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from 2019 | Tabula Rasa
by Tabula Rasa
Katherine Chui ’20 - Editor
Katherine Chui is a current junior who enjoys painting, drawing, photography, and animation. She’s obsessed with transparent things like jellyfish and likes listening to the same songs over and over. Outside of Tabula Rasa, she also serves as creative director of The Perennial. She also loves the movie The Imitation Game to an unhealthy degree.
Sarah Feng ’20 - Editor
Sarah Feng is a student and flower lover. She finds inspiration for her poetry in Californian poppies, sweeping dovetails, and the language of Steinbeck, Atwood, Faulkner, and Morrison. She’s co-editor-in-chief of The Perennial. Find her work in The Adroit Journal, the 2018 Foyle Young Poets Anthology, and Gigantic Sequins. She also loves running track & field, eating dark chocolate, and listening to lo-fi music.
Reilly Brady ’20 - Editor
Junior Reilly Brady loves the arts—from journalistic writing to painting and sketching, she involves herself in all aspects of it. In addition to being a Tabula Rasa editor, Reilly participates in student council and sings for Pinewood’s a cappella group Take Note.
Sabrina Strand - Advisor
David Wells - Advisor