18 minute read
by Missoulian
Photo courtesy of the University of Montana

Public Schools
Missoula County Public Schools (MCPS)
Missoula County Public Schools District No. 1 is proud to serve to over 9100 PreK12th grade students in the Missoula valley. This represents about half of the school age youth in Missoula County. At MCPS, we provide a high quality education that empowers, inspires, and prepares each student for their future.
The District’s has recently completed renovations and reconstruction on all 18 of our school sites to improve learning spaces, and upgrade our technology, safety features, and roofs and boilers. MCPS is extremely grateful to the community of Missoula for the passage of our 2015 elementary and secondary bond measures that funded this construction.
Our teachers provide students with the skills and knowledge necessary to be successful in college and/or chosen career path. MCPS is well on its way to ensuring students have full opportunities to achieve a 21st century education and to be prepared for their endeavors after high school. Many of our long-term goals are on display daily in our classrooms.
MCPS Elementary Schools (grades K-5)
Chief Charlo Elementary mcpsmt.org/chiefcharlo
Franklin Elementary mcpsmt.org/franklin
Hawthorn Elementary mcpsmt.org/hawthorne
Jeannette Rankin Elementary www.mcpsmt.org/jeannetterankin
Lewis and Clark Elementary mcpsmt.org/lewisclark
Lowell Elementary mcpsmt.org/lowell
Paxson Elementary mcpsmt.org/paxson
Rattlesnake Elementary mcpsmt.org/rattlesnake
Russell Elementary mcpsmt.org/russell
MCPS Middle Schools (grades 6-8)
C.S. Porter Middle School mcpsmt.org/porter
Meadow Hill Middle School mcpsmt.org/meadowhill
Washington Middle School mcpsmt.org/washington
MCPS High Schools (grades 9-12)
Big Sky High School mcpsmt.org/bigsky
Hellgate High School mcpsmt.org/hellgate
Sentinel High School mcpsmt.org/sentinel
Willard Alternative High School mcpsmt.org/Willard

Missoula County Public Schools set the standards of academic achievement and innovation in the state of Montana. We continue to lead the state in implementing programs like the AP Capstone Diploma, the International Baccalaureate (IB) program K-12, Science Technology Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) K-12, Dual Language learning, and Career Academies. We are also proud of national recognition for our fine arts programs. MCPS Values a student-centered approach that includes equity, innovation, safety, inclusion, and strong relationships with our staff, families, students, and our community.
Specific highlights of our 21st century educational programs include: • The International Baccalaureate Diploma Program (IB) at Hellgate and Big Sky High Schools, • The IB Primary Years Program at Lewis and Clark Elementary, • The IB Middle Years Program at Washington Middle School, • The Health Science Academy at Big Sky High School; • The Finance Pathway at Hellgate High School; • The Dual Language learning program at Paxson Elementary school and Washington Middle School, • Project Lead The Way STEM curriculum offered K-12, • Expansion of our Career and Technical Education program to include apprenticeships and future focused design projects and students businesses, • Dual-credit (high school/college credit) classes, • Advanced Placement classes and the AP Capstone Diploma at Sentinel High School • World language classes (including Arabic and Mandarin Chinese), • Our new Missoula Online Academy • Montana Digital Academy classes (9-12 online), • Our partnership with SPARK! Arts Ignite Learning K-12 and extensive music offerings (band, choir and orchestra) at all levels.
Parent and community involvement provides a strong foundation for student success in Missoula’s public schools. The District partners with parents, businesses and community members through various committees and programs that support student learning, safety, and wellness. To learn more about opportunities to engage with the District on a committee, please visit www.mcpsmt.org or contact the District at (406) 728-2400.
Big Sky health Science Academy
Big Sky High School’s Heath Science Academy founded over 10 years ago provides students with an intellectually challenging and relevant education in a small, supportive environment. Every student enrolled will not only complete high school, but will do so with the knowledge and skills to be successful in a post-secondary educational program. The curriculum is collegepreparatory with a focus on careers in the medical health sciences and in veterinary/animal science. Students participate in job shadows and internships at local medical facilities including hospitals, outpatient surgery centers, physical therapy clinics, radiology and lab settings, and nursing care facilities. Community members interested in volunteering with the academy should contact Big Sky Principal Jennifer Courtney at (406) 728-2401 or jccourtney@ mcpsmt.org.
international Baccalaureate (iB)
In 2013-14, MCPS took steps toward establishing a K-12 International Baccalaureate (IB) program, which would be the first in Montana. In fall 2012, Hellgate High School launched an IB Diploma Program. In spring 2013, Lewis & Clark Elementary School and Big Sky High School applied for the program. The most recent addition to this K-12 IB pathway is Washington Middle School, which an IB Candidate School. The IB organization is an international nonprofit with more than 4700 schools in 141 countries around the world. IB World Schools share a common philosophy – a commitment to high quality, challenging international education – that we believe is important for our Missoula students.
AP Capstone Diploma
Students at all three urban high schools have an advanced diploma option regardless of which school they attend. The 17-18 school year marked the first year of Sentinel High School’s Advanced Placement (AP) Capstone Diploma offering, which allows students to focus on both a depth of content knowledge and skill development in subject area courses while building interdisciplinary collaboration, problem solving, research and analysis skills in the AP Seminar and Research courses. Students who wish to earn the AP Capstone Diploma must complete four AP courses and earn a minimum score of a three on internal and external assessments. Additionally, students take the AP Seminar in their sophomore or junior year and the AP Research Course in their junior or senior year. These two courses tie together the AP curriculum and provide a setting to build on the knowledge and rigorous coursework of AP in an interdisciplinary format.
SPArK! Arts ignite Learning community partnership
SPARK! is a community wide partnership working to expand arts programming in Missoula County Public Schools. The SPARK! organization facilitates and fosters connections between district schools, local arts organizations, and teaching artists helping to ensure equitable access to the arts for all MCPS students.
One way that SPARK! provides access is through yearly Arts Enhancement experiences. Each grade level attends a professional arts performance or gallery each year during Kindergarten through 8th grade, and we hope to extend these experiences to high school students.
In addition, every K-5 classroom in MCPS has access to learning through the arts in an Integrated Arts Residency. In each residency, SPARK! Teaching artists collaborate with classroom teachers to create custom lessons combining art forms and other subject areas. Students are engaged in learning through Visual

Willard School
Arts, Theatre, Dance, Music, Poetry, and Media Arts to develop skills and understandings in Math, Science, English Language Arts, Physical Education and Health. Currently, MCPS supports arts integrated programming for approximately five arts residency sessions per classroom per year.
Willard Alternative high School Program
Willard is a “school of choice” designed for students who want to earn a high school diploma and who want to participate in a rigorous and relevant educational experience preparing them for their adult roles and responsibilities in the 21st Century.
Willard offers all students: smaller student body (150 students); smaller student-toteacher ratio; 5 period day (no study halls); shorter grading periods (6 weeks); shorter days (8:30a.m.-2:25p.m.; mentor teachers; more oneto-one help; and family atmosphere.
The Alternative High School Program is for students with alternative learning styles in need of smaller classes and more hands-on curriculum. It is an all-day program consisting of 5- 55 minute periods with no study halls.
Students attending Willard remain enrolled in their high school with all the rights and privileges of an attending student, i.e., yearbook photo, prom, graduation ceremony, activities, etc. Provided by Missoula County Public Schools (MCPS), www.mcpsmt.org
other Public Schools
hellgate elementary
Hellgate Elementary is the largest Montana independent K-8 elementary school district and is located on the western edge of the city of Missoula, Montana. In 1869, Hellgate Elementary began as a one-room school house to serve the educational needs of 16 farm children. Today, the school district has grown to over 43 acres in size, has a student population near 1,500 students, and over 160 employees work for the school district on a daily basis.
Hellgate Elementary, which has twice, in the past twenty years, been designated as a National Blue Ribbon School by the United States Department of Education serves as a model elementary educational institution. The vision of the school district is for each student to be academically involved today, academically motivated for the future, and academically prepared for the next set of challenges. Specifically, the school district wants its students to be (1) connected to their learning; (2) curious, creative, and intensely motivated, with a deep sense of wonder; and (3) excited and eager to learn, prepared to unlearn and relearn as lifelong learners. Provided by Hellgate Elementary, www. hellgate.k12.mt.us
Target range elementary School District #23
Most of the Target Range community surrounding the school is characterized by residential lots 0.5‐acre, 1‐acre and 2‐acre in size. The Target Range School District Boundary includes more than 100 square miles of residential, agricultural and forest lands.
Target Range Elementary is in a single building serving grades PK‐8 with shared spaces for Art, Music, Library/Media, Physical Education and Dining. Meals are prepared on site. Instruction in grades K‐5 is delivered by grade‐level teachers working in Professional Learning Community (PLC) teams in collaboration with exploratory classes in Art, Music, Library and Physical Education. Teachers in grades K‐5 share responsibility for students utilizing “Walk to Read” and “Walk to Math” to work with more advanced learners in larger groups, and to provide appropriate interventions for less advanced learners in small groups. The middle school utilizes relationship‐based teams in grade 6 and operates as a 7/8 Junior High, with students traveling to individual core content teachers and specialists. Teachers are assigned common planning periods based on the PLC framework, resulting in daily opportunities to share insights into each learner, reflect on teaching practices and develop lesson plans. Provided by Target Range Elementary School, www.target.k12.mt.us
Private Schools
Clark Fork School
Clark Fork School is Missoula’s natural alternative for early childhood education. Our progressive, parent-guided preschool co-op offers small classes, a nature-based curriculum taught by exceptional educators, and a commitment to each child’s social and emotional development. Our Kids’ Niche After School and Summer Camp Programs provide place-based curriculum for preschool through 5th grade. These programs focus on creating experiences within the community and outdoors that deepen students’ connection to the Missoula Valley. Provided by Clark Fork School, www.clarkforkschool.org
garden City Montessori
Garden City Montessori offers: exemplary Preschool and Elementary Montessori Missoula.coM/newcoMers

instruction based upon a foundation of best practices as set forth by the American Montessori Society; visual arts program offering a sequential study of each of the elements of design; natural science curriculum based in our full scale outdoor Children’s Classroom Garden; Spanish language instruction; hikes to the wilderness, allowing students to observe and record changes in the natural environment as the seasons change; family outings and events to explore our environment as a community; yearly continent study culminating in an annual spring cultural festival; yearly activity schedule including music with Tangled Tones and swim lessons at the Y! Provided by Garden City Montessori, www.gardencitymontessori.com
Loyola Sacred heart high School
Loyola Sacred Heart High School (LSH) is a diocesan Catholic, co-educational high school committed to providing the highest quality college preparatory education. Since its beginning in 1873, Loyola Sacred Heart has exhibited academic excellence. The current enrollment is 170 students with a capacity of 200 students. The enrollment typically includes approximately 40-50 students in each class from grades 9 – 12, of which 50% are Catholic. The remaining 50% of our families are of all faiths and denominations.
LSH emphasizes not only the subject matter but also the process by which one “learns to learn.” The process of learning is the central focus and, rather than passively receiving information and predefined explanations, students actively engage in finding out what they want and need to understand. The art of teaching students “how to learn” motivates our education.
Missoula Catholic Schools is committed to enrolling students from diverse social and economic backgrounds. As part of this commitment, the school has established a strong financial aid program for families. No family will be turned away due to financial reasons. Provided by Missoula Catholic Schools, www.missoulacatholicschools.org
Missoula Community School
The Missoula Community School (MCS) incorporates a progressive education philosophy into the design of excellent early childhood programs for children ages 3 through 6. Active classroom engagement, cooperative learning and play, and an emphasis on social relationships and emotional development are practices at MCS that stem from our progressive philosophy. Best practices in early childhood education are combined with this approach and our knowledge of child development to create a nurturing and stimulating learning environment. Our overall philosophy reflects core tenets of our mission: to inspire children to explore their worlds, to create as they develop joy in learning, and to care about themselves and others. Learn more about MCS school year traditions and enrollment at: www.missoulacommunityschool.org. Provided by Missoula Community School
Missoula international School
We are a Spanish immersion, International Baccalaureate® (IB) school for children in preschool to 8th grade in Missoula, Montana. We take children on a journey to become bilingual, curious, principled and open-minded thinkers. Our multiage classrooms are full of life with an engaged, collaborative, knowledge-building community of enthusiastic learners while our low teacher-to-student ratio meets each child where they are at in their own journey.
The IB curriculum and the MIS teaching approaches provide a common language for success within the learning community and define the characteristics that translate into a set of lifelong values and skills. We support each child in a stimulating environment that fosters creativity, social and emotional skills, a strong sense of community and self-management tools in addition to academics that reflect critical, reflective thinking and prepare children for the world ahead. Children are encouraged to put their knowledge, concepts, skills and attitudes into action via projects, service, presentations and application in real life contexts. Provided by Missoula International School, mismt.org
Mountain view elementary School
Imagine your child? He is developing an active and creative mind. She is demonstrating a sense of understanding and compassion for others. They are practicing courage to act on their beliefs.
Wouldn’t it be wonderful if you could depend on your children’s school to reinforce the values and critical thinking skills you are trying to teach them at home? At Mountain View Elementary School, we are committed to maintaining the kind of high expectations that promote academic excellence and self-disciplined behavior.
We are dedicated to the creation of a positive learning Christian environment where teachers and students practice respect, trust and support. We seek the total development of each child: spiritual, moral, intellectual, social, emotional and physical.
Your child’s journey to success has already started at home--and we would love to be a part of it. Give us a call today at 406.543.6223 to learn more about how we partner with PreK/K parents for outcomes! Ask about our fun and free activities for kids ages 3-5! Provided by Mountain View Elementary School, www. mountainviewschool.org

Photo by Tommy Martino
St. Joseph elementary and Middle School
St. Joseph School (SJS) is a small, diocesan Catholic, coeducational elementary school that promotes college and career readiness, providing comprehensive and challenging educational opportunities for students in an environment of Catholic teachings. SJS personifies a safe environment in which students know and respect each other.
St. Joseph School provides a small, accessible faculty, staff and administration whose dedication and belief in the individual student and Catholic education fosters their vision and professionalism. The school is a family-oriented environment, structured by a cooperative effort between faculty, administration, students and parents to promote high moral and academic standards.
Missoula Catholic Schools is committed to enrolling students from diverse social and economic backgrounds. As part of this commitment, the school has established a strong financial aid program for families. No family will be turned away due to financial reasons. Provided by Missoula Catholic Schools, www.missoulacatholicschools.org
Sussex School
Founded in 1971, Sussex School is a kindergarten through eighth-grade progressive school in Missoula, MT that empowers students through the arts, the outdoors, and challenging relevant curriculum to develop critical thinking, creativity, courage, and citizenship in all our students. Provided by Sussex School, www. sussexschool.org
valley Christian School
Valley Christian school (3-yearold preschool – 12th grade) exists to partner with Christian families who desire educational excellence taught through a biblical worldview so their children will be prepared for a lifetime of authentic faithfulness to Jesus Christ. We are committed to high quality academic education in a distinctive Christian setting. Our faculty members are committed Christians, certified, and capable educators, who believe that God has uniquely placed them at Valley Christian in a position of ministry to the body of Christ. Our classroom style is a conservative, traditional approach where classroom discipline, modest dress, respect for authority, and a genuine desire to learn are characteristics that can be observed.
Provided by Valley Christian School, www.valleychristian.org N
Missoula County Public Schools
When our students achieve, we all achieve. Career Pathways
International Baccalaureate
AP and Dual Credit Courses
Dual Language Immersion

Higher education
Charter College
Residents of western Montana have access to comprehensive Medical Assistant (MA) career preparation close to home at Charter College Missoula, located at 1930 Brooks Street. Charter College’s blended learning curriculum combines on-campus, hands-on learning with online studies. This flexible schedule allows students to manage families, work and other obligations while furthering their career opportunities. For more information, visit www.chartercollege. edu. Provided by Charter College
university of Montana
Think critically. Live ethically. Explore creatively. These are the ideals to which our students, faculty and researchers aspire. As

Montana’s flagship university, we set a high bar for academic studies, creative accomplishments and scientific exploration which benefit our students, our community and the world at large.
With more than 10,000 students, the University draws a diverse, global population to Missoula and helps cultivate an educated, engaged and vibrant community. Our students receive a world-class education in a broad range of subjects that span the sciences, liberal arts, trades, graduate and postdoctoral study and professional training. The research and scholarly activity taking place at UM examines the most important issues of our time and strives to advance society’s well-being.
Our main campus, nestled in the heart of western Montana’s stunning natural landscape, occupies 56 acres at the base of Mount Sentinel and along the Clark Fork River, and includes the park-like Oval at the center of campus, more than 60 architecturally unique buildings and a 25,200seat football stadium. UM’s 180-acre South Campus offers student housing, a golf course, soccer fields and an outdoor track facility.
Provided by The University of Montana, www.umt.edu
Missoula College
Missoula College, the two-year unit of the University of Montana, provides outstanding occupational and technical education spanning more than 40 academic programs. Areas of study include business and health care professions, information technology and cybersecurity, and energy and industrial technologies. An Associate of Arts general education program is also available to students who plan to transfer to a baccalaureate degree program.
Courses are offered at two Missoula College campuses, online and to high school students in dual-enrollment dual-credit programs. The college boasts small class sizes and an engaged and talented faculty. Through its outreach office, the college responds to workforce development and training needs through credit and noncredit courses and offers several customized training programs. A new 155,000 square foot Missoula College building opened on East Broadway in 2017 providing new opportunities to serve the Missoula community and beyond. Provided by University Relations, University of Montana, www.umt.edu
Photo by Tommy Martino

Walla Walla university
Centrally located along the beautiful Clark Fork river, Walla Walla University’s Missoula MSW site has been dedicated to providing an outstanding clinical educational experience for approximately 60 Master-Level Social Work Students for over 20 years. Our program provides students with advanced clinical skills that employers are looking for in new graduates. Small classes give ample opportunity for involvement with other students from diverse backgrounds. We are fully accredited by the Council on Social Work Education (CSWE).
Our mission is to train competent and ethical professionals who: embody integrity, value all people, serve their communities, and pursue social justice. Our program is designed for commuter students with one day a week (Monday) classes. This makes it easy to complete a degree while still managing the demands of life.
An MSW can be earned in six quarters. A four quarter advanced standing program is also available to BSW graduates who have graduated from a CSWE accredited institution. Provided by Walla Walla University, www.wallawalla.edu
Adult education
The Lifelong Learning Center
Lifelong Learning is not just taking classes; it’s an attitude; it’s a choice; it’s a journey. Originally established in 1957 with a class of 20 journeyman carpenters who needed to learn welding skills has grown to a program that serves Mineral, Missoula and Ravalli counties and offers or 1,500 classes annually. Classes are offered in the following categories: Fitness & Dance, Home Improvement, Cooking, Language & Communication, Arts & Crafts, Health & Safety, Technology, Academic Success, and Workforce Training. Check the fantastic selection of classes at www.MissoulaClasses.com or call 549-8765 for a catalog. Provided by The Lifelong Learning Center. N

Photo courtesy University of Montana