1952-53 Edition: The King and His Court Softball

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1952-'53 ED

1,EF'r '1'0 ltlC:ll'l'-Jcrry .lunL-s und Mike Mcilickc, Cllrrying lho IIA'l' hug. Followed hl l{cn \Vldlc wilh lhc l{il foll

wurm up hull in hund l'or Eddie l'cigncr, Who, RS you sec. jg vcr�• interested in how the pikhing mound lnnk�. 'l'hii. I,: the c11n111letc unit. ;\ FOUR·i\lAN SOF1'HAU. 'l'EAJII re11dy for a prcciNion 1<h11w,

(J( e11ui11me,nl, Jlla�k. Fir�t Aid, Extra Shoe Strings, Ulinclfold, Hesin, Lam11 Ulucl< for :;unn�· dn�'�. Mcurlc l{inzcr.

OUR RECORD Tolltl Games Played $�7 - Lost 5J - Tied 25 - Won 271 Tot.ii Attendunce al Gamas Over 2,000,000 F"ru1s Toto I Miles Trllveled Over 200,000 MIies Totnl Free Schools Conducted 286 Separnlu Cl(1;;,;es Benatits Ployed "Free" 109 States Played 1 n 34 Canadiun Provinces Plnyed In 6 Foreign Tours 8 Totnl GumM Al,'tllnst Champion;, 127 Team Batting Avg. .332 lmporlanl l(erus in Eddie's Pilthing Record ,v hJcli Is the Jlrosl Complete Record of Any One Pluyer in lhe Gnme or Softball. !l95- Lost !ll - 1'ierl 25 - Won 870 Tott,I Games Pitched Tot11I Strike-Outs 16,212 Totnl Hit.I Given Up 1,547 1.00R Totul Wnlk� Given Up Highest Avg. StrJke-Ouls Per Game for One &!ason 24.(l Total Perfect Gumes SJ Tolnl No-Hil Game,; Pilchod 246 Total Shut-Out GamCl< Pitched :1-12 Totul Batters PUched lo Blindfolded i>9J Total Batters Struckoul Blindfolded ,169 Longest Gurne Pitched - 34 Innings. Tied Four Time,;. Finally Won 7-6 Pitching - Eddle Sb-uck Out 73. \Vnlkecl 19, Allowed 8 Kits Hems in F:ddie's Record Include Both !l-Mun und 4-Man Teams Odd Places Our Four-Mnn Gumes Han Been• Held Rodeo Ground�, Footbr1II Fields, Baseball Outfields, Cow Putitures, Parking Lots, Prll'On Yardfi. Rock Pile.�, Sand Lots nnd Rae:� Tracks. Oild Compelilors Soccer Teams, Hockey Te11ms, Ila,;ebnll Teams, Bnsketbull Tet,mti, LnCmss Teams. Rugby Te.�ms :u1cl Girls' Sofll.Jall Team$. We hnvc been sponsored by e,·ery one, from lhc P.T.A. lo the slickesl irnmbler in horse-mcing. \Ve hnve been snowed uul, sanded out, blown out, nooded out. rained out, but ne,•er c1uilc ran out. Yet. Ii11 ! Ela! We hn,·e appeared In foothnll hnlrtime,;,, between double-header lmselmll games, between rnces. between acts 111 u fuir. Iii fishing derbil,;;, fc,;lirnls, expositions nnd stan1pedes. We hope you wiU not forge( us, and ir we e1•er lour y11ur wny ngnin. you wUl welcome us back 11�th friendly houris. Your Jotters 1111d cards will lie upprecinletl. [f you desire lo see our show again, plca�e contuct your local softbull commissioner 01· gorfbu.11 sponsor. We'll be around fo1· some time- yet.


Mike, !lleude, 1-lddlc, holding �ukc. Kcu nnd Jcrr)' ul the rccc 11lion givc11 1111:-,m 111 Mnrquelle, Mich. Onl• or the m1111y 11risons where I.he team bus up1>e1tred lo entertain, behind lhe mtlll;. One or the muny girts gh•en U>' wert tci1lher belU.. \Vhih, hoFt hiR lnnnnrf unmn,I 1,1.,. r,, ...,..l,-

J•hchlne from &hu km:u Is difficull. Wilh 1m fitJd�n.-We.JI? Yet . . Eddie.. g-d., hy with it ,=nmc dfer unmc.

Pilcllina: Mindfoldcd b an o t her 1111b-,1ie,·ubh· 1rnrl 11r Eddi•• Show, rhls wQ taken whhuul Eddio"11 lrnuwlcdu:c. d11r• iui,r II gmm,,. 'l"o 84"4! if lhi!tf" Wllir. U11)' IH1ekin14, tlrn bllll l!! uJJ lbo way tu the 11lnlc :u1d il is ,,uHc clC!.Ur lhnt tlu: hllnJrtJld li, oh1,tructinJ,t t,hct ,-il•w o.t tlLr blllto:t ancl I ht.• otntc . Check 1•0Lg-� 3 lo see how Ed­ die fart-.# wh,n t•llch� lui: ln n lmll �r hl11td• rolded. 0

MEADE ION7.ER, Going after n p1111 u11 from the hut <>f Evcrcll Summerall, gnod hillin,:r fielder 011 the American ln­ dustrlnl Stile:- Curi1, Teum thal played lhe Court during I.heir sprinir lrnining t1i .i111d in Sebring, F7oddu. Nol ice the um­ pire. 1\laking lhe mistnke thnl cnuses so tnany orgumenls. Flinching away from u 11ilch lhnt Is lhruwn fast. causing them lo miss �ceing whether I.Im hull hil,i II corner of lhc 11lntc ur nut. The Arncricim lndul:ltrlnl SalL'!< Corp•• 4051 Ensl :!!;th Sl .. Miami. 1-'la .. nre lhe ,ipnnson, of the nine mun le1u11 for wlilch Eddie. Mike und .terr_,,. will b� 11.111 ,•in.,._

To mnny, the renl show wns ufler the wume. Ji wn� then, with MikJ! llcilicke doing the pitchm11, thnt, every ,lc'i!l•ion of Ihe umpire waa ,,u.,.tioned by the pitcher an n true arJ,tumenUtt[w.� f,u;hfon. 'The um­ pire nnd muster of corcmonies 1.,·o.s Eddie F'elgner who quit� purposely was untngonltlng the pikher by co11111!11ently calling r!end sLrlkes 118 bnlls. Tho puyorr b�lng thu •low ball thnt �like blew towurd the plate. It look everyone uy surprise enosing batter. cntcher nnd umpire to fall face down In fcnrful :111tici­ pntion. Then nfle1· u full minute of full$ and pr.1111rlng for lhc dedsh•e. pitch, tho b11II onme ncros.1 ihe'plnte �th everyone cnught off �nl1111ce, 1 "In ahnrper strikeout form 1-him f in his first nppeunu,ce Fel11ner fan­ ned seventeen. Beautifully mixing his tl.lssortmunt or delicate ond sharp curves, drops, misc b1LUs nnd change of pace 1>itches, F'elgner Of-l"Jled the ball game with n home run anti went on lo gel Lhree singles. Kenny White got two four. boggcrs. And whnl of Feigner? Bow docs he stock up nloug •Ide lh• besl hurJen1 In the gnmo? I u•ed to wondtlr about that nwsel!, bl!CJluu we hnvo seen Lhcm ,J1. I nm satis­ fied lhnl dny Jn, gnme out, Eddie can �naistently deliver the better game.



With op0logie,i for the expres­ sion. tho King nnd Hlff Court are freaks. They only hnpf)en once in u lifetime if thnt o!len. M Feign• er explained, )•au Clln'l pkk up n star here nnd there and hnve u four man learn. It doc-,1n't work thnt wny. We click b-Ocau.., we h•ve all grown up 1ogcther. We even went to grade !ehool together in Lhi! �nme town. Traveling nnd living together fQr months nt a stretch, year 1LJ'tor yenr, gives ench of u� n ,..eventh �e.nse nbout whnt the other ia going 10 lio on C\'ery 1>luy

Tb� Kinv 11ml Ills Court are eo(t i.Jn.ll's .t,.trent.ut Mhow nrut the only lrnv�ling •ofl ball gute draw thnt is worth t.wury cent or lhclr 1111ari111w<:. Faru; nnd rlnyers alike profll by seeing tho �how. The fans unde.rJ:.tnnd more nhout thi! unmo: the j 'hlt�1·� l,mrn hem I ht: -�me shou ti he 11ln)'(!<i. \\ 'hen I he Court play• soft iJuil )'Uu ��"' Sl)ft b:tll :1t its be•t.


There ,w,.11't rt tl�uht ht th<> minds of the thn.?t: t.hoUiluml nwn, women 11.Jtci chlldreo l11:t1 ,-:,w hint, bu1 thnt Eddie Fdgm••· I• 1, t<Oft h•II pltchJng mn,1ter. The Rnnl seort.' wua 1'i.xtefl.ll - one.. But thui lnslgnificnnt met wns 1101 tho g-nnie·s feature. Th� nduul gnmu went �even fnnin�'lf trnd e.noagh shcnnnl�'lln� nnd hurle,1ulns wer. 011 display to sulisfy tlu, mosl \\'eary of erltiCJ<. The I wenl)·-,iix yenr old, slow tulklng Wushlng. tonlnn, with 11 •wifl pitthJng nrn1, i$ u showmnn. Aud whnt :i show h� pul on. In the fourlh i11nin11 i:·clguor lofted un<'- ut' the pitch"-• out of the prnmi,;c� �tnrling to thfrd nnd scoring from fir.<l. ,lone,, Kinzer nnd White punched 1he bull t.)\'£-rywhru-c whonU\'i!.r lhuy felt like lt. \\'hite, who in the inning before thn:w a ,cur,; Into everyon� hy p1'(!te11ding to hit a S(olr lwll from a t,,,, al hQme phllQ bul onlr pnt• tell it dow11 third base, llu1111 u clnssk:it lhe umpire. Whtie l''ergn. er, pltchit11; Lllndfnld, lhru\\ ono thnt missed the 1>lute nnrl was cnll­ eli u bull by lh� umpire. "ll'hnl do you n1eu11, hnll, Um1>! Would you roL n blind mn11 ?" After the 11nm,i Feigner e�hibitcd l!ixtee11 wlndhps and fourteen deli\'erie,. He nwcd the crowd In II phenomenul pitch• intt tli,;pluy. • He lo8'cd two pe1·feet cheM h111lt strike• from center ljolrl. ll'hlle �till 1>itching from the �t•nler field fence, he threw n <trike with II bull hnving no momentum but tn,velhtg Heross the r,late by • mnslerly npplied bnekspin. The fr, n• tbnt sn w the gnnio Inst nlghl wenl home firm!�• convinced tl111t the King nnd His Court were ull the nrlwnce notice� proclaimed them to be.

1. i•hruwlng wlndmUJ. Yi'lth ••lhow tum• ed toward hcMl)'. llohllng a boll thl1 wuy can be DJ1 h� IL\.l.SE.

3. Elbow •till town:rd bod1·. ihc holl hl'11I lu thh1 i,usUion w-ould hr a •lruh::ht IL\JSE. ln Fl�. 1,2.3 l'hrow bllll ,,.,,, t1,c TI1cm1b.

These nre nnly n few or Eddie Feigner's tlilferenl hnml deU,•eril'S. The one wind windmill is only one of lite 16 legal windups !Ital he uses wilh these grips.

2:. With nrm rolntin,: 1ame u: tu Pis:, I. Thl!i rm•Hion or th� luuul on th� bull � Ill OVT R.\ISR

4. Throwln� Wlndmlll •Ull. \ fi:nirer or 1 �•o tucked uudur ma- .ihow 't1 �'1IJ bo u.nother iypu ur Out or OUT RAISE.

ii. Gri1>11ins: u b11II thfhl in tl1h1 way Mui flh,ptn,c- 1h� .-•ris1 ia tht> way to 1hrow a s11irtt..l. \\'Ith• i,cood JW'ttr1 nnd hocl} Collo�· lhrou�h. A PAST 8.\1,1-

7. With tlbo"' IUrncd in and Hlp t--liP• 11•d h•ck 11ul of lh• way. Hull h•ld lhbl WOY i• In or STltAIGIIT Dl!OI'. 1,ooks llkti yuu wilt thru� a. raise frum lhe halters vuaitlun.

Working your hund with u rubber bnll. like hoxcrs do. will bring strenirth to ,•our fingers and will make lhe hancl more pliuble.

ij_ Uoldlnir • boll Ilk• )'OU ,.,,. goln� lo nit> a ma.rble whilf! pltc:hinL, t would rc.t1t1Jl ;u ft rast UHOP.

8. A ball held loo11t1ll' on tht, fh1,5:er u,,1 ond •ll1111ed 11111 ,moolhly, ,.-Ith hctdy (ol­ low tltrout,th l;c a. gotHI Chnn�•� or Pa.ee. Grip lightly and will hrrn into a slow drop.

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A 11c11pc1· irrune seldom include." uu cnllre tcn.m. But when 'l'hc King uncl Hi� Court have 1111c, everyone l\'Cls wu.rmcd 1111 al 1111cc. As shnwn here i.n n cl.rill during spring !mining. Which i1< lw11, Lwo-hour pruclice;i II du�•. fur nhoul lhree we�. Wilh a gnmc c,•ery other i,veni.ng. ,\I l'hc end ol the tlirec-wcck 11eri11d the lour starts und no one leis 1111 IHI Oclnhcr.

Mike Jllellickc. looks like he just heal 0111 one or those drng hunts he i;t famous for. Nolice thnt he hns plank-d his fool on, the ground nnd hng. Safely in 11111.ying four m1m bull is firsl rule. A spn1ined nnkle ,rnuld weaken lhe four-man lerun and tnx lhe remnining plnyers lo muke u11 lhe 11lny whlle an Injured mate recovered.

Among the things thnt made lhe Klng um! B.is Court so pr011d of Lheir success on the 1·01111 wa., lhe wny it nll begnn n� a world wiue tour. Lenvini:r their fnmilies behind with only ubout enoul(h money to keep lhem a week, lhc llvu 11l11yeril took oil' on lhe 4,000 -mile ll"ip from Wlllih­ i111Clon lo Floridu, where they were to spring train. Arriving 1n El Paso. �•e.-..11.s 011 lhe second day, they received il wire thnt the 1,'llme� thnt they bnd scheduled before l!!iwing ior traini11g camp, hnd been cunc�lled wllh the exception of one. Having no choice bul to J!0 11n, the Court wired bnck home I hnl they wcm., 1,roing lo continue lo Florida. Arriving ln Lake Wales the hotel wtLS vc,-y expensive for self-supporting exhibitioniau. and I( it h:lfl nol been for the help of the local ,;orLbull teams nncl their sponsor. Lhere might not hnve been n tom·ing fo11r-mn11 team. With the help of the Cree orange juice that evarJ' tourist of Florida tUll! up ou nm! lhe kind hcurtM people in nod u.roun<I the park where they lrnined, I he court mude tho enm1> n �ucce:!8 und slraighU!ncd the sponsoring parties oul oncl the cnncelle,1 games were rescheduled. Then there we1·c the 11ighl:1 I.hot firs1 yeitr. lhut the court w1u, rained out. Not hn,•ing the pre�tigo 01111 the inme lhnt il tokes to re11ucst n RAJnout Gunranlt>e, the 1mtire JP"OUP �al Jn Lheir holel nncl wulched lhoJr expenses climb and no g,1les to plnr ior. Lo help tuke cnre of the meuis 11ml lhe room l"�nl. Seven dayi; in a row il 1-ained, lhcn two dny� dear went her uml it ruind ugnin for five mon.t duys. These were dnrk clnys for the court. r\trd lh:il's for !llll'e. Once in SHs.kakhewnn, Lhe game was cul shorl in Reginn so lhi: it'am could catch n train for Flin Flon. Mnnitobu. The 250 miles lo the truin junction was a hnir 111isil1g trip that ended with clisasier. 'l'he ll-,1111 pull­ ed ouL three minuleii befon! the_, . arrived. Nol to be defeated, they meed the t:rnln through Ute night and flnRIIY at 5:00 In Ute morning the.v 11arked their st-atio11 wngon by n rnilrond cro�sing nncl waited for the trnin. W11\"ing it to a sto11, Uiey mrule arra:ngcmClllts to bo!U'd ii In the ue.,1 city, Hudson Bnr Junclfon. lmnglrrn lhe aurprise of the e111,oineer looking 1111 Lhe truck fi00 miles from n bnll pnrk in the wilds of northern Ss!lkntchewnn und see­ ing tt,•e men rlresse,I in ball uniforms signaling (or him to stop. \Veil, the,-e hnve been many e....-perionoes--too many t-0 mcnlion now. Mnybo in years to comu, n story or the lnivcJs or thij Original Four Mun Tenm will be written.

Jerr� Jonl'll. ntukes u lung Rlrelch ul lirs! ln11,c. Alwnys n thrent on the l11u;cs due to his ,;peed on foul, ,lcrry mukcs husc runners hu�tlo lo hcnl out II l(roundcr because of hi,; nhillty tu rcnc:h out for the lrnll hy knowing jmU where th� memhen; of the I Cam will I hrow afler ticldini: I he hall.



'l'hL Sfl,\l)OWHALL GAME. Ac1ulllly there nre many version,; ol lite game wll ltoul II hnll. The Court feels thnl theirs l>t U,c 11111st complete. 'J'hc rcspnn,;e fr11111 lhe crowd>< llt11t sec it c1mllrms lheir belief. l•'nr in rnnny of the tllie:. whtrc the court mnl1cs muru lhun unc nigh[ stand, lite hu.htnce or the crowd come in the latc_r lnninl(:< tu gel u ,;cc1111d luok 111 U11, Comedy l<oullne. llcre. Eddie Feigner. Mnslt1r of Ccremonll!.� und Narrnlur Is also Umpi re. Wldle \;! ct1lching lhu ltunllng pild1esa thrown b�• �'like J\leilicke who is nc,I sh01v11 in 11icturc. ,Jerry .loni,s. lhe hniter. eun'l believe his eyes.

Our l!ll'il Tour wns sl:/lrtecl ns ulwnys, with spring lnining in Florido. Orlw1cJ o Ll:tis Lime, 1u1d os usuul we lost �omc ensy (,'tunes 1uT110ging our show �ntl pla�·ing to the Cnno. We met with (1 iow hnrdships and had II few misunde.i'1ltnndings, but ull in 1tll we• wm-,• -very salisfted with the recorcl we mnde or 146 g:m1es played, with only 21 lost. Our Four Man Tenm will be touring, ns long as you the softbull inn wnnl it to. F<1r w e waul lo help �oflball 11nd we feel we h:we u11 to now·. Ilowever in 1052 w e are returning to nine man teum ball ngnin. The nine JlllUl loam will tour lhougb, in accordnnce wilb the Amateur Softball Assn. Rullng nf 21 Working Dny-s nnd we hope w e can piny for n few of the pooµlc thnL we bnve met while pluylng 11.s n �bow. I want to cong:rntulnte tho softball commissioners on their fine job und the �ortlmll plnyers on the high degree of aportsmnnship shown us in our o.'CltJbWoll.11. NnLm•nily wu were proud of 1vhming over the Reorgnnlzed Tip Top Tnylor T1t1tm that we 1iu.1yed Lo n O lo ll nine imiing,; lie when they were World Champions. Our hat's ofT lO Lhcm. 0Lher,vor1tl clmmpionshi1} teams nnrl lc,uler:t in the wftball field wouldn't JJlay us for fenr of beiJ1g defeatecl rmd losing fnce to their home town fans. But we don't blame them. We just w,u1L lo lhank U1e teams ihai held championships nncl still plnyed our foUJ· man team. There ai·e mnny things to roke into consido1·nf.io11 when fociug us. Wo udmiro your llcnse of sportsmanship nnd loy1tll)' lo your fans it1 glviug us the competition it t.nkes to make n good show. We will piny for the Armed Forces nnd other benefits. Bui it t.ilkC.-! the mom,�· we mnke lrom lhe other games Lo keep us on the 1-oad, so we can piny for our ,;ei·vice teams free of gate receipts. So once !lgn.ln, for the wonrleriul coopenltion we hllve received from the. various 01•gan. i7Ailions 1md alwnys the iioftbnll I\Ssocintlons, Locul uncl National are to he congratulated nmJ lha:nked from lhe bottom of our hearts. We hoJ >e to 11l 11 y for you again in yenn; to come.-God willing. 1952 murk:! our seventh yenr as a Four Man 'rerun ancl our thir·teenth year in orgnnizecl hnll. And many ye,U"!; since we plnyed our first gnmes back In our school days. We bnve had tome thrilling moments nnd some heart brcukers too. If the nine mnn team wins and we go to Lho lOllr· nnmcnl�, our only 1101>0 ls, if we lose, il \\'iJJ be Lo someone we lnught how to plar and pitch ibis wo11derful fast gnme of Soltbnll.

.lir.n WhU�: ont or the ttriFlnal memher� of the: Court, ha.iit hec.n a member on nnd orr through the years. t'<1llcstf'". family� ond husine� tu,,\! , taken him off of lhr road frnm timo to time, Rut w-lth u• ur not, lw i5 th� 1011,:Nt ball hltler in 1'uftbnll thin �P hllh· there urr n�ry rew "·c hnycn•i 1een. 200 lbs, 6 fe�t, Ken is sHll B roi::,:;P.d t',·er seent 1md : bn.oto runnttr.

i\lEILlCl{E. ON A NINE-MAN "rE.\.,1, APl'ER PL.\ YINC, ON A f'OC1l-�1,\N 'rEAM CD H!Jl!CK! ON SI/OAT STOP


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1:fnttct is ht•ing thmw11 mat nt fitst nftn buntful4. m nn exhmltion aoftboJl i,r.imo. PJtc..1,-.,r Edd.It., f,�rj�-.11er ftl•ldf'd U1u btt..11 tu1tl fired to F'l�l J3ol'l,..Hum1 Jt.•n,.· June� !t.> r lht• 11u,ouL l'iruu·� t1huw, th,, ,·amplt.!lt• 1\ing und lll� C.-1ut1 dr•fonst:>, r,1t.•hcr Mende Kln;ior. tu.. l1t1ltfor .\flkc J.1ollitkc, f•eig11rr nud Jone,..


Thi� picture wu, Luken four hom·s berore l(ame lime on lhe tltl\' we wrrl' tu pla)' in Lelhbridge, AJL,erta. LeL u� remind .\'OU- "ln nil lhnl ye do, clo ttll to the Glory of God." We have mudo manr rrtund� through plarlng soitbull. We simierely hop� our show hn� L,eeu u holp uml a joy rnther thnn a stumbling block lo e"oryone.. This 1,ook wa� ns;;omblcd by Eddie reigner. We w1u1t to lhank all the press. radio u11cl telo.vh,ion personnel thut guvc u� lhcir undh•ided ,1t1cntion. Anci the piclurC!S used nre thc»10 or vurious press photo1rrnphers thut willingly i;:nve Lhe[r splenultl pictw·c� to us for use in our 11roQTnm. Sp�cinl cretlil ,s given lo l\1r. R. D. Pope $1·. 1111d hig staff :,t hesuLifol C�rpress Gru·dens, r'lfl. for their hl!lp. unri lo II S1,ecfal Photo1rr11phcr ul i\lnrqnctte, 'Mich. Addilionul inJ'ornHtLion can be obtained from: Fred C. Olsen, Wn�hinglon Stntl' Softbull Commis�ioner W. 2.�08 Evcrtitl Spokane 16. Wn.�hini,>1011 Copies of this l�>Ok and co11ie� of our l!lf;l book c1111 be ordered Cree of chnrge from: 1'HE KL'IG AND HIS COURT 97!1 EAST 2:Jrd STREl�T HIALEAH, FLORIDA ,1·r would appri.,ciule ll ii �·ou would inclose a few cents to cowr cosl of il08tniie. This otror i� subject lo any chnnge that the com·1 deems n�ce.'\­ sm-y. Ancl ,lelivcry will he $Uhject to Ihe amounl or copie.• on lumtl 11L tlm� ,,f nrrler.

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