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F,em Walla WaUa., Slat. o1 Wnhin•l•n Copyright Appllod For
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OUR 1954 SEASON "In lis-4 we 1iarf•d our 18()..game dring, whkh end•d gp ...1th 162: 91-mH playacl ll Ion••· lo our rocord-1•ttt1Jq d,.wtn9 of oor 461,000 peopla. Sprin9 trajnin g u�p wu ll f• up in Fort Wort", Tua,. Wt •fMnl two .,... h playl1t� ln Fort Worth ond th• 1unoulldlft9 .,... Fro,n th•r• •• .,•nt south fnto lh• Pe.n• hendle ., ..¾ where •• play•d • few mote 1ptln9,tralntn9 gam••• •nd then ..,.nt1 on • .,.ul.. nd, h,to Monl1tr•t• Old Mulco. Th, ic:h;re i.t on th• rotlowlng page of our bool• r.
Monte,oy h • 1utpthin9ly .1pori1,mlnded IO•l'I, in "'Mch we played lhru g1mu in on• day, e.nd dnw qvH• woll, ""•" 010' the MoJ• nn dollu h much cheap.tr lh.u outs., to • pcl..J th.t 11 1.1., II of th•ln lo m,la I of oun. You can1tot 90 clown th,u mote than 011c• or twiu �nttl yov rurao that they ere und■r • �•ry hoaWy fleandal dritn when 1t comet lo b1i119ln9 h, Amorlt•n I-tams b,c.eus• Df the nnHicn. bt thy ,ho�td UI • v•fY good Um-. Ho..,•vtr •• did wTn H,h of our gemt1-, but It ..,.._. m1t • pu-ih..aver es H w,u whan "'• Wue down lfi•t• in Me.aico • I•• yun ba.cl, when i�•Y did not have our mod.,n rvl.. Now you an nn.d good prtchin9 atid good pl•ying aeton Mexic o. Partly ,espol'!dble for that ii the ou-U1w•d pop1,1• M,,rc•n 8eteb11II t..9ue lh•I we, la, (Of • nurnbar of yun. How..,•r• we did pl• Mont.,ey In th11 M••1un league b.e1•• r bal pAr\ and dra., ♦hu• 111« crowd1. ,nd th•t•s something you could not fl11d ti,; • Untl•-d Stales P,tk -here you eou.td "-•"•• draw th, .. c.rowds to the Yml p,,._ in on• 1hy.
'we l•y•d th, AII-AmtrtcM pifd-ier1 K�M) f Law, o Pho•nb. An,., to • 1•1 •i• and • +o win, We pl•yed two AII-Ameti ce11 plkber-s 1n California •nd Witt f1,1c.�y t1'0ugh to d,f.. t both of JJ.,m. Than 01,11 lout too\ Ut f nto lht10, Ht_tada, io'h•r• 1a1, played Lu 1-fA11•1-e.n AII-Am■ric.1n pit,het. Ho wr,u1 we did not tt'Dft off of him, but but hi, leem 2°0. Thh brougld u1 bu\ I-o out hom• 1hte-We1hrngton-in whie:� •• pl•'ted our horn• towf'I, : W•II• Welle, 0-11 • V•,Y c.old •nd' vin.dy !'11qht. Whet '"'•• the RCH1 w. woo.
From lh.ere we 'll'ent ull· o C1n.u,e-playin9 ouon Ceni,da. W• wet• nutlv reln1d ovf of the Suk1tc.hav1n tour, bvf f1t1eUy ,fuci it ovt, 41\d h.ad lorn• ,iic..t c.rowd1, end went •• f., north 11 Prine:t Albtrf, w. "'•nl 011 fo Winnip•g for • double hudtr, end down inl·o Mlnae,ota, playlng ln OuJUU,. Thatt up into Part Arthur, Onl•rto for 011, third "Y••r In lhet lown.
Th•n w, pleyed lhrai our reigulat ltd of town,, dow11 ,nfo Ohle.ago, on into Clev,l1nd, and b.d to Chkaqo lor • nc;ortd 1ppur.uu:• lat• In the fall, We •ppffred 11'1 Thl111n., Stedium, encl ,... u• •p�,iring t�ar• again thk ..,-.er lcr • numbu of 91m•L Th. li19k.nghl of 1..t ,.... r•, IHlCin, I im,i9.. lite, ..,ou.Jd be l\lrin. Meu., wher1 •• J,ew the second l•r911t cro..,J •.,., to be d,on ln lkal town. Th• only other te,91r cio-...d was dra"'n a number of ytan bac:lr. by • man by Htt n1mt of Ted Wi!fiu\l eruf • thlrd ba.s.emaa, •ho latu 1'ecc...sm• • pltche.,1 by lhtt ,u1mt of Sob Lemo11l We enJoy.d 1ppurin9 Otl Don McNall', BruU,11 Club ii\ Chicago botf, times w1 pl•v•d thu•. Wt played for ...,orfd•f•mov, p.,;c},I who h.u U,, Profeoion•I Gtrh Softball ii'! Chicago et P•rich; Stadium, We mufa wm.• m.oney lot Iha e�lauo in Cl--'•l�nd .. bv playing at •�• Arnaf•ur D•'f for Labwood Ehi. '" L.h,,...----ood Ohio. We pleyed for the 1.8.M. •"'lng ,hUf In Pou9h, �up,lie in I�• af-t•rnQon_, At lho Ai9hf g11m11 We drew • crowd of over l,000 people •ho wt far lw-o houn in a downpour or 11in thnt our entire '"''"' od show ••• w• thln\ th•I w•1 • "'"V ...,oftdo.rlut thing, to h•"• • crowd 1il thn, that \ind ol Ol(Hther to ,.. our 1h<1.,. end •• i;.-,1,lnly epproir.:1,11 Oial �Ind of ;nfwte1t ii, th• thi-ftgs w1 U• fryl"n9 to d o fo, Soft!.,111 t..,t vur 01.1r So1.1nnlr Ba.oUet •d....rfl11t.d Ot.lr Ht\OM Wvld m11rk our Tenth Anni• ••n.arr Y•ar, end •• ,-.ould celal:iraf• ♦hat Te!'llh Anatweryry wUh • ,pee. ta.I Albw,1 coffl.• mtm01etin9 ocir ren y.,.,.. in fht Ga me, Tltt, Album not f'ljl'fl' •111a1l.ibJe. b11t .,.. art c.ut.-ln In th, Y••tt to come thet lh•rt will b. • lif• dory of Th• Kfng end His C.owrt rn • more c.on'lple l• form, ettd lhl, wlll be 1T111d• aull, abl• •o ya1,1 U,,u ri•ws st11,.d1 urou fh11 country,
Our t,54 tH&On brougM "-' frilo fom• !'It• •f'e.4J, ..,hate we had ttol pl•yed bafor�. W• aef 4 new recofd for coni.c.ufiva 911rne1 i n • tow" when •• pl•y•d Ol&t 18th end ltth 9a1u. 111 five diUuant au,oni. 1n th• c.ity of Toro!'lfo, Ontario. I thlnl th,it ls ;oln; to bt ♦Ji, record for KlluJ •nd HI, Court play• in9 fn one town 1.1ntil •flu this tHS.Ol'I, whtn we .,.111 hal/t •ppu,._d 1n Th111,na Sl•d1um In Chlugo onr tMrly Hmat in three 1u1on1.
The hall CJ•m• wfih�n•t • baff. AnvthTn9 can b• done who you don.'I liave lo worty •bout tl,e h•II. H•r•, ,Har ,Qme com,dy ro1,1tjne and ,ome u11behevabt. pltchet, utch .. end th1c-•1, Umpire Felgn■r and pit�he-r Mailld.e couh J,,.,..,. Jon♦1 •r,d Catcher Mud, l<ll't.U in• 9,ime of'Tic-ln•To ,,omoJll""�I called X a.nd OJ •l kom• ptat•.
Used Exch11ivoly by the KING AND HIS COURT
famous for Comfort and Quality I
Use 11
1he Bes1!
Bc.st wl1hu and congratulations on fhi,, your Tenth Anniversary Year
r-T;:;0�0:--;;B:A;D�S;O�M�A�N�Y��=-=::.::..::;..;; •llh • =::r:.1L I• l•cl, h• h•• • ,.cord 10 P•••• !h•t h• ... n,. th• 1 ..9., h.lt ,.,,., MISSED TREAT HERE thel'I !obbv FcJl•r when F•lt•r ...., th• ,utut 1 ,=itcl,.e, in •�• Arn,,iun LHgua. Whel't mo1• 1 A -gr..t 1ho'- ••• Ont of the Otd thing• lh•t M'f k.. un whip h in wl,e" 1,.-, l ..,o....ll'!CJ • 9u-y f1 told wh1n he darh h, tf,• n,._..p•per b.thl"d hi , buk On• thing I.hat u,m,d to bu1i neu h to ne¥tr ft\t tnylhing for c,ironted. stud cut In d,, rnl.qch of th... c:iatom•r• OI'! The raw.it c.vb tepo.rlet 9eh lht l otdtt with S•twrday wa1- •h•n fha lil't9 pu,pouly puf hi1 r'it1t aui9i,m1nt , no in1i9nifi. three men on b.1, a,ui U,,,. mowed down cut II mty be. So "'h•I ll..pp.n..s1 A guy, ..� the nHt lhru on drtt.,,. Ha c•n , th,y'II tell H only b,c.au1e. h•"• \Jun •ro1,nd thil bu1i ou, hit the 1-ITile zont co,ullfently '"'" lhouqh neu for too mtn'f l(Hn.. 1ko.uld fully tppt•dttt llod-lold,d. the ••h,o or Rndfng cut for Mm�lf commlh ftom tf.i, U-1 euy to gather Out tht ...hJ . tb1 f•t.1• pu of lh• u.nfW'y, I forgot to chac:i. btuo,i fitU• mw.t �••• bon • terrific. ,on1. on t ctrt•1" sporh 4ffr•�lion. ...,t,-ic.h of count 1"'11\e1 your- diJ.appointmant Ll\:e thou••ndt of other t..11u1tri,,u. I \ leuer. It', too b.ed, too tlwt H\t M11nhelm thought II �ed r11lned rnuch loo hud :,n S,t� Lion, club l,,d fo ,qo Of! undet tuc:1' c:ondi� wrd•y fo, lhe t,.4.,i�el m U0111 cfub to 90 Hol'lt.. for lhe club p,o\,i,1:,1, would h•"ti ,� throii.gh with lh \lntttu,I ,porb ou1t .1 Sfu,;npr •llr.d " tiHt profl♦ f01 ih boyS recr uHo, Fr.td. So 11\e !ht r•d of yoM, I foo\ it fo, �o,� htd tht ...... ther b...n 1ul h1ble. 5v•11ttd th,f the toflbell qtme ln¥0-l.,in9 U,. But !here', no 1ue mec.rdln4 cwtr ...,..h,t h111 Klf!,q ard His Court •g•fnd the nJn11•n11" ln• ha pptn•d. All •• c•n do no• h hopt th,) It 1ntrial L..que efl 1l•r tnm ,..ould be p.01t� ,..o"'t be too to-i9 helot• th• klng h,;";' poried. M, qtoup bee\ ll«r•, It m.ty not bt thh l�•I wH • lud "1i1ra\e. �of on1y did th•1 ,,,., but it eouid be 1ted1 uid vou c.- be pl•�• b1.1♦ they p1,1t cti 1uch •n Hl, ibl!Jo11 th•l 1urt th•t if lhty ,.,., come b,c\ to our tow" those 649 cud0mer1 •h� •er• rnuc� 1m1d..., lhl, h en• �uy whc won'f l•h '"� c:h1tnce1 than lht ual of I.I&. tu dlU rt•in9 oor 11. on the •uthermen. 1111 b111 th•r• t-ven H W• 11', no 1ec.Nt th•� th• bt1-tb•II peopl• •r• pt1tit19 1nowbel11 ln mld,}lu9111I. I f,•r11•d my none Joo r,;,ndly tow• rd, those -..ho pley 1.oH• 11non • h ...,,. _ Ho- • oMI yo111 b.U. T�ue ...., • Hme •hu ,offbi1II ••tio111ly f1', .. .t■11ed lo choh off bas4ba11 •• lh• lou:r.ce, me:U11"9 wit.I, Hu. Ud1. Tltl1 pkh.1t1 �.. dt.t"ge-d in- fecent YH'I b11t •�•r•'• ,till lO,n• ton emonq; lhe comp.flto� of U, e put Pleyh1g bel01e eppto•lm•t•l y ◄,000 16111 Y•t• 1hf1 11 brc'!lght wp not +o roi... •ny ofd t•,d•y efi11u,,oon n,e King •�d Hls Co11rt ♦o,o• feud,, b1t1I lo tdd 119,iiflc.,uce lo th opinion lh, mu1L1t• of lh• XM:l•t1d L.le All •Sle" of • b-u-.ball m•ri o" lht ••hibltlo"' •Mc:� by • U-4 cownt •nd do.--n•d th• Rovff!�Nor• �• ,., .. hv th• 1.ofth,fl•n here t,,i S.tt.1rdo and• AII-Sl•tt tlut ••enin; b., th• KO.t• or ni9ht. 1 2541. 11'1 tk• • ff•.. noon lh• fe�"tou, Fo11Mun 11,h," ,,td fr•"' Sp,lt !he Ro.i■1 9•11er•I 1um pJtV"td to n.. rJ., '2,000 peopl-, !he m1"e91r "wu Ql'le er lhe g1ute1t ufilbil;ce.1 LI01" fut¼,eJI PMl, Th.at evening. t�ey ,,....u.d I fl_.,... ••er s..un. I'm only ,orry th•f fh• to 1h� Twln.Citit:t ud pl•v«d btfcre fhe ,.,,,,, 'wulhtr �,pt 10 m■ poplt o••t• Th., •it• crowd, c.o\lld M•ve pley11d ♦o H�o1.1u"d1 •nd I'm ,.,r• ONE•Mi',N SHOW thoutud, wot.1ld h-1"• gone .,..• ., �igh l"' thh In the •fte.tflOOI\ gsme ln tc;,u.,,..d L.all' p,.11�. · E::ldi, f•ign.r th, .. l(in9" of t�, ccurf put on 1hat'1 • p,-t-ty sfron g ,♦at■m•nf c.omir,g • one�ft,H Ulow .JI he d1"1Jc:l oul IS batten hom e ba.s•b.ell .,..,, .such 41 Spa:,, •"'o 'ha.1 arid dwbbed ,;. �om• rwn, H, �•d • perf .ct b.Hn ;,. th, b1.11ineu pudi�fly ,11 "' �., lif,. "In• hlh Tn ntu •ppHr-tncet •I lhe olel■ at1d but It wun•t J1nl e" ldl• bu,t. H, b•ci•d 11 ac,01rnied (i:;r l'!fo■ n.n1 bolted h, wp lmmtdi•lely b, .-,preulrua • dt1!r, to h.tlr.9. the Klllg 1.11d hl, m■a b,cL 111 thh ,,.. THE NEl.tf�Al ZONE pe,d hh di,.:ic_., �u, slim, fo.r t�•...- Fo111 Th•y ••Y Eddie �lmHlf .:.luu 11bou-t $15,000 9'1l1 hu . 'e JO many d.1.. lht0u9no11t lh• • 'fut ror hh pHc�ing e1plolh Ef'ld:oneme,.1 1 eolu,try f�•I theft 1d1edufe 1, fi-Uecf. t,.l,o...�,,. probtbly boost thi1 fi9u111 by at le•1f anolhtr Spair uid th,y p�omh,d th.at l�•Y would 9,f ton 9t•t1d, lo he h ..,ifhoul • doubt_ on• of In. totic:h •Ith ht111 H lh■v ccUfd rind • •u'f' f�• higl,ui p•ld man in •II of b•1tb1tll, to coma b:a,� here. We •elc.h•d end be�me • F•i91'l•r fen • P1r1.ol'lalfy I hope Jh•y do, fot wh•I I' ,e c.oupl• of VHn b•<l 11nd tJl'f elhJ•I• ..,.ho plih hurd fr-om fh, ptopl, who ww 11 , e ,ho-.. If• Ol'I • 1how Ille �e don. 11 ._crl� •ve,y uni •otfh seeing, Thn l(ing f•llow . • (�h !'lem• ht! roc.elvH. Js E�die F.i9n1d ... un ,.. lty do woncl•n W, t.tid 1t •ould be • CJrul ahttetion,
'"'u., �°'"'
OCCASIONS WE RE OUR FlRST LOSS - Come i• J•ly 19�9ou,. 17th 9•m-•. W• ""'• pl•·1i•iii1 •n Al�Ster le,m e11.d. •t l.m1•I, ...,. ••'• et bal ftnt. Wt fo.td•d the baut •nd H lool,d e, If wt would 90 •hucl enough to •In, bul Gu, Emry, • t,f enle d pl•y•, ,..ho ,..u our fl rtt ba1ema" th11t1, •frvd out, bunf•d foul 011 a third d,a. and gt.auftd.. d 01,,1J. We did n.oJ H:or, unfit I. I�, ,u, lnnlruJ-10 ,,.,, lo,t
a ,.,
OUR FHt.Sl GAMS-C•m• abotJJ in t�h ...,.,_.,...._..., ._.,,.. d.,futi"CJ •II th, f••m• i,i t�• loc ,1 lndw1tl1I Ju9IJ1L •!th 1eotn 111c:h 1.1 l)-0, After one iiu:h «Jdlffl• Eddie, ....l,o wu p,,tty pro:ul of hit t.arn, honted to th11 1 m•n9u of ♦1,, tum lhay hid i1nl b.ut,n ro th, ,fl.cl that Ed dr,•, t-.m co1.1ld have don, as well .,;If). 011il� lcu, pl,y1n. (The ruw.n four w11 m1nl}on1d wu so t'h,I, •1th fha ba1t1 foad.1d lh1r1 wo11td •tfll ba • men ,t bat.t ll,a 1 followln9 we,� • "fout-1n•n' 911me ,,...... •r• '•"g:•d, wtth Eddt11 pifchin9 .a Ju,1-oul, ,ttil ing out 19 and welU1tg no one. Two belt•tt d)d �I, lh• b•tl, one • pop-fly to finf, end th-11 oth•r • grovnder w, short the! Mil• Fialded It •nd lhr•"' fo flnt for the puf .oul, p,.,..,... ln9 Eddi•'• p.rfect no•hlt n<>-n1n, ftO•Well, 11 me'!\ up •nd down 9ame. Eac;h of th• ..four m•n'" fHm', lutf,n: hit OH hom• "'" •nd i:om•limn oth," ... .,, o" b•H. Tha flnal Kor• of ou, FtRST FOUR.MAN GAME-1 to 0.
* OUR FIRST T.V, APPEARANCE-C.m, ;n IUO :n Ne• Orlu1u. It .,., ._.. a ,u.l Uulll lo tlte lho1e hk� pHd.u right at tho111 el· f''"'ive Utn.,•1 aad thin• bacl o.,lr • r.w ,horl yun whei, • "bah;nd,t�e,bacl" or •·tht-o11qh-th►l•g•'' trk\ pitch ,ugally- •1thet b.o.unc.ed �on.9 on Ike gro1,1rul or t•il•d hlg� O\'et the b•c.\stop.
OUR •1 RSi FOREIGN TOUR-•• • lll9hf kl c..b-.. �..do Rico J•malu, the 0a.min it.a., ci.outttrc I" lh, Wa,t lndiet wit '•" "-m•riu!" Conv•lt.
OUR FIRST RAIN.OUT GUARANTEE-u c.ollutet!--Gf all plecn-il\ St, P•lusbe1r9, flo,ide Here 0111 11•1"1\• In tlie C.rdlul •nd Y,n, .. tpril'lg trainln9 llt.-AI lutg Freid """ tporuoud by the Junior Cl,amher of Cam, ,n,ru U raln•d-..nd r•tn.d. !"1 ii,lieYiitg: H h•d not r.Jried A!ftouglt to coll.d th• hnvr •11- U. lhe Jaycu, lnthled •• ccntinu• ♦h• 9ame, a1 I�• fan, w11re und•r • gra11d1fu1d u;i,of. W�,n •• 9ot bac.l lo th• hoi•I •nd ,hower•d, we m•I tho Jayo• Np rea.•nftHwe who 91we u..s our puc.en,..9• of ihe g•f- phiL • c.hec:i for h.alf of lh& inuu•n.c:• gu•t• ent•.-H had r•ined lh• required f 10 or en foch d1,1ring the show and th,y hed coUect•d.
OUR ARST FLOP-c•ITI• afte.r an ell 11i9ld 510 milt cfriva from 1ouf1.ern �orida fo Pu. cagoele, �i..inlppl. We drew lS paid cu•• fom•,.....,.nd .old ◄ w,u•onit boolt. lul ""• WOJ\I Ike gama-15 to 0.
* OUR FIRST SERIOUS lf'IJURY-n •"' Y•• m1caM uped-. brohn lef♦ hand lor C.tc;�e, Me.acfa kinu,. t-ib. 1t9hl•'""••\ ,•c.iwe,y dtd not h•mpar the tum loo g,·.. tly for duririg our fin! f•w YUN w• cerri•d r,.,. pl.ayui non•pJaying p•non to 1,1ft «u1• and •n n.nfr boo\lith, No• •• "•"•I 'iilith no ntfo1, but we hev• lfte ne.mn end la.leplto,i.e �um• ber1 of Jonn1 of pl•y•n lho co1:&nlry ov•r who h••• ,giv•n u1 noUc.a they would be ew•il• •bl• on • day't. nolkt to fill in for • ,ic.l or l"lwed pt.yu. The 011ly thing i,, ,,_. ,UII h•"• no n.•tnH for flll.,ln, for our 1fat pitcher, Eddla fe ,ignor-whlc.h it. H i, 1hould be. li �• it IUn9 of Soflboll-tnd •• •t• 1.W"re h, q1i1ol•
TliE FIRST GAME Eddi• p1Ich,d BLIND, FOLDED ln lh •"lir•t,,-.J 8 1ftJleo1th, 3 • 11ll 1,. •n� on• hrt f e horn• ,u11 that Weftf O¥•t leC• ond bas• 011d rolled: lo t�. lenc.•J b1.1t the Court w-on the i.von lntilog 9•m• 1·1. It wes eg•lnsi th.e Western Cef!•dl•11 ChAtnpion, 1-n, Calgary, Alberi•.
MEMBER THE LONGEST The First World Champion Team
"' •• .Pl•y•d WH th• ''Tip Top T•nori f,or,, onto, C1n1da.. Th•v ••r• our opponanh, in pl1 y,d ou.r ,•c.ond oJ u •i9ht 9•"'1• during lh• 1950 cu.dlu N.uo... •I &hlbitto� -..n All•C•n•d• f•Tl' fi■ld 1,uu,•lly d1ui,u; 11!1 Aug1nf or �•r ly S1pt1mb.,- •t Toronfa. We ,ora- th• Sporh F.._hmt. it.91d by t�• up■ble CNE Sporlt OJtei:tor G,ot9• Owthl• THE RESULTS of • 91m 1 b••••u lhe li:ff\9 of Softb1fl arrrl thru p l1 -yu, •c;•fo•I !h 1 •odd ch1mpfof! tum-ell, wh.1t would YOU upect1 A1 • m1U1r of fad t�. ;•me d,,._ o<wer I 5.000 1p.ut1icm wiu;:1 (1mm1d lltl' 1i1".dt and had to b1 u ..t,d in the out-l1 1ld q,•u •• do11 H flfl)' f■-f b1h1nd H�ond b11 1. TI,. gam• wa, ul to 90 trtwn innlng1 or in c.u"' of • lie lo nrn1 Inning,, but no .-t(HL Or
two oc.c:etio ,u • ho.m1r· by lh• i:,ifd.1n of both tum1 ••• n,1.d • doubt. b•c•1o1te of th• eto'-'d. Th• Co1i1rt elmoU ,cor•d by "' lt n, ,m.sh by Mile Mdttd• •Uh t...o c11.tf •"d • ninl'lef" •f third. 81.at All Amuleu Unt bH•• mu ior lip Top •iopp•J II from en out-of 0
Mlh ttr11lln9 et Eddl,-Blindfofded--lrom c:1011 up, You ear, 1-ee It', fmpoulMtt h, 1e.e wb.ll, p1fdiln9. Shorhlop MelHc\♦ Come& in •nd utcbes th« btll �•ci from the c.atrhor l•ll1 EddJe ..,�er• U,a btllt.r h ,t.nd1n9'4 c;i, ..
Among our Fondest MemorieS-
" llf• ma9a-11n•• dechlon In l951 to lfflt"\Ort•I• 1n our 1liow bv fuluril'l_g 1n 11'1 llf•'1 o•rt ed. �orti1f1'19 p-ro_gram i" many n•••P•P•U the •o.tld o-v-u, .-,.th tr •rnui.dau1 c;irc;wla,lon coYer •911. In �ddtilof'. ...,� •ir.e:elnd pldoriel c;ov,. aregt 111 th, May 12 1952 1u.ue U11de, the . �.. dlln•- . A Pitc�tr Who Nnd1 only Tlin,e Tum•mttn. pcnHion locetfo-n er,d tb11 """' innin91 w•r·e •nd•d 0-4 After t•o mar• it1t1i"13& of ),ley if •H ••Ill o.o Mead, �innr, ut,h,r, later 1tet1cl lo 100,h ._,,;♦.,, l�el h .,.,., Eddi• Feigner"1 mo\f l'IU.rly P&rfut pHch1ng p•I"• (orm11nu u fo1.1r of t�• ftnt live b.tllett on th, Ch,mpicu,• , tum ._,•t• -All•Attltric•n• who h.a.d -won betting tlflet end ,...,,. .aho !•ft ..r who ft.uned In O,e � •nd,u.. Aho tfi, pltc.l p•rforrn•nc, t9flinal th, Covrt rue" coming to bet 1f9M 11..,.. J .... , Chun. Ju,t1c: , h10 ,-.r,tto-n lo lh1: foofb.tll ,· lad bvt •n All. Am,flcan pltc.he, lld,d by lh, Cou,t o otie 1oflb,lf. or rhe to lop pitc.h•" of
t•ll h. Tt-•1'ether he h riljhl or f,ft hnded e!c, Al10. he: f111kh b"nh u,d protuh Edd!, i" lht .,.,,qt • b,ttn ftrh 011• ba�l lh,ough lh, pih:h1r"1 bcu.
THE ORIGINAL FOUR-MAN SOTTBALL TEAM'S RECORD G,mH pt• .,.d 910: Lo1t 12, litd I J. Won 81' Ari,"d•"« •t 9•m111 o,t, l. 000. 000 F•·n• Mtle1 tr•"•led o,t, 11 0, 000 mtl" 318 f,o CJrnJe1 ui,td.uci,d To·tal bu,nt, pl•�•d ''FrH • 161
St,tu play,d 1n C,udlan Prov:11u1 pl•y•d In Far,iq11 to.u.r1 Tot•I 9•m•1 aqaln1t titl, ho(dln9 d,,mpiotu
7 10
Important Items in Eddie's Pitching Record, which Is the Most Complete Record of Any Player In Softball �ot•I 9"-"'U pitc.11,d Hl• Wo• llSl Lo,, IU TI,d 17 lot,1 dfi\�ouh lllf,Hm11: J 25,068 High,,t avg dn1,�ault ptt 91m, ior 01u ,.. ,on (9,,nni,iig 9-.m,t 14.0 lotal petfu-t 9•"'" IOI 1"ot,t t110-l'llt 9•'"" pi♦d,.d lit
To•al ,hw�-01,1♦ 9•mu pil-ch,d SiS 1911 Tolel lutle.n pltc.hed to bllndfolded iotal batten druc��oM� 1:atlndfo1d,d 170 14 lnntn91 lo!\c;itlt 9am, pHch,d Tied foii, HmH, Fl11,l1y ...-011 7•6. Pltc.hln�Eddi.w: d111U 011J 73, W,l�it.d. 19 Allowed a ha,.
Games Played
1946 1947 1948 1'149 1950
10 14 19 45 114
Gome• Tied
1952 1953 1'154
Free Benefits
179 l62 162
Geme1 lost
0 0 0 I
0 0
Games Won
0 0 0
10 14
19 43
125 57
16 13
147 162
0 0
The Softballs Used In All Court Exhibitions by Eddie Feigner in His Spacial Pitching Shows, Are "HARWOOD
H. HARWOOD & SONS INC . .Nolick, Mais.
fB,lo"WJ-4.n on .,dec:.k, bettor, •v• vi,w at Mil. M,ttidt protactll'!CJ !he _pltchH Eddlt F1d9ne• (bUt1dfolded' in lh• •cf of d,U •.,it19 11 f..t ,.;., fo �,,ic.o fum·, b•H•r ;,/hll, Mud11 �i 11nr, utchi,• .c:roud�._, lo• to gi.,, tht umpire II pu-fecl Vll"- of th• plaf• J,rry Ji:mtt flnt b•1t i• CAw\;hr elmod oH b,1,ni:, In po.slHo" to FIElD TH..E BALL. JJitce Eddi�, ••en fh.ouvh bllndfotd•d. plle:hu ,o. ti,, b,Jt-H hit- .,..ilJ go lo Ifie ri9ht ,icfe H th•r• It no d,o,t 01 third b•Hmu lo ft•ld ahould ♦hi, b,Htr be abf, to pull 11 do-,,,n jh, tM,d buc lln.-P..S. HE STRUCtc OUT,
Hearty Congratulations on Your Tenth Annivarn,ry encl Berl Wi,he, for the Future
NDKDNA MITTS Exclusively
Feigner Superb Ntwu,tle, P•� - A.ag. •g-4 Sohind "i• b.c� wr.id., hh l,91. on Ma k.ntH, from Hcon.d ban, or ce-nle-rflold anr••Y or anv-h,r. Edd ie F.Jgn,r pltc�•d, 1ti. ,.,.. up,- erb, hue, t�, f1.1t-ur, �.C. 1011 lo th, King .. d hh Coitri - �-1, t.,1 nl9hl •I fl,huty Field bofo1e 2000 sof-tball fin,. Sp,clafon .a9rnd lhoy l,ed MY,r tnn en�• fhlni qwlt, Ii\• F,ign e,. Hh th rH•qua rf.r ,p.. d fut ball f whlc.lt 11 ebot.;t twtc, u fut •' pltc-hit-d e,ound th!\ dtdrlc ..O tc;;covnt,d for 11 sfr,U l•OUf1 tloee af th. �"""'' fGJ,jr N.n, we,.. vnun,. •d, h.it th, fourth ruft w1, one of th• moif utntd '""' •"yon, wou.ld ••e1 lo 1n. lt CAUl$41 Ol't Mil, M,m,�,, . unnth hning home "'" blHt th•f urri,d ovsr 300 fHf.
Feigne,r '4' Tops Elks Loo9 Bue�, Colli. -
So(lb•II 11 Kl119 • Eddi• Fsigntr and hi, t�,... m.n "Court" gd!'led revan9• fot • buUng t"'1fer•d et Hie tiucl, qf the Lon9 Buch Elh No. 888 nine hu• 1111 yHr by downing th• St•t• Elh ch•mp�nJ S-2, S11nd•y nJgl,l al P•ri Avenu. Rsld. Fei�n•r. throwing • f•ntasllc. •uortmnt of pltc .. e1 ;,,cludlf'lg 1tvm.rou1 frjc.l- cl ■1iveriH we, lit compl•te comm.aftd Sunday 111 �• h•ld th, EU, to Hve hrh ,1nd dr,,,c.l out 17, He pet• ml tlitd foll, ••lb. Lnt)I HUmmhton •ccoun+ed fot both Elh" tun, wHh liomen, Mils M•rhc.\a, Fel911er'1 ,>-arhlop, blasted • tr■mudoH homer for th ..-innen, who collect,d 10 MtL
ONE TRADEMARK STANDS SUPREME We ••·l encl ,incere c..onguhll■1ion1 to m•mb■t1 er lh■ )(fo9 and Hi, C,11irt "♦h, origlnal folrl'•tn•n ••hlbitfon 1oflb,11 fum"- who .,.. ul■br■lli,g ♦heir 10th Anniv1ra.,.., Yu,. And .... u1!111, rsmukabt, P•Y· •n for thlfr 1.1niq111 •nd brilll•nt p:cr• forrrian.cet 011 the Oeld whlch yitar aHat ).,,, pro"tdH ■njoymut for thol11endt ol ...!lball I••'-
,n ...
�\\�\\.lE SLUG� �
MEADE AND EDDIE- "That was a good pitch!"
We h•Y• tll' Qh of iiqn•II \J.t...,••n w, BUT w1♦h Eddie Fel9ner hn1n9 n;n•t•u wlndt.f'pt, fo11rtHn h.ond deUverlet ud ,i.,. tpeed.s. plu1 the fttd pl!du,t •• ,how" belo-..i, It wouJd 1:i .. 1'11.. ponlble lo, the c.atc.he, lo 91"• tigula for •"•ry thln�-So. Eddi• ll11d1•1 1l9n.th lo hit c4lch•r .,i.,. • ,...1 foolu n colffl119 up-but Mude •nd Eddi_., 15 yu"' .-.:peti•M• pit,hing •rid catching •lmol-t liftun h,mdr«id gamu m1\u mod Gf th, pikhe-t ,oi,trn• Ac-lu•lly th• rn)ML. ◄r• to nvllHy th• 11:ccldut pot•nlhl of p1.non1I h,ivry to lh11- lum,
Jerry Jones. Mead• Ktnt.er, Wall*' Riddle. Ani,t.n-t M•n_..9•r of lht Conr•d Hilioi, Hol•I, Chlc.a9c>-1Ytlle M.llide. and Eddie Fei9n•,. •f♦er one oF lhe gunu •t lhlllen1 Sl1ulhon on DevGn Avuu,e, Chic.e90. wh.,e the INtn wlll be 9Med1 of t.4el -Thmeru for fit1-.._,, gem-. tn 1955, 1pon1or,d by nrio111 civic club, U,roughcvl gre.ter C.hlc:•90_ It will b1 the mo1t nwmb.r c;i( Hn, e1 the four•·rn•I'! tum h,u app ..r-.d ln one tfedivm in on. c.lty ln • tingle sH•on,
Additional copies of thi1 book, •110 copie, of sounnir boob from other yoor1, which contain Ii.ITT of All-Star,, How lo Pitch, and information concerning booking, can be obtained from:
THE KING AND HIS COURT P. 0. Box 335 College Place, Washington State, U.S.A. Ploue onclo10 30c per copy lo covor moiling coll of booh.