1956 Edition: The King and His Court Softball

Page 1

WHO DO YOU TBllU WON THIS CAM£?�' (Tiu, Xlnq end RU! Coun, 5 10 1) TW.a p1etu.te. was W.eo 1a the ·J'.ri-p.lata" boseboll park: Ill E1ngtu 1mton. New Yori:. It ahow3 the exact loeauon al C!.aCh hit and. r.oorlll the hlt.s, 11trlke ouu. l'lnd putou11. Olt•n • ,um tMI gttl m11ny beHn:innora fe!!ia that lt U dalo; vary ;ood. when actually, 100.k­ mg bac.k. ovar th& oame, they :l!la..llze tha1 they wera on t:.uea bUl J1dn"& K!Oflt :oo well.


YEARS 1'14b to 1%b

Attendance al games ......................... 8,021,000 MIies traveled ........., ....................... 1,680,000 Free Clinks conducted ................ , ............ 901 Total Berients ployed "Free".................... 2b5 Sta1es played in .....,.................................. 49 Canadian Provinces played ln ...................... 7 Foreign Tours ......................................... 32 Total games played against title holding ch-amplons .............. ,............. 30b



lmporbtnt Items in

Eddie's Pitching Record To1al go.mos pltchod lou Tlod


Total 1tt1li:��Qul• rllfoHmel Hlghe..s1 oweroge a,ulko•<Mlh ,>ot game for on• season C9 11'1111ng gomo Total no•hl t gome, i,hched ,. To,ol shu1•ou1 gcirnn pitched To1ol bauou pitched to bl!"dfs:dd11td Toral ba1tcr1 sttud-ouf blindfotd•d Total p•,fect gomeu


3.SIJ 301 J, 169 52,199 24 S01 948 9,251 7,533 ldS

W• ore tndtbled to LISTEN mago.tln• for the use of th• piclure ..,hich H,,t oi:ioeared on lta honr covor. LISTEN l.s o lournol of be1to1 llvlng, publlshod 1n !ho 1nt•t•1T1 c:if •c••md,c ,duc:ouon for the pte• Yetulo.n of alc.ohol11m and ticirc--otic1 oddlci1on. FOLLOW "THE PITCJ-IING SEQUENCE FROM RIGHT TO LEFT (1) Miko tell• Edd•• 1,tonch. bane, who,o ('2 Mike 1en and Ecid,e ,ro-,u. wlndvp. (31 Ju,• before Edd, .. i,ltches, Mllte Is 1n ooi.• 1110n 'o• o fr•ld ball, l:nd 1tand1 Meo, to p,01ec1 blindfole1ad Eddie.

Aftu o 19S0 vamo 01 Klesler Air Fore• Boa•, the you,hrut or1glnol 1eom posed al tho V•n Ho•p., B1la.:1, Min.


World War II had run •it, cours e, and Wolle W1fl1, Wa..hington. wai heading bat.k ,o nomu1lcy in 1he spring of 19�6. Eddie Feigner, •n energellc, stra.ng•arme.d young mnn who hod excelled as e •ohball pltchor before tho w•r •nd In the Marine$. was home •g•in buzzing hi> fnt boll by home town baller's.

Thero wos one thing obout Fe igner. He had o world at confldenai in himself •nd his ability 10 pitch • softball, Whenever onyone hurled o chal­ longe al 1hi• lod in his ooriy 20's. he h•d an lmmedl•te taker. Playing in en early spring leag1Je, Feigner and a loc:al uum of n1ne- men were running up -a lop-, ,ide-d KOl'e Tn n game against a team in Pendle100, Oregon Others on the te•m were Mike Melllke, Ml!ode l<inn,r, and Ken White, Eddie's team won the game by • whopping score but afterword hi, ,klJI as a "hat ahot" softball pitcher wa5 challenged. ThiJ wa1 100 much for rhe "King" who brazenly onnounced, "I will chal­ lenge you ro a game and use onfy lhree other player•: a atcher, • shortstop , and • flm ba,e­ mon. The rca,on I ne-ed four It because you would probably walk ua bath ,f I ''"' u,ed my catcher.• On the 1rip home ro Walla Walla, Mike a,lced 1h• lN TH.IS SOUVtSrR PROGRAM, you wlll rend about many th1�•· Much nu been wnttcm 1bow1 mr pllc:hmq ro-­ ectd. $.o!'d1.U-.etomlk4.boutsoml!lhmQ d.l.f.lanmt - the nvtll pla}"et& and tne fan1. Wuhou, you Um• naturally u,o K.ln; 11nd au Coun would. ravl!1 ha\ff! 1i:rV1ved . Wall ovor auc mUIJoo of yo� b:ave .shc.wn. faltb 1n tht! four-Ma:n Souh.iU Tear. aiui 1 wan, yo.u to "-now u u roelly appn,.c.1nted. We like to feel ti'lat you !an1 1,r11 .bi.o:nds o1 ours. Re11erd.in9 the tean:J and pl ayer• who aupply tho oppoemon !or our U1om ihu la • r,i1CK1p ot rran de­ •arvtno 111uch pras.n. Afi�r ell, t.liey are line: s.o.!t.haU ployma Jn th•lr own riqht. Sornottmo.t dunnr,i our oamo


Eddi• Folgnor, il<ing of Sohboll , i• cunently d•­ monstralln9 1ho t.ome degree or profeulonal 1:kJII ond pr echlon In th• fleld of buslnou orijonhatlon, m0m;1gomon1. ond ml•mahoo,d f,oonc,ng os h,s Ion• hove wllnnud on ,.,e ball diamond durln; the paal 1wonty•on11 years. Under Eddie Foi;n-.r ond Asaoc• fates, he ho� orgoniu.d oncf welded to;oth•t o dyncm1c. busJnoss 100-m of ••coptlonally copobfc profus,ignal men, f1nanc1ers, and managemen t pet• aonnel. They ore e.xocu1ln9 Eddle'.a. man)' ond vculed plans. You'll soon be J,•ann; ma,o abauf this new Eddi• Felo"., Tea m.

Inevitabl e quesrion� 'Well, Ed has committed us.. What do wo do now?"

The l.eom requested pe.rmlSS1on of the auJhontle.s al the Washlngron Stat" Prison 10 play on Inmate team. The requo•1 wos granled, Wlth o hl9h wall vs o backdrop ond the cvrlous lnmaros looking on, th� Original King and His Court um& lnro being. One week fater the Initial four veraui nine game wa, played. Although 1he game had not been publicized, over 400 fan, were on hand, Feigner, who rank, with 1he grcatesl 1oftball pitchers in hluory, ro1e to 1he oa::asion. In ieven rnnings: he pllched a perfoct game •nd 11ruek ovt 19 batl'er,-. One b11II wu hit to lhe short.1ifop 1omd one to the fir1t baserruin. The final score wo:s 7-0 In favor of the four-man Icnm.. Then the King and His Cour-1 hlr for the circuit. Since then, as sport Fant the world owu know, ,he King and HI, Court hav"e been on tour each seaion th,oughour lhe United Stole, and Canada. h has. bean exc:htng ond profitable, Playing a, many games 4S malor Je.ague teams, rhe men make :ielerle1 better than many baiebnllcn under lhe "big top." And •• Jerry Jones, who 1oined 1h• Cour1 In t 9.49 says, 'We hnve to run only 60 feel lO f1r-s.i bHe, and gel to bot every inning .... they ere •ubJact.ed to o IJltlo of whot II c.l led "1.orH ploy. Bu1 t.ha \ntenuo:n Ui never- tom.tkee ployar look bod. Afte:t all, whon • ml'ln offershJ.s services :opl.ay, we have n.othm",1 tiut ra•µti:& for btm, InaU o.ir YoOrl, our r•lauo-01 with t.eaJru1 hu bee:nQOOd. lnmostcJUes when uaveJ piormlLI, w-. 11per.d ,om11 Ume l'Lfutr eo.ch 9111'!'!1!' with tl1-'-- apflOlln-"7 tum o.nd the 1pon•on of Ul� ._eimo. To 1110w •dded apprectauao for the amsfdgr­ attcr. qh••n :a: wtt'd Wu.- both farts ar.d riva1 playea ellke to know tha.t we •1notra1yap-p.1o-ca1to tho port thoy havo pl•�d tn ff\At1inv �h• EJnQ anri. Ha Court th• sue­ con thot Jl 11,

Dick Wilson, Bustnou Mgr, fo, Eddie felgn•r P,od • vc1ion1 is ahown m !he duvout whh his boo dis• cu.nlno plans and putble:ms.

DOWN U N D ER P1c:hm:: ul obovo ta another fomout. rou,,ng olhlere, .Joel Kromer. He and Eddio have pooled tholr contac:1• ond ore plann,n9 ci ••• .....M toc,r of Avatrolio ,with the four mon team. 0

' greotet.1 benefoGtors; Harold Engelhordt one of 1,oftballs , r ,, p1c:h1rod w,th th e teom upon th• occo.11on ol presenting them with lndlvidl.lol ffophlu foJ boln9 "Sohbolt '• Gr.e.01e1,J 1eam - Show - and Drawing Cord.•· In tho po1t 14 years he. hrn 1,ponHred th• team on 20 different occ:011on1, ,o, o t.tondin;t room only crowd in lndlonooolla, lndJono. The Dearborn Hotel, bot.ketholl, 011d be,ng Q aohboll comm1:n1on• et, make Harold', 11,0 happy ond rvll.

PAKISTAN VISIT The Unn.ea State& Oeµonmem: of Stat:e &em tddl,s to Pakistan In November. J 9Sii, to coach softbdll ot each oflhe Paku ion Army and Air Force bcu.es Mllltor,.· ccademlee 1nd eollegoe throoqh­ out E:ast .and West Pak1uan. The Paklotanls anloyad th� qaan, of softball and seemed toundorstund evon though EdcU.e talkod tmougn an 1nterpro.ter to most of lhE! 14, O0u t!lth­ letea he coached during the 1rtp. •tJo.u U ,I.,.U• HY); U411_i llt..P t:hd=- ;:f ha;nu, on Mt C,x:j WW bu f.t:r II• ¥:•!• 0.11�1:n.t. � nll .,...,,.,u­ ... i:•• ,1¢ n u 111·1• lw, c»ti•,tllnt 11-.. ,♦ 1:11.Udtfll • t U • IUl'IJ' ,e."lo<tb •wt1il lM" =tir-U , lbrt,,, ;.,. -• 1'1l t11pw_..,.•�l;a l�1 ti:;irru-y ::s;¢-.! ::z: ltu im:i laartlMI u ,.a .tr.::! W1 'la � , L-,t


•• •flT �� ,t,i:rsue• ,oune,1er . •a.t to � ,Vail �­ cc:-: ycr., ·n Ji,,a 01ir;• 11;­ •ll•I t:-;,ecir,l1 Uta watt:«JS, -'• Jnw.. i:.l!l:q u. 11.Uy cl lha Go.;.J /Jct: !.Jl.ttCI IJ.t..- t!ce i.,,.o,, ·ru1· ·o"' 1-.1uiMi«" u .,woM u "'"c .,. •11r all\C)�• IA'♦ Ill ♦ l!Mf ,1■1.:Jhl::iu1a.

THE KING'S PITCHING SAVVY UNDIMINISHED l'l•lot IA•"""' •I J-J H )l!'l -I•• " ••P.-"•4 f-'.t • �,. ,,..,.. ■I w,... 1,1.,,.,, ,.1 ,.,...,,.... r .,,. .,, .., 11,,. ''Jil.t+•" t... •a..4, "I'�• ••,..•ti, I 1■ •'-• ,a.i •• h ..,, •,,.. ,,_, i,t•l'••.I 01 lfj) , •• U•,• I jl+• ICl•1 10\ll II I C. ,.0 1 11•11" 1n111 IIIIQIIIJU 1ft 0..l-.111 II 1!,11 llfll•. 4 -ii• 1•••••• '• .,,.., 1 I,., •"• 1'• ,, 1, "Mr..._ • ..,. II•••" r, .-, .. 1f •--•••• ••�• (i"t· ..... T.,..,., ••1--lo• • ,-••.--4 .-iu •t••I' •�• "• , d•hd II llo1 "'" ••• t•••l•lf ••ll"al! pit..•••• JM•U11t ... , .. lt•11of 111 tJJ_ j •I-•" f,1,1111 11ftl lo�t ,l,11-11 Ccwtt ltllll •••M l+ tc,..._ tit ..... "II fltl.1• tlUI/ It --f'�• I Ao 11 , Q 11-,1 O,.J ,.•�•- I a-• •i, f..ij,. lo•t ot• •1•1!,,.., ti,, 11,,...•"'' Twu,,, .......,...... ,,.,.. ,, .,IJ, I•• Alli,-,., f•""· !•1••t1lu1 - tl-1 tl\111 ,... tf I J: ,_.) llaulOI \IOI II •It• I 11!1 .... , •�• I�,, u--1,,.. h ••• ,,,.,. hl•,"il h,1 llw ,_. ::0.,00 •-••"'• ........ 1111, w.... ,,•.,,-.. ",-., • ,I,-., I'"II ' ,,..,,,,.., 111ol .;,.,.....,,1 11 11'11 u-• -,ltw4 • ••!� fl-fl"4 ,.,. .... r,.. •• ,.,.u,ti, ·-.�. ,..., •-• ,.,, "'"" " ,. ,..., ••• ,.�..., ·� , .... i.1,,.... ... ""' �- .... u ,..... ,1,,l,.,j , .. ..i ,m,, �., 11, ._._,..� hi J, ,-. ,,.,.,.111 111•-•ut• G-,1...,, !I 11, 11,, -...., .... ..,. ,., •iI i ............. I• u., J!••· P,ll>ftf• ,.. _ & •• .._ �... ,. "'11dr, 1tn•, ,_fa'°I WIiii•- •-••14 • lll)l!'rl" rot.,•• 1•11'1,.1, IJ1 ,..., ..,,., Q.,1.,," 1111• -11•1 ""'' 1■11hll P'IIIII••• ,,,,. M1.,111•, '"''""-•4 ei!t ••,-,,11.l/11• ..,.. • la I f�1 II! ""• J,f!li, lf1•1 •T1 lo11111t 91'.lj �.. .t.f {.-..,,•• ...,II t.11.. , 81 ..u l!le.,11n1. •••••4 1•111"'" J.,. • 1 ...,1. la 1t11+.r •ha, l,..,, ,.;i �..., l••l•.1 alf I••• 111ct•o. '• on•• •■I 1,u.a9 f,._ IH Wu l !tau It tfi• Ii-.


� ... 1•1 a... llt� 4,,I • .._,.,,c.!$li1• ,.ti _.,. ,.,_ ,...,,...i I- •j,,• C•f•h, '••• ;,11t ,-, •■t ••..ch•I f•r • ..,.,, af .._. ,.,,.., lot th f '"f't ,t. ..1,1:11• w..,� -iisS,11, ....,,. • ,.,. ,r "'•'" •, , ,, , ..........., •I Ju\1• 1' 1,,1111 ,,..., .,_. •• ft• at 111 ull 111,1 111.1111 lltlltl llal a,• tl+a H�•"•l.,11,"J ■"'ft'_.., ti+9o i,. .-1,..,ld tHlb .._, IJ. ha dht. �•• rn . t."i••• J • ff,,,,ri., 1111••11 111 �. • liu ..,,,. '*'• ,.,_, •••• H.,,,,1o. • •••·••- All,A""...,.."", -•·... _,, af th, �4, '•• ,._ -�- Tl,1,1 ._,., ••• I lllw" ••m••ll u 11,.,.;_._1, ..,, ..M,l"t ..-.1 •. ll•n••• ..,,. ......1o.,. t.1.,4 11.1....,,1 1111 o-•• , .. , 11, ..,..., .r ,,• It -·· ., .-.-,., .. . 11 ,,. 1.11, •••I""' t•tnwlll 11., l,i.,,_,,. •• )I 1•••• h au,,,...,, , ll,, l>••I•"' ti!• ..•••• .. •11 _,. ,,..,,,., 11-• •911•1•, +a, 04;., 1U 11 1ltaf •-•• � •• ►11!0,.., •II- r,lt,.•· -1...-1,,otll la Ill•' ..., "lt,H•t ul!!'-•'•'"'• ·�" -"•"' '"' -"·•·' ., •►• ..1,...11 ,_... l-.111,I ...... lo+, ·"•'·.,. ltld ,.,,.,,... �1...,..11 ..., • lltas.11.-. �· •I-• ....... F,,, ........., 11lt■•• ..uh Ith ,he•,_,,, 1111■' 1lt,1 he t.11 ""'"' 1,- ,k, aat1._,,.,, ...,1


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l1"c• ,.,., ''"'' "• ,._, •11rl-•• ... ,,,- ., QOC .,._, ""•• ,.._..,,_... no-,1.. , _..1111,, . .... "-• ,,,....,� '"' -.--. '"'-"' ,a.m "•"•·• H, 11 ..--, It ,iii!,,,.,.11,tsl-u .,,; u,.e t.11�■,, •1 1 �.,ttt, ,�11 ,+..,., •• .,..,., .. I"" 11,• cu,-.i •111lct,-.'• 11.ti•t ,1 "4,c■11u •"-•• ..o.,111111, 'IT l o,,,." "411 .,ul •• ._,r t11ce� ,-,.,a,1 •• UM -1!u I'" "•..r, O.,i 111 •ll� Tll, ,0., • ., ..1,1 , ,,.,.. ,,.,.. ,�,• lw'!I 1111t-" u ,.,., •• • ·-· '"lclll!lff !'lie• ... •tt ..,,••, uatt ,..·11 ...... ..._ •II.,.... fllfllt•11•I"• It. '-u • 14•,•-ll ,,,. •'- • I-•,, _.•11••1111, T►1 ko11ij 111'1111 tiu c...n .. 1;1 Ila ., •....,. 1,, •-• ......

McCJII, No. 2' cl•onup hluer, rips hi• ho, ro the crowd ohe,- hlrtln9 anorh•r home run. Jina congroh,lotes Woyne o.s hct prepo,es to 11ort ii off ogoln. Court m•mbe,.s hove ove, 2.S00 rimn a, bat In o seoson.



Wayne Mc::Gill, rt•wnt n,emb•r of the famous linle taom. h two1ity-two yea,, of age. He played bo�e­ ball 01 Cati Hayden Hli;h Schoolt Phoenlxt' Arh.onot oncf 11roduolod from Colon 1ol H,vh, Orlando, Flondci.

Wayrh! acuvcd faur 1eou ,n th• U.S. Mar,n• Corps en an ln•t•vdor. Now, with hla ml lltory obllgation be.fund him, he looks forward TO many y.a11s wnh ihe team.

Tl\010 6ooui1ru1 Whlto- LC!af�tir SJo•vocs Jo:l{ota y,n, S-t-9 th� foAm WIUIUM-11,j;eJ� 1uppl1.-U t)y: LASLLY KlllTT!l:G COMPANY lil f•cUon !oMtle, We,htnQtor.




Al Jackson, our team c-ap1oin, •• playing in hi1 elghrh uoion. Al hos ,ho dlstinotian of bolno 1h11 flr,t membot added to th o foam 01. o rogulor whon rha orig,nol d-,man r•am .tto,ted b,oall.,ng up. Although o Hui haumon by trodo, Al I• oho o fine core$,., oncf boc:h tip Jim fn thot deportment.

Al 11 In ue.o1 euote In aucu:loHan wf1h Eddlo Foigno, Proch,c1ion1, Inc. Ho wlll b♦ 1tor)' lnler­ eued In ralk,ng w1fh you if you are con1.1d1111ng: maYlng wet,I to Southern ColHo,nh1 In 1he noor fu1u1e - whe,he, 1n ,o,ltemen1 uat1,1.J, or 1n fuu •cu,i(Jn; now harhont. H� wHl bo happy to gtv• you the por1,culots an u1me g·oad' inYoa!monta. in lond. H• con oho glYo you a lud Of'! opportunities in a varlo1y or b-.,slno•• vont -.,r os. Al moko.a hi, off-•eason home 1n Toronto, (of)ado. A native New Englorider, Al grew 10 become a 6" 1•• bo;ketboll stat bofon playlng b01ebolJ o-nd lo1or faining tho 4-fflon toam.. Jackson hos ownod lnlor olf In o suing of thoroughluod race horH1,. During : tho racing ._oason, you con be .11ure fie Is nol for from the rraclt-• his first lovo. He has olso hod )'ear• ol expedenco running toUourdnU and night• cluh.a.


Wh.m Al first jorn•d tJ,o leom, he woa slrlctly a slnglu, high 1aruntog• h1t1or. Now, while .still molntalnlng ci high boulng o<veroge, h• come• In lo, his Jhare of home ,vns. He ts on o.s1u10 s.whch­ hllter, Y GJJ may ,ecalt tho-t Al hit two ham" n.,ns on •och o( th• 196.f on.cl 196S CBS Spo,tJ Spoc• toculora. Sec.auu Al was a fan aF Ted Wllllom1, olso o �un studont of T•d's hltHno philosophy, he- Is lndls• ponsahle ,n holplng t'1o n11w loom m•mbors o dlu•t th•n hitting tt)'lu to the 190 od� di-He,.-nt p1tcho,s ,ve m.ual face ooch seo1on. Compl•toly Waahoblo, Calo,-Fcn,t Un,rorm_,, 1i1thh the sta,s do•n Jlte legs worn by thct Couff ere sttpplled by�

Powers Manufacturing Compa11y Wnterloo Iowa R.

M. Su,,ace. Company Rep.



Jrn, ha• roce1ved hh degroo from CalU0u1lo Stat.­ College In Loni! Oeoch ond ,s worlt,ng rowauf h i• Moster'• dogue at sam•. He ola-o hos his neden1lala fo1 coochlng, 1hl• ia Jim"s socond )'ear with tho Cau,r. His reco,d lost yeot indic:otu h• ,• o conahront hiller. Twenty. fow yeoo old, 11 1 II a,nglo, one tw i ce All Ame.neon. Jim adds lo hi• 1Hle-llke 1hrow, � h i gh . ave1oge ••,mc.h-hlfting olllllfy. "H. , 1hc 1dool fead--(JH h1t1or in 1h11 world"• ha,deu hlning h rtc--up"\ clairtu Eddi• •ntl1us1os1lcolly, Tt,• "'Funny Mon .. on 1he teem, J1m• s. .Slc:;idy sheom or 1unn1n11 commonu fo 1h• bortor 1md umpn• ore c conslont tou.rco of amu 1,omen,. Unfo,1una1.ly. much of 1hu. It lo1t 10 rhe ggy and no,ay crowd. Jim ,colly onfoy11 c.a1cJilng for the Cou,,. Lon9 Boach, Caflfarnia is whote Ji m rnoku, hh home. Ht' •ntov,. c-ooc /, 1n9 during rhe oH HcnOTI. S,n,::. Jim h onJ)I In h,1, eo,ly ,..,•nllH, he hopet 10 U• man'( years of ca1d,1r,g fo, rho Coutl. tie'II c.otc.h l<Tng Eddh� t o the end ol hi,. co.tu,. Th em. oa Pfinc..e Edd�• pick-I up rhc old softball to c.auy forward fho trodirion and legend c1eo1ed by his fothe. ,. Jlit1 wlU still b. thc.,e C"orch 111 1,. King Eddie soys, ••As 11 looks from hare, Pr,nc:o Edd,e w•fl be my J,UCCHJGr O_J, 'King or the HIii' and Jim wlll be hh c.11chet."' Ou, Beautiful £Hue Hot Wea,.,., Jackets W,th Att,ocqv,e Loitcirtng wue ru,nish•d to ut b.y

Bulwln Sportswear and Minnesota Emblfng Company

Finch Bullciin9, St. Poul, Minnei.Ofa

Cou,, member, develop the11 ,lt.tj• tn mon7 li no,. Dunn-; th•it )'oarfy s.1op al Dick Pope'• beaut,lut Cypteu Oa,dttn1-, th� Cown en10:,• boav1y 1 w.ate, •'drn;, ond ,elaxolion. If you hawe.n'I u•n th ie C1pr e.s� Corden.1. tat•l'r, y-ov ahould 90 ue II ogo,n.

In addition to Johnny Carson's "TONIGHT" we hove done many other--


Appearlng w l th "'Uls11e·• In Werner Buck's Sportsman Show ot th.o Nav.· Yor� Colbeum waa vary t nteresttng. After the. show one day. "l.a.&sl@'' decldad to q:lve &dd1e a hand with h11 bl.lndfoldc,d pitching rouuna. Then, .. lassie .. hoJd tbo ball while m•�lnQ hand& wtth !:ddle. Th11 lhe way lhDy c:OTI9rat.ulated <ech other and .thowed reepe-at for the other' 1 o.xceptlonal lrtck performances,



M.anycir you will 1(u'Jleniber .- few yeau e-;o whon Ar1 Sa.leer lnttodu.cad tho tlt'lm on the ahow ,, ·You A1kad ror '" lt . Edi:he e.nde-:J lhll 1aar.1ent by hUUnq a dime cut­ pe.ndi!d over the plete on• \hteod. The-n., whUe com­ plttoly bUr.d!ol.dl!d. h• kn.octod o Si.0C c:.l..gar out of a 1-tunt man'• l'!\OUth. � uio.k wa., not In the pho:o• graphy either. Cdd.t.e ca.m:• clot• m.einy U.1ruH. ec-cually h..tttl.nQ Ult football liolmH rtqht on th• e11r. finally. on :ne 18th uy, he .strucc.. tM- ot,;a : elon rloht c-ut cl hb ltpa. • 1 would never believe t oou.ld have done u ll T nl'ldn't 1een u or. 111ml •

Eddie struck Steve out too! on the "STEVE ALLEN SHOW" MIKE DOUGLAS SHOW

Tho Oroa1 RAFER JOHNSON, dcca1hlon U.S. Olymph:. Champion, �11oking: honds with Eddi• (ohov• lehJ o'1of they hod • paken QI o Youth Corl· gr.HJ lrt Lon9 Beo.c.h Collforn¥a.

"Faith lor Today" TV program

Eld er FogoJ ( ,...."1) lnte,vl•wcd Eddie 1ecttntl on hi• t Sutidoy morning pro9ram. If )"OU Would II • more Information c-oncemln9 hi-$ ;uogratn, wrhe: Foith for Todov. ?.0. Bo,c 8, No• York 8, N. Y.

CLEVELAND, OHIOi Eddie Fel;net pi1ched lo For Q gog, the Btc:ioks Robin•on -blin dfolded. ;r•o• rhitd b.osema.n wos ba1tln9 with o plostlc bot,

SPECTACULAR 1964-65 BIii K.h,er, Al Jorhot1, Jerrt Jonu, Ja.ck Whltaku on.d Eddi• F•ignor ore shown as they appeared before their lnnoducrlon on th!! C.B.S. Sunday Sporn Specracular.

-l'VE GOT A SECRET" tcd1• �8 trylnq lQ hit !hD ttU:: ...on�. IJ yes,.. ra­ .roeailie.t, p1tcl11n9 :o Gory l:.Um:i!oldo-:t, an 1togo al".d on Clll'T':e. ra, :.award tr.a •udlnn:;-,i, Cnce ounrrq .he pr.:u:­ tJe,. H.Ja1on a pl� ,;ot .owev end the t.c,11 neatly hlt ttto c:1metD end 11l11a1aci 1r, en:;;mee:mi; bQo111 1 men bc:Nr.:ed around do\\-n 1n �tlP aat1. Wheti l.ho oetoitl proqram wont on the, 1lr evcuythlng wa.s :o.r re11l. nt■Y 1n.ovei1 a.Jr, the tvoc:.atott O\lt o( tho t.ronl thR!.e cr1outtO\\"tbehlndtP',ecame-ro, Ju-11tln::o••I 8Ul •• 10 OflOf\ happerui With� p1ofa1-11onal under prM­ llUr •• .tdd.Jt thiq:w t.hrtt .strike• ltQhl down the r1.d:I!-,.

Coming SO<)n on ABC "WIDE WORLD OF SPORTS" Eddie chatting with Bob Barker on "TRUTH OR CONSEQUENCES"

We play o heavy 200 game schedule - Our linE!•up is os follows: JIM HERRICK (front) Catcher

AL JACKSON (kneeling right) First Ba-Se EDDIE the King FEIGNER (kneeling left) Pilcher WAYNE McGILL (slonding behind) Sharl Stop

Occasionally we play in Las Vegas - a ball game, thal Is! All men hov!! a compell1na dt ..,e- 10 gomblo. Union you hove grool n1f•c:onuol, II i• a dangerous hobhy . Ballets .-ho o1ta9•r th•y con gel o h,f oH Edd 11, ere ploying II dongetoualy tt:10. Eddie wll I soon appno1 doing his 01tc:h1ng show wh.,e ony boilu who f•eh he con ;e1 o h11 c-an ptoce o wage, and th,r, houa.e wlll ;Ive hi,.. odd.to. If )'OU ar• 0111 Lo1, V•goa way while Eddi• , .. doing >tis .show, t1y 11,f! e4$V way to PQY for rovr vocorial"I, All yo1,1 •1lt l,.ov• 10 do i• gel th,e� hits out of 1hru p, tc tie•. Prctu,ed leh, Eddie a"'d Mu. Feign••• At and hh lov•ly wife, Lorna� Olt1tn9 •,qth Lady Luci.- cit Oiomor1d Jim's.

EllJIIIIIJ ffJJ Gfl!Jl& fP

·ALt 81�uitJ"

Outline of Pu11Jose, Objectives, and Admission Requirements THE HOME OF THE �ING AND HIS COURT ORICINAL KIHCCOURT "'A!.L SPORTS' UNI V­ ERSITY wdl hgve Hs mo,n camp-u� an the •ho1H of Lal.co E11.,nor• with autlrlng comt>uJci, In Paumo Velie)' .at1d 01her !.ou,he,n Caluomra loc11:Hans. In thf' word.1 ot the Duecto• o, thtt Pru• ldon•'• Council on PhyaicaJ f,1neu, ''On• of thuo sttould be 1usl outstde eYe,y ma1� U.S. c••t ".

THE PURPOSES OF KIHCCOURT UNIVERSITY ARE; To provide un en-.,1,onmonl conducl 'f'e io th• budding ol h,ih sp111tuol 1 moral, ond phyt.1c0I mo1u111y or each 11ude111 lh,ough the obse,vonce of rvlu on th• cildeuc field. To 1n111II tn each bor and gul a ut'lse ot conllde"c•. wh1d, wlll 11:1nable thon-1 fa roae:h !heir full potont,ol and OJ'lill them lri �echng oll tit1.1ot1ons 1hro1.1gho1.1f llfe . To o.u.lsl In the bulldlng ol the American lmo9e world•w1de through th.- Olympic, ond other ne•h Ir, 1he c11hietlc field. THE OBJECTIVES OF KINGCOURT UNIVERSIT1' ARE: To provld• o full t;,•C'frum In th• cho1c• of ,ports. To te'll·aaf and dev•lop, hidd•" a1hl•tlc­ tolenh ond !hen to proparl� chonnel lhese tolanh. To enco"ro9,- •tudenh with catnme,c,ol potent, ol ro 1eoch a de..gtee or p1of1cle11c)I so en to prov,dtt o fh,elihood ,n the sport o( 1he1t c:ho1c•. Ta rn• a.dc:ore- !" each stud•nl, 1t1rough eKOn,ple ••.,!J,hln rhe U"J.,ersliv� trohs of leod•uh lP, good •ports• man.ship, end h,;h moral p\lrpou . To prov1d11 o IQurl11 ou,action. - Home oJ the fOl"IO\U Fout•Mon Tao"', Tho K,n9 cmd Hf• Court.

METl100S Of' ACHIEVING THESE OBJECTIVES, Eoeh ,1udet11 wHI bf! g,•e.n a thorough ph',tkol and mental e,comir,olion. Baud on th• llnd,ngs of thuo te•'•• they wdl be 1utod othlotlcall.,- , 1n o $C1etl• rifle monne,, which wlll ii:noble the staff to propeily guide th•m tnlQc ,h, spon wher••n thoy c<1n \Jocomo oftclent. To pe1r,,1t cio,,-cipotlcl'l bv e.,e,_, ,no.s, i. ehg1b • c:hild t tho cu-rric-ulum will be: progn:zmmod 10 petmH o student to enter fot a ""eek, month, quart•r or yea,. THE CANDIDATES ARE· Any b-o)' o, 9111 of .school ogt! o, oldtn .,he q1,1ollf,t� on result, "' an e,ght haur- •eside.nt �lin1c ond 1e-.1ln9 •C!·:u 1on. Ant bay o, g,,1 or .cho-ol cg• 01 older wt-to belle¥H. Ot whc,u oar en1, 01 g_ucndlans b•l1011e, hoa the othleHc abdlty and �o• a ••nc,.uo 6111110 to develop th,, relent to ,u lullut po1en1iol. fhou, who fo, aco.demic reason,, conno1 quol!(y fo1 oruenllY Q"IJ01loblo grade, high H-hool c, college factlifl�

TI1on who qual,ty accQ.Jdme to th• abovo but loci-: 1he Oll)CO•sory rundi moy quallfr ,,rnder terms ,., fonh unde, Fees, Tu1uons , Grona, Sponso,sli,ps, o.nd Scholc,sJ,lp.,.

In 1uldH, an ro d,!! .staff or .some 150, the Un,,.eu.111 w, fl hove ono or two gue1-t c0oclie1 •och w•ok from over-, l"f>Otf In rho world ,o that c,nyane do•4rlno eooch1n9 from ony �oec1ol lndudduol r,eed onlJ opply and nme ,hen voconon ,o bo o, ,he Uri• h•111•lly •hf' """••I.. th• famPV'I- cood-1 •• th.,•.

Ov("• 237 1porh wlII b• ploy•d -:,nd •ouvhr thtou9hout o l wolve month calondo, yea,. and doily clonu- In 1he thitleen 1pcuh 1h01 cne ntcy bec-ocrt� c-ommltf"<.101 lp r oleuiono l on;! corn thoh lhdng by II> plus tho•• !hot only w-a..nf to ,mFtove thf111 amoteut gomc.

'111lil!tV11:a•itYTf PRO-BALL

A, o retuh or Eddie Foi9n•-' 1 twenty-one- yean. on th1 rood rali.iny wdh thou•onch of manage,, and •ponJ.011- and In .,;lew of lhe fact tho, the 111lno1 l1t0guc bose.ooll systen, ho, collopnd, tho Pto• feuional Fa,1hall Auocfotfon ol wlte Wodd. lne. .,01 bc•rt formed, Through 1he office of the Com• m1's,ono,. o, toon os the laws and rogulo1 on, «o-gord lng the new p1of•ulonol sport are e.ompl,,sd with, hondnu-.. will be o.olloble ,n some 200 ctho, lrt !he U.S. ond opprorimotoly ten c:ltle• an each of ,ho continen11.

PURPOSE: Proross1onal Fo•tboll tu.a beef'! de..s19ned fO fill a need fa, an o.1;anued pfofusionat •polt o� 1he lo.cal lev•I n wh,ch t he opportunity 10 ponlc,pote w!II be ma.do .avadob1e to the more thon four milllon gtoduotes ol Utile l•ogue, Pony Lea;ue. amateur ,aftboll, and recreo11onol lcam1..

OBJECTIVES Of PROFESSIONAL FASTBALL: To give lhe •porfl hrn o 101,t movln; a.ncl entet• talnlm3 boII game. To a Hord the hanehi u holdet cm opporh.in1fy to OfNUOle o cl1,1b ptof,tobly 1hro11gh tho 80 doy playJr,g- seoson in which the ove1Qge ployet• will oorn S5, 000 ond 1ho •up•r•uar could concelvablv 00"1 $25,000. To creole -on wtlet 101 1alen1ed ball ;iloyeu whoroby th• ph::iyot can eattl a 11.,,n; w,1h h,t God-give" rol•nu. and If he d esiru. fu,lher his education,

METHOD OF ACHIEVIIIG OBJECTI VES . Th• following or• minor i:hange..s n 1he eJ11tT1ng bosehall ancl ,;of1ball t\.llu: Tho pi1che, and bo1tc.t will be ollow•d tfir•e ll} ba1I• - thte• rJI slrtku os oppond to four (A) bolls - thr-ee t3J �tdlte > undo, p t a se nl ,ult!'s. 2. Ther• will not be c boUc r1.1le. J. There wdl b• no ptrcha• ruled ,ll egol. 4. ihctr WI II be o le.od•oH oltowed bou '"""•'•· 5. The foul tertttary, will bo llmil•d to o 11)1 (6J iool wide foul Ian• down both fltst and third haS!! tinu . . 6. Dialanco f,om plicho,'• mound lo home plate1 oncl betw•on boos will be mo.d,fled and mode vntform, Home•un dlsto,,ce wlll be uniform from parlt ,o patlic. Then cliongu WI II spead up th• ;om• and moke 11 mote ,n,ec,e,tlng ond. .enr•rtain•ng (p� ,he ton.


The organnoucm ol the 1eog..uu under the Com• mluia.neu Office wlll gi"'• th• f,anch,u hol d:111 the help. 9u1 donct, and ouutanu which should ouure on •nloyoble and p1ofltable ouoc.iotfon, By ut\lu1n:g: on e,gh1y gam.e ploying 1cli.-dula from lore- Mor 1h.tough -Auguat, :any 1o l.--,1e d ph11er may, If ._llllng to forego h1• omoreur stondin;, earn hit way •hr--oug.h c-c 11 ege.

CANDIOATES FOR PROFESSIONAL FASTBALL TEAMS ARE Any porn1n po�e•••n 9 the necestOf)' •l<tlt and tal•n1.

SOME SOURCES OF THESE CANOIOATES ARE, College- ond high s.chaol ployen, amat�u, al'\d ••ml•pto plc1yor1, g,odvoi ... ol orgoni::e.d ycuth ledgues, maj o• ond m,no, loa;u• olim•n•e-..

To this. ttnd, the First Annual P,ofeulon ol Foslball A•-..oc1ot1on, Inc-.. cochat1t,on ""'' II be hold on Oc1obe1 20, 1966, In the Mtdwut. 9.,(c110 1h11 date you may o1uoin o cornple1• btoctiur• on A.mer,eo's. n•west P*ofes�lonol Sport. The, bJocl11.1te •ill uploan ho• )'OU: mo)' q-ualdy oa o fronchi•• holdllt , c c-onc-eu, ano,r•, the t1yout1 and quollf1os,,on, for plo1•rt. leogu• otg.anu.oUon ond all da!a pettinenl to P,ofus,onol F�,1�11.

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