Table Hopping June 2020

Page 16

PAGE 16 • June 2020 •



Word on the Street by BILL MCCLELLAN

America A Forlorn Democracy There are certain rules that humanity must follow for justice to be. In the United States Congress and Supreme Court, the most vital truth of them all has been absent and may well, when all is said and done, be the root cause of the end of civil society. In the midst of the finest words ever penned, “The Constitution of the United States of America” the absence of adhering guidance allowed chaos to rein. Donald Trump has brought this glaring truth to the surface: “All the Evil in Mankind needs to be the monster that it is, to be told that it can.” “Democracy: A Government by the people. Rule of the majority. A government in which the supreme power is vested in the people and exercised by them directly or indirectly through a system of representation usually involving periodically held free elections.” This is tough talk regarding our Country. It hurts to write it. But we have let the power of Patriotism keep us in the dark long enough. America has failed as a Free and Democratic Land: Voting is the heartbeat of a Democracy. Before we discuss the extremely disturbing state of our Electoral system let me give you an example: You can liken our Voting System to a horse race with rules designed to appease you

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and still allow for every form of crookedness and deceit. Say the horses are lined up, all ready to go, waiting for the gun. Now let’s review the many months preceding the race. (These things happen, even in the Triple Crown). Behind the scenes: A few of the owners met in advance and agreed upon who they thought should win. A few others schemed on their own. A few owners secretly utilized anabolic steroids and other drugs to make their horse run faster. One made a deal to lose and gave his horse too much water, another used a laxative. Another agreed to a slow start all but insuring a loss. Often trainers and owners misused medications or presented a fast horse as slow to discourage betting as they bet big when odds rose. Others gave money to competing jockeys and promises of great futures and reward if a particular horse won. Everyone on the inside knows but no one talks about it. The public is duped. Now the question is: Are you comfortable with the fairness of the outcome? Certainly not as you can clearly see it was fixed. Tragically this kind of horse racing in America is fairer than our Electoral system. Our Democracy is corrupt throughout. Simply riddled with distortion, bribery, lies and cheating. Did you ever wonder why so many inadequate politicians are around for decades? They call it the advantage of incumbency. That is all part of the con. Process is designed for this to happen. In America most elections that are won have the same effect as a coup d’etat due to electoral fraud, both legal and illegal. Gerrymandering is perhaps the most glaringly disgusting legal process in our system. This is where parties design maps within areas that contain their own voters. The goal of Gerrymandering is so the rich can decide which Republicans and which Democrats become and remain our leaders circumventing Electoral integrity. How damn blatantly corrupt can you get. This alone removes democracy and it is only the beginning. Thanks to a political and biased Supreme Court we have campaign finance law that allows Jeff Bezos of Amazon, the richest man on earth or the Coke Brothers of FOX news fame, among the richest in the world, to funnel millions at a time for candidates that support their individual thinking. The absurdity of the partisan Supreme Court, ruling that Corporations are People is beyond any measure of justice and defies their purpose for existence. Apart from extreme wealth, every other American has lost the power of their influence. The effect of a twenty-dollar donor and a million-dollar donor for influence is beyond extreme. They are eons beyond comparable consideration. Not to mention the million-dollar donor gets to decide on law. Campaign finance law alone is

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