7 minute read
Traffic Signal Boxes
from Public Arts 2021
by Missoulian
Kara Maul, “Dog Days of Summer”, Russell and Wyoming
For fourteen years the City of Missoula Public Art Committee has worked with state and local agencies, local organizations, businesses and individuals to enrich Missoula’s street corners. The Committee has invited artists living in Missoula County to create art on traffi c signal boxes throughout Missoula. The boxes serve as “canvases,” enhancing our community and enriching our visual surroundings. The project offers artists of all ages and levels of experience an opportunity to understand the public art process, exhibit their talent to thousands, and contribute to the beauty this amazing community.
The boxes and the artwork that graces them are ephemeral. At times, boxes are replaced for safety and technological reasons. The new boxes are graced with artwork as funding permits. By 2021, nearly all of Missoula’s seventy-three signal boxes have been completed. 2021 will bring exciting new works, featuring imagery from Missoula’s renowned arts community.
lUnCh on The GrAss
by Courtney Blazon Broadway & Ryman
The olD TrAin sTATion
by Richard Scott Morgan Higgins & 4th
by Paula Goldberg Broadway & Mullan
BronC riDer’s DAnCe MissoUlA WATerWAys MoTher nATUre
by Jill Logan Brooks/Oxford/Sussex
AlTernATiVe TrAnsPorTATion
by Josh Quick Broadway & Toole
ArTisT’s CollAGe
by Nelson Kenter Broadway & Van Buren
BriGhT MorninG
by Stoney Sasser Reserve & 3rd
J k l
oUr CoMMUniTyMissoUlA
by Josh Quick Higgins & 5th
by Athena Lonsdale Orange & 3rd
MissoUlA-The GArDen CiTy
by Christy Greene Brooks & Reserve
M n o
loCh leVen
by Jen Ryan Hickes Brooks & South Gate Mall
A PersPeCTiVe on Trees
by Kip Herring Stephens & Mount
DiGiTAl orGAniCs
An exPlorATion of eArTh’s WilDlife
by Michael Greytak Brooks & Stephens
by Rebecca Weed Broadway & Pattee
fAnCy elk
by Amber Bushnell 39th & Reserve
lonG MAy The WilDerness Be WilD
by Kip Sikora 39th & 23rd
s T U
iris in The sPrinG
by Stoney Sasser 39th & Russell
by Max Mahn 39th/Stephens/High Park
A qUilTeD heriTAGe
by Missoula Electric Quilters South & Johnson
MissoUlA qUilTeD
by Missoula Electric Quilters Higgins & 6th
The liTTle Green rABBiT
by Laura Blaker Brooks & Mount
The GArDen CiTy
by Meaghan Gateley Brooks & Higgins
sUnfloWers & DrAGonflies
by M. Scott Miller Brooks & Beckwith
The liGhT AnD The DArk
by Meaghan Gately Brooks & Paxson
B2 C2
All sonGs CoMe ToGeTher UnDer MonTAnA
by Claire Klees-Mencel Higgins & South
BooGie WATer
by Missoula Electric Quilters Reserve & Mullan
TAnk fUllA TroUT
by Karl Stein 3rd & Russell
niGhT GArDen
by Melissa Madsen South & Grant
e2 f2 G2
seAsoneD hUnTers of The VAlley
by Claire Rose KleeseMencel Brooks/Catlin/Fairview
WilD BlooMs
by Debbie Bell Reserve & Union Pacific
ColorinG MUsiC
by Tanner Mullenix Reserve & Expressway
h2 i2 J2
1908 flooD
by Courtney Blazon Higgins and Front
MiDniGhT shenAniGAns
by Lillian Nelson Arthur & 6th
fliCker fAlls
by Karl Stein Arthur & Beckwith
noW ThAT’s A CoWBoy
by Lilian Nelson Reserve & England
ArTisTs of oPPorTUniTy
by Opportunity Resources, Inc. Russell & Mount
by Rachel Neal Arthur & 5th
by Carmeron Klise Russell & 5th
MoUnTAin hoMe
by Carrie Malia Arvish 14th & Johnson
sTill MoMenTs
by Jen Ryan Hickes Higgins & Main
q2 r2 s2
JoUrneys hoMe Bones
by Carrie Malia Arvish by Parker Beckley Reserve & I-90 Interchange Reserve & MountTraffic Signal Box Project September 28 - October 4, 2018
My ColorfUl ChAoTiC Choir
by Kim Foiles Brooks & Dore LaneTraffic Signal Box Project September 28 - October 4, 2018
Artist: M. Scott Miller T2 U2“Pretty in Pink”
Medium: Acrylic
M. Scott Miller “Pretty in Pink”
sUnDAy Artist: AT forT seeDs MissoUlA by Christian Ives Reserve & South by David Miles Lusk Reserve & KentLillian Nelson “Where the Sun Rises”
Medium: Misso Artist: UlA AqUifer M. Scott Miller by Ann Karp South & Garfield “Pretty in Pink”
Artist: Lillian Nelson Medium: Acrylic “Where the Sun Rises” Traffic Signal Box Project September 28 - October 4, 2018 Medium:
Broadway and AcrylicW2
Location: Broadway and y2 Traffic Signal Box Project OrangeBroadway & Higgins
AcrylicArtist: Location: M. Scott Miller Traffic Signal Box Project Broadway & Higgins “Pretty in Pink” Medium: September 28 - October 4, 2018 Artist: M. Scott Miller “Pretty in Pink” Medium: Acrylic Location: Broadway and September 28 Lillian Nelson “Where the Sun Broadway & Higgins Artist: Lillian Nelson “Where the Sun Rises” Medium: Acrylic Location: Broadway & Higgins Artist: Hannah Schultz “Huckleberry Haven” Medium: Acrylic Location: Higgins & Pine Artist: Hannah Schultz “Huckleberry Haven” Medium: Acrylic Location: Higgins & Pine “PreTTy in Pink” by M. Scott Miller Broadway and Orange Artist: Lillian Nelson “Where the Sun Rises” Acrylic Location: Broadway and Orange MissoUlA MonTAGe by Rachel Neal Russell & North sWinGinG on The Tree of life by Melissa Madsen Brooks & Miller Creek Orange Medium: Acrylic missoulapublicart.org 25 Where The sUn rises by Lillian Nelson Broadway & Higgins Artist: Lillian Nelson “Where the Sun Rises” Medium: Acrylic Location: Broadway & Higgins Artist: Hannah Schultz “Huckleberry Haven” Medium: Acrylic Location: Higgins & Pine Z2 hUCkleBerry hAVen by Hannah Schultz Higgins & Pine“Biking to Missoula” Higgins & Spruce Hannah Schultz “Huckleberry Haven” Higgins & Pine Artist: Greg Siple “Biking to Missoula” Medium: Vinyl Location: Higgins & Spruce Artist: Hannah Schultz “Huckleberry Haven” Medium: Acrylic Location: Higgins & Pine BikinG To MissoUlA by Greg Siple Higgins & Spruce Artist: Greg Siple “Biking to Missoula” Medium: Vinyl Location: Higgins & Spruce Artist: Karen Slobod “Missoula Style” Medium: Vinyl Location: Orange & Spruce Artist: Greg Siple “Biking to Missoula” Medium: Vinyl Location: Higgins & Spruce Artist: Karen Slobod “Missoula Style” Medium: Vinyl Location: Orange & Spruce B3A3 Artist: Greg Siple “Biking to Missoula” Medium: Vinyl Location: Higgins & Spruce Location: Broadway & Higgins Artist: Hannah Schultz “Huckleberry Haven” Medium: Acrylic Location: Higgins & Pine
Artist: Karen SlobodD3 e3 “Missoula Style”
Medium: Vinyl
Location: Orange & Spruce
MissoUlA sTyle
qUAnTUM froM The sTArs
by Karen Slobod Orange & Spruce ThreAD by Brian Thomas Orange, Front & Main by Cameron Kilse Orange & 5th CITY OF MISSOULA PUBLIC ART COMMITTEE
New for 2021
Traffic Signal boxeS
f3 G3
DoG DAys of sUMMer
by Kara Maul Russell St. & Wyoming Street
by Monica Gilles-Brings Yellow Midison St. and East Broadway
PollinATor hAVen
by Anna Karp Stephens & Beckwith
Zoo CiTy liGhTs
by Emma Covill Orange St. & 6th St.
installation at the art Park Embraces Community and sustainability
Robert harrison: It Takes a Village is on view at the Missoula Art Park from mid-May to mid-October. Harrison is a Helena-based artist at the forefront of radical change in the ceramic community. Author of Sustainable Ceramics: A Practical guide and leading the National Council on Education for the Ceramic Arts Green Committee, Harrison challenges the medium’s extractive history and encourages its long-term sustainability.
Harrison is internationally known for his large-scale, site-specific architectural sculpture. It Takes a Village comprises entirely new, wire-mesh house structures that continue his exploration of architecturally based work. Harrison has invited the Missoula community to contribute material—brick, stone, porcelain—to fill the interior space. This collection of house forms suggests a community, giving voice to the adage in the exhibit title, which celebrates collective action.
Harrison has served as president of the board for both the National Council on Education for the Ceramic Arts and the Archie Bray Foundation for the Ceramic Arts. He has received numerous accolades from the ceramics community and was most recently awarded the Artist Innovation Award by the Montana Arts Council in 2019.
The Missoula Art Park is located at the corner of Pattee and Pine streets, adjacent to the Missoula Art Museum. Both the Art Park and the museum are free. This exhibit is sponsored by Timothy Gordon Appraisals and Caras Nursery. Visit missoulaartmuseum.org for more information.
The house totems will be filled with upcycled material, copyright Robert Harrison, 2021. Open from May 17 - Oct. 15, 2021.