Sept. 13
ALUMNI AT TACOMA, 7:30 P.M. Franklin Pierce Stadium (2752). PLU leads in series 2-1. Series began in 1956. Lutes won last meeting in 1974, 36-19. Alumni defeated PLU 13-12 in 1956. Two game Lute win streak.
Sept. 20
WESTERN WASHINGTON AT TACOMA, 7:30 P.M. Franklin Pierce Stadium (2752). PLU leads in series 19-16-3. Series began in 1931. Lutes won last meeting in 1974, 48-0. Vikings' last win was 26-13 in 1966. Three game Lute win streak.
Sept. 27
PUGET SOUND AT UPS, 1:30 P.M. Baker Stadium (5000). Puget Sound leads in series 36-11-5. Series began in 1931. Lutes won last meeting in 1974, 38-27, breaking eight game UPS win streak. Loggers' last win was 30-21 in 1973. One game Lute win sLreak.
Oct. 4
WHITWORTH AT SPOKANE, 1:30 P.M. Pine Bowl (3000). PLU leads in series 17-12. Series began in 1931. Lutes won last meeting in 1974, 28-7. Pirates' last win was 20-13 in 1965. Four game Lute win streak.
Oct. 11
LEWIS & CLARK AT TACOMA, 1:30 P,M. Franklin Pierce Stadium (2752). PLU leads in series 8-7-1. Series began in 1933. Lutes won last meeting in 1974, 30-14. Pioneers' last win was 38-36 in 1971. Three game Lute win streak.
Oct. 18
WILLAMETTE AT SALEM, 1:30 P.M. McCul loch Stadium (4000). PLU leads in series 5-4. Series began in 1966. Lutes won last meeting in 1974, 37-21. Bearcats' last win was 24-15 in 1969. Five game Lute win streak.
Oct. 25
LINFIELD AT TACOMA, 1:30 P.M. (HOMECOMING) Franklin Pierce Stadium (2752). Linfield leads in series 11-5-3. Series began in 1933. Wildcats won last meeting in 1974, 15-14. Lutes' last win was 2 7-21 in 1969. Five game Wildcat win streak.
Nov. 1
PACIFIC AT FOREST GROVE, 1:30 P.M. Mccready Field (1800). PLU leads in series 14-8-3. Series began in 1939. Lutes won last meeting in 1974, 49-6. Boxers' last win was 9-7 in 1972. Two game Lute win streak.
Nov. 8
COLLEGE OF IDAHO AT TACOMA, 1:30 P.M. Franklin Pierce Stadium (2752). PLU leads in series 7-0-2. Series began in 1966. Lutes won last meeting in 1974, 34-22. Six game Lute winning streak (1968 game was a 20-20 tie).
Nov. 15
WHITMAl'l AT TACOMA, 1: 30 P .M. Franklin Pierce Stadium (2752). PLU leads in series 7-2. Series began in 1966. Lutes won last meeting in 1974, 47-0. Shockers' last win was 45-23 in 1969. Five game Lute win streak.
1975 LUTE SKEI'CHES ACCIMUS, MARK - 6-0, 190, Fr. running back from Bellevue (Interlake) •••A prep fullback, is a strong runner and good bloc��r••• ?1ays linebacker on d_fense. ANDERSON, BRIAN DAVID - 6-1, 185, Fr. enci ..tn<1 dsf r ,i_ve back from Sumncr•••All conference receiver on Sumner's State AA rmner.s ll"' • • • PJ ._y�d for r.is d,d, John Anderson, in high school. ANDERSON, BRIAN STEWART - 6-0, 185. Fr. 1iriebacke1· from Seattle' (Highline)••• F�rst _earn all-district last year at Highi�ne, was so ad's �r.spira�ional winner•••Bio logy major. AYERS, RA.lDY - 5-11, 178, Fr. defensive bat!( from Everett. ••All-WESCO back in n �all, e· ort�top in baseball••• Senior c11ss president anc president of schoo� 1 at'lre at Everett HS. �AER. EF' - 6-0, 185, Fr. running b�ck from Fa�r Oak, Calif. (Del Campo) •••Good speec, lette�ed in three sports at C�rMichael, Calif. SSDHiGFIELD, JEF'F - 6-0, 185, Sr. defensive end f'rom Coos ::lay, Ore•••. .Small o" �i �for a defensive line�an, but big of heart••. Second team all-confPr�nce, honuraolP. mention all-district•••Economics and HLstory maJor. �ENi1fE?'-. LES - 6-1, 225, Jr. c-et ":er from Tacoma (Mt. Tahoma) •••One of �11vC's outr 9r.cin� blocking centers a� · sopr two years ago•••Knee injury suffered in a water skii�g acsLdent sidel_ned him in 197h ••••P.E. major. BESSEI'TE, AL - ')-7 , 188, Jr. end +'rom Tacoma (Franklin Picrce) ••• Spark'ed on kick or � specialty teani.s a,, a frosh, ,as an offGnsive . tarter last :year •••On the receiving ena of � record 99 yard TD pas� last year. FF.YER, r;;:,r 1 vCa,o� record
L\JRY - 5-'J, 185, So. qu::1rterback from l'-'P.n,o Park, Calif. (Cubber:._ey) •.. Al1-Amcric'l •·ecor;nition in prep rank.;. led j.:.,;yvee Bombers to an .rdefeuts... ci '< ,t year.•• On firs� c0llegiate passing attemn�, set a never-to-be-broKen with a 99 ya'.rd TD ner i·1 ••• Strong bad-up fo ' sen; or Craig Dahl.
"3RAGATO, ROD - ';-8, 18', J�. nebacKer �rom Cupertino, Calif. (Ho�estead) ••• '1'3.King th w:. ch fro•.. fu >-J.bac,"•••Did not , tte::- in 1974 but h::,. two monograms in �restling••• Wq( �1.ird n 167 bracket as frosh, fourth as sophomor0 ••• Busineso Edus.:an0n rr.~ jor. ERAN:CT, MARK - 6-1, 20?, ,Tr. a.efensive end from h not, :Nn. Dak•••A +wo year let tPrre�n, 1�d ar 011tatanding soptomore season ••• Great on pass rush and end sweeps•.• ?sycho::.cGY major. SROV�, LS:TlfNV - ti-.?, 200, Fr. nef,s,nsive end fro,n Milton-Frccwo.ter, Ore••• Outstanding • 1 -aroun· athl�.e, is 3 top f�0s� �rospect••. All-8�ate defensive end in 1973, \ 1-.3t ,,,_ t e offem· ve .,.·12rd in l '3, 4•••A· ::.-::.e"lgue fo�···•ard in basketball•••Brother of v, er-qi. c,e�ensive bac'.:-< Ron Brown••• Sociology rraJor. , 1tO, - 5-li, ::_75, Sr. defe'1sive back from i 1 tor.-:iireew3ter, Ore••••A fixture defP.nGivc unit v•nch hnct a hand in "' '.:; pass i,1terccpt1ons last year•••Two y ar letterman ••. Biologl majJr. :3:ctOW�
'.::AR.u5ON, rv - ·-10, 17n, ;:,o. defensi,re hack .'.'roi Seatt'e (Sealth) ••• Will max: "'le •. r..in::.i. tion from quarteronck to the defensive &eco,1d:1ry•••Played jayvee ball in 1971!••• Jn�ineering major. ✓
CATRON, 1-'lKE - 6-3, 190, Fr. e"'� +'rom Hoquiam•• Shrine All-Star tight er.d and 'ine t ·1(;,{er, et tered in three sports 1.n h.tgh school •••Senior class presider ••• Business Admin. major. CHANTRY, COREY - 5-11, 210, So. kickrnr, spe-::i. ·--�• frc"'l TiJcoma (Washington) •••Played under forr..er Lute kicking ace 'T'om Gilmer aL nee.,_ ._ \··,,_shington B:S•••Strong lep;••• Attended Washington State as a frosh•••F�· ��d � n�. CHRISTIANSON, JIM - 6-4, 200, Jr. "'lla .frorr. l!.'phrc.+a••• Can play cPv0ra:.:. pu.siti.ons, h�• gooi football savvy••• Played t,o yea�� et Washington st�te, P�-nea cne letter••• i-lro-. a,1. CLOJSE, PAT - 6-0, 210, Fr. linebacker from Chelan •••Ar al1-conference prepst,r, �s ·i f!or ' ri tter•••Lettered in fi ·e spcrts at Cr:e- ,,: . ,..r.,1�.... -;,rs, d0h"N - 5-10, 190, Sr. guard from Salem, Ore. (,3outh) .... A three year letter • 1n, �s one of the schoo:'s top 1e�- .ors•••Po:itical science maJor. �Ai�, CRAIG - 6-3, 202, Sr. auart�ru·r� from Aibert Le�, Minn••••A gifted �1�ner and a top notdh executioner of the option p ay, the formPr Mirne8ot� all-stat�r· .·teps into the starting lineu'C ... ft<-: .;eeirg t,2cK11! d<..1ty••• Play.,..J a-c U of K:.n esota as n fr h••• Education ma�or. LOTJCE'l',.,,ra, S'I.�E - 6-2, ltC', I�·- F.mr' nnd defensive bc1°k frorn Tacoma (C<..1r+:_s) .•• AllJ.-:?ague t>na dr.d K:ckc:- 01' P'r 11 �n, was aJsu all-cu�ference in �a��ettB.: as � guard••• �re-D�nt�l major. "85, So. linebac�er from Goulee D�rn•••P:eycd on Bomber �qu,d last .rormer Lute defensive 0110. EARTEY. •[II - 6-?, 18::,, Fr. rurn:_'1'1; back from .=-art Angeles•••Sc:bool's MVP last year, w;-�s •· ectea for ttie Shr1re al:-star same•••::?.E. major. :s.r:crt.S, -qoN - 6-5, ?30, Sr. g•u1rd �rorr SeJ.t1le (Glacie,) •••A starter for the third �P3r, is one Jf t c �op interior offcns�v� �inemen in the l�ague •••Little A-l Nor�hwe$t firs, teaffi oick :ast ye&r••• Ed�cation major, Fft�iR". �JAE - 5-:!, 180, Jr. runni�� baCK from �Cerra cc�rtis) •••H&E p.c�eo up v ,,u' , £:..Cth=ri01.c-=, d·.!ring two sea.son:., witn tne tiCr.1l'E.rs••• L:;usiness Acimir•• major. F1A,;c:,E, KEN - 6-0, 200, Sr. liH2backer from Seat:tle (Seatt"'...e Prcr) •••A frequent st�rter last ye�r, pl�yeo previous]y .t Corro�: �o::ege (Mo�t.) and WenatcheP CC••• /, nara h::.tter••• Po::i.ibcai. SC'icnce mrJ.jor. FOUi-:Y, CRA:G - 6- , :?4v, S:::-. t�r;e:::_e fror.: Des Moine..:; (Mt. :ic•inier) •••Onc of five co can+ &ir••; q: d <rn o-,,,•,st:and_ng l,",.,_1cr•••All-NWC, A- '..-!IJAIA Dit t • 1, ar.d Little A.ll North1vec t it, 'l. • Ylior••• P.E. m:1 ., or. FRANS�, 50B - �-·, 2��, Sr. defensive tackle �ram Feder'l.l Way•••A s��r•e,., last yrar, .;.s c:-teady 11 the trenchcs.,..P.E. maJor. FRO:-MA?.T, �T,ANE - 6-G, 180, So. end f'rom T CJm3. (C�over Park) •••f;)<.pec.,ed to be f11 �- rc,o,ere_ from a hree inJury \·1h1c;r t..11.1elined ,L'T. J�at yc2r••• Showed promise d n fror;h••• Good re-.:e.;vnr :mct blocu•r•••lfay do tl-tc f•'mt ·r.g••• BJolog:i, mo.jar. GAR�. ~11 - 5-10, 165, Tr. ctefen..:;�ve back �rom Fed�T3: Way (Je.rfereon) •••Son of J, ft>rsor H.S co<.J.c11 C'irr GJ.rd, ,Jr •••• Plnyed ja,fvee t•·tl1 for two seasons•••Adds depth to . �t'-••4' regarrJ.ec'. sAcor,Jary ..rit ••• P.E. major.
GIROD, DOUG - 5-8, 158, Jr. quarterback from Lake Oswego, Ore••••Sat out of school last year•••Inspirational leader on 1973 squad in a re�erve role••• Education major. GRELN, LARRY - 6-4, 230 Sr. defensive taclde f~om Tc:.coma (Curtis) ••• Unc1nir.ious pick on the league all-star team last year•••c,, ,,-r : ,_ E.a. �r::.. pJ e crown honors by being named to the All-District and Little All-Northwest 1.'1.rs+ 1 €r..rrs••• At 27 is PLU's senior statesman••• P.E. major.
HAN.S0a, ROGER - 6-0, 210 .Fr. defensive :a'!1.d f -om •J'•lcoma (Franklin Pierce) •••Not in sc�ocl 7 aet year •••Throws discus in track•• Political Science major. :�LGE. BRAD - 6-2, 235, So. tackle from Auburn••.Lettered as a frobh �nd ahoJla get in more co�bat time this season •••Hard worker .••&2sines� A�cir. Llajor. HOI��;ER, JON - 5-11, 195 ur. running back from Grandview•••A �trong runner, is gifted at ��ther ;1alfback o� fvllback •••Talent �arks rose rapi�ly following his transfer �Io, ::..;011.anbia Easir CC.•.P.E. major. I:RI0N, ST.E'l1"8 - 6-1, 190, So. def0.nsive bacK from Hoquia:n.-.Co-winner of la.st year's Fre:sr,:r:an ;,,·1,,, award ••• Clutch performer, is earmar ed for com,iderab1.e acti..m •• Startc! on Lute baseball n:i.rn •••?.E. n:ajor. J}JRiJB, DWIGH'i.' - 6-l, 20"'>, Fr. c...e:nter f1om H:i.lh,bcro, Ore •••Has gooc. o,icckness a.nd ia rxc�l�ent blocker ••• InsJ�rat�o.1al wirner as a senior and nonor blo m�ntion �l 1:1P.tro•••EcJ1_;L1<:ering maj o�·. JOHNSON, C ARL:::::, - S-1, ,.,.?:; Jr. f' 'ard frorr. .Men:::.,) ?ark 1 Calif•.•Transfer,,,ed fror.1 _ 'or .s.�... e ,ast fc1ll.• .,Play8d �-wo years at :;cn::.o Park CC•••Ded.'.r.c1ted anc� a W,s1�r,5 hara hivcer ••• BUSi.'"-'S,S l',cmLr. major. tTO:i,;.:or, DAN - 6-1, 19], Sr. li••et1"lckcr fro,.1 Vancouver (Fort Vancouver) •.•A freauent s + E.t•· er I•::·, Jcar, .LG ,c;+e.::..,Lly ;_mproving •••lias yet to l"each nis reak.•. ku::,.::_r,0ss Admin. major. �OW>JSON, P't:VNTI.S - 5-7, :.60, Jr. running back L·om '1',cJ,coma (Stadium) ••• PLU's quick·• od recei VPr, sa,11 considerable action :::.1:st ye"l.r ••• Avera�·ed 6. l ya:rds est be· �. , ncr carry •.• 0 sinP�; Admin. major. ,:·s::::�'. 11A'rT - 5-10, 19)� So. g1_1ard from Downey, Cali ' •••• All-corference gridder '..l. :pr pst,..,.. in thr: Golden State, ,,;as a cparkplur; on the !3omber jayvee :"quad �Q�� ye1r ••• E��M. �ducatjon maJ1r.
KR:S?S, RUSSELL - 5-10, 185, Fr. running back frorn White Salmon••• All-league three _ yeurs in ·r.otba 7.-, i::· a break-away runner •••Hig:1 sctool student b::ay president. T .• :·uB T ,Ar>, riA:-;DY - 6-0, 195, l'r. d€·fensive end frr,r·· �ssaqua .••Has good pursuit, -�olrfs �is wrest:inJ s��lls t0 advantage • •Chemistry Major. LTJ'I'TOJ,,, HO'�'ARD - 6-?. 190, .fr. running back fr0m Seatt,e (West) •••A transfer from 9.i[:hl.i.:ne, s brother o"' D"-J JU� t0n, 1974 runnlng bc�ck and co-capt: ·rn •••Has speed, hands, and tocking: skii .. o..�1. t'1,, tools for excellence ••• Played at Simon Fraser L. a�� Z�ckane F3!]b re. '1cK:.3\'L, CHLCK - 6-1, 17] 1 Jr. end frc.:r. Klamath .Fr1.lJs, Ore•••• A letterr1an, is a steua, p�rformer who plavs oigger than his weight••• Const�ntly imuroving••• Poli tica: s,�ence major.
MAIURI, MIKE - 5-8, 175, So. running bnck and kicking specialist from Tacoma (Franklir. Pierce) ••• Has good quick�ess packing the uaLl •••Is a top cann�date for kickoff, field goal, and point-after kicking d11ties•••Vietnam veterm1•••Transfer from Fort Steilacoom CC••• MICHAELSON, ROB - 6-1, 21'.:;;, So. defensive to.,:><le :f--rcn Mill Vcd I ey, Calif. (Tamal pais) •••A Bomber in 1974, had enough var.:ity rL,.yir.g time to letter •••Education major. MILLER, TODD - 6-1, 187, So. e�d frorr Laguna ::'each. Cail£. (S<1n Marino) •••Great prep credentiais, had 27 receptions &s a senior• • 2�ayed Bomber ball Jast year••• A high jumper, has a personal best of 6-8.
l'/.TSTEREK, DAVE - 6-1, 185, Jr. defensive erid from Warrensburg, Mo ••••Lettered last ye�" 9layir�g wi �h reckless abandon••• Hard-nosed and vers2.t ilc, makes the big play hurpen •••Business Admin. major. M0LZH0�. JIM - 6-1+� 205, Jr. tackle from Kent (Kent-Meridian) ••• Started for Lutes last year ar rt is still i111proving••• Economics mojor.
MORRIS, KRIS - 6-:?, 185, Fr. li,1ehacker ��rom TcJ.co171a (Clover Park) ••• A �op fr'J .c,h prospe�t, was an All-South Puge+ Soun6 ie�g e pick laat year •••High scnool student body president. j,q , JELLER) DON - 6-3, ;::60, ,Jr. t.:,ckle from Wausau, '•!isc••••Has cxtensive grid back ground at age ?6•••Played at Ji�consin State, in junior college, and in miJitary••• Business .',r.... .:.i.n major. N1;1--i1!3EI�, 110M - 5-9, 162,. Fr. running oack from Me:sa (Connell) •••Sr.iall but quick, :1ails frorr. the same f::1rming commLU1ity which produced. Jave Anderson, Lute co-captain in 1974 ••• F.E. rrajor. NOWADNICK, KUI"l'r - 5--11, 16::;;, Sr. center from SnohomJ.sh •••A three year letterman, gives ew"ly notning to defenders who dwarf him in Gize••.Accurate snapper••Education 11ajor. OLSCN, DAVE - 0-�, 20�, Jr. center from Bellevue (Interlake) •••A Bomber mainstay last :rear, w2s 2t iv'.onmo'.lth College af, a fro.:in••• Can play guard or center.·••Business Adrr:in. mo.J0r. 0S�ORIIIE, MIKE - 6-�, 190, Sr. defensive end fro:r- Eureka, Calif••••A late entry into the Lut'= footb:,ll pro6ram, earned All-America honors in swimming three years ago ••• Versatile, can piug the gap at linebacker and def�nsive tackle also•••P.E. major. PASQUIER, ROGER - 6-0, 210 Sr. center from Sumner •••Two year letterman adds strength and sa, ·ry , • the forwo.rd ,..;al: •••Rc:dio disc jockey in Tacome ••• Ec.onomics major.
PRICE, GREG - 6-2, 195, So. runmnc b:;;ck from Longview (R.A. Long) •••Lettered as
o. fros½, we.s one of Bombers' leading ground gainers •••Excellent holder for kickers••• Physical Therapy major.
PRITCHARD, DAN - 6-0, 19!3 Jr. guard from Xilwau:<-;e, Ore ••••Makes the switch th.:.s year from f1,l1.back to shore up holes in tJoe offensive line•••Letterman, played as a frosh at Air Force AcarJcrr-y ••• History major.
REINAR, JO>IN - 5-10, 175, Fr. running back from Scobey, Montana•••School's leading ground gainer, was ar. all-leac;ue pick.
RIDGWAY, STEVE - 6-2, 225, Jr. linebacker from Puyallup •••One of the Northwest's most talented linebackers, earned all-league, all-district, and Litt:e :11-North ·,,yest fi-_t team honors last year •••Lute co-captain•••Played at Colorado as a frosh ••• Bus�ross Education major. ROCI--JEST.:ER, RANDY - 6-0, 175, So. end from T,,co.r,i3. (Washington) •••Developing rapidly as � receiver, lettered last year •••P.E. m�v� • SCH.MIDT, BRAD - 6--0, 180, Sr. Cicfensive uack "'rc,,1, A}0(rt Lea, Minn ••••A two year grid letterman, had two previous �o�ogramc in hockey at St. Olaf••• Psycholcgy major. 3CI-SOEDFP, LANCE - 6-C 1 210, Jr. tc..ck 1 e from Bellevue (Intf)!'lake) •••Hio,S two years o_ tomber expE:rienc-", lettered last year ••• Business Admin. rnajor. :\L.w, GREGG - 6-1, 200, Fr ... linebacke-:-- and defensive end from Jefferson, Ore .... v.L'.<. o" nlay in 1974 •••Enjoyed an illuctr.i.01...s nrt>p career, t,vice ear:nire all-state 11- __ s • • •Capable of play.:.ng sevcra� p:isi t.ic..ns •••.Socio 1.ogy maJor • � ..;
.sni;l\ 1 RO;� - ::>-10. 165, Sr. defonsive oack from Kent (Kent-M0ridi-3.n) •••Did not p:ay J �st season but \fo::. acti·1e as Btudent D.i-3.e with .Somber p!'ogram •••P.E. major- • .S1'11>HENS01'J, KEVIN - 6-2, 198, ,3o. end from 3(•actle (Ingraham) o ••ExN,cted to br strongp·r.- this year, '1.a.c:; '.:.'. y �.ir' s experience .mdE:r his belt with l'lci;nbers •••P .E. ma,jor. S'I'RE"JG�, J!,RLK - 6- L � · 8 5. ,: r. rur.r1j r,6 back from 'J.'acorna (Wilson) •••After an out")t._1..('::i- t� prep c:.....rti.:.,� .. pl2.-1cu. L ,n;,, bu1:. 1:tnd red-sh:i.rted as a sophomore at Washington .•:,,":�, .•1/i..th excellc.1. cipced., c�n nlay eitter ha]..'.'back or fullback .••Business Admin• m:..:. or. _;_''.)S'S:-CiRi� ·,a, GA�i! - 5- Li., 20C, S:r. runnin,� back from Va,1couver (Hudson· s Bay) ••• A ttreo J8�r letterman, is � powe� runner w.0 can hit t�e nole quicKlJ ••• EuLled '•�·-· 1v, y .. or a .·., 1--ovl .,..ec0:·a 9( y�1rd TD rL'.n la.3t ye2,r •••Communication Arte, ,r:ajor. TROF?:;JU8:!:'', f'LAIR - 6-1, 135, �;o. guard from De,; Moines (Mt. Rarnier) •••A product oI th� '1r:w,ber p"og,•am, .:;hc-1.;.d benefit. fro:,1 experience •••Pre-Med r1c:;.jor. '.;.'Y....,ER, S'IT.1,E - 6-�. 2:,5,), Fr. tacl-c'Lo from Taco1r.a (War-;hington) •••Selected for tl'.le Shri e Al:.-3 LE• c' game 1 1ras � ·1!0-W'J.Y o.ll-co:t1ferencc t2ckle•••Quick off the ball ••• St,:.tf; t1eav;y,,eigt t ,. ·e2 �.;__ 1g ,;harr.pior. WI' :,,_'�.R, cTIM - 6-0, 175, Sr. defensive bavk froll �eedsnort, Ore ••••Makes rhings '.iapi.,en �'rorr. rii:, .::0rner·c11cre position •••H:;i,s :•a,gr,pt ic at. traction toward ball. •• Second �eam a�l-conference ru1d little All-Northwest, �onorable Mention all-district L.st ye;;,:• •••Fire Arcs me.. jo1. WEf'.'..'ERING, BRA.D - 6-3, 18::;, Fr. quarte!'bnck f'rorr, Tacoma (WRshingtor.) ••• Gifted sjgr,al c 1' .::r i.s son of cou:::h "i'roF�,'{ ;·Jesteri.1g •••A shrine 1,11-Star selection, set South PugPt Sornd Lear;ne record with lG comp:etions in one game••• Forward in bas ketball. WIETE, Mli<B - '.;>-F,, 170, .Sr. defensive baci<.: from Ke�t (Kent-Meridian) •••A triple crow"l. :: ,·in.rd wirnwr lost -:; ear - f.i.rst team Little Al1-Northweet, all-league, and a11-L strict, i,·; R L1�te co-captain•••Conference long jump champion in track (23-4Y2 ) •••P.E. _,..,jo::-. WIL.--;Ol'., DOUG - 5-_;_o, �66, Sr. running back from Tacoma (Bethel) •••PLU's leading 6rou'1.d ,:.:ainer, averai;ed 6.9 yards per carry gaining 434 yards•••Has good balance anc• L, a ,,1•eakaway thr.:.at. ••A Lute co-ca1, .. ain, was All-NWC, All-NAIA Dist. 1, and LiLvJc ��:-NorthwPst first �eam pick in �974 ...P.E. major.
ZAMBERLIN, JOHN' - 6-3, 220, So. lineback:er from Tacoma (Wilson) •••Sidelined last year recovering from knee surgery ••• Played several JJO..,.itions .i.n high .schoo1 ••• Provide;:; power in the Lute baseball lineup as designated hit-Lter ••• Educa+-ion maior. ZEIGER, WALT - 5-10, 165, Sr. defensiv9 back fror:. 'Uyallup (Rogers) ••• A hard hitter and fierce competitor, plays bigger than his ,:;i:·,e••• Wi.: l see considerc:ble action ••• P.E. major.
365 423
1957 1753
146 341
1811 1412
201.2 156.9
Passing PLU OPP
pa 180 190
pc 102 81
phi 9 25
nyp 1807 961
ga 200.8 106.8
Total O ffense PLU OPP
rush 18 11 1402
pass 1807 961
net 3618 2373
ga 402.0 263.7
First Downs PLU OPP
rush 85 82
pen 6 9
total 163 136
yds lost 512 196
ga 56.9 21.8
Penalties PLU OPP
no 53 24
Fumbles PLU OPP
no 29 26
lost 15 14
*** ** ** ** * * * ** * * * ** ** ** Individual Statistics
RushinB tcb WILSON 63 L utton 103 TORTORELLO 61 JOHNSON 33 DAHL 34 Spear 30 HORNER 7 Clinton 2 Finseth 20 Jordan 4 BEYER 2 TUCKER 1 Others 5
yg 466 424 407 210 178 141 34 16 52 9 9 0 11
0 43 0 1 11 1
pa 151 26 1 1 1
pc 89 11 1 1 0
phi 8 1 0 0 0
nyp 1524 183 99 1 0
Pass Receiving Clinton WILSON JOHNSON BESSETTE Spear Cornell MCKINNY Lutton
no 41 19 12 11 11 4 3 1
yds 808 300 184 248 129 101 36 1
tds 9 1 2 5 3 2 1 0
Passing Finseth DAHL
yl 32 2 5 8 28 15 0
net ypc 434 6.9 422 4.1 402 6.6 202 6.1 150 4.4 126 4.2 4.9 34 16 8.0 9 1.0 9 2.3 8 4.0 -11 -11.0 10 2.0 td 20 2 1 0 0
Total Offense Finseth TORT ORELLO WILSON Lutton DAHL BEYER JOHNSON S pear Clinton HORNER Jordan IRION TUCKER O thers
rush 9 402 434 422 150 8 202 126 16 34 9 -11 10
P unting Higgins WILSON
no 42 2
avg. 170.3 50.3 48.2
422 333 107 202 126 16 34 9 1 -11 10
46.9 41.6 35.7 22.4 14.0 16.0 11.3 9.0 1.0 -11.0 5.0
avg 40.5 25.0
yds 1701 50
yds 149 184 38 74 0 34 30 27 21 16
yds 29 51
avg 2.6 5.7
no yds 11 284 6 109 24 3 1 0 1 0 Conv att made 0 0 0 0 33 39 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
avg 25.8 18.2 8.0
td 9 6 0 5 5 5 4 2 2 2 1 1 1 0 1 1 1
183 99
total 1533 402 434
no 7 4 3 3 3 1 1 1 1 1
pass 1524
td 1 2 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0
o.o 0.0
fg 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0
0 0
2 pt 2 2 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
tp 58 40 33 30 30 30 24 14 12 12 6 6 6 6 6 6 6
RECORD LUTE PERFORMANCES INDIVIDUAL YARDS GAINED RUSHING Game: 194, Ken Harding vs. Pacific, 1967 Season: 895, Dave Halstead, 1970 Career: 2485, Dave Halstead, 1967-70 RUSHING ATTEMPTS Game: 29, Don McPherson vs. Whitman, 1971 Season: 164, Dan Pritchard, 1972 Career: 501, Dave Halstead, 1967-70 YARDS GAINED PASSING Game: 302, Rick Finseth vs. C of I, 1974 Season: 1524, Rick Finseth, 1974 Career: 3382, Rick Finseth, 1971-74 PASSES ATTEMPTED Game: 33, Rod Bolek vs. Calif. Lutheran, 1968 Season: 208, Doug McClary, 1961 Career: 473, Doug McClary, 1959-61 PASSES COMPLETED Game: 19, Doug Mcclary vs. Eastern Wash. 1961 Season: 105, Doug McClary, 1961 Career: 234, Doug Mcclary, 1959-61 SCORING PASSES THROWN Game: 5, Marv Torrnnervik vs. Linfield, 1940 Season: 20, Rick Finseth, 1974 Career: 40, Rick Finseth, 1974 PASSES HAD INTERCEPTED Game: 6, Doug Mcclary vs. Whitworth, 1961 Season: 19, Doug McClary, 1961 Career: 39, Doug McClary, 1959- 61 PASSES RECEIVED Game: 12, Vic Eaton vs. Willamette, 1966 Season: 44, Bill White, 1965 Career: 130, Dave Bottemiller, 1958-61
TOTAL PLAYS Game: 48, Tony Lister vs. Lewis & Clark, 1966 Season: 269, Tony Lister, 1965 Career: 716, Marv Tommervik, 1939-4 SCORING Game: 30, Dave Halstead vs. Whitman, 1968 Season: 72, Marv Harshman, 1940 Career: 182, Marv Harshman, 1939-41 TOUCHDOWNS Game: 5, Dave Halstead vs. Whitman, 1968 Season: 11, Marv Harshman, 1941 Career: 27, Marv Harshman, 1939-41 CONVERSIONS Game: 7, Bryan Gaume, Pacific 1974 Season: 33, Bryan Gaume, 1974 Consecutive: Bryan Gaume, 39, 1974 Career: 66 (for 72) Bryan Gaume, 1971-74 PUNTING AVERAGE Game: 57.0, Mike Tower vs. Lewis & Clark, 1963 Season: 41.6, Tom Gilmer, 1957 Career: 37.3, Jim Hadland, 1969-71 LONGEST RUSHING GAIN Game: 96, Gary Tortorello vs. Western Washington, 1974 LONGEST PASSING GAIN 99, Larry Beyer - Al Bessette vs. Western, 1974 LONGEST KICKOFF RETURN 100, Blair Taylor vs. Linfield, 1938
YARDS GAINED PASSES RECEIVED Game: 199, Mark Clinton vs. C of I, 1974 Season: 808, Mark Clinton, 1974 Career: 1437, Mark Clinton, 1971-74
LONGEST PUTT 77 , Frank Spear vs. Whitworth, 1946
TOTAL OFFENSE Game: 304, Marv Tornmervik vs. West. Wash. 1941 Season: 1,884, Marv Tommervik, 1941 Career: 5,098, Marv Tommervik, 1939-41
FIELD GOALS Longest: 43, Len Higgins vs. UPS, 1974 Season: 9, Ed McGrath, 1970
Individual Records, cont. PASS INTERCEPTIONS Game: 4, Greg Collman vs. Pacific, 1970 Season: 12, Ron Billings, 1952 Career: 19, Jack Irion, 1967-70
SCORING PASSES RECEIVED Game: 3, Ira Hammon vs. UPS, 1972 3, Dave Greenwood vs. C of I, 1972 3, Mark Clinton vs. C of I, 1974 Season: 9, Ira Hammon, 1972 and Mark Clinton, 1974 Career: 14, Mark Clinton, 1971-74
LONGEST INTERCEPTION RETURN 75, Marv Harshman vs. Oregon College of Ed., 1939 TEAM FACTS AND FIGURES BEST RECORD - Won 8, lost 0, tied O - 1940 WORS T RECORD - Won 0, lost 5, tied 2 - 1928 POINTS - 325 (9 games), 1974 POINTS BY OPPONENTS (Season) - 246 (9 games) 1967 FEWEST POINTS (Season) - 2 (2 games), 1926 18 (7 games), 1929 FEWEST POINTS BY OPPONENTS 6 (7 games), 1936 CONSECUTIVE VICTORIES - 18, 1939-41 CONSECUTIVE DEFEATS - 14, 1957-58 CONSECUTIVE SHUTOUTS - 7, 1935-36 CONSECUTIVE SHUTOUTS BY OPPONENTS - 3, 1957 SHUTOUTS IN ONE SEASON - 6, 1935 SHUTOUTS BY OPPONENTS ONE SEASON - 4, 1963 CONSECUTIVE WINNING SEASONS - 6, 1969-74 CONSECUTIVE LOSING SEASONS - 8, 1956-63 CONSECUTIVE GAMES FOR SCORING - 49, 1969-74 CONSECUTIVE GAMES SCORED AGAINST - 30, 1957-60 POINTS (Game) - 51 vs. U. of British Columbia (12) POINTS BY OPPONENTS (Game) - 67, Whitworth 1961
POINTS BY BOTH TEAMS (Game) - 92 (PLU 50, Whitman 42), 1971 POINT SPREAD - 48-0 vs. Western, 1974 POINT SPREAD BY OPPONENT - 67-0 Whitworth, 1961 WORST HOME DEFEAT - 0-47, Western Wash., 1950 HIGHEST LOSING SCORE - 36 vs. Lewis & Clark (38), 1971 RUSHING YARDAGE (Game) - 522 vs. Whitworth, 1970 (Season) - 2753 (9 Games), 19 70 PASSING tARDAGE (Season) - 1807 (9 games), 19 74 TOTAL OFFENSE (Game) 653 vs. Whitworth, 1970 (Season) 3588, 1970. YARDS PENALIZED (Season) - 561 (9 games), 1970 NUMBER OF PENALTIES (Season) - 58 (9 games) , 19 70 INTERCEPTIONS SEASON - 25, 1969 & 1974 INTERCEPTIONS, GAME - 7 vs. Whitworth, 1969
1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974
Ron Billings Frank Lancaster Tom Gilmer Tom Gilmer John Fromm Tom Gibbs Doug Mee lary Doug Mcclary Doug Mcclary Keith Shahan Bob Batterman Kurt Yates Tony Lister Tony Lister Bob Lovell Dave Halstead Jim Hadland Jim Hadland Jim Hadland Rick Finseth Rick Finseth Rick Finseth RUSHING
51 129 141 164 107 133 133 240 263 160 115 193 269 272 125 151 251 216 250 165 111 171
347 472 710 848 377 499 569 985 964 601 448 826 1223 1040 409 691 1348 1161 1587 1010 799 1533
6.8 3.6 5.0 5.1 3.5 3.7 4.2 4.1 3.6 3.7 3.8 4.2 4.5 3.8 3.2 4.6 5.3 5.4 6.3 6.1 7.2 8.9
1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974
Ron Billings Frank Lancaster John Fromm John Fromm John Fromm John Mitchell Bruce Alexander Bruce Alexander Keith Shahan Keith Shahan Keith Shahan Mike McKay Ken Tetz Ken Harding Dave Halstead Dave Halstead Dan Pritchard Dave Halstead Don McPherson Dan Pritchard Doug Wilson Doug Wilson
37 129 150 84 107 62 81 105 123 160 110 85 82 70 91 151 101 147 139 164 88 63
171 472 695 469 377 163 414 418 440 601 358 329 296 303 381 691 522 895 636 709 593 466
4.6 3.6 4.6 5.5 3.5 2.6 5.1 3.9 3.5 3.7 3.2 3.7 3.6 4.3 4.2 4.6 5.2 6.8 4.6 4.3 6.3 6.9
Lute Leaders, cont. PASSING 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974
Frank Karwoski Tom Gilmer Tom Gilmer Tom Gilmer John Jacobson Tom Gibbs Doug Mcclary Doug Mcclary Doug McClary Bob Batterman Bob Batterman Kurt Yates Tony Lister Tony Lister Bob Lovell Rod Bolek Jim Hadland Jim Hadland Jim Hadland Rick Finseth Rick Finseth Rick Finseth PASS RECEIVING
1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974
Ron Billings Don Gaarder Ron Storaasli Ron Storaasli Tom Gilmer Chuck Gurtis Dave Bottemiller Dave Bottemiller Dave Bottemiller George Vigeland George Muedeking Bill White Bill White Vic Eaton Dave Roller Mike Murphy Vic Eaton Ed McGrath Ira Hannnon Ira Hannnon Mark Clinton Mark Clinton
PA 35 75 104 109 82 102 105 160 208 67 82 90 163 167 85 99 156 135 162 117 98 151
PC 14 34 53 50 31 42 53 76 105 29 40 36 74 66 37 39 78 61 82 58 50 89 CATCHES 14 4 14 18 7 13
30 37 43 11 13 11 44 39 28 15 27 16 19 24 34 41
193 40.0 45.3 445 699 51.0 714 45.8 37.8 334 41.2 481 50.5 589 4 7.5 805 976 50.4 43.3 259 401 48.8 626 40.0 45.3 1029 39.6 750 413 43.5 39.4 406 1048 50.0 743 45.2 1176 50.6 1037 49.6 821 51.0 1524 58. 9 YARDS 176 173 247 315 84 261 327 384 371 119 139 203 518 405 276 148 346 190 313 580 481 808
TDS 3 2 5 3 1 0 0 0 2 0 0 1 2 0 1 2 3 1 3 9 3 9
3 3 9 7 1 1 1 5 4 0 l 4 5 5 3 2 7 5 9 13 7 20
Lute Leaders, cont.
195.3 1954 1955 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974
1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974
Richard Larson Ray Christianson Tom Gilmer Tom Gilmer Tom Gilmer George Fisher Doug McClary Gary Nevers Doug Mee lary Gary Nevers Mike Tower Jeff Carey M. Blankenbaker Tom Erickson Bill Ranta Mike Robbins Jim Hadland Jim Hadland Frank Spear Don Poier Len Higgins Len H iggins
26 42 40 40 14 6 17 30 31 35 36 31 27 54 53 16 33 29 20 45 37 42
Ron Billings Frank Lancaster Ron Storaasli John Newhart John Jacobson George Fisher Doug Mcclary John Mitchell Bruce Alexander John Hanson Dave Bottemiller Keith Shahan Keith Shahan Ken Tetz Tony Lister Ken Harding Hans Lindstrom Dave Halstead Gary Hannner Jim Hadland Ed McGrath Jim Hadland Ira Hammon Doug Wilson Mark Clinton
3 4 5
5 7 0 3 0 4 0 0 2 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
23 31 30 45 12 22 18 18 38 12 12 18 18 42 24 37 24 42 42 36 61 38 54 54 58
2 3 3 3 6 2 2 3 3 7 4 6 4 7 5 6 1 6 9 9 9
35.8 35.2 31.4 35.7 41.6 38.2 32.0 30.2 34.9 31.7 34.9 28.7 38.5 33.8 33.9 37.1 36.6 37.8 34.8 36.2 37.5 40.5
932 1477 1256 1430 583 229 544 905 1083 1112 1258 890 1039 1824 1795 594 1209 1096 697 1632 1390 1701
0 0 0 1 0 0 12 0 28 2 0 0 4
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
9 0
0 0
YEARLY R E C O R D S YEAR 1926 1927 1928 1929 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 1935 1936 1937 1938 193 9 1940 1941 1942 1943-45 1946 1947 1948 1949 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974
COACH A. w. Ramstad A. w. Ramstad A. w. Ramstad Clifford Olson Clifford Olson Clifford Olson Clifford Olson Clifford Olson Clifford Olson Clifford Olson Clifford Olson Clifford Olson Clifford Olson Clifford Olson Clifford Olson Clifford Olson Charles Barofsky No Football Clifford Olson Marv Tommervik Marv Tommervik Marv Tommervik Marv Tommervik Marv Harshman Marv Harshman Marv Harshman Marv Harshman Marv Harshman Marv Harshman Marv Harshman James Gabrielsen James Babrielsen James Gabrielsen James Gabrielsen Roy E. Carlson Roy E. Carlson Roy E. Carlson Roy E. Carlson Roy E. Carlson Roy E. Carlson Roy E. Carlson Roy E. Carlson Roy E. Carlson Roy E. Carlson Frosty Westering Frosty Westering Frosty Westering TOTALS
0 F
C O A C H Es
0 4 0 3 5 6 3 1 5 5 5 3 2 7 8 8 2
2 1 5 3 2 3 4 5 2 1 0 3 5 1 0 1 5
0 2 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 2 1 1 0 0 0 1
3 0 2 5 3
1 2 1 2 1 0 1
6 2 4 4 5 3 5 5 3 2 1 1 3 2 2 1 6 4 2 2 3 6 6 5 6 6
3 6 3 3 4 6 8 6 6 6 5 8 3 5 5
PTS. 2 41
18 65 134 126
62 25 115 69 90 46 59 156 207 190 39
80 161 129 103 91 103 165 65 99 114 143 53 58
4 3 3 4 3 3 1
0 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 2 0 0 0 2 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0
103 73 79 68 171 128 156 131 165 198 265 206 202 238 325
OPP. 26
19 172 138 57 76
48 7 6 62
99 99
53 59
62 42 55
168 122
75 96 113 87 88 135 107
141 155 214
236 116 165 203 246
122 139
183 121
174 112
COACH A. W. Ramstad Clifford Olson Charles Barofsky Marv Torrnnervik Marv Harshman James Gabrielsen Roy E. Carlson Frosty Westering
A. W. Ramstad (1926-28) Clifford Olson (1929-41,46) Charles Barofsky (1942) M. Tommervik (1947-50) M. Harshman (1951-57) J. Gabrielsen (1958-61) Roy C arlson (1962-71) Frosty Westering (1972-
C O A C H E S'
4 64 2 19 27 7 37
3 14 1 4 7 4 10 3
GAMES 3 18 1 10 5 2 6 6
4 6 1 6 2 2 6 0 27
8 33 5 10
28 26 47 7 164
YEAR 1927 1939-41 1942 1947-48 1952 1960 1964 1973 & 1974
PCT. .333 .659 .285 â&#x20AC;¢ 655 .490 .212 .440 .741 .523
California Lutheran Central Washington COLLEGE OF IDAHO Concordia Eastern Washington Gonzaga Humboldt State LEWIS AND CLARK LINFIELD Oregon College of Ed ucation Oregon Inst. of Tech. PACIFIC UNIVERSITY Portland University St. Martin's College St. Olaf College Southern Oregon WESTERN WASHINGTON WILLAMETTE UNIVERSITY WHITMAN COLLEGE WHITWORTH COLLEGE Univ. of British Columbia University of Pacific UNIVERSITY OF PUGET SOUND Non-Intercollegiate TOTALS
1972 1965 1974 1973 1967 1941 1958 1974 1974 1939 1936 1974 1942 1960 1948 1949 1974 1974 1974 1974 1969 1941 1974
(1975 Opponents in Caps)
3 19 0 1 16 0 3 7 11 2 0
29 12 1 52 53
1 16 7 0 11 2 0 8 5 5 1 14 0 2 2 2 19 5 7 17 11 1 11 33
4 2 0 1 16 4 2 12 1 0 36 16
0 0 2 0 3 0 0 1 3 0 0 3 0 2 0 0 3 0 0 0 0
GAMES 4 35 9 1 30 2 3 16 19 7 1 25 4 6 2 3 38 9 9
75 100 125 150
SCORE St. Leo Lewis & Clark St. Martin's Central Washington British Columbia Central Washington Whitworth
14-0 26-0 33-0 26-2 19-6 20-6 47-0
GAME NUMBER 1st 5th 1st 7th 7th 7th 1st
YEAR 1927 1934 1940 1947 1953 1962 1970
1934 1974 1974 1974 1970 1969 1941 1972 1952 1940 1939 1932 1973 1966 1952 1935 1968
u. of British Columbia Pacific Western Washington Whitman Whitworth u. of British Columbia Puget Sound College of Idaho Central Washington Linfield Oregon College Fort Lewis Willamette Whitman u. of British Columbia u. of British Columbia u. of British Columbia
51-12 49-6 48-0 47-0 47-0 47-12 47-0 46-19 45-9 45-6 45-7 42-0 41-6 41-25 41-7 41-0 40-0
1961 1963 1929 1959 1967 1950 1973 1967 1961 1958 1928
Whitwort h Lewis & Clark Centralia Whitworth Eastern Washington Western Washington Concordia Lewis & Clark Whitworth Central Washington Centralia
0-67 27-63 0-63 0-49 14-47 0-47 6-45 7-45 0-45 13-45 0-44
FINAL 1974 NORTHWEST CONFERENCE FOOTBALL STANDINGS w PF L PA Linfield 7 0 197 61 Pacific Lu theran 6 1 239 85 Willamette 2 5 75 97 Whitworth 4 3 71 94 College of Idaho 145 3 128 4 Lewis & Clark 1 6 156 73 Whitman 1 6 63 184 Pacific 74 1 6 222
ALL GAMES L 1 9 1 8 2 7 6 3 5 4 6 2 2 7 7 1
PF 264 325 125 147 158 90 ll4 77
PA 127 112 93 101 154 169 224 243
1946 - Central Washington 1947 - PACIFIC LUTHERAN Eastern Washington
EVERGREEN CONFERENCE 1948 - Puget Sound Eastern Washington 1949 - Puget Sound Western Washington 1950 - Eastern Washington 1951 - PACIFIC LUTHERAN Puget sound Eastern Washington 1952 - PACIFIC LUTHERAN 1953 - Puget Sound Whitworth
1954-55 - Whitworth 1956 - Puget sound 1957 - Central Washington 1958 - Central Washington Western Washington 1959-60 - Whitworth 1961 - central Washington 1962 - Whitworth 1963 - Central Washington 1964 - PACIFIC LUTHERAN NORTHWEST CONFERENCE
1926 - College of Idaho 1927 - College of Idaho 1928 - Whitman 1929 - Willamette 1930 - Whitman 1931 - Whitman 1932 - Puget Sound 1933 - Puget Sound 1934-37 - Willamette 1938 - Willamette Pacific 1939 - Pacific 1940 - Willamette 1941 - Willamette 1942 - Willamette 1943-45 - No Football 1946 - Willamette 1947 - Willamette 1948 - College of Idaho 1949 - Pacific Lewis & Clark
1950 - Lewis & Clark 1951 - Pacific Lewis & Clark 1952 - College of Idaho Pacific 1953 - College of Idaho 1954 - Willamette College of Idaho Lewis & Clark 1955 - Lewis & Clark College of Idaho 1956-57 - Linfield 1958-60 - Willamette 1961-62 - Linfield 1963 - Lewis & Clark 1964-65 - Linfield 1966 - Lewis & Clark 1967 - Willamette Lewis & Clark 1968 - Willamette 1969 - PACIFIC LUTHERAN Whitman Linfield Lewis & Clark 1970 - Linfield 1971 - PACIFIC LUTHERAN Linfield Willamette 1972 - Linfield 1973 - PACIFIC LUTHERAN
A L L - T I M E
1926 0 2
(0-2-0) Puget Sound St. Leo
1927 14 0 6 9 6 6
(4-1-2) St. Leo Centralia J. c. Lincoln H.S. UPS Reserves UPS Reserves Centralia J. c. Bremerton Navy
0 0 6 6 0 0 7
(0-5-2) Lincoln H.S. Stadium H.S. Centralia J.C. UPS Reserves Bellarmine H.S. UPS Reserves Centralia J.C.
42 33 44 29 0 6 18
1929 19 0 0 19 0 27
(3-3-0) UPS Reserves Stadium H.S. Centralia J.C. Bellarmine H.S. Lincoln H.S. UPS Reserves
9 33 63 14 19 0
1930 39 33 29 7 6 13
(5-2-0) UPS Reserves Bremerton Navy Lincoln H.S. Centralia J.C. Aberdeen J.C. Central Washington Stadium H.S.
0 0 6 6 13 26 6
1931 0 20 6 0 27 27 6 14 26
(5-2-0) Puget Sound Battleship Lexington Kitsap Ath. Club central Washington Western Washington Bremerton Navy Ore. State Normal Aberdeen J.C. Whitworth
20 0 0 13 7 0 28 8 0
0 0
6 0 6 0
6 0
12 14
1932 0 7
6 0
0 42
(3-4-0) Puget sound 25 U.S.S. OklPhoma 6 Western Washington 0 Central Washington 14 Monmouth 19 (Ore. Coll. of Educ.) Columbia (Portland u.) 7 Fort Lewis 0
1933 6 7 6 6 0 0
(1-5�0) Linfield St. Martin's Albany (Lewis & Clark) Central Washington Columbia (Portland U.) Western Washington
20 19 0 14 33 12
1934 2
(5-2-0) Linfield U.S.S. Maryland Western Washington Fort Lewis Albany (Lewis & Clark) St. Martin's U,B,C.
7 20 3 0 0 6 12
5 6 26 25 51 1935
14 41 0 0 6 1 1936 19 0 6 13 33 6 13
(5-1-1) Fort Lewis Monmouth (Ore. Coll. of Educ.) U;B.C. Central Washington Linfield Western Washington Albany (Lewis & Clark) (Forfeit) (S-0-2) Fort Lewis St. Martin's Central Washington Western Washington Ore, Inst. of Tech. Linfield Monmouth (Ore. coll. of Educ.)
0 0 0 7 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 6 0
FOOTBALL 1937 13 15 0 0 12
1938 6 6
13 0 7 0 13 14
1939 14 14 18 25
6 27 45 7
(3-3-1) FortLewis 0 St. Martins's 15 Western Washington 19 Central Washington 16 Linfield 6 0 Monmouth (Ore. Coll. of Educ,) Eastern Washington 6 (2-5-1)
FortLewis 6 St. Martin's 0 Monmouth 7 (Ore. Coll, of Ed.) Central Washington 7 Eastern Washington 20 Puget Sound 6 20 Linfield Western Washington 33 (7-1-0) Pacific Univ. Western Washington Eastern Washington St, Martin's Central Washington Linfield Monmouth (Ore. Coll. of Ed,) St. Martin's
13 13 14 14 25 13 7 0
1940 33 26 45 26 20 27 14 16
St. Martin's Pacific Univ. Linfield Western Washington Eastern Washington St. Martin's Central Washington Gonzaga
0 6 6 7 14 7 0 13
1941 26 27 7 47 25 20 19 6 13
(8-1-0) Gonzaga Eastern Washington St. Martin's Puget Sound Western Washington Central Washington Linfield Portland Univ. Coll. of Pacific
13 0 0 0 6 7 6 20 7
( 8-0-0)
CO N T I N U E D 1942 6
7 7 0
6 7 0 6
1943-44-45 1946 26 7 14 0 20 0 13 1947 14 19 35 7 6 0
26 27 27
1948 14 6
7 12
33 19 12 7
1949 0 20 0 25 6 26
13 13
Pt, Angeles J.C. St. Martin's Central Washington Eastern Washington Puget sound Western Washington Portland University Central Washington
0 19
32 14 7 41
No Football 3 ( -3-1) St. Martin's 6 Univ, of Washington"B" 13 Whitworth 0 Eastern Washington 0 Central Washington 27 Western Washington 9 Puget Sound 7 (7-0-2) St. Olaf Puget Sound St. Martin's Eastern Washington Western Washington Lewis and Clark Central Washington Whitworth SouthernOregon (6-2-1) St. Olaf Puget Sound St. Martin's Central Washington Eastern Washington Western Washington Whitworth SouthernOregon Puget Sound (2-5-2) Puget sound Pacific University Central Washington St. Martin's Eastern Washington Whitworth Western Washington SouthernOregon Puget Sound
0 2
6 0 0 14
13 27 20 12 20 21
13 14
c'o NT IN u ED
1960 12 19 14 12 6 0 14 13 13
(3-6-0) Pacific University U.B.C. Puget Sound Eastern Washington Western Washington Whitworth Central Washington Puget Sound Eastern Washington
20 13 21 13 26 40 8 0 14
1965 0 23 3 27 21 13 20 14 7
(4-5-0) Linfield College Puget Sound Eastern Washington Western Washington Lewis and Clark Whitworth Central Washington Puget Sound Eastern Washington
17 7 20 14 20 20 28 0 39
1961 12 7 0 7 13 13 14 0 7
(3-6-0) Pacific University Western Washington Whitworth Central Washington Puget Sound Eastern Washington Western Washington Whitworth Puget Sound
9 13 67 25 13 0 21 45 21
1966 7 35 0 13 27 41 0 13 20
(2-5-2) Puget Sound Whitworth Linfield Western Washington College of Idaho Whitman Pacific University Lewis and Clark Willamette
17 27 21 26 27 25 0 33 27
1962 12 0 7 13 7 0 20 20
(2-5-2) Pacific University Central Washington Puget Sound Eastern Washington Western Washington Whitworth central Washington Puget Sound Lewis and Clark
7 25 10 13 13 35 6 0 42
1967 8 14 13 0 34 21 27 7 7
(2-7-0) CaliforniaLutheran Eastern Washington Willamette University Puget Sound Pacific University Linfield College College of Idaho Whitman Lewis and Clark
20 47 40 37 12 24 7 14 45
1963 0 20 7 0 27 0 7 0 7
(1-8-0) Puget Sound Eastern Washington Western Washington Whitworth Lewis and Clark Central Washington Puget Sound Eastern Washington Western Washington
16 7 34 39 63 14 9 26 32
1968 6 0 20 0 7 40 33 39 20
(3-4-2) Puget Sound CaliforniaLutheran College of Idaho Lewis and Clark Linfield U.B.C. Pacific University Whitman Willamette
21 31 20 6 7 0 0 17 21
1964 6 28 0 27 21 20 7 28 34
(6-3-0) Puget Sound Whitworth Central Washington Puget Sound Pacific University Eastern Washington Western Washington Whitworth Central Washington
1969 47 36 17 27 0 13 23 15 20
(6-3-0) British Columbia Whitworth Lewis and Clark Linfield Puget Sound Pacific Whitman Willamette College of Idaho
12 0 0 21 20 0 45 24 0
7 35 7
7 13 7 0 21 19
1970 47 29 13 7 45 37 37 30 20
(6-3-0) Whitworth Western Washington Linfield Puget Sound Pacific Whitman Hil lame tte College of Idaho Lewis and Clark
0 14 16 24 14 9 7 21 34
1971 â&#x20AC;˘15 18 50 18 38 36 14 6
(5-4-0) Western Washington Puget Sound Pacific Whitman Willamette College of Idaho Lewis and Clark Linfield California Lutheran
7 35 10 42 0 0 38 24 27
1972 12 31 7 34 20 46 26 7 19
(6-3-0) Whitworth California Lutheran Pacific Whitman Willamette College of Idaho Lewis and Clark Linfield Puget Sound
7 9 9 7 12 19 0 21 37
1973 27 21
( 6-3-0) Alumni >'( Whitworth Pacific Whitman Willamette college of Idaho Lewis and Clark Linfield Concordia Puget Sound
36 41 28 42 22
.. k
1974 36 48 38 47 28 30 37 14 49 34
(8-1-0) Alumni* Western Washington P uget Sound Whitman 1,1hitworth Lewis & Clark \Hllamette Linfield Pacific College of Idaho
7 6 14 20 6 6
14 33 45 30
Loss counted in 1956; other games not included in record.
19 0 27 0 7 14 21 15 6 22