The Story of the Rockets
1(ooflnhed from pilgc S} 1 I ,.!10, Comb,netl, lhe billet rivals drew a whopping I 0&,083 rans ior I 0 games m 1he Donie nnd the Se.11llc Coliseum, an average 01 10,608 per !lame . Both marks werr all-If me WHL nnd CHL reccords.. On the Ice, the Rockets have a nucleus oi 1>laycrs involvt.-d wilh NHL club�. Three Rockets were selec1ed In lhis year', NHL drart, speedy winger John Varga being claimed by 1heWash ing1on Capllals; defen,em,m Michal Sykora being picked by the San Jose Shark,, and blu�I mer Tuomas Grunman iioing 10 the Quebec Nordiques. The latter has elected 10 plav in his native Finland this season, hut 1heRoek cts have rt!placed hin, with rormer So viet Elite Leagu'-' <t.mrk,ul Al,..xander /\lcxcev, a Ukrainian who has �!ready been drarted b1 the Winnipei; Jets..
Expanding the NHL connec1,011s on the club, centers lam,e Black and Allan Egeland were both 1nv11ed 10 NHL camps 1h1s fall, Black going 10 l'ills huri:h and E gc-land to the Hartford Whalers. Newcomers to the Tacoma roMer this season will be led by an ou1S1and lng young defenseman, Adam Smith, who played Tier II hockey last year with the Kelowna Spartans of the Brit ish Columbia Junior League. With the g,11dance of head coach Marcel Comeau and assistant coach Donn Clark, 1hc Rockets will look 10 a blend oi,cternns and rookies to carry 1he club's 1or1uneson theice.1fthe1 .1re successr11I. more than attendance record� will fall whim the learn 51agcs its encore cam1 >aign.
THAT SUPER VEAR: Rod,cts Smash AII-Timl' Rt!cords
r ollow111g.1retf.'tC1rd�'St"l hy1he locom;i R01:kel1 Jn lht'h flt� �son I. HIGHEST TOTAL ATTENDANCE IE.,p,1n<lon, lim,r;in: 1-l.Jl 511b s,1n"°'1,All , 11me WHL ,tnd CHL r,-cettd fot .1n ,..,,.,,n,H,n club In the filsl �e.u of OJ)l'f,1tio11. l. HIGHESTPl:R-CAMEATTtND/INCtAVERAGE IE--p.,n-..1an T.-,1m Fl1v 't'.11 4 ..8.. tJ>t•r-t;,ilTIC' J\.1.."fJl,,'t: (01 36 homl!pamc,,.All•tln\!!\VI IL .>nd 0 tLrocord ,m 11nrxp.1r,,innC'.luh ,n Ille 11t!,1 ,-e-1r nl aptor.,1/nn ). HIGHEST SINGLE-GAME ATTENDANCE 15..?40 ('4.'I ll, OUllf\' �). lCl?Jt. All·llfflfl \\'HI ,1ni;l�me.tlU.•ruL,nct rt>c.inl Brr,,�'\ nwl,. 1ot•I bv T,lC:0lllJ of 14.975 (OcttJhl"f 11 19911 lu kocti,,, nr,I homt1 s:imr. Bolh nwrf..-s "' Se.iiiIr lilGHESTSEASONSERIES/lnt.�D,\NCEiOnr ��t A,� G,1111�•:SC.. IOI.All 1JnwWHL .:m,f Cltl rl"(nrrl 1<11 n M:',l!(lf'l '4a'r!C1'J Of JM.' homl' ,::.mi-,. ,ti,:,.1lrv.1 ,1 \lm�lt< ()fllX,n(..tfll St1 .,�.\lmt Sl�nlc �. HIGHEST SEASON SERIES AT TENDANCE AV• ERAOE *Ont' Oftf.->nc•nl. Fi\'t' C,,� I1,.?lO 1
Ml 11mr- \VHL.1nd C . til. f'Korrl IOI' ,l §(!,lion sc,,es e-11 O\lt'. linim.• K,mtt"t _.�!Ml 1 \hti,:lt UJ�••wn, IS(t;Jtilt,1. •• HIGHESTSEASONSERIES/ITTENDi\NCEIT"<> 1t..'aln'K! 10(,.0IH IIU g.&llll�. foc.f)IM \' St_ ... 11nl11LAJI ilm�WHlm1,rl CHI 1rcnrrl inr ff'HUl,u· se.1son ser1e1 beM,-een .iny 1wo 1e.1ml. l\vc.-r,,ge r,,.��•m• ICl.l,(lB e,...k\m>tknl-d, ,Ml· agt, of f,,5i11 ftw 12-µ.,me !oeti'°' lx-h\�M Pm1tm , rf i1nd ._.imloof� in 1◄11u,..a; SN50n • HIGHEST 'IUMR ER OF POINTS hpdmlon Tc,1m!1 51111 OpN;,ltrtQ.. riN ,•r.1t1. SJ. WHL rocorc1 ,or 1rno1I po1ms m 1he nr-s, r<w rn 01:ic- r.J• tlon :imu,,� l"\fti.lirt\hW, lt•.a.111-."m in thf-tc�Ul" 8n•,1lu Pfm'IOII� marl. nf -15 i,,rC boi• .\\t-d11 lne I LJI T1�m 1'1Tf,. -I A, HICHESTNU+\\8EROFWINStfAit.1J1�lnnTc.,tn1 S1111 Qiin11lnl,!.. fi11f Y•�11I: !-1. WI IL tc.ototrl rut wins 111 "''"' \'t'ilr nt oprr.umn .lmnftR np,1m1on h•.tm\.i,llll in llw· 11•.iK,Ut•. H11.:..a�-. 1m,,,·lo11im,1tlt1f ll k.'I It\ r,,.k-ditinl.' 11.11 I I� In I 9;"Q.j L 1