlessly with the acKvaKon and generate buzz along with the social media push. AddiKonally, throughout the campaign, several acKvaKons like the Breakfast Challenge and the VidCon compeKKon will produce content that can be extended into naKonwide discussion via commercials that promote Taco Bell breakfast. These commercials can be interwoven throughout the summer or consolidated into a furious push in August, and Arrowhead Media has allocated resources for ten weekend cable spots and four spots for the late fringe daypart on network TV. During these Kmes, the Have To’s can be reached choosing to catch up on their favorite TV shows or enjoying some late-­‐night laughs before bed, prompKng them to consider Taco Bell breakfast for the next morning.

1. h_p://www.adweek.com/news/adverKsing-­‐branding/why-­‐tv-­‐sKll-­‐most-­‐effecKve-­‐adverKsing-­‐medium-­‐165247 2. h_p://www.raisingthevolume.com/wp-­‐content/uploads/2012/01/Radios-­‐Socio-­‐Economic-­‐Impact.pdf )


FLOW Â CHART Media Effort

Month 1

May 2



June 2


4 91,000,000 Imps 16,666,666 Imps


91,000,000 Imps

Facebook Ads Mobile Banner News Ads


200,000 Imps

29,120,000 Imps

91,000,000 Imps

"Alarm Clock" Twitter Ads


"Alarm Clock" Emails

300 TRPs

YouTube Commercials

1,500 TRPs

195,000 Views 250,000 Imps

Pandora Ads

200 TRPs

20,000,000 Imps

Mobile SEM 27,600,000 Imps

300,000 Imps 4,875,000 Imps

16,800+ Imps

25,000,000 Imps 327,500,000 Imps

Times Square Billboard TV Commercials Breakfast Challenge NASCAR Breakfast Tailgate Radio NBA Finals Breakfast Fantasy Cinema Ads Fandango VidCon Political Convention Promotion Political Convention




51,286+ Imps





700 TRPs



BUDGET Medium Twitter Alarm Clock Continuous Strategic Email List Breakfast Challenge Radio Local DMAs Mike & Mike NASCAR Test Fan Zone Local Radio Billboards Tailgate NBA Finals App Updates ESPN Web Fox Sports Web Bleacher Report Web Yahoo! Sports Web CBS Sports Web Ebay Web Cinema Ads In-Theater Fandango VidCon Buttons Flyers Food Samples Signage Staff Winner Political Convention Times Square Permit Snapchat Instagram Food Samples Signage Projectors Staff Twitter Continuous Online Facebook Mobile SEM Pandora Radio YouTube Mobile News Times Square Billboard TV Commercials NBA Finals Political Convention Cable Weekends Network Late Fringe TOTAL

Gross Cost Net Cost % of Budget Impressions $643,200 $546,720 1.82% 62,920,000 $336,000 $285,600 $291,200 $247,520 $16,000 $13,600 $200,000 $170,000 0.57% 250,000 $574,500 $488,325 1.63% 1,500 TRPs $237,000 $201,450 $337,500 $286,875 $348,500 $296,225 0.99% 4,875,000 $150,000 $127,500 $18,500 $15,725 $30,000 $25,500 $150,000 $127,500 $1,228,000 $1,043,800 3.48% 65,000,000 $100,000 $85,000 $1,000,000 $850,000 $28,000 $23,800 $12,000 $10,200 $32,000 $27,200 $36,000 $30,600 $20,000 $17,000 $584,400 $496,740 1.66% 45,000,000 $484,400 $411,740 $100,000 $85,000 $109,904 $93,418 0.31% 63,600 $2,800 $2,380 $725 $616 $22,599 $19,209 $1,350 $1,148 $2,430 $2,066 $80,000 $68,000 $4,086,219 $3,473,286 11.58% 307,600,000 $22,000 $18,700 $3,000,000 $2,550,000 $750,000 $637,500 $2,259 $1,920 $3,080 $2,618 $7,800 $6,630 $1,080 $918 $300,000 $255,000 $3,360,000 $2,856,000 9.52% 289,861,666 $546,000 $464,100 $637,000 $541,450 $1,092,000 $928,200 $585,000 $497,250 $500,000 $425,000 $750,000 $637,500 2.13% 162,500,000 $23,398,500 $19,888,725 66.32% 1200 TRPs $5,576,800 $4,740,280 $8,365,200 $7,110,420 $3,901,500 $3,316,275 $5,555,000 $4,721,750 $35,283,223 $29,990,740 938,070,266 + 2,700 TRPs



Arrowhead Media is excited for the opportunity to work with DigitasLBi and Taco Bell. We have narrowed in on a strategic target market and carefully selected media placements in order to opKmize the Taco Bell breakfast campaign’s reach and effecKveness. We have done the research, analyzed the results, and are excited to move forward with this campaign. Like the target market, you have the opportunity to choose. Don’t se_le for an agency that just hits near the mark; work with the one that will hit the bullseye every Kme -­‐ choose Arrowhead Media.


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