1992-93 Tacoma Rockets Hockey Fact Book & Official Guide

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The Story of the Rockets

1(ooflnhed from pilgc S} 1 I ,.!10, Comb,netl, lhe billet rivals drew a whopping I 0&,083 rans ior I 0 games m 1he Donie nnd the Se.11llc Coliseum, an average 01 10,608 per !lame . Both marks werr all-If me WHL nnd CHL reccords.. On the Ice, the Rockets have a nucleus oi 1>laycrs involvt.-d wilh NHL club�. Three Rockets were selec1ed In lhis year', NHL drart, speedy winger John Varga being claimed by 1heWash­ ing1on Capllals; defen,em,m Michal Sykora being picked by the San Jose Shark,, and blu�I mer Tuomas Grunman iioing 10 the Quebec Nordiques. The latter has elected 10 plav in his native Finland this season, hut 1heRoek­ cts have rt!placed hin, with rormer So­ viet Elite Leagu'-' <t.mrk,ul Al,..xander /\lcxcev, a Ukrainian who has �!ready been drarted b1 the Winnipei; Jets..

Expanding the NHL connec1,011s on the club, centers lam,e Black and Allan Egeland were both 1nv11ed 10 NHL camps 1h1s fall, Black going 10 l'ills­ huri:h and E gc-land to the Hartford Whalers. Newcomers to the Tacoma roMer this season will be led by an ou1S1and­ lng young defenseman, Adam Smith, who played Tier II hockey last year with the Kelowna Spartans of the Brit­ ish Columbia Junior League. With the g,11dance of head coach Marcel Comeau and assistant coach Donn Clark, 1hc Rockets will look 10 a blend oi,cternns and rookies to carry 1he club's 1or1uneson theice.1fthe1 .1re successr11I. more than attendance record� will fall whim the learn 51agcs its encore cam1 >aign.

THAT SUPER VEAR: Rod,cts Smash AII-Timl' Rt!cords

r ollow111g.1retf.'tC1rd�'St"l hy1he locom;i R01:kel1 Jn lht'h flt� �son I. HIGHEST TOTAL ATTENDANCE IE.,p,1n<lon T11.im, lim,r;in: 1-l.Jl 511b s,1n"°'1,All , 11me WHL ,tnd CHL r,-cettd fot .1n ,..,,.,,n,H,n club In the filsl �e.u of OJ)l'f,1tio11. l. HIGHESTPl:R-CAMEATTtND/INCtAVERAGE IE--p.,n-..1an T.-,1m Fl1v 't'.11 4 ..8.. tJ>t•r-t;,ilTIC' J\.1.."fJl,,'t: (01 36 homl!pamc,,.All•tln\!!\VI IL .>nd 0 tLrocord ,m 11nrxp.1r,,innC'.luh ,n Ille 11t!,1 ,-e-1r nl aptor.,1/nn ). HIGHEST SINGLE-GAME ATTENDANCE 15..?40 ('4.'I ll, OUllf\' �). lCl?Jt. All·llfflfl \\'HI ,1ni;l�me.tlU.•ruL,nct rt>c.inl Brr,,�'\ nwl,. 1ot•I bv T,lC:0lllJ of 14.975 (OcttJhl"f 11 19911 lu kocti,,, nr,I homt1 s:imr. Bolh nwrf..-s "' Se.iiiIr lilGHESTSEASONSERIES/lnt.�D,\NCEiOnr ��t A,� G,1111�•:SC.. IOI.All 1JnwWHL .:m,f Cltl rl"(nrrl 1<11 n M:',l!(lf'l '4a'r!C1'J Of JM.' homl' ,::.mi-,. ,ti,:,.1lrv.1 ,1 \lm�lt< ()fllX,n(..tfll St1 .,�.\lmt Sl�nlc �. HIGHEST SEASON SERIES AT TENDANCE AV• ERAOE *Ont' Oftf.->nc•nl. Fi\'t' C,,� I1,.?lO 1

Ml 11mr- \VHL.1nd C . til. f'Korrl IOI' ,l §(!,lion sc,,es e-11 O\lt'. linim.• K,mtt"t _.�!Ml 1 \hti,:lt UJ�••wn, IS(t;Jtilt,1. •• HIGHESTSEASONSERIES/ITTENDi\NCEIT"<> 1t..'aln'K! 10(,.0IH IIU g.&llll�. foc.f)IM \' St_ ... 11nl11LAJI ilm�WHlm1,rl CHI 1rcnrrl inr ff'HUl,u· se.1son ser1e1 beM,-een .iny 1wo 1e.1ml. l\vc.-r,,ge r,,.��•m• ICl.l,(lB e,...k\m>tknl-d,l..il ,Ml· agt, of f,,5i11 ftw 12-µ.,me !oeti'°' lx-h\�M Pm1tm , rf i1nd ._.imloof� in 1◄11u,..a; SN50n • HIGHEST 'IUMR ER OF POINTS hpdmlon Tc,1m!1 51111 OpN;,ltrtQ.. riN ,•r.1t1. SJ. WHL rocorc1 ,or 1rno1I po1ms m 1he nr-s, r<w rn 01:ic- r.J• tlon :imu,,� l"\fti.lirt\hW, lt•.a.111-."m in thf-tc�Ul" 8n•,1lu Pfm'IOII� marl. nf -15 i,,rC boi• .\\t-d11 lne I LJI T1�m 1'1Tf,. -I A, HICHESTNU+\\8EROFWINStfAit.1J1�lnnTc.,tn1 S1111 Qiin11lnl,!.. fi11f Y•�11I: !-1. WI IL tc.ototrl rut wins 111 "''"' \'t'ilr nt oprr.umn .lmnftR np,1m1on h•.tm\.i,llll in llw· 11•.iK,Ut•. H11.:..a�-. 1m,,,·lo11im,1tlt1f ll k.'I It\ r,,.k-ditinl.' 11.11 I I� In I 9;"Q.j L 1

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