Ur (2009) for ensemble and live-relayed sounds Score corrections - microphone placement and activity A performance of Ur requires 6 microphones. M.1-3 are to be placed outside the performance space as indicated in the score. M.1 to speaker 1. M.2 to speaker 2. M.3 to speaker 3. M.1-3 remain ON for the duration of the piece. M.4 - viola - to speaker 1. M.5 - harp - to speaker 3. M.6 - brake pad (saxophone player) - to speaker 3. At the beginning of the piece M.4-6 are OFF. b.16 - M.4-6 ON b.19 - M.4-6 OFF b.31 - M.4 ON b.32 - M.4 OFF b.69 - M.4-6 ON b.71 - M.4-6 OFF b.151 - M.5-6 ON b.155 - M.5-6 OFF