1960 Edition: The King and His Court Softball

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19 5 9 A Hi51ory of one of the World's Most Amening Teams





From training camp or. Stockton. Cnlifomin.. the Tour Ma11 1urth . nll le.nm spun it.s way around the United St.otu nnd Canodn.. And ·when _.pinning c:n.me to a halt 1"1't Octoh<!r 4, lhe Lum wns In AAhvllle, North Cn.rolinn� Tn the won and lo.st dep.nrtmcnl, lhe tenm ended the cnmpnlgn with 135 wiru, 16 los:se11 ontl 1eve-rnl tle go.mes. From o at.nndpoint of c.rowds. c.he aCAtOn wnt one of tho best lr1 tho L6 jear hiatory ot the touring fouM!<lme. Some or tho top �rowds wntched Fnlgnc:r & Co, In actfon n.t auch plnc:es Ill 1lrlg1t5 Stndlum, home of the Detroit Tigers and 1.iona; Griffith St.mliuht in · wn•hinJ,rlon, D. O., homo of the Senntors and Reilikim; Comrie Mock Suuliom In Philtu.lulphin, homo of tha Phll1fos nnd Eugl�s. lll.lnor l<llgue bnll park• pro,-tded the settfni:s for •eve.ml blg nlghtis for lhc Four Mtin te.nm, «uch n!l SL Poul, Mlnnenpoli,, nnd Now Ufm, Minn., Spring­ field, Moas., MJldhon, \Yls., \VlJllnuuport, LD.nCJ1stru-, Scmnton, Allentown, Norristown, Rending, Pa., Mon... !reol, Oaru,do, Tol•do 0. WUnilngton, Del. and Bos­ ton, Mnss. Actuully. the went.her did not fovo.r t.hl! foul" mnn L�n:m with it.5 best eo.rl�t in lhe g,oing, For­ examplc, cold weuther und constnnt chilling wind1 •tuck dose by th� King and Hu Cour.t In Callfomin in_ early May. As n . rtault, gnmes in this area were. mn.rked by slim nttendnnce •• Cnlliornlnnt will Juet not go out nt night I<> wntch soJlboll in the cold. From Wli(ornin lhc crew mo,rod on to Wcatoni Can­ a.do o.nd Oreg-on and ln lhese a.re.its the rn.in WM still chasing fona owny along with ehiU bre�z.es. But when June 21 rolled around und t.he boya moYed into SL l'nul nnd i\Unncnpo1i1, lbo wcotbcr begnn to brenk a�nd Lhc turnstDe., b.umn1ed 11 merry tune for tho tou.dn,:r ao.(tbnllcra. fn nctun) t.nkt!, the Four Mnn tenm 11«,.sed $09,559.89 lit tho gnt.e nnd •d<led anothnr $13,600,00 in novelty sale1, for n grnnd LOtal o! $83,050.89. The eighty-three tbousnnd plus is o mightr jmprcni\'e 8gure but Hko nny businaas, ex111111•es bll lwrd Into the ,irou gnte. But bu.Jne,. wns good. [n dol1n1"1 nntl cent,. S1,ring-field, .Mn.ua­ chuutt&, which ho• • tenm in the CJn .. A Enstern

a..oball Luguo, p,o-ridtd ,be b- aigl,i llt lhe g11te tor th• t..m which l('OL u i. � OIi Att,rwt 20 in the Bny Stan. 5:!,3,o.36. n,:blllin of IIJlothc­ •lit hundred reallll!d t'tom MffllJ" .a1 ... <:.....,IIWd hna nlway1 been good to th._ KJn,r & Uh C...r. m4 n. rnbirl sports tol\--n, srh-inir p-e:at mppr-r: • tu buat­ ball toam which iJl • San Fnnc:a<'O .f&rm tam. a=4 its pro hockey teum in tha Ant�Ticn.n llockr:r Lmgc wbtcb rs a Now York Ranger fnrm atlillau. Th H)00 lour e,1(1n cnrried Lhc tC?nm to Na...._ Seen.la which we nit know is 11 lnn,t wny by statlcm Wl'lKQ.n Crnm lhe Snn Fr.n.nc'h1co n.ran wharc the: campaign got underwny. All told, three vehicle•. two wal{Ons 11nd one rour..<foor- t(tdon, trnvollod a. combined total of JJ0,000 miles can-yin!( 11loyer, nnd eriulpment !rom plo.cc-to-.ph\cc in tarrying out the rugged schod• ule. Of the Cnlifornin g-nmes plnyed, one put on by former bom� ru.n 1lug�er JtaJph Kiner nt. San .Diego wat the mo�t tuccusful ,ve!t Coast. J{Ame. Rn.lph Is now gcncrnl ma.nnger of t.he Snn Diego team of fbc Ptscifk Cua.at Le.uguu.. At :Briggs St.odfom, close U> 0000 lookcod nn whllc In n much 1mnllu town caUed Norristown, Po.,., ovor 7000 Jammed n football •t•dlum where • diamond had h<,en Jard out. The 1 • .1iea0, a1 some folk• call th.a Four 1\1.Jul team, hnd A number of' interestintc experiences in 1959, plus some fruatrnting one:11, like tho trip from Snrnnnc Lnke, N. Y. I<> Roading, Pa. First it wns tt ttood•siz�d deer running hets.d. on Into on� o! tho tenm'i \\·ngot1S. Then Inter, hUtitling their ,vny over a darkened highwa)', the boys in_ \Vagon No. I hit a rock, ripped out thu oil pan n.nd then ant nnd woited tor ovu tour hours to be towed bock I<> clvillution. ln thi.s cn..te, the lenm'1 policy o! n.lWA)'S tniveling nt night to the next dty paid dMdands. Bocau•• the repnirs we.rti not complete untH JJ n.n1. nnd tho Incident hrul tnkon pince ohortly after midnight. Jlut wit.h rno.n)� hours to goL fi.xed up, t.he: wagon wn, rendy nt U nnd ut 6 1,.m. thut night '-"AS quietly porked In �ding, wnlting for &till another trip ht n a.enson of trips. gyp

Crowd Watches the Action in Briggs Stadium.


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The Four �h,n softbo.11 le.nm hcgnn lt1 lonJr nnd lnt.orallng biltar)· hack In I 940, In thot time, the irroup ho.• phsyt'J in juat about t!\'ery t.omcr of the Wes.turn Bumi�plu,•re. No hnmlrl hH bae.n too amntl fur the t\Ulm, Al th� aam� llme, Utl! founsomt hns plnyed in hlR city Jmrk•. Q,•er tho long H rcnn of wurin�, the Four llin Lum b.u lJ�'en In 15-lfl 1tnme., n..nd won l 3!16 o.f tl1ti m. O\'Cr lhnt iltrctch J 41 .i:rn1tta1 hav� h.!e.11 lost 4ml 16 t.JIU undt.'tl tn lies. Oecnua:e Ll1e)· piny ev<!ry nl$;ht of the week, U1c Ft>ur :\Jan tt'.tltn does not continue gnmc1 beyond :iovon irming11.. A'fJldo !row th� a.t.'tu.n.1 pln)'hl� uf ,mmrl!, t.hr uuu.n hna cunrlucicd (tdO alinica, pJnyrd a J7 honofi� gn:rne., ,•bJted -1-6 1d.ntea. f<!Vt.m Cunn1Jhm pro,·lncu r•hu 15 .foreign tours, Tho. P(lnr Mnn tcnm will play nny 11oftb11II Lt=:nm on 1,•a..rth. Thu r�ci,r,t iho-w, thttL tht. group hn1 !Anglo<! with :!02 title holdinl! ijo(tbnll champions and unly li\'f: Um.ea 1Jld thl! 0 1 Klng111 cum1:

out on tha short oml or Lht! aeor�. On.mes hn.vo been ployed D(rllim�t nine, tO ond U men teams, The g:r�nt hinory u! Uu� l1.!u111 hiu bOC!n Lullt. on lht! 1trcm,:: nrm of Edili• "King" f'•i11ner, plu• the 1><1wor hitting oC J"rrv .Jon,,., Mlk• lf•nlcke and �ltl\d• Kln,er, Lhe nri1;dnoJ U!.Dm mombcr1. O•; ,cr the long hnul, mc.eLinR' 1111 tOJflt!N while r1It.chlnf: for nine man te.n1111 ns·weU a& the !our nuu1 group, E<l Ft!1h'"llcr htt, b�an in :?131 gnmes. ltc'a ono guy who gorus n.11 Lhe wny (o.r the tcnm hRI no hull pen tu look to 1IW!pi.Le- hurling ,even. lln)'I weeklt. You cnn Jook -tor n long time. through the re.cord 1,ookt o! plt:chc1-s In bolh bns&­ bnll nnd •ultl,llll boforu rou fin,! n guy with 36,038 ,trikwut,, tn foci, ,lon'L lovk loo Jani: ns It wlll ho • /ru.lth,.. sonrc!L Jt would alao bi! l•u�h to finil " gu�• with 121 pcrfoct gan,rui lo his Credi� Plus 408 no.hit. no--run gomo1 and 725 t.hutouli.




Tw4'ntr�tlvc year olJ Ronnie Cooper i.t the rook-le of tho Kini, & ffl• Cour< 0<>ftbull terun. Bcin2 &.he tenm 1$ youu�uL plnye.r, you mlJ:;"hl. Jtcl lha ldoo lhat lhis hul from Cu.m1Hrrln.nrf, Rhodt­ laltmd hns n tmurh rontl nhe.rul rn mo..,•ln� into the cln.. with fellow• like J�rry Jonot. Mike Meilicke nnd Ed Feigner. Actunll)", CC)4)per, a hnppr rad hu.d who a.insr!t nnd r,lo.ya hi■ guitnr in nh:ht s11ots in lhe off'�t1eason, tu.1 hnd rl•nty 11r ""Jl"rionee, not In l!Oflbnll, but In the gnmo o! bnsclmll Tn f:ict in 1066, apaedl� Jim Landi• of the Chlcngo White So• Willi 5'!J1t down to Colorn.i.lo Spr1ntta of lh" Cln11 A Western l,cague n.nrf roopnr wn• rC"t.ui1H!,I to ploy the ou1.ficlcl lor Memnhlo, Tonn. In AA hnll. Bnc:k in 1 flfi!l when Ron Con per irrnctuntcc1 i�m Cumherlan,J A hrh, n,njor lc.ag,.ue llcnut& from mo•t of tha lenm1 In the majors ,vcro cutting " path up the front &top,- of the Cooper ht)me, Poncnod wilh trf!t111?n.doU1 hlttio� pQwcr1 Cooper was the homer scnsntion in Rhodo J..alnnrl ichoo1boy c.ln:les. Be ahmed with th• Whit• !':o,r right oul o! s,boo\ ond wn.a 21-ont LO ,vntcrloo, town nftcr ruceiving t1. good l1on1J.1 for Inking n cont.rncL Plnyins;r tor Wntnrloo jn the Three..Eyo L,nguc, Cooper wn1 rendy to R"et htmse.lf D"\\'t\i' rrun. in his flt'8t ison""" in or�nlud bnsebnll, But cnrJy in the tCJl.Son fi hrnken lr,r put Ron on the ahnl:t When lh� t(I.UOn opened ln 1054, Cot>JM3-r wns bnck ngain with \Vnterloo nml cracked out 2.G home run• and he nppMttd to ,., on ll1• wny to Comiskey Pnrk. Tho sea•on nr l 955 wn1 lhr h..t Ron had In bnaebnll. l'lnylng with Colorado Sprinlll!, ho 1lrunmod nut 3fi homcr!F and drn\'O in ll9 f'un, to tend the t-nUrc, lc.ntrtJe. In the ho.mo n.m dC'p.n.rtmont, only Williq Kirklnnd, who got 40, deprived Ron of win­ ning the C!ro,m in tMt rnt,e�<U'),'. Tho f'ollowin� &an1-on Cooper wn1 moved up t.o Metnphb. l..nndis, ll•• ..,.,,dsl,,r, bntUinl? C,op<!r for n job, Wai sent down. Evnntaally, T""nndi.1 c:nme bn�k Ufl nntl OJI i.1 wtill known, bee11me a top-D.lght. rn.njor lwl;'U.et. At Memphl•, l?on sentod thnt hr might not Ix, nn the 111l1l" tn be ofh•rrncetl even thouA"h ho hnd atnyed with the parent Ohlenito Whlte Sox nll lhrougb spring tralnlnl? bdore tho otnrt f)( tho lflOO 1H.•a11:on, Tio wns. with the Ch]Jk)')C for �O gnmcs in tn,lnlng. When Chlcngn dropped C..npcr down n longue nrtJ,r h1.t .,...,.t •••••n or IP55, Ron decided lh•n thut h� woul,J cventtmlly gh•e. op lhc grune. lt hod 11<,on his dr,;nm to mnke the mnjon b\lt If It was not possl\llP1 Ron Cc.•lt lhc bell thln,; to do wo.s gh•c il up. Re did piny for lndirmnrnli•, Ind .. Savnnnnh, Go.. nnd Sprin}.ffle1d, )Ja.�9- bttfore ba wns gJven n bJg con­ trnot to algn with tho Four :>Ion ••ftbnll tonm to rcpln<t lnjurod )lend• Klnur. Cooper, who ployed b..kolbnll •• well DI base­ hall In ,rhool, ,witched lo hitting •nfthnlls efl'ecU,·e­ i)·. n� wrui n pitd1er. ahort.stop nnd outfiehler us a. ,ohnolhoy nnd w,.. Wied to lmprnvislns:, All told 1 ..� •eaaon, Oooi,er bl� 80 hommi whilo rlnyini:: o1>-0t1t 11cvcn \.\'tHiks. ?\ilany of hla blut.t were lon1t cme-1. f{r hil Urr�e in onr- game nt Youngrtown, Ohio. Ron stnnrl• on oven •Ix feet tnll ,ind wolgh1 180 pound,. II• hi<x le!l und, U,rowa riuht. Cooper Is mnrrfod find hos "'"e daughter.



Toam travdled �0.000 miles In two otatfon wagons fn 1959




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George Pairlck Duffy, the reom sponsor, ralks over the 1960 .chodule with Ron Coapor, lefr, ond Al Jackson, Duffy ond Eddie "King" feigner work out the schedule each ,cason despite 1he 10<1 that thoy live c0c,sl1 apart, Ed In Walla Wallo, Wash., ond Duffy In Paw­ tucket. Rhode Island.



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Students!! 'P���OJt FeigKeJt6 Pitching

HOW TO PITCH SOFTBALL 1. Praotico. PrnctiC1l. Prnctice. At lo .. t 10 hn. • wk. 2. Study the position; Ask quest!oru, o! ••=nod pilchen. 3. When you reel you an: ready, stArt controlling • ttrnight ball. 4. O•e rubbtir baJJ, a.a boxers do, to &trengthcm wri.at nnd fingers . ii. Learn to dciliver lel(lllly by pltehinK ball or )'llffl at mirror. G. Firat favor low nnd high p.ltche1. MA$1:er control. Praotlct!, 7, Start developing curv•• In thJ• ordor: Drop, Out, Raise. 8. L•"" · ' to change-pace on every type pltch you have. 9. Remember batten ! we:akn.eues. ExperimenL 10. After mutering above list, m�ter • fnn bnll. U. While you are lea.ming, get • good catcher.

Gripping the Ball

1. Throwing windmill, "�th the elbow �urned towanl tho body. Holding a ball in tblB way cnn ,.. ull In nn 1N RAISE.

12. .Lum to work with umpire, not aga.inst. They call oomu pitch.. better Uuin they do o\hen. 13. Have confide.nee in younelL Ono.e you mu.ke up your mlnol which curve you WllDt, PITCR IT. 14. Havo n •�dy form. Learn ,1..,eptlon, payehology, 15. Prnctie& bunt dcferue with lat nnd 3rd bnsttt11e.n. 16. No>"er feel you han any batter in your pocket. l7. Never th.row with M ann Lhnt hurts worse whm you pitch. 11 your arm 11 Just sore, 1'1Jb i\ out first. lS. Use your heod. Think. Concentrate on the 1>la\e nnd strike zone, not. the butter. Ul. Learn 10 pace youneU. Ent nnd drink dean. Stoy In lrim. 20. Do not pitch anothe.r's pitch. Be a.n i.ndivid.un1, orlginnl 21. Pitch ench piteh by itllel!. Stay awny from pattern. 22. \Vann up v.rell be!ore cvary game. Cool otr alow1y.


on Each Pitch

3. Elbow still toward bod>;. bnll held in this position would bo • •tralght RAJSi,;. In Flga. J, 2, 3, throw ball over the thumb.

The,a a,. only a few al Eddie Feigner's various deliveries. The one .wind windmill i, only one of tho 16 legal windups lhot he use, with lhese grip,.

2. Wlth arm rotating the oame as in Figure 1. This po,ltlon o! Lho hnnd on tho ball wUI remit In an OUT RAISE.

4. Throwing Windmm 111:111. A Hngor or two tucked unddr like shown "'ill be another type o! OUT or OUT RAJSE.

School Is In Session! Pitching Softball Should Consist ol the Following Mechanical and Mental Processes: (THERE ARE EXCEPTIONS TO THE RULE)

1. On tbc mound, mn.ke 1ure )'our plnyera are in posit.ion and a:re ready for anyt.hh1g ihnt mlght happen. Let thom tell you ,o. 2. With ball In hltnd, milk• s11re It r..1. ri1tht. If 11 do..n't, work It up. Get resin. Ask for :i new boll. 3. Tnke rour position on tho mound, and as you pre•enl t.he 111:tll look for you : r aatcb.tir's aign11l. GJ11nce at. the bntter. Tali• note of: po•ltion or 11late, catcher'• 1nltt, batter's ll'ft, and olways c»ruider the ,dnda.ge lt there i• o broeie blowlng. 4. Take ihe baJJ in your 11ltcbing hnnd. Concealln1t It !mm the new of the conch ,md butler with your/ lo,·e. Put your fingerJ around tho ball aecurcly where I.hey must. be to mnka t.he boll aurve the d.e.signaU! wny. Cru,<k your lnlleld with a glance. 6. Stnrt the wind up, brief 9r complicated. Keep you c '"' on home plate. K.�p watching your cntt'-hu tor lu·t 1ninute. ila.sh l!l.ib-rnals, and if a batter cha.nges. his � tion ln t.ht: box.. .u you wind up, throw tho curve you hnve •lilrted, only chnnge pRce--futc.r than u1un or alower, iI you fe<i.l he has your numbe.r. 6. W1tlch boll inlAI the nlltl o( your c:,tclter, or follow IL oa long .. It i• in tho infield, if it is bunted. Play tho ball naLu.rnl i if lhe firat or thin! bascmnn o.r your rntcht":r are the.re HnJl, ho]d up or run pn.aL 7. Should tho bnll be Into Lhe outfield, wntcl, for th• play Md bnck up the ke1• T1X:ch·er on the throw-in. 8. Do nol worry nbout lhe batl�r you hn,•e Ju11 pltc:heJ lo-nor •h• ono you wIU have to fnco next. Onlr oon­ centrate o:n the 0he &landing in the batte..r'a box. Win lho.nkiut.ly. lose p1cnsnn"tl}t,

Is Important

5, Gripping 11 b•II tlghl In thi1 woy and IUpping the wrist. i• the way to thro"' a apiral. With n good owee11 ond body follow through. A FAST BALL, Wor�ing your hand with o rubber ball,


7. With ulbow turned In nnd hi •llppod back out of the way, Bnll held this way r,• in or STRAIGHT DROP. Look• to butt•r -. t.liough it ,.;u be ll raiae.

bo,or, do, will bring slrongth to your finga,. one! will mole the hone! much moro pliable.

0. Holding tho ball •• though you wue going to tlip a marble whlle pitching would result in • (ul DROP.

8. A bnll held loosely on finger ti ps ond 1llppcd oul 1111110lhl)•, with body Callo"' through a gor,d Cbange of P11te. Grip UghUy and it turns {nto • slow dzop.

MEET9� 9tmer1,FIRST BASEMAN RJltlng .Jones high "" nn athlete would be hitting the nail rigb1- on the he•d. In college, Jerri• parll• cl1>nted in Cootbnll, loaakotl1ntl, bnM>bntl and traok with b..koUmll Ids top s)l<Jrt. Trnek eamt> nut, und J.J. wm:1 a. d-1L1:h mnn nnd a. aood one. Ss..enllng buu m a<tftbnll hu alw:n·• b11en a dif• ffC\II< wk bc..:aUR o( the rut.. relnth•e ID when • runner cAn lcn:ve Lho base.. But dupit<- lhe ruJca. Jone� h•• always u•ed hb apoed to pllCer bases 11a;ninJt nll ki11d.s o! comp�tit1on. Liko Ed Pelgner, Jorry wu born Ju Wnllu Wat111, \Vashin5J"tun, Re- sbmds an eve:n 11b r,et, •·eJgh:1 186 p<iundfl anU le H !11\\'Hch h1t.t0l", nllhough he doe� m1>st of his awingmg from the Tight aide of tho pinto. Sport& has nlwn)'J been • big pnn of the life of Jerry Jones. He followtid lhl5 patt,m as a 1choolboy, thc.11 on lo college. Befor� going 011 tour wtlh lht: Fou.r.Mnn Tcnm. Jerry pl.a.reel in lnngut•.s p_rnund the Slnle of Wn1hlngton, plnylng vo:rlowo poaltionl!, in­ cluding c;utehlng. On tour, hi! i1 the. rnnn who could g" behind the Jtlat<o If h" wore nCO!led, Llk• hi,; thtte len.uun11lC1 on 'l'ho Klng ontl HIB Court, Jerry wn.a jiu;t nhout th� nghl nge for military ,en-I<• 11fu,r tho Ju1,ni,..., ni.iJlcl< on P•nrl llnrbor. Re went int-o t..he United States Anny u tt:u enlistod inan, Dut Jerry ,HJ not fini•h his ••:rvlw U!o that way. Re worked hi:a wny UJl to become nn offic:ti-r. 1erve:d In th• P•dfie 11nJ was ln Japru, !l!ter that CJ>untry surrendered. While OL Oregon Stnte, Jerri- worked hllld !or hi• dcgre� In •grlculturnl onginCl!r!ng. In I.he o!T-11t•1umn now 110 works wJLh thf! son at 111.s whent anti green pea form which ho i.. atldlng to ,ach yl!llr. When a. umrn tra.\·eta 40 or 45 c.housnnd miles in a seascm, lhert is alwa1s bound t.o be a lot of r.oare time. Su while :relaxing. Je:ay ruul his ma.lea must hu,·c a fM·orite dh•eraion. Llk.e mirny at.hletes. lhe founiome usunlly turns to u. tric.ndly ,came. of cards. In t.his, JcrrJ" is o muter. ln fact, Jon0:1 is prett:y ti°"" to holng II prn whon IL comna to Judging his 1U!f:8 n.ntl 111prul�11. Ont! lirnt! a (cw )'aan bnek the PoUT .Mi:m Team pln-yed n 50ftbnll game: in fu!no. Nevn.d.a� With Umu to spnr@ a.Cter tha gonw. Jerry looked around, And ulUmutcty 1:ur·1)riaed &ome cnnl "•hnrlut" with ha 1klll. Th• ...,n• thing h•11ponod in Ln1 Vegn!f4 For t.he mon 1mrt, LhouJ(h, Ju:rry (m.l;· 1>1nys for t.h.e klclt!. Married and the fn.thrr nf two ions, Jones n.lwa;•1 11kc5: to hf) hua; ,, For ex.omplt, fn put. yenra _ team •t•tion wogon, It hns been hb duly to check tho make auro It hud enough gaa rutd oil. Than Jerry woulrl $<0 I<> It I.hut :tll tho b,11,., 11alb and uniform, wen, Jotldod. pJue progrnm11 nlid nLher equlr,mtttL On tour, Jorry rooms with Mlk• lfoillcko. It nlways y,"llrk� wel1 u Mlkt: .se.rvr:rl u Lrenai:urer nnd he nnd Jo.rry •vent mony an hour In hotcl room11 chocking S"ll0 ,ocoipta, gelling the team payroll and mr.ul mcmey re:id )I. Jl!fry la on nrdonl golf Con and 0•1unlly ru, nrdent about tho gnmc or volleybull. ll ia oaay lo •co, from hit background, lhAt "SpL'CS" Jonua u, nu athlete through ruid through. And ho hns tJ1e ubilh.y to rncognitc 11thleta.s. too. In addltlnn to nll hu, activiti••• Jorry la lo)1lll ID hi• utmn mater•- 0rtgon Slntc - nnd alwny1 bu his eyu wide 01 1en for schoolboy atliletes who mlgM �• good enough, and int.crextcd, to wen.r the big 11 0 S" on thclr -.wen ten. 4

�ESPECTACLED JERRY, A 10·SECOND MAN IN COLLEGE, GUARDS RIGHT SIDE Jerry Joru,s hus ulwni-. b""n t.bu kind of playor • coach woultJ wnnl on imy t.um. A('" cnn hit., run and ftold Whnt'a moro, thb Oregon StolJI Univeui,y gl'lld can hit Cor distance. Se\1 BDI J•e.u.r� ago in 1'11ocnix, Ariz.onn, Jerry hliutod fi\'e home run■ ngoln>t n rent good club, pollSesslng on AJI.Amcrlt'lln pllc:her. BE!C:auu of hl.1. power, Je.rr)' hu alwn)'I! been able lo goL hi• shnro or h..e hits. Add to this the foct U1lll he Is a ronn<r collogo tnck man w1d can get "ltJg'' hitA fltld one cu.n rwll:e lhnL here h1 a pretty • falr t<1rl of ,oflb1dl 11toyer.

MEETc;#�&u#�� SHORTSTOP Wh1w rolko who know Mlke Mellicke coll him tho Ted Wllli11DU1 of M!lbull, they renll) ore not ki<ltllr1g. Thu left-han<lod •lugger ton hit a o<t!thoJI •hn11•t out of Bight. Thi• hnppened oft.e-n a few 11?uocu: bock when Thtt King n.nd Bf& Court. wc:nt on a homt1 run bing0- Th•t w•• the campaign l::d Feigner hit 88. All things turned out, lhn• total \\"WI only ....,nd best on the tonm. Mcilicke J>ole� out SG round trip­ pen in u poLl!nt • Nlugglng dl•plny u ,o!tbnll hua known. Mike wns 1Jom in DundC!rn, Sas.k.Atd1tYWun, C,uiad.n., ond movod to Wulln Wnllo, Washington alon11 with his !omlly at an l!Ar!y •K"Looking tc, find 1ame !rfond& in ma, new surround• ings, )'l>Un);: !\like mot. three Inds w.ho h� wo.g to he with Cor " long limo. I n the thinl grnde, throe or ltls rlusmat�t wert n■mt':d Ed Feigner, Jerry Jones, nnd Mende Kinzer . .Married 1>n<l the folher o! two dnughters, .Mik• I• l'tne of five children. He has enjoyt-d plnymg for tho filng ru>d llill Cout'l which lo him 11 a Jtl..uuro, not work. e�pec:ially sinff some yen.ra n.go his la.&kx in­ cludod g,li.lng up at I n.m, i.o cul I.he upar.igus on the. fnmily rn.rm before t.ho 1JUn cnmc uJ,. The:n. aJter thru, IL wu ofr to school This fellow Mc11icke reolly ha■ novor shied away from h,ud work. Lau§t "4rint,t!r An1J t!Urly this spring. daep in ant.rw, l\.fllu.: OJ>erated o ,jcat" in logging ov-­ trnllons In Southern Oregou_ Ile hBS other oil-season duties. I.Clo, like being a sub postnion. Add to lhl• the fact tho.t Mil<,, """""ion•lly opens o grocery store, nrttl Inter eelt. it. ruul you hav� a. tdllow who hi ne,·�r hlcued with o. sJo�· it!JI.Jlon, During World W•-r IJ, Mike kepL l1im!kl! in •hnpo ■8 a l..!eutenllnt in tho Unlted $lilt.. Air Force pilot­ ln't U..25'• nnd 11-2.i••· From enrl)· S('he>al day� to tho preae.nt.. MeiUc.ko hns been wrapp..S up lo athMlc:$. He hDS wrc&tied, boxod IUld plnred billlebn.U, bDSketball and rootbull. •• wJI .. ooftbnli. -Alltl were you to ouirgest l S holea o! ,:o!C und h• hlld th� Umc, Mib wouhf race you LO the fint t..,. At- t.h .. p1nt•e, Mike hn• r1uite cm eye tor pucho. thrown hi& way. And ho hM 11 •hur 11 •r• nlso whtJI turninJ( to n !nvoriie hobl>y, hunling JJbOA&ants.. Ounng: mon of hi• lonr aoftbn.11 carea.r, Alike htas had th• r,put■Uon o! beln� a long bull hlu�r. .\• •uc:h fle is nlwa)"5 duelling with Jones n.nd Feigner tor thu home run l•arler,hip. An e�umplc or t.hb w11• lu D .New Je:N!ey gnmt.' ln.,l summer. The • •Courl" w1u lo,dn,: 1 0 .. in the �;xth when Pefgner hlt onu out or the pn.r.k with Kin.z.M OIL �at ltl Lu uuulonl', Mellick• de.ured • fence in righl fiel,I. And Jonell i:•t lnlu tho a•l toy poling • drlvo n•er th• ll!ft field fcnca. IL a.JI :imnzeJ u crowd of some 2700 fan.1. Me11ick• Im• plnyed 1hort1rop m••� or hi• and hv )tto\·td �o ht ll. t,tood u.nt!', fie .1lso lrn� prn,.•ffi tu 1)o a good lreuimrer ror ·rhc ..Ung ruHI 11.i• Court. It nlwny11 hn1 hee.n Mt1u�•A uutk 10 vii.it I.he ho-x offlt:t at tht' tnd n( lht night to l{fl. tJ1t- 11 1ay ,,ff." Like hi.1 other t.hrce nunu, Moilickt u.lwaya hu n prelly fu1r idea nf the ,;iie of tt crowd and tomt::.­ pretty do&O to knowing "'hnt. hi.� 1hnte - 60 por c-enl --wm ho, llnntlllng Lh• <Wlh hllB had It.. mamenu_ Many • night :\Hka hn• IH!cn fmicl orr in u Mnr:k full p'f wet hlll•. the reS1Jlt af A 111udden 11howor with no cover to



BATS LEFT SUT THROWS RIGHT AS HE GUARDS LEFT SIDE run to. Tht:t rt>.sult: ?\Hko nncJ Jerry ha\·� 1p�nt uULD)' nn hour f'nunHng wot tfollnr t,f.Jh. Or coun..e, wrt or t.l.ry. lllke Lut. nuwtt turned un1: Jown. Whcllu::r Mike hw1ks llk(' n 11J\18kian ur not mi,1::hl boa good qi,estlon. flot ho dou pltly the trumpet nnd 11.kM lL Thbi Luii1g u 1nu,-idnn 1h-.e• nut mn.kt• lllk.e noything •pe(.ial . Tho reason; IGnzor p1tt)·, t.bc: ,iolin�


World War TI hnd nm iu course, ond W0Ut1 W•Ila, Wo!lhlngton WllS h"""1ng bock lo norm•ky In th• 8f lrlng or 104G. Ed Feigner, n good-looking nnd strong-armed ynung man 1,.1,:ho had excelled n5 n $-O!l­ hnU pile.her: in pre-wnr doy1, and while io the U.S. �larlnes, too, wu again bu.-.Jng his fast b11II by huine town O.nlter1. There Wll.6 one thing About FclRTicr. Re had n world o! conr.J,nee In hlm•cl! nnd his nLlllty to pitch .. , in the l•nd. And when8'·er n sofUmll with the 1> llD}'nn.• hurled a ehallcnge at thla Ind In hla early :?O's. thc-y hmf on hnmedlntl" 1n.ker. rlllylng in nn •nrl1• spring league, Feiirner and • locul leu.rn, mnde up of nine mc.n, wen., running u1> n IOfkilldcd 11tore 1n a game n.gainst a te.:un. at l'�n­ dloton, Oroi;on �llko MelJlckc •nd Meudo KJn,er were pla}-ing nn tho Feigner team, nlong with • Ind named K�n White. The lotter toured ";th the Orlgl­ nnl King nnd Iii& Court in its endy histor),, bo!ore .ferry Jonea dgned up, And tor 1wo ..,._.ons, the tcrun uo.,·cted with fi\'e num, k:copiJ1g u substitute hnndy at all time!!- Sfnce IOrtl the currnnt team has p1Aycd \\1llh1>ul rallef. But to resume the story. Fcisner's tenm ultlmatc­ ly won the g11tne at P•ndl�ton by a whopping Llg 1core. Afterv.-nrd& nt n psir�y gi,·en lhc visiting f.c.11m hy the ho&ta, Felgnu heeame the targel o! n •llghUi­ inch-rintad mnn. Tho taunts cilntered on the (■at. thnt Ed hrul onc,e attnnded mlnl&terlal 1ehool nml conclud­ l'<i that he 1hould return there and forget trying to be IAlch � hot shot u 11 11<1!tlu!ll pl leher. For • time. Feigner dlsnlgnrded the drunken mnn. Bue. when oLhe:r-s, nll aobe.r, joined the choru3 -, Ed could tolce no more. Pointing up hi� !nith In hi• strong right arm, tho "King'' bra.zenly announced Lhni., 11 1! it v."'Mn't. neces111.r)' to ha\le a mnn to bal In the event the b,,se, got londod, l would play and whip you ,.-;th only my cntcher.'' Ed's rivnl■ com11 back witb a ,•erbal lu1rrag11 but he was not to be doTiied TIO"'• 0 1'11 tell )"OU what.'' Eld ltt•l•�J. "I will ehnllenge you IO a gumo and u"" only three other plAyers •- a cutcher, Rhori.ltoi, irnd fin:� hnMmnn.'1 Lnlor tha1 day, on i.ho trip bn�k to Woll• Walla, Meilleke, seralchlng hl• head, put (ortll the incvitablr qucsdou: "\Vell. Ed h11a committctl himself. whnt do we. do now?"


.All tho wn.y home the dL$cuaaion wn• centered :a.round a Cour�rrurn sntlhnll tt-am. ft wu to be made up or Feigner, J<lnzor. M•lllcke and While. The im• ..t.Jce. After all, with 1100° ,ant thing now w111 IO pr only two tielt.lers It was going to be tough, even though feigner W lU1 IU'ffl lfke .Bob Feller. IL was del'lded to ll" lO the W1Uhlngton Stott Pri.1on nntl ulc JHmniulon of tl1e nuthorilies then� tio Allow tlie four mon to prncttu agnlrui.t a.n ln.m.ntc tum. The r0<1ueot wns grnnled and with n blgh wllil na A bnckdr-011 nJ1d c:rrrfous lnmntea looking on, t.he Originnl l'\ing nnd fli11 Court en.mt Into beln.g. Ono weak lato.r lhll l.Jtiti.u.l Four v,_ .Nine 1rumt wn• plnycd. No 11ublicity hnd bun gi\'cn the KA.me. JL "'fla guppos� to l>e 11 Ri!r�l inval\ting tbr compet... irtg pluyer$. But nl g:nme t.lmc o,•(!r ,100 fnn• were pnu.ent to ,·le"1 the _prot'l!edinga. Feigner, who nmk• wllh th• greatest ,o!tball piu1hen of M1tory, roso lo tho occn:Jion� ln itwen Inning,, he 11lleh,..t a pcr!Kl l{Dmt and 1truek out 19 botteN!. One Lall was hit lo the shoru;top and ono t-0 the flriS"L baseman. The. ftn.nl count wa.s 7•0 in fnvor o( lho Fou.r-M1m Tcnm. And on the o(fonoe, oU tour J1lnyer5 on tho winning Aldo lilt for tho circuit. 'l 'hnl fir,L gume from •ll ftAndpolnt.s wu a huge irucce8JI. .By won! o{ moulh, lbe story o! t.ws 1o!tbull qw,not ,;rot. nronqd� 1n no time nt aU, the bo>, hrut plny�l 11 ga.JnH ngain.1l nine-mnn trusma and \\'on them all, During tho season• of 10111-47-48 the Ring and Rl! Court t>lnycd gnmo11 in Oregon, Wa.shington, ldnho nnd parts of Westorn Canada. In lflJ9 the Kin, n1HI hlJt touring mutes wenl on the road :for keep!, barnstorming in lhu fns.hioTI of the c.elebrnted flnrlcm OloLetrottel'!I. In 45 gum••• th• !ow: p!Ayor.a over• aged $75 per day 1olury. Since then. as 1purtlng !1rns the world o,•cr know, The King and His Court hn,•c been on tour encll """""" throughout the Unllc,I SIAt.. and Cllllada, purylng for 11 perccnloge or the g•to receipt,,. It h._. he<:n both 1irofltnblo and exciting. Playing fewe_r gnme,i than lhe major leogu.., Feigner, Mellleko, Jane, ttnrl Kinz.cr mako helter anhuics thnn many birn,ballers under'the "big IOp," And"" Jones laugh­ ingly admits, ''wo outy bu,·e to run 00 feet to 6.rat bue''


'i?, tJ I� i-t,'�








MEET$fl�PLAYER-SALESMAN To Al JAckS-On, 27 )'<!nr old •oftbnlltr, rn111·the tn11k <1( hainf,; both n 11Ulyc,r anrl a ,t.cllor of the team'• wnro•. A lint bnsem•n by trndo, Al ••n illl in mo.At. n.n)•whcrro wh.an ncttdod. And o·tr the fi(lld, he 11 C'(uile u CAJmb1e u.lesmnn. \Vhe:n Peigne:r. Jones, Meillcke nnd Coopc.r aro In 1h11pe, Jnwon b not In lho llnoup. On the day, when he doe, not piny, Jnck.son aell1 J)rog:rnm.B nnd no••eltles. In hi• Job, he Hnd• It tou11h Lr;•lna: to stick to the buaineu of telling while costing glnnc.-€t.B nt what I• 1eoln11 on down on the Held, "Like Cooper, Al i1 from the Eu1t, hailing from Pnwtuckel. R. L With FciJlncr, Jon•• and :.l•Ulcko hniling from t.he Wut., the tenm member!i now are rl'.ally a. lonK vn:sy npnrt in the1 otr-sruon. 8uL nnce l.hu seMOn stnrta e,·e.ryono puHi tol{"Other. k.nc,wn U> hrs Rhod<! St11ndlnJ: f;'! .., Jneku:m, 1 1.alnnd nsaocintes oa UBustcT" nnd 11StoncwaU," got his atarl u a sehoolboy ot Wu! Jfl,:h School in hi.o homo town. Ro grndunted Jrom there in 1060 nCLor • Slan-lng cnl'l!er In bask�Lbnll u well •• bnaebnll. Lnter, Al moved on to 1ervice b1111eboll nnd hn•­ kctboll r>nd plt1y•d •••ond b.nao al Fort Rihly in Knrniu along with majOJ' lenguer Whitey Herzog. In orl!"llnl,ed ball, he W3JI briefly in the Oin­ c.lnnutl orgunb:nilou nncl ■pcnl 101nc Ume with lhc 1e11m at Cnmbrld,ie, Mnrylnnd. Morried nnd tho fnther er a boy nnd two girl■, Jncbon is _pnrt own<!.r o1 n re.ataurant aloni; \\·it.h his llnd,

for Programs

Novelties King C::ourt Gomes or Future Bookings



GEORGE PATRICK DUFFY PROMOTIONS CO. Phone PA 6-0161 118 Memorial Prive

Powtuckot, R. I,

FEIGNER'S LONGEST GAME Ever wonlli!r a.bout. the lonl{e.St gan1e ever pltclt•d by "Eddie "King" F•ignor. The glowing record ahowa t.hot on one occnsion, :Ed pitched a lotal of M lnnlnp. Durlnc llUlt mnrnt.bon conl1s:st, 73 of the opposing bnttera either whiffed or wcro cnUc.d out on a:trik&.s. Se\•ent.y. three atri.kuouli in one gome is of course nbove E:d's nverngc wltlcb ls juat n fraction o,·nr 18 per s:e\·en jnninga pitched.



This 1 1 the rug-J,red f01low who wtla the odginnl ""'"l�r tor lho Kini, & Illa Com-t. Re "'''" catchln,: Eddl" Feisrm�r ol !he ru::e tli 12 ntul wna In tho lln"ur, fo-,- nm.!t r,f lt1.1t. l(!J)J!On, &n·n fn E:n1d, Oklaho1on, Mend� waq Qne- or �even c.hndren. _.\ pArt Cht>riokt!e lnditrn, Klnr_.r movcd with hill fomily to Wnlln \\'"nl11t. \\' 1u1hln,zton at an �arl)� HR'l' :rntl �entunllj becnme o member of the folLr mnn team. nuring World Wor n, Mead• •erved with t.he U. S. Marin•• in the Pacific, ae.r.•ing on both Ol<itu,wn nnd S�iium Kin,.,. la mnrrled and Is the fnther crf a boy and two girls. Oddly enou�h. M�ndi, '" '.\like '.\lelllc:ko'• brother•in-lnw. �llkt1 is mnrried to one of tho Kimor 1islcra. A fa.ilhful tcrunmnlt!, Klnxcr'a career wilh I.ho Kini, & fli• Court wao filled with outlltan,llng porfor011111eoa, bolh bt!hlrul tho plau, nuJ o.t it.

Xot lon11 b()fore thlo picturo wa• taken, Ed f'eluncr hrid ilrrivcd In Mlnncnpol!J to pitch lllll nnoL.heT gnma jn hit long and mngic ca.teer. We.nr• in1it :;un 1tlu11.ts ta 11rotecCi hb eyes agniMl n sum.mnr sun, "Tlto KJng" ties hls illhob Inco nnt.l s;-et all sot to ■h(lw the opposition his fn.ncy nasortment of. de!lh·e.rles. Felgnur la 11 colorful chn.mct,:r Md he'll incc nny hitter in the world without wincing. But ho d.tH!& not fed L11e aaml" way nbouL ">'Ing. Unless it is u.n �xtremo omergoncy, Ed does not Ctl.l'a to Ry. In tb.h rt:1'JK!d. be'.$ • lul lllce Jackie Je:nse.n, former Boston Red Sox stnr. All Inst sc.1t1on. Folg-ner a1r. reed onl)· onc<l' u, fly. Thi. 11:ca1on he hos rcfute<I to tn.ka to lhc n.ir a:l ull Luckily, lhl! se.a.&on's l,"lUltY are pr-ctty 11:n1fl1 11rrnJ1,:tC.d on .n <:t>mpnct bnais, eliminnt• inll' long overnlghl trips and alrpl11n� hops.

Boston Game For Ted Williams Cancer Fund A Hollywood Thriller I.ale Jut ,enson on Septomb•r 9, the Pour Man Wnm ployed n gnmo in Nova Scotln. The tenm won th• lt'lln• eun, nnd then mnde a awm ohnnge. There eould be no loitering on lb.is ocCD.1lon_ Tho noxt gomo w4■ in Somon·ilte, Maas. the Io11o"";"g nighl. Ap11roxlmnt.oly 'ISO mllu nway, Somerville, regnrcfod on the fiChodulo u lhe team'• Boston date bec•u•o it I• ju.ct • short dislnnu !rom tho Hub, hnd been plooed on the aahedulo lnte In lho senaen. The inme wu to bonefLt tho Jimmy Fund which Is n cnncor fund Lo New Englnnd with star Ted Wll­ linm.1 u thnJrmn.n. Spocif'icnlly. the !und r:aiatt monC)' to flA'hl c11ncer in children nnd nln,ndy hu lrnilt n moclom hoapllal In Boston for this J>Ul'J>Ole. Bcenuise of the wcrnd.orlul cnuee. the King & His Collrt accepted tho chance lo play the i;ame, d.esplte the 760 mll"11 n( trnvel It would take to get to was l]IOnsorod Dilbr Field In Somcn�Ue. The by the Mnaanchu,ctta District Commission of Boston. This IITOUJl dld n tromcndous job on the onliro oporn­ tlon nnd mnd.o I.ho Jimmy Fund over '3000. Tucl<ecl In their otntlon wntt<>n. Feigner & Co. hu:sUed '"�er- the: hlghwtt,)'a of Nova Scotia, Moine, New Rnmpehire nnd the-n into the stn.t.e of Mn.ua­ chuaett.. It wn.s a long nnd tou11h trek nnd the Pour lfan hmm entnu:rt1ge pulled into Somervilfo only n !�u• honn before tile ■chodulcd aturting tlme. Nobody hnd •l!"Jlt mucli. except to grub • r,w winks •• the station wnjfon bounded over lha hig:hwnya coming doWTI lbe co..t J'rom Nova ScotiA. M gnmo tim• nearod, th• atand• bei:an t.o bulge with fnns. They hnd heonl n lot nb-Out the four man tenm but this wru; lho finl ,am• so close to Metro. pu11lnn Bo;;,ton. The Red Sox. who work hn.rd in nldlng tho .nmm)· Fond. oont one of their 11lny<?r1 nnd n conch to U1e gn.me. When Pcignc.r wormed up, it W"tl.l l!AlY to au& he wn.s wcnry. Wnnn wenther in l11te Auirulrt and earJr SeplJ!mber, plus no rainouta, hnd m11de the? 11lA)ting-of !O gnmu in n.s mnny nights renl tough on the brilliant right-hnnder. Plnying ngai1U1t tbe talented )lncareJJI Club, one of tho beat in the E..t, the King & Hi• Court fell bohind G-3 In tlt• sixth. The blii crowd sot nimost silent. Now they wero bcglnnin{t' to worry about this t4gren.t.'' l(!AJtt.. Tho w<1nderin11 did not Inst lonir. ln the top of t.he sixth. five run.s cnma ncrOH for the Klog & His C<lurt. t·wo of t.h�m on a tn.mandou, homer by Rook.le Ron Coopar. No\\� the cto\,·d wu roarinK Al the Pour �Inn tonm oxplodcd with ■ix solid hlts. ,vhcn It wns over, there v.rns o feeling among the irolherlng lhat the KJng & m� C<Jurt hnd planned it that ""n;-. 'l'hi,1 of course wns n tong way !rt'.lm the truth. It would bo lmponlhle t.o decide in adv1tnoc how much. �•ou could de:fon.t n .fine team Uke the llacnr•lll Club. Anil anyw•>•, the Four Mnn icrun a.lwny1 goeo:s out :md tries to wrnp up gomet en.rip and h• able to c:om" up with o barrngc of horse pill)' f u lh J lnl'lttm Globetrotters) latt1 l..11 lhe i:,-ume.


FEIGNER BllNDFOLOEO \\"hon hntters foce Eddie irKin�" FelgncT. they wor.,, 11boul l.rylng to hit tb• b•II. But whan Ed fnc011 bnttera bli111lfolded, then the bitten, begin t0 \\'tinder If Lhc till.II ill s;orn� tu tum around 1tnd lrit thorn. r'oigner llirowa tho boll fast, thnt'• for aure but t.here Is not 100 n1ucl1 (or hJ1tlel'$ to wo,.,, nbout, even though Feigner ·wunn a blindfold for n..n Inning during Lhc gn.mc.. Over the yenra Ed hn.t dCVl!lopod tho nrt of pltohlng wilhout Looking. With I.ht) hcln of ,ui inficJJ.o.r whu 11tcuuis cloRc br fn cn.se n li:nt-r l� hit. bnck at tb.e. bc.uc, Fei· gner .nlwnys lAret Wf.'!U with hl& O)'CS co,•ued .. l n !.net, mt1ny Umu ho whiffs the •Ide which prompt. the 0<cn,lonnl wng In thl! il.nnd.s to thout: ''\Vbo'i itot. the blindfold on·1 "


Supplies All Softballs Used By The King

& His Court During These Summer Tours

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