1962 Edition: The King and His Court Softball

Page 1

rtrst o! ell J would hke to thank you !or pur­ cb.astr.g our souvenir booidet. W e hope we have made ltwo:t., y0-<..Jr,...,hile and t.hat you en,oyad out show. This ma.r.,;,s .my t\venty-!ounh yaar tn .so.U­ bo11 ond a. yO\I lea! throuQh tlus booluot you wJJJ :ea the: the years h.ave �en filled :o tho bnm wt.th lnteru:ln-g .1nd u,rllllnq occa$tons,

As. I UI�=' the oai;.-:wara look c:;vor ;hue many year,, r f� comµe..1.larl to sJum; wtth )'OU some of the- tl:.utQ!I ·m)' exp-er:em;e has tacght me. Worldly succeu means nothing Jf we leave tha Master P'acher out of cur llves ano iefuse :o le-: Htrr call me p:la-y.s. I was rear�d tn a �ellgious �:r.tosp!'lt1re t bu� decided In eorl;· lile that God naa no p:,intcu.lar uu.erest tn mg. !all became an a.bsessJ.on ·,vltb me a.r.d worldly ltrne. ano for­ tune, myonlyood� but the Mane. PiU:h!.f s.ays .. rnou 11holt have no other gods ?::efcre me:." (Ex. 2G:l). rl-..rou1;1n u a!lne never gave ma up. Re ,tr:Jck me Ol.Jt • (ew U:nes and 9ove me l.n­ Utrva.lo. wtth n.-otl---..m;: to do hut tJ:!nk. but �e-never fcrr;.ot mo. R.t!cCU1Uy, du.ring one of t.r.o.ee Utr..es o! enforced qu1ot and m.odttatJon, I found mywo1y bac, IC G-xl. ha� re -<U•=r•d th� Joy '1l c::omplftte ell anmer,t with Cod end Hia purpo.BC.!. My henvan.ly promotQr has complotoly ch-engad :he pauem c! m y h!.e and Qiven mo peace I would hardly hove belU!m pon1ble. In the back cl my mind, Hk& many o! you I hl)ve P:r.own t.lils V.'ilS nght, but al.so, Like r.i:nny o:t you I rafWied to- do anytn.in:Q about tt. The loy and uu.s:l.ac­ llon of .beii� us;e-d of God b Z)·ond my po-.ve.r to des.erlbe. t have rrany uc-phles, symbol.£ o! world!� su.c­ cv1s:, to dac-orata my den out t oo�v long for UH! "Trophle.," mentlone:i in the belO'l<!d hyn-.n, '"The Old .RtJQl;f?-d Cron " .. When my trop.hlea at Luit I la,-• d:o\•m . . TD0-$0 troph1es ara not oi 11l·1ar or gold, out Ul-e ransomed. aoula of our !l!-110\.'l "'"0. I !etl th.at we a� Uvir.Q m momemous tiD'.As. Tha world loots llkc one •Jest bo 11 f leld. The ca sos ara .aadQ<d. \'Te luJve alteed}• struc]( out too mar,;· �Imes. J• Jocks tom.q like :he last tnnin-g. The old world has only on.ant.er� chan� and that ohn.n.c.e ta- Christ. 1hta IHe Is Jual • ttalning crnrnp io l!ie.e now· we play tne gamo - and It DOES fflllka .el dllisrar.ce. Th,:i lau c.-anar could sw.i:e out in your Ufetltnt! and mlr:� at any t1m.o.

YCIHHPUL EODJC FCIGl'ICR P,teMt• hao 10 wnr :ilac<. p.ar.u wf11Je. ;:lay1no u,th.e5.u-:1ee on a. U.S. Maur• lA41"' J.r. 1c.u-q.

All "ood lhtn._s must come to an end and one o! these scaEons wtU be my last one without. pamnp5 wo mucr aovn.nc:e nol!ce. Wnen the ume o:>mu !01 m;, :o lay down Loe nld •aft.bol l I want to feol that ;,erh•P• l hav• done • llttle more than Just entena .n m;.· rant anci fnenC:s. a­ round the world. I'd .li<e IC know 1J1at my mends yo1m, and aid al l<l! are In :here p1toh1rr:; C0t the Mester and phJ)'lnq :he ;iome folr or:rl cJeor:. ond square tn prapnronan fcrtl-...a.big le,3gue; tn God's etemlt;·. Wh.en. es the Good Boo,: nys 'M.e.n t h!tansfallinQ tht!ttl!orfe:ar ..... (Luk� 11:1£.25). you wlll be retltlnQ in the sure cor.ltdonee L'ltat ''Peneet love :::aatetll out !ear. (( Jonn ;:H

THIS IS �!J,1 IT ALL BEGAN W�I� �.V-ir 11 ,1.d nm :u C"Ocrce, .:1nd ',\'a..d.-t Wel.!1. \'.":!U ,111Utctl, Wit..! h.!!.:!..!1� 1:a='k :u �tCll..1-C)• m t!:o IFt-n:; e! 19-1�. E:d:He fO:lQI\Cr, 11 QOOJ­ l�.<1n11. J!.t-:n,o-a:moc ;·�uni; rr.an ·,-.•11c han ox­ ce!li'Fd c1 • •�flt-all p.:t=..�.u b:ifure rl".t, wn1 anr! Jn L":.;; �ai.ne.3. -�os hor.i,e ;,,;(!ln Luz.:tnJ 1-.Js !ut b:'111 Djf hcrno i:•,•:n batto:&, rh . eri: was or,e thin.:;; about fa1;rmr. .He had • -...,:--irm ::i! =:m;.:de.;:c• m n.u::a.U r.r.n nlS 01 tU:; co p!te.: ·! sd!l:4l!. \\"hilnovu.a."":; 'tM htl'11•d a �:ial­ lec.aeal. :.bis lad tn bu earl�• 2(·••• he ho! i!n u-­ me..ji,;te :.a11.er. f'l.ar.... �:; lpa:. u:ly !iiJrLtr; io.a;iue, ful:;r.e-: and � l�al �=re mno rrrir r.ero rimmr.n ur a lop1tui1:d • � · - a ;arr.--1.!G""!:ln.!t !. '--m tn P�:11:Ue-�1:i:'l, O:-ec;er., Oi::e.!"i ct:. tho. t�.l:n WO.Iii l\�1ka !\laillke, l'\fr.uoe tari:er, and M!n \'rna-e.



Ccidlis'• u,.amwan t!:e gAr:r.-5 ?:ly a ·.-.·happm:; core b1u afU1r...:ard ,,., suil 31 a "her Dnot" aattl:.ali p&-.,...� w:u ,:h!!illc.n;Je-d. rl\1s wa" t=o mu;n fer tb� "Y.mq•• •.;.,�o hrn!!enlvnnoouncP.d. "I wlll chnl­ leo-;e yoi: w a ;nme and UH orJy tnroo o�her fi;oyeu.: o ecitc.�r.a !h0rtstl)�, ams a Urst ba.sa--1.e..-:1 •• Cn tH• trip hm:11� to �,v�u., W�I I.rt. M<uilr.e c;Jel:nd tha 1m�r;.rnbl'1 :llrflJ1ton 'WftH. r.d ho• ;-orr.;:11nod �•. ¼":.,at do •.-e co new?"

Tt:e ·earr r=.;ues�&C PQIT"'--•&-�n :if :ha -i ..ttlM­ l!J� et L�- Weshi.i.-..;!�::. Stu.� Fut.:.. w pay an lnn.!!Jlc- tc.:.J::.. tha- !C'Q'JOI! .'61 :=.r,Lod. Y.'.:...'). :t �lr]rt wan •• a '.ad:cror and ·h0: c:.:n.ous:: lnl'l'iill 11 lo:i�rn� C'!'."i 1:ie ClrJl;ir.al �:"? anJ Hts Colt: ,.., Lntc Le1.n,. Ont: w nk. later me tnttt=l few -.�u� nu·e­ li,ar.Je w:11 p:la\·ec, 1'.t.,.cu�h Lt-_. go:r:e h:Jd -en �n r:unla:.u:;;a.r:, over .(OIJ- tang ,-.-mo on and. i-"',at�r.!:1. o,-.•ho �:i�� wtt.h !hr 1•,...l�-1.1 erlfthe�1 �Hchera cf ttew:y r.:>3n to th"' �casH.m. tn Hvso mru.m;t he pat::!:.od a r,ort-.=: G.3.:i� ar.d G!.:..1!'4 out 19 t-au.eu. Ori� ball ar 1.1 t� th& uorL:itoi.,a.ndon. to Lho !L"'J'l L:anvr.an. -:.le fi.. �1 &::'Cl'G waa 7 - 0 in fo.vcr c! :.!:e ( u-11l4n Lna1 • ThQ'.:1 tiio ,;an, anc Ht, -oi.r ht� :o� -r,e, ctrc·•1,. Smcatl-..en, �• •port fan■ tht!'.0,·t110 over nc,. .... J• �sr: t,hQ t;tnQ aej Hl.s c� l'iVC �•n. . ;aa,on tbr0u::1ho.1t the Un1-;:"'d S-;-ntea n:d c�:iad,1. I:. m::.: t�n :::-:c:-� and prctuac!a. fl..!lyu.7 01 ma.nyi;s..mes ilitiaJoriflc1\IL U!:1:r..t, tt.c- rr. M tt::.<e aelaJte.a �:rt"-1 thti , 1t.c1r.)' L.u.e�U ! ur.:lel the "bJg top... Anti •• Jf·l"'I. J_.::es I l'\e!:. C' C.;,urt m JE;,I suy.:., "°l"lr! 'u·;;1 t.on:n c:-1-,· f.m!: (...::�




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:n� hi:"J one :-: :s "'.in '!rt.: na'-•�:-ra 1e-a C•U: ur.l�ss tt.o �,1,,,', ... 1 f :oo. .£.:1.d.te u p..i�;�rec s:andl.o; 1r.. tour in, ne;;, of >c:h 2�-:td ar.d •a•. ·d111: Ll-..at w-=is ;:..lae�:i c:i th• ;11!.ld Ir. tr.a l:.i�elituu; nn:.i 1...3.r..t":!"'� box -Cf ,·.�ll af �1e ;.in­ cnor I C!:t:.rn.=. ;:en Vlh1112 wn1 :tircY:r.c.,. a :it !u· .. 1. =c01e a!.:.Qr iuunw one a;a1ni:. :r.;- len 1:old tonca �4L feat 4W8,',


lmport:ant: Items in l:ddie's Pitching Record (The moSI romplcrc r<<ard o! •11y ,of1bsll pbycr In l1htorv) ':':lt Lo ,· r·,;il ',\'t:.!1 ' .... r--;j.1 nr --r-:•, 11..... • n1 J-ll.Vb-c ': G-··:::i'l:JT l!r te- llU _ �-f.:.r � $11..GO• tk' - Wn'I'; •JT I ol

.......... m,...


f:t.,1 n_ .� �l'I ;:-..L� l...l 4 I --� rr.-;-_· qi!·:· , ;p1r-..,_..g t :.:i 1 .=.tten ;:;:_ti�! •••••••••• '• IIU1t1J ro-.:al tau...:u i.:....: -�t -"!'!l!! � 7c:�1 ;:cte1ct garrn

Ih& .-.a1 • J.:i--Le-- 1 1.... tr1 u ;i!A.t.l'I aht:"1,'1l � t.�., .tc.+ i;J Ci:.d..i• r.,::rn - :ea , :I .111 r.,c::=i��• 1r. ::re an:: •-.1 o,c�111n1 :: tl-..; n-1::!tcnc« l.h. Lbo i.:or.js-. (w.t 19 tdi::. ,!__.. t t.: �: J�I lhi'/:t 1·.,t1 II�• II':':'!::.::-· :.;i �Jtr; :na...r 61':t, a---d �hu :r.11 i'.r.t.l r:; 1-.a will l:.e. p::a.:!-1:ig ::.r..t.!.d!lej. �n, !a::o -:r,curr nett! ?.• 11.e_w.tll· -�tJJ.l..l.1£!, ca::.r� •" 1hr ltc:&­ r;-2+.1&': & nt. ;H::. ;11 to b-i: ll!lrlili 4( t.:r.:r.:! . .2••• �tlldtlrt; �::- t:l�• er,-, Lt"� nti:rl9 �!5ie- � .. -..-.o,e,. A .:�J� n•ud n::: l« :.,-" t� 1 4 �• :!:.¼.! :!::"'I tddt. ,:r:;,-p� :.. ,.:111 \ln�:.a ,:,-rr�� c:- 11 :arum i::ue-. i"a&ta ti �tu=: ;::&c:tee t:!l:ll.k• th1a �c�.:UJ-�"� Cna:f:nE 111r:ry1 !t,..tk·�9 !:ci.:1.!1 1 that vtr� .'4'J !,,..,: t t..t � c.-·..e1; 'JIL:ti'"• -W.'I u.:ir.. !'-•ta::1.1 &: i, , --·. r.r,<:.a1 rb-A tatcry ot :.�lff: ;i�c.::l.!".) a.n -e-!:T? nr.,� tll.r.:rlf::tCe---:1 .-V.'" n:;;ro C':r!l!lnq.

01.Ose PU\" - !ov do:n-, t.'-;e rw:n1:1• •corec;nL;,:w11J M• .a •• !r:.r tne L:.we!l Sun !-le•.i;.11p�p!-r·s ch.4ray !.:-:id 1am«-. mo :.bow .frar.1 Jerr.1 took. en crate !:c�---. :.11ko Mc<..C n £:1d.la tryi.'"i!; :� t•; t..�• t�.r.er• tut •• yo1.1 can see. ta. !.I 1n 1.wic-r11 •ili ano :ou.l:i�•t l!!' r�he-:d. mt the� . C!:.! lli'l't a ia-c-ir, "' turina: trrm; !.: s.ca:e, It I• !11• uu1:� .!:.!..5e �=� !er 1.ewe..:1 ea�-.•::ocon9t'cti.:.la.t: the hJtter f.::r liu. -fli·n.

L_ ,


SQ::?h&IJ·• y111stea: tni4-ldu, tcr nc:.er in c.>1J1=-;1e fur:-.., �r..tci:au.-i! tr. !; . ;;;d:,3Jl. blt<etbil, oue411 an:: tra-ck wnh t.cai<ctboll hh :�o 1;:ion. rnet earn n'IX! .enc. Jerr,- jones wu • a�, ,..,r,.end 111--,od cno .. Sleelin:; !:aeu- t� 1oh.:.1U hu a.lw.! � te.'!'11 - dlf­ u.:u.lt a,l: bocau.1 e e.! the :-.Uo1 tal.atJ•-e :.. Nhon .a :Un::!': �U. lH\''t t.!'.� bas,a:. 51,;: -!',•;'', Ule ru.J"'", Janos hu alwaya 1150d his ■po�d t.:i ot.lfur !:as.er e:;eir...st 11ll ►.1m!1 M eorr.po.:..ll0:r.. !..1\:g F-e1qno1 1 ]ern· w4u ;10."":1 m Wa Ha \Valla, ':f91h­ ini;tc:i. P.e.:st.3.r.d.s•n•ve.t:.Uk�!, A"•!t. hS. l!) p � and la• IWl1c::; hmar. ,lthoa,:h ha :1001 rt.OD!,:,! !u.e awt!!.i.t."":; t;.a riyh:. ,t:1.. cf the �:.a:.. .. He .naat 1:'.o �•ar.;. oc l1a:11e n.:-.1.


Spe.u hoe elwer• be�n ,a hltJ ::io:� �! ti:..- -!� c.l Jerry ;owu Ha �!l.Dwet! ,�i, 0a::teco .n, 1ehoo1t:;r. tl-:M. �. tV COlJl';'!l' o Eilirt> �! l!'l".l - :l: 1V.U,. :..,a F:iur-Mtm Tea:.m, J•rry pl.11yd .:. :ea d or,�m! t.}i,t St�::! o! Wip.ihln?ta:-: �16Ylr.- \0..u.. o:.:.:.. rc1�UC•11 L..1cluilit; ceichtng. On tour. he u t."'le ,::-.3:, w�_, e::.i!J � tchlnd to� pli;tn, U r.!'I' wora r:-ce-.:ied.

LJ\■hus ,�.r"e:! :e1r.imato1 en Th.a Kt.n; •mi H11 :; fen·.• ,,•n Ju.It .es.b:i.J: t.� n;h• ACIN fr:.r n1U...t.:1r, l;:.!VIC., ei�:- tile Jaf'.,ano• •::oe.<: vr.. Paar I Ho:bo:. Hs w..r.t lt.to �!'J• Cr.at.et! 3ta�!!.J :..r.:::y �$ a:i e.c.:..l.a1od 1 4r;. e�:. Jitrr:, :He no: !1ni•� •• Hr,·.:.c� � rna; way. Ht: wmke:!. ua wa•.• L.J tc: l::�� i,n c..!!J:,11. 1i-P.-1f'� Jn tho Po.c;!a: .anc waun Japan tlf-:.ex �:ia! C::)ut1t1v 1tu­ re.r.tta.:e:L

-. .,,.... ,-.1·1a� :e-¼::"' v;o; �r•H' ntod • 1.r0;,t:v a: u,o G:eetc1: 3� - S:i�_a.Jl by ?:a�cld �.:.n1rdt, L"'d'!lntF,o!ta lr.d;ar-.a. Softb:ill vn .ll :te\'Or bo en the d!!cl.lt.� Jn � Lbrl!)' •• ..;;n:� s::, ·ricm, era senoua­ tHndec: :�-a:e cJ tho ;;on:.e, ;:ro::..:.rrir-£. e,1,, otit !:.a� m 1h1� 5-J.,tl-,iU.. c!:-y. ',\'e .�er• :ua. -.uun 11: en• of t.h.e race.a o tevJ �:-!' t--ec,. !1:-.d 9"@ wtH .:-.l!\1 '!:- !c:;e1 Illa: mo.L..m; auin wh•n /JZ: 3J an. :::1m■ :ha...7lr.; Q'.•,"71 t.o the • urt.i� l.!r..e.

,. qood b...alr'�I ei'Jd w l."I .. lHC H::..s..:- c..! .a:-:,ir.tlOC. to �I.Olli* fCnT PH-�·- r..i.3 .fl03U!Cc W�L.._ :..,. H�a p'"!.!.ear...;j•. �n-:t!-afsr. t9 crte�, .;!ter Jnrr· t.ad ·r-1d• a 1:1=--ec:ac-ubr ca:cr.. �hat a td�.ie Ner.l :.n! .... _...!. _ J.-1 !1·.-e:,- on i?111 p,:ruc. .d!lr:au.at rer,y he� :o,;:!'l !our N:l!'l.Jnq i;te;;: to•-•:arj lh �Jr.! us .e o:zt!.i.•l.d wtlu• :n• t1ybai! we!: :·.·0111LJLCir h•ulo� ln. Punr.g t.";.O c!l sea.s::n, ferry ta o dra{!r.nan !� r the- ;,m,r ==nqtntnr.: .tm'1 ab.c ;i. ii ·e::h,r.:.Jr. L:irrr.ic. "iavin; • fow b1..11.:ired .acre•"! 9:ce:, area:! 5r.C w11.-,. Nalla W114 Ja.U�y !UppLss 1 � c: •·e 'lln":-ld': !rc-:z :: ;r.,en. oao!.





''l'VE GOT A

:io Jo ..t.· rn�l ot )�U uw 1r.o "I•,•• Q.e.:.A s�:at" 7'' .1.n;-.,t .u: ·•�· 1t r'O.:i: ,:..:i: :iot .. r.:.i :---s.c··rr.Juil £:'..t.e:1..n_,. ,L: L:i La- •uu.d�•�.:-.: :h.!l! �.:!1a .a bl ;:­ f,· l-! �.1-::r.. n;i w.u a:i;rui.-;; •rn.1.1.:inl cut ;:.eQi.;H -: t::.5 wa�· --:isry �.•oc; to andle.:1 Le i,:.utteto.UQ=' c! e !oH..09..... pt.rm r; t.,e. •14 ,ni; adu1r.c•• T:a1:• at• ·r.r.u- ,,.,:r.o W1.., __ .t.lte �c pac_, i-"h 3;.,�-� SI!..�_: .:I r.,.;.:,■i;.t,-­ I0:111.Q.Ml •� cr.d jl)'!M, ..:p-er, It OI ll t.u::be� ;tarr.:, Tna �11Nti :u� ts d6 err.lat:Ie o!: c•n:•fl •• �. h was• ·11u1l iilnetur• I 1n.,ot -t.1ct:\ heisut.foJ ledlet lb J-,c.u,�r K..n:y Mcr•.i, .ir:c �-•ll··-:cro•=- 1:11 C:L.ar..

EC.dte was �in; :� h:: the su1it"' :o-:ic U you ro­ r ,,._ �,, p:.1c;-11r::1 ,a Gar;· bhr.::l!;),i.HIC. .,n st,qe �no :jr. tJ' ,-.-:o.,d the aud1er...:e. 0.1tcti 1£1m; l.!U! 1-rac• :1� aes.. ucn a pt�h ""'Cl awa�• •I".:. t,'te t:iaU naarly hl! tr.e ii!�HI. •ml J14Ut-d tr! �-i.tltt!lr.; tcc.Ul tt�n b::t..cc�:: a.:-c-:.11.._i =� tr. t::: HtS:t:3. \'{�ftr t�e �C-::�1 rf:)t1rarn �- or: ;.;o AU'•• 1r•1�.nr; 1vaa j(lf rw4l. Thoy mc-1•� oU L"le apoctetca o;I t,f Ule !r=..t tt-;1•e c-: !..J�r rev: I ,..onir:;i t.-■ :;11r1·n:-11 1;,at .:-CIUI! 1 hl .,.! ..:u u!�� :,.r,ppe..� Wlt. 1 pro!e..,.t.UJ:.cl J!lderi,nu• s....'1'�. !"� ::.nre"" •!'Ira 1.u:::k'.M r_-;r:. ,:z•,vn :..l\e. r-:id!J•

J°'� tHts 50\,,"Vt�·?'R n«:•GAA?, • you._..tllte.:,;d:u::.:• ;nn:ny rnJr11. Ml.iC tia� �• wntten ato-.n my ;:::'C\1r.; re­ cor:. �;·d:u:1:,,:1lie� .,..;Jt ■crna:11U:g d1ffora11t - ti• rra.l th4 ,,,� a..� ::.r tar..1. '.','ut:�:.)'c..l tans nll.Lra.Jy U,e l:t.a� on: Hll Cc:J:1 vct.J:! � or '.::.a'J.; •i.:ntl'.'t'j. w.n c-..,r -� ;""'iWer: :i: 1-·= �C.'i"G 1:iawn !c�:1; 1r :-:-.e f1;; t•!..ar: E.:..::-311 Taain an.J 1 want ;-::-J !!l tn:w Hu re 1llr l1111·u;;�lft<!. \\'* h•• t:a t&ftl t."'l•t � %a1:, srtt f.tt.eZ_t ;:J OlllJ.. �ardir;t i: • •.yma ■r.0 tUl),ra lr."'.o 1:.ip;::;• L1• c�,, cu::n w t.9• •t-. .u s. e :--..u,. ed. � � 1ar.·in2 , tit I t1:N, M:.1: 11., t�ni' ltD hne • :tt11li ;l!.y�.!J U"" •► !:' -m -:,. , _; .,u. ..r:.:, .!:;.:_. ..r Pl'T�

tr-e:• �re aut1eC!ec :::: !! :.tt!,Ec. c: W.'lllt .a ca.ll:i:: tone pJ.tr.• :i.11tC:.elnt·•... u:mune•.e·\or.cua;ila;r·, t bod. A!:a.r ..ill, Wh1':1'l • r.i11r. c:ti:ta !':la HI �=o• :;:ipt&i • v.• .C.4\� no.min; tut nsµ;: !..:r. l!.l!t,.. lr. al. C'.:.t t·:a..'"S o-.:: relauo:-.1 with t-!c3n1s: ha::: �e!!c:ig:.:C, 1::.��t:tt:..=!a -.·h e :.�·:.ii �nn.u. wa 1pc:-::I ■CmB urr.o ehar Hen 11•c-• w.:h the o;: ,.-:eJ� �011r: ant the si:-onac - n: c..t lh� Oilir.it. To •·cw•�•.:! 1;;.mrnoil'10n (;,r tti• <.-01:1.�o,­ cuon. Q1\'�r.: ut ,1.:e·d Ul.e �o:h f4n1 !tlru! tiV•I pl1:1)'atl �� ,:,:, il.n:;..,• ;.::.:i:. -...-� :uc..::e;.:l)· ::ppai=ci�:ne. ;:-a...-: �:¾·,· uv� ;;.ft�i.11e e:H.:r..; -± .; Y..:.=; cr.d F.i! C-:i.ITT t.-e !"C.:­ cetl •tu1:, ,! I,


1:1 .t._t::r 'il'.AA5 l oV• L,-,,r, !cn.na:E er,:::-o�h :; ce ,o:• C: We:>. w.ln th• .,:;� :i-,;,;,;_u .::a.an:u:.1m �:nr, i..-:e C,:.:.hohc Yo b cr,;�mi..et1�lon. e:-:J F.'.)i1c• Atnl t W,1.1 •�,..,._1la.1c:L"ulq•u, .zlhcr,;a:uat1::i:-! r_.!!,:" !..e- •pa!l::£.=.r::l�;'?i. • 0-.:11 ; 1 4-f•• w:ion p:aa1M• ycru w'11 lm:1 m., •u.,u •• • yo,:11 c•ll�•. ,:11J1 at�WlµJl .i.!h��F&.t:.Lr.d.!!u. O::.!'!!.C.!U::;, W,1t.:: l!:e P_._.r:� At.J.,�L: !Aa;u.e. :..h,r:::■ •-. on at onee! t..'"l!c uat: .iruµtut:�a, ho;nu.Ls .or ;:-erutan!'.lat.e:,, :!n­ .....'l�r..!-r.,: .,. ini;n -.;o..L:iJ :.r .. "..,ill. Mar:..�, r,cs ar:5 P<i -� r.�fff haC �ut ch11r-..ce • r-in.e. 1ed !-:::t thflt bh::u::le?:s. ate- psyin; :!3.u i!tt: t.o &.0�.u-;ty. l ll:"l:CO'bf4t;:0G<l-l" CnG -cf 'f,:t!,j 10 u�- 10Ctll lr,i4t♦l1 . n (OU: lcctt Gr;-=r..iz-4• :t.:�J: ±.!lt -1.�rk fo:- �:!l =-c:r�mcr.t ol ei..1 ret.'tl-., ur..:o tria f,.t.,,.. c..f Aetdrk.1 ern... �-.c :l�pe.ni:1 "'n ..,C'4\. ·,.-�ll .\R :nun .:..:.el":', tar so.1.u2, reule:talble ;_t..:.:�'l!l,l. -; �ft fer, e::id l:::laoe i:a-a:lt!.9 Wl'.J) W,dl i4,;.e be1t1"9 F"=•c:1c• :uu WI.th n• : � •ny �.:1.!" I Ji orr,;,nttu.

EXCITEMENT ON THE DIAMOND ,��., th� u.:I cl t�a !];9 tour t'.er -I.lit!" Tucert-11.!r,.r.:;tn"1r ...r a.me m ;·•·1111 .,.cc,ua-, ::..! tt:�ra c .J! ?:-tr. .:.cti.n; :.n t...u -� . I:t• taex! 'ii\ • wa1 t.r .; ii-n-..e ,.�, ••• , ,., ":\1las •u-, ;J. "@i;ardc:i en L'le 1:.!:::::_:ti c� Beat- ...._.u...!-• 1l a .1r.: • a-;or. 4h. a•..,n=• :,-- i- :-@-hW:. T-:e- "wlli!:1� 11 bee.r ;r.aor..::1 l!l !he .u:11&-.:!..ite i3te t.n t. !: b<!...! cm en:i llnl ��t t.:i• fJ-rnrn f'-;nd .,..,,e i"..at t.a.stl.: .J uar ';'o:.l ..., .J Uu1:t_s 4.1 Inc, :-:..5Ut'lt!.. S;:e;.1ll�:1Ur UII ! .:, 1'1Lle, rr:;ca·· t fr;t-:: C.'".ettr,r: ::n.J::ir,a:: a:::! nu :.ul: a m-cder.i Mt�l:.11 L"l :" l.::J, !"le.• ;.:fVJ•• t:a.J.:SO • WU ;;:: , &:..j=!'li S wet•t;: �-'1:.lH t.M :cl&t: 1,::=-i:.:.:,d lhe e:ieo. lH�..... I!!• lo::.; �;M t:i:,. lJ-.: i:r:i-c::, '\·u a 1L:::-su • .1n:! nE-:I,tC :� C-_r..:..: rt.:.::j -!.lat S) 0 ;.;i.=-...� ar: �:,";: S!ll:lZn ·a.en. rct;-n■r s�d ::: ..... h.11Ue.d � I.!:� .._ .\.,V• S t:lW.a Sc-:ita 1":i ,:. •· new c" litt.':::. IJ,.1i.uch l,ftl.:,e, c:.d �Je•., -��--t:s. ,.. �D �•u:�•J•tt1 1 t.'Uc:n tn.: lo-: nicr.t •t.!1 .,....,11 r.l r._:e;t thty pull•i: inn�• n�: .isr. ".'•'ltl- !:::..: .f\! br,,•r- I. :-:ilva !#W' 1'1:!':\1 • ., !!-�;:: ·C"I' !:b•C:�l•d -�=e &tttrt.•; !1:'"C. Eut lrl.l!eo.:. .! l?.:'it..tr} • c.... fi>.rt 1,iat� 11": IH' i'I n- t..�� •• cpon CC.'1'' Cr:1b:a .,-.rnQ. #la :."• 1:r..'=! IU!•rffl ls tten,b t�9i:,n I.D L.J�e 111th tor�. n.:o:-J� ,uu�g:.:.,� 1-uttor:ecar•,.,.•-:xld .....,.t ...J :: a �),,ln· l:.i.;� Qrt.J ; •.,. 1 i!ll thr1JU::; u �:-.1. ;.. t'=IAe 1-e,aro;.e� .a1•r to ti'!- l"fO :i tier .J•v• fU!" IC • 113� I 1-.cwtt.!!l.oM.;,t ��1. •. ea •e -�t "'"lll't.l ·t..E!o •·u1· :-. rlny .... ::.r, • •u tiC!I.J. �:i f,1.,.·r.st Wft.:::.li� .j... t \\i.i._! .au !.l.. �OU Wit..!.... 1, H "W:'3t:.r If� l•·•A 1, -!!ti:--:! S..p:a=cu .. ::.:..s r:: r.i. '!)'..ts!!:� =4ti:_ �::! --a!.a. b tn; tr,,:- �ill""- 9df!"lt.J ,nu 31·, n·;-u,e,,.:=ur;hect.-:a ... :-..ll.Jarr::-:Jtit 41".J!:.


l'lavinw 11;�:.r.11t tu a.entc-:1 l,�c:aro!H ::!ut, o::e:j! :tier� ..,! !-!OJ"'J H1 !!11' ::"" .-1 •·•• •�o rtOT:Li.� 1Jt .1 ;risl\1 ror1u. T,1e r -l!!t1 1E:J.. t m;e-d :c. 11r ..o.r� l l � •.:.cc. Th :!. 'IC1r. ur, -.,tl'I :-\·::) mo:: -n l:.11, wn� Ed:hn .a.: �::-4'iln!J • ..'1:f...:!!;t.:! bro,iol"--t t:o IC:::.e � •r. r.•tn J .!.J. r.,e ):1M ::1:r.:, Hi. Coun !<l• t bc.i:!.:l I �" •1u.--. 1cn::n� .....ttn!'!r- , •;re nm, h11 wit:: :·�o --e,"l .11 bat� wb�" td::le wo, Pl� .. 11: frc� P. 1 tr[• ., �• ...an;, �i;,:,--c Ml 1Jn:a• ulor,;:. n.e, �rec wc.r.dou::'"' :iL:,ut c..1_.J • 1;,raot tc.lln. J.,.u i!• t.hil 11,;i;� d UL:- ltoer:: .. r.:nin� t:a1•w•nt ::i it:«-..::-�phc:i.e oer! •U:� t."le ..:tt.=::r L"e !.!t !lte at.!£.::.-. Ulnt _. fe.� W .i:--;;.u;J ·-.-·h•., ant JD_,..!-l�l7 At:'l�•:I :.,em :.!:::t a·:-c l.:.a w. LAt\,J.,! Ease�;.; •f� I I l"l t;i &I. r-11� ?:· t"'.. � S�x, ·.�.Q od ICtr..O ;In-;· '11 ! 1·'!.!� .:: :.",;.fJ opentr.,. :cte O:-J��� t n:J I s:• l •t .-.a -,;�,'•! • ,•·ol" ..,.. !.·.•e l�n:; Ill ,1 : w. ":';::. aud.;�.r� H=-1ueJ tu. Le 0.:.'!.ll�d a· •, , .ma . a: :.=c t,w:J IHfl'lln-. Ji·LS uaned ::c- !Al r :r..::: Ind�=� t::o .duet hod CJ..:-:.:e-c:, th�r. -,.,, Ed;;Lac, U,...ir: 1:1d' -, on 1ocrind'. One 0'".it e:r-.d tl1• 1:0:-• .,...,., ; t.:i J. !tcl1.,.ra Lh., �r..e--neJ\ t�l!r: ,. U p!.4U tt e:u1··011.:;�"t.r'£, A;. n>:l t.l· • bo-unj:n:.i t11l 1.::1 t :.:d 1:.-:Jn. The• _J .t.s.u­ ru.!\ f'1l 1!.!ca11tllt"s Lti,.. f a.:�r.m t.>11� � t u� r:L! r.o:. �:i ,11·. ;..1 ::'!;- :hr..lW Wlr. 10 a--: -.JI� ...., n4U !c..;: s--t: fQ•:r.,.,t 1r..;.n::ad for -:on:'! ,r� •=-=iced 11 :.i h111tod :.:.IC-: fr_� !11•1 .\'e.."it __ J �Vlf.l L-� "'c·�iiv.r.i.: 1 b!:Z:1rc-;:; o..:. ,no 1�'; 3�.u• 1-�r• 1h11 wmn.:-1� � � :::,;, r-:: �n t."l• clc: ti l!td..:.e; ..:•..•• t. �IC, .... d ,1: ;., R.:.:- :;.xr-.1r ati:ilMt UMJ =.lc::1-:or :tl • .. ...,. .t. b " -•·• �.;,)'N :i:e :ro,;:� waa �..., !.!� t,-� &.:C It U1,l!II r,. 'T":On .! "Woll vr. :·"!rt "11!!.: a fl ■t.11., t!-..-3.:. 1..�o r.:-: r=:1ttt i'.!lc. F••11n.,d. .it -�I a\ •.� r.-: �-;__,,o �• • ,• .,•.;.•■ • iio·...•�··f!; tr: !:,e f �� .n;;;a tbv- s-at.■ �om• 1. 1,� !c.a:.!-- pul,. ,.Ill �.«l,1 a �n :r.--et:" Iii " 1· ·.h• bot- - ;:: • • a= ntl':. wu! t.":.t �=-r• t.. ! W..!I one c:: �.-! tn:"t •.s d :WO l'tlke, 1"1 c.:.:�r 1 ;e"•r. :•1a ter. • 1 a c;.O!l.: ac!':., Rov.- • t.l-..!t 1c: two :. t1lt,. • - � .-.r.dlr:-,.


r.:Lr� ca• r1a::!�r, P.c:ura_ u..�. r, • IT' :lr":J :--·· '':-'I' , t.: s�;,ic�:! r. tronli. H-. .J:l • i.annu:nl lco:r.Ji S:11.T.:'f •� 1� ,r.:+r.iii-:Je::;tl Arnt:h.U.h c:ci:-, -, �:i;:: tollO"Jtln� hll rt; .. ra: Ute< t,1�1:t!l.:; .:.,.rl1ili.• to!: 1e .,J•- ed • t..,:.-.,1=- ovw • hJ-:1.iliy p1t:-r;d -1 1m> �>:'. !tve 1·1�•• 1 ac.v. :.n ti,11 Utt:s I� let:!!:-£ i:i... • 1 t -1 t,J s -ar..:! riQc-Ai1 �L� ;:-;_.,. ot:t r.rr. r. .ay n=a,1/0a .S;t) r� •c::-n �;:,..? am::I. tho a:, wt-.o c:,.1 cc-lhc:: tn1J=:l mc:-A,

tho&� !uuut ,l ,\'hl1r %,utt,s• �1 ,e..:I f•c-uu i'O\.I ... lno t:o1111 .,.ao�r.; 'l'rer■ •u�i..d l:;-; 1. AStrY UilTTl}JO: co� .·P/1 ?:Y l l f�l:::t Sft.9••.J.a Wuh...n;tr.1n





COMPILE AN AMAZtNG RECORD u r"'n: �ut $:itl.le, �1, :--ITi· -,r..d Mt..1;'"' a� :""O:�.. Just u.!c. th� li!:C!Jt ±st: o�:..:�• sn:. t:-elld in lho1,u•l··1t• and ::.r; wilt �l\'e l'O'ot ·�ttlr Urttt �r.orod ear.,e,m:.: "\V1;- �V•1· ar.y raam, any.\ ·he:e at ar.y u:r.e. a� ·w: :n.a(�-: a:x:=!puc:..... ;.o L-u• rut.. �L:;·. Std••• Rt.;lor'91. c: evel\ Wotld Ctum11,;fan.s - 911 an ...--�!c:oee to C:-....5lle:tr,-!I u.1 ::> • i;-an:e. N0 ::ihnl1flltJ4t w111 t\•er ti. t.:rne-d :to-.-.·�. ;t� r� ,a.rtt: His CO..ti h�'t... c,;;ere�.:i �a--:. V.:5}' 1lnce tho 011;l.r.1t !U-i ca1r1.e I:...) be1.:1, Ir. 1946. It was a. ctJ..:....an,;-e L'lll! got iel'J'l\1tO :1r.:. Cor.:po!i;· ��ar:K. afll yo"J w.ll r,.�e 1.11. tha Tb:a t� Eu« It ;,n 3.e.;ar.'" §10:-)' e!NW�Ut tr. tl'IU l::ro(�:.. Slr.cll -:nn11, ti--. '}sen ha--• rollec ..,.,..litJr alort.;1 with U'.e Or!JJ:�1 :o.._:- .. Z.!s� 'l'ea.., �.e;;,.r.,; pe:L Ounr,� :.;..;,.,uen .:-!ln:.ec-,1u•:e &go•�:n• re I? n• r :-:a1 ;:�.,,. ..� 11 use.=-i:11 cf woult!-t-- sl�•nt ·c �'!n !' � �w­ r:::e.J l:r•c.o. ,1....'Ui he a.ru:i .hi:: te.an �.ate-.s lur,e roc.:.:e:..a::I many a .-�tc.r. o...-�r d!..i:.:t!lt ler.._...-.1. IJ::-2 �•: '1fUf�-h.�cu,�ali;i !Dr tt1• "C�m• wu 1.11 19�'!. 7�•:rLr..; t,: ;:te=:·• =�JJ:, ov■r: eerr.o: c.f lha Un;u1t l �:.tto 1111.J piu--u of !;111 ana •Ne1rnrt"" Cir.ade, t-ie Eou.:-.\la:::. -:�!L., plar� 1::-9 q-e..�e. o,.d·t!:l5!. on!y 1 6" cri til:em. He-ald¼:i .:- •:;e _;m-3: tr. Ltf� a:r..:i • J..�=�•ean" r:,11:,a.ttn111 and .:ic\ ·� TV 1hc--µs \"� A1k� Fo: h. . :tnd "IV'! 30: e So�ret,•• fo1;r.t:and hb fellcw pJaycn �•v• t'oce;r.11' • convar'4tHrn ptocr, in n,anr en Amt::-k�.al:d C!.'"l�.:!id:-.11.0.--n� . Fr.:r::: t::e.... u..eu.�i:;; !:..a...u 1n San Vt•qo. ':ahfom:1 j t-, !"O jj1u,r,:• o:mdanu ot U1• S!."!t� a! M.a1;.e, YQI.I. nil &lW"ly-? •r.d �:;:op!� .•,bo .-wvo Han. ha..o..td �t :eat: a.bout :h.e foW'-1,tc.:; ":"um. Vl:m ar..d i,:;u reccr:it 3n tit• cmw yardlluclil ty wrJ:h u, n:t!.U.-..fSC::"'1-U """So!!•.a.U, .u Wtll u. .a1.:1y ,i:,:-1!. l:i. :�II rHp.act L1-1e F.»r•:,1an r�am I! a hu;• s:ucrau., H i·au w-1U no<;,o !rom th� r.zccr:h, !In;:-.-.-., b tn!!Lr l:::....ili.a.ct career =-d!'l r.c.;.-. ttc:-o::.� :1:c.:mJ: ln 1-:1•..11� ,.:a\,: a:u nu::--11'fl'lo; m t.11� �,.Wan1 . ..;t,. Saper■te1�•• tncc::r.peratite H1rleir1 G?obotr:::ttttrt o! bas.,.�t,ill a� c�t !n::l": as- n :vu:an:; i;--::• ia-. Bi,.: anerr.uatconccrde thi!t Jr: dnswln"' 6 6155 _oo !an■, the

four-,.�n ta.am r:uui lei: .tc rr.a:u: inceliCly wntteu a:­ :roe:1 t.i& t!. S. �.• Cc.nadc aml z:u.trl!'!"C b"' ft.ad;.• :ountn'!!s. .:..:.i.:e -;;n ,n."lltuu. fe1,;r.-cer, Iectuon Jeft«t, !'Ind J....• I A •r.lo;, th«Jt �·or.It A'b.J:t: 1� pro!.c..ly r· �Ul �­ :r�.ttal"i. 7:·ero LI t�o c..-stoa-.Ary Qtamou: ct bc!r.; ero·.vdE •n= a...,..,trr, :.!:c-.:.:i•C.:• at: aut�r•p&. toc.."l r;,,Y9:­ t:11J•t t.-c .1.n a=tc: c:. ,,..,.ell ai: an At!'llc-ta =r..se.01r1�n.g it Ult;.o.1m7l,y bc,::o-:::-tau t.cral ct •nil!�;� l?V� -n ;.;:;in: . the ,t;.,,,..n::t Wh.e.e e. �h�r r�.. ht. W"l�Ut ���1.n� tu..MI.! :l0;:1!'.J ii.=!!: Lt:iot. T,';,Ml!I a:ter:o •Ube. S.io,e-ct :o �":.• ,arw 11.:s ,,-,j li'\"Jun•-s ,u ,� ra.-! uJ us hunrani . ::u b.,.:- ;bJ'en novcr1..hctlc11 -- o:; L'l o. four-:ircr:�!!::I i:e. "'Tiar..umuor. ::! c:::-n.1K�Uver:en 1nd unCu11m::.e. Oi eo:.J?JI ti1ore U o..1 ..•0-.·� the �n:. ':"ti.e .li!aoe u:....=.ta!' :,a·:; l"tows. 1.,a:: tout" ;11mes ha•.•• ::arr1oa � �:·• 1. l-l:J,UCiL1 m.J=-� 3u:-;� ""'hia •.:�r;-, �a'" ft r.do:J t.,i:.k. n lo, r B : t, r • 1 , l:e:1L.n:; ra11a1:on ;;la:n.e 1::•¼Cf.J....es, uatr: ce!i��s, tt:., t;aY• IOt:IRU�•• r..nda ·tun:s ::o=r:farul:.1.a ,?.!.:.a:; :.h• wa\·, t:L-: the t.e-om ba1 eataC­ lun� :. ria_t:.:::ou.·:r.: !cr:ai'.nt·i: £na-r..:-:q '::f.!O... ic-.1eauled 9el!".e,. Ono nr tilt' h.,em ;,!eyed r: Db.lb!! , '!!!!.,2!., ... .i1=.:-· 1n�r ·./'.e ;an:• anc. h•!l�ed !or tn :r--11 �··. erur""J Kn�"·.1.dit. ':'!!.:ir.-u.1!'.... .srr-J. m:, ,t l:L � ..tt • • l tn­ 'tfll• i:.afor• gi,:. • um !1111 u:ltr;; ov«r 12 1t:-o1.J�ht hows! t.:o;,- :-!!'·'!I r.crs w;n1 n!i '=:!fl!'!-• 1-.-=ntt :--Jra, and Po1. ;r.or Ul<o-out wJ.H :o:-c=.ccio..d..:.; ti"'-" r:�sec: ..a!i:a..Sor.. Whe-:iS-e�tat'l'! .er�U• ar:und Lio loom wtl. ;o to !'!owo,1J Japan Nl!l".' �Jar::! •nd ;.,,.1�r 11he for ,U da·,, ocncl�wq a 1cnt1uu,I!' t.-:.1-: ua.r:c-a �n :.ne­ \\'�! c....e.st;.pn. 3Vth. Qnr,,,tumJ:,,1 to. th� U-. S. A., ttu• ;·ear· E tru..-mph• am:i defaau w1t: i;o ..rito tn• f:iu1 ��n 'I!!�r-..'3- re-cc::-:1, btc-:im1r.; e part o! ·�• t.a.!r::s-t.,-r• w:,;1ch 11 au the c::::-re arr:C..::...:.n: wi1e4 rv; c.::,n.:tdor t.."1e:t :.::s t:r1Hi::rn .:.."l6i:t.Gu of�• nu.tor,- \"'.s··e �ar. ,-;rluc.r. H !o.ur :nonhJ�::edan-ex=-1!.lnq trail •'1alnst all :.,p:ios1:.;on ;i� ha.�•rd.1 c! '"Fhll�• cn�n;n:1i; u::ea. b.3 :.:.:-v eay: ·•we th.a::,;, God: to� ..l!!:::�r� t.,Jc,w at-!:-.d1 "":trie • to Ht t!lnde:r kn·1n; c-ar-s ovecr ..s. •

EDDIE FEIIG1NE1R TnP., Unr:o-::: Stau!I Pe,pnrtmer:t of S!...lt9 s.ent £�la to Fa..it•.&t.in tn :-lcrv"lmt:er. �9:o. !i; -oac .acr!t.t.ell.at,..�=h�! tlle- Patls�ri Anny 6nd An fare.a Li".'lseu. M.Wta.ry acad:!r.'ll�,. <5rtd coll• 1es thwugh­ �,.a t.iis: 3na Vl•&t ?a•:!:tan. The Pak.1sta:-..1£ enJO"i'�d t:ie 9a1t.!! oJ :1e!:.tiaU and .sce�-ed to 1Jr.d11r-atar..d ov,:,n �1-.ough Eddie :aJ.-�ed t.nro-J�n or; 1m.e;-p:-c<;er :v moat cl t.nA 14, 1)00 ath1��.u he cooc.:.c1 dur.ln; tho tnp..

tJO:.e ,_. l".11.PPIU: \vl:ve- �e :1 ":th y�tt, He d�t .t.1 ftie �:; • pars- aC-e- ::..=-� t;., ead d �n ne.al�--:!-, •· UM nc.i o.. ly for t.r�1 ;:hp.i::aJ wtJl--00,r-..;, t:-Jt :t:su !...::: 11:;e.:- Menu! ar..d .a;i;ra ..�lbtn.o-�1:. t:ru& ntJrm1 :o l"IHlPIIO !tie..:: 1:l= :-a,sp:>rt.lt-l• c..t�c-n,Ll;:i :r 111 1;a.c-G a;,• Ania11t$ 0 C.:!::!10 ronea.b«r-1 !111 11er1'. �.,i,:t a, a,r. c.r;."am c.d 011.vy-t ·.ohc;� t yc:;.r.7 WJ'1, a11:= ::ur,I lC \'�uth b"uu a."'.d e-;an,...r,:tc.na u1::I !.IH .. 101 ti'!ur.::,n

Announcing� roe C,:,!..u:- • PJl:-ls�� C; 1�3: !CSL N.\\', Vlashtn t. n 2S. �.::. f"- bee� Ila• ,i

c.-�.,,._,.r cl.;d1ta1P

•o •t-,e !J!l.Q and ":Us Cuu:t. end t:i.v ?H ·uI, C,., ::!11;1 fal-::Jri-ar.





:t * pt 9 "' 4.nl1 I HlJ.S;° ,.1 u.a �:ie. .s. --:i:a1. ;. !:nt �.uan ..\• I -.,n hu ._.., 001t ar. .-·••�o!!.J.rc '<:l:I � M.d� .. J.11.d <-tf c- 'le , • i·o • AF4.L..• uleL"n

a rrt!: • I! ta.1 • na. ,-, 0-.... Pa •• . l. !.t: f'et1.1 f-'\ .! ill"':i J.'.f-_ '"Cft t.4.uf'� ;run ',CJ1. :� LH:-i:;-s-. e;:• :ay -5;:!!:; m t:1• He.'":,r, a r--4r, :41 11i.:.;�1 t>act·or. t: :in:i.r.-;, f • • ·,,cu;-r: kr�'.\'ff. .f t.h.::c -!H .. :Jt!i-1 U �0!t:1� 3;,n::.¾: a1..! St :,a,:-_,. I ",IS! ;-'1:J ·r.. iii J:-J l . •:ura -i!.. •!..u:1� ,re-t1' 1., c;.; �ke:!!.all -'! a.: t.z.£:.at.• 1.,s,., A ' ....,.. 4J.lt .1h •d £.Ill ,.._ ■H a: r 11 ii. I Y f I\J.nUI t.,sI, o.n:I g,s \I .:- �+c : n ---·t ;<ii



... :.¾ 1U :3U in .., �11:U in. :;a:-...L:d ,:llJ �.. n-=�11ona..-,..i *r.: a: . un• �etff •,:t.i u-� ta::i 11! (::,, '" la:-•!;r;-;a. hr�j•p



•• • on, ... ::-.A �



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ra.:.: I II , l'i 't1 '95tai.; •r-: • W - hll �i:!. r.� L.,;e.; haH:;--jl et:.:! c-.it. �� f::.J.� e! :m"t �..urty :::1:4 J..,n� � cl! note:. Hea 1>1 .:.::.-; a in• le:" mt ti., d rp rtq�.l c�r:tur fo:i!d u C1• n • i;,ttH tl'll!I !'lf'IT"I 1tf t�, '"a ·,•.1,1 l lhll' I 11,

: t. C,. <ll hr tan, 1h.e1-e ::: ... ::i"' us 1- ·..':� ! -.·r;• fl'Jr :::E ;-4-2: -:.:rr:-�

nu J,J.tuta-a01 ::: •r.• Lc-=a,,. ,Joun Ch.1�1•1.e1 ll ":I .. L�r- c .. - &-f uw "i.!.::.h �n • .J.1 ..... w-;-lJ !.� 11:t•• 1.-rn �n:1 :::c:� 1ceg C'l �,., '" r ✓·,1 •m • ,, '"'-" E e:;A t11• •-:n

Birds Eye View of Four Man T earn Deployed on t:he Field As EDDIE Fires One Toward The Plat:e

WHO :>O YOt l"RU.K WOS ,HIS GAMe? 1l!I• Klr.J dOd Hfs: Cou r:.. ; to I)






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