THANX-YOtr SOFTEALL FAHS: rtrst o1 all 1 w-ould like to thnnk you for ;,ur .che1 s1n9 our SO\JVDnlr booklet. We hope we hove. made 1t wonh your whllo.and that you enJoyed our show. This marks my twenty ...fifth year in :so.fl bo 11 end•• you leer lhrough thls bookletyouwlll see the; the y4!a,... nave be!tn hlled to the brim with lnteresunq and thrtllloq ocras1ans.
I hDvo many trophlos, symbo.15 of world]�, suc c1u11. to docora1e my den, bu; I now long for the ''Tro;,hlas' menttone-d !n the beJcr,:.-d hymn, ''The .. When m�• trophlaa at last Old Rug9.ed Cross, I Jay down... , ·• These troph1as are not o1 silver or gold. but lhe ran.1omod souls oI O'ilr !ellow �er..
As 1 to4e the baci:.ward looit. over these many yeanl, 1 �el compelled to share- wit.loi ;•ou some of the my oxp.erJence hu tau.ght mo. Wartd Jy &UC'Cf!s• means noUurw i1 we leavo the Manor Pitcher out a:! our h\'as a.r.<1 refuse to let Hhr. call the p!eys. I wa.s reared ln e reUglous atmos_ph.ore, but doc1ded in aarly Hfe that God had no pan1C\Ua.r in me. 8a.J1 became an cb5esston With me and worldly fnm.o end !or· tune, my onlygod; but the Ma&te: Pitcher says. "'ThO'IJ shalt have no other goa.s be.f.c,e me." (Ex. 20:3), Tlrroui,h lt di he nsvar 9ove m• up. Ht st.ruck me out o !ew tlme..s and geve me lo torval.1 with nothln.g to do but lh1nK. but He never for.go; me. Reciently, dutlnQ one of tnose ttmes of an!arc:i!d qulat and rr,edltation. l fo.uru! my way .bllck. to God. I have re-discov-erod tha Joy of eomplots al!q-nrnent wtth God and Hls purposes. My heavenly µromoter bas complotely changed thepattemofmy ll!.e 11td glv•n me peace I would hardly hov" believed possible. In the bock of rqy mind, U..:e many of you. t hnve •:novtn tru.1. was rlght. bu: also, like many of yo�. I refused to do anyth1n9 about It. The Joy ond sell&!ac Uon of being used o! God Ls beyond tnY Po'·..-e.r to;nbe.
l lee.! that we are llvln9 in momentous Ume.s. The -.-.•odd looks like one vas L bell field� The bJseaare loaded. We have nlready :strudc: out too many um es. 1t looka to me .ll.k.e the la■t i.nnin v. the old •.vorld hes only ontt more chanctt and that chllnee ls Christ. This Ute. 11 Just a training camp to see how we play the game - ond a DOES mako a dlfforence. The last better could su.lk9 o-ut Jn your l!!e-time end at any time.
IN UUS SOUVENIR PROGRAM.yciuwlllteadal:.out many Mucn 'hes been •; .•Ut•n 400\t� my pUcJ\mg re• cord. So !'d Uko 10 uillc ■bout a0111eth1no dH!orent - th• n•,al pla)•an, eno tno fonl. Wath.outyoi.: fans natu:r:ally the KinQ and His Court would never bava aurvtved. Well over I-ix mtll!on or you have .shown 1utn m :he row-Man So.fthalJ Team .end l w-ar.� you to lu1ow Jt tsc rvo.Jty opp.toeiatod. We ltke :o !ee..l thai you f1nt at• fnEl'l.da err u..a.. Reqardim;, the teaml ond p.loyers who tupply the oppostu.on for our team, this II o g-r� o.t t:1on d&- aecvln9 ttil.leh pnits&. After all� they .:ire lino 10Cthelll ptayen rn :hair own 1µJht. Scrnel.1mes.dut109 ouroame
tlay ace 1ub)tct..od 10 o hnto or wnar II callo-c ·t.orto �l1y. But the 1.nte:ntla;; J.snevar :omok•• ploya.r loo, bod. Ahcr •IJ. whol'i a r.,an off�rshla servrce.s top.13y, web.ave nothinv bv:. ra1peci to: him. lndU ou.t years. our relaH::i.ns with teamJ ha• beon9ood. lnmo1tollte1 wnen m,veJ �rmltl, we spend •orre nme after eact1 r;iame wuh th.e oppO!llfl9 te!.U:l 1.he 1pon•or.t o! th• q,uno. To show added appiec.,auon for :h-e canud.e, .. .!!IOr:- 91\'tn 1,11, we'd lllte botz1 !an..s and rival p!&}'en �e tn ,:now thn: \Ye 1incert-ly eppra-e1ato tho pan \.hoy t:.ave playe..d tn n:at1nq th!! K1n9 •nd Hu- Coun th• su;. cen tho: n I!..
==,;;,"�?';,'. ;-y,'. ,,_,,;
/.' �
All qood thtn9 5 m\JSt. come to an and and one G! theta.ti se.a5ons will be my l.e!!lt one wJthout. perhap•. too advance not lc:e. \Vhen ths time c.omes foe me to lay down the old softball. l want to !eel that perhaps. l have don� 1J llule more than Just entertain my fans and frJend$ a round tho world. l'd lLc:e to know that my !nond.& . younqandold, arn in tbore pnching for- the Mae:U!.t and playirv., the fair and clean and s.queralnprcp.aration fortheblg lb..nguo1 111 God's otornn:y. \\then, o..s me Good Soo\:. sa}�s, "Men's hearu lalllninhem !or!eor . ..• (1.uke 21 :ZS,26), you wU! be ln the sl.lre conHdence thtil "Perfect lova eutotll out! .• (I John 4:19). Your !rl.t!nd
NOKONA MITTS Exclusively
;u4 h11 lofl 11 Edo1• 1Hmdm,o f;.1 • rl•uotm hr !Jed by ""'-'let u he oppe, f'ra I'� 111 ual $poru now tP 1ho lni..m11uMAI Am� t.i4u1u• Ch!.u . lol'°"""J'i, hu �ul.u ulc.k p tc 111 .1tl � .. 1um h• H!:nO'd ,o- bllunra O"IBt • lO""GA1 poruxi of tw0 to Uve � .. day. ln u,o II� ,t-.,., dtan l l',' II foul UPI and wnh onJy OHC HIT. They roetUv•d 'SlO t.:,, •a..:h fmd. and tf1• mdn NhO jOI lhfl hit coil9dfflS mud t:1Ut•1
tho&« lioauUlu.l WhlUI la.Uuu Slaeved Jae�••• ycu - the •••a,: ...UllnQ "r• t\rppllf!'d b)';; LAILCY lNIUIHG COMP�/IY 161 Joca1a:n Su.u.J.,.., wa.tunq1on
PAKISTAN VISIT TM Un1Led States C,,p.utm.,n1 ol S1ote aan1 Eddie to Pakl1tan ln Novombec, 19S&, to c-oacn ""1tboll otcachoftho Po�IOLon Anny ond Air Force be,,..,,, Mlhu,ry acodam,e ond <:0lle;in, through ou1 and \1/e • Pok Lston. Th• Pal<••tanu enJO)")d the gom1' ol soltooll 4nd uem.,d to <mdt'"rs:ond evon thouoh Eddie ti>lkod lhcou�h an Interpret,.., to m°"I o 1h 14 000 alh latt,o h" coached dUilJ1Q IM !rip.
"n•n• ..a
IUli. , ..,. Ina Good \\'ut T It.II»� ta.ta. -0 11 WI! tta Nl"VICW, Mi1 I •• C!Md.tnt llhtff dldbn •I tr.i
\ I
.,.u t ft1t 1:!11.1 •tat .ll tut •• •rrr ,..-:-U� nrn:• Ort tolio- pt1..r r• • tort ,oe; ruvra h•• Na •111J.,_, I H1$le Ut• llirWtdOl'Wf. ....� laJ.l.:nt llW •t:N't cJ i,._. Cooif l!ltMf IIMI .,.._, di# ....l'lllt:1.11 ·�� ' .".,... ,. � •• .. , r coat1J ;ht 'W • Ill••• _,.)
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IAC(W,.,\1:.- t •U"• d au.11, Cn90", •'\" ii•• � ... It ·•kl r•• C-ad1• Ill lfU 111111 .. - l!M; ,., ftlUiar f., tJ. IH� .._,II lie atuld •u t�!CIII 111u-...-ttu. ... ,..,_ 1•• '" IIGonn t-ru1•1• , ,11 c,11 ft!\I• '" , .. � -· u ....,kla.... ,_ •• ,11 ...... ,,1-1,, ... lbe lnl,..U"t ikMaJa Jllll Ill u.- 1..,. OID<l� J.-lif!U.t ir.& 1futt t..JJ 9•- iA • -,.c'H"'"'
MEADE KINZJ:R caughl !or tdd1e tram early qrod<> 1chool days, throuoh 19S9. Wa mus "Old Countr/" u 1i'-"I! so oftitl\ c4.llod him bc!cflulo whon he got held oc on• ot those lo·"'· m11de pit che�, that' r whett n went, to 1/11, "Old Countty. • Fin� cat cher. thlJ p.,rt CherOkM IndIon I• naw making hU1 livelihood •• cu1tom ond lntedot doeorauno 1n and around Walla Walla. We ofom w11h that h• wu b.).cic ln thC Unea..-up on tba long haul.
1.1!.• .. .,.
-.-......... .....
'"" ,1, .... ,. M -1... flli• 1,La., ..i wbna.,.j ._ ol IUs iwJJ.a tbl111 .d,Ja.t .,_
r1c1ur..d le!1 1s the I A. IcrtaUng Con1truc110n Co. Sonnoll Toam, St-1w Chompton1 !.or &wo yna15 1948 and 19◄9. All nandlng 1n th& back row have played on tho four-man teem. They an,, lnll 10 nvht: lorry Meade. Ml�e and &ddle. Cnrl Le Moy, Kt:!n White ond Cuno Emry,
Announcing "TH£ SOFTBJ.U STORY nns lust b--4en c-1 as� ov The Columbia Publtsn1nv Co. 1835 KS1. N.W. Woohll\\llOn 2S D,C, The to:>� ha1 a chap,.,
dedle4u,r1 to the r.11111 and EIS Coun and the pitcher. [ddlo fC!Jqne.r.
RON COOPER, <noeUnq rlqhl pl.nyad for tho. tanm fat only on.fl full !u;uu1on. Ron mtd be-wt witn Utr Chicago Whit, $ox belcm, ccuni..nq tothe Cowt. H• tettrod from toL1rln9 fot a poi ltlon en a ,o.,m in New Cnqlond.
ff1'1' v�• nc 1' roe •ilr' ote.1tt u..... .lllittt.. u 111dlcf � •• Wcwt .•, �- Dr,o \f'lnilffe fl;rt-;Qa c,sned-f�WtuV f�r i tiU•t 1"'1 ..D wtJI .te 111ta lpai�•UI &Art aftatr.pu:nm.X'1fQS •t•c::.-ti:ftn
'&dplll, Al, Tony. and I I , I a, ntOdest men: but Jul'l ut them aboul 1h.t!lr --•p;tbJllUu ond be.Hof in thom1elv�• and i.h•y wilt ;,J.,. you thel.r Um• honorad commum; •w• plAy ru1y tllarr:, u any 1tmo 4:nd we make no exc�Uons to th!a rule. Chy, State Roqtonal. or •ven WOffd Chomp;lon• - all Me wttlcom &o ch!,,;� ua 1' • ,aar,i�. Uo cttalJen-:• wtll verbe twnad down.,. The &.iruJ •nd HI&. CCW1 h.ave openued that way 111nca tti• orJqlnal toam came ln10 batng tn 1546. h Wi8tll ch11llt,rtt1e 1h�1 qot F•t11nt1r and Company at.e.rti!d a■ you w1.U nom m � "Thia u Row h All BaiQftn .ua.ry �1 �wh1!U! �n du• oookl.!!!.t. Stnoe then. ltlo "4n hllW rolled swiftly •lan'1 wnn the Ongmal Tour- Man ream Uepu,g poce. Durint: ,uniwa.n co1t•ec-utJv• s.a1on1, T• 1v n et h.11 ceu.ted thou.Minda ol wo.uld•be al&149on1 10 (bn the 1um mp,r bree::111. An4 h• •nd "11 to1mma1e1 ha,...,.. f'O<;r.•1od many a pU:ch OYeJ di.cant fancu. The most QTUn.lllru;t c:;ompelqn lot 1h11 "Ccuir1• wi,a ln l"Sl. Travlll.ino 10 every corrwn of 1ne Unlled. Stated and J)atu oJ &aat n..nd W•a�rn Can.Ida• tho rour-Man Toa11:1 plaWH,:l t19 �•m•• · 'Ihov loat only I& ot th.-m. HeTI1ldod In th• pon ,n •t.U•• ,Dd "Arn11trtc::a-n• maQn.Jnes. arid en the TV showa •vou A1k'-'d ro, JI• •n<1 ·t 1 ·1• Go, aS1tonu,• fei.;oerand hu fallow pla.,-r.a h.ll\'"' b.come • eonveruUon pi.ecf! .tn r.sany an AmerlconnndCan,adtanbomo. rrona tu.inlng t:-.•• tr. Sm Oq,go C.llfomie, to lhe dl.uant �.mdarlot of tho. Stole of Malnt:", you wm ol'IIOya hnd �lo WMO 'havoi a,.on hwa,d c, tud iatout l.lrn fo\.t-MAn 'teo1,. Wc,a and Joa1 mcord1 iollre ffl• only yonsnid by ...,.!llch 10 zneo awe sueceH ln SoltbCltl 4.1 well u a.ny apan .. ln 1h11 rupoc;, 1.ho Toof-Man rnam t• • l'IU01' IUCl:911, •• rou wilJ. nm.f! h� 1h� te-=rd.J bi!lo',w. Ir UltU l lllLtnt C'•Jlf'tlf lhe)' h:.iv• becom, HC:Obd !h total draw fo1i1 numbot lh!J m tho tnlUlon1. Abu .::.1P9nt1Un's 1ocan:p1.Bnl• fferl1t·11 Clo:.iouotuu-11 ot MC out front �-- o t.ou!ln; 1pcn1 tc.•us. But ono muat ccnccde Um• In t1n1wtm; 7 .001,000 fan:11. I.he
rou1•M�n Toani ho, left It• marl lnde11bly wrilt.en o• c:rou tho U. S. A. , Ceo.ado and numerous fCM"elOn eountddl, Uko n•Ht dth1e:te1. Falqne:r,, /OM.I, 4J1d ICa hret trnJoY thofr work whtc:h 11 probably vour re- al!!aUOll. Tht!re- 11 th cv1tom-arv olamour of tac:tnq crowd• .and aJgninQ thouund.1 or autooreph■. D!ich ploy,er mwlt be an actor •• ·,.,,-eJt •• llP .ilhl•bt, poaHJ1■1ng • tll'ettdn9I',' bll.rntl ot ene,oy tooa Ol'I nl9lu alter n>qh1, wn>,oui loo·IWltJ cownrd tne benc::l, whore• twpetut •u..l.i ta 11Jsun.;. Tht!tt arena 1ub1. Subfecl to th• •am• Uh sn.d lnfudo• .. the rest or u• human■, 1hP four Jil&)"llrt, nt1Varth..t.1a go on tn I fO\lt-pfOnged damon•1rntJon of eonneuuvene,, al1d Ot couno thQrw: 1 •lwap m, uavnl. TIM mtteav• metar now •h.o-11 that to.u., �•m•• have c:anhtd the boy1 1,.uo, 000 muo, 1anc1, Lh• tti.rri w .. founded bo.c:k In 1946. rte l ur�s, ba.Jlln,; radla:tora, lllrin.. s-c.hedu.Jea, trato dotoy1, •tc ... h•ve 1o.metlmo1 med• th11'19■ un- comfanzibl• alDn,; tn• w-ay. but tho team ho• ••tab Htah.ed • recuurtlon tor alway, 1howu,q up tor scheduW 'J■mea. One v-ar 1he lffm played in Oo.lla■ Tex.a■, 1n U1,- ewnlnv, Wt!!r \he c;e111c .end. tu�adod !or Knmcv1lle, Tcs.n:ne■H•• arrlvlnQal 8:20 p ._ m,. 10 mln1Jta..s ba1ore �lllfflt Ume a.fw rid.In; ewer 21 1otm1Qht hounl Mont tntvol, morn w1n1 and Joaae.1:, hom• run1. .,nd F•1gnernrtkro 11-..,111 btreamied in th1t pm■ont :Macon. WhonSop1mn.berroll1 frt1)tmJ the Will JO to H,.-wa.JL flllpan, l'lc,w ?.aa.!ano, and Au1tr•h11 (or 4J dnys, coneludino s acC•du!• thal •�d en lhe W!!tt Coe•t April JOUl. On ratumanc to lho ti. 6. ,I•• thla yen, & uiumpha•nd dE!aat:1 will qo:nto th• FO\d' r.•c.n Teem'■ recod. boc:oinlng • pen ei! tho- tNm ■Lary Whll:ft •• illJ the marw •ma.Lino when yoi, c:;0n11d1u th■ btllliftnt choriten of U1a h.itt.cuy h.bve been wntt.on u faut tTiflll t,luod an OXC:ltUlO untl ilg'llnu ,11 OJ)'r,0&, U.Ofl 1rnd hu..ud.1. ot rapl.dly ch.Mqin; UmP.3. AA lMY 1ay: ·we tl$,an� C".,od; tho roeotd below ataiJ.d.a ,v1.tnna lC" Hil 1.-.nd t, vlnq f!•ra ti.I, .. lniporunl lboms in
YEARS 1946 lo 1963
Attendance al games ...... 7, 00 l, 00 0 Miles traveled ........... 1,420,000 Pree Cllnlcs conducted .. . ...... 8 60 Total Benefits played "free" .... 218 States played ln ........ ....... 49 Canadlan Provinces played In ... • . 7 Forei gn Tours .... . .. ...... . .. .. 2 3 Total games played agalnst Utle holding champlons .. . .. .. . 21.9
Eddle·s Pltohtng aecord
T014) oomea PIIDhoa ...• , , , , , , , , , , JOOO Lost ............................. lJ!, Tied .. • • • .. • ........ .. ....... • • • • • . 42. Won ............ , ...• ...... .. . .. 2723 451 JO To1<>1 •trt1<a-ouu (ltfoumol Ht.qhast ava-rage 1trJ�a-c:11u• per game for oru, sea.son (9 Inning qomel . • .. • ..... 24 Total no-h.11 gamu Pl!Dhod . • • . • . ..• 461 Toto I ahut-out gam•• pitched ....... 858 T01al bonofl! Pllchod u, bhndloldod . 5650 Total bottara a1TUc4-our bUndfoldod . 490 I r011ll perfect ?m��................ ll6
"'5o:ftbeU•• qrMt••t infielder. bat none I• ln ciol.. love. /GTTT JMlnlclpatod In tool.boll. bul(•Lball. boae bell eod tmd<., w!Jli baaklllhoJ.l JUJI top span. Tr•elt cemo next, arid Jerry Jone• WH,. d.Htl man and a good CINI.
lltealln; llea.u IA <a!lholl iwl alw•ys bftn • dll· " to.1k beQlu.s.e of tli. rule■ reJaUve to when a rvntu:tr can luva the ba••· &tn da,ptte th9 Nia• Jone• h�telw&y1 u1� b.11 1peed 1opWer bfl.te• eq&tMt all lundi o:I c;:ompe..nuon.
La�ToJ;n1tr. Janywo■bomfn Walla Wo..Uo, Wu:h tngum.. He uand.san•venttxf••t. wetoh.a 185 -pound■ !ln.d l9 a � hhtet, although he doea molt of Mt 1wlno1%19' trmn tho dqh.1 a.ld.e of the plat e. R• lends the lQm on home run,.
Spon.a hu olway1 beon • ti.lo pert ol the IJJe ol ferry Jon.ea. H■ followed 1JU• pottom 0.1• 1choalboy. than 011 to c:oll&Qe. Ba.fare vot.nq on :our wu.ti th• four-Mon Tum, Jorry played In lcavuea around thn State of Wo..ahlngtgn. playtnq vn101.11 po11uon1, ln c.lucUn; catebffl�I. On tow. he La the man who coutd vo behind Ille pluo If ho were needed.
Ukenl• threo t:eem1n:11te1 on Tho K1tl0 ond RI• coun, I•rry wu Ju•t about the ri9ht a;a for-,nllitary ._ervlc• a.ftor the J1peneH •heck- on Pearl H•rbot. He wont Into the United Suuu Army.._. ,in •nll•t•d man.
Gut Jerry dtd not finun h.u. a.e.rv1ce We that way. H• worked h1, woy 'i!P to ti.c:ome fl.n o!Uee:t• .1ervwd tn the Pod .fie and woa tn fnpan a:ftor thot counuy 1ur R1ndcrod.
A oood bulll'lU• tutad whb • Hen 11nv of 111t:en u.on to deUlill1. Jany ploy■ hll i,o1tUon wUh th• Hme -prc! Once.a fo.n nrponed, 1Jto1 Jany bod made • lpctCto.Ci.1.lltr a.etch. lha1 u we.n.t LDto bl.I de hvttry on 1ha1 p11ntcu.lar bin.or, Jorry had 1a\1n four tuMlnv atep.a toWatd the point tn the .outl.t.e.14 ,,tuue lh• OyboU wa■ 1vontuallv tutuhtd In.
The Ortqinol team wa, pn,aentod s uophy at the Gr e ai••i Show tn BohbaU gy tlorol.d t:nqlahar�h. IndJnnapolJ1. lnd.Jar..a . .SohbeU will never bt on th decline ln pop\lUl-rity •• long •• there: em Jedou..a .. mmdlid lov•11 o.r th Q'1trlt! prornou1ra, a1 ow tnend.t. in that 500-mile cUy. We w.._.. ltk ;uuta •t one of thG rec:•• • t•w r-o-•n boc:" 11.nd wo wtU n.ev•r forvat th111 thrilUno lltan when aU ll ceu cnm• chuqtnr; down 10 trl■ IUU1Jr.q l1ne.
Dw:lnq the oft aeoeon Jerry 11 a dratuman f or the Army tooinnen end a.tao ta • o·enU•i:tion f.lnt1•r l\oYlnQ • tow act.,_. o( '-'reen pe.a..s and W..U. Walla V•lley 1upplla• 1/S of Jh• world'• f�•n 9,_11 Pl•••
�\\�\llE SLUG�
-·- � HlllERICH &BRADSBY C9 �
{(J -·-
World War CI had run ,ta cour■o, end Wallo Walla Wa■hll1'ltan, was headln,; bacl to nomralcy In lhe •p1tn9 oJ l946. tddle Feigner, o 9ood lookl/\g. suong-nrmad younq mDn who h.nd ox aeJlod oa • aohball pitcher boforo tho war and In the Marines, was home 19alnhUJtltlng bla fHl boll by homo town bow,ra. l' wu one about F'eJ9ner. Ho hed o world of eon!lden,,. in l\lrrulalf and hi& ability to pltah • softball. Whnneveranyona hurltfd a chal lnn9oa1 lhls lad In hl5 early 20'•• he h•d on lm modloto taker. Playtnq In an cerly 1prlnq league, re19net ond 4' toc;a I loam of mne mo.n were runnmo up a Jop sJded score tn aoa.m• aqalnst a taam tn Pendleton, On,Qon. Others on lb.e team WIJfll Mike Melllke. Moa-de Ki:nznr, on-d Ken Wl,;ite. Eddie'• tcamwon theqome byawhopplnoscorn but aftc.fWard hLS ■kill •• n 'hot shot" aoltball Pltchor WM challenged. Thia wo.s 100 much for the • J(ln9• who bra:umly announced, • I will ohal lenge you to !l geme and uni only Utn,e other player•:•,o l.horuiop, dnd a it.ttt b4U- man." On th• ulp hoffl" 10 WoJI• Walla M•illk• eslcod I.he ini,\.'ltebh, qtJe•tion, .,Wf'lll, Ed hee comm.1tted u•. What do we do now?
The iaam requ.. ,eo pom111s1on o f the eud10r lll•• •• th• Washington 81ate Prison 10 play an inmate 1.e.11m. The mqueet wa.5 t;Jrat1ted .. Wtth 11 h.Jgh wall •• a bac.ltdrop and the ourlou.,: inmn tDI lool;lnq on, the orlqlnaJ Klnq and Hu Coun c:,,rno lnlO beJnq. One week lote:r the tni.Ual tour ve:raua n.lm! 9eme w.,1 playod. Alt.hough lhe oamc hnd not bnn pubtlclz.Mf, over 400 fan1 wore on hand. fel;ne:r, who ranh with the QTP..,11 ..1 loftt:.lll pttcheu ot htsu:,ry. roan to the oca.a..a1on, 1ave.n lnntn;a ho pitched o po.rfoc:. qame end •=ck oui 19 battero. On� b;,U wH hit 10 ih& ,hortatopandone 10 the flt1u baUl!len, The Jina1 lt:ON! w.aa 7 - 0 ln favor ol tho (our-man t04m. Then the Kmo and B.u Court h1t !Cf ln.11 c; ..m;uJt. Since then, a, 1porr fan• 1-hm worta ov,e,r );.now-, the King and Rt• Court h••• been on tour uch uuon!hrouqbout the Unu..d Steu,a ond Oeal>da, lt hi>• boon excttlnt; ond prof1U!blo. Playing •• roonycrameaesmaJorleaque teoms. the men ma�e 1nl411,u than =ny bu•bal!Jt.n undm the "blQ top." And 1u Jorry Ionoa, who Joined tho Cou11 m 1941 1ays. ··w• havi, tonin oilly 60 Leet to 11111, b.Jao. • 'i'out.htul me1nbflr1 of the ctlQJnal li!-fttr. pose be.low Jn 11:>0 •1 lhloiu M1H1■a1ppi I V•14r,1111 ffolf'Ual ahor • qame i, l tuulu1. Au .Force �
AL JACKSDH ToAJ fac11&on, 19-Y••r-olt.1 S._.11l'CH-R1Tt'£M tnlh 1h• I.rt•\. of rUhr:ij tn moat •nywh•r• wruan nt!edl!d. Al.thou.oh a !ir!lt beuman by 1ta-d• At I twllnd Otl 11 thtt. ·!bet-Ur ca 1c:h11r u: S.111 lt lr.1wod. Al 11 hom tho t,ut, b.PIII� ftotti l'l'lWW,cke,;, R. I., >Nlth FeJ.;n.- la.ne1 1tncl 1Cehre1 heJllng from tho Wa11. Th:o toJlrrr.membora nCP •r• renllv • tono ••v apart in :h• ott 1ac1n■on, ftut ocw:.o ,h• •tt••on •l4rt.s. ave.rycme twll1 Si1ndtng tl'I '" . Jttekaot1,. known to Ml Rhad• :i HOC.&aH.1 H "Bu•1e-r• 11nd "'Ston11w11II 11 ;01hl1 attll ••• ac:noo!bor at Wn1 HJoh ScuootJ.nllihome1own. Hoored uat:ed" irom ther• In 11�0 nttt"r • stAmn.i;a corur ,n l-w•lt• .. wel1 u baa■t.11. w�,, At moved on to Htvlc.e b.u•'-111 ftnd buket ball end ployed RCCtnd La11e ot ran kU•l' IJ\ .lam..\ along: wn.h rrie,or 1•avuar. WhH•Y ffU1:og. Tn orv,nu:eo bell. n, wu bneny in ltle c1nc:1nnau.1 �o.nJi■Uon1ndap,ttnUcaa, tJJne � t.e&ia •& Ct1m bt1dqe. Maryland. l:ddJe enlO)'I c:haulnq With lri«mdl near lh• bench .. A, Rlobt. r.ddl.G ahet.t .wit.h Si.n SJ0:1� a.od WIJltam l8Ull, od.ltcrofthe Reponar Dispatch.. Whit• Plntn• N•w Yor,.. On tba Below td.ds.e requaau Ule uver1Jow crowd 10 plea .. te.Jr.•m oU u,a ,oul hn•• •nd a.JJ t.n m. ouU1rdd. •Th1t teor:i r1ay coJ!'lplaan. but• wc:n't for ohvJou.a r•• 1 ana,• td.dt.a J•au. He also c:a\lU.on, 11r1�et111on nci= co .s.n too close 4tc:.1nd t.'i• belc!t-JlOP or Out or Lhln1 blH .. Ll.11 N,HOll an lnsp111011 R■l'l& t'.ddta c-oul:S •nlDY WH the 1J;,1tu of hJa .fan1IIY u he .;lanced tOWard th• �n ar ,cJ(Mlo t.blnd tnr a"1lttln ThA� ne woW.d A�• Mrs. r. (�rolrrtl dn1,,1qhlt1T Debtue wuh. hffr toy Pon1n111U1r1 •,Oppaur, • ,ind tddln fr. wno ha, bOftn bill boy fm thci team trcm U1.r Uzne he "·u bel!!ti able to �I.I a tie,. tdd)O Tr. may ,..1 wttllo 'WAUthlno dad W4tm "p i.-dore Ui� Q'Al"'.e hf, wUi 1- hb loqical rep1-relbt!DI whon dod'lQI tnnm llP• liOWllV'Of • h• •1ll only ,. p1'tt■ d.-d lent •"ouatt. to •am hn W•Y thtOUQh coU.,.;e rot &dd.lo Jr. h.aJ hJ.a he.nit 41ld m.lJid ••c un belr� • t�lon medJcnl rrilul.onirr, vpbri comct�u n ol M• uotnJM. Go !'fet 'Cm 'Pr1ni:e• - tddli, Jr�
Jackaon 11 pen of 11 1ulrtQ or th01eruohbt<?d tac_, hon:01. He Jius noru..s ;ind con 0- found al any neeirbyt.nt�durlno th• arr ■auon. Abo1te. Al LI ;ett.1.nQ • One. <rfl • pitch 'Wnlch wqnt to d.uep rloht c.nuu .haltl •• t.hc othe:t mambetl al thie: le--Sff' titfOtch and WAH LhelJ tum._. bat.
llll IJ!Hll£ll l P•-•d �I GfllMtea Imm hlVh scriool tn O:im.rd. c..IifrrnlA Ahd AlleDICWid IWO JHII :,.t tlm Un1v.11l1yof Sah rranolaoo bet.or. 1.o.l.n9 ti) wor.k. li• la new en l•...,.. of iabao:nco lrom kAJ1,bAGn Mfg. Co. wtum, h� wo,.kt n eN ei.otronle• rad1nlc!An. 1,u tut • t 15 wn.r, U m>n• nm• '-'1 • twWJnt)' �a1e aeb.edute. in Nottor, AFB. He wu 4CtCla1.mod tho Motl ·1aluable fla-,.r Wlll\ • .lH AWn19fl 1n lh• Wu.tern D1:d.cui:o T(lrce rown111n,int. o• u. 9 h, tor OJ,.n.a,d'a t■o.a:a lllltt'Y lt1 t.he Souuiem Callfom.11 f'as:tbell lnogu• tUllt beli ttltar�tr lca91,11, tr. t.he COW\U'Y &.odey, Doos1lni; 10 to l2 AU M'Artcari hlttea and pJ.le� t.n th• ■a-ma 1...,unl. tllll tr-led oot with ou1 team !or lWO wociU durJnQ Spring tra1nU1-g In 19.,,z. 1-t• JMtdarmed aowell t.hn1 ..tlen.M.ikaonn.out1ce.d W.. penr.arut.nt teL&Jenu,cu lrorn t�11, illU wo;1 our fhll ChOl'CO from over e hundred« 10 playeu Wbo wal.lld lli. to loln iM Fasnoua rouraon:..
Rtct.Nr vtARB I h•va beten !ortunAta enough to ba •bl• !o war� wnh tho Ouo Scout• u 1u1aam dut"ctor I l.h" 01'U;oUc You111 o;131,untto-n, 110a PoUca, Atbl•Llc �gu-,111 ..Jlasuthe.zrouthorqa.nJ.&oUUl.l 1.Ucft U the •relh!tndaJ1.• O..,nng 1-h• d.lya, Wbel'I poiuthl•, you wOl Cu'ld .,_ i,Jt.t.,ir ,u a youih rally .:iu1 4\o�II 1)6tk YJllh ,b.. Path.ftruler11 OUlftClll"'P w,u,1 Ul• 1ot.U::. Athl•Uc W-.,u.. Moy:. evon 111 a,.. oi th• 1uite 1Mt1tutron1, htapUa)a, or pennenuaru,1. •n1•n111n1no th• 'IM!n •h1M the wails. Mt!r; u1a1 �rflflPI hav"" n■Yitr hotii yaur chan.o. er r:dtte. and- rcr tholJ blWld"ra· .,. PIYl!Ul Ulalr dobt to ■oc,ety.. 1 WOtJld o-ncow•ort itoch OM of 'f'l\6 10 u. l• mer• ,nu,�, u, your &OCil I or.;•nu.. tlon■ ihnt work for 1h41 of out yo.ulh. 1111\CG lh• fuwr:e o! Ameitca i1111l 100 'W'OTJd �pend on hi;nf wet... ..., train th•m trrr aalld, ra1p,ontlb!o c,1t1.ien1tup. tdJW JI h1--pplest when he la wllh )' He doe... all he ean to per aw,do lhomto Ieod clH:n h:aaltlltul ltve■, not only for lhe-lr physical W6.ll bel1JV, butelliO for tluw m•nlAI Al\d 1p1rttual t>ena!U, lhllll lalplno to pr• pere t.hen1 for n,■p0n1lbla eJtl1an•hlp In• 1poc• age Amortca. fddte romarnb&r■ ha urJr yO&l'I 1-• on orphan and illriJoy1 talUJ\O to vounv tx,n and gtria Ln 'i'out.b R:altiaa 4nd corrvttnUon•, 1nd beu.ot ret. In per:,on. SHADOW BALL. the ;,ontomtme ;i•ma uw,, we play alter tb• nqular ••wn ,rmlnq nm.o. wu.t1 llh tm•qlncuy toll 11 on cld 81owt Clly. l&wa •coJorod Ghon1• lnvon tum. We Q!U'Utnty tiopo you anloy w;uclung- 1t u m.uJ:n a-.-. fnJDY dotnq u tor you. Below Mtltt1 th■ olt.ahar:
ferry. lha blM nmnet: •nd Kenny Whit•• c:atcheJ I n 19�0: • r• r7tvlnq th• umpuac, Edd••· U'I• •haavo--f'lo• tor- the lut bod call •t hocnti plate. The gem• we• &nfCJ)'Qd by nn � udlenca ot an Lh:ouaand ln Toronto, Ontal10 Catu1dn.
A hl9hllqhl of th• 19Gl Haton WOI th• UMlffl'a u1.9 to tho int.uh laland of Bomruda 5ome ltlD air- m\Ju tmo the "tlantl.c from Nt\w Yott. City.
91.0.A.O. carrtad the t.o11.111 to the l&Lond P<U•dJ• ..
� h wu a deHghl 10 pl•r on th• Lu.t.h o-men tud ln � 1.11• 1dyl1Jc utttn; pictured en ot1r co..-v·, cocn r:ienu t.dd.1•
� Cttd.11 balno a na:uoma.l lrltLlh 1•� ,iw- lll&nl .:,i,- enJo-yod adapting Ii.a ao!tbeJJ know-how to thll tn garautng vama. $Klfil: 'nl• fiatlanal Sporu Club In llennlldo •poru,ontd th� "Court• to 1h• lalnnd In 1962, .and have ,.qUe!ltod • ma,�n m '14. � Mt ..• MoJllc.l(• poau mt-wee.n O�de Du1l11i end luomboU. Strom.boll u ont11 ol th• Br1ti1h tmp1ro•a greet cr'4:.Ui p)ayara.
J.Uu Malla�. th• ie1m'1 hturut f'an ant.u, bit a• Jn 1(6, qam.H cru, HHC)ft. Mike WH •horutop on th• nlna-11!.Bn team Uuu w•• wUIJUII; tl'I• gam• tiy .a lop- al..dtd 9ec,n,,i,h.en. lh.e !our-man c.balleoqtt tn 19-!&6. Now M� con ba found aJono ttl• rood• •moOQ 111• hLlll LD mo we.Ir. country. Or lie may be ut.tld.e one of hU Dl-O Ir8 Cltl llfdd,nq 1091 al� me nonnam dopu ot Mt. St,.Htlt or abr.rv1! IOIU bHUUtully sltu• ai:.d ttwr ln $oultiern Ore,qon. Ke �• P6f1 owner ot • IOQ9t.t,; optUatlDr\. wh.tch -.ncWor.:iaUy, Ht • toc:ord for th• mcnt board liNt oJ umber t.e"11 t� U'I• WOQdJI per IU.I\ tot JI panlCUlat ....... Poue:nuiqCM' of t.�• auanqHI tn.rowUIQ arm• an the ;a�. Mlk.t! dalt1Jhtlld 1n p.tckt.GQ tW'lr.•u oU Ula 114Sal .. lfl.UCtl .. h a did \J'IIO'Wlr'19 would-� no:ma-nm h\tttn oi.1.$ .ti hem. �•r '2-$ an on• 11auon>. tv1" tboua.h ..,.,w w. wtlJ •U- naw 10 lhnq ?'ham Up• 1GCNday1 "'°owiUinl11 Mu.t-•• 9cod h.u.r.iar. ::aw,rth•l•11. �u1te1 wm auu a. QWtno tr,• •PtCtJuan •nd OIJJ)Olln� ••nm ttLI u t,, PlllYI tr. ti' .. ciW �,IQ\U!I l1Uf hi• IOQ9ll\9 OS)GIIIUOl'l. S&QutNC& PICTVlUlS - II.Ion, ,o I.ah be.Con, Cddte pJtch••• .Mlk• I• tn Mak• u1• and poa1Uan for • Ueld ti.ll b141 at.n,d1 .11dd11t 1tan• wimhJp. near to protect bllod!oldod td.dle�
lr-1111.• t•ll• £11121• Whet• �n., ttnnd•
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