PAGE 13 • June 2020
Business of Interest by NANCY ROBERTS
Phoenix Sports Restaurant Thinking over how to best express the essence of the Phoenix Sports Restaurant, I realized it was this: in this challenging time, especially for restaurants, owner Mike Lattimore not only took the time to chat with me (while preparing meals for take-out and delivery), and paused for a moment during our conversation to take a call. It was a customer with an order. In a very friendly, unflustered, professional, and personable way, he took the order, offered a selection of sides, gave the customer a time for pick-up, and returned to our chat. When you consider the sheer number of offerings on the restaurant’s extensive and extremely tempting menu, and that he is chief cook and delivery person during this period, I knew in a moment I was talking to a pro - and one truly devoted to his business. The restaurant business requires special care and handling during the best of times it’s a constant juggling of skills, from the obvious like having a concept and a great menu and a fun and pleasing atmosphere, to the less visible, like ordering the food, hiring and training staff, even seeing to it that codes are met and menus are up-to-date. While restaurants and bars in New York State are limited in service during this flu season, they are by no means closed. Lattimore, while missing his regular operation, told me, “I try to look at a time like this as an opportunity to re-invent yourself, even if it’s only temporary. We’ve kept every item on our menu - and it’s a big menu - but tried to make the most of our take-out and delivery business working with a skeleton crew.” He also
Open for takeout and delivery! acknowledges that the temporary restrictions mean looking for additional ways to do business. “We offer meals delivered to 3rd shift workers, for example. We’ll deliver to them so it’s hot and fresh, even if that means 2 a.m. Right now we’re delivering to all of Schroeppel, a portion of Clay, also the BaldwinsvilleLysander area, or even further if people call ahead and we can plan on it.” Lattimore has been in the restaurant business most of his career, owning the Phoenix Sports Restaurant for the last ten years. During “normal” times, the restaurant is a casual, comfortable spot where customers can go for lunch or dinner, and expect a range of food choices from salads to steaks, fried fish to prime rib, even unusual selections like frog’s legs, liver and onions, Spanish rice and Goulash - their favorite drinks, OTB, 150 TV screens with sports of all kinds, and friendly service. “All of my staff are trained to remember our customers,” Lattimore tells me. “If they have a favorite beer, we’ll have it ready. They’re important to us, and we want them to know it.” While major event dates - like the Kentucky Derby, a big day for the restaurant - are changed or in flux right now, the location is typically known for catering
The Phoenix School District!
228 HUNTLEY ROAD Off Route 57A (Off Rt 481)
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PHOENIX, NY • 315.695.2245
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