King &.Court�
tt..e Ot-'?'•��i1 }.
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,:■af I • •t: p.la)'1 lt.J I.Ul In Somer.·1H tee J.f\8 rt J ll1 I .J t.:iattl I P J Ie1 Will
• •?ilan TH twit httPd Wt\ l1.1hII\' t• 1-:. ·•·• :hue w•• • n;r • II l' p. r!>OtO'« T P $ p
-t .1n Tea ••• NJttpe:&1'>'1)1 bnd l!,o
• C<,. 5 � l.t.tO 1-!nlll• Jariq r111;ta end w�J1 u:m n• ,una 1 1· . a. e. •� .JUed tnt!> -• 1�•nllJo llnl • h!W t:mJn llh41ad ·• ;tlll �Ulo" • n·• ta"ll
• 1uma1 t:- en to h • ffi A• itu, t.;.1t1e nuri,d U 1. 'SM nl to P• t!l8: ...,� hw1 t.c hoar the wc::!.:S .z,o=:tton tnriri:r.ir.; i t. corr,a i;I ,· • tne1r thrtlUn ball. Al !:'dJ• t'lffl:4.!l.e.J lottlf t1.. ti S C'f'Od, •ti■)' ti._.. hlti 10n o 1d1!-o of how a:1lhc.n1 � ao,al1 I� !'n!awn L.'t 1or;i:n4 -.Ml th.It) ate plovut� on !.holr UlJlr 1..-u. H:.t W'll.ti:"'le: Ju lat"' ,', ,1� s:t1n:l l:>6�tert:icr r l..ia rio rarn ts ar ..,,, ;)1 1, "l.d QIU' pl.4ytnq tile lut to ,om11a ma• •ttr S:.i:Jllll 11141 tO"l.1 (Ir. t.be t:nlh;;i1ti ngt.t "lllln11llf+ Pu1ym1 ,-.11m11 U'l• u,l•m..ed t.Uc:anll C ult. CM <if th..o h«H-t tt11nu .n th• tut WH im,, pl 'Id.I• ot • li,!'.e:I' oarno .. Th• FOlJ'f-Mer :•., 1u:zir:>� aerlr J to 1e,aJ Th.r. a. horw run w!t'!I twtl man on �se wt11I• tod&4' w1t1f11CnltlQblln.itl lU t g tU:.• et.oa!le'.'o J olJ. rt., r.m:i 211J HU Cou11 fell ta?m::1 111; tn• alxlri 1·1111111 .:in ,T1athti ham• n:n. u Wllh l rr.:tt.t:i on blH wt.Ile rJhh• WH pl::tU.:lrJ f(t)l!t Hco=.:;1 llue. th• '4 .. crowd , Jt a.l.Jfl01u t.tl ni n--..ey 1-9 wonde I o at.out Lh11 911111t• L•an:. Ju.tt ..11 the ,t_.st c.: t..• 11111v,i,11iti mnm � L:I� sti.d Jtbed I.Na ctowd •bout ;:ddl• llnfflt tho: 11l11n.ce that h f•,t bJ,i.J u,ttlr .;r.• t thrltr cntt � • n;l Ul'TI nd•4 11:uJ t!�at CIW!n. M,, ur t..&ou■ laNlia.ll lH� )OH a&:%186, TilO lllltlU!rtC::9 Mrnmed -., f"l9' I ct.•d on U111 end te781) w llu....: a,s2S1.n. J-h:1 1.u.11..r.i t !all I� :ton •111! u,r::n, !:'le 111"1 nr>J dtflU8C, theft 'tQI !:dt!J• � 1nu� ei:-1 f.a o ae.c 1d. Cn■ out and t..,. 1.c:..io wa, 1 • j'l(ii!.)1'11 r• mr·■-r.r.an �m CQIJ JU Mh••t 1-Xl•t:a:t. AJ h.e.rJ b.J.t • boomtti:-� ball t..:> L!:.J1d taH Tne ttmd ta.ac,r.i.n !·,1 t,.ta� ll'• b1 lfaU FIIQ"Wf ir•c: to 11L 1.ut riot en 11::,h. As th• 1.:.ti:W want to ftnl -■• to _ f,3 'Ind ac:c:red as U,e n.sll Jacuori. i'•�nerf.f twnttl.! \hrtiW bom l.J..rat ••n1 t-Jg cn,a: tna ea=c: r.to :n• i--.c-at� 11llowtno I• SMH io i.;or♦ me w_�1110 11 n u1■ c:laa 1Uilini, i:l■Y 1t L"l4 ;dato. And �o ·oi:: n :ttf �• J.t01i COOftll'!' odl!od ! � U!J 11 t�lrl.1 h rr.a tun. ·,·lhan U 'i'fllil 17•..r 1ri1n• IQI • !Nil � nit t r: tt4d pL, ltcd It l!,at ••Y· whlC t C.OW:N ...... SWI th =iH .. l!ow1:w,, in ttlo to..lkrW1n� )'Wo1"7 pllltln I c� hi• the t.Jre• J.li!rl., M11.c•telh'■ '#':)fl U 011 PM n t� bot m at tn• • ;'.lltatn w 11'1 m � ma 1l1l�H on Ca t:.auar :!> ltY'fll'\ ti aruJ uru Jta an.d t HfllU cir cn11 , •• 1tUl1 for IWO tlllnq �lltM enduuJa.
•r-A ,u., '-'ll4 1tu1 wtlD J1d nc: �1 l • dc-liwirnu.
I.a nm sv111e. 1y •11cu p
lay tea ta • th■ lh..id,1. Ht. f Ill I :11: b,u lnat.ead o! r i, • h wu • bO'oll o;.::a,u o Wftl! !ot 9f imdrtU for foot l"Y woula bl t c-ur.da : r qatt
Pr-t tar bed ro
llf£1YWI� • I- t tae:.:e C • tte. Ir: th11 city. L"l• TCA:1-Mat r..,m ... 1d,1"'(UID.i t; In � di <l! Ui.e ICllNt t:• Pf c::locl' ■l nt !. A• IICICffl otnt tn cna130 b.aani • ! m�at ot .a .,.rr• 11lQt1t -,a,,o quietly wit ·ti• :::• to t:.e au,unocm. H� ua-J • •D'.J1td uud and It. amn.d bls.r&. Tha u• dl 1-eat:l bUOCI m o\ t!'tn p t- and ocl f1 o plaYftn mtter MmS 1 1a::: t. • l1r-; l ta Ley-a. r I J1naWfle ptud.nd trcir •r &1a1·0 11r,n i' II •rn"it'l ..,., ,n rlavod.
f N �11t,..l Wbltil 1-tha •"IJd Jactru J0'.1 Al!!! tbet &um YR;tt �IJ w,ote auppll d cyi LAgLDY J;XITTIUO COi\ PA '";Y I I Jacc ff.G.atLll'. W 1r. t
y 1oo mn;:. I ih'WOYJ �n • IQ port f U,q tll• o« •�t ,,twr� •• ;a I r • c::, or• ,1oln on to lE tn �Pera• ,'!round 1 �ttat• ot W,u .iAr lllUUC in1111• Cn e , • e rl!an o coul� lf C IIM«r �.
TROPHY PRESENTED the Ori1JLMl teem...,.,� i:.5e .ll!!d � trop.h a.s l'J. Cire1101t Show ln Sonbll!U " cy Hnrold t:n�lehatdt lildltulilpcLI• ln.:.J.uin • Solt:lAlt . vUI nit·nr bR an:.• doc:lU\41 in pc;p..1lortty •• Ion,; •• them, e..- ,arioua m.t.n:dnd tovon ot fhP qgme pramc·en: as our f:d.and• tJ, that 5:UC-mtil!I t!ll\·. Wo Wa.te ltl• 'JW,•U dl O:Utl ct lh• rr.001 � few yeau t4cJ( nria w. wilt navor torqot tt.,u u:rillJ.n¢ 1,uut wt't�n au JJ t&11 a i'f! ct..a1q1ni_ down to Uut .1t11rtht1a tu10.
�tur.:r:u � Kin ru1 H rt Jerry .u J It abO I t-1• rt1Jht 1;a fot tnil1t•tY •etvlte Ah9T Iha Z.1Pi'na1-1: a•c. .., an Fe.td H1u i He we,,i Int th■ Unttod Stottft ,'\tmy oa trn onlJ■tad mor, and e-j � n 1Jl l bo me .in ('lfhc:4'r, 1orrod m •1 11:, II 3r11 """ 1r1 So ahe, 1�1 aiunL: ,urnnttlared. A qtJOt.i l-uaUlf!U hud WIUt .1 keton HnH t Ott.en ' dt--ta It feuy plny1 111 p011li011 Wll t \ •nn, J lel'\.C')'. Oace o tnn re,ottcd. ofter Jarry 1ed 1'!4.d.c 4 lpe('llt H ca1 tha1 ,.. Ed.du. went IH-.0 II de1. ry U:11.t r11ui:u..ta1 bl11!a,. J� had tu . !!' ku.:I tow11rd Ula po1111 In th outOehJ when v«ntWlill)' hAoLe D1.1t1nv H cusaon Jeny s • h4 m a (ow ul1Crou <1cra:1 cf ilteen r:-•• erd 'A! N.111., Wi1U,1 VaU'°y a"p;,U..1, «<: w: •• I
Th• Seautllul, Cot.. -fut Unllarms w1t.b the :na.r.s dc.vr the !eq• 1.-.·orn by the CoLlr1 are I uppllcd ll)·: fQl'i'-r ! Manufaq1ur1n9 Co1ngi.1:y IVftat��..J.owo R. M. su,i:.o.,, Con;,,,ny R�,.
IT STARTED ON A DARE! We-rid WtH II had run 111 course, eod W•lla Watla1 Wash,n91cn. Wdl h••d1"9 batl to normal<'; in rl-ie sp, ng of 1946 Eddie Feigner, en encugo11:, 11rong-0rmed your.g mar, who had c-xta.Jlcd n 6 0�1ball pllchcrr before- 1h� war and In tlu: Marine&, wu hom• •9•1� buz>ln9 1111 J.,.t ball by homo 1own batter,. ltlcre v..,u one rt11ng about fcignor He had o world of conf,der. .. e n •:imself ,nd his 1bll,t1 10 p Ith a 1oftbi,II Whancva.t •nvone tlu1 led a ch.al• e111ge ar 1hi, lad m h,,. early 20 s, he had an 1,,,-meJ1ate tah•· Pl11y,n!) 1n •" 11at1y 1prir'lg ll!bgve, Fe gner •nd 11 lou l •t!'nrn of ulnc mun Nero 1onnln9 up a lop. siricd 'Kore in • oi1me ao111ntt ,. 1c:1m ,n Pendlcton1 Otcqcn Othtitl on the IUtn "-lHC: MIJ..c Mell1lc, �e.ade Kln!ttt •nd Kon Vlhite.. EcidL•_• s 1�4m won 1he gamo b·( .:1 ""hopping Kore but ahorward tlll ,�,11 n � "hot ,hol • ,aftboll r• tchi, -,.-, th•llcng,:;I rh1, ,,., too rnuth for 111e 'Kini:i' who broz.cnl ·t •nnou11cod. 'I NIii c:haf. 1c-!"lgo you lo u gr1me :md � cnly thrc� other pJ�y...•1 t, ul her • t.horbtt,p. end e iln.1 hHe man. Tho rea-son I nerd four , be-cauu:! you would probobly V#dl� vl b:,in if I jUl1 u�d my c.o1,her" On rh� rrrp nome to Walla \'lallo1 M,1.-e 11 k� 1hc
1nO"V11ob1i:t q�e.i11on. 'Well, Ed h4S commlued v,. INhi!l do we do nttN 1 Th e 1e4,n te:qu�•led perm•�io� of tho i,urhorill�
ol lhe V✓uhington .S1a1e PHIOfl 10 pl1y 1n inmate
toam Tho rcqvul Ml grantd W,lh • high ,v•II a, o bad.drop and !ho curlou, lnmal£t$ 1ookltig on- u,e Orio nal Kmg �11d H11 Coun ca-ma Info be,ng C,1e weal l�lcr the ,nl1l1t four ve•1i1.1i nine g4mt ..,.,,.. played Ahhougl1 �ht1 g•mn had not been pe.1blic1.:cd, over -400 Tins wrre 011 f111nd, fe1gnar who r1n\.-1 w11h lhc. orenlt:il S;wflball phchan Jn hli10,,. roi-e: lo the «caslon In 1e,-ltfl inning1 t,11 p1rche-o, • pl!dect game •nd 11ruc� oul 1 Q banen Or,� ball N'41 l,h to the .shorl!lop mJ om, lo the fi,,1 b.uam11n. Tho final 1core .... a, 7-0 ,n tnvo, ol tho four-ma-1 re-am. Then the � ng and H1� Co11r1 hil ro, the chrufr . ),nee fhen .u spor-t f111m the wOJlrJ over know. th� ting .,,id Hl .s CoUI I hd-w'l!I l:eon on 10ur Coch seas.an 1hrouohou1 tho l1n1t�d Sts1ltt1 4nd Cao�d• It ha,, bccl" �•-:11111� ,rnd fYOlilAhle. Playing 1u miiny gome• H major loo.9ut1 l eam1., the ma.n make. lJ1ar•Pt bol1or 1h11n m•ny ba1,1.:bn�lun t.mder 1he "b-,g top. Al\d e� Jet1y Jon�,. who lo•ne-d lhi, Co1.1r1 111 19-'9 ti)''• ··wtJ navo HJ run only 60 it?et to fln1 b,1i.. •m:.J <JI!' to b,t ..,..=-,t Inning"
? A In.. IOrl
lJU8'l }.. c,oU at. fou L'T :!;,io
tum at tar
J 11)
.\I .t l e, lutlff Ga l tt •S:,.llldlti" S;:tittl S:iccl4�lar' • L:.ite la.TT)' Jo:n95, he b..,t bo1h r • and l=t: aid J. In aoft 1ll ,-.irlan • l ft .,. ktmmaa $·..v • r, - Ji r: I •
RECORD YEARS 19-!G :o 196-1 7. 301,000 Attendance at crames Miles trc1veled . . . . . I, 480,000 Free Cli n1c s conduc,ed . . . . . . . . . 8 liO Total Benefits plaved "l'ree" .... 248 States played In . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49 Canadian Provinces played in . • . . 7 Foreign Tours . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 Total gemes played against utle holding champions ........ 269
lmporl:nnl ftemt ,n
Eddie s Pitching ltecord c-t?I .."m" r tr JJ,i i.e., ......... ,................... 2�1
Tled ............................ ,. 42
\\'on............................. �853: Total 11n-.;o--:ru;a flua:a�cJ .....• 47 ;3 Hl-Q Ut A"Offigo &Ul<.t>-1 ts ?Of orr for ne e-a (' umtr. ;am ) . . . ... ... . 2-1 TutnI no-hlt cnmn• pHch1:J •• . .. . . . . . tG I T0u1l 1hu;-out Qnme• 111tched .••.••. 11 50 ,,<,\ I Toto I bnttors pnchad 10 bllnofoldltd Tot-.1 ba•t�:s stnzc -out l:llrnlfoldnd 11 3 Tota rl.cct 1am s. . 1J8
NOKONA MITTS You enn t:JrdM &n �x:a-
•flY tdote- Ri:'!-d, WhHJ! i1tld 01.ue Mu-:, Send lnq1.da: to:
J-;OCONA Lf.ATl l�R(';OOl)S - IJOX !70 - -.oco:--A, Tf.X \S
1. l'hrOWUllJ wt.,,rfrti.111 ft flMOfH or 1wo tuclcec undar hio::e hown will t.,p an OVT or OUT RA.lS.t:. 1, A baUhald loo1ttly ,n hMl!l tip� and ■Uppttd out -mOOU1ly. Wllh : •IV {OllbW lhrouuh. lt 41 q01:,d Chan:10 uf Pcteo. 0: i_;,ped ttotitiy twlll,.m•ntt"I• SJ,OW DROP.
J. WlUtelliow tow.,,d t.tu1 bodt •� • ball hold m 1h11 pc1uuon and tht ,.n o-J"e.J the tbumb will ns• auh 1n 1 11ralQ'nt AAISE. -1. Th..tawlrlg w1ndm1l1 wuh tho etbaW !·.an.r<l t:,w111-d tJ;-e bo&!-.·· thu poehhn1or lhu hand on tho ballwll! res:ul.l ln•nOUT RAlS£. $;, Hold1nq tb• WU llko yo-u wtt1e901n11 to Ulp■ miubl•w.,lle pucrnm;1 wlll , tt •" I 111 � ta.st DROP. &, GrJ.1>1- 1n9 th• t.lOli llghl in 1.t1h way end 0Jppln1J lh• w1u1 Lli the way to Ihle">-< a spiral. Wl t.h • 9ood awoop and oociy fl1llaw tlu-h • FAST l!All,
H.ilUnq -ptlmut2)'' L. CONC&NTRATtot: :in Cl'! BAU.... t.�11 yow oyo_. too.dnu Ju. 1'.he &8114.ltdt His pHchod. DnuO'O■rd tha pUchetr■ body movemant.
Pteetlco swmolnq only It 1td.k•u-. This WOt�I boa: 1n ce1at>all. Good to!tMU p11ehu• ,oldorr, tnrow • trou note. �wu'IQ c,nly •· t.h01e th.a� .,,.ould be c:alled • •tr1►.• 1J you l•t h oc •
Rulax. Oo n'Ot :.:aep your muac:l oa u.U or ten.an. ln qood aottbal'I wner.. onty one er 1wQ htu., Hltna 1a th.. rule-, uy thwJfln; your Ut at the tall. Dua la Wtb hlUtn.t: ■ tennta nrv• .1nd not IHco ndidng or .-wlrlGl.nu on• pJa.rua whoro you U!el the bell w,U come.
Koep yow head 01 1UU •� pautbl• befor, anCI alao aurm; rour swm1. rt11a ,, aoout th.a p1:1e prindplt 1n bmplM your head •till durJnq , r;,oU IWln�.
tSl Cap on th.Ct bot 1lloul:i bi- •Ill o,-.r tind .-ver and e Uruil &q!J..!:M!.t ruleao.-• tho bolt. Hohl Ught thro�h swtn:; and !ell.ow through •
�01.1)11 - c�rnped or. Ju.al et tho pttche.r
.tJ.dJ, hit o "trip.le" on thi Sports SpectiscuJor u11n:, the U inch bet pu:tuioc:I 1n la.ft. Th• oat wa• apeeielly m.;u:lo by H.illtru::i and B.racb.by. rntkfln ot Stuog,� .sa.u.
�\\'i\\.lE SLIJGfh �
--- �
i-ltCtllt\iJ' .aotiball nlmdfJ1dod II olo ·; f-: !or Eddie. t•<!!,du �tt�h,o.q Ll1:1dl�l!letl r uwl1 :1t Couu gamoa, he has also ;i.tehod bUndfoJdl.YJ :er C.& . .:i. on ·•11 -.:0 Ge.;• Secre;' tno 1 Sunoa;· SixrtJ Spenai:ulst "', andthe•steveAllB S .aw•. N ,., £!!:He 11 subdul!Jni, n cUI?urant k.Jr.d. o! ball -,,nd bllndloldod tool ffo l1u bowlod blmofoldod ngams: Lou Compl et 1ne �ew Yer,;
HA THE KING AND HIS COURT rely on the dependable u n If or m I t y of the HARWOOD OFFICIAL SO FTBALLS that feel Just right co the grip. EDDIE uses HARWOOD e.xclusively.
Cohueqm wm1a AMr pre..s1aem, Mr. Wooaru.t.:, and othttr :.Mr cW..:Jals: 1oo1i,� on. Tnw ?.•-,s r.oteaa•.•on the nt!rvee, for tddte waa aho unW!r t.."10 •,:ntci1fuJ and cr1ucal o\-o of fr.-ni ClO'.rnc, t;-i11 t•r. r'T'Ofollior at &;;r. ..·hoq lnwtrue11on. Warch !or £:id� bawhm;, b 11 n :'.J f o t de d on "'MA).c th.al Spant"'.
00D Harwood Official Softball
H. HARWOOD & SONS, INC., NATICK, MASS., U.S.A. 1858 - World's First Baseball Manufacturers -1964
PttchlllQ from a ata1,10 ovw wot.or ma Sport.a Show Is dlfllcull. Al Jac�•on caught Eddie last winter nt the New York end lo$ Anqeles 1howa. Thay haodlmod alollt,I with Lorry Griswold, com edy d�VITIQ clu11np1 Jimmy Rurutlng, loq rolhllJl ch.an:p.lonand c:amady m.a..n: and Gus Augsburg With hil trelnad monkoya and o! ciout11-C� "Laatlo".
NEVER RAINED OUT !'hnt:1110 •r..d H11 C4un oron•v.rrnrnta au, unl•n 1he crowd a. too. Cdtl.1� 1.!I ptc:tu.red ,uu�t.n:. t.n fo-1r tnd- h of ■of1 und .ono aowdu.st !hat waa plaad en tha fald in U-1r. t-u·ellnc, •nd b!llutt I box ,u W•ll 6t tho pl:. ch•t•• mound. ton \Vhite wa?I thrown out iH ftnit bas• oitor l11u1n c1nn .a']amat tna iuh t,oJo !er�• 140 teot ewa�•-
PAKISTAN VISIT The Unitod Stnrn:t. Ocportnmnl of St.ME! s11nt tad1e to PuK a ton tn November, 19S6, tu coach softball at each oft.he Pa�Lsmn Mmy and Au torce t:asui:, M.Uuuy ncd...!1•m1.et. and coHeges �hrouoh <Jut £en and We-st Pal.1st.an.
Tha Pakts1onli enlo)·ed the game c,f softball ond Jto-P.�,.d to und;grsusnd;J!!v4!'n though £ddJ.i.t ta:Jkt!d throu:,h an lntorpre:tcr to tno:n of tho 1•1 ,. 000 .bth lat..as he co�Che-d during tho trip.
PROMOTER COntt.d.u:tng tno :.act that we nave plnyea !=t aiJ1 Oit. 8V"T) �nown f'irofflOtm 1n : ,ummar spcrts nnrec:l!ml ve Jeel V.:-1! Ii.eve been bleaa&d by work..1r,9 (or many Y'tUIIS wuh :rn ".'ery un1n: ot tnom all. to Cflcc0Un1, Outntn9, �;ew Yor�. Year 111tar �u.,r, t.e hill booka.d. our sh.a-.-. lot �wo 1ol!d :neeike. He hAI motntained an av-or:igo at tho ;ato c.t well over natl 01-arn wnat our rr:t.n tmum �ow nt11.llr""'•• V, c, would ltu to Lake our hau Qff to td .end UH other ner. bahJnd the aceoo& who G■somhlo our !Lno f:Bns end frlanda. Ir, £d you •,vilJ find one of tno tme.st and m051 httl'lest pramct rs tr. the oer.:• toda\•, Moy he promot.o men:· m:tny �!>re 9atnn1.
I .n;. s . .!.!uch llllll bo•1 ,:i--r1. $;)l'd11.k..9l tnl, wa! p.1.dye:s oruJ the Lu u Cowt w-;, 14 n U1t v.'lt':U llLlO:tl cJ b8 "� I w Fot:1-
-u IINr,1 • !nal
. I!. •� t 1r.• at�1r ••ch •I M ar: � :-, ' iM �d •Jli:-teelaUon for t:,ec c;c;:u11aor11: ui f4 .1 and val P-larrn •tlneot•1Yls:;::ecLneth• �·It •Y11 t • luw.i l."'11' :i • � '<)
{Jlt'!r,.;i � g;animq I a I� I � PP ail.en for our tr.In • t:it ur.·;r,;, r•· d JO M o • l• IU t;ll.D)'U!I l.a U't< ti ()WI
__...,3 DO FEET
Relax hands before pltch Eye on ball and step into pltch
Tho front co•.rc.,r p1,:::.urn. h,;e :ne Otl.L! t o ltlO ri11m. was Ht,;;on wh�n fi.lmud our shew for tho Swld.Ay Spon.s S;:ittcl4cul.Jl'.
BACK �J'._£.JL Out home O\VOY !tom homo 11 ,o...lwa7■ Hahdfty Jnn.. Out Qf ·ne I, 1U0 c1tuJS we 'i..i!V� ?Jd)-c-d In, a Holltloy Inn l• localod In cv�: �oo oJ them. LooktruJ at om 180 d.by scho.dule, wo Ond lhat for over l.fO Uy. th• Coun will and tod.111.n9 •U a HolJdoy lnn. t'rut.armlty of •c--oomm.cd,Htor. and tree r�J�rv aunn aen·tce a.re or.Jy two of the r.u,ny roason1 wo I Ive at .ond racontmar,,d Holl.d4y tnn. We .su.g1as1 ,-ou too .•:tit ftnd t: plCcd..Mnt to U·N- at !-'....ctl1day {nns .iex1 ttme you uavd..1. Ncth1no loo\s so gocd attet ar. ell nt�ht drive e.s t.hot for.i!!lttt nh1n tir •THC NA?ION•S [I Nt:££PC�S .
ROAD PALACE 1l � f,. �r,1, �r a.re oltLc u.l 1olea and !rnnchtao 1.Jr..:hd1e repra:;onU\UYm■ f� Travel Ctu 1.odo:01. Shown on tho l:,ock cove-r II th.e lntoucr cf �10 1:1no'1 '"R.ooo Pal.ace.•·. it ■orve; as of!tcla..l ro cvp11DTI =m IOI cl lh- SoitbaJI She\< ar.J the felgnor-?-.'ason 'Bllndfoldod Bowllni; team. £dd.1a Jlnda tbni nu.t :md comoJdte rolaxallon batworn 1ho-w11 becom•• moro anc more • nqc eaal;y a1 tha yeat.1 the :tsam LI en rhe rODd sale u;:. •On.ly �tt:har'• mound to piLC.e0r•1 mo-und ll•:ln:1 rclllly 1uppl1e1 th.e ar.1.•.-. ·a, •. he a.stens !II p:o.,1pect;ve cu.utt.1mu1 Io 0 k: O'Wlr tne rioaO Paloi:e. li you would llte tc own .1 M:>bll Ho:ne- lite Cd.die and Julio'•• �•:. 1n touct$ war.: Travel C.,r Lodqq, � I0H54 Z:.Ut Ccr,t:111 Avenue South Cl Monte. C..,llfomt•
Pt,one 4,Z •Ul9J "'V1!EL O, WDGJ:S 4to "PCWCRED BY fORD"
SPECTACULAR Bill K!!nror, /ti Jar.k1nn forr·.· Jo1101, Jae,: Wh1ui.or and Cdd.1.e ro..J.;nm •r .r.,vm ::n they ep�arod du:rtng tlH,1r JLntroJ.uctlon er. tha- C.8.8. Sunday Sperl!! Sp,ectaC".tla.r.
A.ppellrtnl) w 1: ti "t.a■ue• an Vlamr-r 5uc�•• Spo;uman Sno-.-.· :,t t."I� Now York. c, 11,eum was vuy I nier--1 ll n � • /..fter the aho'J, ono d.ay. • taa1Ue" dnc�dod lO olve £dd1.u D hand wtto l:"ltl bhnd.fcld:ea pm:hmg roll!.l1w. Then '1 LanLe• �eld tho t.>11 Ntille •h•l:mq tands nll� l:ddiJ!. Th.ii I! Lhe way I.hey c:0:n1rnnuhtl!'d eaeh other end 1hawed re.spoct ror tti1:1 ctnt1r'1 oxcopnorutl rm;., pe.tfon1�nces.
f4lth Loi Todi,y'', a TV oroqram conductc.d by E1dor and M�. ri.'tt;af lntarv1owed £ca I e nn:o.ntJyto appeor on 4 Sunday morning pr >gnin. th.c faoah a.re, pLC1wod in th.ell .uudy a• they "ppenr an TV. H you would l.lk• morci rnfonr...t1t1on concemtnQ thotr program. wrtt&: rMth for Todwy. P.O. Box a. New Yoi,� &. �L Y. 11
oru:AT itATDi JOKhSON 11�rJ1t11lon U. S. O!ymp)c Cl\e.etp1on, .9h.u.J.r,? hand "I h t.dtftn afta.1 they had IIPO�IDn U lhd Thum Con1reu A,1111 I - It. LcniJ Btac::i. Cn1J!0:1tU. Tt,c two !'!'t1• a )'eat L.of0111 •t tlh• cthn: Yaulh ConQ1"8H ,n Pontand. A�t ice car: t.� ntKid ol R..,!�!. 'iou �d Ld ..,.1th Rafo1 only a !evt m1nut•1 \� •now tu, t:.lia""l!• 1n and wcrk..s at ..,1ti11 ht- uy-1.
f,tanyU rou wUl r6111e.tr.btr II ft1w yaara aqo vnon .. \r. D11,.� _ntrOd.J.lce-d t.'14' U1ai,, on 11:e 1how .. 'Yau AaUd ror ft". tddte sn.cud Ui• H�m•.m by tiittm;,;.) dime si.41 . pendod Q\I,.� the pl.au, or. a U-.r!Y.d... ?hon, wt1U• com Plourly t:iHndfnlc:.ed • "tin lnoc\•d a 11, ,u c::19i.1 out o1 -:. stunt rt,u,•s ffl®tn. Ih9 ttk-t. wa.s r.ot 1n ths ;ihoto• q1a{1hy •lmor. tddUt c.n11t c!i:w- r-..ar.y 11-r.:e..1, actually MltlnQ th• roo:l:.�I h•l�o, rtght on 1.h-0 oar. Fff.ally� on th.:, l �ui u;·. he 1tn:c-t tt1• C�iJ<'lf clean taQhl uul af hla llr,11i. •1 wouJ.;.t never beJl•w 1 could hovo uone n ! I h■a,,•1 "' 1ieor it on :Jim I
N dt.:...t-1: mo11t d YO HW lh1t "l'._.. Go{ A Se:rat• n/ J.hO.'. loiJI yeat. 1f yo1,1 dLd nc:,. YoU u1nilYJhllH(1 .om 11111'\Q o 1,oihsm th• lfL1nr3;> lfll thftl !:�dt 'Ii mdi f hi plt�t.no Wd!i anyt�lll",9 UI\\.IIU.111 t:: t l,ceeuM c! the way G,:uy Moore nrmdbtu tho- prn1anuu1on of• .3�#:.blll r:J,ay": ,o ,::. v1ewl� oudtt,nc11. There :11m thOH -who w lC H,;.e. t rooh• poah.Softh.1II amc• itl1noaflTQ f.tlll nl 1.r r: !'lrui J.oc1. 1.Jpo:111l u a un1Ue-d rttu. The �nel al.to ls as .omJalll• ort c•�tt.0 u 0.11. U ','1,' ftl fl Qreat rle••un, l(f p·fiOt s.,c:i 019•\ltH l l•d.iH In r-,•1.:1r1, H•:-ry Mor,ai 4 ,,r;1t '#e,ll•lll!c:ttt11td IUL Cullen. c.idt.e Wal IJYII to hit the stt.l :.om1 H yo.: re10ffll:4r, pltdn.n� lO \o11tj' bllnd1111oed en •�:i" -,1nd ero .:-amar1, tcwAnt t � 11l.:.!.l,enc•. °'11:o J.uunq the �n1c 1ui1cn • Pitch Jot 1ura1 a.mi 1i• bAll "-•a.rly bn t u, 011'!: ra Ard 13lo1H'1d In �t�-tltft; toe.I • th.et bounced ,round dawn �r Ul• �e,111. Wnen tn• ec1ul pro9ra-m Wll'nt c;,r: mn ,11r tl\'l)r"j"ttnnq to, rul. Th O\lttd all t.."'letpe.ct.otca CH1t et th• fn.. ! ttuoa c,r four rcwa tchtnd tne c.:.n"°r• • 1 ust 111 c.atl!tl !: ! .., so ::ill n NI�:I WHt1•rrufUJ10t:4.hmd..e:rpt!• I It, Cddle: th.Jew Uuoo run•.•• rl11ht dOW'n the lcdle.
WHO DO �•J'U THl:-111 WC.I Tl!!; C1.11i:'1 (Thlf' t.1 arui HUI Cuw1 , S to 1 Tl.I• ptc• � wa., :.al!. n .i •l\e •rupli:.u Daaaball p•rlt m 9mgharmon ,-,,.. ·tc-,r • II 1tiow• t.h• ex11c.:. l!X�t.l:ffl cJ .,.ch 1• and N' d., th• 11 aut.ke ouu. and Put out.a. Ohon 1 !Ctll lh•f ;;ou rnrry t.cruru.r...,. �lJ tt1o11• l ll dul Yl'tf' CIOt � &atta.UV l� tn; t.-k. OVIU Qamtt. theY t••hzo I, It lt4} y,.ere (Ip buea I d.J.dn • aOfe l;)C well.
Nnlle Jac:k. \'(hnakcrwaa !al�nr; to "::ddl.Dacout thi' 2! Inch b.ft 1 With wh.1.cll he h�d Just hi! o u pie, Bill 1:aJm,r atoppoJ Into I.he b,ita,ro box. Thoy watch with plao!iuro s1nd ama.=ement aa Sill \lnloada il ham" nm.
-; I!·, 1'1 �Jr-_-:.F.,.., ••