1961 Edition: The King and His Court Softball

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Four Men


Compile an Amazing Record F.aldic. Al, lrrry, :m�l �1ikc a.re mo,lcn nu"n: lmt just 1i..k 1hrm .L1>Ulll their eap:1blht1ct :imJ he, ltd ln thc:1mchc, ,uu.l 1ht'�' will �l\'C yuu 1hcar time hontJrcd comment: "'\\Tc play :iJ\) tc:i.m • .anywhc : re :n :111) 11mc. .ini1 we m��t nu cxrcptlans to rlti, rule. l:i1y. Sl.Hr, Rt'J;tionn1 or c\'cn \Vor-1.U Ch:1 111 1,-. ion► - all nn: wdcomc to rhallcn�c ,n to ;i J,lllmC, �o c.hnllen�c- will C\'t'f be turnal dnwu.'' The K,o� aml Hi, Coun lmc op<r•tctl that w-ia) ,incc 1hr migurnl IClLm c.w1c: iuto be-in� iu Jl,J.JI,. h \\'33 .l c.hn1lcn1,1c lh:u J;;Ol Fc1µn�r ;mtt Comr-,n) ,n.:ancd :»• )'°'' will umc 1n 1hc "TI1h h I lqw I t ,\II llc�•n" •tor,• "-'><"here in chis hooklo:t. Smee chm. chc yc:an h::n-c rolled ,wiftly olon� with 1hc Urigin;il Fuur•�fou "fc1mt kecpin� p:acc. r>urin1 : .!ix.teen .:on5«Uti�c ,cason,, rcii,roer hA� c-:&u�I 1hi,1 u;an.J, 01 wuulJ-bc 1luggeu to (iln the sum1ncr br(;(7.c, am.J he :and hii. t�1run11ti:, )t.0.\'c mckeu�d man} :t µitch OH'r d.i.u:mt fence, "rl,c most gruelling. camr:1ign for 1hc ··c..oun' Will in 1953� Tr.avcling to pr:u:. liully C\'t;y corner of the Unu«I Sm« ,nd raru ol E:m and w..1cru t:•mnl•. the l'tiur-Mon Tc;m play,<! li9 11omo. TI1cy lost only I� of chem. .. 1\111aiun .. J kr,lll le.J b1 1hc lJ.:Sll iu ·•La(c" ;md # . 10,t�aziuc"I :111tl on 1hc T\ shnw-. . , ou 1\d�c-,l Fm It ... �111J "'he (,rJI a S«rc1 ... 1:cigou .111J hi;: lcJ lcw: pl,l)c-t' h,l\c h«ome n l.fJll\triatiou pin:c 111 nttan)' un .\mcrk;,,:n .me.I Cannd11an home. l'!"rum 1he1r 1.rai11111� 11,l)C Ill S:m l)u.':�v. c�liforni:1, '° tl1t d1stn-nt houmlono ot l11c St:uc ut Maine:!, you \\Im :llw-'}' Hm 1 pcu11lc who hi1\ie .seen, hcmLI or re;ul :alx)11L 1hc fQur-M:ut Tc:11n. \\'ou :1Jt1J lo�i rc..:urLl• arc tlw nnh• v:-1Idnirk b)· which 10 mo.sure ,,access in Sufib:UI, ,; well .1-. any iporr In th11 rcspcet. 1hc Four-Mun Tc::a.m U, ., huh)(: -'>UH.en• .1, )UU will noLc: from 1hc records hi!• luw. I n 1ht'1r hri1H1:m1 c-arct:r the) h.i\'c. become sa. Qml m tocal <lr.J w: fans 11u 111lxrin� in the milho11-.. Al� s�1 �0Lcin·, lm:omp;ir:i.blc Mari.cm (�lohctruT tcr-ll c,I 1,ask c: tb:J!l arc om front a,: .a touring ,1mn"' 1c:.un, Hut nnc- mun tllnttJc '"that in t1r.iwlu:,: 6,!4U.UOH i in,. .. 1h.c: fllur-Mun 1 ci!m h:u lctl ii> nrnrl,.. lt11.J.elil 11, written a.cross the U. S••\., Coln :ul.1. ..anJ 1111mcr<m$ 1orc1J:n cc,,mtnc.1. Like IIH'J'l :11hlc,�,. Fc1,;ncr. l.1cl.,$OU, lmw,, :mcJ �fahi:kc cnltJ) their wurk which is prob:ilih )'Our ,ccrc;uion.

There 15 the c\lltom:uy Alm-nDr of bc:ln;t crnwtl i nntl >i 1,:riin,: 1housanili of autograph� - Ein h pl2 )t·r ml1SL he tm o.t.tnr os well M a.n :atblc1c, 1,11,, scs.sjnt ri sccmi11�ly bouomlcn b;1rrc.l of cncrg) m i,!IJ on 111�hl i.1f1cr n1,:.th1. withuut looking &u\v.1. 1 tl rhe bench whc.rc- ,:1 ho1>cful JUb h tittinb. 11te.rc nrc no ,uhj. Suhjcet to Ute s:u1'c ilh uncl injuncli in the rc-,t ,1f us humans. the four plnycr"I nc:,cr1hd,"'" �o on in a rnur,pron_gctJ Jcmnnslr.ltio11 o! -c:.,1n�· 11 1hcnc:ss IUHI c11Jur.;ancc. or cour� there Is alwt1\"1hc tr::ncl. ·n,c milea �c meter now sho.,,rJ thnl torn �;omu hn,c corri«l the l>0y> UIH),!1011 mole< ,inn· 1li e 1<".un """ founJcd b.tck in 1940. Flat nm, lmiling r:idb1Lt1r<, pion< «hctluk>. 1r:iin tlr:1:a) �. cit .,. hn\'c 1-omct.imc1 ,mu.le thin�s 1111° comforuililc itlong the wny. bur the 1c:1.m h�11 c.st.uh• l11htll a rc:pu1;uion £or nlwl.l)--S: ,:howiny 1.111 for scl,cdul«I �•me>. One t""' the 1c:im pl•yctl in D,,1 . lttS . Tc,cw., i1, the C\'culng. left after lhc );-lfnC :mt! hcmJ c:J for Kno,cvnlc. Tcnnc.uc� arnving m S:.?11 p.m.. 10 mmu1cs before y-.imc time after ritling 0\1-t't 2l sm11jtht hol1rll More mn•d1 more- wins :aml lo� h.ome runi, :md Feigner strlkc-<1uu will be recorded in the pr=ni 10>0n. When September rolls ,round the team will go to H:awnii. Jo..p;m, New Zealiilnd, and Auw2lfa for 43 ,fays, concluding • schedule [hat .Urtcd on 1hc Wc,;t Co:,;t ,\J,ril 30th. On return• in,: 10 lhe U. S, A., Lhi< y=·• triumphs ond de, fc:11U will go into the Fuur-J\ian Tam·• ra;ord, be> coming • 11"" or 11,c tc:1m ..,,,.. a·hi<h Ii oll lhe n,orc .1m:ning when you con1iJct Lh.&t tht brllli.an.t ch•pn,n of 1he hiaory h:c\'e been wriurn 1s four men blazed an r:«itinJ,: trnil ::Jgairuc :ill oppotmou and hnz;,nh of �pidlv chnnginJl times. A> tbe) say: We 1hank God; The rcx:ord below stmdi wit, en to l-fi.11enLlc:r• lo.,in...: cue over u.s.


\'Qn 19.38 to 1961 <,iJ�KHI Aue:ndllncc ■I 111ma 1.JI0,000 Mtlo tn\ClcJ Ft« Clittics ccmducrc1I 26S -rotal Btttdh� 1,laycd '"Frtc.. S1.111n Pl:aytd tn i� Ca.02dh1n Provinces 1Jlaycd in 7 Forciiro Tnun 19 To1�1 a;anu"' pJocd a_ptnu 189 title holdins chJmrluiu


The Softbolls u.>c<I by Eddie Fclgncr in Hi, Spcci•I Pi1chi11g Show, an,


H. HARWOOD & SONS. INC. Natick, M,w.

EDDIE FEIGNER Visits Pakistan The U1111,d Sunn l)cpn rtom11 of Stotc sent &Joie co P.1kistan in Nn\· cmha, J9SU, to co;ich S(lflb�1H .11 cnch of 1hc flJki,um Ar­ mv :md Air Farce h:nc:1., �@ir.n'1 acoifamd :m·d colleges th,oughouc East ond We.i l'nk• !nan, 111, Pak4tani• cnjoycJ the i,suno uf 1ofih.1ll :md secme1l 10 untlcnn�1nd e\•rn thouih EdJ1c 1alked through an imerpmcr 10 most of the H.OOII a1hlc1c, he coached during the trip.

. .Thi, IS • &Ir' '3)S EJ. Jic co lhtlc children of l'nkman on hi• Good Will Tour f<rr rhe Sun, Dep:att· mc.nt. He cnjoy,:J work­ Jni: witlt the Goy, In the sc.rvkes but it w:u more run coaching these. chil• drcn •1 the many iehooh around the i:owury. M11ybe tlit)' 1. !i.,fn"t know wha.t l ball w.a, bu, th.cy c:mght on fast and l<arncJ co y,:11 •nJ hit ;,ml nm :u fasi :a, :an)' red - blooded AJ-ncrlcnn youngst'cr. "Get 10 knO\\' vour ncighbort you m1ghJ 1ikc him" applio to people the world ol'er. i\J J csu,. tel• ling the story o( the Good S;1m1mum drew the lclSOn mtn "Our Neighbor' i, UR}'ClOC in nc:cd, WC may concluJe "\Ve h3\'C mnnv nchthhou'"





Important Items in Eddie's Pitching Record

( The moSI comple1c n:cord of any 1ohh•II pl•ycr Im hil1ory) Toi-al 11mn phchcd -- U6S To1;il no,f1i1 pmct 1,iu:11cd ◄28 r; I ____ 199 Tl)r;il 1h111,0111 gan,e, 11hd1t:tl Lon _ H 1'0111I haum rllChed 10 Tied J902 WlS hllnd{olitcd W1m ltl,2if9 Tt1tul t»tttn t1mck,ou1 Toul urlkc.-ouu Olfcti:mc) H1,:,hr.\l .in, .;i.gc mUic.o,m rn rme b1indfoldc:J JIS4 for ,,11c- t-d.,i:On t9-lnnins &'•me) 2i Tcn:.I ,,mec1 p.mo ____ 121

\\•c :arc nc\c:r rn111cU out unlciS 1.hc crowd is too. \Vhcr-c Ed�ie i, n:amling it four lnche• or soft S1tnJ anJ s.1wt.lu1l 1h:u W3.J ploced on 1he f,cld 111 1he b�udincs -.mcl tuucr''li holi. 31 \\C:ll as the pitcher·,. mnunJ. Ken White w-11.s tfirown OUI JI 11rJt t,.;lK aitc"r hiuing tine .1g-:1intt the left ficlJ fence 3-10 feet :l\V.1.y.

SHADOW BALL, 1hc 1i..1mo111111c �.1mc t!,.1, \\r: pb)' art.er 1hc rcguhuion W:\Cfl loulnJ: �.nnc. with an imaJ,:inrirv h.ill. I) .an u1J S1011x C11y, Iowa, ..CulorcJ \lho,u:• uwcrmun, \\'r: cct1Q1nl)' hope you cn1oy w1uching Tl .n nn,ch .n we cn1U)' Join� 1l for )'UU. ,\hnvc; ',fike, the piu:her: Jerry. the .....;. ;_

wuc runner: wrJ Kenn) White, c:itcbcr m 19511: �\re 1th i1tJ; the umpire 1hc- "heave ho.. tor 1hc Ian b•d oil •t home plOlc. The Jr-lmc w�, cnjo,..-d by .an .tmltens:e ui ten 1h�u11.111J iu Torunw, On­ t:irio, C:tn11da�

____ __________


Pad aud p�

�fEADE KTNZER c•uJ!ht 1or EJJtc from c:arly µraclc �ltoul J.1y, . ih,oug_h 1959 We mil3 "Old Country" •• we so often call<J hun hccoWe when be i;ot holrJ c,f om of thoic low iruide r,itd1cJ. t.hn1 °1 where 11 went . ro the "01<1 Country'•. l'inc atchcr, thi• P"" C:hcrc,kcc lndiJn 11 "''"' mukin,-: hii lh•dihood ot c,mom p:sinting and in­ wior dccoratt11Jl 1n .:md :around \\ 1:aH:a Wallo We 0£1tn wi>h that he w:u h><k in lh< linNtp un ,he long haul. �UKE MEILICKE 1< I,.,<� Jftcr • two se,,on layoff. We :uc '"') plcosctl lo 1u1' c Mike bach lS cm.:.hrr lor the Four• �I.in Taim 1h11 )·c;i,-, ,,,






NOKONA MITTS Exclusively

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GREATS OF SOFTBALL A page of q,Jotc.t fro111 Eddie's New Buok


LOU NOVTKOFF - •t•rtcJ ., • $oftb:11l pit<lu:r in the <:U'I) 1930-,. He wu one of tho �rly mu o( the s:i:arnc, :alw.a�• :a pr oliric h1ttcr1 QDJ \,cm on w ploy l'llnehaU ,,,,ith the Chic•�• Cub, and the Sc>ttle lhin11:n in the Pudflc Ctwct Lca1,.-rut-. He mnna�t"tl in Minur l..c11 �uc- B:u.ch:al1 :iml returned 10 Soft l,;11l nc.ir the cnJ o( h1J e-arcc:r co bc:comc Al l-Amcrian in the hiuing J cp::mmc:m m:am more time'1 than it i.J: r�son11hl.c tu mention. Without • doubt Lou couhl lift • softb.,11 further 1h:m :mr mhcr h111c:r m the )!�me . AL UNDY - who helpr<l win dt< World'• Tourn:untm on two or tJurc ,Hfftrcnt occru 1on.s piichmJt, also hdpcd win it. :u plnyinJ; out.fiddi:r and wa.s :a gre.11 hiucr :15 moq­ •oltball Jtitthen .<ccm 10 he. .\I w•• wi1h 1he Tuha Ollcu" �ntl tlur-inJ,: the \\'Jr witlt tbc H:umncrr,dd "Scrvrcc Team trom C:llifomi:i thot wnn 1hc WorlJ', Softl>.,11 Tournomcm. Al ".,. pmh•hl1· the l('C>lfil piu:hcr of th,i ,ra. HAROLD "SHIFTY" GEARS i< ,huwn with ,·ou1htul &11.lic Fc1un�r b.:tck in 1' 'iO. •n,.. dov, 11m lor old timCJ ,:ikc, Harold pltrhc:d .i cuuplc of 1nruni;:1- at,;;tinst 1hc K111J: ,nJ Hi, Cmirt. llorulil "ShiI,y" C:<>n b the fobbl oortboll pitcher wi1h oil the wiuJ. up� wltn hcl J,cJ win tl1e: \\'m!tl'i Tonm..,. ment 1n 1"36 ond 10.JO for KoJ,k Pork in the rc,crc :ttlun ,nJ phyiicol ri111e:•.• tl,p>rtmeni ond I unJmwul ,tlll ploy, intr:1,mllrnl ,ofr. boll w1tb them. ·n,crc- a.re man ·• many gtl'.1t n:uncs m Sofih,11, ,uJ in EJdie'J hook, "You'r e •n Or phan 11y Son," moll or 1lmn ore naincJ, ond .some of them• .IUi abc)\'e. rare Jcsi1ttt:11ct.1 by 1 heir pictures. Sinrc EtJJic ftc.h lh:u 110 one hru, c:-,·cr done • hoak like 1hu on Soidlllll, ncor the end ol hi, corttr he ,hould odd thi, •• 1,,. contribution to lhc- g:unc. '




Eddie Fdgn.cr, Jr�, lw bc:at on tJu•_ root.I ,inc� lie ,,•:;t.s ,u1t .t it:,� weeks olJ aml 1,.,, 1,o:om, qui1e • So1thoU Jti1d1<r. You h3\'e ,U prob:ably 1muccd h1r11 "--armm J.; up along rht suidinc-1. II is ;a ic;al thrlllin� Iii< for ,1 ho), llcrc he " 1ak111i,: l u, tum ,i l>:11 in one 11f the re" time,. he b c1,lltt J u1mn w p�uUdp.ur in JJt c.dlibit.ion. l lc l11u no intcnuon bl ,nakiuu JlrOlt:i,,1unr1I b.i11 hi, oarccr. I le 1loc, It for rccrc::11m11 .iml . c:n10)'� lhc �-:1111c oj h;ill -'> I hope )OU cf11u)· ,he id•• ol J:,ltlle Fciwm Ir., rrpb1tini; F.cldie �r. ,um, tb) II "'· "• hop" it will bt- out J ,hr.in tmu hal.U. uni.1 tltal \tlU wlll hctr oi him r1o{cssion11lly :i.� . 1 mmmcr. tfOL:1or. m cnJ..'lmxr. Ei.lJic Sr. feds 1 h:u these: arc fur n10,c 1mpPrtom 111 rh1, ,fo> • .1111! .i.�c. ev. u P-ttotc. &.!.;tm.tJl,,i&eJ. l!>o lllO-lt :..tt,tSJld_;;

nuctl .• W�•l•I•

K.mw: ■ 41!1 ._ •Nf'l hit t111'110t•1h d ir.l'-• 111 aTrT -11'9 • -r,. TlllQWq'l ¢-11 c,;:;;a1uy ot ••,

Pt.ctn q --�

W-•I t=ff" 11fltt• ;:i.,,.rtan11 et C-.era llllll t.cor.:,mi.c n.-..u�n1

Birds Eye View of Four Man Tearn Deployed on the Field As EDDIE Fires One Toward The Plate

PITCI-IING POINTl:RS r>o nm worry :ilWlUl the h1mc.r �(111 h:l\(' 11ur pitc.htd to. nor the one )'UU will h:nc IP fu,c nu1 Only conct..ntra.rr on the unt iu.ndin� in the b=tt tcr\ box. Win 1lunk1ully, lose plr:mntly. Wor�1ng your han,1 with a ml l>cr hall, like hoxtr'- ,Jo, will hrins:: 11rcng1h w )'tHir Fingers and "ill m•ke 1he honJ more pliable,

If JOu woul1J like 1n le:1rn to throw a change o! pace or a ,luw hillL m1c of the w�y1 10 pnnir.:c woultl be 10 take a boll of f""' or ,od<S roll,t! up to ubout the slzc of :i .sofrb.;a1L Proctice. throwin� �" front o( or 1u ::i mirror. This woulJ 1ho,, ,�r you looL. like 10 1he h•u.c:r. M•kc )'Our wi11Ju11 look. Ucccptiu: to the llllucr; make it look Ukc yuu were. throwinJ; .1. fntt h::.11 or .111.t..rhcr pitch.

l:ach Pitch --

Gripping the Ball

I. Throwin� wmdmill. wilh the elbow unuetl w,,·ard the �y. 1'trn� j>0,i1ion 01 1ho h:md on the h�ll wall roult in on OUT R,�ISE.

?. I lolding the boll like you were �uin� m !Up a m:1rbl1! while phd1inij would tcsuh in a fun 11ROr.

3. Gripping the lnll right in thi, way •nd nipping th� wri.n ii rhc. w1.1v 10 1hrnw .:& •rural. Wi1h • w,oJ <weep on,I hody follow through, ,\ FAST 111\J.1_

First Baseman To ,-\I lockoon, 2i year old softb•lkr. f.111, the task of being both , pl•ycr nnd • ><Iler o! the team•,, w:arcs. A first b:u,cm:a.n by trade, ,\I i::10 fill 111 rrum ony whac \o,,•hcn ncccled. :\ml off tl1c {ield, be h quite • c,1,oblt salcun:in. • -\I it. fro.-n chc £;in. ha.ilini frcun P,1,wiucJ.:ct. R. I., with Fcip her, Jnoe, oml Mdlkkc hollln� from the \Ve.st. the tc;im mcm­ bcn no·w ;a.re really :a Ion},; WAJ ,1p,ut In 1hc nrf tc:.awn. �hn nncc du: .sea.son un.ru, c,·eno11r pulh. ios:cd1r-r. Stundlng 6' I", Jockson, known tu hi, JlhoJc Mand asW<i>ta •• "{hJne:r· anJ "'Stonewall;· got hi, stun OJ • ,choolboy •• Wet1 High School in h11 home 1own. He gradtmc,J from there in 1950 a.ftu a starring auccr in h;ukcr­ boll "' well ., bo:,cboll. Later, 1\I mo\'td on ,o .cr\ ·1cc boJcb.JI •nd b:ukc1hall ,nd pl•y• «I ,eco111I 1,.., 01 Fort Riley in Kan,,u along wim mnjor lcJ.J?Ucr \VllitcJ H.cri.og. fn OrJ..r.m11.cd �:ill, he w:as l,r-ic03 ih 1hc t:indn• mau.i or-,..r.1ni1.1nion :rn,J li-Jll:nt -M>me umc- wn h the tc.tm nt U\ml1riJ,L,->e, Maryli:rn,.I

J ;rck,oo 1.s p:arc owner nf ::a rc.Jt:iunnl a} tm� with hit tl•d. He lika hones and con he ioum1 :it :1n) n.c:arhy cr:u.'.lc durinJ.,! the ofi seuon. He-rt ,\I h J:CCting :i. !inc on 11 pitt.h which 'Wt'!IU to ,lc-cp right ccnrcr field a, the othc, members of 1hc tQm w:.il their turn,

ls Important::-------------

i. Tiuow,nJ: w1nJmill. :1 iia "'"" nr 1wn nicked undc, like �huwn will 11C' Jno1bcr l)' l,c­ of OUT 1,r OUT RAISE.

5. t\ bo 11 hclcl IOQ<cl v on fin gcr '' 'S and ,lippcJ out smno1bIy, ";,t, hO<ly follow thruu8h, qoocl <'h••�• of Pace. Crlppcd ti�h1ly, it. will 1um imo " SLO\\ l>ROP.


6. Wi1h clb(,w toward the Ix,. Jy. , b<1II held in Uti, po,itiou ;md ,hrowo O\'er the thuinh will rc,ult in :a Stt.Di11th• RAISE.




\Vorld TT had run ltJ course. iand \V:;alla \VAiia, \V;11Shi11i,Jton, w1u hc:ading back 10 nonn:al­ cy in the spring or 19"6. Eddie F<igncr, • good­ J..,king and Jtrong,.u-ntcd young m•n who had cxc,lled •• • wflball pitcher in pre-war d•y,, also while in the U. S. M•rincs, was home •g:iin buz.. zing hit fu11 ball by home town """'"-

It w�1 dee-it.led to go to the \V:u:hlngto11 Suuc Prison 2nd atk pcrmissi"on n( I.be. t.1utho.ritlci lh. C"rc 10 allow 1hc- four men 10 r:mc1icc agoinn an inm.ilc­ tl"Om. The m 1ucs1 w:is gnnted. With • high w•ll a; a buckdrup and curious Inmates looking 011. the Origin:il King aud His Cnun came i111a .,cin>t.

There w.u one 1hing abou1 Feigner. He h:ad :a world or confltlcn,c in hlmJcl/ 1md bh abUily 10 pitch • softball with 1hc best in the land. And whcncYtt :uiyonc hurlrd a ch.11:!lt.ngc ,u this (r,d in hit airly io·s, thry hod an immecliatc t•kcr.

Ont. wc-c.k _(atc-r the iniliPI four vs. rune game w., ployed. No publicity wu given the g,,m<. h w�, 1upr10,�I '" ltc a s«tt-t lo\•olvlng the cc:im• pcting plarcr1; bm 1u game time. ovc:.r -100 f-ans were pracnt to \1icv.• 1hc proc.ct.dinJ.,.tJ,

Playing in Qn drly spring lcagu� Fci�ncr und A local tt':lm made up or nine men were run­ ning up a Jnp-sidcd KOTC' in ::. ggmc .against a tcan, in l'endlc1on, Oregon Mike Mcilickc •nd Mndc Kin7zr were playing on the Fc.lgnt.r tr.2m. along wi1h :a lad named Kc.n "'hi1c. 111c l.1111cr toun:d with the Orij;lnal King and His C,mn in iu early hulQry before lcr,y Jones �lgned up. For two sea• semi 1hc tclllJl 1mvcJtd whh fin n1en, kccpin� a sub&1innc handy 111 u.11 dmct.. Since: 195J 1hc cur­ rent tc:1m h.AJ pl")'Cd whhoOI relief.

l'cign<r, who ranks with 1hc g�.icst <0ftball piccbcn of history, ro.st to the otasion, ln M:Ycn innings hr phchcd u perfect garuc :and suuclc: out 19 h•"'"· One h•II wo, hit to the 1horurop •nd onr to 1hr £ir31 h;ucm:m. 111c finu.l count w.:i.s 7.0 i11 f;:ivor 0£ the Four.Man t�m. Then aU (our mC'n on the wlnnin� side hit for the: cirtulL


.:Bui 10 rcsumr 1hr: 11ory1 Fei gner's :.C1Un uhi­ m:itcly won thr g.amr ;11 Prndlcton by 2 whoJ>ping bi,g JCorc:. Aftcnwrd1. �u a p;arty gh•rr, the visit­ ing ltQnt by the hosts, Feigner bC'ci:amc ,he tugc:t or • ,lightly lnthrlotcd m•n. The munu a:ntcr<d 011 the f:tc.t tluu l?dJic l11ul once :aucndc:d .mlniJ·,. terilll sehool ond concluded th•t he should return thtre and forget trying to bt such • hot shot •• a ,oltball pitcher. Pot a time, Feigner dlmg.udcd tht drunun m11n. Bui when thr otl,cn, •II sober, joined the cru,na, Eddie ll"V< his answer. Pointing up his laill1 in hi, strong right am,, the "Klug•• bnc-unly , :uw.ounad tluu, •1U ii wain , OCCt:I.Sal')' 10 h11vc a man 10 b:11 in the c:vcnt the b:asc:s got loaded, 1 would ploy witb only my ember."

.Eddi<• rh-at. came ho,k whh • verbal bar­ "'gc, but he was not lO he deterr<d now. ''I'll r.:11 you wh31." Eddie lnsilfed, "I wiU cbalkngc you to a pmc and use onl)' 1httc other pbiycn. .- cu1cher. a 1hon.rtop, and a 6rn b:ucrmm." Loter that day, on the trip back to Walla Wall•. Mcilicke 1crlltcl1<d bl• bcod, d1«t put fonh rhc- mcviu:ablc quc.,tion: n'\Vdl. Ed 11.111 romrnhte<I himself. \Vluu do we do oo,,·r'' AU the wuy homr 1hc tliscm,slun w;aJ c:entc:rcd ground rou, mtn playing nluc. h WH decided chc four mr-n would be Feigner. Kiu2,cr. Mc-ilkk.c., -:and \Vhitt Tht: impo-r-iam thing now was to pr.1cticc. Alter :.U. whh ooly lwr- fiC!hl cn ii was ,:oing to hr 1ough, even though Fdgncr had ao urn likc Bob Fcllrr. BAS£ RUNNl:RS MElUCKE AND IONES SWJTCHl"NC 8.ASCS

Thar first gamc- from ;all stiandpoinu was u: bug< ,uccess. By word of mouth, the story of 1hr ,oftb.all quartc:t go1 11round. l n no time :n all. tlu: buys h11d played 11 p:amcs ag.tinst uinc•m�n tarmi and wun tht:m all. During the M:IIOOI of 19¼-47-◄8, the King ,nd His Coun playrd g•n1cs In Orcgort, Washing· ton, ldohu, ond paru of Wt1tcn1 C:u,oda. In 1949 the King ancl hit touring m•tes wen1 on the road for keep.,, banu1ormin,1t i n the b,hion of the cclc• bratcd Horlcm Gloh<:trottcn. In -15 IJ'Ul"•, the lour ploycn averaged m per day ••l•,y that first uason. SJ.nu then, ai sporting f21u 1b.c: world ova know, the King and Hb Coun hove been 011 tow each season rhroughout the United Stat<I :end Canodo, ployin� for • pcrttnmge of the gate re­ ceipt$. It ha, brcn IHJrh profimblc and exciting. Pluying as ma.ny g.arncs as the .m2jor lcagu.c'1. Jtc1gnc:r :md Jone:, m:alcc bcuc.r salaries than m:my bo1eb•llcn unJor the "blg rop." And ., Junes loul(hlngly admits, ''We only have to run 60 f.cet to fint bu.�}•

MEET J/1/k


Mike Mcllicke, th, team's home run •rw� hit 86 i.u 116 game• one 1ea1ou Mike w:aJ shon• stop 011 the ninc .n1t111 lt':1un tfua1 was winning the g:une l,y o lop-tided ,con: when 1he (our man cluill.ng• oune in 1946. Mr, Mdlickc eon be found during lhe off . �-.non "long the ro.;tdJ" ::and fc.n('CI in the hack co11111ry hunting for phcH>nL Or he may be ..iride one o_f hi, big D-8 C.11s skidding logs along 1he nonbcrn dopes of M1. Slmt.1 or abov e some bc-:nuifuJI}' situated rivc-r in sour.hem Ore-­ gun, He is p•n owner of • logging openition, whkh incide11t:1dly, Kl :J record for the: most


bo,rd f«I of limhtt roken from lhe woods per man for a pardcuhar- wtck.

Pusscning o� of the Jtrongcst throwing arms In 1hc gomc, Mike dcligbu in picking nm• nus off the b2sc, now th:at he rto lon�r h:as ;i 1h01 i:at them from 1hc field. He � ou.t ova 25 would be home.run hiuca 111 d,ird baK or home pl11tc the 511mc s,ca1on he scr his home run rT..:ord, Mike I, olwoy1 In lhcn II)ing. We :arc hnppy to wekomc him bock oo the ro>d ohcr a two year l••vc of absence 10 look ofter his other intucru:.


FttJC:.�ER•S LONG£ST GAME E,cr wonder about dir Jon1,tcs1 hrumc c\Cr �itched bv Eddie "King" Feli:ncr. Tbc glowing rcoorJ show, lhRt on one cxciuion &I pitched :i. totlll of 3-l innings. During dun m2r.11hon con tell, i3 u£ the opposing b•ttcn eilhcr whiffal or were oillc:cJ out on strikes.. ScvwtY.thrcc itrikc­ ouu in one ,WJmc i.s of course: :above· Ed"s :ivcr.agc which is jun a Er.:ictioo o,·cr 18 per K\'Cn ,nnmgs pitched. RICHMOND. VIRGINIA-'TI1e Four-Mun Tenm fch let-down 10 ,he depths her<, H11Ving hurried 0\'cr 1he highw:iy •II th,o w•y from Oneonta, N. Y,. there w:H :.1 surprise :awaiting the foursome. No publici,y had he,:11 relend, no ril·•I tClll.1'1 lincJ u1>. Thr::rc was n g.'lrnc cvcntu.:ally pl11ycd, 10 :a ncur empC)' pork. The plate umpire, in • switch lrom the usuol, Jon.,cd $10.00 for g;,s 10 lh< boy, after m:1ktng J11c-b 3. long tri.r for l.C!O,

CHICAGO, IJ..UNOIS - TI1c Windy Cil) w1u • happy plarc /or Ed Feigner ,he Annl doy of the I 4<5 1'l,ying the 1-IGdt i.r.unc, he whiffed :!1 b:mcrs 1n 11 U'\'et1•innin$! game, t.bc Urn sl:c­ : j,!Dlllj.! down on 18 pilc.hes. .


·n'LER, TEXAS - R4u"I u,any uau:.s c;:nuc, he:an• ;idtcs, Thu time it wo, • biR nnc (or t.he King anti His Court. Rain ,ioppeu the tenm colu nine clays ,n o rnw. TI1e 10th 1hc boy, lcfr 1hc ho1cl :md rln)cd ::s g-,.Hnc. Then it rained four more d:ay, UI kill this Tc.., tour. Wilh th< money mode in the 01ic J;:Unc plnrcd, the hotel hill wu pJid 11nd Chere was 110 prorit tu show for I➔ <la)'J.


DALLAS. TEXAS- l:.irpcctmg 10 whirl p;u1 b>L1cr,, Feigner ,iot his big let-down here. An um. pl�. hopinK tu �uallze thin�tt. c.:illcd �\ c-q pitch .1 b.Jll th1.n the home t�m did nOL swing :ti. '=ine rum· came O\·tr and the- Four-M:to tc.,m h.ad run 1111,, MllHC'thfng it could not cope with. But it ha,! • h.tppy endin�, ,i l,;1si for tl,e "(:C,uri." The ump. JX'.Jlicc- cSc:.ort and all, wiu c:hiuctl out of lhe h.:11! p;1rk hy the rans who did nol ni,..rrcc wi1h 11111 rncth0tl of "solvin�" EJ', Jclhenc>,

LOUlSVJLLE, KENTUCKY - l.:mghter 01111 lhcn some. Sch<dulcJ •� piny in Lauis,·illt, ,ht F'our�M�n Te;am founJ .11 gumc time th,u ci1, of­ ficial, dcc-it.lcc.J th:ll 1hl; son,011 �J.mc wault� bJ\( m be ployal wnh b>IC'boll dfomond mc::uumncnts. Feigner I< Cn. plu, the oppo,mg It.Im local rh< mu�h t;a.s� of pl:win,t SC\'ffl inning, i11 the rniJu o( wh1u nmountl'tl to .t "Keep Or( ·n 1e Grnsi'' "J:"• fn'"tc:ad o( pnch111� .f6 (eel, Fc::1gnc:r rosst:J 6(1, ln..cttd or running 61) («1 lo ,he hoses, the pLiycrs ran 90. It \\'llS t1 howling succw- as the infidden had ro w.ait for brroundcrs [cw fear- they would be shot from che ,cand, for getting 011 1ht gr. m. SUPERIOR. WISCONSIN - A lmirmd,c for ,urc. fn lhis cny, the Four-M:an Team w:u Khcd­ ulecl 10 ploy •t 8 o'clock ot night A1 noon the da) of 1hc g:;ame 1 the Jttomota in charge hc:;'1.rJ a forc­ c;nt of ::1 norrny night, <lcddcd 10 quickl\· switch tho game 10 the n.herooon. He lured :1 sound truck and h Ri:utcd to bl:uc.. The rh••I tc,m foil<d 10 �« the pitch and only (he pl:t)'C'rt were on hnnd tD C:ac.c ahc King ::rnJ hi.I boyt. Four ran1 were plucked frnm the 11:1.nd nn11 ;a (n·c-mnmJt game w:u phaycd lftANGt AS rT SEE-MS•

"I've Got A '' Secret Gary Moore TV Show °

K"o 1h.1uht lllmt of \'OU SJ.\ the "J \• t. nut :I Serret'" TV show ln.11 July. I( �•ou clid nht, ,ou rc11lly nuucd �mc1hmg, Nrn Crom the: ruml.fpo1111 1h�t Etltfjc"1 hliml.fold pitchin;:;- \\�'i :mythmg lln• UJU3I but l><c:uuc or 1hc """)' Gary .\loor< htincllcJ the 1rre.,e21t.11lnn n{ o SoftbwJ pln\'tt to the ,·t('winµ :audience. TI1crc JJ'C tho-sc who woulJ like tu pooh. P""h Soliboll ,inco i, " 001 , profossion•I •pun ,1111 lool. upon ii :u • sissirlcd g:unc. The p;111cl ,1k.., i� .:t\ .uoiahlc oft c:;11nt"r.1 ,1\ nn h w;is ::1. grc.u plOJurc tu meet ,\.l!'b bc:Jutiful lo11i« ln pcr,on, Jllr. Morw>n. •nd wt:ll-m!ormcd Bill Cullen. Eddie was tryH•I( 10 h,1 1ht nrikc

zcmc:. i£ )'OU remember, pitdtlng to Gor} blind, loldcJ. 011 Jta_gc :ind on c:imcna. 1ow:1.rd the uu, die.ace. Once during the practi.rc session a pitch go1 >W•) •ml 1ho bAII n,:;,rly hil 1he came,. and J,;lus:$Ct) in cnp-htcajn_g homh. tllc.H boum:cJ nrountl down in the >C:us. \Vhcn 1hc ;accu.al pro,:rnm wcn1 on the :i ,r CYc.ty1hin1: \\� for rtnl. TI1cy moYal all 1hc <pC'CGllon 0111 ol the frnnt 1hra: or lour'""" behl11tl Ute cru.nerJ . iu.st in cjSC"J But at io o{u:n b:,ppcn1 w-ich a proicssional under prmurc. Ecid1c threw· 1l1rt'C itnltc, ri J,:ht down 1he middle.

IN THIS SOUVENIR PROGRAM, 100 will rco.J abou1 m•ny 1hing>. �luch luu b«u wriaen •\)(IUI rny rhd1111i: rcr<>r,I. So I \I llke iu titlk aliou1 something diffa:rcnt - 1he ri,·ol pl•)·«s unJ 1hc i+ans. \ViLhout ·o'-l PillU nnrnrnlly t.hc 1'.mg ;mJ Ht1 Courr woulJ nC'\er ha,·c survhcJ \Ve.II ll\ft si,c nullion o{ }UU h:nc 1hown faith in thr Four. �fon Soflb11TI Tc.1m 11rH.l I \\tt'lnt \'OU to k1\0\\ it iJ really •r1 >rcc,,1c,l We like m feel 1ha1 1·a11 1an, MC fncnth of ours. llci.r.ardinit Lht lc:1111> •nJ pl,tycn who tuppl )' the opJ)tJ..<iLion Cor our team, this is o group o[ men 1ICK11·in1t much praise. After all, Lhoy are fine.,,£,. lti?II pla)·cri m their own r1ghL Somtti1'J\CJ durin�

our game they :rrc mh JCCt�d lo ,1 linlc af whJn is allcJ "horse 1•l•i•• Bu, 1hc i111cmiw1 is never ,o mJ..kc .1 plu�cr JuoL t,.,il. After oil when :t mail oilers hu 1�cJ\'icc:, to play. we ha,c no1hinµ hul re• ,i1,c,i;:c tor hun In 1111 1..1\lr )i..-.Jf>, 011r rcliumm ,,·Hh tc::11111 h;a\ hccn �ooJ. In mo.u ddo whc:n trai. cl pcrmlu., we spc.nJ sorm: tlmc o.fLCr tttrh g:xmc with tho oppwinsr lcam ,mu the spnnso.rs o{ lltt .l,!W11C.. Tt, s:how .added :apprcc1;u1011 lor the co1u1dcrauon �i,c:n us. wc:"c.! like ho1h {tm\ 31HI rival r,l.iyers alike to knO\\ 1h;11 ,vc siucc-n:l)• 11pprccfatc the pmn the) ' ha,•e pl,ycd in n»king Ilic Kmp and I-Ii, Cour1 1h� success 1har n 1s.


HELPlNG YOUTH JN RECENT YEARS I ha,·e httn /onun,ic enough ro be able 10 work with the C41b ScoulS ;u ani,i,nt clira:lor, the Catholic You1h <If· Jr-lnilltlon, anti Polu:c A1hletu: Lcoguc JJ wdl •• olhcr youlh org•ni,a­ tioru such u the .. J':.t.Lh£i.ntJcr�" Durin� 1hc days., \Yhc.n pos.siltlc, �·otl will finJ nl< curu:r ut • )OUlh roll)'. out ot O h:ill r•rk w11h 1hc r,,h. finder<. o, >t a C3tll\' 1mh ,he Police Athletic lc•gu•. Maybe c1•cn al nne of the -Stille in.sutution), hu�r,il:il!.. or pcuitcnci:arics. cntctL'linius: tltc tnCl1 behind th.t wa.lb. Mtn tb.Jt perhaps h11, •c ne\'tt hrt<l vour dumtc or min� a.nJ Lor t.bcir bluadcrs1 arc p;ayins; their debt to �1cty. I woo1J cnc.our:is.c each «;>Oc of iou to mkc more 1ntc-rcsr in your tool Or,ht;1niutions 1h:at work for the bcmcrmcnt of ou.r ,-outh. since 1hc (uuuc cd .-\maia 11ntJ the worltl Jtrlllt"fu.. b on ho\, well ,,•c truin tbc:m for ll solid. responsible citizcn,hip. At rigbt Jeri:) om! EJdJe da:ide wl,n ..,111 1oke banins practtcc firn with one 0£ 1hcir manv rnu1h/ul nppcnenu,

Shortstop R••lng Jona high ., au •thlctc would he hil• tin!( du: n•il right on the head. In college, Jerry p;ir11c11,:11c:,J III fomboll, h.skc,holl, b:uch•ll ond trnok w11h b21lmhall hh wp sporL Tr,ieL come ne�,. •ml J<rr)' Jones w.1.> a dJish mao llllU • 1,'00<l one.

Sl<llling !we, in softboll h'1J o.lw•y• been • dif. l1cult task t>CC!lwc of the rules rclatt,·c to when 11 runner Cllll lave 1he 1,..,,, But dcspite the rules, Jone; h"' ,hv>)'I u><d hh spttJ to pilfer bases t11.rni1L!t n.11 ldnJ, uf compctitfon. Like Feigner, Jerry w» born in Woll• Woll:a, \\'a.shin�tort. Ht iumd.J a.11 e,·ca :s.i.x £cct wciglu 185 pounds ond U> 3 ,witch luncr, olthough he doe< mott of h1, swm;;in� fiom 1hc riitht side of the pl•t<: Sp<•rU lw •lwoy, bc,n • l11� I"'" of the life of Jerri Jones. He follo"al thh p:merl\ :u • schoolboy. then on 10 colic�. Bctorc goini: on tour with ,he l'our-Mon Tcom, J<rry ployed m lcagua .trnunJ the St:11c of W••hlngton, pl>ymg \.lrio�n poj,ition1, mduJing c;atc.hing. On tour. h< i• the man who could 110 bdhin<l lhc plot< if he were ner:dcd. L1kr hlJ rh1CC" n:· g1r1mntt:, on The KtnJ.i and Hh C:oun, Jerry w:u 1u11 Jbout tho ri11h1 •1te Cor miHtn.r)' u:-r.., iu .ihC'r th.t Jt1p�0Cje o.uack un Pearl l-111.rbor. He went into the l:nitrd Sona Anny :u 1111 cnlbtcd mtm. But Jerry J,J not fini,h hrs =,·ice life th•t way. I-le worked hi, w.y up to bc:como an officer, ><nal in the Porlfic ,m<l wu in Jnpon aftu Wt country .urrcndcrcd. A gooJ lmsine1..) hc:u.l with a. keen .scruc of .at• ttnuoo to detoils, Jerry play• hi, posn,on with the 1r.1mr pmhoien"J'. Once • f>n rel"'rttd, oner Jerry h.a.d 1ni:u.Jc .a ,pa:t1�ul:ar c�uet,, th:11 11� .EJJ1c wcm Into bis Jclhcr1 on th:u potticutnr batter. Jerry hod t11kcn four ruruun,:: su�ps toward the point m the outfield where i!bc fl)'ball w., cvcotually hauled in. During the ull k'1ll0n, Jerry 1> o drofum•n lor tl,. .\nny Engineers •nJ aho is • gcn1lcmnn form• er. h:l\ing Q. fc \. \ hundred :ac:rc1 o[ green pc:1i �nJ whCllt, 1


The OrzginnJ 1�m \\'a.S presented a lrophy .at the Greatest Show in Sohboll by H•rold Englc­ J,.rdr, I 11dfa1tupolls, lndi•llll. Softb:111 will never be on the decline ln popularity •t long nt there :ac 1eriou• minded lnvcrs o( the g;m11:,. promotcn, •• our friend in ,1,., 500 mile city. We were bis �'llC$ts ., <me ur the rJ.<d • few ycnu lw:k ,nJ we will nc\'c-r forget I.bot thrilling .sort whr.n :iH 33 car.t amc chnrµ:inJ,t down 10 the narung line.


�\\�\\.lE SLUG� �

--- �

HlllERICH&ORAOSBY [Q 'o --- "-� II/ SV\Lll�



/<TT) Ion«. kon Cooper, lcddic F<1w,cr. oml \l f,1.t.L�11 Jrr ihown in thrir tt):ul.ar l1o1um,: ilrtlcr. Ourini: thr ,c.1&011. Im) hit for o.n U\etJJ,tt: ot heifer th;rn H-i while r,Jd1c :anJ .\I wcrt imt g h.:w 11'1'"" nndcr tha1 Ron le:cd.1 1h.c lc:;,rn m home "'"'· with -, in rht 12(, �•me, played. R�n

Wlli hurt 111 a.Imo,, c,ery g..mc; hn\,·c,·cr he: did nnt mh, 11nc nixht .a, hb l'<'1ition \Ve .alJO r... 1t1ciul1er wme hrilli11nr J.,a� runnill,Jf .anti slit.Ir'" rh:u bmh Ron .md Jcrrv mudc when M1'1ttt..inµ In die� ru111 10 rhc ,ii;:ht cmcs.



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