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StepsToArchive & Unarchive NookContent
The digital content that you buy from the official site of Barnes and Noble like Nook Newsstand and Nook book titles, all these are easily accessible in your library of Nook on after you sign in into your account. From your Nook library, you will get the option to archive the content purchased by you.
Archiving vs Deleting Content • Deleting any book, periodical, or app will permanently remove them from your account of and it cannot be undone. You will need to repurchase that item again to access the deleted content. • Instead of deleting, use Archive or Move to Cloud option. Archiving or moving the content to the cloud will keep a copy of your content in your account while removing all the information except the basic information about the book like such as the cover of the book, author, title, and the description from your Nook.
Archiving vs Deleting Content This content can be unarchived or re-downloaded at any time, so in this way, your reading material will not be lost forever. For more information, you can take Nook Com Support.
How to Archive a Title? Follow these steps to archive the title that you want or you can also take help and guidance from www nook com: • On click to navigate to your Nook library. Here you may be asked to sign in to your account. • Your Nook library organizes your digital content by books, magazines, apps, catalogs, and Newspapers. For expanding any of these options click on the adjacent See All link.
How to Archive a Title? • Locate the title that you want to archive and then click on the Settings icon in the lower left corner of the image. • A menu will appear displaying the options of Archive or delete. Click on the option of Archive. • A confirmation message will appear stating that the title has been archived successfully. • An archived content will not appear in your library until the time it is unarchived.
How to Unarchive a Title? Follow these steps to unarchive any title or you can also visit www Nook Com Account: • For unarchiving the content, firstly click on the category from which the content belongs to at the top of the page. Categories include books, catalogs, Newspapers, magazines, and apps. • After clicking on the category, click on the Archive drop-down menu and select the option of Archived. This will display all the archived content. • Now locate that content that you want to unarchive and click on the icon of Settings in the lower left corner of the image.
A menu will appear displaying the options of Make Active or delete. Click on the option of Make active.
Now your content will be accessible from your library. For opening the title, you will need to use the drop-down menu again to navigate back to the Archive page.
In the case of any misses or difficulty, you can visit Nook com Support.
How to Unarchive a Title?
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