Table Hopping February 2021

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^ Update Month ^












PAGE 2 • February 2021



Computers & the Web by Nancy Roberts

Publish, Perish? Could the subject for this month in technology be anything but platform vs. publish? This has been the subject of many a heated conversation, on and offline. The history of social media and internet “publications” has hit a significant bump, and some re-engineering will no doubt have to be done. I’m tempted to say that the quarrel over who owned what, what could be “published” via new technology, who was responsible and how owners were paid, violators were punished, and publishers vs. platforms, began as far back as the printing press. Though it has long been illegal to copy works owned by another, from paintings to photos to modeling shots, from scholarly works to screenplays to magazine articles, the format (technology) of the original often limited the means of stealing. Oddly, if you go back far enough, copying the hard way was once considered legitimate. Books were copied long-hand by monks and scholars sitting for hours with a pot of ink and a flickering candle; master paintings were copied by budding artists eager to learn their trade, or apprenticing to the artist. Performances of a piece of music had no way of being reproduced until relatively late in the scheme of things, though radio stations, department stores and even elevators that “piped in” music had to have appropriate licensing. With the advent of copying technology, copyright holders had to up their game, and eventually the very means by which copywritten material could be stolen (copy machines, copying from the Internet, file sharing, and mp3’s, among other tools) was the means by which copywritten material could be protected. Humans, and later bots,

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scoured the Internet for strings of copy or matching images of photos or clip-art, with angry demands for payment if protected material was found on someone’s website without license. Clip-art and stock photo shops opened as the demand for material increased. While truly high-end, or large volumes of material remained pricey, a wide range of “copies of copies” became available at relatively low prices, including buy-out music and matching sets of icons and cartoon images. Now let’s trace mass media. The printing press began the long road from “everyone can read,” (which put nobody between the Bible and the reader) to “anyone can be a content provider (which, in a way, put nobody between oneself and an audience).” Before the days of Amazon publish on demand, or even the vanity press, in order to write and publish a book a writer had to find a publisher – someone willing to take a chance on all the printing, binding, and distribution to get a book in the hands of the readers. In the second half of the last century, beyond the vanity press which has been around much longer, publishyourself was an option for a new writer who couldn’t find a publisher or was too stubborn to find an agent. The relatively less expensive book publishing industry, with its paperclad books and computer set print, was open to anyone willing to pay, and while you might not get rich, you could get your book published. Film-making started small and went very, very big, and eventually began to see competition on the small scale again, and distribution (again, a big challenge for any media) could be cracked by direct-to-tape and later direct-to-dvd movies, later directto-tv. Television, once the empire of a handful of stations, eventually began to accept product from small, independent production companies – and with cable, the market for your production expanded exponentially, so that now some of the best and mostwatched series are made for Prime, or Netflix. Websites, especially those targeting a special audience, and offering articles, “reporting,” and interviews, began to chew at the edges of magazines’ and even newspapers’ hold on the reading audience. But news, public affairs talk, and opinion seemed to remain firmly in the hands of the big networks. It was expensive, it needed a dedicated audience, and it required a lot of hands behind the scenes to keep it going – editors, writers, reporters, on-camera (or on-mic) talent, and many more. Cable also made some inroads into news operations, but it really wasn’t until political talk radio and FOX News that a significant number of viewers moved from the old standards to a news operation that catered to its audience’s worldview, and proved to be a success. A few other news operations had sprung up with the access cable

“The history of social media and internet “publications” has hit a significant bump, and some re-engineering will no doubt have to be done.”

continued on pg 4

PAGE 3 • February 2021



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PAGE 4 • February 2021



of several decades back, when largely very select users would subscribe to a bulletin board, and post opinions on code, tech, history, and other esoteric subjects, and scream at their desktops in frustration when someone they didn’t really know contradicted them.) The social media platforms that offered the average individual some space in front of an audience were selling their users willingness to show off their food photos, selfies, or share their opinions, and while its tempting to think someone had this all mapped out, I would guess it was simply one thing happening, then another, and eventually someone taking advantage of putting this thing and that thing together. So, at some point in the last 5-10 years, we had: the technology to communicate instantly and cheaply, to have a microphone, a high pixel camera, and the leisure to use them; the scattered audience hungry for something other than the commercial-laden shows that seemed to be based on formulas; the massive number of outlets competing for that audience; and, as a final piece to the puzzle, the “monetization” of social media, both from the standpoint of the platforms that host your favorite commentators, and the “content creators” who are getting paid (very indirectly) to share their shows. Eventually, content creators began to team up to share a “channel” on which they would host “shows,” and who created little empires of up to millions of subscribers, each Publish? continued from pg 2 subscriber “paying” either directly, or indirectly by way of commercials/sponsorships. But provided, but the formula of remember, each “channel” has to be searched out and hosted on the Internet in order to “talk to your audience” had reach its audience. It was access to the audience of the Internet that was the one key the never been so successful. content creators couldn’t create themselves. With podcasts, a new So, why this long history (however imperfect) of what is happening now? Publishing, way of reaching audiences at whatever level, has consisted of a handful of things, though in different specific was realized, and though packages: content creator, publishers, audience, and advertisers. Most recently, its momentum was slow “platforms” have been added to the mix. The best comparison to platform that I can at first, it began to really reckon is the telephone. The old-school telephone was a monopoly for the convenience pick up speed in the last of the subscriber, and was a platform for private individuals and businesses to hold 10 or so years. I began conversations with one listening to podcasts another. There was an quite a long time ago – assumption of privacy, mainly as entertainment and at the same time, when in the car, or doing the telephone company household chores. Back had a certain protection “then,” which by the history from liability if two of its is about 20 years ago subscribers said bad words, as a phenomenon, though it has it roots back in the 1980s, podcasts covered a wide or exchanged salacious variety of topics, from books to science to films to the occasional political ‘cast. You got ideas – even if two people them from the host’s website, or from a podcast aggregator, such as iTunes. With more and more good – sometimes borderline great – content being offered via podcasts, listeners had a genuine choice. Though there was still often a monetization formula, and a publisher of sorts, more and more chatty, smart people with wit and wisdom could engage with an audience. Success was measured in subscriptions and downloads, and there were a few that even back then I’d never miss. Meanwhile, social media had made its appearance in the form of Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and a handful of others including, to a degree, YouTube, and users could had a conversation planning a crime, there had to share their dinner of last night, or drag out their digital soapbox and get into keyboard be a wiretap order, issued by a judge, and that judge wars with one another. (Just to be fair, “flame wars” had started with the bulletin boards had to be convinced by the police that there was probable cause to listen to a phone in order to solve a serious crime, such as drug trafficking, money laundering, or terrorism. The phone company, however, was just the “platform.” It was not “publishing” the plot to terrorize, or money launder. Granted, it could have some liability if it didn’t cooperate with a judge’s order, but it wasn’t responsible for the “content,” and it had no responsibility for the truth or lies expressed in the call. And this is why the argument of “publisher” vs. “platform” has been discussed at such volume among so many people in the last few weeks. It began with platforms issuing things like “strikes,” “jail,” “time-outs” and “banning” from platforms for users writing, or saying (in the case of podcasts and webcasts) things the platform objected to, or which it felt violated its TOS (terms of service). That seems fair enough, but there is (at 7402 Owasco Rd, Auburn, NY See our Facebook Page least) one more piece to the puzzle: protections. There is something called Section 230 of 315-253-9641 for SPECIALS the Communications Decency Act of 1996. It was based on Internet platform providers’

“The best comparison to platform that I can reckon is the telephone. The old-school telephone was a monopoly for the convenience of the subscriber, and was a platform for private individuals and businesses to hold conversations with one another.”

Happy Valentine’s Day!

PAGE 5 • February 2021




est. 1979

1129 North State St., Syracuse NY 13208 Ph: 315.474.1011 Fax: 315.474.7072

PUBLISHER: Shawn Fresina

ACCOUNT EXECUTIVES: Jim Bastian GRAPHIC ARTISTS: Lauren Brown, Jamie Wallace SOCIAL MEDIA: Josh Davis Interior Images:,, &

concern that they be held accountable for things the users might say, images they might share, or ads that might be on something like, say, a Craigslist or eBay. In order to keep their platforms open and meaningful to users, they wanted to be sure there was wide freedom, and they also needed to know that they wouldn’t be held accountable for something prurient or goofy a user might “say.” The provision specifically is: “No provider or user of an internet computer service shall be treated as the publisher or speaker of any information provided by another information content provider.” This, like most legal language, is harder to parse that would seem at first reading. On, one of the reasons for this careful wording was supplied (and it’s only one): “CDA 230 offers its legal shield to bloggers who act as intermediaries by hosting comments on their blogs. Under the law, bloggers are not liable for comments left by readers, the work of guest bloggers, tips sent via email, or information received through RSS feeds. This legal protection can still hold even if a blogger is aware of the objectionable content...” In other words, it seems unreasonable to expect that a platform which might have a billion users, or even a small one with a few hundred but no staff, could be expected in this world of immediate and vast communications, keep track of every bit of commentary that crosses its open (because of its very nature) doors. Moreover, one of the features of social media that keeps us interested is our ability to offer our opinions via comments to the original content creator. Once comments are off, or the podcaster or short message originator is liable for the comments of the audience, free speech dries up and our interest in the exchange largely disappears. Surely some of the answer will be “does the platform have more of an obligation if it has users who are famous and well-known,” and “does the idea of being famous and well-known limit the free speech of any individual user?” That is at least one other side of this argument: if a user is notorious, have they, in effect, become a content creator for hire (i.e., is the platform a publisher)? Does the platform relinquish its status as “platform” and become a de facto “publisher?” One thing is for certain: if you follow this meandering and very indirect thread all the way back in publishing/ownership/responsibility/reward, it’s obvious that as each technology was eclipsed by a new one, the rules of the road had to change, but not without considerable damage to the frame of the vehicle in the process.

The Table Hopping Newspaper is published the first week of every month by Table Hopping Inc. Business hours are Monday through Friday 9am-5pm. We deliver to over 1,100 locations throughout Central New York. Display advertising rates may be obtained by calling 315.474.1011.

Inside... on the


business of interest by Nancy Roberts Speach Family Candy Shoppe

february 2021

VOLUME 43 No. 2

computers by Nancy Roberts. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 tales from the vine by Roxanne L. Sisneros. 10 sounds of syracuse by Chuck Schiele. . . . . 14 my mind to yours by Debra Merryweather . . 16 streaming now by Brian Miller. . . . . . . . . . . . 17 the write stuff by Nancy Roberts. . . . . . . . . 18 preventative medicine by Dr. Barry. . . . . . . . 19 brew time by Kristin Merrit. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 beauty & fashion by Mahendra Kumawat. . . 22 sports take by Mike Lindsley. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 excercise & fitness by Jennifer Nastasi . . . 31 golf by Article City . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33


now playing by Brian Miller Wolfwalkers


dining out by Kerilyn Micale A mano


NIGHTLIFE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . MUSIC & EVENTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CLASSIFIEDS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Recipe. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

27 29 31 35


word on the street by Bill McClellan D-Day—De Oppresso

Table Hopping, Inc. will not knowingly accept or publish advertising which is fraudulent or misleading in nature. The publisher reserves the right to reject or cancel any advertising. The opinions, views and comments expressed in this publication are not necessarily those of the publisher. The contents of this publication are protected by copyright and may not be reproduced without express written permission from the publisher. © 2021 Table Hopping Inc.

AD DEADLINE for the March Issue is February 22nd. CALL 474-1011 to reserve your advertising space!

PAGE 6 • February 2021



Business of Interest by Nancy Roberts

Speach Family Candy Shoppe

Making candy is a little like making magic – the process combines sugar, flavors, and a variety of select ingredients in very precise amounts, cooking them at carefully monitored temperatures, cooling and packaging them at just the right moment to make a treat that will – just like that – bring a smile to anyone’s face. Once he’d gotten the basics, great-grandfather Michael began to collect and experiment with recipes, adapting from old ones and creating new ones. “My great-grandfather had a set list of recipes,” said Michael. “But probably his most famous was a candy something like a Bun Bar, but made of chocolate, homemade butter cream, and roasted peanuts. He called it the Peanut Cream Bar. We stopped making it for a while, but brought it back and re-named it the Superior Bar.”

Order now for Valentine’s Day!

Orders stop in time for preparation as we never want to disappoint. In 1920, a young Italian immigrant, as his great-grandson explains, came to the United States to join some of his family who had already made the trip. His name was Michele Spicciati, which became, in its brief Americanization, Michael Speach. His great-grandson, also Michael, inherited the name, and along with other family members, the business of producing the delicious chocolates and other candies that Syracusans – and now the entire Internet shopping community – prize. “The family was huge,” Michael told me. “My great-grandfather was one of 10 children, and one of triplets. He also had 10 children.” Explaining the “Speachisms” The Speach Family that lend a bit of humor to the company’s website, he said, “They began as little jokes among the family who worked in the business. When you work with family, you are co-workers and family members. It’s almost like you take on a persona for on-the-job. And many of my co-workers who aren’t family are friends. So there’s a unique kind of relationship, and we started calling something we would routinely say or do a ‘speachism.’ It became one of our trademarks.” And his sister Connie, he noted, just rolled her eyes! Back to great-grandfather, the company’s founder: he didn’t initially work in candy making. With so many family members already in the United States, established and working in a variety of businesses, Michael moved from job to job, eventually ending up in a cough drop company in Syracuse. There, he learned the basics of candy making, getting an intensive course in the chemistry of sweets.

Michael Speach

“We started calling something we would routinely say or do a ‘speachism.’ It became one of our trademarks.”

Another long-time favorite is the Peanut Brittle, still being made in a recipe almost identical to his greatgrandfather’s. Ten decades of sweet popularity. Michael’s mother, when she ran the business, added among others, a recipe for Truffles. That recipe has been expanded by Michael and has taken a new twist with the addition of top shelf wines and spirits – “adult” truffle flavors. “We use only the best alcohol flavorings,” Superior Bar explained Michael, “so we can call them Top Shelf Truffles. Because everyone needs a little cocktail in their lives!” Another candy line that has long been popular, and enjoyed a renewed trend, are the brickles. The ancient word “brickle” simply means brittle – crisp, breakable. This confection is a thin sheet of chocolate mixed with nuts, crunch pieces and assorted flavorings. “Around Christmas my mother would make peppermint and almond brickle,” said Michael. “They were offered especially at holiday time, but eventually they took

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on a life of their own, and we expanded the line to over 80 different brickles.” Glancing at the website, you can see not only the wide variety, but the sense of fun that seems apparent in everything the company does: “Sweet Stimulus Brickle, “Cashew Later Brickle,” “Danse Macabre Brickle,” and “Bottom of the Bag Brickle.” Speaking of bag, the brickles are advertised as offering something for every taste bud, and are “sold in resealable bags.” Though why the bag would need a resealing feature when the contents will clearly be enjoyed on the first round escapes this writer! Speach’s keeps retail hours, but they are being as careful as possible to protect their customers. They are making deliveries, are limiting the number of customers at any given time during in-store hours, and asking that in-store customers cooperate with masks and distancing, as well as ringing the bell to enter. Speach’s has been at its present Lodi Street location for 25 years now, but it has moved around “with the family.” Michael explained that in his grandfather’s generation, the company moved from place to place as successive brothers in that generation took the reins. Now, between its having put down roots, and a widely expanded customer base, thanks to online shopping, Speach’s enjoys a steady popularity that is enhanced by attention to tastes. “Candy is a trendy treat,” said Michael. “We are always

“In addition to its own versions of beloved favorites, the store offers many of those candies you remember from childhood.”

watching to see what’s new or back in style, while making sure we keep offering what our customers want and expect.” A quick glance at the many, many offerings at the store, and online, also assures us that Speach’s knows its business well. In addition to its own versions of beloved favorites, and Speach Family Candy Shoppe specialties, the store offers many of those candies you remember from childhood – but aren’t likely to find in the candy aisle at most stores – Bit ‘o’ Honey, Black Jack Chewing Gum, Red Hots and Candy Necklaces, among many others. You’ll also find chocolate chips, pretzels, gifts, fudge, miniatures, and a wide range of molded chocolates in just about every shape you can imagine. Make your plans now for Valentine’s Day giving. The shoppe makes a thoughtful policy of closing ordering early so that no order goes unfilled! But why wait for a special occasion? Candy this good is a perfect treat for any reason. You may also schedule an appointment by calling 315-478-3100 or e-mail at Facebook • speachfamilycandy Twitter • @SpeachCandy Instagram • speachcandy

2400 Lodi Street Syracuse, NY 13208 315-478-3100 • 855-472-2639 Hours: Monday-Saturday 10AM-5PM Sunday Closed


PAGE 8 • February 2021



Now P l ay i n g








Wolfwalkers It’s not often that two of the best films of the year turn out to be animated features. In fact, I can’t remember the last time that it has ever happened. When it comes to 2020, however, that’s exactly what has occurred. Pixar’s SOUL was yet another masterpiece in the revolutionary studio’s dazzling library, and seemed to be the easy front-runner when it came to naming the best animated feature of the year. Released on Christmas on Disney Plus, it instantly reached an audience of millions who soaked in the profound and existential journey of Joe and 22. What many people likely didn’t realize, was that on Apple TV Plus, there was another animated film that was equally astounding. WOLFWALKERS is an Irish film from directors Tomm Moore and Ross Stewart. Moore, who was also at the helm of the vastly underrated SONG OF THE SEA and THE SECRET OF KELLS, has crafted a trio of films based on Irish folk tales that feature stunning animation and introspective stories. The film begins in 1650 in the town of Kilkenny. Residents are working to clear out the


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local woods under the orders of Lord Protector Oliver Cromwell (Simon McBurney.) This doesn’t sit well with a fierce pack of wolves who inhabit the forest, and they attack those who are looking to destroy their home. When one of the men is hurt by the wolves, a mysterious woman and her daughter emerge from the wilderness, and heal his wounds. They, along with the wolves who seem to be under the woman’s command, slink back into the forest and disappear. In the town, young Robyn (Honor Kneafsey) lives with her father Bill (Sean Bean.) They have

“There are scenes of such remarkable beauty and artful complexity that it was mesmerizing.”


been brought in from England by Cromwell, RATED: PG who wants Bill to destroy the wolves. As RUN TIME: 1h 43min the hunter heads out to fulfill his duties, the GENRE: Animation, fiery Robyn wants to join him. Armed with Adventure, Family her crossbow and her faithful falcon Merlyn, STARRING: Honor Kneafsey, she eagerly disobeys her father’s orders to Eva Whittaker, Sean Bean stay indoors. He wants her to remain in the DIRECTORs: Tomm Moore, safe confines of their cabin, whereas Robyn Ross Stewart yearns for adventure and to prove her place Writers: Will Collins (screenplay) alongside her dad. Tomm Moore (story) Robyn makes her way into the forest GRADE: A and after becoming spooked by a pack of wolves, she accidentally shoots Merlyn with an arrow. It is then that she sees a small, mysterious girl emerge from the shadows. The girl suddenly scoops up Merlyn, and retreats with the wolves. This is just the first step in a journey that will forge an unlikely and unexpected

PAGE 9 • February 2021



utilized in WOLFWALKERS allow it to emerge as a far more visceral and moving movie experience. Whereas hand-drawn animation used to be commonplace, it is now a rarity. When executed to perfection, as it is here, it can illicit the same level of awe-inspired wonderment as an action-packed blockbuster. The comparison seems bizarre, but I recently re-watched MAD MAX: FURY ROAD, and, as it does every time, it took my breath away. The action sequences are so ingeniously intense and complex, I still ask myself “How did they do that?!” while muttering “Wow!” and “Whoa!” in equal measures. Put simply, I uttered many of these same exclamations while watching WOLFWALKERS. There are scenes of such remarkable beauty and artful complexity that it was mesmerizing. My entire family was drawn in and blown away by virtually every single scene, witnessing a world that was unlike any other that we had seen before. Exploring themes such as loyalty, bravery, family, and friendship, WOLFWALKERS is an under-the-radar gem that not only serves as a welcome work of originality, but also emerges as one of the best films of 2020. WOLFWALKERS-A (Now steaming on Apple TV Plus)

friendship, one that will change the lives of both girls forever. WOLFWALKERS may not exude the same commercial appeal as a film like the SOUL, but it is every bit as riveting and deserves the same level of attention and adoration. For those unfamiliar with SONG OF THE SEA or THE SECRET OF KELLS, the animation style of Moore and Cartoon Saloon studios is unlike anything else seen in movies today. In a world where computer and digital animation is standard, the hand-drawn techniques

“The animation style of Moore and Cartoon Saloon studios is unlike anything else seen in movies today.”

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PAGE 10 • February 2021



Tales from the Vine

by Cassandra Harrington by Roxanne L. Sisneros

The Romance of Wine This is all about Fine Wine and what I refer to as Wine Magic. There are so many ways to enjoy Wine, and when you add Wine to specific activities, Magic happens. Calming, relaxing and stress relieved Wine Magic!

Activities To Best Enjoy Along With a Glass of Fine Wine, Creating Wine Magic!

feels. You will see why letting the significant woman in your life enjoy a hot bath 2 to 3 • A Relaxing Bath or Jacuzzi. It starts times a week is worth doing the extra chores or take the kids out to the park to allow out with a relaxing thought of a very it to happen. She will be relaxed, and your efforts to allow her the complete peace and HOT bubble bath, and a glass of fine quiet will be worth it for you both. wine. Maybe a dark and rich RED, or a calming (not too sweet) White. Some • Jacuzzi and Wine? An awesome idea if you ask me. Outdoors, under the moon, the candles lit for ambiance and your sun, or as the sun sets. A glass of fine wine, and time for enjoying the fresh air, the own created space of calm. A place bubbles, and massaging of the jets on your back. Reflect on your day, your week, your where you can relax, de-stress and life, and think about the future. just be you. Forget the daily stress, • Make any Meal into an “Event.” It starts with an elegant wine. Then you pair it with the work undone at the office, or the perfect foods, and turn the meal into an “event”. From food pairings such as fruit, maybe the hard day with the kids. You have been waiting for this alone time. This cheeses, chocolate to the more complete dish to accompany the rich wine. Wine magic time for you, your fine wine, maybe a book. Your time of peace. Where you can just will be happening with each taste, sip, and repeated joy with each bite, each swallow breathe. You can add more hot water, pour another glass, and just prolong the peace. Many of us do not know enough about the • Magic Leading to Romance. Then there is the Wine Magic that kicks in when you are many different wines and different varieties looking to create that romantic moment with your lover. Entice them into the hot bath of wines. More so, we have you made with complete intent for a romantic evening with just the two of you. Away not experienced from anything, anyone else. (No cell phones, no computers, no TV) Just the two of you, enough of these some fine wine, and the magic is set to happen. You can relax, and just be the two of different you together. While women and baths seem more common, by all rights the joys of a hot bath and a glass of fine wine are not just for women (not in this century). One try, and almost any man will see the calming value of some alone time with a fine wine in hand under the bubbles in a hot tub. Try it once, and you will know how amazing it

Create wine magic with a fine dark, rich red

PAGE 11 • February 2021



wines to know what pairs best with them, other than trial and error. Or maybe you have been fortunate enough to go with a suggested wine and food pairing at a fancy restaurant, or with a wine knowledgeable friend.

From clubbing, to a night out on the town. A bottle of wine (or three) shared with the girlfriends is sure to create some great times for all. Get ready to bury the stresses and worries, and enjoy your companions, support group, and besties.

Ever tried the taste sensations with that perfect fine wine and grapes, soft white cheese, blue cheese assortment, or gouda cheese? The tastes alter in degrees of pleasantries with various wines and wine varieties. Add in some melon wrapped in proscuitto ham, and the right fine wine. Sometimes the simple accompaniments can make for an “event”.

Grab a glass (or bottle) and enjoy the wine magic as you dance the night away, relaxed and worry-free.

“Wine magic will be happening with each taste, sip, bite and swallow.”

A great French dip becomes “spectacular” with the right wine. Take that super meaty sub from your favorite deli and create a true “event”. Something simple, becomes exquisite. Looking for an easy, yet memorable “event” with your loved one? This is quite the treat, and creates a “take out sensation of tastes”. All from the addition of fine wine. The options are almost endless. Start with a Fine Wine, and add the Food. BOOM! Just like that, your “Event” is ready to happen.

How about those romantic dinners, or classical music in the park outings? Ever go out to your backyard to enjoy a campfire, some dark chocolate, and oh... some really good Merlot? If you haven’t I highly recommend it. Wine is known as the elixir of life. It has been around for centuries, a literal gift from the Gods. Used to celebrate and reflect on ones life, life achievements and special occasions. Something that makes each moment remarkable... Fine Wine.

• Women and Wine – Perfect Combination! When women get together with friends it’s usually a creation of laughs, inside jokes and usually some sort of trouble. Add the perfect pairing of delicious wine, some glasses, and the party is ready to go. From the first pour to the last, everything becomes fun. Surrounding your girlfriends with fine food, fine wine and great company (you know best). Women know how to enjoy themselves. They can relax, together in a cozy environment, either dressed to the “9’s” or in their pajamas. Enjoying make-up tips and techniques, to enjoying a romance film marathon. All made even better with the addition of fine wine to round out the time spent together.

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PAGE 12 • February 2021



Dining Out by Kerilyn E. Micale

A Mano Have you ever noticed that things made by hand are just…better? That is precisely the idea behind A Mano, where you will always find the pastas, pizzas and doughs are made by hand every morning, and served fresh to your table! A Mano is located in the ground floor of Icon Tower in downtown Syracuse at 344 S Warren Street. Currently they are open Wednesday through Saturday from 4:30 to 9 but hopefully as restrictions lift they will be expanding their hours! For reservations visit their website at or give them a call at (315) 303-1630. Between covid and having a new baby my husband and I have not been going out to eat nearly as much as we used to so when we do get the chance we really want to make it count. We find ourselves really making an effort to pick a place we actually enjoy and making a night out of it. I have to be honest with you, A Mano is quickly moving to the top of our short list of favorite places! One of the things I love most about A Mano is the entire vibe of the restaurant. It’s comfortable yet cool, it’s a perfect mix of trendy and traditional. I like looking around and seeing the patrons that it brings in – there was a table of college aged people in joggers and beanies sharing appetizers and drinking craft cocktails, there was another table with a 60 something married couple on a date sharing a bottle of wine and a hand tossed pizza, there was also a table with

a mom and her 8 year old son all dressed up for a fancy night out together. What is really special is that none of these people seemed out of place – everything just fit together – and there was something for everyone to enjoy. The other thing I really like about A Mano is that the menu is constantly changing with the season, using only the best ingredients, sourced both locally and internationally, to make every single dish interesting and unique but yet still familiar and delicious. We arrived at A Mano on a frosty, snowy, night in January. We were immediately seated at a cozy table with a great view of the bar, the brick oven pizza station and next to a large window so we could watch the snowflakes dancing outside. We noticed that the tables have been spaced for safety but it also helps you to feel like you are in your own private section where it is easy to have a conversation. We looked over the new winter menu with excitement, we just love coming here and trying their new seasonal fare! For an appetizer we decided on the Polpette, a colorful dish of mini mortadella meatballs topped with crunchy crushed pistachios, in a basil pesto sauce with thinly sliced cheese and pieces of fresh basil leaves. These little bite size meatballs had a really great flavor and the generous helping was perfect for


Wood Fired Pecorino

A mano Bread Basket

“We looked over the new winter menu with excitement, we just love coming here and trying their new seasonal fare!” sharing! We also couldn’t pass up an order of the Wood Fired Pecorino, served with crispy pane carasau and topped with honey and walnuts. We are huge pecorino fans and this dish was a flavorful delight! The warm and melty cheese was perfectly paired with the crunch of the pane carasau. We talked about how we would come back just to order this scrumptious appetizer! One of the other things that I absolutely need to mention is the bread basket at A Mano – with the homemade focaccia bread, the homemade cheese-its, the Di Lauros bread and the homemade butter – it is the best in town! The homemade butter this time was spicy garlic and it was probably the best one (even though they are always good!) Also, I could eat at least 100 of the homemade cheese-its. For an entrée it was really hard to choose because everything just looked so good but I finally decided on the Ricotta Gnocchetti topped with pesto Genovese and parmigiana. These little pillows of goodness were the perfect texture and were incredibly paired with the pesto. Kyle absolutely could not resist ordering the giant 34oz Prime Ribeye – twice fried potatoes (crispy bites of heaven with

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with friends, or even to bring the family. Impress your date this Valentine’s Day (or your friends for Galentines Day!) and treat them to a an unforgettable meal! Be sure to make reservations in advance because seating is limited and you don’t want to miss out! Do your taste buds a favor and head to A Mano today!

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parmigana, pecorino, and herbs) and baby greens drizzled with grilled lemon. This dish not only looked impressive but tasted even better and it was certainly enough to share! So here is how the conversation Ricotta Gnocchetti with my husband went once this amazing dish was placed in front of him: first few bites “wow this is really good”, a few more bites “oh my gosh I think this is better than any steak I’ve ever made”, a few more bites “this is incredible, it’s the best steak I’ve ever had” and then finally “Can we please come back here for my birthday!” He doesn’t take his love of steak lightly and this was one for the record books – a 10 out of 10! Even though we didn’t really have room for dessert we just couldn’t pass it up. I decided on the lemon tart, a sweet and tart dish topped with pistachio, toasted coconut and a dollop of mascarpone and a crunchy cookie. It was truly delicious. The final tip I will share with you is that A Mano has amazing ice cream so you can never go wrong with the ice cream option and tonight it was the semifreddo with rich coffee ice cream, chocolate crunch and burnt meringue. This meal was absolutely incredible all around! For information on their menu or even to make reservations be sure to check out their website at A Mano is the perfect place for a date, a meeting

s ' e n i t n Vale


Open for inside seating at the bar and dining room. HOURS: Wed-Sat 4:30-9pm

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Sounds Of Syracuse

by Chuck Schiele

JoAnne Sherwood: Songwriter in Bloom JoAnne Sherwood learned to play the guitar at a young age, but put it away for a while as she pursued her education and career. After completion of her Master’s Degree in Music, she landed her dream job as an Elementary Band Teacher in Fulton. A few years ago, after being introduced to the Syracuse Guitar League, she rediscovered the guitar. At this same time, she met her musician friends Denise Knight and Mark Wahl. The three later became the band Canvas Moon. This group not only gave JoAnne the opportunity to write and arrange music, but also the confidence to sing. Since then, JoAnne has performed in duos, solo, and has enjoyed a number of collaborations with other local songwriters. Not too long ago, I made her acquaintance at US Open Songwriting Contest at Movie Tavern Syracuse where she was a contestant; and I was one of the judges. She won first place with her song “Gently Used Heart” in that contest. And she’s been making progress ever since. She offers provocative lyrics that live well in her own unique musical handling – which could be defined as contemporary introspective folk. Chuck Schiele: Your path into music involves being a teacher? Please tell us how this all came together for you. JoAnne Sherwood: I can’t remember when I didn’t want to be a teacher, and at age 10 when I started playing the clarinet, I decided that music was what I’d teach. At the same time, my parents invested in guitar lessons for me. I graduated from the Crane School of Music in Potsdam, then received my Masters at Ithaca college. My teaching career came first, performing on guitar and singing came much later. CS: Characterize your music. JS: Contemporary folk, with colors of other styles mixed in. I have had so much exposure to all kinds of music, that’s all stored in my head. It finds its way out when I write.

“After completion of her Master’s Degree in Music, she landed her dream job as an Elementary Band Teacher in Fulton.”

CS: Please tell us a brief history of your music involvements. JS: I started with classical training, and that was my musical concentration for many years. Joining The Guitar League of Syracuse in 2011 reignited my love of the guitar. It was also the time that Mark Wahl, Denise Knight, and I formed the band Canvas Moon. I started my songwriting while with that group, and gained confidence in my singing there. Since then, I have played in a few duos, and a variety of other musical collaborations. But most recently, I decided it was time to make a recording of all of my original music. That recording “Here”was released about a year ago. CS: Are there any particular highights from your music career that stand out for you? JS: Performing with percussionist Jeff Haynes and Canvas Moon at Our Time Coffee house in Long Island. Playing in the Sassafrass Sisters Songwriting Experiment in 2020 at Steeple Coffeehouse – featuring all women songwriters. This past December I was featured on Channel 9 news in Tim Fox’s segment “Tell Me Something Good”. I wrote and recorded a song called “Parking Lot Christmas”. The

Singer, songwriter, JoAnne Sherwood

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my own. Also, singing harmony with someone is magic. CS: Being an active part of the CNY Music Scene, what are your thoughts about the scene and music community? JS: Oh....I miss it so much. The community of musicians are some of the nicest people I’ve ever met, and the talent in CNY is incredible. CS: What’s in your future for music as we propel into 2021? JS: I want to keep writing and working on my guitar skills. But most of all, I want to be able to play out, and listen to other musicians in person again. CS: How do we stay in touch with you and your music? JS: You can find me at CS: Thank you for sharing your story with us, JoAnne. Keep on writing! I look forward to hearing what you come up with next! JS: Thank you, Chuck.

“ I love to share what I have musically created. Also, singing harmony with someone is magic.”

story was all about hope, and celebrating Christmas during a pandemic in a different way. CS: What’s the best part of being a singer? JS: I love to share what I have musically created. Either something I wrote, or an arrangement of a cover song that I’ve made

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My Mind To Yours

by debra Merryweather

Who’s Your Hero? I intended to write about two golfers, one who is not a golf hero and the other, Tiger Woods, who is considered a golf hero by many. I missed Tiger’s rise and heard much about his fall. I started playing golf in 2015 but don’t remember watching Woods until the 2019 Masters where I saw and loved Woods’ recovery shots. I find good recovery shots more gratifying than the best drives. So, I watched “Tiger,” the HBO documentary that reveals Tiger as a flawed hero in the tradition of Greek drama. Like Achilles, Tiger was rendered vulnerable by his parents’ efforts to shape him not to be. The HBO series is worth a watch or two. As I write this, I just watched the President Joe Biden’s inauguration. I’m feeling recovered and still thinking about heroes. Who’s my hero? Who’s not? My first thought is that St. Tiger Woods, golf hero to many Augustine is not my hero. I have read a lot about Augustine’s influence in the Roman Catholic Church whose teachings governed much of my early life. History also credits Augustine for the moral strictness that manifests in Calvinism and the other rigid sects. Augustine viewed sexuality in a negative light, which meant he viewed women in a negative light. He described three stages of sin occurring first “when the carnal sense offers a bait;” next “when one is satisfied with the mere pleasure of thought;” and then, “when consent is given to the deed.” Lies, manipulation and physical domination should be inherent Augustine’s list, but aren’t specified. Carnal sins are usually thought of as sexual sins although violence always involves the body. I am only thinking of Augustine because President Joseph Biden quoted Augustine in his inaugural speech. President Biden says Augustine said a “people” are defined by the common objects of their love. This wonderful definition of a “people” comes from “City of God,” in which Augustine writes, “A people is the association of a multitude of rational beings united by a common agreement on the objects of their love, then it follows that to observe the character of a particular people we must examine the objects of its love.” St. Augustine

What are the objects of the American people’s love? Most of the multitude of beings that call themselves Americans pledge to the flag that they desire liberty and justice for all, but for some, liberty means the ability to impose their views on others and justice means using physical force imposing those views. President Biden said we need truth. One truth about presidential elections is every election is won and lost by someone. Another truth is that in the past two elections the same candidate lost the popular vote. A third truth is that the losing candidate’s more devoted followers attacked the Capitol because their beloved hero insisted that he had won the 2020 election: that his and thus their victory was stolen. The Preamble to the Constitution states, “We the People, in Order to form a

“There is no perfection in our physical world, a world subject to the rules of space and time.”

more perfect Union…do ordain and establish this Constitution…” President Biden focused on the words “a more perfect Union.” There is no perfection in our physical world, a world subject to the rules of space and time. Everything changes. Did the “people” who wrote the Constitution imagine that by the 21st Century, there would be 50 states? Did the founders who designed Congress imagine that the people of the states in which the founders themselves lived would eventually have less representation than numerous newer states with far fewer people? Our Republic is governed by a representative democracy of the people. Who are the people? Whoever the people are, can the people be considered rational when they can have their bodies and minds manipulated by power seekers? The same body mind connections than lead people to love lead people to hate. Consciousness develops in context. President Biden said there should be no manufacturing of facts. Coded language, euphemism and deflection can hide or twist the facts. Facts without context are not necessarily truth. We might be surprised at how often we’ve learned to think thoughts someone else taught us to think. With our cultural differences and expansive geography, the United States is certainly no less perfect than any other nation. And, assuming that we the people of the United States are, as Augustine defined, and Biden paraphrased “people,” “an association of a multitude of rational beings united by a common agreement on the objects of their love,” perhaps when we look at the flag or listen to our leaders speak, we can ask ourselves what it is that our leaders seem to love and are those leaders rational? What do we love?


Streaming Flicks by MILLER byBRIAN debra Merryweather

Cobra Kai It was only a few years ago when YouTube, looking to capitalize on the streaming market that was revolutionizing the television and movie industries, introduced their own premium streaming service. YouTube Red promised to deliver exclusive content from major studios and popular YouTubers, creating a space that would allow for under-theradar projects and emerging talents to capture an audience on the same scale as those found on Netflix and Hulu. One of the first marquee releases on the platform was COBRA KAI. The series was a continuation of the KARATE KID saga that had an entire generation practicing crane kicks and saying “Wax on, wax off” for the better part of a decade. Unlike the films in which Daniel (Ralph Macchio) was the hero, this time around, Johnny Lawrence (William Zabka) served as the lead. Broken down, and never able to escape the events of the 80’s, he reluctantly opens a dojo of his own, and discovers there may be more to life than he ever expected. While YouTube Red (now known as YouTube Premium) never achieved the heights of its lofty aspirations, COBRA KAI was an undeniable gem. Featuring the perfect blend of humor, action, 80’s cheese, and meta self-awareness, the initial season was such a hit that it was renewed for a second. The second season proved that the first was not a fluke, introducing John Kreese (Martin Kove) back in the mix, as Johnny’s former “Sweep the leg!” proclaiming sensei. After the release of the second season, Netflix procured the rights to COBRA KAI, and its popularity exploded. Suddenly, the series was accessible to millions, and within a matter of days, it was one of Netflix’s biggest hits. Sorry, YouTube Red. Any fears that a switch in platforms would have a negative impact on the series were quickly dissuaded upon the release of season 3 on Netflix. The series, which is ultimately geared towards teens and those who were down with Daniel from ’84 on, is consistently entertaining and hilarious, cleverly self-referencing itself while still attempting to tell a fresh, new story.

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After the devastating brawl that unfurled in the final episode of season 2, everyone involved is in pretty rough shape. Miguel (Xolo Maridueña) is in a coma, Robby (Tanner Buchanan) has run off, Johnny’s guilt is leading him down a path of self-destruction, and Daniel’s car business has taken a massive hit. Suddenly, karate is the boon of the city, and those immersed in its world are deplorable pariah’s. While this hits hard for some, for those like Hawk (Jacob Bertrand) and others at Cobra Kai, it’s just another excuse to lash out at the world. Now that Johnny has severed ties with the dojo, Kreese has gone full-on heel, once again becoming the seething and vicious villain he was in the 80’s. Throughout this third season, we will get to know Kreese a whole lot more via flashbacks that teach us exactly what lead him to his “no mercy” way of life. At the end of the day, he just wants his students to hurt people. At the head of the snake is Hawk, who no longer remotely resembles the soft-spoken student from season 1. He is now one bad dude, willing to bust science projects and break arms in the name of Cobra Kai. Daniel hopes to teach his daughter that she can overcome her fears and reservations after the infamous brawl. Though this is his main priority, he also must balance other responsibilities like saving his business, helping Robby, and redeeming karate in the eyes of those who now despise it. Meanwhile, Johnny feels it is his responsibility to help Miguel get back on his feet. Literally. Though modern medicine doesn’t seem to be helping much, his sensei’s unconventional approach of sneaking him to a Dee Snyder concert and dangling raunchy magazines in front of his face seems to be far more effective in helping him learn to walk again. The storyline surrounding the teens and their competing dojos, as well as Daniel’s attempt to rebuild his dealership and brand (which includes a trip to Japan that opens the door to introduce many of the players from KARATE KID 3) are certainly entertaining, but as has been the case since season 1, Johnny is the driving force of COBRA KAI. It’s unlikely that Zabka will ever earn an Emmy nomination for his performance, but I’m here to tell you that he deserves one. Daniel LaRusso may be the Karate Kid, but Johnny Lawrence is the driving force of the series. Zabka has taken one of the most vilified and despised “One of Syracuse’s Best Kept Secrets Since 1954” characters of 80’s, and has not only lead him down a path of redemption, but Italian Specialties has made him undeniably likable despite his fallacies. Fresh Fish Everyday! Prime Rib Saturday He makes terrible decisions, and Hand Cut and is still prone to Ribeye Steaks impulsive moments of violence, but he is also Let us cater your next party! a man fully aware of his Takeout and flaws. Unlike Kreese, he’s Catering Offers not a bad guy, he’s just a Leave us your office complicated one. At the fax number. We’ll send you a weekly lunch menu end of the day, he wants to every Monday. inspire more than he wants to damage, and though he • GIFT CERTIFICATES AVAILABLE! • is realizing a little later than OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK most, there seems to be Sunday-Thursday 11am-8pm, Friday & Saturday 11am-9pm hope that he will emerge as Dining Room OPEN 3pm-close the hero after all. 1524 Valley Drive • Syracuse 13207 COBRA KAI: Season 3: A315-492-9997 • (Now Streaming on Netflix)

Old School Italian Dining


e’s Day n i t n e l a V –serving– pm Noon-7

PAGE 18 • February 2021


The Write Stuff by Nancy Roberts

The Loomis Gang by George W. Walter & Frontier Justice: The Rise and Fall of the Loomis Gang by E. Fuller Torrey, MD (Written by guest book reviewer: John J. Sposato) I have been a student of history ever since junior high school (and that was a long time ago). My first fascinations were The Civil War and The Erie Canal. As I grew older, my interests expanded to the entire history of our country, particularly Central New York. Here in Central New York, largely in Madison and Oneida Counties, prior to the Civil War, existed the most successful and long-lasting outlaw gang in American History: The Loomis Gang. As time goes on, fewer and fewer people here in the greater Syracuse area remember the Loomis gang, but in the areas they roamed while stealing, counterfeiting and terrorizing, the memory of the gang is still strong. The books reviewed, The Loomis Gang by George W. Walter, and Frontier Justice: The Rise and Fall of the Loomis Gang by E. Fuller Torrey, MD, both give a detailed history of the origins of the family, how their crime activities increased, and how their power and influence ruled the area so their illegal acts would go unpunished (or punished only mildly) and sometimes even unchallenged. Neither author attempts to glorify or justify the Loomis’ actions. Instead, both books give a detailed chronicle of the events that took place without editorializing – the mark of a true history. The reader will easily discover that the Loomises did not practice the creed of Robin Hood by stealing from the rich and giving to the poor; they stole from everyone and kept it for themselves. Walter’s book was written in 1953, when there were still people with memories of the gang who could speak directly or heard stories about them. Torrey used Walter’s book as a basis for his own, and investigated further. He relates in more detail the gang’s activities and the overall history of the area. Written in 1992, it reflects a more “modern” style of writing. I enjoyed reading both of them – in fact, this is the second time I have read Walter’s book – and I would be hard-pressed to say which one I liked better. Once one starts reading either book, it’s difficult to stop at the end of a chapter. It’s just too interesting to pause. The reader cannot help but be impressed with the information, dates and quotes presented as a result of the research that each author did. The history of the Loomises covers more than a century. Both authors have gone to great lengths to relate to us the complete history of this family. The story of the Loomises dates back to the early 1800’s when George Washington Loomis (the father of the infamous brothers) escaped to New York from Connecticut to avoid capture for a theft. Stealing was a natural for him and he saw no wrong in it. He and his wife Rhonda (who was of the same mind) had nine children, six sons and four daughters. Six of the children became criminals. Leading the gang, in order of birth, were Wash, Grove, (Amos) Plumb, Wheeler and Hiram Denio. Cornelia, the second oldest daughter, also joined the crime ring, along with the mother. The only loyalties they had were for each other.


The mother actually taught and encouraged her children with crime saying that, “It’s alright to steal as long as you don’t get caught. But if you get caught then you’ll be punished.” Ironically, before the children came of age, she made sure they had a good education, dressed them well and taught them how to be perfect ladies and gentlemen. Their initiation into crime started with stealing small items from neighbors, and graduated into hops and sheep (the two largest agricultural products in the area in the mid 1800’s), and selling them to buyers who lived outside the area. Eventually their interest turned to horses, for which they became most famous, and during The Civil War sold many to the Union Army (the famous trotter Flora Temple was first owned by Grove). But they didn’t stop at that. They stole anything of value from anyone they wanted to, from homes and from stores. The Loomises had a unique advantage: they lived across from an enormous swamp (Nine Mile Swamp) to which they could escape when chased by the law or suspicious victims, and where they could hide their stolen property. To further enhance their safety and success, they literally terrorized the populace with threats of reprisal if anyone spoke against them. They also hired lawyers who knew how to compromise the system either to get the case dismissed or with a small fine, and had no problems bribing judges, district attorney and witnesses. On one occasion, they burned down a courthouse that held indictments against them, and even robbed a district attorney of the evidence he held that would be used against them. The height of their power and criminal activity was in the 1850’s and 1860’s when central and western New York was still considered a frontier. At George Washington & Rhonda Loomis that time, the outlaws of the Loomis Gang consisted of about 200 members. Their exploits and misdeeds were reported far beyond their main theater of crime; their adventures were reported in all the newspapers in the northeast. Their activities crept into Oswego County and even parts of Onondaga County. They traded their stolen goods as far away as Ohio and Pennsylvania and had dreams of creating an empire that would cover the entire northeast. Not everyone accepted this way of life nor bowed to their intimidations. A constable named James Filkens made it his primary purpose to jail the Loomises. Numerous attempts were made to bring them to justice – all failed. One time, seeking revenge for an arrest, the Loomises attempted to kill him (murder was also a tool that the Loomis Gang employed). After decades of living in fear, it took a local vigilante group to bring justice with the hanging of one of the brothers. The survivors held fast for a while but as the years went by the Loomis’s eventually lost control and influence and lived out a mellow life until the last died in 1911. I took an impromptu ride into Sangerfield a couple of summers ago to see what could be discovered. I found Nine Mile Swamp and Loomis Rd., and, I think, the site where the Loomis homestead was. I plan to make a return trip this summer. My major point of interest will be the Loomis family plot in Sangerfield, where most of the Loomis are buried. The memories and legends of the Loomis Gang are still strong in Sangerfield. I do not know if any Loomis descendants are still in the area. Hopefully, the popular Loomis tour will be operating again. I enjoy an inner chuckle every time I see a Loomis armored car; is everything really safe with them?


Preventive Medicine by Dr. Barry

Going To Pot... Potassium I Mean... I have written previously to sing the praises of magnesium, and now I carry the torch for potassium. Potassium should be the third most common element in your body but often, for several reasons, it is not. Many people are on diuretics for their blood pressure, heart failure, or edema and, unless they are careful with their electrolytes, their potassium can go dangerously low. You have to be careful because certain blood pressure pills like ACE inhibitors and ARBs can cause your potassium to go too high. Even certain diuretics can be associated with high potassium. Both high and low potassium are dangerous. Luckily your doctor can and should be checking this on a regular basis with your bloodwork. Potassium is crucial for the normal function of your heart, your nervous system and muscle function. It is also important in

blood pressure management. If your potassium or magnesium are too low that can cause your blood pressure to go up. That’s right...a shortage of either element can be a cause of your hypertension. These minerals should be checked in every patient with a blood pressure problem and be repleated before your doctor reaches for the blood pressure pills. The reason that potassium is important in blood pressure control is because it has a significant effect on muscle contraction and arterial wall relaxation, but most Americans reportedly get half of the recommended daily allowance. A banana a day is not enough potassium to make a real difference in your health. The average reported intake of potassium from food is about half of the 4,700 milligrams (mg) recommended. Research demonstrates that these low levels of potassium may have a significant impact on blood pressure, especially as it relates to the amount of salt normally found in a Western diet according to Dr. Paul Welton, professor of epidemiology at Tulane School of Public Health and Tropical Medicine. He did an analysis in 1997 of over 29 trials that demonstrated how low levels of potassium resulted in higher systolic Potassium is important for blood pressure blood pressure readings.

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According to Dr Welton, studies performed since then have found similar results. “The evidence is very strong and very consistent. A higher potassium intake may blunt the effects of excess salt on blood pressure. Potassium’s effect is bigger in people Vegetables that contain Potassium who have higher blood pressure, bigger in older people, bigger in people who are consuming a lot of salt and bigger in black people.” Other recent research found that “women without hypertension who consumed the most potassium (nearly 3,200 mg/day) had a 21 percent reduced risk of stroke. Further, women who consumed the most potassium were 12 percent less likely to die during the study period than those who consumed the least.” According to a recent review article by Dr Mercola, “Potassium should be the third most abundant mineral in the human body. Adequate amounts of potassium are also associated with quicker recovery from exercise and improved muscle strength. As an electrolyte, potassium helps to regulate the fluid balance in your cells and throughout your body. Fluid balance is essential to maintaining life, preventing dehydration at the cellular level and maintaining brain function. Potassium is important in the transmission of nerve impulses in your brain, spinal cord and peripheral nervous system.” There is evidence that low levels of potassium have been linked with high levels of insulin and glucose, associated with metabolic syndrome and type 2 diabetes. So , clearly, keeping your potassium at the right level is important. As I said earlier, if you have any doubts about your potassium level you can easily have your blood checked but you have to ask for the more sensitive Red Blood Cell Potassium if you want real accuracy. As Dr Mercola points out “Getting nutrients from your food instead of supplements is preferable as your food contains more than a single nutrient and in different forms. For instance, potassium found in fruits and vegetables is potassium citrate or potassium malate, while supplements are often potassium chloride. The citrate and malate forms help produce alkali, which may promote bone health and preserve lean muscle mass as you age. So when you are told your blood pressure is too high, rather than reach for yet another medication, why not look at your magnesium and potassium intake and their levels in your blood and work on the basis of your illness, rather than just trying to medicate it away. The pills will lower your blood pressure but they don’t address the underlying cause of your high blood pressure and they have many many side effects. Work with your doctor to focus on the basics...improving your diet, replacing electrolytes, getting some exercise etc. If you don’t manage your wellness the medical profession will manage your illness but we don’t have a great track record of restoring your health. Remember what Thomas Edison said way back in 1903. “The doctor of the future will give no medicine, but will interest his patient in the care of the human frame, in diet and in the cause and prevention of disease.” Until then...get well...stay well.

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PAGE 20 • February 2021



afternoon with a porter. In addition, John’s second cousin was the famous Boston brewer (or maltster, according to some reports), Samuel Adams. Oh, yes, the one associated with the Boston brewery we all know and love, with their infamous Boston Lager, Winter Lager and Oktoberfest beers. Thomas Jefferson, America’s third president, while a beer drinker, he didn’t originally brew his own beer, but his wife did! Eventually, Jefferson became involved by Kristin Merritt in brewing experimentation at his Monticello estate. He employed an Englishman, Joseph Miller, at the estate specifically to brew beer and run a brewhouse at the property. One of Jefferson’s slaves, Peter Hemings, who was well-versed in French cooking, began learning the art of malting and brewing and worked side-byside with Miller. As Jefferson wrote about Hemings, he Another inauguration day has come and gone with big hopes that the next 4-years had “great intelligence and diligence both of which will be better than the last four. Unity was a main theme in President Joe Biden’s are necessary.” In addition, he was quite the wine inaugural address, and if it’s one thing that can bring us all together, it’s beer. Who cares connoisseur who toured the Bordeaux region of France whether your barstool neighbor is Conservative, Liberal, Green or otherwise when you’re extensively while a diplomat and imported over 20,000 both saddled up to the bar enjoying a happy hour pint after a long day at work? That’s bottles of wine for his private collection. right, nobody – and if it’s one thing that our founding fathers and former CommanderOur 4th president, James Madison, attempted to create in-Chiefs could all agree on, it’s their affinity for beer. a national brewery while he was in office during the year We’ll appropriately start out with America’s first 1809. In addition, he wished to appoint a secretary of John Adams president, George Washington. It is said that brown porters brewed with molasses were a favorite. These porters, in addition to whiskey, were even brewed at his Mount Vernon estate. Prior to becoming beer, with their main task being to president of the United States, Washington was protect and promote the interests of a colonel in the Virginia militia. In 1757, he the brewing culture wrote down his recipe for “Small Beer,” in our new young a beer meant to be brewed to provide country, including both sustenance and hydration for levying tariffs on men, women and children alike. imported beers. This recipe is still in circulation Unfortunately, today, thanks to the New York Congress couldn’t Public Library who found this get it together and record and published it: approve its formation. (Not much in Congress has changed, has it?) “To make Small Beer, take a large James Garfield, president #20, is said to have kept a keg in the Oval Office for sifter full of bran hops to your taste. “medicinal purposes.” If only we were all so lucky to use this reasoning in our own Boil these 3 hours. Then strain out 30 workplaces… (Perhaps I can get a doctor’s note? Ha!) gallons into a cooler, put in 3 gallons Grover Cleveland, our 22nd President (and 24th – he was the only president to molasses while the beer is scalding serve 2 terms, non-consecutively), was said to have a bit of a “problem” with his beer hot or rather draw the molasses into consumption. Initially, he took an oath to limit his beer intake to 4 pints per day. When the cooler and strain the beer on it it became clear he couldn’t while boiling hot. Let this stand till stick to his amount, he it is little more than blood warm. conveniently changed from Then put in a quart of yeast. If the 4 pints (1 pint = 16 oz.) to 4 tankards/steins (1 stein = 1 liter or 33.8 oz.) per day. During Prohibition, which lasted from 1920 to 1933, weather is very cold, cover it over America’s 29th president, with a blanket and let it work in the Warren Harding, who cooler 24 hours. Then put it into the assumed office in 1921, held Cask. Leave the bung open till it is bi-weekly, secret boozealmost done working. Bottle it that filled poker nights in the day, week it was brewed.” White House. A number of Blue Point Brewing, located in years later, 32nd president Long Island, actually brewed the Franklin D. Roosevelt was beer according to the original recipe in elected and assumed 2016 and called it “Colonial Ale,” and was served at Hofstra University in the hospitality office in 1933. In April 1933, tent prior to the first presidential debate during the same year. he signed the Beer-Wine While most people start their day off with a cup of coffee, John Adams, U.S. Revenue Act that allowed president #2, instead started his morning off with a hard cider and ended every 4th President, James Madison 3.2% ABV beer and wine to

Brew Time

Unity in a Pint Glass

“John’s second cousin was the famous Boston brewer, Samuel Adams.”

“In 1757, he wrote down his recipe for “Small Beer,” a beer meant to be brewed to provide both sustenance and hydration for men, women and children alike.”

PAGE 21 • February 2021


be produced, stating “I think this would be a good time for beer.” By the end of the same year, he assisted in creating and instituting the 21st Amendment, implemented on December 5, 1933, which repealed Prohibition altogether. FDR was also pretty fond of his cigars, brandy, and vermouth, and also liked to party-hearty with Winston Churchill into all hours of the night. America’s 36th President, Lyndon Johnson’s favorite beer was said to have been Pearl beer, and he would consume it right out of the can. …And while VERY illegal today, LBJ would notoriously take a few Pearl road-sodas 22nd & 24th, Grover Cleveland with him, or his favorite mixed drink of scotch & soda, and drive around town in his cream-colored Lincoln Continental for fun. He would even pull over and have his secret service detail give him a refill by holding his cup out the window. Pearl Brewing Company was established in 1883 in San Antonio, Texas. Eventually, in 1985, they assumed the Pabst Brewing Co. name, and in 1999, Miller Brewing took over all production. Pearl beer is still being produced to this day in Miller’s Fort Worth, TX brewing facility. Jimmy Carter, our 39th president, legalized home brewing in 1979. While he himself wasn’t much of a drinker, he did have a younger brother, Billy Carter, who produced his own line of beer, aptly named, “Billy Beer,” with Falls City Brewing Company in Louisville. While it wasn’t a success in the long-run, it was quite a novelty at the time. Former United States president, number 40, Ronald Reagan, loved a specific Irish pub from his ancestry home in Ballyporeen, Ireland so much that eventually it was dismantled in 2004 and rebuilt inside the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library! Renamed “The Ronald Reagan Pub,” you can actually grab a pint and a bite to eat there if you visit the museum today. Barack Obama, our 44th US president, was the first president known to have brewed beer on the actual grounds of the White House. He made both porters and ales during his first term – one was aptly named the White House Honey Brown Ale, and was brewed with honey harvested from beehives managed by Michelle Obama on the South Lawn of the White House. Obama’s hobby of home-brewing started in 2011 after purchasing his first home-brewing kit. He’s now a lifetime member of the American Homebrewers Association. In addition, Obama attempted to exhibit “unity in a pint glass” during the summer of 2009 when he held what came to be known as the “beer summit” during a meeting between Henry Louis Gates Jr., a black Harvard professor and Sergeant James Crowley, the white Cambridge police officer who had arrested the aforementioned at his own home while investigating the report of a break-in at the very same residence. During this “summit,”


The White House Rose Garden they, along with VP Biden, all sat down under a Magnolia tree in the White House Rose Garden, and “broke bread” over a few mugs of beer, peanuts and pretzels. Presidents #45 (Trump) and #46 (Biden) have actually abstained from alcohol in all forms; both men have claimed that alcoholism runs in their respective families and therefore this is their justification in remaining dry. So then, the question that begs to be answered… What did Biden have during that afternoon at the beer summit? He actually drank Buckler, a non-alcoholic beer made by Heineken. There you have it – As you can see, many of our famous presidents are just like us in that they enjoy imbibing on a good brew in their downtime! (Except for LBJ… don’t drink and drive! That’s what Uber is for!) Therefore, this February (and the whole year through), I encourage you to raise a pint glass to unifying our great nation, toasting her past Presidents and cheering a bright new future ahead as I leave you with our Founding Father, Benjamin Franklin’s famous quote, “God made beer because he loves us and wants us to be happy.” Cheers! Sources:,,,,,,,, wikipedia. org,,,

“God made beer because he loves us and wants us to be happy.”

PAGE 22 • February 2021



Beauty & Fashion


About Wearing a Pixie Cut with Bangs: Two Trends Rolled Into One

The boom on rocking various looks of a pixie cut seems to grow with every year, as more and more modern women are stepping out of their comfort zones to embrace the beauty of stylish practicality. But have you ever wondered why this haircut has been on everyone’s lips for so many years in this ever-changing fashion world? Of course, apart from a bold, contemporary, and sophisticated look, this cut has some more aces in the hole. Despite being one of the shortest haircuts for women, a pixie cut allows for different experiments. You can customize your pixie with various textures, play around with colors, finish the look with shaved sides, and add more character with your favorite bangs. Well, bangs are actually the secret ingredient of the never-ending popularity of pixies! According to hair experts from, bangs are the most common element to add to the cut, which literally takes it up a notch. That’s why you shouldn’t miss this duo this year: it’s going to be really huge.

Here’s all you need to know to pull it off, from choosing the perfect look to recreating it daily!

What Are The Hottest Pixie Cut Ideas?

The very first thing you need to figure out is the base of your pixie look, which is, obviously, the pixie cut itself. Whether you’re a proud pixie rocker who’s looking for ways to amp up your look with a fresh idea or you’re planning to chop those locks off, here’s a list of the most spotted pixies of today. • T apered Pixie with Layered Front. It’s no secret that pixies go well with many different haircuts, but an undercut seems to be the most requested option. The best thing is, you’re the one to regulate the sharpness and cleanliness of the sides, so you can go with a moderate undercut. A soft taper on the sides will nicely accentuate the top, especially if you get it a bit layered.

• Shaggy Pixie. Nothing adds more life, movement, and freedom to the cut than the good old shaggy texture does. And that’s why you won’t go wrong with some messy shaggy layers throughout anything from a classic to a longer pixie. • Choppy Pixie. Some choppy texture is enough to add more individuality to your minimalist pixie, as well as provide your look with tons of visual volume. • Layered Long Pixie with Side Part. As the classic option that will never become outdated, a long side-parted pixie with layers is something that will nicely fit any outfit and mood while also giving you a great frame.

PAGE 23 • February 2021


• Short Crop Pixie. Edgy, short, and thick: that’s how women prefer to wear a pixie crop today! If you’re one of those who think outside the box, then don’t miss your chance to slay with this cut this year. • Glossy Side-Parted Pixie. Just like pressed Hollywood waves, the glossy sleek pixie is another classic that works for everyone, giving a fantastic elegant and feminine feel to the look. • Slicked-Back Pixie. It can be a relaxed faux hawk, super tight and shiny sleek look, or a super textured and dramatic finish on top – this year welcomes all brushed-back experiments!

Pixie Cut with Bangs: How to Find The Perfect Duo for Your Face Shape

Even though some girls still think that pixies are meant for specific face shapes, they’re the most versatile haircuts that have an approach to everyone. In fact, the same goes for bangs. The point is to find an option that perfectly complements your best features and plays up something you’d like to work on. With these essential tips in mind, you will never fail while choosing your pixie with bangs. If you’d like to conceal a broad forehead of a diamond face shape, you can try classic bangs with soft texturizing to blend with your pixie. In case you don’t want to overlap your brows while wearing straight bangs, you can try baby bangs – one of the latest trends that goes awesomely with shaggy and choppy pixies. For a heart-shaped face, side-swept fringe is the win-win choice, as its silhouette will give a nice balancing angular twist. Long faces should stay away from too short baby bangs and try a curtain fringe instead so as not to elongate the look visually. Oval and round face shapes look great with thick side bangs. By the way, this type of bangs can finish any pixie. Plus, it looks cool in many versions, including thin, choppy, and textured. For square faces, nothing works better than piecey and curtain bangs that slightly fall on the forehead but without hiding the face.


• thick gel for backswept hairstyles • texturizing serum for wet, defined looks • smoothing foam for straight curvy styles • round brush for long voluminous bangs Styling tips: If you wear a classic short pixie but want to add some textured feel to the look, make sure add some serum to your damp hair, give it a blow with a blowdryer, and then run your fingers through the top to tousle things up. To create a basic side-swept pixie cut, wash and dry your hair as you usually do it. Then, apply a pea-sized amount of pomade and distribute it throughout the top, finishing the look with a comb. For sleek looks, prep your hair with some oil-based smoothing product when it’s damp, blow-dry it till it’s almost dry, and apply some gel. If you’re into classic long bangs on an asymmetrical pixie or pixie bob, you will need to smoothen the hair when it’s damp, then blow-dry it with a round brush. For the classy beachy look, simply apply some spray to your clean hair and give it some movement with your fingers. There’s no wonder why pixie cuts are so popular with women of all ages. And now that you know how variously you can spice it up with bangs, things are getting even more interesting! Today, you’ve learned all the tips you need to rock a perfect duo of a pixie with bangs, so if you’ve been waiting for a reason to experiment, that’s it!



ONONDAGA NATION ARENA 4000 State Rt.11 Onondaga Nation via Nedrow, NY

How to Style a Pixie Cut with Bangs?

While there’s nothing easier than styling a pixie, knowing a couple of styling tricks will not only save you some time but also help you master your favorite looks and styles.

Best products to use: • texturizing spay for unkempt beachy styles • soft-matte pomade for casual side-swept looks

We are currently closed, but please see our social media and website for future upcoming events.

4000 State RT. 11, Nedrow NY • 315.498.6813

PAGE 24 • February 2021


Word on the Street by Bill McClellan

D-Day – De Oppresso Liber

Around her Neck she Wore a Yellow Ribbon


home owners to want to improve their holdings and as it restores the American intent to 15 square blocks it will honor the blood of our heroes. This is a crucial matter. Please, bring yourself up to date. Go to Word on the Street tablehopping. com. I can be reached at Please see my December 2020 and January and February 2021


This effort is right, it is American, it is workable, it will remove demons from the streets of this area, it will provide a blueprint for expansion, it will improve the economic viability of the area, it will make the area safe, it will show residents and users care and hope, it will beautify, it will improve infrastructure, it will create safety, it will cause land and


during these difficult times!

articles. This is the third installment on a threepart series that offers a workable way to fix this city. There must be a birthplace that sets the example. December is the opening. February will be D-Day. The January issue is “THE PLAN”. It shows you how, using Special Forces mindset and technique, to begin a process to rescue an entire City. The area of current concern is referred to as the Village. A Village where extreme evil and cruelty thrives just below the veneer of the broken sidewalks and streets has been selected. Success in this village will show you that we have no lack of ability in this City. All you need is to be inspired. It is the hearts and minds of the Police and all that lead. We need to place the love of our fellow man, the love of right, and our love for this Shining City in the forefront of our thinking. We need to whistle or hum the Star-Spangled Banner and Battle Hymn of the Republic. Within the ensuing chills is the heart of good and decency and equality and compassion and justice and fairness. Within the ensuing chills is the heart of the finest that humans can be. Within the ensuing chills lies the heart of real Americans. Within the ensuing chills lie the reasoning that makes you know I am right. Let’s do this. Strategies are laid out in “The Plan” (word on the street, January 2021 issue. The Plan is crucial. It details strategy. This column – D-Day is implementation and final procedures.

PAGE 25 • February 2021



that stormed the Beaches at Normandy is watching. With pride and expertise, the elite Re-Cap: In early November a young 90-pound heroin addict conned a few drug within each City department moves in and the Village begins to change. dealers out of around $20.00 worth of dope. They found her and beat her. They As soon as the Police give the “all clear” the City moves in. Each department implements blackened her eyes and bruised her face and body. They found her a few days later. She strategically designed elite and professional plans as indicated in ‘THE PLAN”. On the had no money. They beat her senseless, dragging her in the street by the hair, scraping first day enormous transformation is underway. The flurry and bruising her body. They did some more work beating of activity will be quickly noticed and curiosity followed her face. While searching for her I found a young girl, 16 at by hope will flow through the Village. Flyers should best, scary strung out in the yard of a drug den. Another, be distributed to each resident, property owner and owned and used, body and soul by the filth of the streets. business explaining that the brazen drug problem has You could find them on Butternut and Highland and been removed from their community. No longer will the scattered throughout the village. In early October my drug windows be open, nor will lurking vehicles serve as friend had open heart surgery replacing a heart valve. delivery systems for drugs, nor will the street trade exist. She also had a punctured lung. That she survived these Violators will be arrested immediately and prosecuted. beatings is a miracle. Currently she has water on her heart Clearly indicate that all forms of drug activity are over. and lungs. (If anyone reading this has any influence in the There will be no leniency for drug dealers. Also explain that Justice Center, please insure her medical attention.) She is my friend. I need for something to happen to this vile continued on pg 26 inhumanity. And the City needs to decide that this ugly, vile, evil, thriving in every neighborhood, under a veneer THANK YOU FOR VOTING US BEST IN CNY FOR ZUMBA! of looking the other way, is unacceptable. This is not an isolated story, “by any means.” The first area to rid of this evil is fittingly where she was beaten.

“With stunning efficiency, every drug dealer living in the Village or that lives elsewhere and has been selling within the Village borders is arrested.”



The “PLAN” laid out in the January issue is implemented. Shock and Awe. The finest Cops in America move in. With stunning efficiency, every drug dealer living in the Village or that lives elsewhere and has been selling within the Village borders is arrested. By nightfall drug dealers are in shock and behind bars. The evil that flourished with ease, daily desecrating the minds of Village citizens is excised with precision and expertise. Shock and Awe. The brazen cruel are quickly removed. An invigorated City, tired of human pain, and social and economic decline and the cruel complacency that has smothered American cities moves in. Fully engaged and with the spirit of Americans. Fully aware that every soldier




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PAGE 26 • February 2021



D-Day continued from pg 25 beauty in your heart that we too seldom bring to the fight. a special project is underway in their neighborhood and it is now safe and improvements If you move forward with “heart” and esprit décor, born from awakening what you know are underway to insure a wholesome safe life for their children. Ask them to participate has been absent and make the decision to free this city of evil and scourge and abuse you and improve each property. Let them know that hope has arrived and a better day has will be engaging what it is to be not just a Green Beret but to be an American that makes begun. With drug dealers instantly gone, and clear beautification and infrastructure proud the unequaled intent of this land. improvements clearly underway, residents will see that hope is becoming reality and that So, I say to you, seek out our heroes and our music. Allow the spirit of this land and the the years of their lives do not have to be passed surrounded by evil and the resulting swill. chills of greatness to flow. Give yourself a crisp salute and implement this plan. This Village within the city of Syracuse, New York bounded by Lodi, Butternut, Huntley It was June 5th 1944. Five Star General Dwight D. Eisenhower, Supreme Commander of Highland and James is liberated. the Allied Expeditionary Force was addressing troops. The following day they would storm I hope I can show you how to think like a Green Beret. Sure, there is exemplary the Beaches of Normandy and literally begin the process to save the world. Eisenhower training. But what makes the finest, not just of a Green Beret, but “all” of good will, is was among the 101st Airborne when he asked a group of “heart and decency” born of the love for others and the soldiers how they were doing. One of the soldiers shouted values that keep us safe. It is mighty revulsion toward out: “No problem General, we will take care of this little those that harm others. And a strong belief in De matter for you.” Those words spoken in the calm that often Oppresso Liber. (To Liberate the Oppressed) It is an espritprecedes the great storm of battle, represented the heart of decor born of such values with spine tingling belief in the the finest and bravest Army ever to assemble. It was time intent of this land. It is strong desire to walk tall protecting to free the oppressed. A pursuit to rid the world of pure evil. what is good. And in so doing, failure or poor results are Omaha, Sword, Juno, Gold and Utah. The landing beaches not acceptable. It is these values that flow through the at Normandy. The reports came in. After intense battle on system of a Green Beret when they hear the spine-tingling D-Day, June 6th, 1944 these beaches the Canadians broke through at Gold, The music of this great land or when they read the poem “In British at Juno, the Americans at Utah. The Americans were Flanders Fields” or hear of, or do, the deeds of those that died for America. It is giving value to the countless kids, many still teens, bleeding out on pinned down on Omaha, men dying like flies, body parts flying everywhere, but they were Americans. The bravest men on earth got up and stormed and killed and died, and then foreign battlefields with their insides in their hands. It is being what they died for. “If ye again, the bravest men on earth got up and stormed and killed and died, until they made break faith with us who die, we shall not sleep.” it to the Germans and then they killed. Alone at home she pushed her baby carriage… So, when I write about a workable plan to fix 15 square blocks and prepare a blueprint to rid this City of neglect and evil heartless predators, any hesitancy on the part of anyone These men are watching you read this final part of the plan. They are wondering what you are going to do to 15 blocks of sidewalk where their granddaughters bodies are often flesh is born of the absence of living with the spirit it takes to fight for what is right. I am for evil men. On the land they hallowed with their blood, and their futures and their sacred asking the Mayor and the Council, the Police and the Sheriffs and every City department bodies and the finest bravery of eons. employee to whistle or hum the Battle Hymn. Feel the strength and the courage and D-Day is and should be June 6th. The white crosses will stir. They will be watching.

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PAGE 27 • February 2021


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PAGE 28 • February 2021



Sports Take by Mike Lindsley

Q and A with Matt Michael I caught-up with longtime baseball writer Matt Michael on covering the Syracuse Chiefs for two decades, reporting on Baseball Hall of Fame Induction Weekend every year since 1990, covering seven World Series, the state of the game and more. ML: You covered the Syracuse Chiefs for a long time. What do you remember most about that time? MM: It’s hard to believe now, but I covered the Chiefs – and SkyChiefs, remember them? – for 20 years, from MacArthur Stadium to P&C Stadium and now NBT Bank Stadium and from the Blue Jays through the Nationals. It was fun covering the no-brainer major leaguers from the Chiefs like Roy Halladay and Carlos Delgado, and being able to write stories about opponents like Derek Jeter and Chipper Jones. But I think the most fun was seeing guys who weren’t big prospects get called up to the majors. One of those moments that really stand out was in the early 90s, when Rob Butler, who was from Ontario, Canada, got called up to Toronto, his favorite

team as a kid. There were rumors he was going to get called up and he got the call during a Chiefs game and he was choking back tears as he was walking from the field to the clubhouse at old MacArthur Stadium, which was located down the right-field line. The fans were aware of it, too, and gave him a nice ovation. ML: You have covered World Series after World Series and Hall of Fame Induction after Hall of Fame Induction. Does a year stand out on either side? MM: For the World Series, it would have to be 2001 after 9/11. President Bush throwing out the first pitch before Game 3, the comebacks and dramatic home runs in Games 4 and 5, Mr. November, the “Paul O’Neill” chants...I still get goose bumps thinking about those three days. For the Hall of Fame inductions, you and I have had many, many great times going to Cooperstown and every one is special. But if I had to pick one, it would probably be the 1991 election, but not because of the inductees (Rod Carew, Gaylord Perry and Ferguson Jenkins). That year – and I’m almost positive it was the only year it happened since I’ve been covering the inductions – Joe DiMaggio and Ted Williams were both there as they were honored for the 50th anniversary of DiMaggio’s 56-game hitting streak and Williams being the last player to hit .400. My father, Steve, was a high school/semipro/college umpire, and his idol continued on pg 30

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PAGE 29 • February 2021


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March 6

February 5

Turning Stone Casino, Verona

Average Joe’s Beernasium, Baldwinsville

February 6

Symphoria Kids: The Science of Sound • 10:30 am Virtual event

February 11 KennaDee

Average Joe’s Beernasium, Baldwinsville

February 13

Symphoria Pops: A De-Lovely Valentine’s Day • 7:30-9:15 pm Inspiration Hall, Syracuse Virtual event

February 20

Moody Mozart • 7:30 pm Crouse Hinds Concert Theater, Syracuse

February 26 Johnny Rivers

The Vine Theater At Del Lago Resort & Casino, Waterloo

Ronnie Milsap • 8 pm

March 6

The Listening Room at 443 Cafe & Lounge, Syracuse


Lee Dewyze • 7:30 pm

Everson Museum of Art, Syracuse

March 6

February 4

The Oncenter Carrier Theater, Syracuse

Everson Museum of Art, Syracuse Virtual event

Not Fade Away • 7:30 pm

Free Virtual Sake Tasting • 6-7 pm


February 9, 16 & 23

February 2-March 16 Watercolor Explorations

February 27 Beth Hart

Turning Stone Resort, Verona

February 27

Our Town

Syracuse Stage, Syracuse Virtual evenT



Syracuse Stage, Syracuse Virtual evenT


February 4

Celebrating Life Through Cooking & Music • 6-8 pm

Meet the Artist: Live Zoom Session with Diane L. Menzies • 10-11am Baltimore Woods, Marcellus Virtual event

February 4-April 3

Everson Community Plaza

Woodlands and Water: Art Gallery at Baltimore Woods Baltimore Woods, Marcellus

Thru February 7

From Domestic to Divine: Andean Ceramics from the Permanent Collection

March 6

Lacey McKinney: Reconfiguration

The State Theatre of Ithaca, Ithaca


at Clemson

Everson Museum of Art, Syracuse

Almost Queen • 8 pm

Syracuse Stage, Syracuse Virtual evenT

February 12

Michael Carbonaro Live! • 8-9:30pm Del Lago Resort & Casino, Waterloo

Yoga Play

February 6

Thru February 27

Auburn Public Theater, Auburn Virtual event


Schweinfurth Memorial Art Center, Auburn Virtual event

February 27

David Bromberg Quintet

Tech Studio: Podcasting for the People • 7-8:30 pm


Onondaga Free Library, Syracuse Virtual event

Dirtroad Ruckus (full band) • 6-9 pm Average Joe’s Beernasium, Baldwinsville

Thru May 9

The Floating Bridge: Postmodern and Contemporary Japanese Ceramics

What Happened: Luis Arnias, Simon Liu, and Zhou Tao Exhibition • 7:30 pm-12:00 am

February 27


Syracuse’s Most Most Trusted Trusted DJ DJ Service Service Syracuse’s

Stay Safe and Healthy from our family at

Dirtroad Ruckus Duo • 6-9pm

Hospice of Central New York, Liverpool Virtual event

February 21

The Great Upstate Snow Game • 11 am-5 pm

Manlius Swan Pond Fields, Manlius

February 22

Homemade Fettuccine, Ravioli and Tortellini (Vince’s Sauce Included ) • 5:30-7:30 pm Vince’s Gourmet Imports, North Syracuse


February 3-6

Roald Dahl’s Charlie & The Chocolate Factory • 7:30 & 2 pm

Thru February 28

Landmark Theatre, Syracuse

Everson Museum of Art, Syracuse

Twilight: Los Angeles, 1992


Syracuse Stage, Syracuse Virtual event

Deadline is february 22nd for the march issue

SU Men’s Basketball • 2:00 pm

February 9

SU Men’s Basketball • 6:30 pm at NC State

February 13

SU Men’s Basketball • 2:00 pm vs. Boston College

February 17

SU Men’s Basketball • 6:30 pm at Louisville

February 20

SU Men’s Basketball • 2:00 pm vs. Notre Dame

February 22

SU Men’s Basketball • 7:00 pm at Duke

February 27

SU Men’s Basketball • 12:00 pm at Georgia Tech

PAGE 30 • February 2021



Murcer at length a few years before he died and it was becoming clear during the interview that I was a fan. I confessed that when I found out that he had been traded was Ted Williams. Before (after the 1974 season, when I was 11), I went to my room and cried. So Murcer looks at his health declined, my me and says, “So did I, Matt, so did I.” A special moment with my all-time favorite player father would go with me on that I’ll never forget. induction day and that was ML: When did you become a Yankee fan? a once-in-a-lifetime day to MM: I grew up in the Lehigh Valley area of Pennsylvania, about 90 miles from the spend with him. George Washington Bridge and 60 miles from Philly. So, I could have gone either way, but ML: I will give you two I have an older brother and sister who were Yankees fans and one of them, or maybe both, names that mean a lot to went on a bus trip to a game and brought me back one of those plastic Yankees batting you. Thurman Munson. helmets. I was maybe 8 or 9 at the time and that was it, I was hooked. I eventually put a Bobby Murcer. Go. number one on the back of the MM: When Munson helmet, for Murcer. died, one of the ways I ML: Is baseball in trouble? handled the grief was to MM: I think baseball is often its write a story about him, own worst enemy. The length of which I still have. I guess the game issue is a good example. you could say it was the There’s so much emphasis on the first serious story I ever time of game, but not on how the wrote. One of the things game is being played. So if we I put in there was that shave five minutes off the current Thurman Munson Bobby Murcer I wondered how Jerry product and the average time of Narron, Munson’s backup, game goes from three hours to 2:55, felt about it, especially that is that going to entice younger fans? It’s ridiculous. The fans who don’t want to sit through first night when they left the catcher’s position empty as the players took the field at three hours won’t want to sit through 2:55. That issue needs a much deeper dive. Yankee Stadium. When I was covering the Chiefs, Narron was managing in Rochester ML: You are MLB commissioner. What do you fix first? and I asked if he could talk about Munson. He declined at first, then returned five MM: Getting back to the time of game example, the reason that games drag on minutes later and we talked for 45 minutes about Munson. is that many at-bats end in either a strikeout or walk. With the shifts and most teams As for Murcer, younger fans like you might be able to relate to this – for a young focusing on launch angles and home runs, that is to be expected. I guess the first Yankees fan in the early 1970s, he was our Don Mattingly. The team wasn’t very good, question is, is that what fans really want? If the answer is no (that would be my answer), but you always had Murcer and Munson to root for. I had the pleasure of interviewing then let’s not put lipstick on a pig and keep expanding the playoffs and making major rule changes to try to generate interest and make up for the long games. Let’s take a serious look at what realistically can be done to put more action back in the game so the product, from the first pitch to the last, is more exciting. ML: Derek Jeter. 2020 HOF. Didn’t happen and we know why. What made Derek Jeter....Derek Jeter? MM: I think what really set Derek Jeter apart is what sets apart many of the winningest players and coaches – they hate to lose more than they want to win. All players and coaches at any level want to win, but do they really hate to lose? Michael Jordan, Tom Brady, Kobe, Jeter, I think they are driven as much by not losing as they are by winning. ML: Give my readers an update of what you are doing now? MM: I’m working at Syracuse University in media relations and internal communications, so I’m still involved with writing, editing and working with the local and national media. I enjoy going to the SU games as a fan now and I’m looking forward to getting back in the renovated Dome. ML: Matt, thank you. You know how much I respect your baseball knowledge and you help set the standard in media. Be well and continued success. I am proud to call you a great friend. MM: Thank you, Mike, for chatting with me and right back at you! I rely on your podcasts to keep me up to date in the sports world and I look forward to when you, me and our friend Rocco can get back to Cooperstown, get slices at New York Pizzeria, and debate that year’s Hall of Fame class. Q & A continued from pg 28

Mike Lindsley is the host of the ML Sports Platter Podcast and has been in sports media for 20 years. Follow him on Twitter @ MikeLSports.


PAGE 31 • February 2021


Exercise & Fitness by Jennifer Nastasi Guzelak

Stay Committed to Achieve Your Goals Do you complain about not achieving your goals? Do you gripe about all the obstacles and problems that make it so difficult? One thing most people don’t want to accept is that their weight is a reflection of their daily habits. Many people; especially when it comes to getting in shape and losing weight never really fully commit. What they see as a “commitment” is nothing more than the act of merely being “interested” in doing something. When you are committed to something, you have a very clear idea of what lies ahead on your journey; the sacrifices you must make; the resources you must acquire; and how you’re going to respond to the challenges that you will face along the way. With commitment comes a single-minded purpose, improved ability to spot opportunities, and the impetus to take more risks on your journey. To get things started, you must first recognize the difference between a commitment and the act of merely being interested in something. When you’re simply interested in something you have no clear path as to how you will achieve your desired outcome. If I am interested in doing a group fitness class, it’s not the same thing as actually scheduling the appointment, showing up and taking the class. Following through makes all the difference in the world. Before you start your fitness journey, there are a few really important questions you need to ask yourself. Why do you want this? Why specifically do

“You are what you do, not what you say you’ll do. Your commitment to reaching your fitness gals in not measured by your words.”

you want this right now? What are the benefits of having this in your life? Take a few minutes to really think about it and answer these questions honestly! Now, you’re ready to begin.

Here are 5 Essential Truths to Empower You to Make Unwavering Commitments • Commitment is demonstrated by action. You are what you do, not what you say you’ll do. Your commitment to reaching your fitness goals is not measured by your words. If it were, a lot of us would have a whole lot more accomplished by now. The real progress of commitment is demonstrated by the consistent actions you take daily. For example, if you want to lose weight, it is necessary to commit to a daily exercise and eating plan that you will follow faithfully.

continued on pg 32

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PAGE 32 • February 2021



• Commitment can be measured over time. If you want to see how committed you are to a goal, measure your progress along the way. Document your goal with specific dates that you want to accomplish certain tasks. After a couple of months, review your progress and see how you measure up. If you set a goal to lose ten pounds, check your goal sheet periodically to see where your stand. If after a couple of months, you’re at the same place or you’ve gained a few pounds, you need to take a step back and reevaluate your commitment to reaching your goal. Have you set a goal you never had any intentions on truly achieving? Maybe you just need to revisit your “reason why.”

Stay Committed continued from pg 31 • Commitment determines what is worth putting to rest. It’s important that you put to rest the things that are keeping you from making lasting commitments. Life happens and there are many obstacles that will stand in your way. When you expect these road blocks and make a plan to face them head on, you will make the progress you need to accomplish your goals. • Commitment originates in the heart. When confronted with a challenge, the committed heart will search for a solution. The undecided heart searches for an escape. Commitment doesn’t occur because you dream about doing something great or you see someone accomplishing awesome things. These are of course good tools to inspire and encourage you, but true commitment originates in the heart of a person that desires to achieve something of significance. An unwavering commitment to your vision that rests deep in your heart will push you towards victory even under adverse circumstances. You won’t let anyone or anything detour your progress. You won’t let any outside source get in your way. You won’t allow failure and doubt to discourage your journey.

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APRIL 2013




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• Commitment opens the door for opportunities. Commitment is what makes success possible. If you commit to do whatever it takes to make your vision a reality the doors of opportunity will open. The doors will be opened to those who are bold enough to knock! A lot of people commit to achieving a goal for a while, but if they don’t achieve it fast enough, they give up. With success comes great strength and great satisfaction. You will feel empowered because you have followed through with something you may have otherwise walked away from in the past. Don’t forfeit doors of opportunity opening in your life because things aren’t going your way. Don’t walk away from a potential win because you feel like you may lose. Don’t settle for failure because you blew it yesterday! Today is a new day. Embrace it and make the most of it.

In Conclusion

No matter where you are in life, you must decide to live up to your current commitments. When you do, the doors of opportunity will open and you will find success in all that you do. It’s not always going to be a smooth ride to success. There will be obstacles along the way. Things that used to work may stop working. People who said they would support your vision may not. Promises you made to yourself may be broken. This doesn’t mean you should throw in the towel! It just means that you need to recalibrate your life to get back on the right path to living out your commitments. The only impossible journey is the one you never begin. The future depends on what you do today. When you make a commitment to achieve your health and fitness goals you are making an important decision to indefinitely pursue one clear path towards your desired destination. Remember, an inch of movement will bring you closer to your goals than a mile of intention. I have been a personal trainer for over eighteen years and I absolutely love what I do. I honestly feel that I have one of the best jobs out there! The most rewarding part of my profession is helping one of my clients succeed at reaching their personal fitness goals. Making a difference in someone’s life makes it all worthwhile. I am currently certified by the National Sports Conditioning Association, Apex Fitness Group, and the International Sports Science Association.

“The future depends on what you do today.”

PAGE 33 • February 2021



Golf by article city

Why Quarantine or Social Distancing Might Finally Be Your Reason to Buy That Golf Simulator Setup You’ve Been Wanting This is certainly a stressful time for Americans. Hardly a conversation or headline goes by that doesn’t leave us with an impending sense of doom. The markets are down, supplies are limited, and on and on. Your phone is constantly flooded with worried friends and family texting you the latest. You can sit for hours refreshing news pages only to have the headlines get more and more dooming. You start to think to yourself – I need

to take a break from this information overload. And what better way to get away from it all than a round of golf? Although few sports require players to be as far apart as golf does, common areas like clubhouses, golf carts, flag sticks, and so on, all present opportunities for social contact. In addition, the average age of a golfer, depending on the club, means golf courses attract a demographic at higher risk.

The Good News

The silver lining to all this is you might have just finally found your excuse to buy that golf simulator setup you’ve been wanting. Golf simulators are all-inclusive kits designed to replicate a game of golf from the


FEATURING: Amano’s, Avicolli’s, Camillus Country Club, Fish Cove, Inn Between, Munjeds, Pastas on the Green, Santangelo’s, plus many more!

GET 50% OFF G if t Ce r t i fi c ate s New deals every Monday!

Supplies are limited. Your gift certificate will be sent to you via USPS mail.


continued on pg 34


–3-COURSE BREAKFAST– PAGE 34 • February 2021 •



Golf Simulator Setup continued from pg 33

–Alexis Smith–

was our lucky winner of a nights stay at

comfort and safety of your own home. If you’re lucky, you have a friend who already has one set up in a garage or spare room and you’ve been able to test out just how fun these systems are. You might be surprised at just how convenient it is to skip the car ride, attire etiquette, golf carts, weather, (GERMS), and so on, and simply practice your shot.

Social Distancing And Quarantine

Over the past several months you’ve probably become acutely aware of how many people you come in contact with just in getting from your home to the tee box. Hardly a moment goes by where we aren’t reminded to AVOID CROWDS and STAY INSIDE as much as possible. Americans are looking ahead and wondering – Do I have a much longer stretch of time at home coming up? What will we continue to do when we find ourselves with even more hours and days of free time at home and laws restricting our escape? That golf simulator setup is starting to sound pretty good now, isn’t it? (Just don’t forget to add “favorite golf beverage” to your list of supplies to purchase!)

Bed & Breakfast


APRIL 2013


Congratulations Alexis!

Mrs. Joanne Vaughn

As is often the case with technology – what you pay for is what you get. While there is a golf simulator for just about every budget out there, the accuracy, function, and ultimately, fun of use improves greatly with increasing price. With a downright chaotic market, investors are looking at other options for their money. Now, we’re not saying you should think of a golf simulator as an investment of money (while certainly it is for fun and entertainment), it is arguably a better place for your cash than a nosediving economy. After cruising along in a cushy bull market for the past 11 years, it may have been a harder argument to make a hefty investment in sports and entertainment when that money put in the market was producing such fatty returns. But times are different now. We’re entering a new age. And you may have just found the arguments needed to allow yourself this one glimmer of sunshine during these gloomy days.

was our Lucky Winner for the

Night on the Town Contest! She chose the EUCLID for dinner! WITH CENTRAL NEW YORK

Photo does not represent actual winners.

TruGolf Vista 12 Golf Simulator

PAGE 35 • February 2021




Optishot 2 Practice Golf Simulator

So You’re Ready To Go For It Option 1 – All The Bells And Whistles You don’t even want to think about it. You’re ready to make the leap and you want the full setup. You want everything to work perfectly and you want to swing away into simulator bliss for months and years to come. We get it. If you’re ready for the most comprehensive, realistic, and customizable experience available, you want the TruGolf Vista 12 Golf Simulator. With bright, beautiful graphics and seamless club and ball data on every swing, you’ll get back every penny you invested into this baby. Get ready to be the envy of your pals as they spend their quarantine days playing golf games on their phones while you improve your game swing by swing. Option 2 – I’m Ready For Everything But The Price Tag If you’re ready to have something shipped fast (from within the US) and set up even faster (less than one hour), then you’re ready for the Optishot 2 Practice Golf Simulator Package. As long as you already have a computer with standard computing abilities, then this package has everything you need to spend the next months quaranTEEing off from the safety and comfort of your own home. The OptiShot 2 simulator provides crisp swing and ball shot accuracy, allowing a virtual experience as close to the real game as you could ever hope to get. The simulator includes 15 standard courses and fun games to play to improve your skills. Note – if you want to hook up to your TV, be sure to check your computer for the specific cable needed, likely an HDMI or Mini DisplayPort.

“But if you’re going to be holed up for months, our best bet is you’ll take whatever you can get..”

In Conclusion

We know nothing will ever replicate the grass under your feet, the breeze on your face, and the constantly changing conditions and factors that make the game of golf one of the best in the world. But if you’re going to be holed up for months, our best bet is you’ll take whatever you can get. The current situation has no doubt affected every one of us in some way or another, and our thoughts and prayers are with those on the front lines and with those who have lost a loved one. During these hard times it can be easy to slip into a pessimistic attitude of doom and gloom, so why not find something positive amidst the chaos and uncertainty? As golf enthusiasts, we know there are many analogies between the game itself and the life that happens off the course. We know that when hope seems in short supply, the best thing to do is just keep swinging.

Brown’s Sauerbraten Ingredients

from Joan M. Brown

4 lbs. eye of round beef roast 2 tbsp. salt 2 tsp. black pepper ¾ cup sugar 2 cups apple cider vinegar 3 qts. cold water 4 onions, cut into chunks

20-22 Nabisco Gingersnaps 1 tsp. pickling spice blend 2 bay leaves 1/8 tsp. red pepper 1 cup ketchup Flour, enough to thicken gravy Egg noodles

Directions Step 1 • Place beef, salt, black pepper, sugar, vinegar, water, onions, gingersnaps, pickling spice, bay leaves and red pepper into a large pot. Let marinate in the refrigerator for 5 days. Step 2 • On day 5, bring combined ingredients to a boil on high heat, then simmer on medium for 2 ½ hours. Step 3 • Add ketchup and cook 30 minutes longer. Step 4 • Remove meat to cool, strain the liquid and then heat the liquid; thicken to a gravy with flour. Step 5 • Cut meat into thin slices and add to the gravy. Serve on a bed of egg noodles. Prep Time: 5 days

Cook Time: 3 ½ hours

Servings: 8

PAGE 36 • February 2021





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