1957 Edition: The King and His Court

Page 1


AND Beglnnlair Feb. U, 110



P lltllll.l.L

Two lblng1 wo enjoy t!te mo,t6 botlti, frying to bunt lo got on bo,a,

•nd forge crowd, to , ..

our ,hows.



Gam•• Pl.ay•d

0 0 0

0 0 0





8 0 0 0 2 0 0 0




1952 1953 1954 1955 1956


179 162 132 107 _ 17◄

G""- pl•y�d 1161, L.,t IOI, Tl•d 11. Won 11>49

AJttrul•"u •• 91.fflU _ ow-er 5,500.000 f&ru Mllu tr•nf•d ov■r 556,000 milet

Fr,, Cftnic1 conductlld 1 Total ben,f1h p1a-y■d "FrH '

Gamu Lo-st

10 14 19

1941, 1947 1948 1949 1950

Free Bo"ofit,

Gamu TI•d



&.m,1 Watt

10 14 19 43 77

21 2


57 163 147 122 100 172


13 10 7 2

StalH playtd in CaM.dlan ,,.,"lace, pl•y•d l1t fot:•1911 Tovn _ Total 9am" agthid fHI, holdfng champion,





Important Items In Eddie's Pitching Record, which is the Most Complete Record of Any Player In Softball Total 9amu pttcheccl _______ 17◄6 lost J4S Tied 21 Woe\ 1574 ?9. 96) Tatar ,ttii ...ouh (lffttl"'eJ High,,t avg. ,t,a.-.�m p., 9,ma .1<.ll for one 1utort (9-lnnln9 9.i,1■J Ill Total ptrlacl 9am.. ---)56 Total no-Mt 9tmt1 pitch■d

!, ; ­



621 Total ihu¾-out 91m11 pltc.hacl Tot.J b_.H,tt pltc.hed lo bl'lncUold■d 2497 2126 Total httf■n altud.-out bllndfold,hi l"' fnning• longed 9am• plfched Tied four tfm•t.. An•ll'f won 1.lt. PHc.hlng-Edd.ie shuc.1 out Wal ..ed ft. Aflowtd 8 hlla..



NOKONA MITTS Exclusively

··�a---9.�A �.t \� �-



HOW TO PITCH SO"BALL P,.c.tlc•. Pre�ic.e, "•c·Hn. At l•••t tu ho,m • •HL Study the )cnition. As.\ qwntioru of IH»necl pHdten. When 't•li fHI Y" •r• tHdy, ,t•rt corittol1Jn9 • •tt•1gM NII. Ard f...,or low tnd hi9tt pllche1.. MuJ., c:ontrvl. Pr,cilce. L..e..rn lo d.,llu, Je.9aU, by pHc:Jtln9 bell of yarn aJ mhror. St.,t de•eloplng cu.r¥el In thb 01clt1, Drop, 0111. R.h.•. LHrn to cM,uJ• p•ce oft ne,y pit di you hv• Pucti� ,,.,,,m1Mrin9 h.Hen' wH\.11n1•"- Ea-perfmeftt, A,0., you �••• tnelhred above 1kt, ma1far • r.,1 b...11. Whll, yoti •re lurnfn9, 9,t • good ut,h,,. t..•·rn to •ot• ,.jtf. lfmptr,, 11ot •t•hnt. They eati to.me pHcho b.Her- l�ai, th•y do 0th.en.. Hnt c.orifiduc:e Ti, yot.ttulf. Once you ,n,1\e up your mind wh ld-1 c:urn you ••nf1 PITCH IT. Hoe • ,t.. dy form. LHtft d,ceptlon, •nd ptyckology, Nev,, (eel fh•I 'fOV heva any b,1thr ii, your poch, N,.,,, tMo• "'lth H •� t'M.I hvrh .-one •h H yoi, plfQh. If you il•n iurl • ror• .,m, rub ti ovt nnt. U1• yow, h.. d. Thin'- Conce,itr •t• 011 th• plat• ud ttrrlt r.one, not the. b.tte,. L.uM to p•c. 1011.,,...lf. Oo l'lol pitch anoth•r', p1tc. h. •• an hufMdwal. orlginal. Pitch Hth pitch by lhalf. St•y away from • p.t tfern. Warm vp 900d befo.t• en,y 9am•, CooJ off .51radwafly. E.t end dMnl e:I••"- Stay In ttim. ,,.ctiu bun, def1nH •1th flnt encl third bu,man.


On Iha rnownd. mal• u,re 'fOllt pl•.,.,. ere (111 po1ltlol'1 .nd au rHd tt fo, anything that miCJht happ,11-o L•t th•ffl. tell yo• �. Wlt� ball ln "•nd, male u,ra II lnh ri9ht lo yovr hand. U It dou,,�t . wo,� it up. &et ,.,1,., A•• f°' • ne• b.ll. l•h yovr polition on th• i,1ou1td. and •• yo11 ptea.nt tl\e ba fl lool

Im yi;nar catd,ar', ,iQnaJ. Gta""' .t Iha b.tte,, Teka not• of: po,itto" 0

of plate , utc.h•r'1 mltt, heltaf t fut. •flld al••rt c,cinddat th, wlnciaga JI there It • braau blttwin9.

Tab th, b.U h• yow p.Jichll'lq hu.d. Co.ncullng 1t from tba ,J,,.. of the c;oult and batl" with yov, 4lov•. Pwt yo\lr 01t4u1 ar.oi.ed ♦� b•II Mcur•ly ..-h.,e they mvti be to mab tit• b.U curY• the cfHlg"•t•cf .... .,. Ch,cl yo11r lnfltld wlth a Qlenu. St•rt th• 11 · lncf ,.-p, brief o, compl;cahd. lt-•p yo.., •Y• o" kom• pl•t•. k... p ••tc.hl"g you, utr.he, lo, lad mh,wt•• rla1h 1l9uli_ •'"' If • betl•r chang•t hit potlllo" I" th• bo:a: •• yow wind up� ♦hto• tha c:urtt fO\I h&v• ll•rt•d. 01tly ch•nt• pec.e -lau•r th•11 1, 11uel or ,lo"lr!'•r, U y1>w fHI h.e hu yow,- n·lffl'lbu, W•h::h b.111 into tfte miO or yovr c.1t�•'• or fallow H H long •• It i, In the lnflald, ;f it I• b1;1ntffl. Pl•y th• b.11 n•hlral 1 If th• n"t a, third b.ue.tt1.en o, yout ca.tc.lt., ._,. thue fint, hoJd up or rua �d. Sho•ld tho b.11 b• Into tt,• e1tli1old, watch lo< lt,a play and ba.cl vp th• \ay r•cal,er on tit• H,row.fa.

I. Throwin9 windmUI, with ,Ibo.- twrne d l ow•td 2. Wilh arm rot.tii,g urn• a, ln Fig. I, Thh. po•I• body. Holding • b.11 thh ••r can be an IN RAISE. Hon of f�• h.1nd on lht b•II wlll OUT RAISE.


l. Eti...� ,1111 ,cwanl body, lh, boll hold i• lh11 po1ttlon .. ould b• • tltatght RAISE. h, Fi4. I 2. l Tino• bill ovu th• thlffflb,

�. ihrowin9 Windmill ,till. A f'tng•r or t•_ o twd:•d 11,ufa:r Ille shown will b« anolhtr f'/p• c,f Owt Ol OUT RAISE,

It. Hotdin9 • b•II "t. you 1«r1 901ru1 to Oip • m.ubl• wh11• plh:h1ng wodd rettJU In• ful DROP.

Th• Softballs Uud in All Cour1 Exhibitions by Eddie Feigner In His Special Pitching Shows, Are


H. HARWOOD & SONS INC. J,lotitk, Mau.

Do t1ol 'WOtry abotil the l:iaH,, yotJ hue lwt pltdted to - ftOt th one y'ou wm "'-•• NI flu Hd, Only con . cefttrat, on tb1 on• tbndl1t9 In th, b1tt1r'1 bo-i.. Wit1 thuUvlly, to,. pl,Hutly. Wo,�lng yo_wr h.r1d with • rvbb1, b.ll. 1a. ba&M1- do,

wlll brlt19 drHgfh lo yowr fl1191trt

hencl mot, p11,bla.

,,uf ..111 ...-ili th,

7. A bal1 held 1001,ly on th, fin91r tip• end ,lip­ p,d oul 1moothJy, -,.fth body follo• ttuough h • QCH:ld Ch•ng, gf l'•u. Grip H9htly and will h1.M Into a ,low drop.

&I& •ppe•Nlt • FraM H.,.,.·• •"""•' S,OltTS SHOW at ttl• lalarMtio"•I .\#iplut....tt.. Ckiu9•. P'rtclu.11, -..,•.-. c,..411, of ,-pl• .... ,;,-."\;flt ..t IMtt•n la th Mld,&o ttf •tll1., it" t •• u,y •• ,t ,._tkt ..,._,, He,a bftlk �, t1Htfia9 Pl • ,t.-tfotN ,.,.rthadH � ••ta, tNRi-i•t to • battet. Af-itr �g 9-is ,.pa., •od pahl,1111 ut.;� tddMI pitdMtf t. Jt lt.t♦.n .,..., • 10 da p•riod two lo Fi•• tho-1 • tlay. la I� tim• ,ti. b.tt.n ... 0-.J1 11 fauJ tip• a114' co■11act..f on °"ty ONE HfT.1\ay reu"'H lt0 f-, ••cl. fowf aN �. -.. •'- tot .-.,. lr-,t celac:lad fl'l.di ...,-._,


No doubt you yw Iha Teem and Eddie on th• M S..hlr J,ow, "You Alffd For II", ov..- ABC out of Hollywood on Mey 13, 1956. If you didn't, m•ybe you would like to know. There ,.., no tricl: phol09raphy In the film - Eddie edually lnodad • cigar out of e siunl man's mouth from e raguler pitching dirtenco - BLINDFOLDEDI II tool: 38 lrin to do ii. With tho blindfold off, Eddie hit the cigar on the third pltd,.


UM<! bduslvaly by




Famous for

Comfort and Quality! "The Bell Uw, 1ho 8at1I"'


J<:>HN T. RIDDELL, INC., Chicago _



The First World­ Champion Team w. pl,,ar-J '-'-' the 'ilp 'fop,. T11ilou. from Jo., .

01tfe C.ftade, Th•.,. w•r• our opponenh 1ft ow, tecond ol ,n •igl.f g•m• lltio �o•d d1inuu1 ♦h• lt50 C.n•d••ri t,,1,.t;t1n■I E:.Mb1tlon -.Ill .. ,u.c.ude Falt h•ld dining la.I. Aug",♦ oc •arty Stpf■mb■r al Toronto. w. ••'• th■ Sport, h,,lu,11, •••gad hy 1ha up,1bla CNE Spo rh Diui:clqr G•or9• Dw♦M-. THE ,aESULTS of • 9•tn• l:t•+•un lh• k'b19 of SoHb.ell a.n.d lhree plajen •9.:lnd Iha '"'otld ,ehunp.foit tu,n--.i;ttf, wh"I wo1dd YOU upact? A.1 a m•ft•r a, fae1, ♦he game d,.w ti1V1tf 15,000 ,pac.�■to,s- ,_.._o f.tmf"l•d th• 1hrnd, an� had l-0 b• ,._.ted t,. Iha out-hald 9,ao •• clo11 •• lifty f-■t bahlad ucoad b.u. Th• qama vu ut lo go HYfl 1Mltu1 1 o.r ir, c• .. of • tie fo nine lrmln91, b1,;♦ no more, On t•o o-cc.eU0111 • home, by th.e phc.kll.l'1 of boflt lum.1 ••• rwlad a double bac.11iu.a or the c.tootd Ca!!rl aln,ot1 ,c;ored lliy • line U'l'tath by Mlh M•illtl• ..-wl� two ovt •tul at third.• l!h.i! All,A.l'!'l•tfc.an 11,d ba, .. "'•" fo, Tip Top l-fopp•d II f,om 411ft o\lt of po,mon loc•t•on eftd the ievfl'I 1nn1ng• 'f"•t• •flded 0.0. Aftar t-,o mo•• i-f'lnin9• of pl•y it ...u dltl 0-0. Uucla Kh1.t.e,, u•�•r I.tu tbled to 1porh ..,titen !h.t Tl wa, Eddi, F•1gn.-r , "'••• .-,arty p,,.,fcc♦ pit-.h,"9 pn• form;rru •• foVT of th• fl"t n.... '1tatleh 111 •h� C.h.mpioe•• tuft\ ••'• AII.Am•ric•n• ..ho hul won b•Hiftg llll•t od ••r• ,1110 Jeff hander� /\ho the pitch" ..-bo twined •n the pttrfom,•n� •9•1MI th Co111f lut.� -c:omif'lg to I,.•· •lqht Jt,nt1) w-. Ck.rife Ju,tlu (,io telaUon lo lh• foolb1n o.u) but •" All• Am-aflu" pifd,•, lhted by th• Cou,t •• cm• of th• 10 top pitr.l,m of •ii ••lib.II.



• '"""*'



OUR FIRST LOSS - C•m• In July 194911th 1•"'• W• ,,,.,. pJay1n9 •n All S,■, tum and, ., .niul• .,.,. ••r• •• b..tt fiui W e loe. ded U"• lu.tu u d ft loo�•d u I f • • •owld go ahHd eno119JI to ..111, bvt G.,,. Emry, • ••l•n♦ed play•f Olfho ••• ow, fird lla�m•" tl'lffl. 1t,vc\ ovt , l,1,1"._d foul Of'I • tMuf. dtl\• •"d 9,ouitded out. w. d;d ttot u:ote untll the 1,,� l11nTnt--t0 we Iott 8 lo t.



OU- FIRST FOREIGN TOUR~•• • n;ght to- Cube, puerto Ric.e. J.11\.411ic.., th. OomT11 , k•� lhp.. Wlc � 11,. w.. t lndlu vle ..... AmuTtAft CoMa1,.

Among our Fondest MemorleUfe mag.uin••• d,c.hlo" In l'ISI lo lmm,CtUI. ii. 011., ,how bi,' (N.fvtT.ftQ '" in OWff ed.. •e.ri:.ing prowr•m il'I n,eny "•w-spep en th• world ..,ith t,1m1f'ldoV1 cl rc.vlation cove, •9•- In addUlon. •• ,uei¥ed pfdort.1 co"•"" age 1ft the M•y Ii, 1952 luue .ind., the hud'Un.-"A Pitcher Who N.. d, only Thrn Ta,m,m,t.-.,"




OUR FIRST GAME-Came •bowl In 1h11 .,.,.._. wer• d.f ..ting alf th• t•&m• in th• loc.al lndu,ttie1 lu,av• ...-{th Kor•• n,c.h u JJ.O. Afht one wch t•m• Eddi•, .;ho -...,, ptelty P"ovd or hi• lun,,, busted to the m•u91t1 of ♦h, fHm th•y Mel j1nl bHtu to th, eH•c-t that Eddi•• tH1n could h.,,.. don• ._. ....It ,.1th i!nly fowr pl•v•n (TI,• ru1ci" four wat muHoned waa 10 the♦ .ah Jhe bun loacf•d thtr• ...ould dilJ be • ""'" at b.t.t Th• fotf o•ll'lt ••• � .. "ro ..'l">tl'!lln" g•m• we, .,.. ,a119t-d •Ith Eddi• pttc-hft19 • s.lt.ut,out. ,trn­ lng oi;I lq end •alUn9 ao one. Two baH•tt did �it ,.., ball, one ,. pop-tly lo fint, and the oth., • 9rowAde.t io J.ort O, ..t Mi\e f"l■ldsd ft •"d thr•w to flnt far t�• put-out fH'H_,,.• h19 Eddl."1 petl•d t10..h1t nO•nlft. t10--wal�. 11 men -..p .,.d down 91m• , E•el- of Ifie ·•Jou,. �ll on• ham• f'Un 1ncf m•11·• t-m I b.. u.rn.u,.,., o-lhe11 ...,. •" beut ,,,. fT1111I &U.re of o\lr FIRST l=OUR-MAN &A�E--7 to 0.


Tri£ FIIIST 6AME Eddi, pac�,d 8l1ND­ f0LDEO 1n ltl •nfir•t-,-11 ffl'lk-ao..-h. 1 ••lh, eftd oee hlt la !tom• run lh•t ._•nt O'l'el t.ec­ arid bale and rolled to lh• f•nc.el but lh• Court -o• th• h••II '""1ng gem• 1-1 II ••• •9eln1t tit. Weil-em CanaJfan Ch•mplont l,i C.19._,.,, Alb.rt ... Ml\• lun-l kl1 polllioa to field bunh a.nd ptol•ch E-dtfla J,i the evet1I • h•H., hih 011• bad through th-• plld1a,•1 bo, C.tche, b�II from ,at,h.,.. l,i No.,•mba, 1'156 lhe Unil•d St.lu Deparl>­ rn•nt o( Stai• 1ani b:fdie F■igna, to Palitl-u, -li•t• �• t-,a.,-•11td l¼iroughowt .ut •l'ld .--11t ,..u,t.01 co.cbt1'19 s;oftbeU a.I w.ch of lhe P.-\. hht1 Army •rid A.Ir Fore-• ha1•1, mllltuy acad• emi•• •nd colt•gu. lb P•lJd,ud, •nloyed tk• '""'" ot toftl,.JI and tHm■d lo wndenta,id, .,...,. lhou9h Eddi• t•l�.d lhro,uah en Tl'lt•rpntt, lo m1Jtt of lh-• 14,000 etMe+., h• c.oac.h,d �u,1119 t�e trip.

Here are ,oma view, of Eddie Feign.or taken on hi, lrlp lo Pakistan lo bring l!,om inlormoHon about America', fovorite ,port.



�\\�\\.lE SLUG� �

--- �

HlllERICH&BRAOSBYCg to -·- "'' IJ/SV\Llt�


- During the 1957•1958 Winier Antn• IMJOn, the newly form..! Edclie Felgntt Shows Co. will be pteMnling e lre•elln9 Spo,t SI,-. a. ,..,. to lool for ll when It la In you,


One of the ,.,. plchirt, tebn of ♦h1 ♦Nm In clvle, - (o.,t of their uniforms}. Here they •re &♦1nclln9 In fTont of the Conr1d Haton Hotel in tlilcogo 1111th the!, old friend Welter Riddle, Aula♦1nt Menagtt of the world's lergn♦ hotel. King and His Court uniforms are styled by ...



- --- -- ---- ----------------------TERRELL, lrXAS

Acldilional e<>pl.. of ♦hi, book, elso copies of ..,.,._.;, boob fTom the ye1r, 1951, th,..,.,gh 1956, end Information concomlng boollng, can be obteln.d fn>rru

P.O. Box 335 pt.... ...do .. 30c ,.., copy

Coll•1• Place,

to con• m1a;ng cod of boola.

Waahlnston State,

Telepl,one JA S.7024

• CO



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