Co-Sponsored by
l'IGE\\� MAY 16, 1993
The ELKS TEMPLE, Puyallup
Hall of Fame Inductees Dill Howell Award
Tom Cross Meritorious Service Awards Tak Ikeda, Pat Steele
SPECIAL HONORED TEAMS 1958 Woodworth Contractors Baseball 1968 Heidelberg Softball
!ID/l\[1[1 @[;< C?&Li'ill 0 flil@J l\D ©'ifO@flil IS
CASCADE MORTGAGE KERK\ "•\:-.A�AK I IJU E:. �krntl�1 Ste 0 l'uy:illup. WA •J�J J lAbU\'C Trt1n.\t1mr.:J1a I UlcJ
w1; J44� HM • ll4g.Jl)O! D,� .l'U]!OI • 5�1.gI5I FM<. 7711-2447
I ti\,
" l ,,n,o\1mn•1 lf"r,t'�1,on,
�Jatren1rr Am .. A ! 1-rm•k frt.11mnt!
Gordy & Garry Hersey
1012 Center St. 383-2636
LucKJJ Penny :f'[ora[
Cozy lounge . . . Fine food Banqutt room . . . A great place to relax . . . Stop in!
Dc.slpned ESTJcciol/v for Yo11
82nd & Pacific Ave.
I0tOf ,ontAND AV!NU�EAST TACOMA. WA. '8US 0uo,
X P2
Around here its RAINID.
Owner Steve Schneider
Residential Custom Design Remodel
1993 Hall of Fame Inductees
PUYALLUP ELKS# 1450 Welcomes the Old-Timers We'd love to have you join us
For a limited time only, SSO initiation fee
You' II love our faci/i1ics' i11
Card ;;ood ally plucc
Take one of our applications For Information, see Al Kr/el or call 845·951 S
3310 N. Proctor Tacoma, WA 98407
h onored
Amcrica.n Sofib.all Association umphc rrom Tacom!L Merkle
worked soflball
al I
and baseball
regi ol\Jll
ror 40 yCArs
11n ond
umpire in two muional fa.sLpitch - in Mjamt I�•·· in 1949 Ind Se111Llc in 1973. Merkle wu rated tu u. top umpire: in b11scb0.JJ u v. oil aJ snftball.,ty
confcrenc:c games from 1963�68.
All or lhe umpires who worked UW cotlfcrencc g11.mc1 wuh Mcrklr
Association, the
o( Tacoma·• \Vc.s1crn W:uh:ing1on
AsJocl11lon lnWatCJJ
tnt erscholastlc:
1hc ufnoi•l .i111e
in Kent, In 1973, Morklc WU as,lgncd u, wo,k the •long wllh Frank Morrone. In 197-1 . he ..... assigned U,r finnls ot Sicks' Seo11lc Suidium with
Mnguine.i, ollo or lha WWUA.
n ... ,.
Earl llyder
and Bub
Jn dim.axing bis umpiring cxploils. ¥trklu w:1., usigncd
to work a gome between 1hc Pacific Cout Lc.:a.gue's Tacom11
Cuba and Lbeir pllrcnl Chicago Cubs al Cheney Stadium. lie received compJimcnts: from bQlh teams.
Umpire Merkle honored
BASEBALL Ln F1.ullt - PIIJrct Onl bau f1.1r Tuum·a Klkt. Ulle tu..m, lllli playtd far \Y'fluhr,-O•good In Cily l.4laaur, i,J,; pl•Jed for S.uptrlor D1.lry Ln City Lo1ue.. UJ, .J, (champlrwuhlp In 1931) .. Cnd:u.u11d (rom Lincoll'l HJah Sd1ool 1 .UH. Uorn Ft.b, Jt, 191 P, . Rt.Urt"d truck dr1¥tr, Ccor-9-9 Sconcld Ct1o chcmlul ,alt11. Lin, Jtl Tuum.a. Bob l\ohoui - Coa.ched Mch.JnltJ mu for J'ruk. Tobin .l!l.0 St. {'la)cd pro hueb•II 100..41, 194, and 1.948, Coa1t Guard 1'43-45 In Soaulci aJ phch11r. Wtnl to aprfna 1ralnJn1 wllh Urookltn Ood1rn In. JJ.t,.. Graduated• 'l 'at11m•'• Unc:Dl.n Rlith School, 19391 •ll•ndtd San fnnrtJCO Slate and r,clnt t.utlm·l.l'l Co.Litt"• Ltttr, had a ,on, drink bu1lncu and .-.. • rel.I.JI c:lttk for- Sat,w-ar, Bil<n Aua, 7, 19!1, Tacoma. LlvN In Tulia, 01$1•• Floyd Mucnsuri - Outnrtdu ..,ho pla1t.d tort Sta..dlu..m mah School, 1ndua1int1 h1 lt4o. and for thamploruhip Supttlor- Dairy lU.m. ln 1.940. 1'l17td ror Ta4;om1 In Northwett Lu.11,ur, 19.C0.411 ud lodc-pt.l' lAaaun, lfl!J-41. Gnduatl'd, \Jnl"tUIU' or Southur1 Calfornla, U!O. RnUor. Dorn l)1c. 141, l92J, T,coma. U¥tt In f'allbr-.nlt.1 ea.ur. FASTPITCH SOFTBAU Mt l,r,,.-lt - f'llchtd tor bu1b111'1 Runlnaton Rand uam: In l94L Pla)'l-d third but In ,ortbal! for CNII Guard. 194,l.4,�, frwln Jctne.t, U46•0 and Tacom1 Eli.I., 19'41·· •'· Coach111d school bubtball lumJ, UO,n. Cn1du.tltd, T1t1a•aad1 (N.V,) Utah S<hool, 1940; aHcnd111d Knapp Dusln.w Coll•a•, Tacoma.. Rtllrc.d drlvrr,n.lum1n. Ll\oct In Tato"'•• 8UI Jtut..blt - Ph)'Cd lnnlld (n"tond, lhlrd hau:t) and pitched 1C1me for Tacoma Ellu 7,1 1ur.1 In addJUoa lo Dlt , Scnlce, Jcnnl'l ••uil .an.d BlbJt Churth I.Aaavt. Pl11rd In 1oflb1II nallonala In Oc:truh In 1'43 a1• Tnm1ttt• art.-r b,lr1.11 1JJ-su1, ncOl'ld banm,n.. Ellu �un dl) and ua.t.11 ctumpMll'lalll,u.. plaJlna !l 1amt1 wil11ou1 • Ion, AIJo playt:d In a PuraHup alJ,Jiar luau,.. hol•• 11'1.-ottt ln aoll ud 198 t•mc Ii, bo•lh11. C':ndu1lrd, S1'dlum Hltth Scllool, 193'. Prinlt-r pnnman, JC1hnt4>n •Col and lhllf Olymfllan. Born Sep!.. JJ, UU, Tacoma.. L,hea In Tacoma. SLOWPITCH SOFTBALL CordJ Pre.Ir., - ,1.,,,d 1,nnetd ror Tucci .l Son, t9641 pl1yu-<.01ch. lhldt.lbef'I, lHS-11 ., ll•d 07,79 w1u1-loat UCt1t"d at plaJcr:c-ouh or llrldtll>'1g, tnenl 1lm. Q an all,1t.1.r and Mou Valuable fla1er. Sdt(lcd IQ ,urld all,1t1t tum 11'1 19'1, blUlnt .I.D In tour-namml. Mtmbu or nalhm•I 111-,11,.- 1nm In itO. MVP 111 Nor1bwt1i r11lon1I, 1J10, In 1914, ul«h·d 1lawpllC'h play,-r lndudtd lntn NW Sont11U IJall ut tatf\C' .. . Uutba.JI, phchtr,lnrleldu, Alltjbfl'lt1 (Pa,) lllah S,hool, tU4�5'; U.S. Arm,, t!l!9•HI Onhu1ltl o·r Pugll Sound, s,u.,4. In lUJ UPS u_hlbldol'l bucba.JI 1am, a1alnll m:11Jnr-lC'a1ut-lacti11 J'ort IA•lt lf"am, ll1r•• ft¥t lnnlna, and llruck 0UI .,.. UPS AlhltUc 11•11 or famC'. 1971 Piere, Coun.t1 Att1btt of the Yur. ln h•ndball, •(lt1 batlc,to,.batk 11.S, S1Uonal loTllallonal t1nalu c;hamplnnd1IJ1•• f11.cilitlra coordlnalor u,d ttoU wadi, UPS. Bon StpL U, 1931. l'ltUhurah.. Pa. t. . h,u lt1 Flre:roL
*********** CONTRIBUTORS A.nonymou.s
811vanon Res1Aur.Ant - 1105 Dh•i1ion
Bimbo's - 1516 Pac:ific Ave,
Prom • Pnend
ukc Spannw,y Golf Course - 1S602 l'oclfic Avo. KLAY Radio - I 002.5 uk•wood Ori\·c SW. Nntth End Fuel - 3310
fierce County Parks
Tacoma Serew Pnxtucl1 - 1001 Ccntru
Vic Mlolc's Re,mumnt - 151.h & K Su.
Comrades in Baseball and Softball who have passed on during th• past year: Ernie Endress, Bill Feldmann, Floyd l:licks, .lel' f Kiebl, Willie McLuug.hlln, Charley Schanz, Ray Spurg�on and George Wise. Kllsap County Red Brown, Carson Clarke, Don (Curley) Forbes, Rn v Forhes.
Daffodil Valley Sports Complex
"TURN BACK THE CLOCK" NIGl1T AT Cl1ENEY .STAD'IUtv1! July 2, 1993 - 7:05 p.m. Tacoma Tigers vs. Vancouver Canadians
fly Slaq Farbn S1n1cd ln 1989 with Sd0,000 s<cd money •i• • Rocing Company/Soo..ttlc Mm:-incrs grnnt 01 the nrJt non�King County group lO cum a Junfor Mariners Onmt, the Sl.3 milli.un-plu.s Daffodil Valley Sports Complex is nearing completion. lloostcrs hope 10 r•isc tho final S375,000 thi& weekend for the Su mner,bascd fa<ility which wiU inolude • basebsll field, ,�•o softball fields. a soccer ncld. two couru. 101 lol, picnk areu, volleyboll are:u, Jogging/hlcycle pall1 with exercise .s1:nions, conces.don.s area and re;stroomi, U we gel the $375,000," said ,pokc.m•n llill llcolh, 1 retired school adml nisuator who lniplrcd the Sumnc . r Routry ,o get behind the project, "we'll rinish il by this Jr no1, we'll keep 11ying and build it as we get Ilic money." Those desiring t o ,onuibu,c money or supplies or valontecr services ror the Dafrodil Valley Sp orts Complex should write P.O. Box 100, Sumner. WA 98390 or contact its 24-hour messue center, 840-9�27.
T-PC Baseball-Softball Oldtimers Association
Watch baseball the "old-iashioned" way:
The Tacoma-Pierce Co11n1y Baseball•Softbal I Oldtlmcrs Association is dedicated to recognizing
See the Tigers play in replica uniforms h'om the 1904 Tacoma Tigers Pct. Champions
comn111n11y over the years. Co-sponsored by the Tacoma Athletic Commission and Tacoma Tigers, !he annual banquet is held in May 10 honor individuals
For Tickel Information & Reservations Call 752-7700
and honoring players who hove been instrumental in Lbc growth of baseball and sof1bnll in tbis
and teams
The T~PC Bascbnll-Softball Old-Timers Assn. is looklng for people 10 serve on the executive commiucc nnd help promote the get•logelher. If lmcrcstcd, C011l3CI Marc Blau 3l 848-1360,
Pierce County's only locally Olvned & Independent Title Co,npany When the littlng or Earnost Moo-ev agreemo nl is being s1gnod, obta,n a copy ol Jha ownor·s Title losurance Polloy or Report: then hove tho copy ■Ybml'ttod· to \llf when tho order for Titla ln11.1ranco i, eccepte.d to obtol" thlt ra\o and SAVE money. 70� of genoral sohaduol ralo for stundnrd cov&togo OwnorlPurc;husota policy co ln11ura iha buyer on a &ala of 1 to • fam1lv ru,dormal snuoru,o which cionstitutes th• seller, te$ido"co.
Who, what, where of former players WOODWORTH CONTRACTORS
Don Carlaon - Fnthacl for Chc-ncy Swdt 1957�St Wood-crth 195! 4niJ frtt San Fram:hco 01.ann farm 1)'\letn (1-rcsno l?bO, Eagi:n« 19til, Tutnnm 1961, Springfield J96l, HJ Piuo 1963), Self employed p;,tUUln5 (.(\hlrlel:a« ljlw'ina In Su.LU:.. Jim Pilc:hetl for �lount Vernnn Milk !--talds. Samm) Wh11.t, Al lirlghtm•n, Bot,hy Mc:Guut and J*e1c /.ender 1.1ho on lcam. Coocltcd ko)' Ccy ln voulb. fuc Oc:p.L lic:uten11.tll, Ot) of I �uma LJycs 1n TacomL Maury Calbralth - Pild"J for Woodworlh 1957-55 (22-6 IN,, 2.31 fRA, llJ ttrikcoull. coached three clemenmy bu1kelb:all tc.1m1 10 lugue dwnplon1..tnp1, two Junl01 hlah bncho1H tosmc IO league ch.amplon,hip& and IW(.t Junior varsity hiJh teuru Lo lcaauc thamplanthlps RcoJh 14-.inn,n& eamc 11a11nst lJni,,c:nhy ar Orea.on. f)nl) 10 lott l--0.. Tcachc.J dtl\•c, cdu.c.1tiun LJvu In lleavcrton, Ore. Jim GaJJwaa- Phche.d ,nd pla)td third hue for ,\AUC nathma.l chamrion Surilcy Shot'..lncn in 1956 .1nd AABC n111lon1tl runnerur Woodworth in 1956 Ph1ytd tor Tuc-d & Son.s 1n ff&fonill slUvfptlch pl.t1yoffJ Re.tired T.c:om.a pollcc C11pl1in. Llvct. In TIICom.lL George Grant- r Jaycd •hom10-r foe Wood�orth Contucior,, Cheney St.uds 1tnd S111.nlc:y Shocmen In five n11tlonal b� .stbtll 1ourn1mc:nu, Played 1hrce years iri Pi1taburgh l'ir:alc, orgamu1ion. Played b.uiceLbaJI .at Unlveull} ol Wt.ShlnJllOn •nd wa1 1011rn•mcn1 \fot1 Vtlunblc Playu in 1b� national tournament u T1tcom1 Pl�wood v.on \ht U..S 1m.1tcur b11kc1h1II tl1Je ,Alm rhyt.d for Cheney S111di b.ukc1ball turn and coached bulcetball It Moun1 R.amier IIJ;h S.c.hool. Ptlncl-pal 11 Rocbatc:r ..Ugh Sdlool L1\ft1 m Ol)mptL Arley Kang._. - Cau.l,bi Im lhe Woodw�tlh C� n1rac1ou UI 19S7•58 while •llcndmg WuhinJton St.tit Unlvcu11y Pl•)'ed protcuinnally ro.r San Frand1to Glanu r,um ch,b• it Frt•no (1961) t1nd li�gcno (J96.1). Rul-c.1tat� broker/developer who ll\let In Btavcnon, Ore. Dale Kruegel' - lnMddcr•oul.!Jclder who played for IUaci: Diamond, Rcmon. Woodworih ( 1958) and Pugel Sound Rcn lfcrinJ beforo uJtnlnt 10 /u1phc:h with Clc:ttV !tow •nd T11e0111.i Atblcclct. Former 1c11chcr/elcn1cn11ry tcbool pnnc.1p1&I who hu ,pcru lhc lut ri1hc )UU 11\lln& su munlhr in In a rccre:11lon1I vchlclt s;,1rl in Mc:u., Arlian.i 11.11d th� of the year on Blue Like. 27 mllu nonh ot Erhr.111. Still pla)s 1oflhall In ,\rnorui and h.u: pllyed. on 1t,a11t1 -.•h1ch pliyed in Europe. Mutro, C.tin.1d1 U\d Alul'.11, pLlyinJ •n avcracc <If 100·:SO g,uncs per ye11r Richard Lack - Pl!)'t!d outfield le,, Wood...,.Otlh an.ti 11,o -rlayed 1...-n ycarJ of profe11ion•I biU('.bllll, AJl·tlaJo Ill l.ln7 oln :1 liJh Sthool, laicr pltytd 1.1 Uni.. ,e.nhy or Puac.c Sound. Retrtcd m,u.r.l.llcc 1:2Jcrmnn who 11\ • ct 111 Texas. Mel Manley- Ow.licldc.r c.m:hc:r who WJJ •ll•nlllc 1n b.ueball ant.I foolb.tll il Peninsula High Sthuiil. Pl.1ycd (cu Wood'-' nnh and Chcnor Studt Fott.m•n far Woodworth Cmnr an)', Li,·ct. ia Puyallup. 0
M,uv Scott - Woodwonh Comrnt.on coKh, Formc-r h,gh 1choool bucb.all/b-Hkct.b11II coach ind hlttot)' 1e1.chcr at S1adl11m And WH.ion high tchool,, wlnnJn,: lcag11e ch.,unp1001h1 p1 11.• ba1cb1U coach. :-lcw York Mcu .uoul for 25 yc�rs, three LlmeJ �kU Scuut ur �cm PJa� cd baskc1b.1ll u SLtdium •nd Umvcrti1y or Puget Sound, 11ll--c11y and ,cc:ortJ,tc.un all.;mc ll StadHmt. R.clhctL I.Ive• In 1'u:om.J.. Ben Verla - Ou10ehk-r, Co.ached bue.b�II 1nJ bu.tketball nt Hutddc Oayf ind Oirll' Oub. Reined iron worker. Lav-c-i 1n TllitComa.
Marco MaUc:h - Pl11)"1:d fo, Hcadclbotl!. fu, HJ )C..US.. flli)clJ. \'ft tcumt whk.h 11,•on •ht rcslun.11 thlc:s, 10mg tn nal1un11J, 1nJ 100k threC' 11.Jl-nur iat,t,·ud, 11 n:9ion11b Jl layed scml•pro!bAII In ,\hd.1 In J'J60. Pc:nimul1t Schoof hnclllU to;,it·h I J )'c11r1, CQllcc-tJns Pl.u�r rau n1y League cou.h or the )'Ctu 1ropblu Cuur- tunes.. rNLk dm•a for Col�l11I •ho lh·u III CiJH JJ11bor. Cordy Pfolrer- Pbynt &la�rhch (ur Tucn and Son., 196'1, and HcldcJbcra ta.Lio coit.thtd) 1965• 77 A.1 llrJdcJbc,g coidi., h.1.t t,.r'-�9 "''On•lo.u record Sclct1cd La wodd .1.ll,JIM 111 l'i6itl \1e:mhcr af n111on•I all,uar .. d,um tcun'' I n 19ti9 rint di., 11.pitcl> phlyc.r ln.ductcJ. Into �011hwu1 �ofillall HaJI of r:amct. Ph1yed bo,cball and b-ukctball 111 Unl\1culty ur ll \lg.e1 Sound. Jn l'XiZ. pitched five mn ,n as (01 .ig1hn1 m11Jo1-lcague,bdt.n Fou Lewi, 1um lwh.lcb i.ududcd Tony Kuhcl. Ocnr I.eel.. Dcu,n John,;cni 11nd k.C. Stevcr,.s) and 11ruc:t out s b . Otte or fine" profen1o.nal h-11ndball playeu In •orllJ., "InnInc ffllll'I}' U.S . dll-cs Now 11Lhlc.1fc f1c:d111tt QOOrdmaror and gQI( ca:t!h 01 I.JPS. Livu in f-ircrcn Al•x Rell - Shonn0f!•scco1\4 b.a.s.em•n for llc1delbctg.. 1966•71. h111in.g over .500 each )'ell. Sale:tttws rur Pnmo' !. FOOU �co·ltc U,e, in �fill"", WA. Dick Samlaaka - Thlrd�b�man md ulc:h.c.r why pla)'td fnt Ticidclhcr1. 1968-77, Tac:om.11 Slowpi1c:h 11.nd People'• Chru.tlJ1t1 Slowphch Played (ootb:all fot 1wa,tlm.e lllltlcmal •m•tcvr ch1mrioa Pu:n.:c Coumy Bc:.ngah for fl\•e )can. ,�lco eamine. •ll•lcaeu-i honon Ken Schulz- Outlicldct•p11<:hct wnh lh:idc1bc r g, 1966•67. Alto pl•rcd ilowphch outflcld whb McKnlelu J.oods, 196' ,76 and S'c:M 1ll. • .Bur.bill pllc:her for Chc11c)' $111d1, 1915•59: Crh·wcU-1 19GO, 62: snd 0.ay•.s ClotWn&, 196.J Jh&h tdtool tuther '"- Tac:oma. l.1vcs In TKOmL Jerry Thacker - Pl11.ytd for He 1dtJbcra:, 1963•72 (rnany 1hnc1 11.n 1lf-..su1t): 1ho Gfo.Wom,, Pl1ycn. Fou Tire; Schli.11 .. CMUdc Wt11 • B&:I and Dlt.l1h:y't D1wp Shormop for Woodwanh CWltrac:to-rs and Cmwcll' e... Fuotball baskctb1tll bucball player at Unlvcnil)' or Pug.c, Sound, aJs11 phycd too1b1Jl ror T.a.ctrma T.)· ce.s.. A 11 .. suto bascb�U ...,,d roo1b:dl ts at Port Tnww.end High Sch,>01. All 6\'etgrccn Conrcrcnce qu1t1ub:a.cJ, 1hrce llmcJ Al UPS. Coll.C.htd biutball a1 Cbulct Wrii!hl Academy taod Onl.QJ !nth Sc:.hool. 1o1.•herc: hh team 100� a PIiie b,ucball ch1mp1on.1h1p.. Selr-cmpl O) ed. Live, in TacOflJ.11 0
Terry Trowbridge - JJIA)'cd thud buc fat llc. 1delbcrg, 1965-75 ind coached lltidelb�tg, 197.t..75. AIJ.<> pla)cd for West Cout Groctt) (l961), Sew f1on11cr L.n.oc, (1962-63) arid The Playcn (l964). Ptrllcip1ucd in v..·utld ,lowpllch toarm,mcnr t96S.14. In &OU, h•• h1uf IWO hOlc!J•m•onc.. tad a double. eagle 11 Otdng', Hi•�d.tW COl!n,c. 1\\•crasc.-1 11boul l9U ln bowling, hlit h JAme 198 11ad high urn�• 762. Howled w1lh and 11ainat Eul A11U1ony. t11me1! lluce golf at llncoJn Jli&b Schoof Ttuck drh·cr for We.11 C0,u1 Grocery, Lives in T,:,ooma, Ted Whltn•y- C.ugh, ro, llcuklborg part of 1067 •od •JI of 196S Played for Tacoma FJtefigh1er , , In 1970•72 ln aolf. hu had a h.:ilc•m•one. and won 1c,·cral 1ourmuncn1t. In bowling, hu high pme of 2.90 11.0.d Li» ,h 1uia of 180 .and high annao or 112 Tlu 11.•an lhttc ope.n handbiilJ tououinonu. Firefighter ro, Chy or Tacotna Ll'-'c-11 In Pu)•aJlup. Rob•rt Young - P1tchr.d .1nd w-u an.hunt coac.h, Hc1dtlbcrg Drewc.ry. 1967•12. He wu head coanh in 1971 and usl1 tcd lo 1967. 70 Aho pl1yr:d for Oilllngs Electric (hateball, 1960-61), K rupp Budncs.s College ((963), J:>inc Ta\•cm (1964), Pbycrs T'1111em (J965• 66) •nd c:o,chcd Tacorn• Flrclighlcrs m 1966 game 1gaint1 Oc.llcvuc. Sdctlcd 10 atl-1''•"}' 11f.1w- bucba.11 tc2:m in J95&'. Hdped South End Bora• and Ofrh' Club lo lJtle In l9Sli Competed in seven naliond sl1>wp11eh 1oum.1menu , In 196-B, wa:i an aU,warld relec-llon after .6JS. F1vc:•timt regional all-uar and urned 22, ,e:lec:tion1 and five rnon \1-.JU.lble player .iwudr rar Heid cilbcrg, whic.h -.+ on more. 1ha11 SO major Sevcr1I Hmc.i wa.1 top defensive pla�er. Re-call, A .22.20 uhlbitlon win 11 Sprinktr over dofcndlng nalion:nl 1lowpi1ch team from North C1.101ln1_ Employed by Tcam.sttn Loa.I .399 IS • labar negotunor. Ll\·e,: In Tatom.a,
Kitsap weekend Sept. 24-26
The Tacoma-Pierce County OldTimers Baseba II-Soft ba 11 Association is in need or a few good people. Won't you consider membership on the executive committee which helps promote the annual get together? The committee meets every other month, beginning in October, and needs members willing to help sell ads, obtain prizes donated for the annual raffle, mail banquet flyers and put together the program. If you are interested, contact Marc Blau at 848-1360.
SO-Plus slowpitch Dcpan.ment
i:t offerlnc The Pkrc:c Coun1v Park.I and Rttrcallan -tnlUt)' • U•H•C Lhc In yen third t.hc for r i,s.0-v:. 1ctgt1CJ; for phyc.rt Pl�! Slowpilch 1,casuc. . . •ucnuo n �r Ioc oI In the put two yCStS, lhc lc.aG,ut ,ouen the 1hc1r pl1.._ e took who crl ba11p1ay onal mofcui p,11 '•d n:crcatIon an "" ,.. docm•l move 10 ru11 on the ncld and found I.hey nm ha-.•c h - h jun cs pl•)'td hardbaU In lugu lbc Though miny plaveu lnvo1vcd in • few modlrlc1.Lio1u ror their heyday. the gan;c it now- ,1owp�1c.n, 1,1, ·llh
n!cty. fees 111u) (10m At fint base:. 1 rubbc:r mat ,, pbcc.d two flf thn:e u,c, tbD hos. ihe hlse: _ tht ruMtr goes t� lhc mat: I.he nc,ldet perpendkulAr 10 At aecond bue and home: pb.11:, • ch.Blk lmci rons ddcnllvc pl.a)'� �be U bue.. the pr edge front the fiom !}le but-pnh 1he lmc. 1he uoue, runner tbc bdotc bue eatthct the ball -11 lhe runner iJ ouL 1'0 slidm,& ,s D.llowcd. 11 line mark.J lhc Alone 1hc Lhird•bllsc llne 1tt the h.1lfw1y poiru, he b comm1ncd Une. 1h11, crones n:anncr the Jf " Rttum, so "?0 I 1 of reducing 1hc · lhu• p 111yt, wn run•do .svoldJ ruJc lO h�d f;,. home. This chant£ for an Injury c:nl June 5• 6, The 199) ,e..u.on bc1lru with • pre-,cuon toum:am at s.prlnker pl.:.)·cd arc G1mes l. 3 ll-J\11y June plll)' uc whh )ca ind,vldaals ttd lntc:Jcl 2:1. May i, e deadlin Rrercatlo� Center. Entry In the age: an: cnt:ounttt.d to '1J,r1 up to be plJc-ed on 1 1cam, Women 00 for mare .50,pJuJ ungc: ,ho ire hwltcd to pl•)'• Call 517-26 mrormulan..
Nominations for Awards Encouraged ff you know of .someone. who U 1,4•orth)' of can.sidcntion for recognilion a1 ne,:t ycu· • t,Jntt uc.t, plC!UG tontplctc 1111d return thll form: I. Holl or Fam, - B •seb•II 2. I. Softball 2 I Dlll Howell Aword 2. 1 Meritorious Scn 'lct'.
(Mall to: O/d-Tlmtrs 8anqut.l, Cr. E.. ru1allup, \YA 98J7].)
Q) Jlarl•nd ll'°'cr, h •II IIJ1rtcd •·uh I ruiremenl pu1y fa1 Doc: 11nd tou nonnl!m,1 In 1982. The dea1h of AnlJ) Pcndcrgul In • June 19S5 plane crash J1fO..;dc:t.l 1hr 1mpc-tll$. And lht rim K.iuap Oldllmu, Hall o( FlllllC b11nqw::1 w1i Sepe. 29, 1987 111 AH-Siu Lanes in Si1Yetd11le. rhc b:itnquc1 v;:u • rn.t.m1.1r�•l 10 Pt:ndtrg11t1, Brtmtnon Piuks and Reete!mtrn dir cc1or. 19J.4.77. Other Pcrute.rg-ul c,cdlU mcfudc Ammcan Softball A.1$0CJII.Uon prc�1dc,n (1976.77). U.S Pan-Aru.rkllll G11tnet b.&ipltch mtn•Ct-t (1919 and 'SJ) am1 thr. mm who brought do\l,pifah lo lhc c111e, beginning wi1h • 1950 church lca.11ue.. The Kluap Oldlimcu :arc one or the drivln5 rorcCJ bd1lnd tht Pcni.11:Jl,LU !tc1lunll Park thst I, e1;pc.c1c:d to open In 1994.. 11ie p.:itk v.ill lnduck 1oftb•H. bueb11II and -socctt rlAylnJ ne. ldt; • conc-cssfon1--clubho1ue.-rcsuoom complt·� ,n ll;·hkh KOA bopu 10 nnd room lot iu llltl of F:une: playsrounds lot chlldrc-.n, 111,d to 1ncludo RV h0okupJ. h . IJ being designed H t tournllmcnt eomplu, Men ind women rccognn.:ed by KOA include umplru, 1romoo, admlnblni.lOu and c.vcn som.c unlorgctlliblc ram. Pcndcr_gul and Rex Btown, an ASA umpiJc ,in,chle! 11nd world,na\·t 11ng ellnklan, arc ln 1ht ASA HAIi or Honor. Pltcbcu Erv Jensen, My1tlc Pierce Krc.uin and Brawn have been ,eeogruic.d by lhc Sord:1wcsr SoflbaU Hall of F11mc. FormcT majoJ league players And)' AnJcr1on, llal, Joe: Sullivan, Te.d Tappe. 1:nd G•lc Wade are in t he KOA fl.all So ate fa.sipItch pl.a) r.o Hk.c phchcn Bonncrru1, Jen,cn, Alf Jco5cn, Miele Odaney, John Ridley And Lloyd Dlanuu. (Swede) Moore. cum:nl KOA cbo.1.nru.n, also ts a HaU of Famt't The KOA sortb2JI legacy include, 1u1c r.1111phch chmtploru:hlp1t of 19.!2, EHi Bremcrlon lmprovc:ment Club: 19«. Tony•t Tlgen� 1951S, Shop 31; and 1959 , Rud I Ugc,' Ltkctt.. Thr Brc:mc:11011 Grctu J1ckcu became a prcrrncr women s te:a.m, 11.dvaneinr; to twc-e nnighl •·ontcn'• world wumamcnu, 1951-53 Kiuap Cou.nty'a best amateur buchall playca played u Crui,cn and Bee, 1nd1 ro, three yen, in 1hc: !Ille •40,, the. llluej,ckcu pla)'td In Lh, old Wett<m lnu:m11lon1l (pro) l.Hgu,. The 1993 KOA !Tall or Fame. wc:tlccnd will be Stpt. 24-26. The Frid•) 1nlf 10Vffllmcm W"III be al Oold MountJUn, tht S11u1day picnic and o1dtimea' game wlll be 111 Uaru Park . Mtl llall of Fome Banquc:1 'kUl bo Sund11y u lhc:: .8rt'.mcrton S1Xu of �or�·Ay !WI. For addnion11I inf ormauon, wruc KOA, P.O. Boa J69l. Sltvcrd•le, WA 9&38J, or caU Swede or Doro1hy \foote. 27.S3011. or Doc 01 Lou O!Jnnem1, 173-8997.
NW Oldtimers in limbo
lh Ooh TourUJloltc • The Xorthwc:u Oldllmeu A11,cb•II Assocmion. founded rn 1973, nlll b In ui!tmc:c-. 1Jthough cunfflll)' u e ue ,on ot In lnTlbo, Wt hAve no. held ouJ annual Old1lma1 9.all 0.amc slnc(. 1986, out laJt go1f wu In 1988, our well received ncwt-lcuc. n arc more ln!rc:qucnl and ou.r tan anm�•I b1mqu.e1 �••• In 1992 a flcr 1t two-yc11.r Interval. At (lur f1rac banq_uc1 m 1975. there more thnn 285 m attend1U1ce at the Moose:: Lodac. the follow1n1, year, ahu al lbe \1001e, • c:ham:u:d bu, btought 1hc T11com11 con1jng:c.nL Ac aur 1992 banquc.1, held at the. Lue 01y Elks: whh onl)' .!4 1n am:nchncc, for lht firu lime:. no on� f,um. Tacoma Joil\C.d 1.11, A funhcr dgn af dmeJ, pc:thap,. v;•u when I read 1he- 11,1 or lbotc: of ow memben who hid p.:.uciJ 11w1y In lhe twa..)c.nt intnv1f 1lnec the 1990 gcMogcther; th11 number hu tm� rc-:ached 321 Our arOllfl hu hOfi(lrCd tome U. men 1n various: c111egorn:, 01;er the )'CUJ, indudina rnany from lhc T•coma .ua 1ltey lire.! Jo Jo \\''hue, Eddie T1yJor, M1rv Sc:011. Mony Abbou. f,a.nlt (Buth) Tobin, Hdnricl:, Bob M.111ulnu, F11n.k Ruffo and Joe S1bllno Al lhc. present time, lhcrc: ue o.o 1pec:i!ic plan, for • get• 1oget.hcr (ar our ;roup, pc-rh:111� later In lhc yur_ Somo of out failhrul, H U.IUJ:], vdll ptobably join .)'OU On Mty 1 6. We wf1h ycu lhe very be1t on lh•t d11y. (iSW Olddmen Bueba.11 Aun., Dob Tonk.lo, pre1idcm, �!Off)' �1omton. r,u, v1ec prcttdcm; Bob Tour1ll1011c, ID-28:17, •ecrctU)'•treuuttr .)
1957 Woodworth Contr■<>lors Photo Many Of lh: pll)'CU m th11 picture or lhi: 1957 Wood11.•0Mh Contra.ttm also were un lhC' 195! team ""'hieh finhhcd .sec.and in the tlll(cm. ½rfl II> right • .se.aud: spon.sor Alden Woodwonh: (rant row: l"nu1cnllfu:d, Kim Strand,. Coach M:irv $cent, Fnnk �ilk.t" DIJlon, Al Fllnk and l·cathc!tto,nc. Dale Krueger, Arley K1.ng11, Ocorgc Grant: btick to\\': A1 �WII, Die.le l.Ad., Dkk Bu.Hau, Ben Vcrlo, Frllll Raymond_ Rod Kcaih. Mhdnr: from 'flh::turc but oo 19.Sl i.eam1 Dalt Bloom, Oun Cnrbon, Jim Coud, M11ury, Jim Gtllw.a.i, Eiul ll)•dcr Rah ' M.n�uinu., Mel �1anley and Llltf)' McC1,uJey.
Woodworth Contractors second in 1958 nationals �r,u:oma't Woodworth Con1uct.Qn ballt quht • �uc«.n uar)I In 1958, tia.t tMtlr up ooc. run ,hy or lhe national American Amateur Ba.eball Congrcu ,hamp1on1l11p llle Conmt:ton -- 1(1er a moulh of 11-ttte,. ,ce1icmnl 11.nd nntlonal tou-rru.m.cnt actioti - fell. l..O, to a bcc.(cd up C1m:uuu1h 1ct11n ,n the n:ailonil champlon.dUp g1une St:pL 16 al Dante- CrHk, �llch.. 1'hi1 11,11 1 ua,n co1LO.htd by �bn Scott n:nd iponJorcd by Alden Woodwonh ""hkh condnually pulled lhcmulvcr,: 11p olT the iltd: b\lt, 1amc after 111mc 1 \lietC: 111 lheb bell whcm Hu: prcuu1e wu lhc 1oughc5' They lhrwcd on advcnity, givlna thc1r rollowm chronic hi&h Mood rrc.nure. Scou. • ba1cb1H and b.a,kctb3II coach aJMJ h,saof')' tcacha .aboul H> mo\C from Suirlium 11) lhc. \YIJ1on 111th Scbool. nodns th11 the faconu Stmlcy Shocmcn won lhc: 19!6 It.AOC nll.Uonal ullc., tolJ 1hi: Rapid Chy, S�D.• ncw1pspet al the ,cctlunab. th!lt the t:onmcwn "dldn'1 come: to South DU:oll: Jun 10 jtC ),founl Ru1tmiorc and we're not gout£ to Raulc- Creek j:Ull to us com O.ake!. .. I n ttale ind icetiontl pl1yofh, they Ion .lccond round g.1mot, coming ou1 of 1hc: lose.ri' bructc:t 10 take: title trophic., A1,ain, •t n:uJorua.l. lhcy lo.H In the sceond r ound. b11t rou Jht their 11i •Y lo tho champion,hip, Ondnnali new in champlon1h1p &•1ne pltcl:u:, Don Sc.sbiu 11nd ldifh1ldu Acmic Rocckcu afler they hJd returned hame followmg ?ms lhe f!rcvlou, weekend. 81>\h pl11.yed m31Jar roles Jn lhc title tett.. Sc,blu 1urrende1ed only three hiu - tiogtet 10 Al Maul. G«11g11: and Bob r-.baulncz.. - whilt 11rlklng, out ri, and \l.'atklng rive. alto pi1Chcd -.en: GA.lbr.a.ilh , TtCOIU¼'s M.lllf}' Ollbc11lth •nd Don Carht,n yielded onl:, 1hr« singles m ttvtn ,nrunas, u.nldng ou1 th, and walkins nvc:, and Carbon didn't allol" • hh lo 1h.e. Inning he worked. Cindnn:ati go1 iu 1,,nc run in lht f'iflh mnmg Hob Kcccon drew • ludoff' walk. G1lbr11hh them uruc., uut Ke.n Schu.ttcr and iScibht before: walking Jim llocl,chct-4 Rocc:kcu than pcoduccd • run •coun c s.mgk up the mJ.ddlc. T!lcoma Uuca1cncd In l!,e second lnnlng, lotdiflQ lhc base.a wUh one ou1 bc.rorc Frank Oamc:1 pop� mto • doubl� rll) on J fim: running t1td1 In lt1e- uutOdd by dte second b21-er11an. The Contru1or• 1hrntenc:d •sun m 1ht cigh1h u GanL opened with • 11,·•lk. and 1hen m.cwcd lo 1:ec:ond on Ba.rn.c:s· bunt be.fore Oid: L.11tlc, plnth•hllllng for 011itbnith, grounded to N�bm, who gol Cran! UUQhl In a nmdowti. Gr_._m CSCJlflC'd aniJ ""U u.fe lit third, 11rilh � •ck 4
1no,1ln& to accond. �dare Urry Mc.Oiule}' popped tO 1har1 and 1iul Hyder flied to ccnlc.r 10 end the: tbrc:u. Duphc dc!e1n, Lh.e Contra.c.ton fi.trllcd aflcrward It waJ «tcher Arky K..anslU.' lOlh binhdlly, •sure. (we) \\'ould have loved to bnng 1h11 duunpmn.shir 11ophy tuck lo Taeom11.- Scoh iald with "Wt got bell, but we did.Q'l be.:i1 ours.clvu Our kid.t came the bc.n dcf't,uive &,&me I'Ye tce.n lhc:m play. Tht: he., WJJ: un them O\lt not •n cno,, and 1t,c.y hllndled some cough plays. Our boy1 playi:iJ up Lo lM llmll of 1hcb ablUl}' ad fflll-)'bc mor� Ta� an he proud of 1hcm I ceruunly wu. "The. tlch v.·cre: do•·nhea-ned the nt!'l.t morr11ng, Tbc.y uarlcd ualkina the. 1ournamcnu OYet 1.mon1 LhemuJvc, Thrn they reshud tha-1 the) were one Q( 11,e- rcm11.mani: tv.'a rrom ol,000 1am, 1111 o\·cr the country th11t 11.ia.ttcd ln the AABC. They began feclin&�" Woodworth d1ew for homc•leGm dc:1ign1Lion 10 d�y,, losing nine •we thought HcllV�IOn, Ore., wu the hul tt.11m 1,1,• e pll)t-tl fn in r ar 1he 1oum11mcnu. "Wo S(ll • bye In ,he ttg,lunats and w11 1 bruit. When •-c: dr--tv. for the: one bye in1 he nallonal, Clncinnall won IL Th1t1 wo , trtmend.oUJ hre•k fnr Cindnn.-11. I bc.llevc j( we would have gCll the bye, �'O would hu•c gont': 1111 tho way - ibc preuurc ••1ouJd bt.\' t been lnnc.11:d. it wu on uL on Cmonna-Ji•, p.ltclllna, The way 11 wotk.c.J out wa.i Ltu11 we h11J to C<.' •·lib Qu.1 are, ea, h-on, in the. sc1L\1finaJ ag11n11 Cincmn.11i for 1hc right to play lhe 11\tnc c.iub for tJ,e th!� ••we were (arced 10 play • d.J}'•tllght doublcbe.adcr. The 1ftemoon iame. u. u • 10-inning lb.Inc .t.g.1lnn Houmnt h •·u dut v. her, ...,.e [iul1l1ed We Just hld Lime h> d,ive duwn 10 the ho:eJ In our 1.1:ol!orm, • lhc: p.111k. ;nib nnd'ilo•frha: and mHk In the tN.s ana bc:aJ b:&ek .. A• we WC're drMng nton1,, I 10M Catlson to oome ur In Lhc. r,ont tut '1o'1lh me so ht c�1d h.op off the bu• nnd probably gsc1 a fe-"'" cxtu, mJnu1cs to v.•artn up bcCotc' u.e wo� 1m Cmdnnall. "'Why. co•ch.' CarlJon said, •r Wllrm. up in the bus :md thne J\l)'t,• "Otu bu• dn\o cr wu • swell fc.llow, but be didn't bto"'' rn11eb about . b, utbi11 .. Sc.otl tionllnucll '"In .all 1,e.rloumes:s. he. uld 1<1 m� •�tr Scott, do you wont mr 10 1um on the 111,bu 10 the bo) c:an \l.'lltm up'?' Ou:r lc:am mrted roanni 01 lhat. The remarl;- enurcl)• r,la.xcd our club Aud Ca.tlsoo be.a.t ClnciM!ltl, 9.t, Ytilh a 1hrc.c hlttc1,"
E BASE 8 A L L - �1orr) Abholl, Sonny lhoiley, Cy Dull. Lou Du l•uno, £nri lllrn•I I c• 11 1,hnp Prnnk ' "l<h, o ru wlc�, \'<tn Cbomp•�n•, Jim Cluxton, FTlub J)•wson Jf' r �� t Sr., Frrd • (l{uul l luun••, Clltr :. ngsou,.. m 't? ·.n �, �rII funk, U ld: Greco. At Grtttn Sr., Cy Gr,en l aw, .lobJJ P. lfl'ln rlck. Joa l le!1T1t1 I, rhrn � rbel, F. llnn�J well, Bub Houston, Eorl HJder, Jack John,011, Floyd llefl\·) lseklle llnh lo hn<o11 Riek o� 1r1,on, � em h:nhou1, Vk K rau_se, Eurl Kuper, Tony L.uvorarn , nr,cr LIiiy,"' Chuc� Loete, Uob l\h.'•ull <'l . ll n � , � �: ul �•IIJ �l•na, Duu� McArthur, Ed McCoy, Rnb �1cGuirr, Ptilo hlrlln, Lornlke Mcrklr, Juhn ,�Ill :,,.: ii au • r nn 111 • oe .\llnchnik1 UHi ;\Jot, D:avt ,\loll1or, Vern �lo rrf:i Frunk �1nr rone1 .Jlmnn ).lo!!ool(. nil! J , l ulltn, f'nrd �1ul len, Cl)dt , O lson, Mar lo n op,,elt, Al re11tecos1, Gflll P nrtmunn lohn y1(, , \l r l<krr t Jim Rob ln�on, 1'•1 Rooney, Ernie llu frc,, Frank Ru(fo. l'tre Subutl� Jo• 's� l utfnn H� f Sri, l,;,U� :·, �\ • 11n •Scorr, Dill Sewell, Doh Snodgrass •.Jot: Sp;1dorore, ltuy SrurAeo n. Jack Tan n e r.' Er1tnn' 1'ollefson RutJi.: Tn son, ArL Vlufor�, C h urk V(ufo r e, Heinle Vug�I. Sun Wall Dce, c,eor�e \\'lu. Paui (Doc)J ivot1en� �fSTPIT CH SOFTBA L - Dou� Adam, Wully Ilrebnor, Ll oyd ll lunusu, G l•n Co f Uns, Fnmk ll•vieo, RIii � Dunham, Vern F'rntn, Bob l·rankowsky, Jack Hermsen, Les Jloltm�J t: r, George Karpac:h ' 1, .1. ul L�rso-n F.url �lllhnkey, L•Vornt :\1urllnrau, Cl)d• Ol$on, Dea n Pitsch, John Rockwuv llorry Ru_,h• E d 'S•lt nl C':tn• ·' ,j-11"'-e ; r, Leonar d Thomas, AJec Wau Dick \Vebsler, Tom 7.urrtu.h. ' 1 SLOWPITCH SOFTBALl - Nunr.
198? - John P. H•lnrlck 19911 - Stne Orrunos
Dill Howell Award Winners 1988 Cumm;,1rann Rro,. c, •• 'ftuntln2t<1n, StWl N"cc" 199J
lloh 1'ourlllottc 1989 1992 - Ru\ Snurccon
1993 Tom Cross - Soflbull pitcher•outncldcr. Fl$her Drug, 1933-34; Cammar ano nro1'.. 1935-421 Nortbweu Door, 1941; Teamsters, 1942: StopliAhl To,'orn, lotc l9�0s-torlJ 1950s: Cheney Fillies, 19S8<il; Snlnt:"s, l.965-70. OrgnniJ.ed fiut slow pitch lenm in l'ltrct County and first slowpl,ch 1ourn3mcmt in s1ntu. Unl•crslty or Pug<t Sound Athletic llol l uf Fume, Former P•c-10 luut Inc II/bus kelbu11 nf(icinl, 17 ytnrs: Tacoma Mountnlnc(tn pro hnskc<h•II team. Cr ndutitcd, Stndium lllgh!, 1�38: Colle�• of Pugel Snund, 19�2. Commls slonn, r"iorthwu, Intercollrglat, Officials Aun. �·nrm,r di rector, Plrrcc County Parks and Recnllt lon Dcoartmcn1. Born Scot. 16. 1920, Tacomu. Lh'es In ·rucorna.
Meritorious Service Awards
Tak Ikeda - Pl•ycd b,scball u pitcher •nd right ncld for Lincoln lllgh School. Tn 1949, ployed m Japan w11h Far l:.ut Commardal Armed Service tMm. o�·ner. Famtly CleAners 1n Tacoma. Bom 1n Japan and hu been involved wi1h Jtponeic-U.S c�ch11ngc bllScbrall/cultorral JitOgn.m 111 Pieic«:: Count) U$ 11 founder of 1hc on ly rnognun of 11.S t}'pc: m Cho Uni1od S1.n1c..s. fn the .five y cD.fS the program has- bean in cxi.itcn,cc. 95 percent of the Picrc:c C ounty ploycr:s h11vc _gone on 10 college. 11fte.1 µ.luymg the team (mm Kitakyushu. T1com1's siner cily. Japanese bii!eball puticipiltian tract1 lu iOOl$ b:td: to 1907. when teams from Japan came 10 Tacoma 10 pl•y teams In ,i,., clly. &1onvlllc and all over the Puyallup Valley. Lh·e1, In Tacoma. Pat Steele - Ne••cr pl•�ctl bucball, bu1 •crvcd •• trnlnc, or Tacoma' , ptofe,<innal bueh•II team, in l9'16-�7 ond •ho WH tralnor for College of Puget Sound vusily •portt. U.S. Army learns, Ancndcd llot Springs, Ark., lllg� School, S"'clu31iTig in 1929 and ;ndU!ltccl from CPS in l93�. Re.tiled attorney. Live, In Tacoma.
Tacoma Tigers, TAC banquet co-sponsors
Tacoma-1'/tret County Old-Timus /Jai;tl,all• Softball Assodat/011 got u bfg boost with tlrr Tacoma Tigu.r joining tlit Taroma AtMttic Commls.lon for the second conucutfve year as co-sponsors of tht group's annual gtt-togetlrrr banqu,r Ila/I and of Famt c�rernonits. A substantial grant by 11,e tnsuns Tigers tire success of tht banqul!t. Thanks,
Ray Spurgeon remembered
Ray Spurgeon, for many yenrs, did an ou1s1anding job soliciting ads for the program of our Old-Timers Baseball/Sof tball Associa1 ion. Ray passed away last year and he. will be missed by everybod�• affiliated with our association. llob Young took over the responsibility of soliciting ads ror lhis year; he has very large shoes lo rill.
KELLER ROOFING, INC. 473-1811 Evenings 472-6071
\\' e nrc Old-Timers, wo! C3II J;1kc for free cs1im�1e. 20-ycnr 11�rran1y
10909 Portland Ave. 536-2322
CONTACT: Marc H. Slau, 537,2600 or 848-t:IGO,
Econoltne �•cal
All Color Screen Printing
OJ.I tlO\t1, proe,�mt, rhoLot, uruto1n11, .-r,) rrwnu•1.1b1 II• 1d.U#\ll 10 Tiu:oma bueb11II 11."JITII n·.a,01t11 Tt !:tU, i\lpc1t1nt 0:111}, C111lu11:u-1110 Drus ,. Model l.umbct, Ol}rrrm: kc Crr..m1, l'i.;hlh �t.1�. \\'U\!J ll�U). St.anl ey Shot'mc.n, Dc:n·,, r,w1n.fonu D\>J;cn, CJoUucu. WQeJ,...·ouJt.. A1h It C.utoll Mn10u. Su)plllc Ti.vC"rn, Cbcnl!'y S11ido. Alw. ot.l1t1 Ta:oma-Ptttcc Cuu.nt) uu me1nC1rllbilb Co, oth,1 1pon.1 suoh .u haJkc1t-;.II, fo-olb.111, hoc;kcy, 1.mnn, ltc:m, ..,,II be: camukrc..d for lllfpla} purposct In thr new T11com11,Ple,ec Counl)' Sroru \1uRum.
Judy and lee Jones Owner IOP1icl.ans
4620 Po.ell� A.vr. • Tacomft WA 08.cOB
for yottr T-shins, jackets
Ph0<10 473·3«3
Jerry Foss
Tim C4 Gtunawa.11 Afdd!•nl '.i, c: Prf' -o, · m iiN ,1,.na,1.., S.: 1n 6 Pac-; 1..._ 9,1,1,-..:,- • '-S2ra
& Motoring Accessories, inc
Key Sank ol Wuhlnglon '""'•Lnti:;rt.:,
�.: ._ •·01.1!� :0.v(t'\;J!. t.t ...uma, �·;;r-ol"nr �t..:iv ... f106) st:l-l'65
,�enferickpr]n PARKLAND
(206j 584•7645 (206 627-0569 10516 Brldgepon Way SW
Tacoma, WA 98499
11319 Pacific Avenue Tacoma, WA 98444 FAX (206) 531-3199
Much More Than Copies
\Ve have l, 2,
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lmagc:sc:Lling - from your disk or our dc:sign Computer to Negnlive Canon Color L:tscr Copit::-. • High Spcc:d Xeroxing Also Available
2 p.m.
4 p.m.
Di1111er, program Hall of Fame
***** ****** Program /111rodu�1lo11
llun1ing111n Clu)' I II vora lio u/M r111orin I Fr .
Richnrd (Ziggy) Cebula ru1.or, llal11 R�sary Calhollc. Door Prices Commillee
Hnll or Fnme llonorees Spccinl
*********** Committee Clay
Mure lllau
Co-Cl,alrml'n Bniley Sonny Tickets/ff on ortt s Harland Beer")' County Bremerton-Ki/lap Frank Davies R affltl f'a ci liti ts Stan Farber I' rogro m IP ub Ii city nob M�guinez I/ 11ffl1f II onoreu Vern Morris 11 on oreu/Ticktts Steve Orfanos Tlckets/Honortes llob Snod�russ 11 on orus/Ticktts Tourtillotle llob County Stat/It-King Bob Young Ads
1968 Heidelberg
Top row. ltft-rlght - Dick S•mliub. Mlle Zenk. Ken Schut,, Dick Zicrman, Te1' Whitney, Jim L11ne und �farco MA.llch.. Bonont row - Al R<:11, Bt>b Young. Ter ry Trowbridge, Dave Bbhop, lrmy
Th.11.ckor and Co11th Gordy Pfeifer. Nor p1c:urt1' - Don Leaf and hi11boy1 Scol1 Schulz .and Mike Prentice.
Heidelberg 5th 1n 1968 nationals T1u.::oma·S- Ueidelbcrg competed in seven C<\n5ccutive national toumamc-nl.& between t96S..7t. regional c:h11.mpions fh•c straighl limes but. at nlltionals and finis:ho.d a,1, high &$ liflh once, comping an 80-9 rc,,ord daring that 1968 season. In 1968, the y.. r Acidclborg fin15hed fiilh, 1hc n1tion1ls were held ai Long fslnnd.
Afier dra,.ing • nm-round hyc. Hcidclbc,rg bombed Joliet, Ill .. 8,4, as Jun Lane had 1hree 1.. d-<>ff single., ind Clndnnllll. 10-l. u �{ilre Z•nlc h•d four singles nnd Gardy Pfe.ffet 11. pair of two run homers a:nd. defcmsively, Bob Young and .Dave Bishop c.ombincd for four double plays. One of four undcfoucd truuns remaining, Heidelberg rc11. 10-9, 10 MIilon, Pla., llllhough the Tacoma:ns had A chncscc 10 win u L111t c·, run,producing single pulJed Heidelberg within one run In tho bottom or the seventh before lho Florida shonstop made II diving catch of Ken Sc:hulz's screaming, line drive up the middle. PfoUer. Lane and Young each hnd lhrcc hits in Lhe Mllmn game. H•milton., ellmlnau,d Heidelberg, 9-7, d,hough Picifcr Morco Malich homcml ra, Taconu., Outflcldcr-Coach Pfeifer, who hit .833 with four home nm,. was ,elcC1cd 11> Lho 1\II Wo,ld tcam along w!Lh second baseman Lane and pitcher Young. l.nnc hit ,667 and had severa.l clUtoh hh•; Young h•d • .615 bauing ovcr•ge and !J)arkkd on defense . To go1 to notionals. Heidelberg wan the T1cnrna lcr,guc ob.ut1plonshlp, cighl or nlnc tournaments ttnd tho Nonhwcsl reg1onat championship in Rkhlisnd. there ',l,AJ: no Slate 1our-nomc:nl. 1 In the regionn.l 1ourn1Uncnt, lleldclberg came out of the Josers bracket 1(1er a 10 8 luss to Bremcnon'a Gene Lobe to win with 15•10 and 22.10 lriurnp.hs o,·cr Geno l.obc. In I.he litle tO.jl, Jerry Thacker, Pfcifor ond Ted Wbiiney hit l\10 homo runs apiece •nd Dick Saml:uka ancd Marco Malich had one each Young had 1hn:c bilS l'reircr had 23 hlu- In !7 •l•bau- .. Lhc regional moSI valuable pl•ycr /oimng him un the aH-iuu 1cam 1,1,'cro Young :uid Mehch, '"The nucleus. ur this team pilttioip.a..tcd fn se.,.e:n n1.Lion11I tourn11mcnts•ccn 1Q65 through 1971." noted pl&yer-coach Bub Young. "The llcidclbcrg team wo.n more Lhan 50 major toumamunll between 1965-75. "In the culy 1970s, lite lcom pluyed Ille 1e£iun>I furpitcb ch•mpinn,hip 1ea111 In a doubleheader, losing J.Q in lhc fastpltch game ud beoting Manke Lumber 19-S In Lhc slo-..·pnch gn:mc. '' A h1ghhgh1 \\'Ill a 22·20 w10 o�·cr defcndint mufona.J chnmpion lloword'.s r:urniturc o( Nonh Carolin11 in ,he early 1970s a1 Sprink:cr Recreation Center In what Young larmed "• p!Lchcr's duel. I woi shell-shocked for • week." 4
Ray C. Roberts VFW Post 969 Jnvilcs you vewrnns to s10p by and1nspccL our line Post.Find ou1 your V.A. Rights, Fine dining, and grea1 music on Fridays and Snturdays ... Only S2S 10 JOin. Call
3510 McKinley Ave. Gorri••••
-17,1-B810 (Pa,tJ.
Scn•ic.e Officer MON.•WEO.-FRL 11 a.m.-5 p.m.
Tacoma Tigers Schedule
Home Games at Cheney Stadium May 20-23 - Aibuqu""luc; 28-31 - PonlAnd. Ju,,c 5°8 - Cal&uy; 9, ll-l3 Phocttl,r; 14-17 Tuc&con: 25-29 - Phocnh: 30 - Vancouver. July 1-3 - Vancouver; Ui-18 - Edmonton; 19-22 Albuquerque. Aogusl S-8 - Lu Vegu; 9·12 - Calgary1 13-16 Porll•nd; ll-24 - Colorado Spriogs: 26-29' - Tucsoo. Regular RUon began Apn1 8, ends ScpL 6.
OAVE&JAN DAVIS �272•5004
1l!c:oma, 'M 9640\2
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CAROL A. BARTMAN • DIANE L. SOLi Sa• 1,s roday for the "TlC" Your Trt1nsacrton D�urves
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3617 Bridgeport Way W., University Place, W. lower level
Wide varlery of p111/1abs. .rnackbar
SKATING BINGO JI:/ 5 t1.m. & 6:45 p.m.
Tuesday-Wedne�tl3y-Frid:iy Small
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We'll buy your equity!
Free Appraisal
John L11 Farge, Broker Terri La Farge • DllDnis Gngnlcr Al Xrell • Ed Conslnnlinl Frederick Wn11s
T-Dome Sports Museum booked to open in Sept. By F•rbor A treasure trove of '•Pierce Counly sports mcmot11bi111 md his1ory will be unveiled when lhe Tacom1_Pie.rcc Caun,y Spara Museum opcn1 in September. • Huie more 1han 10 year, afuir the Tacoma Dome opened. The museum, a major projec, spomorcd by Lhe Tacoma Alhlellc Commission. will be a 1wo-1tory. 1.300-squue fool facility with exterior and in1orlor enlt&Jlccs which will allow sporu fan, 10 vln1 during sponing and olhot events u well u non-event lime,. It·• being fonded through prlvaie doruulons 11 • cost of S400,000. A permoncnl ··wan of Fame" for donors following lhe nairway 10 the sccood level will list all contributors. , Major funders include: Cheney Founduion; .Eiben O..lm II; Puget Sound Bonk (now Key Bank); Pacific First Bank, FSD; Dill Oa,.ccki of Prectislnn Machine Worts; Louis<> Nord! family; Herb Bain or N•lioMl Distribulinll. Company; George and Sac Fosler or Tacoma Tigers baseball: l'uebs Foundation: and Munuy Foundalion. Nearly 30 sporu - a.matcur. reorcadonal a.nd prof.,.ional - will be ncognhcd. Mllmo:mbllia will mcl�dc donalloru from sporu sponsor Ben Cheney. pro bowler E4rl Anthony. swim Slltr Ktyc Hall and couch Dick "B•onula, golfers Jack Walton and Kon Sllll: bucballen Roy and Bob lohoson, Ron Cey, Gaylord Pony and T1.0om1 Tigers; skier Gretchen Kunigk Fruer, and boxon Pu1 MoMuruy and Freddie S1eele. The muieam. allo will house the WasninglOn SIi.le and Pierce Coun1y Spans Balls or Fame. Bolh h.U. have been inililltod and malnialned by Clay Hunt.ing1on. If you would like 10 holp reach the &·•al of S�00,000 10 rand the museum - and have your name on the ·•Well of Fame"' - send a eontribution check rt.o: 'T1com11-Piercc Coun1y Sporu Museum, P.O. Box 11304, Tacom.., WA 984U. Mue your ebeck payable 10: T/PC Sporu Museum,
NATIONAL DfSTRIBUTlNQ COMPANY, INC. 8607 Durango Ave. SW. - TACOMA 98499 Anheuser Busch Inc. 582-4360
BAIL BONDS "C.J. 11 JOHNSON "Tn, Family Rnt,,,,,anl" 7025 PACIFIC AlltNUE TAt:eitM. WASHIHGTON
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