Lincoln Railsplitters BOTTOM ROW, left to right: P. Harris, D. Larson, 0. Magnusson, J. Doyle, J. Mi�ler, L. Nelson, J. Heck, G. Anderson, R. Rader. SECOND ROW: B. Trigs, B. Larson, R. Larson, R. Cheslik, G. Chapin, G. Fors . lund, M. Murphy, B. Wold, B. Ecklund. THIRD ROW: W. Pease, B. Miller, B. Barnhart, E. Munt, B. Waddell, W. Breb ner, R. Nelson, B. Thurston, E. Anderson, A. Larson. FOURTH ROW: R. Reinke, B. Chur:ch, R. Booth,· E. Darnell, N. Johnson, B. ·Crabb. FIFTH ROW: T. Falconer, P. Bruce:, T. Campbell, A. Viafore, F. K<!,rwoski, D. Lazare, assistant coach; N. Mayer, head co9-ch. SIXTH ROW: B. Herbert, J. Newhart, G. Huffman. ......
Both Cross-State and· City titles will be at stake in the game thi�r afternoon. A tie would bring about a three-way tie in the City League. A win by Stadium would constitu-ce a tie for the Cross-State title. A win by Lincoln will give the Railsp!itters both titles. Coach Norm Mayer's gridders will enter to day's fracas with seven lett�rmen from last year. They are: Glen Huffman, right e:µd; Ray Cheslik, left guard; Chuck Forslund, left tackle; Jack Newhart, left end; Art Viafore, quarterback; George Chapin, left halfback; and Ed Munt, right half. The rest of the members of the starting eleven either saw sophomore, reserve, or first team action last year. Lincoln, after taking third place in the Grid-Go Round, were held to a scoreless tie by Stadium at the dedication of the Lincoln Memorial Bowl. The Railsplitters are undefeated this season but have two ties marring their slate. They faced Bremerton the week after the Kings-X game and were victorious by a 21-7 mar gin. In a non-league tussle, the Railsplitters and Vancouver battled to a 6-6 deadlock. Then the Axemen took three Cross-State vic tories, blanking Seattle Prep, 28-0; Everett, 31-0, and subduing Bellingham to the tune of 15-7. A fortnight ago the Abes won a City League thriller from Bellarmine 16-13.
LINCOLN ROSTER No. �OS. Name Wt. 67 RE Ed Damell .......... 155 68 LG Bob Church ........ 170 69 RG Bob Crabb ..........180 70 QB Art Viafore ........1'65 71 FB Tom Campbell ....135 72 LH Burt Wold ..........155 73 FB :Sob Miller ..........135 7 4 QB Frank Karwoski..145 75 LE Jack Miller ..........150 76 C Ron Larsen ........165 77 LG Richard Nelson....165 78 LH Dick Larson ......:.160 79 RT Bill Barnhart ...... 185 80 LH George Chapin....165 81 QB Paul Harris .... 175 82 LT Chuck F,orslund ..190
83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99
Wesley Pease ......170 Jack Newhart ......165 Ray Cbeslik ........170 Len Nelson ..........175 Ed Munt .............. 185 Glen Huffman ....190 Walt Brebner ....175 Ralph Ratliff ..... _150 Ed Anderson ......165 Joe Doyle ............170 Al Larson ............170 M;ickey Murphy....175 Bill Waddell .........180 Bill Hubert .......... 180 Dick Bee ..............185 Jim Heck .............. 185 0. Magnusson ....210
'I::=:' Sports Museum
Yell Teams-
Coach Mayer
"Fight, Team, F'igh t!" - This chant is a familiar sound to both schools as the · yell teams keep the Cheering sections busy. -A lot of _planning, work and energy goes into those yells, as any . observant spec tator can easily see. Lincoln's Yell King Bill Filbert, along with the Yell Queen Jackie Dunn Duchesses Carol Pruess and Louise Hassler, Dukes Bill Hartman and Kenny Patterson have kept the Lincoln student body on its toes. As for Stadium. the Bengals have been well sup ported by the efforts of the Gold and Blue yell leaders under the leadership of . -Yell King Dick ·,Loren and Queen Mirt Sagen. Duchess is Money Dessen while Skip Marshall and Ron Bloom are the Dukes.
Guiding this year's victorious football team is Lincoln's coach, Norm, Mayer, who started his own athletic career at Long Beaph, California, - where he turned out for all sports. Graduation found Mr. Mr,yer accepting a scholar ship to the University of w3ishington but later tra.nsferred to the College ... ·· ., ,...... of Puget Sound where he was all-conference guard, and halfback for four years. Mr. M a y e r t a u g h t at Grandview, Washing ton to open his teach ing ca:reer and travel ed to Pe Ell High School, where his bas ketball team was run ner-up for Southwest Championship. Being head coach in' basketball and assist ant coach in football were Mayer's·_ duties' when he re turned to CPS. He then went to Stadium where he coached track for two years before . coming to Lin coln. The year 1945 found Coach Mayer struggling witfi Lincoln gridsters, where he has been for the past three years. This year Coach· Mayer brought his tea� through with flying colors. Today finds -'Lin coln's hard-coached team in its final tilt �ith Stadium.
LUND FLORAL CO. Flowers for All Occasions
From Greenhouse to You
PHONE GArland 2522 _ 9021 PACIFIC AVENUE
, Working in the background of Lincoln's team and coach are the four student managers, Ted Falconer, Duane Ryclen, Len Weimer, and Wayne Simon, and Assistant Coach Dan Lazare, who acts as line coach. for the squa,d. · The managers have the responsibility of taking care of the. equipment, issuing suits and uniforms, handling first-aid, and carrying the water and towels in the ball games, and prove an �nvaluable aid in the wcrk which must be done .. Always on the job to collect equipment prior to checking in at the school gym, although it be a flight of steps up from Lincoln's Memorial Bowl or 200 miles cross-country, is the job of the indispensable managers.
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� Sports Museum