TFC Activities Report 2014

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Facilitating sustainable prosperity

Activities Report | 2011 – 2014

This document outlines the initiatives delivered by Tablelands Futures Corporation’s (TFC) for the last 3 years and the vision for the Atherton Tablelands region over the next 5 years in accordance with the Strategic Plan 2012 – 2017. These priorities have been identified during the course of consultation with business, local government and community organisations.

Table of Contents

Executive Summary ................................................................................................................................ 2 Statistics.................................................................................................................................................. 2 Strategic Activity .................................................................................................................................... 3 Atherton Tablelands Economic & Investment Information ................................................................ 3 Catalytic Infrastructure Project ........................................................................................................... 3 TIMBA (Tablelands Integrated Mountain Bike Alliance) ..................................................................... 4 GSD & TFC Small Business eNewsletter .............................................................................................. 4 Combined Chambers Forums.............................................................................................................. 5 Aged Care Strategy.............................................................................................................................. 5 TFC Website ........................................................................................................................................ 5 Atherton Tablelands Chamber of Commerce ..................................................................................... 6 TNQ Regional Economic Plan .............................................................................................................. 6 Regional Transport Issues ................................................................................................................... 6 Far North Queensland Regional Branding Project .............................................................................. 6 NBN Tablelands Taskforce .................................................................................................................. 6 Small Business Advisory Service – Natural Disaster Assistance .......................................................... 7 Corporate Activity .................................................................................................................................. 8 Board of Directors & Resources .......................................................................................................... 8 Ex-Officio & Stakeholder Representatives .......................................................................................... 8 Governance ......................................................................................................................................... 8 Funding ............................................................................................................................................... 9 Opportunities ......................................................................................................................................... 9

Tablelands Futures Corporation | Activities Report

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Executive Summary Tablelands Futures Corporation (TFC) is the peak regional development body for the Atherton Tablelands. It is a not-for-profit entity limited by guarantee. Strategic Goal:

The Atherton Tablelands has a thriving and sustainable economy.

Strategic Objectives:

1. 2. 3.

Greater economic return on the region’s assets. Increased business and industry growth and diversification. Increased employment and training opportunities (quantity and range)

Both historically and at present TFC has always aimed to work in partnership with local government – strategically and operationally. It is in addition to, not in place of, Council Economic Development staff and activities. TFC adds value by:    

Business and Industry involvement and input via Directors Ability to access funding not available to Councils Independent project delivery Maintains links with key stakeholders outside the region

With significant changes occurring on local, regional and global levels across all areas, and the extensive opportunities that are available for our region, now more than ever we have the need for a regionally focused organisation, supported by all levels of Government and Industry, which can continue to identify opportunities, support our businesses and work for the benefit of all concerned.

Statistics 

   

Gross Regional Product (GRP) for 2011/12 for the Atherton Tablelands region is estimated to be $1,906 million, which equates to 0.71% of Queensland’s overall Gross Production. Worker Productivity for the Atherton Tablelands is estimated to be $100,900 which is comparatively below the state average of $116,800. It is however, in line with another largely agricultural industry area the Burdekin, which has an average of $100,701 ( 2013) and above that of the neighbouring Cairns region ($98,391). $100,900 Work Productivity (GRP/worker) $19,090 Labour force $4,745 Number of Businesses 520,000 visitors

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Strategic Activity Atherton Tablelands Economic & Investment Information Deliverable: To produce a publication includes a review of industry profiles; an economic profile of the region and a resource audit. A report designed to be a comprehensive yet succinct overview of the Tablelands regional economy and not a repeat of the documents and reports which have come before it. The report is to develop the narrative and competitive advantages of the Atherton Tablelands in order to position the region as an attractive place to live, work, visit, do business and invest. The report considers the region’s economic, social and natural asset values. Outcome: “Our Economy, Our Future – 2013 Atherton Tablelands Economic Snapshot and Industry Profile” publication launched in December 2013 and is available on the website –

Catalytic Infrastructure Project Deliverable: To develop a tool to rate potential projects and facilitate discussions and education on catalytic infrastructure projects. Outcome:  2013 – Roundtable forum with the region’s key stakeholders to discuss Catalytic Infrastructure projects. This forum was facilitated by Robert Prestipino, Vital Places.  2013 – Engagement of Robert Prestipino, Vital to develop a tool to rate potential projects and work with the TFC Catalytic Infrastructure working group to test the tool on 3 of the region’s top priority projects. Project Ongoing

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TIMBA (Tablelands Integrated Mountain Bike Alliance) TIMBA, a sub-committee of Tablelands Futures Corporation with the vision to develop the Atherton Tablelands as a world-class mountain biking destination. Deliverable: To secure funding to obtain the necessary reports including concept plans and trail mapping for the construction of world class mountain bike trails and to engage with stakeholders and the community for support for the vision to develop and promote the region as a world class mountain bike destination. Outcome:  2011 – Atherton Tablelands Mountain Bike Trails Concept Plan by World Trails *  2011 – Atherton Tablelands A Mountain Biking Destination report, by Daffyd Davis *  2012 – Bike Trails on the Atherton Tablelands, by Firescape Science (Trail Mapping) *  2012 – Business Development Pack (community engagement) *  2012 – Development of website * * Funding received under the Department of Employment, Economic Development and Innovation (DEEDI) Queensland Regional Development initiative.)  2012 – $250,000 investment by Queensland Government National Parks, Sport and Recreation for the construction of world class trails for the Herberton Range State Forest (Atherton Forest Mountain Bike Park)  2013 - $2,471,000 Funding secured under the Regional Development Australia round three for further construction of trails at Atherton Forest Mountain Bike Park.  2013 - $50,000 funding secured from Tablelands Regional Council for mountain bike trail construction equipment for Mareeba Mountain Goats to develop further trails at Little Transfield, Dinden State Forest (Davies Creek Mountain Bike Park).  2013 – The 2013 Subaru Mountain Bike Australian Marathon Championships was held at the Atherton Forest Mountain Bike Park.  2014 – The 2014 Real Insurance XCM Series race 4 was held at the Atherton Forest Mountain Bike Park in conjunction with the second round of the USI Mountain Bike World Cup in Cup 26th & 27th April. Project Ongoing

GSD & TFC Small Business eNewsletter Deliverable: In partnership with Gulf Savannah Development, to develop a regular GSD & TFC eNewsletter distributed electronically. Outcome: Over 500 subscribers including 49% Tablelands Businesses. Project ongoing

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Combined Chambers Forums Deliverable: To coordinate forums for representatives from our Chambers of Commerce and Business Organisations to network and brainstorm key issues affecting the region. Outcome:  April 2012 forum – “How to Prepare for the Digital Economy” Guest Speaker – Wally Donaldson, Broadband Development, (Department of Employment Economic Development and Innovation) Link to presentation – NBN and the Digital Economy 

November 2011 forum – “Explore how Government can assist the Tablelands Business Community” facilitated by Margaret Darveniza, Advance Cairns Link to forum notes/outcomes – 2011 TFC Combined Chambers Forum

Project ongoing

Aged Care Strategy The Tablelands Retirement and Aged Care Facilities Action Group was formed in July 2009 in response to community concern and call for more retirement accommodation and aged care facilities in the Tablelands Region, Far North Queensland. The aim of the Group is to attract investment in retirement-village style development and aged care facilities on the Tablelands by showing substantial and detailed evidence of demand for this type of accommodation in the local community. Workshops and questionnaires were conducted to provide the evidence to potential investors of the need. This project is ongoing as interest from developers’ increases. Project ongoing

TFC Website Tablelands Futures Corporation website – – received a complete rebuild in early 2011. The objective of this website is to provide accurate information of the key economic issues of the region as well as lifting the profile of the region and Tablelands Futures Corporation. Outcome:  Website visitors - July 2011 to June 2012 – 982 - July 2012 to June 2013 – 1,326 - July 2013 to April 2014 - 1,076 (10 months) Project ongoing

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Atherton Tablelands Chamber of Commerce In April 2011, Tablelands Futures Corporation organised and facilitated a public meeting to gather support for the ‘rebirth’ of the Atherton Chamber of Commerce. This was well attended and an interim executive committee was appointed during this meeting. Tablelands Futures Corporation pledged 70 hours of administration support for the Atherton Chamber to assist with setting up the Chamber. The intent behind this was to assist in establishing governance, procedures, templates etc. to effectively run the organization and allow clear direction for the Committee members. Total hours contributed to date is at 45 hours. Outcome:      

June 2011 Annual General Meeting Monthly members functions Development of website – Blue Print for the Bush grant funding to co-ordinate workshops on alternative funding 2011/12 69 Financial Members March 2012 Annual General Meeting

TNQ Regional Economic Plan Tablelands Futures Corporation were involved with and provided input into the TNQ Regional Economic Plan compiled by Advance Cairns and Regional Development Australia. In July 2011, Tablelands Futures Corporation endorsed the TNQ Regional Economic Plan this report was one of the key documents in developing Tablelands Futures Corporation Strategic Plan 2012 – 2017.

Regional Transport Issues Tablelands Futures Corporation was involved in initial discussions with key representatives including discuss the regions transport issues. TFC continues to liaise with Mareeba Chamber of Commerce who volunteered to lead this project.

Far North Queensland Regional Branding Project Tablelands Futures Corporation was represented on the steering committee for the Advance Cairns Regional Branding Project. This project was designed to develop an investment attraction brand for Far North Queensland (4 regions) – not a regional identity project, but a theme for the region to attract investment. The final ‘brand’ released “Perfectly Positioned” was not the brand message recommended by the steering committee.

NBN Tablelands Taskforce Tablelands Futures Corporation were involved with and provided administration support for the NBN Tablelands Taskforce. This work involved providing FNQROC data and information relative to the Tablelands as part of the FNQ NBN Submission.

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Small Business Advisory Service – Natural Disaster Assistance This project was initiated and managed by Gulf Savannah Development and TFC a major partner. The objective of the project was to provide small businesses in the Gulf Savannah and Atherton Tablelands regions specialised training and tailored information to assist them recover from a natural disaster and develop strategies to be more resilient. Outcome:  Small Business Advisory Service ran from 1st July 2011 until 31st May  62 Tablelands businesses participated in the program  Services offered included Business Planning; Marketing; Legal advice; Mentoring; Accounting and Leasing.  3 Workshops were held during this period (Mareeba, Atherton & Ravenshoe)

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Corporate Activity Board of Directors & Resources The Tablelands Futures Corporation Board of Directors consists of 9 volunteers who represent a range of industries and business organisations. The current Board of Directors includes:        

Michael Lawrence, Chairman – Principal, Inspire Business Consulting Anne English – Principal, Atherton Tablelands Law (formerly Bottoms English Lawyers) Katrina Spies – CEO QITE Anne Clarke John Pollock Don Sheppard – TFS Financial Services Cr Rod Marti – Tablelands Regional Council Cr Jenny Jensen - Mareeba Shire Council

There is currently 1 position on the board vacant. The Board recruits the support of human resources as required to meet it’s corporate and strategic functions. This includes an administration officer who carries out the secretariat role and other tasks as required. Project Officers are appointed as required to deliver specific outcomes outlined in the strategic plan.

Ex-Officio & Stakeholder Representatives The Board is supported by ex officio officers and representatives from various stakeholders including:      

Department of State Development, Infrastructure & Planning (DSDIP) – Virginia Berry; Ian McKirdy Department of Agriculture, Fisheries & Forestry (DAFF) – Peter Holden; Alison Brunker Advance Cairns – Mark Matthews; Kellie Jordan Tablelands Regional Council Mareeba Shire Council Gulf Savannah Development – Will Atwood; Lara Wilde or Annie Cork

Governance May 2012, Tablelands Futures Corporation implemented measures to ensure effective Governance through a series of policies and procedures. These measures are reviewed annually together with the organisation’s Strategic and Operational Plans.

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Funding Over the last five financial years TFC has leveraged its $180,000 in core funding from Tablelands Regional Council into $457,000 in direct additional funding from State and Federal Governments and $1,000,000 in indirect funding, to further support the Atherton Tablelands business community. Direct funding:  TIMBA  GSD & TFC Small Business Online (Tablelands %)  FNQACC (TIMBA $16,000, General $15,115)  GSD & TFC Small Business Advisory Service  Small Business Mentoring Project (part) Indirect funding:  RDA Funding – trail construction  State Government – trail construction

$137,500 $162,800 $ 31,114 $ 72,436 $ 52,800

$500,000 $500,000

Opportunities             

Investment Attraction Expanding, developing, diversifying industries Atherton Tablelands trails Develop further the Atherton Tablelands as a world class mountain biking destination Agri Business Opportunities Agriculture focus Transport issues Small Business Support - continue to identify mechanisms to provide support for this sector, including training, resources and linkages Expand further support for Tropical Tablelands Tourism Expand public profile of Tablelands Futures Corporation Continue development of Tablelands Futures Corporation Website Continue to identify funding opportunities to deliver specific projects and initiatives Develop reciprocal membership links with key stakeholders and industry bodies

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