THE OBJGilfAL :Boghudng- Fob. 15, 1846
6th YEAR
Vou,: ;/{an
Ed Fclr,,e.r and his King and 1113 Cou..rt jOhlulll team "'ere t.he rnnln attraction nnd, Ute majority at the crowd go1 an eycluL Thi• fellow feigner IJ am111.lng. He dnclmoro thing• with n aoflbnll lhnn even themonufDctu1·cn dreomL wns possible.. He, 1itu.rally mo..ke1 lt ualk Actually, you have to� lht! 1how to bellcve it.. And even thtm you may )cove 1he park wonderms: 1f it we-re An optical IUwdon.. Frankl\' aflPr Q.,.lnu- f-phrnt•r nntl hi4 fnur-mon club we ---- - :o offer. now fcol lh -•10fLba.ll �t!.D.!iC Them; CAnADIAn hl'ITIOn AL , etthor Hio 1uppor1 :w:! � ,X11I1mon - ---- ··w, "' Uf) well .aq:rnltf'd.... !iii • Edd111 Kint Yelarnitr aflC!t' 0,000 rt --·------ '-• ·The. Kl111 and Ill• Court,, a fgu.r, anw Pc,<,pJes plltt up 1n early LI --·1n 1111�Uon. provc:<110 El Pa.o run lud to til.'.it he and hi• fQl fay that thQ)' 1re tbt' Harleom UUUl teo:m.. u.i- al CNE Slwlll Ol:k!ln>tlC'D ar the aoftbaU fteld SJturd.ay, l'be compltxWn of the Kina and Sunda,>• .afll'.OlODII o ver 4l iunml?d Kn, Oordens for anot f 11 Court. h.itl ·nnlhlna 10 do 1'1'1th � C:Clmpllnwn, ook Ill Klnc and kit Court. t: Tht' rour-m:an 1am wai tr111Hn1 Robel'Uona 1tole the thow with 3win ;::.•.:= :i ::-::::.:... •I In tho n.rth lnning wh.en lhf' nj decided to qull and en1er1Al11 'Nln�tr-nlur ,:oms Jn !OS du ! crowd withr,tli,or .ah4w, ,u•t Jutt 1uo muc:b .. Feh:n �- Juls got II h ts otr F"C!IArttr :and lll!Ptd "'I'm bul'• tht o.t th• blow, Wllrt! hQm�fl On�r dun slrtold, lht,- too ____ ., ___ _ ....,. t,_,.,._.,_ ,. leli(i11mac, car11 open to ,md Lied rour Ubl BfJc:OUJf' the Kina• don'\ l'k,pl10 the 5111.Urd•y nla ,·e oulfleldo.ra. trouncing F1tlJ[t'IOr pu1 <In •n cnh t..lnln& clhploy UL CJH.: ,oftb .. -- -• ::.:;;-.:::-:--=t:t=:=' atadJum with all bl• pllcbh lricks. Kins and hit Court, ln tour '1 ronto •ri�arnncu. draw over 2 OOQ fnn.1-
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Tho ,:;o Sea.son •as a vorr evenLrul on..e for us, t.hnnk-s. LO all of you •an As muter of ceremon dorrui so.ftba..11 fll11s across this ,;re&t oonti..neiu.. los, r hnd many opporLunJt.ios Lo o�pro$s my fo&llngs to you, a.nd orten received o. bit. more than should htl-VO. beon mtne - - since the other m.orabers or tihe team mea..r1 u much to 1 c. ttS r do, and. wt thou 1. thom there wou1d be uo show. This yaa..r o•oh mo.robor of tho t.ea.m .Ls taktng a page or the book, to g.lve his personnl views on h.ts pn-r�lcular spocla.Lty 1 a.long 11 r\Ote nboul orr-scason aoti rlt.los, r.hat may oo of t.nterest. to somo of you. I .reel that, in t.hls time or t.rou.ole and strife, clean llving, wor-k1ng, and Wlll help us all Lo sert/o our country beLler, a.nd, what. is more -Lnport_..nt, he.l_p us to become boalthy &nd str011A� wi t.h keen IU.1.nd.s a.a ho states ln and puro hot1.rts., so wo ca.n servo our Ood more 1\llly, T know that lt was God's hls flo,ty Word, t.ha llltile, he would nave us do. ,rill t.hnt I pHch bal..l, 'fho young bO) s o.nd girls noed someone who •1-11 rOt11ember back tuHl help tbom across tlll! l"oughor )OILl"S uia.t seem to bo ln the oo.rl)' pa.rt. or our 1 r thi;,y get t.he right ar.arr. t.hey wlll not oo it1 ti.rouble, or 11-ves. t.roubUt1g ot.hers In lat.or Jears, 'f'l'e cnll on Ood whon wo need holfl, buL 1'orgot. Ulm whe.u ever)'llay Ood bO each 11nd evorl one or .vou, And li.btng t.s smooth. r:lll)' you find poace of' mind in a foar-strtckon world, ls m)' pra.)'Or,
Sirlco '-'C rlrst. st.arted pl.a) lug, t'our-m11n tJn..U. �oar was Lh� t'1rst time Urn: Lruo plct..uro wu sho�m, u ,rt@ play�d all comer.s 1 1ncludtui the Du.a t.o ttUtn.) t.hlugs- t.oo oum.orous t.o mout.lou, •£! w@nt, l\'orld Cll..U.ltlpions. those In all falrness t.o down 1.n tho Ga.mos Won and, Lost. depa.rLmenL. thn_t we •on over, 1md the ones that defeated us, the t·net tha.t •o lost was 11ever one t.hat. could bo used to sho1r •hero tho best. to.wns 111oru. we plti.yed t.err1t>le baU sonse nlght.s - - other ulghts, no Le&m... 011 our schedule could ha-v� lOucheli ws, We hnvo n.Jfpt,ared t,ef'ore over n. million spccta_t.or, slnce lfe st.artt:td. yoa.r, ho•cver wa.s our rlrst.. sea.son on tho road rr-Ol'll Sflr.lug LrR..intng tO rooLbA11 S&lllSOn, Wo hove gront respect tor- t.'he or rour g-rent to.o.m.s wlll not pla) us on such wtevon odds. Si11cc tho quos,tou comes up more ol't.en than 1101. 1 yes, we have t.riod t.o get. games with lho Zollner Pta1.ons, Cloa_r-wat.or 01· Tho. season Dombers, BrJgg.s Uoaut) Wa_re.s, and the Urumon Y&nkeos. 1951 ml'l)' see us ple.ylug &.1. Uare� or Lhese c.ea'tlB wlt.h our rour-man A game •1th n currenL world chanrpionshtp tear.i puts tho.m ln n ver) So, should we not bo e..blo to pla,> Ute c:urrenl cbampJons, deUcato spoi,. I am sure that.. tn somo t\aturo soa.son we wtll be able to pln..) M.\ anti all We certainly .,,.a.11t to. t.eams. lt. ha.s ue-en &nld t.hl'lt llll) 1 good pitcher cnuld wlo over nost. w1Lh Sorr), lhAL ls stlll l•o l'leld•rs LOO mAny. only 1nflold support, Yc11, Lhuro ts Thoy will t1,..>1e to brJng 1n r.ho seco11d wd third base nicu. we I hope thQy succeod. I ltnow <llan) arc tl')'ul& it, tho sLlcker, would like LO plAy Lhelr four-man �eam,
PMplt-. who won lho Dominion Well, Tip Tops are dill wor-ld sottbal1 erown T h u r s d a y nl1ht. sonbll.ll champion•- t ,runa Bui ttm� anothttr diatincti.on Wt t.'!Ve• the crown lmd tllppc,d II little tut nin1 when lhc:y bl&ukC!d Lhet Klnf nlJb.t lfttt Eddi,e'1 tour• llftd Hts Court,. 4,0. at E1h tbJtlOQ man tsm had b111ttWd the cJumpa P:Jrk.Followtn1 an 11-1 tdumpll 1Q • nlnc-lnninr,. 0..0 draw. lv.-o weep 110, Lho vlctol"')' mado ColWdt.rln,c be ·waa plt ehjr,i the Bettch«!'S Ll!que club Otte ot two t�am• whlch bavf! bn.tcn lhe •tta inst Utto world champs. >"'d&ner WU out ot thlt world Ht ttruck tour-man aquod twice. out l7, Lb.TN bllndlold • and Gl Ed -Ytlcnu, hurler tor tht: vlJ- Jowcd only lhrtt hlb.cwa lnfteld 1tOTJ. aald th.rt winruna mounds.. No wonder be doean·t need a.n out,. miu,.. Ru• Johnson. who wcm both fiold. lhe Pec,p19• 1amu 1aaln111 the. ln the 1am.e, Dor 1tra1n.ed Late Court. WAI "th• ball o r t h o d o x back aofn.c at1er • chanae-up pllcher we've ever banh:d 11toln1t.'" hitTh� . llmn the C'J-un lnf\cld. tew U111 Wtnt turllttt, and ald \hat lhe w�re ealltd upon tor action C-anadian chtlm5:)IOO• make up ont e-.r,i ut lhe �v.-o hudest•hltlln1 c.luba the, left nolhlnc to he d.cairod wu t0f1bA.U'a grcatnt dtfPI» hc't taet!d. Th1.1 oilier iJ an £1 Palo. ofnpltc:blng be-lo� Canadian eyes, Tex.. outlh. .tnd before thelAra:ttl pWd tofib4ll n� Tfle:rui,wn �amcd tho Canodirm crowd. Eddlt l't'.ipter VI, Chaclle Jultlce. pralJO with lut nJab:t't pert.arm . IUlte, While Umlt.lnl the vWLOMI R fl & to six hita. ht ,truck out mn• and Kin# C..0 D 0 0 D 0 0 DO O 1 didn't walk a man. Fof•ner ll}.. Tip10p O O O Cl O O O O O O ◄3 3 lowed 10 hlti, but m11ny of \hen were b a nred out whne ho wu ni.e Kin& and ff'ta Coun thrlllnl pi«:hin1 ttom kOi.'.ca, or tram • a crowd l.att Wjtbt wJth 1 10ttbt1l1 tpOt back ot .-cond hue, Ovcr- LhJ:, u.hlblUan Uku of which hu route, he coU�tcd 13 Jb"lkeouta. mn'N' bttn .etm in lhla aru bet.ore, .1rrrry Jones w;1.9 lh• best of the u I.hey trounced I.he AU..Sta.ra, IS..2. Ftlaµtu Foursome with lWO dl1U The tcort: er tb,ci ruru: bn't bles =nd two ainalcs.. Impart.ans and doan't te.11 the King Ed.di� who kno�, ator,, Tha• lies In. E'ddle trd.g. rnaru.b.lp u well a. he k:nowa sot't ue.l"""• pltchln• sh&\¥. A.rut wlu.l bal� put on hta UJ.u•J humorou, • shew, pcdom:t.nnco- at the conclualon ot the- prnr, Shortly after, thOUJ&h. bf, h 15 ha.rd to t.e1l whet.her Pei,nt·r ,rot aerh>u, and lalkt!d •bout hll really boro down la.t nishL Die blQMl ambilion, f'..&Q•rol-"le, JtOOd� v.•raille:r WU \lt!r)' bnd,_ A uture<t fel,crwr hopn l.(o bec,o:rrui fl ahawu fto.ll bdore the pme .tarted fo1 up tor the- ttnt fN •nnlnc, and minlrter. 1.bon •UI.Atd q■Jn, moJtJn,: t h e tdd.lC Fdanll!r doun'I daJ1d on p ayln eld very A p.ltchcr, s ft l l'tlt hee.d l O pitch. but h e dos aJ . t"JJ1«;lall; 1 one who 1om lhrouah ruoot n-erythi.Jtc ella, lhe maUon, ot ..d5J1cr, would be Over t,OC,O Jammed Sunn-Ide .,.. lwidkipl)t!d Uy those condhlortL e, S todlum 1111t nI,1tbt to .ee Eddi But h..c Jtill �u\. on a ahow and lhe dt"pllfU!d fa. ur houn Jaicr con.- crowd IO\'ed it \ inctd the,r horl JICet\ a rrc:"t 1pon1 Fll!ll'flr:r'• lhrte h•mmalea ahowman, �·• ro• Jade.lo Pnce and AJ PUI on • crut bJuinc display. �h11cht backed off-the mop.'' thout.- Khuu bana-rd 001 six hit.,. In•• rd Roy Dorsey o1 the Beaches Mil• cludin1 a doubl• and triple Jor rutball LHI\Utl, ..He does .ill Melllclu. a Jc-A.Q lfl:ft hander: the trlcka 1nd puta them in actual J.lap�d 001 • PG.Jr or ulph:1 competJHon.. Prt.ce llnd Schticllt a.l"I! •n.d doubt� all Ions IOeka. and drove AJ Pl'Mt deep Into rtrM strklly t'xhlb1Uo111tu. .. b:aal do� a In.OJ 01 tn tbe UdntrthcatllndiU'd 12,.ln.chAmcr- ftlo th. Jom!I coruueled tor two f l CD.D ball Eddie pitched ndow. double,, a.ttd a paJr of .dn.J l ca. kinda of windmill deJlvel"le:t, but Klrucr balled lo "Vf:H ru11.11. nnvft' reaortod t o lhe aidr-.tu'ffl Pitch. w.hic.b ii taboo In rcrutathm Ont al the m a n y play, which drew anphuae f r o m the crowd aoltbaU. .H.11 bllnd.tokl pllc.hln# waa 10m� came In the ftttb lnnln,r. Felpiu lhln1 J:Pl!dal WtJlrina a bli muk WUORffCOnd whtnMe.Ulclceakltd ovtt hlt 1ace. . Eddie tanned 16 bat. lo riaht Rold He broke Cot third Iara. i'elgner pitched 107 Gilli.I. over but A.I Frot1t'• Lb.row trom rl,11:tl the M\ltn lnnlnp, He hurltd -(8 fteld beai Ft:l,rner lo the b.a& with •trlkca,. 12 bAUt tor Lhri three walJu. plen1.1 to JNt"· It.a Bob Lot.J..nae.r _ and w.,lcd 4.2 ball• before lt1.ilUn1 waited to make lhe tq, Fe!l1n.u lb.elh1rd1trikeovc:r.. Healloyleld-Ju.mped ln \ha arr. t wlttcid a n d ed flve. foul Ups. K.tna Edc.Ue tb'uck rrabbf'd the bue with hia h111'ld a1 out_ the a:lda ln lh• ft.r,t.. aecond and he !Anded. He wu ,,1;1� thlrd frame, while olt.chi.Jta blind. lolded. 1
:<ew And The cbo.rud.C!r !Ji Ed F'olper tpro.. nounnd u In notb.lna- could be folnet tb:an to bet h1 Carolalner) and hl, ouust l.1 known II The Kln1 HhAt'a _E1H and Hia: Court. 'WiLh Ed twlrllns , th•-r• tho rl•hl word tor .II), and o.n.l, a catcher.rovl1111 nr11 bllsmna.n and rovtna lhotUklp to c11ll ht. own, Walt. lhBl wun't all Tht1 Kini, "'hen he wtnt to the tnmt :: io 0 in the fourth, pitched bllndlolde!d and ,uuck oul the, •idc. In lhe 41th he P ! t c h t d from HOond ·bue and tlnned onemnn. Then.pll.Cbod trom • kncelln1 p011ltlon . He wu nlektd tor a 1lntlc 11 Wt ncke.t. one or only two hill he gave up, There hu to be ■ ,colf to lt. and Lht can iJ the wfndut>, The- K1ng 01\l7 wes W dlffcrent t)'l)a ol windup. H.ow10mevcr b11·11nme ahucU Al a po_rformu. and 11fttt the pmo he g11ve • demonnrntloo of pJtdtlnt:,. In which he toued. ev«r7 conC'Clv a.bll' l¥P41 of pitch., windin1 up by throwinr ltrJkc,a r.rom centre 1\cld. l1obcrtsom 1hou1d.n"l teel 1oa bad about lhci wt»te thine. for- the Klna baa given lh(I dme mecHclm, to top A.Lio. UI�)' could be «tfn• t.oncd by the tnc, h• didn't pil.Ch •tan� on hla h�od. or •to.ndlna to plaLl' u1tna II min'or Allo he wasn't JuuUna ,ix �,,. while ho wa, windinc up, and he "-'UJ'l't sktpploi to-pe. Ooope,. naArb tor&ot Fetanu •bo phcbed kom betwun hU lep tmd ttr0w1d hit back.Bot he wun't e.allne- an OOPlf' al th" Lima. OT crocheting a d o l l y. The ahow tpillt!d clcJc tu llJXX> Into the ec,f. Un of the Torcmto £ End Arena fund A r.ffl�d or 5,000 Wll-Lhe accond t..r1e1t ln F'lrW lbiJc wuon -rubbed ltt coUf!Ctive and d.iJbe.. . Uovin1 e-ye cu Eddie. •truclc: out 31 buuan Md ldt the lmprtuiun lbal. had hebeen ln oll 1erlou.1• nea h11 could have ch.alkffl up the tull 2'1 putout.a under the S.O. col umlL F'ei,net pllched, blind-folded. from hb knee■ and trom 11C0011d bue du.rlna Osr .ahow Scott Mi Ftl1tJ1er on hi.. p1tduna rtaht um In the ■cventh lunlr11 10 throw II JICart: Jnto theo: ,•Wt.on and the crowd. 1be lour tourW. were dyno.m.ltc as base-runncn and 1rut In the f e. f l d . aa wu • h o w n whon Clem Rlchordson doublffl ovu ftrwt•baJCI·· tnnn Ken WhUt'a htA.d wllh Mu Prttly on bUll at Lhe dme.. .. Whlte ran out to rl&ht ffcld tor the ball, and with exact tlmJria. naUrd Pre:sty Q:\ lbe plate with a perfect lb.row . K.tna Felanu wllh .dl.cht,. ance. from 1t,.e rail or the team IDll lhrce Of 'em) wus everylhln& the blllhonrdt abd J)tlbU.tlty h11d made him out to be.
Highlights of our 1950 Tour Leaving our ho1ne town of College :Place, ! TEN O,\a"\'S TO l"UlRIDA to Arizona, to be &bl thru ice 11nd a-now, •o t.oo.k a direct. rou,e south, to have the warm sout.h cl.itlla te for •arming-up O-Korcisea a.nd bA-tt.i.J:u prao 0100 on I.he way. We ha.vo tbrow1ng and r1"1cUng practice 1n Gynmll3illlll during tbo Wlnter. sPRlHG TIIA1110iG WAS IN LA.KE WALES, l'l.lAc. . . . Arrlv.lllg ln Florid&. Lhe 3ri wo played th• YO started &. very v1gouous tr&l.J11ng schedule. or AprU, first game or our Tour I.he 6th or Apr1l. Due to worldng out our plays &Ill oxhlbltiDns we were deruted, 3 out or our first 9 gamos. After &ppoar TRAVELED l>lB JULES FOR A GAME TWO lllOJ!l'S IN SUCCESSION 1ng at Al Lang Fiold 1 where the Card1rials spring valn 1" St.. Potersburg we were schoduled to play in llississippi the next night. Game i,as pl4¥e1 ou time'. ln St. Petersburg and at Tyler WI! A.PPEAJ\ POR Alfi WOR'I'llWllIJ..E CAUSE t.11e JQ t g gave us a wonderful welcome. Tcx&s, Texas, In PorL Arthur, was behind u1 Athlot1c Director, the Sc.. Ma.ry•s Church Father Bordagos, for th" benefit or Lhe Athletlc Program aL tho Sohool .... 1n Blloxt,IUas, we played bctor-e 71<>0 veterans and. friends who were At tho. Veterans con• The 20-30 Club ln Tucson is ono or th, ter. Pio odmission ••s ch&.rged. 10any dirreront org&.nlzat1ons tho.t have uked us Lo assist thoa, in a fund• rais�ng campaign for worthy causes..... l:?XIUBITIONS •. • ,\SSOCIAT10r1S HAVE BUILT STANDS, f'ENCES AllD L!OJITS FRO!d 1-n over h&lt' or the towns that< we ha-vo appeared tn J tho softball l'UJ!COc-1a The)" have through our appearance, t.1on has be.on our Sponsor. mad.a a and ln most cases, e,,: prort L d th which Lhey llavo been able to operaLe, ilso, tlley we-re abln to build up• pand st&.nds and player raclUtles. ba.lancc to help finance a t., or se.nd a team Lo a tourname.n_t, where thoy would otherwise noL be oble to go. Wf VERY FEW PLAIERS RESmfl' Bl!l!IG TRICKED FOR THE BE!IEF1T OF A LAUGH kno• ot no bet.tier way to have trouble th4.n to pl.a)' a. t.rlclic or play h&rd llany Umos It turns ous for the best agalnn a sore head or griper. After the game we &.loys try to LaJ.k with Lhe tom we play. tltoUAhBut. ror the bu.Ud.,, Sometimes we to hurry a.•ay, a.rui ve a !"ew. tng up of softbal.l wo wanL t.o encourage s-portsm.nnship a.nd cle:1.11 play, Soinetimos we too give [L h ver}' huti not to pay baclc d"1.rty playing. We wo.nt to apologhc for any past or rutw-e way lo that old tmpul&e. Playing n1gbt arter night, game &.rter game begins to toll a1'tor rtmos, a. while. ALWAl'.S· WE HAVE TO LEAVE BRl'ORE ALL TUE GAIIES WE SHOULD HAVE PLAYED, All£ We hope to be a_ble to get around to everyone LhaL wants to PLAYED • • • soc our show, or whore young boy, And girls •a.ul to laarn how lo Pitch a.nd the r.tner f>oints of tho gA1?1e tltat are not so easily plcked up, unless you get to play ln the larger ci t.ios or tournamonts whore t.he softball game gets a littlb tougher. CAIIADUN SOEllBALL OROWlHG CLOSS TO THE BIIA!!D OF SOFI11ALL PLAYED tN T1lE We played ror tt1e SorLb&.ll Assn LEADINO A.IIERICA!I SOFTBALL CE!ITBRS lo Vonlro&.1 1 Quebec, in C&.nada, and no tlner co from Victor1a1 The opcra.t.ion could bo asked ror or .fount.I .Ln t.ho sports •orld 1.oday. Comm.1.aaloners &nd tho Ci t..Y adm.1.nis Lra.tion.s all workod lo make our tour
o. c.
a .success.
OUR Al'PEA.IIANCE AT THE CASADIAH NAl!IOIIAL EXIIIBtTIOII CN Thanks to the Sport• Director, CROW!llHO EXPE!IIENOE • • • • • • and FII.UIE Fl'!Al'llR, OASA, BxecutJvo Secrot&.ry. 8
9. 10. U• 12. 1:J. 14• 15, 16. 17•
18. 19. 20. 21. 22.
Practice. Practice. PracLice. At least Len hours A week. SLudy the position. ASk questions of seasoned pii.c,hers. Wben you reel you are ready, start controliing a sLr&lght ba.11. Use rubber ball, like boxers, to strengthen wrist 11.11d fingers. Learn to de11vor legally. Pitch to mirror. Master control. Practice. First ravor low and hlgl1 pitches. Start developing curves in tb.i.s ardor. Drop, Out, Loarn to cbange pace on every Lypo or pitch you h11ve. Practice remomberlng batters' weaknesses. Experiment. After you have ma.stored above list, master e fast ball. Wh.Lle you are learning, goL a good catcher. Learn lo work wl th umpire, not a.galnst. They call some pitches better than they do others. Ilavo eont'idenoo in yourself. Once you make up your mind whlch ourve you want, PITCH IT. Rave a stead) form. Learn decepUon, and psychology. Practice bunt defense with first and third bllSemlUl. Never reel that you havo any batter ln your pocket. Mevor throw W'tth an arm t-hat. hurt.s worse when you pitch. Tr you have Just a sore arm, rub It out first. Use your head, (;onoenc.rate on tho Plue and strlke zom,. Learn Lo pnce yourselr. P.H and drink clear,. SLa)' ln trim. Do nOL pitch anoU1er' s pitch. Be an ind1vJdulll, orlglnal. P1Lch each pHcll by hseU'. Si.ay a_way frQm a pattern. Warm up good before ever) game. Cool off gradually. Pitching Sot'tball should consist or the follolfing mechan1ca1 and menLal process: (There nre excepUons to the rule.)
1. 2. 3.
On the mound, sur-e you.r players a_re .ln pos1-t1on nnd are rea.dy for nnyLhlng thnt might happen. Let them toll you so. With ball 1n hand, mnlce sure it reels right Lo your hand. Get resin. tor a. now ball. it doosn• t, work 1L up. Take your position on the mound, and as you present the ball look for your cntchcr•s signal. Glance at the batter. T&ke note or: posiLlcn or plue, catcher's mltt, b&tter•s reet, and always consider the w.lndage U' there ls a breeze blowing. Take the btll 1n your pitching band. Concea.llng lt from the view or tho COllch and b&tter w1 th your glov<l. Put you fingers &round the ball securely where they must be to iuue the b&ll curve the dosig11ated way. Chock your infield with a gla.noe. Start the wind up, brief or complica.tcd. lreop your eye on homo ' Jl1ate. Keep wHohlng your catcher for last ininutc, f'luh stgna1-s and 1r 11 batter changes his position in tho box a,, you wind up, throw the curve you h&ve sta..rted ., only chn.nge pace -- raster than usual or slower, 1-r you feel he hu your number. Watch ball into the mitt ol' your catcher, or follow lL as long a,; it is In the inrleld, 1 r l l ls bunted. Play the ball natural, 1t the first or third baseman or you cnloher are there flrsl, hold u or run Should tho ball be into tho outfield, wntoll ror the play and back up tho koy receiver on tho throw-in. Do not worry &bout Lhe ba.ttor you have Just pitched to --nor the one you •tll have to face next. Only conoentrato on the one stauu lng in the baLter•s box. Win thanJctu.lly, Lose pleasanUy.
Four &
N1ne Me,n
CorDJ>ettt:lon -
1940 through 1050
Avg. Stk. 0
GOS 31\6
39 -
16.0 -3328 - lM- 597 - - - - - 319 -
Totlll Stl<. 0 Walks n1ts orr or
- - - -
llomc nuns 1\uns Scored P.1<rned nuns llO Avg.Stlc.O. per tn. \last Runs t. 5 \lost Rune G, 0 Stolen Bases 2-37 Total Games 715 Games Pitch 646 Games Won P. 596 Games Tied II Games Lost 41 No !lit Games 276 Shutout. Games 309 NO NO Games 152 Perfect Games 70
.J2 67 lll 9 699 77
16.0 1829 134 395 205 30 20
·170 31
- - - - - 2�245 9 lfl 0,1 - - -
9 ltl 37
l 14 11➔
202 - - - 202 - - -
- 163 - - -
9 30 B1'1 -
8 29 5 7 2 2
B- . 15-
TOTAL BA'l"l'ERS PITCHED TO BLINDFOLDED 65 Hi� by Ball 4 WIL.1.ked .Batt. 6 Stlc. Out B. 55 !Lits orr or. 2 Scored On. 2 EXJllllITlOS OAYES
- •140 - - -
'17 - - -
15 - - -
- 365 - - -
Bl ind folded 0 & Uls Court Baseball vs Softball 19 87 Whole Team
28- - -
16- - -
2 -
- 202 -
Field. Chances ,42.'.J
21 Error nwmor S&f'o on Base 23 Oames Won 1n Sucess1on. 197
---- ----
- ac» - - -
- - 302 - - -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 279
-- - - - - - -- - -
84 236 234 12
28 ( 1943 - 10.1-1 & 10·\5 Undefeated) 0
27 In a Row 1n
l8 '50
...-- -·•
.... 12
Meade Kinzer One or tho th.l.ngs
I have noticed
across the country 1a that too 11any
or us catcher• give the woplre a bad tl11a about a pitch that ■use■ the we ohould remember that Ulllplroa strike :tone by a rracllan or a,1 inah. are O� honest, and about 97• correct on their c&UJI. It •• gavo the right signal a,1d Ueldod our poaitLon 97< porrect all the ume we would be playing a very good softball. Whon you have a legal complaInt, by all means brLng l t to the wsplre• a alLendon. They kno• they ■ake m1ste.kos and many or them enjoy a good "rhubarb1t -- tho rans gee. most of their onJo) ..ent. the umpire or a player. But too many diaturbance& 11ake the other players and the fana reel the wrl'plre l.4 not even given • rt\1-r deal. ln raost. to•ns tho as•ocJattons can• tr t11ey are given too not pay th� umpires what lt 1a worth to wsplre. You need umpires. You Juat can't play wltbbad a tll•o thoy wlll quit. out t.heu. I us• and reco,amend TC 70 llY - Lhe Rud) York Model or the Claw Trapper !Utt, puL out by the R.-Ungs co. (Pree Advortlslng). IL ls an oxtra larg• ,aitt; lt has a very stttr thumb and ringer aectlon, and arter you loosen her up, LL •111 guide tho ba.11 into the pocl<et ror you when, and 1r, the ball hJts orr center. Pana may cry, •oet another Catcher!• tr they do, nl1eck your la1tt. IL ma) not be your rau1 t; Lt ••> be the OLltt. CallLng algnals to your ba�t.erf mate, another chore that •• catchers and call a. pa1.tarn. A good wUl■ got. 1nt.o a rut. a.bouL, Ir pick up your call and h�•e the batters •&Ltlng ror a certain pltcb. you're a 11t.Lle in doubt. a.s to what a b&tt.or aan do, teat. hlm on pitch� that Lr he h.lta he rtll Onl) bounce out to an lnrielder or pop up It ia up to you as a catcller to let )Our pitcher Imo• 1r to Ll,e field. &ll bis aturr is working. Ir on<' certain pitch tan•t up to par, lay orr lt ror • couple or lnnlngs. Tour m�to moy not be warmed up �nough or reel Whon • bauer digs In on you, alw,go or p�co Juat right tor Ll1at plLch. him, even 1 r you have to mlas the plate rlve reet. Lo 11& •ure he' t. reach out and hH It. Thie will tllke hili eye orr or tho next ru pJ.tohes. Be IILlndl\Jl or the bHter that la onl) wanllng to hlt tho oall, He ta t.he hardest kind or a batter to pltch to. Speod to him. Slow with sturr to the homo run hJ� Some or the fMs that see our exhlbitloo often t.hinll our Eddie Feigner We plan on wast.Jng a row pitches ls wild at tllle$. Thia ls not the case. to mn.ktt the g1u1u, more lnt.eresttng. Thro•lng &-1.1 at.rl.kes .-ould be monot.on ous. SoaeUllea whon a good pitch or two are called balls, instead o:r worlc111& out or tho hole wo go ahead and walk u,e bnter. l!oaldes, batters know he haa cont.rol, .and ort.en malcc up thoir mtnds to,nrlng a&. ever) t.hlng. 'Lile bunt si tuatton is alway• a 1ood play. Also we know wl t.h no lhlrd base• man 1t Ctln bo exocuted t.o good purpose aome or the t.l.lle. However, tr you practice as our pllcher and I do, rteldJng bunt. artor bunt ln practice, It h.aa to be a porrect. play or one or u• ,till gel the bunt.e_r out a.L ttrsc. & au.
Gordon C. Meilicke
Pl,.ylng softball or An) sport Is to b e oompared ,.J t.h playing tJ,e game ru bo tJ1 •o choose- U10 posJ Llon t.hA 1. we enJO) the mos i; nnd wh\ t Lre. 1.0 choose a posJ t. Lon ear 1-) WP 1JW.St. rem.ember has L.110 best. ruLure. 'l'hls ls whn.L mnko.s good plo.)er.s u woU a.:• good ct� then work at. It. The-y k-now the1 r Jobs, And tn.a-ko thum:Sotves useful to a...11 Uu! r� 10-n.s. or t.hetr folio• players. spoot,u.ors. r will stress things lmpor&.ant to t.1olp ) S.lncc I 11m ft Short. SLop, become a short. st.01,. from any and tLLI pos1Uont . You musL learn lo lhr<,. and rtald the 1>11U t..oda) it. is lnrporLant. ror )'OU LO r1 111 our faster gMta of' softba.11 Stooplug or u� t.o tiJ1row ort.t and throw ln the samo motion. A1Wa) '6 tJe t.hinl Be. alert. makes 1.t1t! dJrrerence oetwoen sare e.nd out. or th'½ runner Is ne;.; I. movo and l\lways oo m.indfu.l or the ba tto so lf ond whflj with and !<now your fellow 1.n.rtolders, Learn Lo pla) the ul.Bes ror a double play or a plckorr you will not be the o to spoU a good play. In l1m• you dll be able to Judge any oppos-U Tltls will help in din.gnos.Jng a squee batter to n ccrt.a.lr1 aegreo. play 1 a. bunt, A drn..g bunt or ft. Lato swing. Ask him 1.0 show )'OU ho• ' ur pJ tchor. Get. to k:no·w and t.n1l't. in )o •I th a right handed pHcll From sllort atop, holds di rferent pitches, )'OU •1ll be able to see -.11om, know wha.t. ts thrown 1 and f' r«: the curve am! h•Jgl1L or tho pi Leh, Almon uactly where the IJo.11 •ou go Jr IL WIL5 hH. U3arn t.o pla)' lhls Lhrt.l.U stick togethor. tr .}·ou 11 Lhls ls U10 flrgt rule be ll �ood .Loser; game of rutor soft.ball. We all hate t.o lose, out someone has LO being "- good sport. everyLhin& we do on t.111s Oorth. We: 1 ll be seetng you a_rouud. AU you short.. stops--d.rop around tmd se 11hol.lo '" . .t might. be Ablf"; lo help your game _, nm.I .)'Ou, ntlne.,
I would like Lo dccllcue Wtls SmAU bul mosl 1mporlant section or t wJJJch cnusists of "l •i. o and t•o tla.� · ln tho book t.0.11,)1 ftunll.), SomeLfrae-.s we think we havo some pretty rougt1 tJ.mos 011 tho roa4 tors. They lfflap the ha. but. I lc11ow our 1'1Ul11Ue:t; have rougner tJmes at homo. rlrE>s burning anti keop us 1n good spl d Ls "'lth �ho Ir Tegu.lar letters new.s a.nd Lo,•e. where Lut r«u I �rrtveJ home Just In t111e to enroll in Ooileg", ca.rr.)'iti.g a Busluce:s and Physlca.l Ed.ucatJ.on, am nu,Jorlng Jn e.nd worked pn.rt tlli r dld a l Lt.t.le hunLlng. amount of of work. Du.dng the w1ntcr gu,u·,or, J pta)Od Intramural bask-ot.bol on tho slde. 1 slnoc our College hu 110 co■ and on a clt) lo.a.gue toatn, rerence compet.ltJon tn sport.s, Two a:r the Other members or Lbu cour lctdtll � autl we tu,d onl) on other t,e,u115, pla.yed In t.J,e same leai;ue, Wo enjo) geLL1ng logolhe.r ,u1d lalklng ,.J,out oc 04011 other aboul IL. There ver) Lours Lhrough d..lJ'rerQut. sect.1011.s o1' Wu:t: eouuLry. A,ames tb.a.t ever sl LP our mind.8 and in most ctLses wa can tell Ute sco• of a.lJ or our games as far I\.S ''18. U• l lcnow m� wJ re gets Urod of us aiw•f• ta lklng llbout sortbtl1, whe.n W(\ are J•lannlog our next season'tJ tour, t L Ls o good I kml• she woultl Ul<e LO have me SL 1u, •., LhAl she Is 100( buh1Jul 1111). but she k:nows how 111u.oh r onjo) plA) 1ng sot'tbtll in Lh! ""l' ,rt- ar homo, 1 L lsn It a.U pJ.a) lhough. Did you evor con,& t o bat. a. Lho pl&) Jog .1 t now. sand times tn on,.! sea.son-So? t did-lut )'('ar. rr we comJ>lete our antt l . Oh-lh,m, I lovo It t11oug11 •.• clpotod schedule, I'll top LABt )OATS Lotli
Kenneth G. Whlte
J wa.a luck)• onough to grow up .in the same tom tho rest. ot t.he mera r bave eit.her played with or ogain&t them f'or tho bots or the court, put n.rtee:n years. l am a. Veteran, as a_re the rest or the boys. I ronge in the, six reeL plus, 200-lb. elass. Thia pul 'linter I •ont to school a.t \fhitman College i n Wa.llo. Wa.lla., WMh, -- played a little rootball and had a lot or run with the rest of tho fellows that paniei-pated ln sports at the school. Thoy were a swell bunch or fellows, Physical Education wa.s my Major, Other tha.n softball, I like to play basketball and baseball, a ll•tle ping pong and tennis when I have time, a.nd we all take a shot at the golJ" course once Ln a while, r guess you would sa,y I llke all k£nd$ or sports, becaUBe you. mee l such nice peoplo par b1c1po.t._lng In them, and the fo.ns that como to enjoy U,e sport by ••tchlng, Don• t be afraid to come up and ask ony question. I• 11 be glad to help l hope you l!ko our show M much AS we onJoy br1ng1ng it you if I can, to you.
[ play the ouU'1.nld 1 (or the Court has none) but 1n regular play I an, a center rieldcr. Many people reel the finldors aren• t too 1mpori.ant, bul let me tell you "'Y angle on Uus position, You have to be raady to move ln any direct.ion, and have a true throw ing arm. You m�y h&ve whaL is called a stTong arm and be &blo Lo throw quJ.cker than anyone else you know, but unless ')'OU can dJ agnoso the play ahead or time and throw the balJ. where you wa.nt H to go, you are not the best rtoldor you could be. Agdns• rast p.t.tchiug, batters tend to swing late, so play a little to the unorthodox side or the field that you would play regularly Ir you were striught awa.y. lolost players pln,)' too deep. '!'his otten causes • piteher to get Into qu.lte a hole, due to texa& leaguers over tt,o -1nJ'iolders and short or the deep�laying outflelders, A large -percontago of balls that go for h1ts are over the tnrteJ.d. lolany times a. rtoJ.der thot ts playing close can throw a base run11or 01.11. flt r1rst. .1-f'he .1s .in thero on tho play. When t.•o good pt tchers arc each other, one run wins t.he game? most of the time. And thaL ono run too orten comes rrom a blooper hi� th.& t.' t. covered. tr a heavy batter gets hold ol' IL pitch lt ls Playing with a fence, Loa.rn going ror the t1omo run, so play 1n and aovor the sora.tcb hi ta:. to puy the percenuges. It pays ofr. You should learn to catch a ball and throw _H rrom tho post tlon thH you catch it, •t Ui no loss of ttrae 1n ge1.t.Jng set., oven on the dead r-un. And you must. th.row a..ccurn.t.el)! was well as rut. Do not. overthrow or t.hro• too hard. Should a. ball gee tho �ou aro throwing to, • throw t.hal is too ha.rd. wi.ll only g_et away f'rom tihe backers-up, o.nd rosult in ttdd Ltiontt.l bases for the runner. Koep your throws on the l-1nc and lo•· These are the as l see it for the outrtcldcrs, and I hope they help you in YO"-r playing, These things help me keep my play Ing rorm on ._ higher plain of fielding chances completed wl thout errors,
Jerry E. Jones I was the fifth player added Lo the Court 1.n '•19, 1 lllll 28 )'rs. old and last spr1ng r mo.rried a home town girl. MI\IIY people call me •Professor• .... r guess it is my glasses. LllSt sea However, I lllll a college graduate ttnd a reserve officer. Always son, l ended up with the best batting avorage of the tenm. a problem to r.tgurc averages when you come to bat ten or twelve times ln a game and night after night you sometimes get tired and start slipping n Utt.le. We all batted more than 800 tillles. .Last winter 1 helped my Dad in a Fann Implement Slore ln n. smn.11 Llke a1l town iu the cent<IT of the llorthwest•s great "heal belt. the rest, I play basketball during tho off season to keep ln shnpe. Tho King and 11:ts points 1n 20 glllnes. I scoTed 307 Last wlnteT Court were thinking of having n basketball te11J11 but th11I. would cause us to inc1udo more tha.:n five men.
looks llk:e which ls my regular posltion, Playing first base, and it ls 1r you mASter the l'undamentals, tho easiest position, gain confidence in yourself, and or the other infielders. learn f·rom practice where the bnse 1s without In doing this, Do Keep your eye on the bn.11 and the one fielding .l t. looking. Use your lel't not st.retch for the ball until n.fter it is thrown. root on tho 1>ase when the ball is thrown far to the right, and your
right root when the bn.ll ls to your left. This w11l give you better ha.lance and a fo.rther stTetch. Your stretch he1ps when the pitcher ls fieldiog bunts more than. from "''f other position. The N.elding position will vars, with the ob111ty or the player himselJ'. Do not ge1. too far rrom the baae on a right handed bntter, because with a ftu1t pJ lcher he Ls apt to hit d1rectly down fl.rst Watch each batters' since he will be swinging low. base line, KNOW you catcher and pitcher• s signals; stance and their swing. then you will know which wa.)' tl1e ball "1.ll break and what SJleed 1L By doing this it won't be long before you will be will be thro,.n. able to tell which way the ball is likely to be hlt. Fieldlng bunts down rirsi base line should be worked ou� "1th your pitcher. Othn_rs will If he is rast, he can field the bunts. have LO cover and you slip in and get the runner 11.s he passes or Sonotimes with nlnc meu U,e toss back to the pitcher, covering. second basemen can cover for a pitcher 1rhe11 your have • hard game and do not want the plLcher to work too hard. l enjoy tn..llc1ng to all our tans, and will be looking forward to :ieeUng all of you rirst basemen. We will compare notes, lllld maybo •e can lmprovo our playing foTm.
Mr. & Mrs. Soft.ball Fan ..... Please le1: us know what you think We ,ould Hice to lcnow whnt or our show .•••• We will t·orgive :;ou! you would like to see rnore or, aud what abou� t,he game or exh.ibl tion did you th'Lnk we should do d.lfferentl.1?
u- YOU HAVE A QUESTION ·ro ASK APTER TITE GAME .••.• Feel free to We have Don• L wal.t until ,rn are alone. walk up to tul) of' w;. to move out tn II hurri some Limes. Ir you GAMES .11us·r BE SCHEDULED A WIIBK OR TWO rN A.DVA.�CE have reason to have our show 1-n a city of your ahoice, leL us lcnow. lf I I' we Cflll help )'OU 1n lUIY softball matter we will be to. you nre interested tn learning about the Rules, l\dm1.nistrcnlon and Oovornlng Bodies, or how they ciu1 be contacted, _., will be gl11d to get you ln touch with them.
THE GMIE MUS'r BE CALLED AT TIIE END Of SEVEN INNL'iOS , , , Been.use we lf the s1tuatlou calls for lt, and Eddle•s hnvo u tight schedule. Bul please don• t hold H arm is J'eeling O,K,, we will continue. Wo will be glad to and puL on our Show. ago.inst us if we SLOP, time and postpone our al'ler-Lhe-game exhlbt tlon. plny off a Tie
ALL TIIB MEMBEflS OF "l'llE COURT CAN P.ITCH WlNNISO BALL • • . . So tr you see Eddie t.ake another posl tlon or take hls turu on the bench for Wln or Lose n rew tnnings there i1l a show comlug up JusL LIie same, and Control, Eddie will nppeor a.gain i n an Exhib1Uou o.r Trlclc.$, Pitclling, at'lei- W1e regular game. StrengLh of Lhe Learn we are play ing hns to do wllh when one or the others -plLches IoT Edd.Jo. Jus l par l of th<> act. 20
....• A.. groop Shor. or ill urn. M•11uer-s or the COW' t.. IMcUe hu rie.ld Ktn.zer ed a bw1t. a.J1d t.hrew out Lho apoody ru.nnor toWh!te at P.lrsc.. •ho wa5 out. cavor1ug lh1' play too, la 1-oci\ung- on. 811ttere try tor an oasy Lrlp LO t'1rst. by bu.n�ng but. f.lnd lt. isn't too easy to g1u, on base a,ga1nst tho Cour L' 8 bwi t. do ren,ce.
We onJoyed be1ni tho guas<s or Mr. Dick Popo, Sr. 4t his beau tiful Cyp�es.e Oardona, loc.aten about. A t.wo houl's drtvo EA,st ot St, PeLersburg. He.rt) we are s h.nd.1ng on & br .ldge •hicla c.ros.s oo the Wator Canal that •Ulds thl'ough troplctl P..,.adise. lr rou ever vistt F1or1d4, a v1.s1t to The Cyapress Qardens ls a must.
HOlfE IDM ..................... TIME ........... FIEUI..................... .
. ,. o.
.. . .
C 0
• • •
� 0
0 0
• Clt!aa PlayeG, o Ci t.11• e.:rlen41J:lc Inrl tat.::1.on, to play
•Mike' Mel llcke 'Meade• l(lnzer C 1 1 tat Ken White u •Jerry• Jones 32
Bat Of The
In Every League
1 100
"• �•-WOOO l SO!IS, INC, !ATICl, il.lSS,
GOOD FOOTWORK DEMANDS GOOD SHOES Of Course King's Court is Equipped with the Finest. ..
ClllCAOO &:PKILIJITf UI PlUQI UnuatCi 1qu1: r.11DT FOIi law) Alffl l'OOT
The fiour-Man .Team ts lfitl1 perut.1.s111on or THE AMATEUR SOTTBALL ASSK, OF THE
aa • S0l"r0.u..L CLlNIC, DeioonHrating c11rruenL or the game. And •t>•chl PllOHISG uinruotion on the part or Rddie Fe-lgner.
Here we llro, Just arrivod ln Mother c1ty, & ready �o play bull. Seated tnslde tbo St&tiOnwagon,ls Pete .4go11sow!u Our lJook Salesman• who 18 no longer ..-1 tl1 us no one could pronounce b.1.s namo whe·n they wAnted a book.. nope you hllVO enjoyed tbls book, lteep lt, Show your rr1ends wJ1en they they might. not have been able- to como to coma to seo you, the glllllc. '!'hanks, See you nOJ<t YO-l<r.
This completes the bo<lk, whlcll ls A reminder of whnl you •aw tonight. !el u.s lcnvc these U1oughts w!th yt111.
Ill ALL l'.l!Al' tt DO, DO ALL TO TIIB Gl.ORY OF GOD ..• , you are, try to do your bost.. Whalever lt somoeno needs ltelp give It. to them, ror It is only in g:iving that you 1'.lnd trua IJappinesa.
rar addJUon.U tnronaa_'-1.on .-,..1-c... FT\KD O, o�, WABitlNOl.'OM STJ..T't SOPJ'9A.U. CQMJHSSIO!f, nnx �1 EU..CID...UD, W.lSiilltatO,C.
AddJt.l.onal Copia1 of Thia Book May Be Or-derod From The Kl11; and Hi1 Court. P. 0. Box ..&91� College Plac•. Walhlnglon
Pt.... Enclou ,oc pn copy, which court pouage. .;1,,) ;t0, O.:iil