5 minute read
The Lies of the Rest
First, I will begin with my now 40-year cry in Table Hopping. “Remove money from politics and this all goes away.”
Let’s lay down a little Congressional analogy to help frame what is happening in this land. And why George Santos is merely a loud representation of what has been going on for decades: “You are walking alone, lost, deep in an unfamiliar forest. (A bribed America) It is getting late and you can hear the sounds of nature. You have heard stories of grave danger as you have heard that wolves (Bought Politicians) have invaded and control this very forest. You are afraid. Evil people (Wealth) have been feeding the wolves for years. The wolves are fed well and they reciprocate catering to every cruel whim of their feeders. The feeders are the essence of evil. The wolves became the same. The wolves are sly, cunning and vile, and attack as directed with stealth so conceived that most victims are not sure of the origin. The feeders have an insatiable appetite to devour the forest without regard for the life that depends on it. The wolves became their evil cunning tool.”
Yet even in the animal kingdom mental illness can impair in ways that expose cunning and stealth. Such a wolf (George Santos) cannot hide their deceit and evil. It is on full display for all to see. The damage this wolf inflicts is nothing compared to the pack as his efforts are on display. His evil is clear. Much chaos ensues when such a wolf manages to become part of the pack of evil and deceit that has taken over the forest and allowed it to burn. They fear his blatant, clear, and obvious attempts at deception because he is them, out in the open, glaring and exposing the filthy underbelly roiling under their thin veneer.
George Santos is a glaring symptom of the lies and deceit of the rest, and the lies and American sacrifice they are willing to cause for their job. For them to make an example of him while ignoring themselves is the highest form of hypocrisy. Yet a hypocrisy protected by the same filthy lies and deceit fully embraced by our system of bribery. Personally, I would rather see filth on your sleeve than hidden disguised in your heart. Permeating bribery has caused fertile ground that has enormous appeal to the very worst of us in both parties. All but a few out of 535, cowardly watch and reap the greedy self-serving rewards. I will offer Webster’s definition of hypocrisy so that the full meaning of what is causing our demise is clear. Hypocrisy – A feigning to be what one is not or to believe what one does not: behavior that contradicts what one claims to believe or feel. (In short accepting bribes and doing what they are told at enormous cost to American health and life and lying to the American people about it)
I have mentioned many times, that for decades lobbyists, special interests, and corporations write their own law. They pay and what they write becomes law. Largely not even read. This is why wherever you turn you have been asking yourself “How did this happen?” From the demise of considerate, efficient and kind customer service to supporting the demise of democracy, the very thread that holds this land together, to a million pages of selfish greedy legislation in between, self-interest has won. Our quality of life, siphoned for greed. They wrote and live their own greedy law. No words describe the despicability of the leadership that has allowed this.
This is what happens to a great land with a poisoned system. When there are no rules to protect us from the human weaknesses of greed and power. “Free reign greed” is the greatest threat to the safety and health of all humanity. It fostered a system of bribery on every level. Our one hope was the Constitution, perhaps the finest document ever written. That gave way to the arbiters; the Supreme Court which is chosen and financed by Wealth. Thus, bribery clearly manipulates easy to see intent to serve their greed and power. The Supreme Court of the United States today is chosen by and saturated with wealth compliant sycophants. The processes are hidden in layers of bureaucracy so they could lie. Pure heartless politics. They do what they are told and lie about the reason. Kind of worse than George Santos.
Just to cement with unalterable truth what happens, from sea to shining sea, when you allow corruption to take hold, I offer a few representations of our utter disgrace. “Brought on by money in politics”:

Foremost, our Constitution, the intent brutalized to serve wealth. Thus, creating a government so devoid of honor and character that leaders are willing to sacrifice democracy to protect their poisoned job.
Next: As I write, at least a million lives are being cruelly emotionally raped in an ignored incorrectly designed judicial system that does not provide humane rehabilitative process. With private “for-profit” prisons leading the way “paying leaders for” regulations that fills their jails. For the naysayer, this is not about being easy on real crime. It calls for the horrific unalterable recognition that in our system an easy million people in confinement pose no threat and serve sentences incompatible with decency and justice. Their humanity ignored and abused. dispense their products, often needlessly designed for recurring us. The Sackler’s of Purdue Pharma gave us the Heroin epidemic. Their fine was a few percent of their profit as the poor and addicted rot in jails and graves. All of this is supported by your leaders for money. They made a reservation with pure evil and kept up their part of the bargain.

Next: Much of our Congress knowingly promotes lies about elections, the very heart of who we are purely to protect themselves. These people believe they are more important than the well-being of our land of 325 million. Money forces the most unworthy among us upon us. The list goes on and on and on and on.
Next: Big oil is destroying the planet. A few thousand powerful executives wise enough to keep their regulators financially appeased ensuring the absence of meaningful regulation, as doom awaits our not too far off posterity.
Next: Tobacco has been relentlessly murdering us without remorse for generations. Vapes and tobacco product advertising is deceitfully designed to reach our kids. (that is what vapes are all about – They need to kill into perpetuity to survive and they do)
Next: The same approach is pursued by pharmaceuticals. They saturate the market with useless or cruel medications. They
Then there is the most cunning manipulation of all. I mentioned perpetuity. Bribery is the most vital and essential tool that wealth has to retain power. Soft money, big money, citizens united, a Supreme Court, chosen by the wealthy saying that corporations are people and on and on. These issues are an added assortment of tools the wealthy use to cement as several pillars of law to protect bribery. Get rid of one or all of these and nothing will change. Wealth would still bribe our leaders. The only answer is to REMOVE MONEY FROM POLITICS. Clean and complete. No assortment of wealthy manipulations.
These injustices are of a severity that they disgrace humanity’s hope to be a special creature of good. They blind America’s once glowing beacon of hope. So, you see, George Santos is merely a sideline of lies among Monsters of lies. He is a minor leak in the veneer. When you peak through you are blinded by the glare of staggering evil.