4 minute read

Seeing Is Believing

by JT Barry MD

I have been working a lot on the cholesterol and statin issue and my Nurse Practitioners have asked where I get all my material from. It’s certainly not what they are reading in the institutions that trained them. If I still trained medical residents I would ask them about their curriculum as well but I doubt they are focusing on the metabolic state and the microbiome. Excess insulin from excess carbohydrates creates inflammation that affects everything from diabetes, cancer, heart disease and even dementia. Just like the Omega 3/6 oils that also have a major impact on your health at the cellular level, your insulin level is easily measured. According to Drs.


Gundry and Attia, insulin is probably the best marker of both your current health and a predictor of your future health. Yet, the vast majority of healthcare providers are still practicing under guidelines that were outdated years ago.

However, once you start down the rabbit hole on Youtube you encounter credible source after credible source that reviews the science and the studies and paints a very different picture than the status quo. I have already given you links to the great Dr. Nadir Ali...a cardiologist who has many videos like, “Do statins prevent or cause heart disease.”

https://www.youtube. com/watch?v=o_QdNX9etCg

Of course Dr. Aseem Malhotra, again a cardiologist and public health expert, has weighed in on this issue with his video, “Too much medicine and the great statin con”...

https://www.youtube. com/watch?v=mAoTwfx1Sic&t=1303s

but he also addresses the issue with big pharma in this video entitled “Evidence based medicine has been hijacked.”

https://www. youtube.com/watch?v=qwovXFzUvfg

Ivor Cummins the engineer and systems analyst, covers the major determinants of your health including insulin resistance in this great video, “Avoiding and Resolving Modern Chronic Disease”


No one does a better job talking about the dangers of the seed oils in our diet than Dr. Chris Knobbe, “Omega 6 Apocalypse: Do Seed Oils Cause Obesity & Chronic Disease”...they are everywhere and they are poisoning you and you can easily get the levels

blood work. https:// www.youtube.com/ watch?v=H0bRGsev4fI

However, Dr. Paul Mason really shines in his videos that combine the sordid history of statin drugs with the dangers of the seed oils that are really clogging your arteries even as they are given the Heart Association’s seal of approval because they lower cholesterol. He reviews the articles that show that 70% of people admitted to the hospital did not have elevated LDL (the so-called bad cholesterol). He also focused on the triglyceride/HDL ratio as being the really important measure of your lipid profile...NOT your cholesterol or your LDL! He reviews the multiple studies that show that plant sterol which looks like cholesterol are probably the real cause of hardening of the arteries. Plant sterols which are proinflammatory and cause generalized oxidation are concentrated in the seed oils you love to use in cooking, frying and salad dressings. If it’s not Olive oil or Avocado oil or MCT oil it’s not good for you. Okay there is one processed oil that is actually good for you from Zero Acre Farms.

The reason this oil is healthy is because it’s fermented and that’s about as natural a process as you could ask for.

Part 1: The truth about high cholesterol.


Part 2: The shady truth about statins.


Part 3: Hard science on the cause of heart disease


If you watch any of the three videos just listed it will change forevermore your thoughts on saturated fats, cholesterol, statins and heart disease. If we could get your primary caregiver or your cardiologist to watch these videos it just might get them to question everything they have been saying for years. It’s difficult to look at information that challenges your beliefs but that’s how science works. I am always looking for any health care professional who is willing to discuss this on the radio show...cardiologist or otherwise. Likewise I am open to any infectious disease expert to discuss the vaccine, masking etc. Let the public hear both sides of the argument and come to their own conclusion. I’m not holding my breath.

Until next month...get well and stay well

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