1985-86 lNDUCTEES llYRON "BY" llAlLliY, Pootb:ill
RICHARD "DICK"H/\NLEY, Footb:111 VINCE l,IA,'ISON, Basketball
MARV HARSHMAN, llaskclball
JOHN OU:RUO, B!l5cb:u.l
History of Cougar Athletics
DON DOWNEN Cbairman, Hall of Fame Coundl
SAM SMITH \VSU Prci<idcnr
DICK YOUNG \VSU A thletic Dirccmr
THE HALL OF FAME The crowds lc:ivc. The cheering c:nds. But, ourst•ndlng contribution, to W:t>hl11gtc,n State Univccslty'> Cougor 2thletics live forcvcr. Tod•y"s seven loduccccs in. t.hls ttnnuu.l event, which bcg:i:n In l 978, Joln an illustrious Crlrruon :mr.l Gray "tc:un," whose members lrnvc rurtllered the gre•t troditioo or Co11gor ,pores. Being a mcmhcr of 1hc: \VSU Athlctit H:a.11 or Fttme i.s :io uhJm:t(c honor for those •thlcu,s, coaches, :tthlc:tic admlnlstr.uors, and othecs. who h:n•c rich •tblctic history. m•dc 1tn lndcllblc mark on our unlvcrslty's : To those being honored. family :i.nd friends, my sincere congr:1tulallons. You h•vc every righc to be proud, fus1 as we art· proud of yc,u
Aflcr su1rrillg us a running back at WSU for coaches Pbil Sarboe :u1d Forest Evoshevsld during the 1949.5 I seasons, Billey went on toscu- in the Cana ditto FootboH LC'Jguc ror J l •<"0SOOS (1954 .61) wltb Ille Brltlsh Columbia Lions Me wns clnlt'lcd by Detroit :ind plnycd the 1952 sc:ison wltb tlle NPL champion Uons. After a. year with Green 13:ty {1953) 0:1i.lcy moved norrh of the bordcc. where he spent his nrst dght scascms ns t1 running back and the nn:al three :J.S :a t.lcfensivc back. He is the tlnlr pl:1)1<:r known to p1ay on NFL and CF!. chnrnplonship dubs. At \VSLJ he set• career rushing mark of 1.2; l r:,rds. He was nn All-West Co:ist second teamer by AP a� a senior and won the). Freel Bohler ,,w:ircl for lnspir:ttlon. Fk led WSll In rushing with 695 rnrds in 195 I. the second best one-sc:-.tson rot:il ever at \VSU. Born in Om:iha. :-.cbraska. n,iic)' aucndcd West Seattle N.fsJl School.
Three colleges, Including W:l.'5hlngcon State, wcrc the benefactors uf long coachjng s1im, b)' �l•n• Hsurshm:m. The: Padfic l.111hcr:m grndun&c started his c:m,c,., his :tlnrn m•ter, moved 10 WSU afcer 13 years and then on 10 Wa,hing1on 10 finlsh his -10,ycru: co:ichlng c:trccr after I 3 Se:l.'!ons as hC3d co,ch (or the Cougar basketball program. He retired in 1985 Ilic: winnlnge.�t acti\'C NCM Division I coach with a 642-•MS cnrccr record. Harshm:m wa, 01 PLU. I ?46-58, bcfort' lllklng over the Coug:u: program from the leg• cndary J:ick Frid. He guided I he Coug;,n 10 rluec l'adfic-8 Conference run• nerup OnJshcs In the d•ys when only the championship clul) moved on 10 the NCAA pl:t)•Off>. Mc finished :ll WSU fourth on &he school's career win 11.'it, 155·18I Harshman 1hc:n wen& cross-s1111c 10 complete a 14-i•ca.r sclm as Washington'• head coaeb. He guided the Huskies 10 five wumaruem ap pc:iranccs, 1wo Pac-10 tltlcs, and In 19!14 wos rl1c NCAADMsJon I Coach, of-thc-Yc:ar. 11nm in E:lu Cl•lrc, Wisconsin, Harshman •11c11ded L!1kc Stc,·cns (Wash.) liig h.
Chris M,irkcr is the mo,i $uccc:s;ful swimmer ever ro compc1c for the Crim son and the Gr•>'· �k c.-arned AH-America recognition in 196'1 and set numcrow. WSU record>, man)' of which 5till si•ncl more ,ban 20 years l•ter. He w:is l1r;1 ahcmn1c in 1963 for the USA 1c:im ·10 the l':m•Americ:in Games aflcr winning two conference: title; In 1963 aod plncang in the top ,en u1 the NCAA Ch:unpl11nshi1>s in two e,·r.:ms. A y.,,.r la,cr he finished fourth in the 100 freestyle :uul 200 freestyle ontl sixth in the 50 frees1yle"' the NCAA meet. .\t:trkcr hcld vlrruall} c,·eq• Nonhwcs1 collcgiau: freest)'le record from 50 10 1500 metcrs during l1is c:trcer at WSU He was n•mcd WSU's "Greek �bn-of-thc-Yc:ir" :is a senior antl w:'-' a m"mbcr or the Crimson Circle scholastic honor.ar)'· 1-k al><t won a Big Six Conkrence srudcm-n1hle1e •w·.mL Bom in Iowa City, Iowa.. Marker auendcd Vistl (Calif.} H"igh School.
John Olerud was the backbone and badmop for 1.hc 196; Cougar ba,eball 1eam WSU c-Mncd a 1rip 10 1hc Colkgc World Sc.,rk� tlm spring anll rc1urncd home wilh tlw 1hiru place troph)', the school's b<'>I nnish ..,._-er ai 1he collcglaie event. Olcruti carnctl nm 1c:am All-America su1111s in 1965 and led 1he club in hilting with• .j4 I aver,gc. He won the Ccr,chc, Cup as 1he 1c:un '• most wlu•blc plnyer a5 2 junior 110d senior 2nd won 1he "Top Hiner Award'' in 1!165, Olerud tied for 1he schnol c:arcer home run rc.-card with 12 aad completed hls c:m:er ranked Jn the top tm Jn tlmcs •• bar, triples, home runs, and RDl's Nt c,irncd Phi Beta K;1ppa honors in wologr aad pre-med and after seven y.ars in ll1c C:lllfornia Angel, org:tnlz:i1Jon pl•)'lnS baseball he graeluatc<I from the Wasllingion Mcdic:11 School. Born lo Fargo, Norih Oakoia, Olerud was srudcnt body prcsidcrn while 311ending Federal w,y (Wash.) High.
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• Cl:mq Williams completed a brilliant collcgltlte career :ti Washington Srn1c in 1964. then went on to srar in the NFL with the Los Angclc,s R:tms for eight seasons. Wllllarru bad equal succc,ss as " colkgian both dcfensivc:i)' and offcnsiv<:I)•. Wllilams was :t first-team AU-America pick as a Cougar In 196-1 by Associated Press. Nl!A and the Foolb:tll Writers of Amcrl�. Fie ptared in the 1965 Hula Bowl nnd the East-West Sb.riJlc Game, finishing his career with 1.456 )'Urds rushing, the second best 10t:t1 ever by a Cougar. As a senior be led WSU in rushing (783 yards), scoring. totlll offense, p2Ss rcccptJoos, punt returns. and kickoff returns. He could do it all. He then went on to• very successful MJ'Ccr-v.•ith the Rams, le:tdlng the club lo In• 1crccp1ions three lime$ from his comcrback position. At the time of his n:tin:• men1 In 1972 he was tied for second on the R.am aJI-Ume interception list wilh 28. Fie Is • native of Rencon and a11cndcd Renton HJgl L
WSU Athletic Hall of Fame Council Don Downen, Chairman Stan Bates, Vice-Chairman Wallis Beasley
Jack Friel
June Bierbower
John McCallum
Bobo Brayton
BlU Moos
Joe Caraher
Bob Rober1Son
Rod Commons
Dick Young
Ike Deeter
Lee Wigglns
Don Ellingsen Program by \VSU Sports Information
WASHINGTON, MY WASHINGTON (WSU ALMA MATER) Washington, my Washington, the Crimson and the Gray! Tis the songs of memory that we sing today. When the sad hours come to you and Sorrows 'round you play, just sing the songs of Washington, the Crimson and the Gray, just sing lthe songli of Washington, the Crim• son and the Gray!
WSU Athletic Ball of Fame Members lllJCK DAILEY OlllM!b.iill Cu11ch HVtlOi\ ])AJU'Y J1 uu1b:.ll 'ITAS BATES AdmJul,ur.acor t.ORJN .. 1uu,·KE Tr:tc.k GALE lll�HOP 0askcth:&.11 J. Flll!D "DOC" 00111.ER Alltkth.- Olrcc.rnr WH.IH1K UClH.M lr.atnrr 110110 IIKAn'OS ll:a,cbllll AMCtt16 lU'CK.LEY Fumb:all. lUt.Skctb:lll. D:ascb:111 IIUClt CA,'lll'UD.L ru01b;aJJ RO:< CEY O;s1icb:dl CL I Ff Cit.AllUF..RS IJ;a,cb.:ill ASA \'. '"ACE.,CI..ARI< ltc>(Hh;tll CAtLCOCllllU P1;,01h::all £\1llltl!:'M" CONLEY Boxing GE.�E COSll. Y 0;1..,kc:1baU fi::a�ch:.11 . tK..E D11.ETER Oud.nt; ("(1-:ath ''l,O .,'E �"TAR'" Ol£1'Z fuotb11II Co;sch t:l,r.N "TURK" FD\\',\Rl)S foo1ball CLP.M l!tSCUE...� 1'r.:tek CARL lll.UNGSl!J\t Footh::dl OONA.LO P.ttl.NGS.eN Fontbidl, r�-=k DALE fOJID Ua.lt<ba.11 EARL FOSTF.H t\dmfnl,ru-.uor WES FOSTER Tr.1c:-k JACK flllEL H.:ai.kctb;i;II Colllch F.0 GAl'DA R:a-.kctb.ill ED C::ODOAHJ> Fomb:all RICILARD .. DlCK"HAN'U!Y Fm.nhaU. tiuotb�II C()�C'h \'ISCE HASSOS 1Ja.,o;J..c1b2ll MAR\' JlARSflMAN U11-1kC'.W.all Co:ac.h MEL IIEIN Footb:dl
ORIS ·�"BADE"' UOLLll'iGBERY FtlOtb:111 Co2ch 09 Al.0ERT "'PETE TIOOPl:R Oaa.kctha.11, 11.:ucball llOONJENl"iE Trude KEITH LINCOLN .irootb :tJJ PAUL LlN01$\fANN ll:u.kctball GERRY U:<DC::R1!N Tn,ck CHRIS MARKEK 5.,,,1uuuJug: EO \fcKINNOS Boxing. ART A1cLAHNHY IJ:u,kc1h:ell, U:ucb11IJ HERBERT "'UUTCIJ.. �ll!EKF.R foOlb:dl JACK MOO111!KKY Tr.u:.k Co11ch JACK NELSON Tt:u:11 U.Ukt£ NtEMI Fcmtb:all WILLIAM NOLL\.N nu.kc,1t,:1.II JOHN OtERUD O:ae,c:h:all LllJ' ORR Tr:u:k DOS PAUL 11ootb:dl ROY PETKAGALI.O Uox:lug PETE KADEMAClll!lt Oo ,duw, C::liORGE REID fo-01b:all "''. 0, "llEO'' REESE D:t.�kc1b:all Co:ad1 PHIL SAROOt Foo1b:dl ELMER SCIIWAKT� Focub:dl FJ(l!D SPIEGE::l.OlttcG Uoxcr. Focub;all Co:acb JIAY SUNDQUIST U:1skc1b:all HARLA:ia"t> SVA.8£ Foo1h:dl Coach LaVERN 1'ORGl!.SON Fomb:all JOUN VAN R.llEN'EN Tr-:1,ck JoANN WASHAM Golr CI.A..,'C\' \\IJLUAMS f?ootb:111 JERKY Wll.LUMS FoocbalJ Cl.AR.ENCE 21MMEIL\1AN ftx.nbalJ