1973 Edition: The King and His Court Softball

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In 19"16, E"d'dte f:=eh;net, �n e.1"11H9e•lc 11>Uong • or,,,ed young man who had e.)(collod ol. o •ohholl p1tche, be-(or♦ the wo-r �d In the Mannes., was h1;une 09oln l:un.:.1119 hla ra:it bell bv home lawn batter•­ There w<n one ihln4 about Feigner, he hod c ._.-arid cit c:0111,ae-nc-e 1n hirriuH and hia obdlr,. 10 pitch o •oftboll. Whr11e,.,cir anyone hMrf•d o choll•n;• OT 1hl • tad in hi I eat Iv 20' s. he hod on imm edlote rolcer. Plcy1n9 ,n �" itarly Ji,;11n9 l o09u�, f••i"•' ano o Joccl team of nine men were tunniai9 up c l op:• s.ici•d •c:or• in a gam• In F-endl•1c;i;n0 O,•gon. Eadie's learn won the game oy a whopptni 'JC:Ote ., but gffuword hi• J�;II gs. a '"hot �hot softball p11c..he, wa� choltenged. Thi, was too muc.h 'or ,he "'King" who bra..:enly announced, "I wdl c:hal• l1mge yo1; to o game and 1.u.o onl� thr-•o other plovers. o cote.he#, o .sho,uroc, ond o first bos­ man, Th., rea:1.on I need lour u because you would pr-obably wallc lol5 both f l fu,t U$•d my co,cher." 8ecou.!e II wos early spnn; cmo rhe IKal ball F<lrlu. weie un-ovol lable '• p,a-tttcc or.. thtt four men teque1tod permission 10 play s.omo of tho 1•am1 in•1oc, 1n• Waah,ngron .Sto1• Pnson. lhe roquos1 wos grontf'.d. \Vlth high wolb a.s .a bock• arop, ond ,t-_. curious. inmates faoking on, The Fou,.f.tan SQftbafl Tecim come ,nlo bomfi1, Thar s..ome weelt, the name "T1ie King ond Hu. Co11t1" was cho1•11-. A week l01er �00 fana were on hand !a vlow lho u.npubllc1u!d 11·111101 fau1 veau� n,ne game , Fo 1ilner, ,on1t:ed with the g1e.ales1 .sohboll pHc-hers In hlslory, ro�e Jo tile oc:co110n. In ,:oven mnln91 fi• pitql•d o po,foi;-1 901T10 OT!d 5tr11ck out 19 borrus. One boll wos Jut ro lho shon�Jop ond one ,o 1he finl base­ man, The Uual score wa• 7 • 0 in lavo, ar Jh• fiour• ma11 t•am. Then ,he l<ln9 ond hi• Court h,1 for ,he �i,co1t.



to Curry Kirkpatrick and Sports

11/ustrorod lo, rho lull view IJ"tory ol our toam 1 and to1.1r, A more compact ven;on of C11r,Y $ ,rory Is re-run In the M.oy Reader's Dl9c,1.

The 4. mon Team iovred tlie US Al, Force'$ Pacilic and Thailand bo,es during tho month

of Morch,



The Toom ond I would like fo thanll you for put• ch-astng ,our so11venll booklet. 'Ne hope- we hove made II wooh 101Jt while and that you ha'w'e enjoyod our show, ih1� markt my 1h1tt)hSecano year in sohboU, As you leaf 1h,e-ugh thl$ b..oollre, 'JOU will 'Su: 1f101 the years ho1,1e he�n fl lied re the brim with 1n1■rest 1t'l5 and thdllm!il o�cao,01111. A� I tal<o the t.ackwa rd looit over these men),' yea.rs. 1 feel com;ellea :a shara ;•:1t.'l ;·cr-.z 1ome o! ':.ne L't..ings my e..-xper-1.enc;e htu tauol:a -me. Warld1v- 1ue.ce.s1 ml!3J'1.s nath.ing U '-'P leave th!! Master Ptteher out o! our Hvea and te!li.3.e to 1.et Fhm c.aU !mt ploy!. i ,-.·.c111 �ar.c'C! U1 a t11.. b:;pou.1 atrnaspher=-. but de:1de-;i n �a·ly lsfP •hin GOd hed no particulftr l.r;tan'!lt in me. Ball becnme ap oose.ssion •,ntn me 3na • ·or!dly ... iamo and :Or­ tl.:Jla, mya:n.1}·�od: !lu· �he Ma.star P�tch::r .sayo, ' '?hot.. .,halt have. eo o�.i.e.t qode. Le!o.;a 111.t:." t£x. 20:3). Ton:iugh a •ll ho 11avur �ave 1.e up. He s.trUcoe me ou· a ta:w times and qavc me n• t@rvals wuh :-i.uth r,g to dobutti"lirlt, hu.tiuinev�r focc;oi:. me. Ro.�ntly. darl.r.i;i cna or those tirr,ei. ol e.ruor<;.eoq!Jl.!;:. ano. ::r.�tauon. l re-:ancovare:e th..e Jo�• d ce:.mpl!!�• ..1.l!,;rMU?ru wtth n�y hlh1\•enly pron,oterwhoh.es coa1plo:te))· ch�u,i,ed :he Pattern G! my Lfe and q1ven me peace t wouJa horaly hove beH.eved poulb:i.e. le ::re bnclt of 9fl). nt�nd, U<e ,r.a.ny of ycu. l have known ·hls was r ilht, but .1Uc..ac:any. lre.fusad the Joy �nd sa:Isfactt ort o1 bein9 .,sed.

! have many ttO)lfltes., symbols c:worldly 1.i.c­ ceu 1 :o decora.ut.my d:n., bu! 1 now _onq !or the 1 ··rrG;lh...e--.1· men-Uoned !n the beloved hymn. 'The Old Rugged Cross," ft'\"'lh.en my tro:ph:.a& a: lest 1 1.8y down • . • ," I ieel that we are- 1J·11ng rn momon::::ou& ume&. r.i: world lOO<E 11ke one vas: eal1 hdlc. ThtJ �51!Li. are loae.ied. We h3vaelreedy �..t!'UC-lc. out too ma..r,y umos. ft too<s to me Ulco :he hua tcnfrtg. r.io old world hu only one mare cnanc-.- and th.zit c..ltenCC! .l!l ChrH.l. Th.11. Li!e l! Ju..&t ! tralntn9 eamp to !let\ how we play the Ql!lmo - nnd lt DOES rnaKe a dhierence. The lest oaner coutd std.l<e Q' .Jt .1.n your l!lawr:.e. a.rui m..tne a! any tlme.

All 7ood lhtnqs mu&t ct1me to an ena end one. o! th.e.se .1-easons will be my la..111 one wuhoot. pe:-hap-s too much a..dvonce notice. When the tuue- cornea !or ow to loy down tru! old .s-a.!'t.onll 1 want ,- fe�l that pEfmap:s 1 haw• dano a !tttl� more thn:-t Ju&t sntartnln my �n5 .and friends a• ·ound the world. Pdlir,e u, lcno-,., tnet :n1,· fnends, 1ounq and a.ld d..llK.e, .ac41 ln.. !ham pUc-h..l.n; !er �e Mbste:- �r.d p.layi:-u; tte :1am.e !att Ar,d clean and ittuare .nprcpan,uo.� fo: the bI;i JeaiJwn to God' � ncomtty. !r,en' in •




EDDIE FEIGNER­ only ORIGINAL left on team

Twen1y•11:.- yeon on ,he rood hos ,ol(en In roll of Cou,1 me"'ber-s. !.ev"" re-on og:o, Ed.die beo:tmo !he only orl:glnot left on the reo,n. fof"l•t C1:»utr m11mbe1s on th• fomou..s. il11fe ••am w•1e Jerry J0ne1, M,ke Mel Uc:ke, Ron Coop••• Jock Sooto, Ken Wh110, Meade )('"-zer; Gene Emry. Joy Hunte-,, Oouu Pou,, Woyno Mc-GIii, T,;or Ko.mphui•, Mo,lii: Bol le.,, Jl!"ll He1riclit, Bill Kc.Iner, and Doug Andwu1on,

1950 TEAM 11'1 EOMONTOII, Al.BERTA Shadow Boll and i1c: Tock T,a ,ob,oo;e) odd vo,,ery lo the four�mon c:omc,dy routtn•• Shodow Boll 11 an o1d 1n•et'lllol1 or tho $,ov.- CHJ, l1>wo, 'Co1o,ed' Ghut�." INSET (rlghr) Popeye s.,,1,h .. -Qs the 91eotett or them :ill. We w1,h ihot vou c:ould h.o... e

FOLLOW THE PITCHING SEOUENCE f,om tight 10 l•f• {b,lowl -

Ju1-1 befo,• Eddlo p1tchoa, Mtkc Is in pot· ltlcin ro, a fleld bell, but tton1h nor.n IG prot•c:t IJllndrolded EddJe.,



en1oyed theu funny ,outln•••



(2) Miko sots ond Edd, o SIOTI� windup.

Wl!O DO YOU XHUU WON THIS GAME? iTh• l(1n; •nd Illa Court, l u, I)

__ _

n,u Tl'lctUR- "QS � lrl tbc �1'np6!tt" DOlcbaU P•tk In O.�h•mt.0n Now �k. Jt 1howt tho cxoct loc:.=t.1on ct eoc.b l'llt •nd rocan:t• Iha b.tu sttlk.e cnn.5, end put ouu. Oft«n o ttl-5m that ;ou ma:ny bo.ie:runnen; !Ws that 1t 1, domo ve:ryvood, wnenJ11ctUail y, Loo�­ lng 'beelt O'.'Ot t.h• q•mo, L"i•r roallc.• tltet. I.hoy woro oo bl••• bu, dldn' I acoto too wol.,

( I) Mike lolll E'dd1e wher• bo1111, stands.


Youn9 Eddie Foigne, on a U.S. Maune ,,am In lQ.(3 • .,44

1, Dtrowi..no wmnm1U a tmqur

ot two tuc.it:ed u!'lder 1a.e shown

will bo on OUT or OUT MIS!.

2:, A ba.llhe.Jd Joouly ln !tfl.Qor Up.Ii in.d •h�::I ow .:n.JOthly• wlth body !olJow throUgh. JS a good Ch.anqe ct hca. Cit1rrod tiqhtly H wlll tum Jnto ,o SLOW DROP.


l. \'/un e.Lbow ;oword l.he bocl)", a bi!IU held in th.la ;ioaltlon el\d thrt>Wn O"IOt t.ha thumb wtll re­ •u.h Jn a uatQht- ftAISE. 4. Th:rowmQ windm1U, wuh th..9 o)bow t.aned towa.n:f tJ-J4t bod)'! th1■,:oommiol U°II) !\And on 1.ht boll wlll reauh In an OUT AAISE!. S.. Holding Life tatl llkG you wan1 ,10,1.g to Uh1 a 1,1art1I� o\(lliO pl.t.cht.nq will res u 1 l in a Lost DROP. E. Gnpp1n9 tne b11Jl ugnt 1.11 Ibis way and Oipp.in-, ,1-;.. wust 11 I.he wn.)' to Uuc..w a ,plral. WUh • ;cod awap and !::c:dy Wilow throu.qh. o FAST MU..


HltUnq p:lmattly J CONCENTRATION "ffl tha eALL. Disr-ec,ard th• plrobat. bod�1 mowemenl.


PreeHc• swmQin-1 only at atr1.ko1. IhlJ work• bou .n basabcU. Good 11oltboJI .Pltchara ,�l:dom throw 4 truo ndli:e. SwlnQ only et Lh01e \!lat y;o,uld tfG c11llec i 5-ml(a 1f you let u qo


Re.lax, Do n01 <011J1 )'our mu•c.1e• •dtl or tona.e. ln QOOO 11ofu·•l. wne.ra only orw, c;x two niu 5 v.emm u: �ne rnle, tr;• Urrowin; yat!l' b.:ltat th.!!- bill. Th.I.a 11 � .ntuJ.oo a l!!nnl.a erv. and.not llki, stnli:Jn,; or :swln<Jtn'il an • phms whero you fo♦l :ho bell will con1a.


Keep }'our he.ad aa •tUJ ct poulble cof01tt ond alto Gwin; yow 1w1no ko..eµlnll your h6ad ;tU duc1ng Jt qo.U swt.ng.


Gt:ip cm tho belt ,hould bl- ,a1 01ovr 1nd on:- and a U�I 1-queu .¼hould � cUlrnped an Jw;� as ,the rttt'h4r 10,le:a•es t.he tr.all. :!old tlq-ht throtr,;ih swtn;r ond !oH� thmi..wb.,

t,e5p )'Our d1il-S laollin;- At Iha e.oU af•l""T 1• lS p1tch:e:i.

l1U!! u eho.ut tn• ums im.nctpJec as


1706 �nd1111tlal Rood� Lo■ Vogoa-, Nevada 89102 f olephon• !702) 382.4171



fdd1e • aua c 101ed wuh 1h• obo"'• compor'I)'. H• • p1ch1, 1ed 01 lelt ·•lfl-o fnternotloncil Enry mcu pru;, lden1, Harold A!T'bJe,. The e.anipan.,. p,odue:u fau, 1iew Bto Ca1oly.slic producis c.o..n,ainlng Multiple En-:ym•.1• Ute• cna charoct11-r1st 1:1 ore as 1allow1• A no:n°chcmlc�t ENZY •MAGIC: 1h01 d19•t.1• od and n•eda only wat••• YC)u cttn <"4'osJ, rout peen, and •ven •hamcoo you, hall and

a,ganic ch:..oncr p11arng �rt w,11, clothf'.1 d sh••• foc:e In It.

TURF-LYME Thl11 p,od1.1c:t 4a oppllod w,1h wore, to ho1d compact t.011, h cctol)' �t,co ll )' flocwlote& four to H'l'e Jnehe.t deeo 111 1Jtne, thus old1n9 In ,001 gr owth, L1111 ¥t-ot•, fl '•Qulf■C ta • elea•• lad.ad up ttoce elem•nH a-nd ;rppl!ed pfoduc:r. cue •ncHe c.an1ple1�1, ob.1orbed

•t,e Co1.ut four•d Tt,allond lo, 21 day, "' Mn•c.h ol 197'.l. Eddie say.i he fe.eh. we ca.n be r,rovd of rh• 1cb our se.r.,ca 1nen and wom•n do for our cauntry. Eddie •nlo,-•d foclclr,g over th• F-111 because of hi• exp•1ie.nce!. iu the U. S, M01in• Ai, Cor-p� Is 190-44.

8..l.CTO,ZYME Thu, pq,duct � now bl'!1t11;1 u1nd 1n ,.wa;e aystem• to oid •h• bac,e,.o ,n r•ndenng tffluanl wo-lu l,grmle,1 to be '••c,-c.l�d b.a.cli mi th.c 9rcu.ind. S.Ome of the, re,uh1 borde, on mhod••· It f101 bo•n uud lo clea, away 1' lime alga• fram lolun. �d twlm1T1lng p�I• ond �lil'lln;if• odo•.,_ tn •nptlc 1onlo. ond t.tagnanl wal•t, PERMA.•Z.YME. Someho ... b,- '•"•rslnl} color,ty, the ••acl opposlt • •tlecl o, iu,l•Zvm• i• occol"• pl,�he d. P•rmo-.Zy""• �1vf•1,n• ,hf! 1o.01l thu.• �1101:il1nq ua to almot.1 •n•o•h 1. e al the bouam :t loWe'° 01 th• sutfa� c-1 pc1h, and pa1�1ng lo•,. h hefp, pr•v•"'' •hr f,i,m-g1,or- o, mud �h-, , rrui,, wi lho-ul ,t-. e.. c.en,o ol :, t.:>ncrele :,t bl�ck loD 1t11h , pe,1e-.:1 .:a1"'1p0!f an 01 JI!' I Ir Jw,fgc•. po lb 1" �•fv'"., ploc r,q cor,cr•r• ot 01he, :su,hn· ,.,Olt!!'r•al .


l·,ao ••


10f400,94 I Att en-rh. ,nu o, ipmu 2,506,500 Ml le1. traveted f•e� Clinfu. cand11c1ed l,J32 To.ta! B•nefl,a :,Joyed .. f,••" 414 49 Stolt,• plcyad 1n Canadian Pn,•inc:es ployed In 8 For-•ig" Tot.irs 53 Go.n11:s ogo,nu ,,,1.- holdlng c:tiomp1ont. SOI Mo�! 9onte� pitched in rowt 57 g:ome• In� I <Cloy1; wfnn1n9 all ond no �oy.1 off Ot opcrn for r11s1.


(l,f •• lm•l

Toto f gotnff pttched Lot1 Tied Won Won ,n o row Torol strU,;e�u,, H,ghe•I o\terage stnke-•Ou1J. pe.r game for on• uo.lOn ,9 trmi"lJ ggm�) T010I no•hlt gomu phchd To1ol 1huH,u1 games p11ch•d TotoI boneu pitched to v,,hil• blindfolded ... Sollors 1t n.,c:k•oUI while plfchlng 'blind Torol fM!rfec:1 ;omu To1al plf.:hlnli .e•h1b1uon1.



5,130 680 150 4,300 187 85,101 2d 716 1,392 20,064 16, 101 201 10,004


T�e Kin9 cmd i➔l• Cot.in h nev• , 1oinad OU! unleu the crowd It 100. Eddie is pictuted srondlng In fou, ,neh•• of s.oh aand ond 1owd1u1 that wo-' place d on 1 h• field ,n rh o bos•Hnu and bo-uor"s b1:1• u well u. the. phch�,• .s. mound. l<�n Whi ttt woa thrown out oi f1t�1 bose ofter h1t1lng ono ogoln•I tho Jel1 field f�nce 340 feel owoy in 1953 ol Lowfcn, Oklohomo .

Mony of our fon.s hove follQwod ,ho corr.cf of ••JR"' GS we called l11m ihrough ihe yecu ond hgvc •onde1ed if ho would �c.- replace the King. Nol s,o mu�h ,f h• would hovf" th..- talent 01 de.site, bo , ould be DIQC.tlcol. He ploys eOt)' position on 1he f1old oqvolly well.

,r �, ....

Eddie Junio, clovolopod 1010 .on all-rownd othlue, o 3--lettef man, baseball, bulco1boll and football. Ho holds the l�gue r�eord for oouin9 S ca a Vorsi,y quorr•rboclc- # ond o, Iola hos been giving ,.,ious. thoug ht to profeu,onoJ 90Jr. H1s. cc, ee. 1 <Nlth the Cauu moy be 1p:111y bocouao h• t,oa chosan ,o c-onunu• trl low •chQol. Howe,-or 1 w-e- •xpoc;-t fO .!.H lilm playl119 011 the �I.Imme, toun when ponlblc, Ourtrua the spflng of 1973, he mlu� going 10 Tho l lond w11f) the Coull becovu ho hoa p reviously sch•duled c 2•month •iwht•ue,ng four of Euro p•1 whl c.-k lrtdudc.d o Ihde goll end aSuln9 II\ ♦h• Alp1o� ••JR•• h o l[v�ng o,comp le of lhe dlfflcuhy Cl shorter, ligh1or, talented player hos whon 11 com•1o 10 p,tch,ng softball tho lonver dutance. "Jff" hen 1hc abllit)' to phch lus1 oi good os o King.




Co1f1eld he,g h1>,





AL JACKSON Al Jccluon, i•om Cop1a,n, •• J)lorln_g n his. fif. leonth HOI0'1, Al ha, 1h■ d1Jtirn::hon of b•1ng rho lfnt ....-e,nb., eddd 10 rhe- te-arn 01 a 1egulo, whe.11 Il ie or1 glno I J• men team stor�c-d btcaking up. 41 1, ,n tc-ol .PS.late. He wlll bo vett' lnletest•d In 1ollun9 with you If you :,Ion 10 nJOYO, H" off• 1.00101'\ home 11 n Ta1011tQ, Cctlod�. Ahhou9t1 o f111t boumcn by fude Al 1, alto v fm• ccfc:hor and ba-�-up n 1h01 depa,,men,. BELOW �till one of ou• most be1Ntlfvl plo1s h -,hen He c.011 ana:p :, Eddie picks of! o bas• n.in ner. th tow witbovl foolung. P1 cnnod' below, ,At Jockton ft!C-CIIYU aud1 a throw Of fHlf baH whl1o Eddie 11, ,,!II facing luu11 end «nt•c The 1unne.t l!U.l�t olwuy� be wo1• becauae Eddie 01 any lfmo , ...1 1hou1 loo�1n9 , moy make o throw boh,nd h1• bodd OUTI

A not�"• Mew Englander. Al grew 10 b•coni• a 6' 1'" bCJs,e-1boll star before plo)'ing bou.boll a.nd lo1e, joining th• 4-mari 1 0am. Jade.son ha• own.d rntar• •st ,n o 11t1n9 or ,rn>,oughhrrtl au hart.o. Ounn;­ the ,ocln9 •cat,on� you con b• su,• l-t• la no1 lo t from th• l1od1.. h,s lirst love. When Al fir.st joined fh• f•om, he wu s1r,c1ly c lugh pe,can,og:• lnthar, Now, wh,I• set! II motn1011\lng o t,1gh bcnmg av<"rage, he Ii. "ni,wn !o, hlttln9 many home ,uns. Hit 11 an a11ute 1w,1c.h• h1ttfl. You may ,aeatl that Al hit two hom.e run• cm �ad, ol 1he 1964 0.ttd 196.S CBS 5120111 Spec• 1oc.ulou. Al wot o fan ol Ted Willlom5 ond :2 tludenl or Ted's h 1111n9 philosophy. Al •• ,nd,spensoble ,n ludp1n; th� new 1e-01"'1 ,.,embe•i, odju.,t thaj, hltlinQ style• 10 the 200 odd dH(cuenl pltchen rhey 1nua1 face each aeason.

II ►Ow •e11le llli• to '"••• "C..hf, ,nn, a ffNI Eua1,, Al ::mt:I FAJ, ....e:t LI ho ,a "1:rn> ,,-1:1" c , ,� ' ffU�!. UlfOUHAlit•. NC=llM C0Ukl1' 1uvfU.,Et-tlS 1]85 S.Mah1, F--tllli,._.i.. C-.. tiOi8 P-h .. (71.J' 111°11377

Georw• Mltch•II hos ptotl'101•d 1t-• Cautl fer tt.• p<nt rwt1nty y�ra. Georg• , •rvl', 0 1,ncero. honest and •no19oltc oqfflt, Coou;1e h ll full ♦•m• h19li 1.�hool 9uldonc• coun• ••lor. Du11r,g: 1h• ,umm•, h• ci:e1otet the Glen Hoven Do• Co,..p ori Cr.,stol Gire Ii,, EJl1n91on. Ccnnecuc,u. Th" uoH ol 11a1eon coun••1ora serve 125 boyt artd g,,.lf. ecd1 pc!!J•Dd. G-torge •I th• ogri• lo, 1he Hcirl9TTI W,7ord1 bo,�• t• ball touring ea'1ihihon team, Col C•orge ••Htc:t,ell i> octi..-. in th• Atm)' Renrve IJTOgrom �• a Spec,al Au,ttorrt ,o 1he Ch,e( ol Steff In New Englcnci•, 76th Division. H e hat over JO 1ecr• 111 md11ory ••,,.,co 1n World Wor fl ond Koren G�o,9c- mo�n Jil1. home Ol � Wu• Mao1t!II O, ve, Nest. Hartford. Conn,, olong wit� hi• ,..If• and th,.,• so,1.1 -Jahn, c.g11 12 .. Robe,,. 11, .:md Goo g• Jr , 10•

... TliE METROPOLITAN DEAF ALL STA� SQUAD Fro-,,, l•h •q r19ht ttancfing1 Pet-•r Ro-itn•�•• HC Stev� Blotr, GS-, Joel Wood•. PoJlc--- :nu, TCJll'I Cooney, mon09e1. Oon Krapcfc DC. Tom 1-erello, BAO, Jim Lor•llc. BAD, Al CGh en, WSC, Rctt 01900-d Conn., Bob F•ncrnce, GS Houy Wotn•t, DV, Ror Struu,, cooch. llc11eellng) Ron Pastor. GS, Pete Kc1omltost:ts, CS, Riehl• Lo Sorlolo, WSC. Ee: S ock, CS, fl t.e Orury, HC. Don �oynotd. DC. Al Cauthen Cor1n. W1th th• li•IP ol R••• Croft M, P•nt.-, ,narpn1fer, v11d "Tom Coano:r. ,ncna9c� end :apo.,.,o,, i�e lo":1 Were kepi infatm.-1 of the 9oing"!- c.n dudng the game be1wetm ti,• Cou11 and 1he Me rropoll!an Oeof All• Stora, P1ct11re-d at tight) To'ff! Cooner ,nrt01:luCes Eddie to ,he o�of AIJ.S,10, ,.quod be.for.- the gom.e. Coonev relay.ea Eddie's frfendly c:ho1 lo th• dear play on,

O,, Novenib., 17, 1972, Eddlo hod his. lafi I.nee operated �" br M1d1ool Rod,. Son Diego, Co1H, Ot� Rod mcid� Eddte: knc-.c.lc le.need ,01hu than c1•on ou1 th• conl1oga. Op•rotlon wcs a &'ltCou.

King of Softball Ht11.1.- d.o -,oi,,. s.rclt I(',";" . . . fi•II w�en ,, c.omH le> .softball, K,ng 1.s spclte:I F E l G N°E R. 0





Eddie F e19no,, tlie o,l91noto, ol the 10119 cuid Mu Covtl lohbafl feom, orou9ht hi• fo1.1, mon IQuad i nto Lei Craue- Th11,•doy (01 o garrur a901n1.t -•rroc• Bai ol ,�� CJt11 It. L•ague ,n 1J,e e,!!etiln;4 0

Eatly ln rh� 2he-,ncon 0 F�•vri�, i:ondu;:-ted c cflnlc for young.stcu� at Powe-fl P ar !. whi ch ,J,ew so.,,e 7S boyt. end gm• Soon aft•1 he aul,ed ftete hom M,nn•opol! Tiu,,, ... ca, F•19.no, dorm•a a , • .d. wh11e, and b.Jue, ,10.ve .2nd �,eel� 11' .- •hrong cif l od, �• Pow�II. Eac.h boy er glrl wet. ullo•ed lo �..,.lng: until lie 1-111 th,� lltt'\Ot. ail fetgr'ler, So1'1'1erlme1> ,1 Of1P•a1e-d a:. If the frlcndl)' crew cut v•ietan were 1•y•ns •o h,, 1h11 ba1 whon 0 ro1.,n91ue, --auldn'• �v•fe ii"" !he •caod � ,,. bw1 that s Fe, 11n•r - ony1hlng ta h elo 11 L.1J.

The Unitctd StQTO& Oopq-rrmcrl"IT of Stot• unt Edd i • to the Fo, fo_., lf'I No.,ecml.te,, 1956, 1 0 c.ood 1-oft• Poll 01 Army ond Alt Foru bo,..,, Mllitor1 Ac.odem• ,ea cna �,:illevo,. Th• p9opf, ot Polu,.ron. lnd101 and •he F�, f-:,it *"1oycd 1h.- 9cm.- of »hboll ond .u:emed: to undeut-:,n& owen thoue,h Eddie. tol!.ed 1h1,ough an int orp,.,., to lflOJt or th• 1-1.000 n1}1• leln he coached dunno ,he mp.

F,dyl"te,•. •1.19god 1d1•duJ• by aulo •olu� hm, ,h,u• oul the Uni led Stole.s. and 1fl1!:I Canod-0* c-onduc:tlng clime• and ploy,ng a9cunst lo,cal 1e0m1,. How- doo, hw- �f'•F It up? "'I bcl,ove ,n Cod' wl II ,•• Fo,gnor a01d. "U I con do something: -,Idle I'm arou'ld •o he lp s.om•on• then l'tl do It," tald F•l_gne,. ''l"tt fl' ouorhet world when I walk lntc o cro,uL , Mayo• I'm 1u•1 a showman, biu1 I II,• 11 1 °' Fo, gne, �oitf. "'I wat 1111 orphan of'!d NOS lclc-kd around o Int. I juJI wiJh J covld �pond more tlmc with 1l1c�e �ich. of the c.lunc:i.. ,Cld.1 �,• 91001 �nd the,- love hero wo1•h1p. ! woni 10 V•'-'G 1hrtn, &omc1hin9 ro wort fc.r and 1o�con• the',' c--an �all ,h•I• huo."


Thutad!Jl' ntgl,• Of Pow•II pg,!. ooout worchr9d �oftboll he,o Fcw;ne, do II,• stuH. Th.t! tall, m•dium-b ul ll othlefo our ott e show .,_.hlct. Included •v•ry1h1t19 bu, ,he 1hret ring• �f a c:1rcu1,. Fe1gne1 da�zlcd 1he crotwd .. 1th hia :sup,41,lott<we H9ln ctffl and hand ..-h,ch t-i.:ld •h• boll. re11p1e, J.5, u.ted 19 d1U�•ct11 dol1111erie: 10 bciHI, bo1h th... lerrac.c. Sor bot1cn ond the ton,. A lew hltt•u ••re eYen "1:0rc ama"tad when "'le p11ch•d to 1hem bl1ndfold•d ond _.r,,ud-- th,mi oul Th-tough h1, l•gs. behind h11, hod., r,on, second bo�e 01 just mok:ln9 the ball ga e•or)' wh+d. wo',', fe19ne1 did ii ofl.

King Pitches Perfect Game

Misfits Tie With Court bi !>OUG

➔ ... RBIN

Tf.1t '6totfd-fcmo1.._. f.1n9 .vtcl H , Coutl :rrtd fh111 Anderson S11.,tl M1afll, l;ntllod 10 a O • 0 doodloclt hero laal night al Artdanon County Ma1<Tonol Stad1u111 beforl!" ovw, 6000 1af'll ond ""Th. r,ny," EdJ1e Ff'l<;n�J S, .. , pUch'!-d a p@rfut QDl'l''I cp-:atr,sf the Mld11t.. reu�nef :strud,. out 18 of the �I boll1u1. he faced in lh• •• 11n 111n1ng game. Th« -.,,,ri11 Aaron Pulncttt 3:s..-• up only lour hlta. iwo 1.;. Al loc'<,on �mc:I ono eod1 IQ F•19nor ond n:alu. H" fonnl!d " • DtK,g AndP i.CM - all h wa, the "l(ing'," fl•5t p•1fect golT't- of lh1t'tec­ a.on nnd h" onnounc:od 11• w ould rt1lurn. fT'h• Court did talurn Ir, ' 2 a11cl won .. lo I.)

Th• fath•t of .....,en he ho one ol thet llo:k o.t1 the ueld ""'hen he facet local team , . Ede•• Jr., 19. ° J'lay, shorU.top. fhat, ,I he do11t-ST1 " du:,dc 10 iO lnlo pro yolf.. "I Ir.now ,t is tOJJgh ,n pro 90H 011c I Hie• this life, I tnean I lo\le Ii." s.ald J�mlor oa. hi1 11:nher calh h,m, "I hlu ,o m,:er people �d 1ou1 th .. c-o""1try.'' ••J\J.rdor I Q good entcrtg1ner ::md hos th• 1olen,, but hr loci,., tl• e e..-pe.ilc.ncc, '' $Old 111, foth•t. ''He eould.n't ;:,heh l:lr'I a four m-au loom rl;ht new. bu , could d;, ,-er) well -,1th a nmo•rm:m club." 0

tfc..,. long w!TI tfl• m01te1 !il:HP on It ho,d 10 leU. . .I'm nol "' the go1ne t,;u tl,a m ouey, bu: I won: Hi conul.1:tutl!, And ac.,uaHt l'"e tt11Je, 1hough1 � IQ1 obo1.11 retlr1n;. I 'II ju-s-1 keep a:oln9 ot long as I 02n, •• ao1cl f••s-na,. �o th• King will 1aign until • ,

Eddie Visits with Jerry Lewis

Now Vore, hold, mol\., wonouful th,ng'I, t�o, 1Mc- leolf of 1h t! u ,, rhe: ReHor�k Ctnter ro, M1n:;i..lo� Dvsr,ophy. 'Nh '• v shin;- th• Rueorch Cenl•r, Eddie "'•' many rhe a1off and l•ctr,•d of iheir d•dlcared •ffg,11 1c (1.,d the c-011•• and o c-uro tor 1"1• drcod•d Eddie wo:. pl.cad lo be ln.,,.lted to pul on o p1tc.hin9 di sr.uo, ,ho"' to help ,n rhe hmd ro11.1ng compo,g., known o, rh• Jer,y Lel""s. Tolethon 1n New York Cu'r. Jeuy ond his show W'ere ins11umentcl ,n ,0,a1n9 over o m,11,on dollar, fv, MD ,n ,,at 19 hour•.


Through rho years, cpprolumorel )' 10 .. ot 1he hall gomu rhe 1eom hos ployed have benn lo, cho.tltlu tuch 01 Muu·ulo� Oystropt-iy and 1he J,mmy F\l nd.



Edd10 t.trgu t'1ot you odd a cl'tlh:l,en•s ho1:,f10C to !he thing• you !'lead 1o go no on yo1.1r n•.-.f frae dO). I• ..-,II r,01 only do 1ho children lher� o lo1 of g�d. buf you will N11-•fh too.


Wosn'I oosy ro produce for Willie Stein Con,,do-r the co�o Gf the K1n9 Eddta Fcloner, the­ monarch o( o f<>V1•rnon softball toam, who had ptrc:hed S60 no•h1t, ni>•ru.n gaoet,, and won ove, 3000 gorneas. Edd.le 1, o 1011, oowerfvtl'r' buJlt mo,:1 with a c1•w c:vt and c ..-ell tarm• d faco. ••1, wos very e1hHlcult to c<ut him," �oy� Stein. ••p�ple t jtnt didr t hav• ere...,. cuH. Or H they did, th .-y didn't hove tonnod foc.u. Or d thei did, •h•t Or II they were, they didn't hove weren't toll. muscl••• And we needed two of themt'

Good Food & Old Friends

Eddie i.s cu11en1ly devefopin.g Cl "P,o-Sofboll" gan1e. While ot Jaclt Oem1ney 1 1 reatou,an t in Now Yor\r, h■ !iiO!nod some helph,1 mfarmoi1<MJ talking wHh "11, olcl friend Jae: fo.u, G.:ivernot ol South Ookoro and ex pruldcnt of tho Amorlcan Football Leaguo.


Ja..cl. Oen,p•ey' • R.stovr a nf, 196�

MIKE DOUGLAS SHOW, 1965 CLEVELAND OHIO: Eddie Fe1gne, p11cned to Sroolu. R.obln..son - bl111dfoldi:d. F.o, e gag, ,h, 9reo1 lhitd bouman wo!. borting ... oh o pfO.tt,lic bat. PHILADELPHIA, PA.: In 1966 Edd,e hammed 11 up with rh• 2000 year old mon. Mel Brool-s.


Eddie ,,,,1,1c:k S1•v c ou1 11:,::>I


Who1 •f•e?

Edd,e 11- master ol a different �,nd ol boll •go �d bllndfoldcd. He bowled bl111dfolded a;clna, Lou Campi ot 1he New York Coliuum whil e AMF ofhc1ols lo-aked on. This wa• nor easy en ,he­ lot Eddi• wos also "mde, the wat:.hful c."d eye or Fronk Clouse, the Of' P,ol of lnu,vc:-tfon.


No more chipping CORRECT SIZE Does nol fncreos.t dlame-­ ter No larger, no smalle.r­ uac-tfy same size as bat without grip Grips fitted to . bats of size5


TRACTION SURFACE Positive feel. Less shp· ping. Absorbs shock New safety.


Hitters Pride Bat Grips Give Safety, Good Feel \\ l'ltlllnJ. u.h� pi,�rJ w, lM .:lJCI• -...CCUll\'t "'odd C'h11mr1unm1p IC'.tlli ,11.J. J.ufl'l t 14fll� WII� W,tl.ltd w lht .\JI rm,c Yllllltc .l.ll-�ut 1c.un.. _.t wt.ll ·" 1hr \ll,i1m, fhml• \IJ•SL.11 Jt.i:un. 1 -:unc11th , ,�.,.. Y\Ulr. Y.anlu t-:U:Ut 1,11 ,eru.� -� b�h:t.!hol1b£11 ,..m,ul, uuu lu, 1hr 111r 1"llf1Ul11;;rnm tt, Jt. cnlh\1.ua,b.. 111:iout II,, �ift)' •nJ 01ho . lcH111n j lhc "tlllttt't PHJr. trip• rtir ntlw -1111tt'\ ..,i.J,( \LhP .1.lt wd � bt Ill! "'"" tfflll14'111U m,pn,U•• mtnl lb b1u 1lnrc llil�S� v.,11.-1 1 h1 l\rn,.l..ftltm.ltr fll.r'I> lilt lht b�.. \lffl. dutdL Th, 1r1p1 �it �i1t1eJ 10 p()\'mc, '-'fc-11 by ptatJy reduch:g 1hc drpp11;c lhC" h;il !11 lh-t u111h TIil' Hl'rtl imuh (If 1h r 1ubbe1 rtl!IIUt11! u 1&1d 10 p.,·c pC"llltf't lnctlon, u well 111 .ab,01b . --.hu,i;�. L'>C'H hli.r lht '!er, . 111.l uy i.uv cun h11 h.u.J.t r Vtllh 'r-t-11tt cn-ntrul Ott b-JU Ill' 11110 tuJ 1IJ IJ.nlu11,t,. Moti rlily<n .,.,11 b11)· 11,v. luu -un JUP' 1nm.lkJ b)' th• b111 m2nuf11�tircr. fhu. •� r1clcutJ.1t1,..,ni:r,wn1-. wUI b-· 1m1bblc fnr U'J.llll u� lk11Jt.t1 Whn -1\h IU lru111U 1l1cu o�n.ln11J.llit10il m,·ol�u ..i.110,, JJO d,t ,ri.,P cnJ, 11.1mm, d\)11,,11 1hc h11nd!r .11tc11 , l:-:11 w,1t, w,U n..t,-t ctl!!Jnnl dilunttc1, 1nJ 1llpp11:,1 d1t flt111,n 11,• t ti.ti � Jlltolloru. Acti:.tll), 11,C' "IJIUrt'• t111dc .. &np, .i\\' btttn Ut (111!«.,,, f li1Ml11 rmtr11 111,J letllllf, ln1 11t11111 lnl' )"l!Dn.Sfvcul majm Jtu_t!!JC hiltC'U uvi! lhc1n tffU• 11\'rt► ,,..� ) em ,,u. \lunlllft'<. 1111) tm\�l>tcn rc1u1cd and unprnvtd.inJ 00"-, 1ho• 111, �,inJ offJ,11111) m111\tJu;t\l to v,ofr1uJuruL .un...trw aoll Lulr lupit l\,wb:ill. •• •tU t\ tohb;1I L The> 1u,r ftuiving w1Jr�prc.u! ap511out 11,d atC" npte1eJ 10 � 1111 UUIJIIUJJ.IJ ,t uu 111'<1 t, n .,-..r 1h, pl�ym� -.anm. \l.llit c<I' .. ,rt"Uld ,ublh-t llruJ �\If� t,;nmpn11rut lhi" gr p,: 11ft m, Jdl'd 111 e:r,: r•cc:t. !11th11J111f lbc cm.I knob. Thq lu,\t be� Jc,· ,:lopcd .1Jo1! pr,fomutm: 1utt4 tir ,nr Hex t,nr 01v1u , )n ul r.a1tnY11k.inJTi:t'itl· 11e,ln1;. �hid1ohu 1mhlucn (f,111 1'r!1.k ptp,. Ju, ;ult dubt.. I h:o .1•hf pip, luvr 1cvnlullr'll')11C'\1 1ht fTIPfl1 1S .f !i'H •hil,. 1md lift \hC� by l!t, '11 thr lite.I, 1n 111,l jUI ti,JUlllll!tttnlt.. (ht) ,1111.:1-p .ilt ,1ml1111 u.Jto;itkln .ii 1hr-11 Im II\�






FOR SAF-cR, HARDER HITilNG WITH BETTER CONTROL AND GOOD FEEL -he greatost ,mµrovement in oal3 :since 1058




By the Makers of Golf Pride Grips



■►---.;' ;:�:;.-■◄■ AKRON OHIO 44321

Ask for HIiiers Pride Grips when you order bats Thi� \t!OSO" llr,ds rh� Court vslnv AdlrQntfad, bat, fe0tu1,n9 the new Fle.ai•G,,p rvbbtl!: ''Hi1tor'• Pnde'' aoitboll gnp. '!Vally Ulttc:.h and Brll Salo of Fl•;,t1-G,,p divl,..a:n, EA. TON, YALE & TOWNE, lnc,f lnv,ted Eddie 10 repre­ sent 1he11 contpany in promoting ihe new rvbbo, •ohball VflP• Edd1e has. fo1.1nd tho• the •atcl cantae, on the bcif wdl les�en the! shng of on off conte1 h1tf aid io leuen bon• b1u11-e1, ond hefp pr-even, b-roken bots, Thia u why he de-­ :loc,ded •o 1o1t-e cind ptcimo1ec Ad,rondcrc1' balJ feo1urlng ,h� "tlltt,u"• Pr,de.. qrio. 0

Terr-y Mic�eh Adnonrlock lndus.H1H, Inc. Dolgavllle1 New- York 1 ll19 T elephono (31.Sl J19-S2t, 1


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