tn 19.i6, Eddi• f'ltgnc,, al" we,veuc sHon9•c11med roung man who hod onll•d a, a $oflball pi1chor b•fore 1he wo, ond 1n ihe Ma"ne�, wos hoine c51am b.uuJng hl.s. la1-t baH b., t,ome lo•n boneu. Th•,r wca one 1hln9 �bout F-elgne1. he liad G wo,Jd of c:onfldonu in himHlf and l,11 ohll!I)' la p11ch a sohball. When-.••r onyon• h11rlod o challenge OT 1'11� tad in his 01uly 20's, he hod on lm111ed1ot• loltor. Playing 1n an early 1p11ng leo9\lo, Fe1gnor and a ream of nln• me.n wer.- ,unmng "P • lo.,. sidod scot• In o game In Pendleton, O,ogon. Eddie"s tt1om won tha lilam• b)' o whoppin; scot• b1,,1 1 aherword his •kill 01 o "ho1 ahot 11 1,oltboll plsche, w,u chalJong�.d. Thh was too much ro, the "King" who bror•nf-, annaunc.od, "I wl II chol• loi,ge you 10 o lilOrne ond uso only th,co othe, playora: o cotche,, o shott>IOp, ct1d o first bo�e• mon. The ,oo•on I ne•d four h becou-se ,ou w.oufd p,obo\Jly w-cl!. U:I. bo,h ,r ) ,11., vsed ffl)' co1chor.1 • Bocoun II was, ea,fy spring ai,cl the local baH po,k.Jo ..-ere uTia•oiloble to pracflce o-n, ,ho fo11, 11.\e:t'I reouesied pern,ls.sion to plo)' somo of tile 1eom1 inside 1he Wo1hin91on Stole Pt11-on. Th• t•quest o#"OS gt'an1ed. Wtth high wolls o, o bad- drop, and the cutlou> Inmates loolclng on, The fovr-Mon Softball Toom cam• 1n1c · botng. That som• week, the name "Th• King ond Hit- Cou,-1•• wos chosen. A. week l oter 400 fans we,e on hand 10 ,_-Jew the 1,,-np-.,bl,c-uod lnft1al four-vertus n,na gume. Fetgnar, ranked with the vr•ot•11 softball tn history, roscr to ihcr occo,lo n. In �even lnnln91- he pitched a perfeer game ond uruck out 19 bohers.. Ono boll wen hit 10 rhe shott,top and :,ne 10 the fin,•• mon. Tho flnol 1-coro wo■ 1 .. 0 ln favor af the fou, .. man 1eam. Then ,he King and hn Courr ht! for th• circuit.
TOOLS OF THE TRADE Alli9ator G-olf Sag (a g1fl from his wire. Caotgio\ Haig Uhro Goff Clubs and "'Ping" putl•f• Bllndlold (uud one inning of eoch go m•J Glove ond Uniform by Rowlln9!, Si. lout,, Ma. Adlrondoc&i Bats ( one 22 inches long, one com• mnmorof!ng W1117 Mo)'a 600th ho-me tun I Alumln1,1m Sat (team lt. 1eulng this. lo, Adhondoclc:) Tertnia Racket (Joe� l<ram•r model) All ho, ,:ind n:tdc"I h.and:Jt!.a ere tJut"d wHh HUU1r• Ptldo ::md TennJ:s Pride 1ubbe1 grip• by Eaton, Yale To1vm:, Flez.,--Gup Dh·l.a to.n. Afso s.hown is th• plaque p1es.enft:id to Eddie br 1he lnfemahanal Pro Sofball Assoc•otlort, Inc •• n-cm!ng J,,1,,.. Commlulo.ne1.
Th• Teall\ end I would Hit• lo thonk you fo, pur.. c:haa.ll\g our aouven11 boa0kler. We hop• we hov• mod• ti worth you• while oncf •hoJ '/OU h.ava enjo)'ed our whow. Thh mor1cs m.y thirt)' •u,cond yea, tn -.ohbolf. AJ. yo,.. le-af through this book1et you wlll .)f:'0 tho! the )'aDn ha\<e been filled t o th• br!m w,tn 1nt•1est,ng ond 1hr1ll1n9 occ-a�1ona. Aa l take tJ'tt backward. loo,;. over t.J:-ao_se man)' y"era I reel co.mpel!ed to ahare wLth you some of ,ne Uli.ngs my e.xpenet.Cft h.!11 taught me. Worl.dJ�· JUCCHS- mnans no:.hlnQ Lf N� leave- the Meat�r Pilcher out a! our Uvo1 end rofu■• to fot Hun coll the pleya. l wns r&ared in a r.!h�iaus auno,phere. bot decided tn Hrlv 1113 tllat God had no pntticuler !ntarest ln me. .Boll bocamc, an obsession wltb me and ,:oddly !omo and for mycml:itoodi but th:9 M.a.1.ter Pitcher 1a\'"• "'n\ou .ahalt hllVf' no ott- r qod:, b,lfo,..,.. m�." IEx.. 20:J). Through It aU he nevar gove me up� He s1ruc.; rr . e ou.i a !ew Um.ea. .ino govs rtl.9 m ter;ra.Ji wlth nc.L" to dot:uLU1tn(, b.itH•no\'OJ lor;ot we. R.Gcdnll),•. durJn9 one ot those tlmee of onforced qwct and m:edttalion. J r-a-ducoverod tne Joy or c;ompleE.P o.1.u;Jnm�nt -.vtth my heil-..•only promctla.rwhohn, completely chon9ed the- pattern of my Illa end g.lven me pell® 1 wolili! hll rdly nAvc oe1.t.e...eap0.Ba1blo. t.n tbq,c; of my n:1nd Uke many o! you, l have \nawn this waa UQht. but. 11.ltem.nny lrefuif!-d th� Joy �nd .:;:nusfnctlon of ·te1n;; UJed,
t have many trophies. $ o!worldly auc C:85.S ., to �orate my dan, but l now Jonq ror tha •·trcphi.1!.1.. monuoned in the be.loved hymn, "The Old Ruoo&d Croes .. "When n.y :rophle.s 41 lzl•t 1 lay down . . . • '" I ieel r.htsl wo are hv1n9 1n n,omamoue uma1. The world loa.ltJJ li�e on• •,•nt bllU held. The ba�eaa:relo-,ded. Wehavealteady.5uuci. out too many umos. It Jooks :o ffl.D llica the Jau tnnJn". The old ·,.;orld ho£ only one more chanoe and t.ttat u C.'lrill. ThLa ll!!! ii. JUJ t a trninlna camp 10 �.tie ho w WCI pley the game • and it OOES maKe a d1fforance. The t.a.u oa-ne.r coulo un►.e out 1n yo:.u 11!.etl.mi:.> and min& at any Llma .. All good :ntng .. mtl.At come to an ar.d and. onit of thes.� .11ea.son. will be my lftlt one w1thout .. perhop�. too advance IUltfce. \"/hen :ha li..nW coma• for me to ta;• down tn.e old aoftbal I. 1 wen1 to te�l mat �rh-nps l ha'ff done & llttle more than Just enten.aln my fen■ nnd !rtond!. b round the world. I'd l.u;e to know LbJH my in.end■• YOUh.:_Jd.n.dold �u�.o. ara ln ll-ffc pltc-hlnQ for the !.'e, end plavtM !he game falr tin.d clean and aqu.a.ra ln_;amporauon fo th.a blg 100:qu.oa n God'• otornuy.
EDDIE FEIGNER only ORIGINAL left on team
T-.cnry•1t• l'•Otl on 1he rood h-o, t:ik•n ltt. 1011 of Cowtt fn.-mb•u- Seven r•ora 090. Eddie beca-rno the• c"ft 011911"\ol leh e" the tecam.
Fo,,..fl't C-outl membe,1, on 1he fo1T1.ous. llule teom .,.i-ere Jerry Jones, Mlk• M•lllck.•� Ron Co.ooe,, Jodi: Sea••, Ken Whuo. Meade K•n:•,, Geno Emry, Ja-y Hun1er 1 001,1g Po11 •• Wcyn* McGill, T1get l<at'l'!phu1s, M.o,tt. Bolley, J,,,.. He,rlc:�. 6111 Kehrer, ond 0oug And•tu,n.
FOLLOW THE PITCHING SEQUENCE ho"'" •lghr to leh lbelow) -
fJJ Jua1 belot• Eddie pi1chu. Mika ,.- ,n po•• Irion fot o fleld boll, but 11onda neo1 ra p,o,.c, blindfold•d E.tdle,
(;Z) Mlle• uh and !:ddle ataru wlnd'ilh
(1) Mike lei Is Eddie wh•r• baHer stand,,
Th.ta p1ctuc• w,u uiktn lh the •Trtplota• baHnell pork In &LD9Mrnton New York. U show, the exeet loca.uon of each nit anu r.ct1rd1 tn• hill, atn,<• out. and putout.a. Olten o. tem that .get.I mo.ny Warunneu f.aall u ta Olllf\Q wuy good. WM.fl ac 1uaUy, l.oo'lt bed ov.0.t Uta oono..e, they real.tu tho� � on boaH but dtdn1 t •cot11 too w,aU.
. ---&?"'
WHO DO VOU TH!I/K WON THIS GAME, Inn IUl'IQ om! !!J■ Coon 5 to II
Shodo.,_ Sall ond Tic To�'«: To• (obo"o) odd "'o"•'Y 10 1ho four man comed)' ,outine. Shodow Boll It. an old 1nvontion or iht S101.1x City, lowo, "Colored . Ghut,. , INSET (uahtJ Pgpoye Srn1 1h W11s th• greatHI or oll. We whh 11,01 you c.ould howe en,o)'ed 1lu,1, funny routletel.
Young Eddi• F•i9.n., on o U. $, Maun• ,.,,,,, ,n 1943-44
Eddte l:1 10Udn9 altop with two old f,le.ncb, Doug Sanden ond Doto Roberhon. Th• occoaion woa th• And) N,11,am, Sollr lns.t,tut• Colebnty Golf Taurnomttn• ai Totty Pt,,., Golr Cli.,h; Lo JoJlo. Callfornlo. Edcfle't. threuQmo shot 26 undef In. the ,...,..o do) Pto•Am lourno)', Eddie won tho AYocodo m•1to1,anal ,n 1971, al•o won low n.i ,n thf! H.lJghe-� Af• W••• lnv,1ationol Toutno-m.-nt, Eddi• hwu e>n th.r ueond 9,un ot ,he Follbro:ok. Colli•. Counuy ChJb. He plors: -golf doily In the 01f season lo help 110:)' ,n ahope. Of1et1 h•• wi fe,,o, '"''"" h;m on th• Gou,s• - Everyon• 1n 1he fornlly 901ftl
Glen Co,v,bolf
I' \
Golf. ond tho many GoH Tourneys. ha pa-rtlc:ipotes m, moke life enjoyable r.:i, Eddie ava,y win,.,. Ha 1ugg,uu. lOU c:ome 01.11 10 worch or to 101n m. There h the Glen Compbell LA. Optn, ,ornetl rn.e • c:olfed C-olf West o.n t'111 Spo,ta Page, a.I t o the Hopo, 1 Mottt n. and Cro•by tour,.om•nh. ' Pro•Am', ore f1Jn, •• s.oys fddto, "wh,the, they be plf, bouboll, bculi..1boll ot foot boll."
NBC-T V, "SPORTS SPECIAL" GOLF PRIDE INVITATIONAL At Golf Ptrde'J lnvltaflonal, (c,gnfry Clwb, �fonh Carolina, wllh the lieJp of o 70 by Snead, the lour.11omo 1'1at Ed die woa ori •on lh• Cotr P,ide Pro•Afn w1fh o nel 61.
Ed die p,tc.hed fen the Hollywood Mov,e and l V S10,1 ogolnu en AII-S1-:or Team made up of Motor Loo;u.,, with s.uch namn os WIiiy Mays., Will -, Mc:Covoy, Ntlls, Klfobtew, CJatt1•n1a, Ro,eboro, Howard and Robinson, W1th 1h11 ban• loaded, Eddie lfruc:I. out Mav1, Mc-Co-voy, and Wills:. The follo-wln9 lnt1lng, ogtlJn ..,_.111, baau loodod, he lfn,C� out fCllobraw, Clemente. and Ro.bins.on .
Eddi■ '10 o "uJple" on the CB.S Sparu Spec:Jaculot ,n,ng o 22 inch bat. Cl•fn
HOUSTON ASTRODOME A.t.000 pold ottondance ..,ofch•d Eddi• P1tt"hln9 Bllndfol ded.
The Asttodom•• Kon1os Oty. Philodolphio , Yonkoe Stodlw,n, and Bohimor-♦ hove hosrod the K,ng ond hi• Couri.
.. AL
•• Garflold
AL JACKSON Al Jacka.o n, Te-cm Coptoln, h playlng In hi.t. fif. toen.♦l, se1uon, A l ho• th• dlat,nctic.n ,or being the flr•t m•mbo, odd'e� l o 1ht teom oa o t•gulo, ..,hen th,, cmg1nol 4•moo team 'ltorted 1.rp, 1'1 IIJ ,n ,oaf ,u11u•. H• will be ._.._,,. , n1e,e11ed n toU1,ng w,th you II Yov pion to move. Htt off• 1.0&.sO" hol1'\.e 1s In Tcri:tnta, Con odo. Allh01.1gh o flu• ba.umtm bt A.I Is oho o fine cotch !D-f and boclc:•VP In 1h01 doportm•nt. BELOW Still one oF our most beov1lful ploy■ 11. when E-dd,e pie.lo oft a boae runne.r. H• co-n ,nap a throw without lctaldn;. Plc1uted below, Al Jockson recelv•• .tuch o throw 01 O,a, ba1« while Eildle I• ••ill facing Front ond c•n•e-r. The ,unne, mu11 olwoy.5 b-cr ...-are lurcowe Eddi«t, ot Jany tlma, ,,,.lthout loolt1ng, ft\OY make a th,aw behind hla hocld OUTI
A noH.-e N.1ill' E.ttglondet, Al Qtew to hecafl"e a 6' l" bot\re1boll 11or beftue play;ng: bouball e1nd laitf ,otn1n;: th•�-"'"" teg-m. Jac1c.son hos own�d nte•• ••' in D 1i,ing of thorou9h&rod race hat1n, During the rac1n9 s.eoao", yov can be sure ht 11 not foT f,om fh• uaclt, l,ls hut lovo. When At ,lrlf 1oincd ,he lea'"• l1e wa> 1,ulcllv a high percento9• h111.,. How� whll• still main• to,n,ng o high bof11ng ov•r oi;e, he u known for hln,nw many ho,,, e NJn-.. H• , cm oshile sw1tc.h hl1te•- Yov rnay recall 1h01 "I hli lwo home 1u-ns. on ooch a, •h• 196.t and 196S CBS. Sporn Spn• tocvlao. Al wal- a fan of T..d Wdlloms or,d o student ol Terf-1 h111•no ph!losoohy. Al h lndhpen1oble In helping the n•w team m,mben adjust thelt h1 111nw 1t1lu ro th• 200 vdd diHcHent p1tchu-. th.'I' must face. •ad U!ls.Oft�
If yo.w .-whi lu,, 10 ,rv ,,1 ,. c.1,r...... ,. R.-,., ftt•r-, Al N4 Elftill• wlWlllf I,�. n �a•� ,. c:.-oltl. ttl A:U5S UROUHAR.T. NORTtt COUIH'r 1t,VES1"Mt;HT$ 1lU !i.. �--"'• f'ollbroi:i•, C.•� 9201! •• n, 71! •4!77
We enfoy moating ou, fo by ond aor hello! We hove ct hm boll player• get chsco.,•r•d. 01Jced ua to molte r•fatra I•· Ov boya lion von• on to ploy ,n 1h
- , �1��. \
THE METROPOLITAN OEAF ALL STAR 50UAD From loh to right htandlng) P•l•r Roayn•kc, HC. Sto• 6!01)', GS. Jed Woad>, P•licona, Tom Coon•)'• manage,, Oon l<roporo. DC, Tom Lorello, SA.D. Jim Lo11tllo, BAO, Al Coheri. WSC, Ro." O•liloo.d, Conn., Bob fer,ance, GS f101t¥ Vt'a.rne,. DV, Roy S,rwm, coach, [lcneelin9j Ron Posco,, GS, Pere ligr-am1tcuo:., GS, Rich•• lo Borlolo1 \li'SC, Ed Bee.�, GS, MiSi:e Dnnl' HC. Do., Moyn.o.,tJ, DC, At Couthcf'I, Conn. WHh the holp: of Re•. Croh M, Penu, ln1e1p1el•r, ond Tom Coont)', ,nonage, ond aponaor, 1h11 ,a-na wate lupt ,nformed of the go,ng1 on �,m . ng the vcrmo be,,...eett the. Cou1t ond th• Meuopollto.n Oe1:1:f AII S100. f Pie.lured at ughtl Tom Coonev ln11och.,cea Eadie 10 1he Dc,ot All•S,a, t.quod boforr 1ho game. Coan•r r•l oyed Eddie'• f,1endl)· chot to 1h11 deal pla,-eo.
King of Softball Sy
806 LAMB.
la C,outt Tr,bun• Staff . 1911
How do 'ttlU spell K1,,9� ... WeU, when It CO"'H, to sglfi:,atl. �ing I• tP•lled F•E-1 -G-N-E-R. Edd�• Fei;,,•1. th• origlnato, of th• 1<11'19 ond His Co1,11I ,ohboll room. brough1 hn four•mol"! squad lnlo lo Crout Tnuuday fo, a gamW' ogalnst Te,race 801 of the Clouic League In tha evenlnv. Ea rl ., In the ahemooo , Felgne.r Ctonducted Cl dlnlc fo, 1oung1for1 ot Pow•fl Poilt which cl'rew• 7S boya and 91th. Soon oi,., he cimved he1e hom Minnoopoli• ihut1• cloy Feigner dom'!ed o r•d , white, and bh,o glove and g,eetod thtt th,or,9 ol \11:b a, Po.,.,.ell. Each boy 01 girl wo, allowed to swing until ho hit th t ee llm•• DH Fe19ner.
Some11m•• ft crppeorod 01 the fn•"dlv, cr•w cut veteran -•r• ltyl"R ro h,t th• bot •h.n o )011ng,1e1 coutd,,1 1 quUe ;et the wood o" 11 . Lui ,hot 11 Feig"•' - a.nythl"g to hel p, a I.Id.
"The LJ.nll•d Stotn Oop.a,1men1 of S101� .uni EtJdte lo the, Fat Eaa.t In Novc,mber, 1956, ro c.ooch :1oh• boll c, Army ond Ai, Force hoses . Mllira,y Academ• In and :c:oll•un. Th• p-•ople ol Po�flfan, lndlo, ond the Fa, Eo•t en,oyed 1h• gome of _,of1ball ond uemed to under:11ond evon though Eddie tallted ihu;u9l1 or, 1nt•rproter to molf ol ihe 14,000 aTh• l1t1•:1 he coachitd dutlr,;9 1h• trip.
Fe1gn•r•� rvg;ed 1ch"ule by c:iu10 tokes. him rluu• 01,11 ,ho U""ed S101e_. and into Ccnodo. conducting -c:lln1c:1 ond ploying 09cfnt1 loco1 '•oms. How clou '1• lceep It up> ••t bolleve Jn Ood•:1 wlll," Fe,gner "If 1 can do •ome1hln9 whJle I' m orcu,nd 1 0 1e1d, help ,om•on• rhon I'll don." uld F••vnet, "I'm in onorhor world ""hen I walk ,nto a crowd, Mayb■ I'm ,�ul o showman , bu, I Ilk• ,1 • • F•,qn•r sc:sld. ••I wos an o,pltOl'I and wo:1 �lded oround o 101 . t lust wl s.h 1 could •f•nd more litn• •llh then lud, at the cl,mn. lf.,da ore greoi Cl'ld ,hey love h•,o wor�h,p, I ...,.ant to 91v• th•m ,omethlno to wcnk fa, i:,;nd somi,one the)' con coll tl,eJr h 19rc,"• Thu,sda, nl;ht 01 Powell Pcul about 2000 .,..arched s..ohball hero Fe19ne, do hi:1 :114,1H. The toll, mechu-1n•bul Ir oth1ete pul on a :1ho• wh1c:h mcfuded ..--.,e,ythlng bu, th• th,e.,. tings ol a c1uu1,. Fa1;nor donl•d the crowd w11h hit. 11.1po,lot,v• ri�, a.r1t1 a.n.d hon.d whic:lt held •h• ball. Feigner, · dllfer•rlf delh••nn to botfle both lhe 45, uud 19 Teuace Bo, bo11er, and the fan•. A fow htllett wet• •--�1"1 mor-• cnncn•d ,.;f,4r,, he p1tchod ro rh.-m blindfolded ar,d s.Hu<l 1hem out. Thlou;h �h Jeg,1, bafund h,, boclc-, (rom ucond base or just rnaking: the boll 90 ovory wh,ch woy , f•iuno, dtd " oll.
The. fa1ho, of teve.n, he hn anc, oj the floe'- on 1he fleld whon he foce:1 loc;-al f•o-rnc, Eddie Jr, , 19, plo11. shortstop. Tho, lA H he doesf'l• t dec1d1t ro go into pro golf , .. � know ii h iough in pro goll ond , l,�e ,hu life, I moan I love 11, •• ,o,d Junuu a• h,,. fothot c-0111. him . tho country."
••j Ilka to meet paoplo and lour
"Junior ls o gooJ en1ertolne1 and .hoa •h• tolt111 , bur he lock• rh• ••�rience." a.aid hi• loth•r • "He c-culdn '1 pHch on a fou,�an team t1gh1 now. bu t covld do v-ery well with o 'tlne•--mon cli.ib.'• How long will tl1e mcnter �••P o-n III hord to iell. "l•flt not in th.r. 9ame fo• th,- ff!on ey. b, I wont to «intrlbut •. And actually l"ve ne, lhought o lot obou1 rot111 n9. l'H j\ollf �up ;o,n; a, fong o• I con," co,d Felgnu. So th, King wdl uugn u-nhl
• •
THE KING'S PITCHING SAVVY UNDIMINISHED ""''•· 1111111.. , ,1 :11 J.I S61h "" ._� ,,.,..uie.,, � • r..,1 , •• ••ol• u.,..,c. J.el '�·- 1•d•1 "' ,._, •••, • ..... • • 1· .... frl ......, ....... � ,,. r,,, ...... I• ....... •,............ I"""''-• 111-L ••1•·11•• ,,,.. •-• • .,,. n, c ..... ,..,_,.,.,,, ,,....... ,.. "'" C,,,1,,111• " .... , •••• ,. ,-1• ...,,., • 1. rt' • l1u .,..i ►• 1•14, ''°'•• '-•• u- lllu. , ••,� .. ... u.. , •. II .... t.1..... ...... ,.....,.....,1.,, ,.. ....., ""'-• ,,,1• ... 't ... I �·rl •• ,1 • .... 1, • i......... .,.1♦1,,11 ······-, .,..,11 .. ..... - '"-....... Jt11 ...... ,.! ..... _, �. ,...._ c,.... , -.e.....•� ·•••• t1• i..=t ... , Ill ot ••�k ...... ,. ,I. A1 t, u H•• p.,1.,11,;.. •• •-.,"•' Elf4+• ""'' lo• ,..,,.111t II t u�Y.t••I f.,•t.ll:ll• '"� - 1-.. �II ,t_.1 .t.1,1 11 AJI lh•I, I.,._,.. .__....., .,. �.,,. ,, •••", i .,.1 . 1.,-. ... '"'• t',u• .,f ,I • II•� J ,.. ...... ..... ---••4 i! ..... ,........ ,... ,.. ,... ··- 1 �io ,........ �·- ......... _
,. , , .,,. . .... •.... .. ""·•- .....,..._,. •. ,,.. .._.. -u •.- .f.....
I'-• J•-· a,1,i.., lw ......... �. 11o.-, j•" • .._ .... 1..-n., ' p.,,,..,, ••• ,..rt• •• • •• h.., II••• • • - ••I",..,.,.,,--•• tu·"•• r- 1,1,_ ..... G ,..., . I 11 , , _..,,,,,.. "• ho l.■u" "'·• • • fl t • 1"•111 e-,jl•• ...•1,4 1•-1tio, M ti-. 11111 "••"t 1hu fte1!10 ••!• l,tloil 11.,.., ....., ,,_. --"'-• • II•-•· ,.., tf! ttl :... 1..,ii. •• .. ., .. ..,. •11hbl1 ••-• • • ll,11 M,A11t11t, ,--.L-.1 � .,...,.,.,.1 • ,I "•I• - ••t"- • 11,,. !,! ..� 1••••·1· t,_._ ,.,.,1 �"' • r ••• , •• '••••• t, .,.,, Ar-.-r-• 111,.,..,,, r ,,,, '• .,..., . ,., • , -,1. it,,,.... ,.. , ......., 1 1o.... ,......... ,......,,,.,., ,.,.... ••• , .. ...... _ ............ .,•lo. 11110
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,earn 1972 T
(Balling L,nc-Up}-
:·'-• ,;.. �
1n ,he army, Gery ploy•d un,.ce boll. Then he w•nt to wo,� fo, a ream tout111g ,h. U.S. & Conodo. Go1v thai, ttons,ened 10 the Co1.1t1 111 1111 out lho ua,o.n when Morie Sade)' lofl to leach school, Ga,y la a men worth ...,011::hlng a• he w a1k� hh woy on bo•• 01 ot covorir'lg In• pos,tion , Now ,n h•• Jth u-oso", Gar, Is gt .HI a, th• comedr - Ad L,b.
• 1 AL JACKSON, Team Captain, 1st Ban
Ga,y Wot ,a: o orodwote of L-o-ng Be:ach Chy Col• le.g•. In high school !,e �la�ffi fo::,tbaJI. Ga,l' •ca choun the Preu Tal�rom plav•r ol the -,eo,. A, Lang Booch C1ty Coll•go ho q1.1auo,boclcod thorn Jo ,he 1960 Nohonal Chomp,on•h1p.
Mlsfils Tie With
�6 EDDIE J. R., Short Stop - Catcher
Th• wo,lo fomo1n K,nv :nu: HI,. Court (md !he Sh�II �isllu. to o Q. Q deo.dfod Hete lost n19h1 ot Anden.on Counl)' Memouol StQd• 1wm b•,ore o"•' 6000 font. ond ""Th• K,ng " Edd,o F•,gn•r, Sr •.;hed o p•rfec.1 g-ome aoolnaf tho M,sha.. . F••Qfll!' .struck o.,;t 18 ol tf,p 21 bott•n he- foce,d In the seven inning game. 0
rt, .. M1s.flts A.01ot1 Putnom 90..,• ""P anlr rour h11a, two ta Ar Joc:ln.on and on• each Ja F•igne... :1nd Doug And•,sor, - oil s,ngl••• H• fan-nod s,A, 11 w,n ,he ••1:m9'•" r,rat p11rloc;;J { ol the ••c• ,o,. •nd hit .onnouncitd l10 ,,..ould rot1,,1m.
The "K,ng," Pitcher
; 2 GARY WEST, Subst, tute
fourth man on th.. f1old wh.n Eddi.- 1$ p11c-hln 1 blindfoldod Ot i,om second bou Is lwh hand•d, hard h11T1ng, Fiord Ber;er. He: ,1 s1udy1ng ror • .dc;tco '" F'tlyslc:cl Edu.ratloit 01 Vuginlo TeC"h. Floyd h o voluoble oddltlon 1-0 ih• teom wllh his b-ou s,eol,ng abllny and th• extra pwnch h• add• in the h11ung depaUm.!!nl. Two hundred phu gani-•• wt'h over 30 do\.lblt· heade,_.. calls for all the •n•,51ioa fau, men con muster. Floyd u,v., o• r•l1ef fa, J. R. and At Jacluan at f1tU and ,hart. He oc-ccu1onally hl1$ dnd runs. In the .. King's"" hm• at bat also.
Eddie Visits with Jerry Lewis
New York holdti mon)' wand•rfu l thlnga. Nor the l eot.l Gf 1heu I -, ,he R'e-•uorch Con,er ro, �uscula, O.,1.,oph)' , Ht,,te vnmn; 1he Reset1tch Letne,, Eddle '""'' !"ICU\)' of ,.,e ;10U and Jewned o' 1he1r dodicatod effort 10 rind th• couH on� o cu,e For the dreod•cf -'L1tta.u. Eddie wa� pleutd 'O b� 1nv11 ..d t.o 1iu1 on i:1 pnch,na ahow to help in tho: fund ta1sing campaign known a,. tho J.,,,, . Lewi• Telethof\ ,n New York Coy. Jerry ond hn 1how w•r• ln'\Hum•nrol jn rohl.119 over Q ml Ilion dof1or.s fot MO 1n (u1n 19 !,ouu. Through ih• Jeon # opp,o,dmately 10� of the boll som•• 1ho team ho, ployed �o..,• bHn for choro,es u,c:h 1u Mu.u.1.110, Dy•troph., and the Jlmth)' Fund.
MD Telethon
Ed.die- urge.s 1h.ot you c.dd o chlldre-n'.t ho.s.pllol to the 1hln91 y-o.u nHc:f to go 1H Ofl you, ne ,o ,,u day, Ir w,11 no, only do 1he c:iilldton then a lo• of good, but yo1.1 <Ndl he.nellt ,ao.
Wasn't easy to produce far Willie Stein ConJ1de1 Jhe cue al !he King Eddi• Fe 19n•r, 1h• monarch of o four--man sohboll 1cam, wh.o hod pitched 560 no�hif. no•run gamu. ond won ove, 3000 gamH, Eddie is o tall, pow-erf'6lly bu1h mon with o crcrw cul and o yiu,11 tanned foe•. "It wos very diU1c:uh ,o COii him," soy, s,.,n. ··P.Gple 1 ju11 dldn 1 h.ove crew euh. O, H they did, 11,ey didn"1 hav♦ tanned foc:os. Or 1f 1h•1 aid, they wctcrn'1 roll, O, tf they w•te, the,i didn't hove. muse.lo, ,And we nooded two of theml ,.
Good Food & Old Friends
Eddie ,. c,11rrontly d...,elop1ng o .. P,o•Sofboll" Whtie o• Joe" Oe!'lpt-ey"i restouron, 1,. game. New York, h• golnad .some helpful lnfc,mollon tallung w11h h• s old fnend Joe Fon, Ew Governor of South Dakota oriJ o . president ol th• Amencon Fo.otboll Leoguo.
Joclc DempHy s. Realouronf, 196d
MIKE DOUGLAS SHOW, 1965 CLEVELAND. OHIO: Eddie Felqno, olrched to Sroolcs Robinson - bl,ndfoJdctf. fo, o 9051, tlie 9roo1 lhlrd bosemon wo1, bo1tlng with o pla.s11c: bo�. PHILADELPHIA, PA., In 1966 Eddie hammed ,, up w,d, t'1• 2000 yeor o1d man, Mel flr-oo�,.
STEVE ALLEN SHOW Eddie ,a master of o ciiffe1ont lc!nd or boll toe:> ond blln,Hc:>lded . H• bowl11td iilindfolded :a.51om11 Lau Comp, ot �he: N�w Yot� Co.H.leum while AMF offlCtah loolced on. Thi, wos nor easy on lhe l'IOfYe•I for fdd,o was al.o urid•, 1he wotcMuf ond cr1h«il •Y• ol F,onli Cfo11s•. fh• 01' Prof of lnu,uc-tlon.
In addition lo Johnny Carson's "TONIGHT,"
we hove done many TV Shows.
Remember the night Eddie pitched blind.
folded while Johnny Corson held o cigar
between his teeth os o target?
�ppe.artnQ ',"( t th "'l..l! In \Y'('l:TllOT buc•; i S.�ow a th� Nev, Ym..;. w,u ..,-,ry Interesting. Attar the ahov. one day .. 'l.au1e" aec.1cea ro: gavtr £odie a mm.a wltn n1a•d �lti::htnr; rouun•. Then, "Lasst•• hold the toll whHe 1h0Lln9 IU!nda With «Idle. n111 I■ tbe wa;• they CCl1QrtHI.Ueu:"d eac;h othe1 dnd thO\YOd,,:t fot lhc Qtho.r·, exc-epU.trrulJ trlci. perron:ri\nce!,.
"YOU ASKED FOR IT" Many of you wut r11.1uamb.t • ,,,,..,, r-,or• a90 whan An a.IC..,. Introduced th• 1:•am on the ahow, ..You A1ked Fer It • Edd.le ended th. HQlt:ftn1 by hh..tll\9 • dim.a au• pended �r tho plai. an■ thread. Thi,n. while com .>�J)' Ulndlclded he ltt;oei(.ed a St. Q[I c.J.gar OU.I o! .. ,umt man•, tt1outh. ne utc� �• r,o, an t.h• pboto �rephv e1\h-,. tddte clOH mony Utr.OI. OClllllllY hUUnQ tb• l'uthnet rlvht th• oar. Fh\AllV. Ort th. tit.Iii trv. h• llrUC� th• c.l.;11.r clean rtohl out of hJI llpt. ·1 vrov1d n■ver ba.l.Jave l ecnild h.t'-'il dona U lf I M.dn•t aeen Lt ct1 mm I "
Eldar faga.l fl•lt> lnt•tYl•w ed fddle •e�ntlr on h,s Sundoy momlng ptcg1on,. Ir you would I,�. more inforniotlon coocernrng his progrom, wrlle: Faith for Today, P. 0. Bo:a 8, New York 8, N. Y.
1964 - 65 - 66
BIii J<ehrer, Al Jackson, Je,,y Jo.rto, Joe.It Whttoker and Eddie Feigner or• shown oa 1hoy oppo�rod llofore their lnttoductlon or, the C.8.S. Sundoy Sports Spectoculai, Tho G•••• RAF ER JOHNSON, occo1hlon U. 5. Olympic: Champion, shoidnf hands wlfh E�1 .. (obovo left) aher 1h01 hod spoken of a Youth Con• ;reu in Lano Booc.h, C.allfomfo.
"l'VE GOT A SECRET" tddlo waa try-1n,; t"' hit tt.• •trlM "'one, U yO\J ra memDru I p1tch1n') to G.lrt h11ndI0Lda<2, an ..;ta.a• and cm ca1t1are 1rr.v1u J ih• ;aud11t11c:e. Once dur1n.J Ute proc ri�e HtaJcir. � p:;cn r.'Ol ,OWllY Hll2 t:r,to" Col if naudy t'llt tbe 411d qluue,d. Jr. er.q1o.eertno booth. Ulen boun::ed around down 1n tho ••oa. '•'-'ben ·ho octuol prQ?T'Dm Wlttil Q1'I "hlll CHI .. ·orj1tilf1Q wa• !ar renl. They rnavlfli all tha apeetotor• OU\ ot the tro111 l.1fff or towf!1Wlt.enrndtl\'8cam81il, Jt:1-lttnc••tll a l a1 oo ofton �tipl'nt With 1 Ffdh,ui=u\11 undl'r pros• aure, £::We !h,..w three au1�• raQnt gown tn• m1Cdl-,.
Coming soon on ABC "WIDE WORLD OF SPORTS" Eddi• chatting with Bob Borker on "TRUTH OR CONSEQUENCES"
4-MAN SOFTBALL CLUB Cypress Gardens Revisited
•• S.hboll Club'• •Muoi lour Is lht Flonda On• of 1h• mo�I mfoyoble Slops oo rhe 4• ., C,i prc-s.s GotBent. The Gaut.,u. kaVe a S-7eat mademltatl&n priigram wall undi;r woy. O,. rout n1x1 frlp to Flondo. y01.r o-wt It ,o )'01.:usolr io ,e.lox o, ,hs lino new focihhtM en1or tho waler show, pnd 1h1jll os 1h• D011 k11e S�ier 1oku to !ho ah Our ,h.,,�s 10 Red .McGuire ro, lhe beouJHuJ cover photos posed oJ lhe Cyp1es..s Go.rden,
PRICE 60 CENTS -.,,...._ Copyright Applieil'For • Printrd in U.S.A.
,� ��'°'"''