Infoborder presentation 2013

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InfoBorder Controlling Borders Through Technology Informatics International Ltd (C)

Agenda    

InfoBorder Systems Architecture Customer Interface InfoBorder Core Systems Companion Products

Informatics International Ltd (C)

InfoBorder System Architecture Companion Products InfoETA- Electronic Travel Authorization InfoMobile- Border Intelligence/ Onboard Clearance InfoScan- White Card Processing InfoVIS- Visitor Information Sys

Third Party Systems INTERPOL

InfoBorder Core Systems Border Control

InfoWMS- Workflow Management System InfoHRM- Human Resources Management System

State Intelligence Service Defense Tourist Board

Travel Document

Frequent Traveler Monitoring InfoDMS- Document Management System

Police Narcotic Bureau

Visa/Permits Citizenship Controversial Individuals

MIS Reports and Inquiries User Administration

Customer Interface Informatics International Ltd (C)

Bureau of Foreign Employment

Customer Interface Companion Products

External Systems

InfoBorder Core Systems Arrivals

Dashboard Monitoring

Citizenship Issuance

Employee Performance Tracking

Visa/Permit Issuance

Refugee Determination

Passport Issuance

Investigations /Prosecution CheckSum Verification

Receipting /Payments


Stop/Watch List Tracking Reports and Inquiries

Employee Maintenance


Compliance & Investigation


Passenger Verification


Visa/ Endorsement Label Printing

Capturing & Verification of Fingerprints

Online Application & Payment Gateway

Customer Interface Informatics International Ltd (C)

InfoBorder Core Systems

Informatics International Ltd (C)

Border Control System

Informatics International Ltd (C)

Key Features  Arrivals / Departures  Scan Passport (Display Color, IR & UV Image and Extract MRZ Data in One Go)  Controversial List Check  ETA Check (Visa On Arrival / ETA Required Country)  Cross Check Passport Data with Passport Database for Locals and display Photo Image  Corresponding Departure Record for Locals / Overstay Check  Cross Check data in the RFID Chip with MRZ Data and Display Photo image stored in the Chip for ePassport  Passport Validity / Impound / Lost Passport Check  MRZ Check Digit  Dual Citizenship Check  View Travel History  View Visa / Permit Details  View Officer Seals, Signature & Visa Template

Informatics International Ltd (C)

Other Functions      

Transit Passengers Passenger Cancellation Passenger/Flight Transfer Flight Delay Flight / Ship Maintenance Flight Statistics

Informatics International Ltd (C)

When a Passenger arrives at the Immigration Counter‌ STEP 1: The officer scans the passport through the Passport Reader STEP 2: System captures and automatically processes the passport information

Informatics International Ltd (C)

Border Control System

Informatics International Ltd (C)

Border Control System

Informatics International Ltd (C)

On-line verification  The System being web based, is dispersed geographically throughout the country

 On-line verification of the passenger against Stop List, Black List, Deserters of forces, Overstay tourists, Court Order List, Police Wanted List, Cancelled Travel Document Holders and Interpol (Find/Mind) Informatics International Ltd (C)

Alert Monitoring

Informatics International Ltd (C)

Travel Document System

Informatics International Ltd (C)

Key Features  New Passport Issuance & Amendments            

Passport Types (Normal, Diplomat, Official, etc.) Controversial List Check Previous Passport Check Duplicate Passport Check Data Verification by Double Entry Passport Cancellation & Re Issue Passport Payments Normal Basis & Urgent Basis Process Alteration to Passport Child/Dependent Inclusion Quality Assurance Check Performance Monitoring Informatics International Ltd (C)

Typical Travel Document Issuance Process

Receiving Counter

Issue Passport



Data Entry

Print QA

Informatics International Ltd (C)


Capture Image Signature

Print Observations

Print Main Page

Accept New Travel Document Application

Informatics International Ltd (C)

Travel Document Data Entry

Informatics International Ltd (C)

Visa / Permit Module

Informatics International Ltd (C)

Key Features  New Permit           

Permit Types (Tourist, Business, Diplomat, etc) Regulation Check Previous Visas Previous Travel Inquiry Controversial List Check Passport Validity Check Single / Batch Application Accept Documents Permit Payments Approval Hierarchy Permit Letter / Sticker

Informatics International Ltd (C)

Key Features contd.  Visa / Permit Extension            

Arrival Info from Border Overstay Calculation Visa Regulation Check Previous Visas Previous Travel Inquiry Controversial List Check Passport Validity Check Single / Batch Application Accept Documents Visa Payments Approval Hierarchy Visa Letter / Sticker Informatics International Ltd (C)

Key Features contd.  Visa / Permit Extension       

Application Status Visa Inquiry Overstay Tracking Visa Application Register Daily Visa Summary Report Visa Issuance by Nationality Visas Issued On Arrival

Informatics International Ltd (C)

Visa / Permit Process VISA/PERMITS MODULE Visa/Permits Process Applicant

Visa Officer

Cashier Approves



Validate the Application & Documents, Auto generates unique Application no

Applicant hand over the application with supporting documents Rejects

Handover the Travel Document to applicant


Accepts Payment & Issue Receipt Check Travel Document against – · Controversial List · Expired Passport · Overstay

Chief Visa Officer


Counter Clerk


Approves Approves/Rejects visa/ Permits

Enters the rest of the Application Data


Visa sticker printed Travel Document is affixed the sticker

Informatics International Ltd (C)

Citizenship Module

Informatics International Ltd (C)

Key Features     

Birth Registration Spouse Registration Dual Citizenship Renunciation Controversial List Check  Certificate Printing  Payments

Informatics International Ltd (C)

Controversial Individuals Module

Informatics International Ltd (C)

Key Features  Maintenance of Multiple List Types (Interpol, Prohibition to Departure / Arrival, Report Travel Movement, etc.)  Temporary Wave Off  Impounding Passports  Lost Passport

Informatics International Ltd (C)

Reports Output    

Refusal of Leave to Land Persons in Police Cases Persons Traveling on Faked Passports Involved in Drug Cases

Informatics International Ltd (C)

Controversial List Main Menu

Informatics International Ltd (C)

MIS Reports

Informatics International Ltd (C)

MIS Reports      

Border Control Reports Travel Document Reports Visa/Permit Reports Citizenship Reports Controversial Individual Reports Dashboards

Informatics International Ltd (C)

Border Control Reports          

Immigration Cleared Passengers Boarding Report Tourist Arrivals/Departures by Country Boarding Summary Report Locals Departing from the Country Foreigners In Country Arrivals / Departures from Port of Entry Crew Arrivals Departure Transit Passenger Report Daily Attendance of Authorized Officer

Informatics International Ltd (C)

Travel Document Reports  Passport Inquiries & Reports           

Application Status Passport Inquiry/Report Passport History Inquiry/Report Daily Passport Issuance Report Monthly Passport Issuance Yearly Passport Issuance Analysis of Passport Issuance Location Wise Analysis of Passport Amendments Payment Collection Daily, Monthly & Yearly Wise Performance Report Statistical Information by Passport Type, Gender, etc

Informatics International Ltd (C)

Visa/Permit Reports            

    

Visa/Permit Application Monitoring Report Rejected Applications Report Outstanding Applications Report Daily Visa Summary Visa Issuance By Nationality List of Visa Applications and Status of Approval Visa Extensions Expired Permit Holder who are still in the country Resident Occupation Permit Details Statistics of Occupation/Resident/Spouse Permits Applicants who have unprocessed resident permits Details of Permanent Residence Permits Visa Holder Report Visa/Permit Expiry Report Residence visa organization list Mission Approval Report Performance Report Informatics International Ltd (C)

Citizenship Reports      

Application Status Dual Citizenship Issues Country, Monthly & Yearly Wise Birth Registration Issues Country, Monthly & Yearly Wise Spouse Registration Issues Country, Monthly & Yearly Wise Payment Collection Report Daily, Monthly & Yearly Wise Issued Certificate Details

Informatics International Ltd (C)

Controversial Individual Reports               

Objections/Waive offs Passports in custody Temporary Waved Passports Objections to Departure Travel Movements of Temporary waved off Passport Holder Travel Movements per individual Audit Trail Reports Detail Report on Prohibition Orders Statistical Report for OTD Detail Report on Wave Offs Detail report on Variation Orders Statistics of user Inputs for Memo Section Statistics of User Input for OTD Section Verification Report by User Audit trail Report by CL No and User Wise Informatics International Ltd (C)

Travel Document Dashboard

Informatics International Ltd (C)

ETA Dashboard

Informatics International Ltd (C)

User Administration

Informatics International Ltd (C)

User Administration

Informatics International Ltd (C)

Companion Products

Informatics International Ltd (C)

Electronic Travel Authorization (ETA)

Informatics International Ltd (C)

Electronic Travel Authorization (ETA)  Electronic Travel Authorization (ETA) is the Facility Provided for the Foreign Nationals to Obtain Prior Approval for Visa via Online.

 Intention was to regulate the entry and exit of persons, and strengthen the Border Security while bringing the visa system at the finger tips of the travelers.

Informatics International Ltd (C)

Key Features 

Multi Lingual Website, which Offers its Content in 7 Languages

Integration with INTERPOL to Enhance Border Security

Risk Assessment and Channel (Green, Amber and Red) Allocation

Risk Assessment based on ‘Rules Engine’

Automated ETA Authorization (Applications directed to Green channel)

Notification through Emails and SMSs

Automatic Check at Border control

Facility for Sri Lankan Embassies to Issue Visa Online

Facility for Agents (Travel Agents or Ticketing Officers) to Apply Visa

Maintaining of Visa Regulations

Printing of ETA Labels

Issuance of ETA on Arrival

Monitoring through Dashboard

Payment Reconciliation

ETA Statistical Reports Informatics International Ltd (C)

The Big Picture 1

Submit ETA Application via the ETA Website

ETA Applicant

ETA Front-End 3.a


Grant ETA (Automatic)


Send the ETA Application for Vetting

Grant or Reject ETA (Manual)

Green Channel 3.b

Send Application to Clear Manually

Department Decision

Amber Channel Red Channel Informatics International Ltd (C)


ETA Back-End

ETA - Benefits

Government    



Obtaining Prior Information of Travelers  Paperless Visa Approval  Automated Profiling (No Human Interference) Generating Extra Revenue  Traditional Visa Application; Sending of Passports, Photos, etc.,  Obtaining Information of Passengers Before They Visit the Growthnot in Number Requiredof Tourists Visits Countryand Future Forecasting Statistics for Tourism  System is Accessible 24 x 7 from Any Part of the World  Paperless Work Environment  Not Required to Depend on Third Parties (Agents, Airlines, etc.,.)  Less Consumption of Time and Human Resources (Efficient and  Efficient Service; Maximum 24hrs, Average 5mins -10mins Effective Service)  Fast and Easy Clearance  All ETAs Issued Centrally by the Department  Transparency of the Whole Process  Department Services Extended to 24 x 7  Prior Confirmation before Visiting the Country

Informatics International Ltd (C)

System Architecture

Informatics International Ltd (C)

ETA Uniqueness

LOGO Informatics International Ltd (C)

Recognition for ETA

Informatics International Ltd (C)

Border Intelligence/ On Board Clearance: Mobile Passport Reader

Informatics International Ltd (C)

Mobile Passport reader Solution  On Line Verification - Verify Immigration Cleared Passenger Details  On Board Clearance of Passengers

Informatics International Ltd (C)

Online Verification  Display immigration clearance details such as Flight no, Cleared date & time, Cleared officer

 If local passenger then display image from Passport database

Informatics International Ltd (C)

Online Verification contd.  Display details of Dependents with their images (local)

Informatics International Ltd (C)

System Architecture Web Server

Leased Line connection

Border Control & Passport Database

Mobile Operator

3M Mobile ID Reader

3M Mobile ID Reader


Boarding Gates Informatics Informatics International International Ltd (C)Ltd (C)

On Board Clearance  Offline Process of Passenger  Verification Against Controversial Individual list

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On Board Clearance Procedure

On Board Clearance Procedure

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Security Verifications  OCR Check  Check sum checks  Field Validity

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Bio Metric Verifications  Compare MRZ data & data in RF Chip details with  Finger print comparison

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White Card Processing

Informatics International Ltd (C)

Automatic Scan and Capturing of Entry/ Exit cards, Travel Document/ Visa/ Permit Applications using ICR and OCR

 DIN A3 document: scanning and recognizing front and rear  The processing includes the interpretation of alphanumeric data as well as the electronic clipping of photographs and signature for the data transfer to the main server

Informatics International Ltd (C)

Automatic Scan and Capturing of Entry/ Exit cards, Travel Document/ Visa/ Permit Applications using ICR and OCR

Recognition Machine printed data are transmitted to the recognition.

This field can contain handwritten data which will be recognized too.

Making a snippet Image clipping of signature and photo and automatic adjustment for the subsequent printing process on the credit card.

Informatics International Ltd (C)

KEY BENEFITS - INFOBORDER  Innovative Features, Strong Security Mechanisms and State of the Art Technologies of InfoBorder system have Strengthened the National Security.  Country’s all Exit and Entry Ports are Secured through Distributed Border Control Services.  Much








Automation.  Linking with the INTERPOL Nominal Database of Wanted People has Prevented Undesirable Passengers from Entering and Exiting the Country.

Informatics International Ltd (C)

KEY BENEFITS - INFOBORDER  Connectivity to INTERPOL Stolen and Lost Travel Document System

has Enhanced the Security Aspects of Travel Document Issuance Process.  Easy Access to Immigration Services through the Distributed System

which Covers all three Regional Offices.  Use of Visa Labels have Enhanced the Border Security by Minimizing the Opportunities for Visa Frauds.

Informatics International Ltd (C)


Informatics International Ltd (C)

Informatics International Ltd (C)

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