Free Range Acupuncture (NYC) Intake Form p.1-5

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Free Range Acupuncture

Confidential Intake Form

Name______________________________ Date________________Email_________________________________ How does your body feel ? Draw it!



Why are you here today? How are you feeling compared to the last time you were here?


Recommendations:! 1

Free Range Acupuncture Energy & Emotions I have been having trouble with: (Circle all that apply)



Anger Irritability Sensitivity Outbursts Worry Racing or-Repeating Thoughts Poor Memory Hyperactivity Anxiety Difficulty Concentrating Fatigue Sadness Depression Grief Boredom Isolation

Confidential Intake Form

! • What do you do to Relax & Have Fun? ! ! ! • What Practice, Image or Story calms & centers you? ! ! ! • How’s your Energy? Too little/Enough/Too Much/ Uneven

! ! !


• What is your Primary Concern today - the main thing that you want to work on improving?

Sleep I sleep____hours per night. I have difficulty w/: Vivid Dreams Falling sleep / Staying asleep/Getting up


Recommendations:! 2

Free Range Acupuncture

Confidential Intake Form

Please circle all of the following

Aches, Pains or Numbness

Digestion, Food & Tastes

symptoms that apply:

Where is the primary area?

My relationship with food:

This / That


Headaches What are they like?


Recent / Recurrent & Chronic Sharp / Dull / Throbbing/




Morning / Noon / Evening


Back of Head/ Neck Forehead/ Temples Sides of head/ Top of head


Whole Body

No appetite / Excessive Appetite

Chest / Abdomen / Ribs/ Hips

Bingeing/ Cravings for - Sugar?

Shoulders /Hands/Arms/Elbows/

Salt?/ Other:_________________



Back: Upper/ Mid/ Lower

I have trouble with:


Indigestion /Belching / Bloating /





What’s the pain like?

When are they?


Type: Ache/Pain / Numbness


Sharp / Stabbing / Dull

Nausea / Vomiting / Ulcers

Throbbing/ Cramping

Acid regurgitation / Heartburn

Heavy / Swollen/ Radiating

Hernia / Severe Stomach Pain

Feel to touch: Hot / Cold/ Numb


What makes the pain better? Pressure / Heat / Cold



After Eating I feel:

Rate Discomfort 1-10:_______

Whole head/ Behind Eyes


Rest / Activity / Eating

My Best / Bad / Tired Pain


Taste in Mouth: Bitter/ Sweet / Sour / Salty / Pungent / Spicy

Recommendations:! 3

Free Range Acupuncture I like Drinking: Hot drinks / Cold drinks/ with ice

Confidential Intake Form Frequent Infections

Women cont.

What kind?____________________

The blood is: Bright/Dark/Pale

# ____Caffeinated drinks/day #____ Alcoholic drinks/week Problem for you? Caffeine/Alcohol


Bowels & Urination Generally: Constipation / Diarrhea Alternating / Pain with Pooping



Eyes, Ears & Nose I experience: Ringing in ears/ Floaters in eyes / Shortness of Breath Allergies: Itchy eyes, ears, nose Sinusitis / Stuffy or drippy nose /

My poop looks:


Formed / Loose /Pebble/Bloody

Throat or Chest/ Ears/ Sinus/UTI


clogged or constricted throat

with: Undigested food /Mucus



I have difficulty with:

Daily Bowel Movements (BM):

Eczema / Psoriasis / Acne


1-2 BM per day/ More/ Fewer




Itching / Rashes / Hives/ Dryness Premature greying / Hair Loss

Frequent/ Leakage/ Pain


I wake to pee_____times/night

Last Period:___________________ # of Days flow__________

with: Clots / Cramping / Bloating


Before period: Sensitivity/ Breast Tenderness Discharge Yeast infections


Men Trouble with Erections Pain in Testicles / Hernia Inflamed Prostate Anything else:___________________


Sexuality I’m having a difficult time with: Physical Function/ Desire/ Pain Energy/ Partner(s) /Attitude

! ! !

Recommendations:! 4

Free Range Acupuncture Past Medical History

Please describe any significant injuries, surgeries, major illnesses whether you were hospitalized or not?

! ! ! ! ! ! ! !


Are you presently pregnant or trying to get pregnant? Pregnant/ Trying / Neither Past Pregnancies_______ Miscarriages ________ Abortions________


Supplements/ Medications/Herbs Include what you are using them for:

! ! ! !

Recreational Drug use

Marijuana: Daily/ Weekly/ Problem for you? Little/ Big Coke: Daily/Weekly/ Problem for you? Little/Big Other:______________________Daily/Weekly/Monthly

Confidential Intake Form


Have you had any of these conditions? When?

PLEASE ADD DATE (EST. OK) •Frequent Childhood Illnesses •HIV/ AIDS •Alcoholism •Drug Addiction •Asthma •Birth Trauma (your own) •Cancer •Diabetes •Emphysema •Heart Disease •Hepatitis A/ B /C •Herpes •Lyme Disease •Multiple Sclerosis •Pacemaker •Polio •Rheumatic Fever •Scarlet Fever •Seizures •Tuberculosis •Latex Allergy •Lymph Nodes Removed •Tonsils Removed •Hysterectomy •Anything else removed:______________________ Other:_____________________________________

Recommendations:! 5

Free Range Acupuncture

Confidential Intake Form

ATTUNMENT NOTES NAME:__________________________________ DATE:________________ 

Recommendations:! 6

Free Range Acupuncture

Confidential Intake Form






Circuit & Elements Pattern of Fatigue



! !


Spinal Irritation Diaphragm Constriction Cardiac Alarm Pelvic Collapse

Pulse HT/SI






Fire Wood

! !


Next Steps:

Treatment Principle

Metal Water

Recommendations:! 7

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