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Puerto Rico

Puero Rico

t t E . Y j � l!!!!WD 2 Almael Rosario OF 5-7 145 RR 24 Cayey 3 4 Alber Bracero Jorge Aranamendl INF INF 5-10 5-8 175 140 S/S UL 23 26 Toa Baja Pone 5 Elraln Nieves C 5-11 165 R/R 22 Toa Atta 8 Jose Lorenzana C 6-2 185 R/R 30 Toa Baja 9 Edin Cuadrad OF 5-10 180 R/R 25 Carolina 10 Heracuo Menoza OF 5-7 160 RR 23 Cayey 11 John Melenez p 5-11 175 UL 29 Pone 12 Charlie Alvarez OF 5-2 145 R/R 24 Vega Alta 17 Anlhony Garca INF 5-10 175 RR 27 Cayey 18 Angel Morales INF 5-6 142 UL 25 Bayamn 25 Slgfredo Rivera p 5-9 155 RR 22 Bayamon 26 Robero Lopz OF 5-9 150 RR 18 Bayamn 27 Elraln Garcia OF 6-0 190 RR 27 Bayamon 28 Gulllen Gonzalez p 6-4 180 RR 25 Cayey 2 Josue Salva p 5-11 188 RR 26 Vega Safa 30 Ralael Sanllago p 5-9 160 RR 21 Arroyo 32 Helson Rodriguez INF 5-10 190 R/R 28 Sabana Grande 33 Ariel Robles p 5-7 130 R/R 20 VegaAJta 34 Jose Seplveda p 6-0 170 R/R 27 Bayamon Javier Espina Jesus Felican Jimmy Flgueroa Luis Diaz Mariano Ouinnes Sanllag Melendez Willredo Velez Jose Carrader Oonell Velez Jose Burgs RoeUo Negron AHLEES

Manager Coach Coach Coach

CHARLIE ALVARE -OUTFIELD Height: 5-2 Weight: 145 Hometown: Vega Aha JORGE ARANZAMENDI -INFIELD Age: 24 Blrhdate: November 22, 1965 Years on National Team: 1

Height: 5-8 Weight: 140 Hometown: Pone

Age; 26 Blrhdale: July 30, 1964 Years on Nallonal Team: 2 career Hlghllghts -Played in the 1989 Intercontinental Cup in Puerto Rico. where his team won the bronze medal.


Haight: 5·10 Weight: 175 Hometown: Toa Baja

Age:23 Bll1hdale: September 8, 1966 Years on Natlonal Team: 2 Career Hlghllghls-Helped Puerto Rico win a bronze medal at the 1988 Seoul Olymics ... Also has panidpated In the 1988 World Chamionships in Italy. EDWIN CUADRADO -OUTFIELD

Height: 5-10 Weight: 180 Hometown: Caronna Age: 25 Blrhdate: March 11, 1965 Years on Natlonal Team: 2

career Hlghllghts-Membir of lhe Puero Rico team which won 1he bronze medal al the 1987 Pan American Games In lndlanaplls. ANTHONY GARCIA-INFIELD

Height: 5-10 Weight: 175 Hometown: Cayey

Age: 27 Blrthdale: June 7, 1963 Years on Natlonal Team: 3 Career Hlghllghls -Membir ol the Puerto Rico bronze medal-winning Olympic team at SeouJ ln 1988 ... Also earned a bronze medal at the lnterconnnental Cup in 1989 in Puerto Rico, an partldpated In an tnvltatlonaJ tournament In 1988 In Taipei. EFRAIN GARCIA-OUmELD

Height: 6-0 Weight: 190 Hometown: Bayamn Age: 27 Birhdate: December 7, 1962 Years on Nallonal Team: 6

Career Hlghllghts -Member ol Puerto Rico's bronze medal team al the 1988 Seow Olymplcs .. .AJso played on Puerto Ric teams in the 1986 Caribbean Games In the Dominican RepubOc and the 1987 Pan American Games in lndlanapolls ... Partidpaled in the World Championships In Holland (1986) and llaJy (1988) ... Balting champion of lhe 1987 Pan Am Games, and was the balling champion or the 1990 Puerto Rico national champlonshl ... WIII be on the Weslern Hemisphere roster t r 1he first Work All·Star Game, Aug. 22 in Allanta. GUILLERMO GONZALE -PITCH ER

Height: 6·4 Weight: 180 Hometown: Cayey ROBERTO LOPE -OUTFIELD Age: 25 Blrthdate: December 31, 1964 Years on National Team: 1

Height: 5.9 Weight: 150 Hometown: Bayamn Age:18 Blrthdate: November 15, 1971 Years on National Team: 1

Attends the lmeramericana UnJverslly ln Bayamon.


Height: 6-2 Weight: 185 Hometown: Toa Baja Age: 30 Blrhdate: Sep1ember 13, 1959 Years on National Team: 7

careerHlghllghts-Member ol natlonalteam since 1979 ... Regularctchersine l 985 ... Memerol the Weslem Hemisphere team in World All-Star Game to be played Aug. 22 In Atlanla ... Member of bronze medal teams at the 1988 Olympic In Seoul and the 1987 Pan American Games In lnlanaplis .•. Played in lhe lnlercnlinenlal Cup In 1979 an 1989, as well as lhe World Champonships In Cuba (1984), Hollan (1986) and llaly (1988) ... Twlce won besl delensve catcher awards In lnternaltonal compellllon ... Oldest member or the Pueno Ricn team. JOHN MELENDE-PITCHER

Height: 5-l 1 Weight: 175 Hometown: Ponce Age: 2 Blrhdate: July 24, 1961 Years on National Team: 2

Career HlghUghts -Playing in only his second mafor lntemallonal compeUtlon ••• Helped Puerto Rico win a bronze medal at the 1989 Interntinental Cup In 11s home turf. HERACUO MENDOZA-OUTFIELD

Height: 5-7 Weight: 160 Hometown: Cayey ANGa MORALES - INFIELD

Height: 5·6 Weight: 142 Hometown: Bayamn Age: 23 Blrhdate: Seplember 19, 1966 Years on National Team: 1

Age: 25 Blrhdate: Febrary 6, 1965 Years on National Team: 6

career Highlights -Bronze medalist on lhe Peno Rican team al the 1988 Seoul Olympics ... Has participated In Iha 1987 Pan American Games in Indianapolis and the 1989 lnlercnlinental Cup In Puerto Rico, winning brone medals a each .. .Also played lor Puerto Rico In the 1986 Central American Games In the Dominican Republic and lnvllallonalloumamentsin Taipei im 1986, 1987 and 1988 ... Mosl valuable player In lhe 1989 Puerto Rico nallonal championship. EFRAIN NIEVES-CATCHER

Height: 5·11 Weight: 165 Hometown: Toa Alta SIGFREDO RIVERA-PITCHER

Height: 5·9 Weight: 155 Hometown: Bayamn Age: 22 Blrhdate: Otober 23, 1967 Years on National Team: 1

Age: 22 Blrhdate: June 7, 196 Years on National Team: 1


Height: 5-7 Weight: 130 Homntown: Vega Alta


Height: 5-10 Weight: 190 Hometown: Sabana Grande Age: 20 Blrhdate: August 19, 1969 Years on National Team: 1

Age: 28 Blrhdate: April 2, 1962 Years on National Team: 7

Career Hlghllghts -Bronze medafisl on the Puerto Alc team a the 198 Seoul Olymics, the 1987 Pan American Games In lndlanapns and the 1989 lntercontlnental Cup Jn Puero Rlco ... Played in the 1986 Central American Games In lhe Dominican Republic, and the World Championships In Cuba (1984), Holland ( 1988) and llaly (1988) ... MVP ol 1he Puerto Ric national toumamenl In 1987.


Height: 5-7 Weight: 145 Hometown: Cayey Age:24 Blrhdate: February 18, 1966 Years on National Team: 6

Career Hlghllghts-Member of national teams which won lhe bronze medal In the 1988 Seoul Olymplcs and the 1989 lntercontlnemal Cup In Puerto Rlco ... AJso participated Jn the Central American Games In 1986 In the Dominicn Republfc, lhe Pan Americn Games In Indanaplis In 1987 and World Championships In Holland (1986) and Italy (1988).


Height: 5-11 Weight: 188 Hometown: Vega Baja Age: 26 Blrhdete: March 11, 196 Years on National Team: 3

Career Highlights -Played ln one lnte mall on at event, the 1989 lnlerconllnental Cup In Puerto Ric, where his countr eamed a bronze mee


Helghl: 6-9 Weight: 160 Hometown: Aroyo JOSE SEPULVEDA-PITCHE.R

Height: 6-0 WeJ(hl: 170 Hometown: Bayamn Age: 21 Blrhdate: April 1, 1969 Years on Nallonal Team: 1

Age: 27 Blrthdate: Otober 6, 1962 Years on Nallonal Team: 2

Career Highlights - Member of Puero Rican team which won a silver medal In a 1985 Pan American competition.

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