Scholars & 2014 Scholar-Athlete Lineman Candidates
Luke Holsinger Lineman Peninsula 1;igh School
Riley Miller
Beamer Jordan Jemtlngs Bcllannine Brendan Grassi-Carbone Bonney Lake Riley Miller Cascade Christian Hunter Mucfill Charles Wright Avery Ceda:rstrn11d Clover Park Michael Romero Curtis Cameron Artz Tuitonville Wyntt Coleman Emerald Ridge Jonathon Gibson Gig Harbor Sam Campidilli Grohrun Knpowsin Donald ·walkinshaw Lakes Kyrie Simmons Life Christian Logan Devries Mount Tahoma Nathan MaClcod Peninsula Luke Holsinger Puyallup Edward Paulse11 Rogers Joshua Huffman Spnnawny .Lake Lepapamatie1ic J-lu.okin Jr. Sumner Troy Salisbury Washington Tyler Sherry
Bonney Lake High School
Troy Salisbury lineman Sumner High School
Kyrie Simmons Lineman lakes High School
Athletes 20 l 4 Scholar-Athlete Back Candidates Beamer Bellarmine Bonney Lake Cascade Christian Charles \¥tight Clover Park Curtis Eatonville Emerald Ridge Franklin Pierce Gig Harbor Graham Kapowsin lakes
Life Christian Orting Peninsula Puyallup Rogers Spmaway Lake Sumner Washington While River Wilson
Christian Stafford Mn11hew Phillchi Baily Madison Bryce Powers Scan Gorman Morry Tuiloma Dawson Beard Isaac Boettcher Brett Rankin Bradley Ehrmann Hu mer Werner Nalhalliel Affanso Macouly Downing Sam Absten
Back Ea1onville High School
Joshua Ellingson
Marque Kriebel tvUchael Fulla Griffen Stacy Micah Brown Chnsl.' Torgison Kod)• Martinez Hunter Hendricks David Shin
Donald Walkinshuw Back
Graham Kapowsin High School
Isaac Boettcher
Micah Brown Back Spanawai• Lnke High School
Marque Kriebel
Back Peninsula High School
Past Tacoma-Pierce County Scholar-Athlete Award Recipients Linemen
1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989
Kurt Gegner Community Service Award Wmners
Bncks Tc,m Cm:<>
Rob Corbin. Sumner
1978 1979
Andrew Kidlo, Washington
D.A.Gonye, Kurt Gegner
Mike Bo� Pminsulo,
MlkeMartin, Clol'er Pork
Dai•• Boirnno, Fife Rus-"'11 Stockdale, Curtis John Duppenthal,r, CuniJ
J, Dougal Ag;.in, Sumner
Rob<rt Hill, Eatonville
Kevin Scr1u, Jlo"crs
Edw,rd Ila>", Sumner
Jil..ll1t"..S Beckman, Rogen
Edwin TinS,<tad, Bc,1hd
Herman Hardt kc, El11onvill•
J. Ald,n Woodworth
Dorin J4lhmon, Franklin l'i<m, Brent Hyden. F<o<s
David Prybylu, Rogers
1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1993 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 1005 2006
MarkMIiier, Eatonville
Uavid \\'illlams,Wilson
John W. L<,c, Clover Anlhony Pasmelll, Fife
Andr<w C. lloyd, �nin�ufa Brock Huard, l'uy"11up
1981 19H2 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995
I.cubMcrcrs, Taooma Bapti,n
Anthony Newm•n. Taooma Baptist
Ray Mognmon
John Elswick, Dd1umine Cummings., Pcn"inlulu
Jeff Nacht
Aaron Meyers. To coma I.lapt in
Jason lohnron, flog•�
Brod Cheney
Travis Calloway, Wilson
lu.tilnMartin, Fife
Bill Philip
Anthony IGnkelll, S.Lhd
lnrdan W h,oler, Curtis
Dw1gl11 Donaldson. Srndmm
Ri-.n Frodcrick, Ci.<codr Christi.,n
Toni> R<,blnson, Bctbd Scan Mcllr.iitl1, Ortli>s
lacoh \\lishbum, Gismdc Chriiti,m Dmid BnL<S<r, Foss
H""" Kyun� K"o" frdl1klin Pit:m'
Cinw11>n Filley , Qirtis
Innathan Parkhurst, Orring
Mork Tingstod, Bethel
Chris Pedtron,ML Tuhoma
Mn11 Burlingome1 Srndium
Jinn S. Kim,Mt. Tohoma
Ronald l.lomkamp, lake•
ChrhtophcrWaUac,, Lah,,
Michael Gm•. Fife Dnn LiCllri, Suir11,cr
David Ting1rnd, llethd Monhcw Ness, Franklin Pierce L..tTT)' Belllai;er, Uncoln lo• PL«-;uella, Jkllormine Arron Wilkuu.Mt. Tuhoma
R. Frnnklin Thnmp,on lloug McArthur WIiiie Stewart Jot Stortitli Dan lm-een
P.iulWallrof Scott Nome< Ray High1mith
a.,y Hunrfngton Georg• Nnrdl 13-0b Robertson Smn NacGtrato DkkWeb>w JohnWoodworth
Mott \\',lklns, Spannwai• Lake
2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005
Jerry Plancich
Micah li,,nn•m. Peninsul•
l)r,w Maenhout, Wilson
,\ ndrew Knngii;er, llellorminc
Jomes Ncumt"<"r. T'cninnl1a
Tony Anclcr"'1n
Uomlni(lllt r.lgi1,1UIRU. Linrnln
fusion Erick.,on, Eatonville
l-Mtrluwe R(JCb-t:-r
Olllon Bem,1•, Curt4'
Charle, Dal<, Chari,.Wrigh\
Carl lamh<rl Anidi Buffington TerryM.tnlcy Adrfo Farber
lay Ubbot1, Gig Harbor• 2009
Nicholas John.scm1 Graham Kapo,�in
llcrnn Bak.., Graham Kapowsm
Michael Sly, Peninsula
Tuna Prichard, Clnve,r Park·
201 I 2011
Wesley Salyer, Rog...-.·
2011 2012 '2013
fo""Jlh Lovejoy, Bellmnine
JoshuaMiller, Wh,t.e River
Lucas lt.111on,£a1onvillc
Christian Yoro, Orting
NickWebster. lake!
Conn.or Rose._ Orting
Cl.,mu-.,J.cingal}I:., Greg l'bncich M'lrri•McC<illum C,l, lnhn<<>n FranllWriFht
Paul Wallrof-Founder and 1st President of the Tacoma/Pierce County Chapter Who gave Paul Wallrof the nickname" Big Wally" re mains a mystery. Who calls him that is nearly everybody! Paul is founder and pasl president of the Tacoma PierceCounty Chaplcr of the National Football Founda tion and is being honored here 1oday with a two-way rccognition of those names. First and foremost the lo cal chnplcr is being renamed the Paul WallrofChapter of the National Foo1ball Fou,1darion. It's a tribute to the energy, enthusiasm and dedication which Wallrof has devoted to this organization ov-<'r the years and to the results which have been forthco,ning ns a result of his relentless efforts. That also would typify his perfor mance as a longtime foo1ball coach, much of ir ai
the University of Puget Sound where his learns were among the moS1 successful in tl1c Northwest und rarely lost in the small-college ranks against teams like Eastern Washington,Central Washing1on, Weslem Washington, and the Northwest Con (ercnce. Lt was during his 19 years al UPS lha1 "Big \-Vallr" was regiirded as one of the mos1 popular cooch es in Logger his1ory and was induc1ed into the Logger Sports Hall of Fame. Th-al brings us 10 recogni tion number rwo - a golf 1ournament scheduled for A ugust 3rd to raise scholarship dollars for those local high school foo1ball players to be honored bi• this foundorion. Yes. it's the 6.rs1 annual Big Wally Open, an event which is certain 10 provide more laughs Limn thrills at 1he Higb.lunds Par 3 layout in Tacoma. It's going lo be a Scramble format. Jf you've never seen Big Wally on a golf course, you don'1 know what yoo've missed!
Master of Ceremonies: JayStricherz Jay is a proud 1965 Fronk lin Pierce H.lgb Scbool graduate, and captain<!d the football team his senior rear. After gradu ation from the Unh•eristy of Puget Sound, he spent Ihirty years in 1he T11comn Public Schools, initially as a teacher and then as the principal of Mcllvaigh, Joy followt'tl up pub Schools. Middle Truman nnd Boker, 1 lic education with cigh1 ) ears a.� the assistanl principal of St. l'atrickSchool, 1licomn.
After the 20 I 3 season, Tay retired from PAC-12Confer ence where he wns n long time crew chief refer�c. Jay has officia1ed bowl games including two Sugar Bowls. two Fiesta Bowls, ond t'\\10Cotton Bowls. Jay officiated the lirsl BCS Nallo1MI Championship game in the 1999 ficsla Bowl between Florida S1ote and Tennessee. Jay is curre111ly The Director of Officiating Develop ment for 0,e PAC-12Conference and is on 1he Nntion ol Football Foundation - Paul WnllrofChnpter Board. He is most proud of his family; wife Wendy, a retfred Tacomn Public School teacher and daughrers Jodi and Amy, both teachers as well.
Guest Speaker: Willie Ste-wart Retired Educator- Theoma Public Schools Former Principal - Lincoln High School Long time member ofTocomn A thletic Commission Long rime member of NFP/Paul WallrofChap1er Prosrate cancer survivor Retired Army ReservesColonel Boys & Girls Clubs of South Puget Sound-44 years o( service KiwanisClub of Tacoma - -13 years of service
a special thanks 011r special thanks to tl,e following for their ge11ero11s sponsorsl,ip of tl1e Palll Walfrof Chapter Tacoma-Pierce Co1111ty Scholar-Atl,lete Program
Gold Helmet
.:t=-ltAmericanWest Bank
_, AmericanWesL Bank Mike Finch- lnlegratcd Financial Pugel Sound Orthopaedics Seattle Seabawks Tacoma Athletic Commission Waddell-Reed Financial
Silver Helmet
Huai·d Famfly Willie S1ewnr1 Jeff Woodworth Ja1cgra1ed Financial Services Names Foundation Brad Chene)' l'oundalion Aus1in's Pro/Mnx Performance Custom Exhaus1 & Complc1e Automo1ive Wah & Sharon Austin/ AF lnvestments,.LLC Wes1em Washington Foo1ball Officials Association
Bronze Heln1et
MVP Physic.ii Therapy Dr. Srcncer Coray, Puge Sound Orthopedics Tncoma/Pierce County Pac-12 Officials Kevin Ikeda, Stadium High School Jennifer Kubi�ta I-like Finch Todd Beamer Adminis1ra1or.;
Services in Kind
Jocseppl's Risrornn1e Pacific Office Automation Dan Besett, Photography Superior Linen The Mauss Group/Merrill Lynch The Tux Shop Universi1y Place School District Plrou lwlp us in tl1a11ki11g 1/1u,, spo1uoT1 by pa1ro11irlug their (wsiues..'11
NFP Officers Bob Lucey, Pll!5idem Mike Will.iams, 1leas11rer Executive Board Spencer Qm,y Mike Finth Boh Hunl Miki' Mau.,, D,rn-11 Md,.a)' Mik<- l�1bm, Rowlund "R<d" Smi1h \\',Ole SIOl"-lrl Jar Sirich<rt
Past Presidents Tom Cross Bob Hurtt John Milltr
Geor�c Nordi
Mike Rober1s Paul W,tllrof
Picture fmm th< 1980 Taroma/Plera, County Banqu<L. Poul WaUmf i< sealed at <xtrcm< rigb1.
For fnfnrm.ulntt 1tr rO'joln rlHt Ti1tnr,1tJ-Pl(.rh' Coun')• Ch"f''" of rl,r 1-1al'io11r,I ('Ouibull Fomu/atio,r uud lh1H o/ FRmr ,a our .-v-bsilt: ww,••.fooll,allfmuulr,rwn,org