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The TAC supports sports and the youth of Pierce County, And the TAC Needs You
If supporting youth and sports in Tacoma-Pierce County is appealing to you, joining the Tacoma Athletic Commission should be a “priority”. No other sports-oriented organization in Pierce County ever has done more for our kids and their sports, and 2022 is the TAC’s 80th year of doing just that.
Nearly $5 million has been donated to schools, recreation departments, boys and girls clubs, deserving teams and individual athletes during that time thanks to TAC dues and special events staged by Commission members. Among the fund-raisers which the TAC supports or sponsors are the Banquet of Champions, the Shanaman Sports Museum of TacomaPierce County, the annual Golden Gloves amateur boxing show, and a TAC Golf Tournament.
In terms of honors and awards, the TAC conducts the High School Athlete of the Month Award ceremonies three times a year, selects both a male and female Athlete of the Year from those ranks (each receive TAC college scholarships) and awards the Clay Huntington Sports Communication Scholarship. The Dick Hannula Award is another TAC honor, given to the Amateur Athlete of the Year in Pierce County. Tonight’s induction of new members into the Tacoma-Pierce County Old Timers Hall of Fame is another TAC tribute to sports in our community.
If the TAC is destined to continue its efforts of support, it needs the help of civic-minded, sports-minded citizens like you. A TAC individual membership or a TAC Corporate/Business Membership is the ideal way to assist this worthwhile cause. An application below will enable you to join now. Or you may locate an application form on line at www.tacomaathletic. com. For information, contact TAC membership chairman Karyn Siegrist at 253-759-1124 or via email at karyntac@gmail.com.
Tac Membership Application
E-mail address__________
Individual Membership - $100, Corporate Contributions$250, $500, $1000, $2500, $5000. Enclose check.
Mail to: Tacoma Athletic Commission, Box 11304, Tacoma, WA 98411