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Montana Suzuki Institute
from MSO new proof
by Missoulian
PRESENTED BY THE MISSOULA SYMPHONY ASSOCIATION For nearly 40 years, Missoula has hosted the Montana Suzuki Institute each summer. This week-long event offers students an intensive yet fun musical experience. Approved and guided by the principles of the Suzuki Association of the Americas, the Institute also trains and develops teachers in the Suzuki method. These combined activities promote musical and personal growth in young musicians, families, and communities.
To further this mission, the Missoula Symphony Association recently announced the Lamar Blum Scholarship, in honor of the director who led MSI from 2005 through 2019. This scholarship will be awarded annually to a deserving student who would benefit from financial assistance to attend the Institute.
Additionally, our local Suzuki teachers offer instruction and performance opportunities all year long, and the MSA is proud to support this MizZuki program! For more information, contact our Education Coordinator, Sylvia Allen Oman, at sylvia@missoulasymphony.org.
monTana suZuKi insTiTuTe supporTers
The MSA is grateful to the following patrons for their generous gifts. Listed below are contributions of $25 or more within 12 months of February 1, 2021. We apologize for any omissions or errors.
SHINICHI CIRCLE – ($5,000+) SPONSOR – ($2,000 - $4,999) SUSTAINER – ($1,000 - $1,999)
Dolores & George Bandow Peter & Maria van Loben Sels Rotary Club of Missoula
CONCERTO – ($500 - $999)
Antoinette K. Person
BOUREE – ($300 - $499) MINUET – ($150 - $299)
Melissa Hartigan
GAVOTTE – ($50 - $149)
Deborah & Terry Johnson Carol Hayes Laura & Mark Haythornthwaite Douglas Lamb