Taeho Noh - [Workshop-for-All]_Master Diploma(Oslo National Academy of the Arts

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WORKSHOP FOR ALL Open Source Design for Sharing Simple Joinery Systems on the Online Platform


Open Source System for Sharing Simple Joinery Systems on the Online Platform

TAEHO, NOH Master Degree Diploma Project Interior Architecture and Furniture Design Design Department Kunsthøgskolen i Oslo MAI 2015 Designed by Taeho Noh Type : Courier New Regular, Lovelo

WORKSHOP FOR ALL Open Source Design for Sharing Simple Joinery Systems on the Online Platform Kunsthøgskolen i Oslo, Oslo, Norway





Creativty as Human’s Nature



Modern Economy


The Problem of Modern Economy The Problems of Over-consumption of Natural Resources The Problems of Maintenance of Modern Economy The Problems of Consumption Behavior The Problems of Intellectual Property


Design Exploration Autoprogettazione Project Positioning OpenSource System The Issue on Intellectual Property Materials Synergy of Synergies




Design Propositions


The Objective of the Project The Online Platform Practical Reviews of the Online Platform The Variety of Simple Joinery Systems Vernacular Design Creating Synergy of Synergies


Reflection 89 Creating Synergy of Synergies Creative Commons Reflection Designer’s New Roles


INtroduction Human have a creativity to create what they need. This proposition has been demonstrated with many interesting examples around us. When the environmental conditions and human’s needs meet together, we can build what we have in mind. However, the current economic system hinders our creativity due to its rigidity of paradigm of the industrial production. To maintain the current system, manufacturers must mass-produce the identical products, consumers must consume ceaselessly. Admittedly, the modern economics has led us to attain the wealth and life today. However, it inevitably has changed our value system that the manufacturers concern more about maximizing consumption by the optimal pattern of productive effort rather than to maximize human satisfaction. And many consumers try to fulfill their solipsistic desire by consumption. To make a breakthrough for the current problems we are undergoing, I am about to bring hand-crafting cultures to the design as Enzo Mari did with his project,’Autoproggetazione’. More specifically, I decided to concentrate on joinery systems of architectural structures and furniture. The reason why I focus on them is because whenever I design architecture and space, I think the volume and mass of the space first rather than details. In addition, joineries of industrial products are generally hidden within structures, so it is hard for people to understand how they are built. For this reason, I explored joinery systems which are self-explanator. In addition, I investigated how they can be built with simple ways. What is more important thing after the exploration of the knowledge and information is to share them with other people who have the same interest. Here I employed ‘Open Source System’ which encourgaes to invite everyone to share the knowledge and knowhows together. To attain active communication between people, the online-based platform is preferred. When a group of people share the same vision and hope, they can create ‘micro-utopia’. When these ‘micro-utopias’ get together, we are able to achieve ‘utopia’ through ‘synergy of synergies’ in the future according to John Wood’. This project is not to arrive at a conclusion with finished design outcomes. This is a research-based project that investigates the current questions we have to answer and this investigation will lead us to the better questions that can be answered in the near future. By encouraging people to bring their nature back again that human have creativity to create something, we can recover the value system that emphasize spiritual values. Sharing knowledge of joineries of hand-crafting through the online platform with ‘Open Source System’ can plant design thinking in people’s mind to achieve a better future.

I am a designer


I am not a good carpenter though


but, I can create and I am still a designer


THE STRUCTURE OF THE PROJECT The whole project opens up a discourse from mutual interactions between 4 different elements design, alternative economy, open-source(OS), and proposition. Each section will show how these 4 elements are intervening into each other by using diagrams.

DESIGN : the capability of design that can intervene in the contemporary time.

ALTERNATIVE ECONOMY : the economic system that suggests a new way of living, which can seek a break-through for problems that the modern economy causes.

OPEN SOURCE : the system as a development model promoting a universal access via free license to design.

PROPOSITION : the proposition that all human have a creativity to create what they want.






Man did not invent technology : technology invented man. F.T. Evans1


Creativity as human’s nature

Human have creative abilities to create what they want to have. Human are adaptable to environment in which they are living and able to take advantage of their surroundings to create what they are in need. That is how human have developed their abilities to use tools and apply them in more advanced ways.2


It has been proved with many evidences of the proposition throughout our history, but we can notice axiomatic and interesting examples around our every-day life today. Michael Wolf, a German artist and photographer, photographed plenty of chairs in Chinese metropolises, which are made by people to meet their instant need to be seated. These chairs are made of materials people can find in their every-day life and are completely improvised by their makers. He called them ‘bastard chairs’ and the collection of the chairs demonstrates that general people are able fulfill their need with their own creativity when they confront with a situation they have to deal with by themselves.3 In this case, too heavy aesthetic standards are not considered at all, since these activities usually result from humans’ very need to make something they feel necessary.

source : Dezeen


There is another example by one designer who wanted to address a similar idea, employing things around us to see a new aspect from what we are so familiar with. Martino Gamper, the London-based Italian designer, tried to look into this issue more deeply and had an experiment with his project, ‘100 chairs in 100 days’. He collected discarded chairs from London streets over a period of about two years and investigated the potential of creating useful new chairs by blending together the stylistic and structural elements of the found ones. This design thinking not only questions the idea of there being innate superiority in the one-off but also demonstrates the difficulty of any one design being objectively judged the best. Additionally, it can illuminate geographical, historical, and human resonance of design and tell about their sociological context as well. This project provokes a debate about the value, functionality and the appropriateness of style for certain types of chair.4

source : martinogamper.com


Joseph Grima

The idea behind these projects is elaborated more clearly by Joseph Grima who curated an exhibition as part of the inaugural Istanbul Biennial in 2012. The main theme of the exhibition was ‘Adhocracy’ which is the term against bureaucratic system of modern economy. The rigidity of the paradigm of industrial production that was prevalent in twentieth century is incapable of embracing changes, incapable of adapting to complex situations and incapable of meeting a variety of individual needs. Customers today no longer force producers to produce millions all exactly the same but demand more personalization and customization from products they purchase. Furthermore, it brings another issue, what the designer’s role is in this fast-changing society. The demand for personalization and customization can lead the industry back to the model of the craftsman in the workshop.5 Therefore, we can clearly notice the evolving role of designer, that designers are not supposed to provide with products and services which are closed and finished but the ones that are open and can be interpreted in users’ own way. However, there are several obstacles which prevent people from their willingness to participate into design process and contain their personality into the products. They have been so entrenched in our society since modern economy has been prevailing that it is difficult to change people’s current mindset.

source : Dezeen


- incapable of embracing changes - incapable of adapting to complex situations - incapable of meeting a variety of industrial needs see p.16

line 9



see p.16

line 17


the trend : personalization & customization


see p.14 Bastard Chair

line 16

too heavy aesthetic standards are not considered.




Fig. 1.1 The Relationship Diagram 01


Economic law inevitably governs our acts and our thoughts. Le Corbusier6



The era of ‘modern economy’ started to set in after Second World War, even though industrialization had been underway for a while. After Second World War, a new spirit emerged in the society to cope with needs of the post-war era. Industry, overwhelming us like a flood which rolls on towards its destined ends, has furnished us with new tools adapted to this new epoch, animated by the new spirit. Industries including architecture established their production method based on massproduction. In addition, ‘division of labor’ became a production method which demonstrates its best efficiency for mass-production of the identical products. During this period, individuals’ needs were mostly ignored and customers could not help taking passive attitude towards products and services produced from the industry. This tendency has persisted more than a half century, and gave rise to a myriad of maladies in our modern society.

source : The Details of Modern Architecture: 1928 to 1988(Volume 2), 1996



This tendency has been justified and rationalized in the name of ‘efficiency’ and ‘consumerism’. However, on the other hand, creativity and diversity have been eradicated by the tendency. Even in the era when incredible accomplishments can be viable technologically and diverse interests are respected, most of consumers are still subordinate to what manufacturers are providing with. As to particularly architecture, one of the most pervasive features of buildings constructed is that they are ‘modular’. They are full of identical concrete blocks, identical rooms, identical houses, identical apartments in identical apartment buildings. The idea that a building can-and-ought to be made of modular units is one of the most pervasive assumptions of 20th century architecture. Seoul, the capital of South Korea, for example, was called ‘The Land of Apartment’ by Valerie Gelezeau because of its urban landscape full of numbers of apartment complexes with the identical buildings everywhere in the city. This was because Seoul had to build housings efficiently to accommodate fast-growing population in 60’s and 70’s. Unfortunately, this social phenomenon engendered the monotonous urban landscape with poor living conditions. Moreover, people living in the city are influenced by the colorless and dreary urban environments, and people living here inevitably are influenced by the environment unconsciously, losing creativity and their own distinct personality.7

the apartment complexes in Seoul, South Korea 22

The ProblemS of over-Consumption of natrual Resources In modern economics, we tend to consider natural resources such as oil, timbers and minerals as free goods in spite of their finitude. Modern economy has achieved its great progress from economy of scale in production, meaning that unceasing commitment of resources and surplus outputs. Bertrand de Jouvenel, the eminent French political philosopher, has characterized ‘western man’ in words which may be take as a fair description of the modern economist: ‘He tend to count nothing as an expenditure, other than human effort; he does not seem to realize at all that human life is a dependent part of an ecosystem of many different forms of life. As the world is ruled from towns where men are cut off from any form of life other than human, the feeling of belonging to an ecosystem is not revived’.8 This results in an improvident treatment of resources upon which we ultimately depend, such as water and trees. We all know well that this trend will lead us to downfall of our current economic system and society soon. We have been warned enough not to waste natural resources, but it is hard to change human’s attitude and consumption behavior in a short period of time.


The Problems of Maintenance of the Modern Economy ‘Efficiency’ is a vital aspect of modern economy. Therefore, individual preferences have been overlooked by manufactures to simplify production process. As international trades were becoming common between nations, a variety of value system among nations had to be unified into a single value system that everyone would admire to target wider and bigger customer base. In a thriving commercial empire, by ‘dumbing-down’ the meanings and value-system of the local discourse, it is easier to trade with outsiders.10 Furthermore, when every economic and workrelated activity is included as useful endeavors towards the GDP, the other spiritual values, such as freedom, morality, health, and cleanliness, will be neglected.11 The value system which manufacturers and producers pursue naturally influences on consumers’ consumption behavior.

The Problems of Consumption Behavior

optimal pattern of Productive effort H T S X Z R J W N X R


Human Satisfaction


Fig. 2.1 Two Elements that influence on consumer’s behavior

Modern Economics considers consumption to be the sole end and purpose of all economic activities, taking the factors of production land, labor, and capital - as the means. This way of consumption is to maximize consumption by the optimal pattern of productive effort rather than to maximize human satisfaction by the optimal pattern of consumption. The optimal pattern of consumption, producing a high degree of human satisfaction by means of a relatively low rate of consumption, allows people to live without great pressure and strain.12 However, ‘consumerism’ and ‘solipsism’ which are prevalent in modern society make people only follow their personal needs and desires since we always have been taught to consume more and more to invigorate the economy more.


The current propensity will never solve the problems the modern society is currently undergoing anymore. Rather, the cultivation and expansion of need is the antithesis of wisdom we need and is also the antithesis of freedom, peace and all the other spiritual values. Every increase of needs tends to increase one’s dependence on outside forces over which one cannot have control, and therefore increase existential fear. At this moment, economic self-sufficiency becomes really critical for us to attain life with genuine satisfaction and happiness. Only by a reduction of need can one promote a genuine reduction in those tensions which are the ultimate causes of strife and war.”13

The Problems of Intellectual Property Intellectual Property(IP) is a legal term that refers to creations of the mind. IP right includes patents, copyright, industrial designs rights, trademarks and so on. The objectives of most IP laws is to ‘promote progress’.14 By exchanging limited exclusive rights for inventions and creative works, society and owner of the patents mutually benefit. These exclusive rights allow owners of IP to benefit from the property they have created, providing a financial incentive for their creative works. In addition, the advocates of the law argue that the protection of IP rights is essential to maintain economic growth. The law can protect the creators’ right in their creations and promote creativity and dissemination and application of its results and encourage fair trading which would contribute to economic and social development. Lastly, IP right refers to an issue regarding morality. The person has a natural right over the labor and product produced by his/her body. Appropriation of these products is viewed as unjust.15 As briefly referred, the objectives of IP are not intended to make negative influences on the society. 25

However, IP has been criticized because of its fundamental disparateness from physical property such as land or an automobile. If one makes a copy of work, the enjoyment of the copy does not prevent enjoyment of the original. Other arguments along this, there is no natural scarcity of a particular idea of information. Re-using and duplication of the original does not diminish the original.16 In addition, IP law creates economic inefficiency as long as the monopoly is held. Essentially, IP law limits external access to the information and knowledge so that owners of the IP can exclusively make profit out of their right. And it can slow the development of technology and knowledge due to its exclusiveness.

To make a change of the value system of people, we have to recover the creativity we have lost because of influence of modern economics. Here we can see a possibility that ‘Design’ can intervene in this problematic situation. ‘Design’ is the field that can develop and improve human’s creativity. Even though human have the self-creativity, people today need an opportunity to enter and experience this field. Thus, design has a competence to contribute itself to make a change for the problems people are undergoing today.





e bj


is y r my st ono u d c in n e n r MODERN ig ode s De o m ECONOMY t


efficiency consumerism solipsism

mass-production division of labor intellectual property

see p.24 line 1 see p.24 line 13

spiritual values for human satisfaction is ignored see p.24 line 4

see p.24 line 4



Fig. 2.2 The Relationship Diagram 02


So long as I build for myself, the patterns I use will be simple, and human, and full of feeling, because I understand my situation. But as soon as a few people begin to build for ‘the many’, their patterns about what is needed become abstract; no matter how well meaning they are, their ideas gradually get out of touch with reality, because they are not faced daily with the living examples of what the patterns say. Christopher Alexander17



AUTOPROGETTAZIONE There have been many trials to overcome the problems mentioned above. Modern design is known for its minimalism and simplicity. This idea was strongly supported by Adolf Loo’s book ‘Ornament and Crime’ and the new world served the growing influence of industrial production - which relied on speedy mass-production of goods with fast labor and minimal materials, in order to maximize profit. As simplicity in design became more prevalent, producers were able to produce more goods at lower cost and with greater profit margins. The trend inevitably had dilemma in the history of design : functional design can speed up mass-production and discard the hand-made, human elements of design; but at the same time, functional design could enable a better quality of life, reducing the time and effort involved in making things, and creating objects that made life easier. ‘The better life’ is not a term that can be only viewed from a perspective of efficiency. We are missing invaluable values while pursuing efficiency. For this reason, there have been many efforts and trials to recover the values we have lost during the industrialization age. One of the most emblematic examples is Enzo Mari’s ‘Autoprogettazione’. Mari’s socialist inclinations are evident in the ‘Autoprogettazione’. To avoid the problem of miserable factory workers slaving away at producing objects for a mass market, Mari developed DIY designs that empowered producers to create their own furniture using readilyavailable and affordable timber and nails. This allows users to customize themselves, meaning that the users become makers and designers at the same time. Mari’s work has the common denominator with IKEA in a sense that both transform the consumers into producers. However, we do not really get to influence the design under IKEA’s idea. We just choose from a limited series of options and we must go to IKEA stores to obtain the materials. As opposed to IKEA, Mari’s self-design enables people to participate in design process and production process spontaneously.18 31

As Mari concerns about losing playfulness of creating process and encourages us to experiment and play with ‘Autoprogettazione’, This project is to make a small starting point to change consumer’s or user’s value system.

Enzo Mari’s Autoprogettazione source : Dezeen


PROJECT POSITIONING The approach of my project will be taken from a perspective of the design field. It implies that the goal of the project is a reconsideration of the role of designers today. This can lead to present better answer to the design industry in the future. Specifically, the project will only focus on what design can do for architecture, including interior architecture and furniture design. Even though there are a number of efforts to suggest new and smart ways of joinery systems that users and consumers can get involved in assembly process, the users are still taking on a passive attitude on the process itself. DIY idea of making furniture is so limited in terms of knowledge and know-hows that users cannot really understand what they are capable of and are not able to develop further from assembling several pieces of materials and screw-driving dozens of screws. They perhaps think that they are involving into some part of making furniture, but it is nothing more than reducing cost for manufacturers in manufacturing process under mass-production system on which we always have been dependent. It is true that it is really hard to change a way of consuming and life-style in a moment. Therefore, we must establish an environment first to attract people to have interest in crafting. It has to be as simple and accessible as possible for even beginners. Another approach it has to take is not just to impose a great amount of knowledge but to stimulate their curiousity and let them naturally find what is interesting about it. We should not approach this as a problem to solve. We have to intrigue people’s curiosity with something which people can have interest in throughout the process of design or building furniture.


To achieve this goal, there should be a platform where people can obtain knowledge about what people want to learn. Here it will be simple joints of furniture or architectural structures that are easily accessible enough to users. On this platform, ‘form’ itself will be focused to arouse their interests and curiosity. ‘Form’ has infinite possibility to be played with as ‘Lego’ with a simple principle is loved by all generations. Thus, the joining methods to be shared should be basically as simple and easy as people can intuitively understand. This platform will allows people to have opportunities which users and consumers can try different ways of designing structures or furniture for themselves and moreover, build them in practice. The most important thing is that this platform has to be established in a shareable way. For this reason, the online platform is preferred most. Not only could people obtain knowledge from the online platform, but also they can share what they invent and their new ideas with others and make this system evolve by itself. The whole idea of the system resembles ‘Open Source System’ which has been discussed by many designers recently in many different fields.

OPEN SOURCE SYSTEM ‘Open Source Design’ is basically based on a more local, positive, spontaneous, cocreative and emergent process.19 There are various kinds of open source systems depending on what designers intend to share with users. The open source systems for this project is to initiate a platform for sharing knowledge and a construction system where everyone designs for everyone. This open source system can encourage personal or local making, lead to revive local economy, and even open a new local market which is a self-sufficient economy.


We are living in the world where no one can live by oneself. We interact with others around us exchanging a certain amount of contribution to each other for our own sake. According to Christopher Alexander, people create many kinds of patterns which are not fundamentally different from culture to culture. However, the most important thing which happens is that every part of it, at every level, becomes unique. The patterns, which control a portion of the world, are themselves fairly simple. But when they interact, they create slightly different overall configurations at every place. The patterns which are more naturally to happen will be repeated more often. The patterns which repeat themselves, come simply from the fact that all the people have a common language, and that each one of them uses this common language when he makes a thing. That is, when people with a certain cultural background will use knowledge and methods which fit their cultures and natural environments. To be living as the ‘language’, the pattern must be the shared vision of people, very specific to their cultures, able to capture their unique hopes and dreams, containing people’s memories, and local ways of doing things. The basic idea of open source system is to enable people to be accessible from everywhere no matter how much of wealth they have and no matter where they are. In addition, it also enables people to pursue their own interest and look into problems they are currently struggling with in their own ways. Throughout the system open to everyone and giving an opportunity for people to seek their own version of solutions, design industry itself can grow too.20


THE ISSUE On INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY As for designers, they will confront with an issue regarding intellectual property. When everything they design is shared with no protection under the law, it can encourage people to come up with new ideas based on knowledge and designs that already exist. Petra Moser has asserted that historical analysis suggests that intellectual property laws may harm innovation: Overall, the weight of the existing historical evidence suggests that patent policies, which grant strong intellectual property rights to early generations of inventors, may discourage innovation. On the contrary, policies that encourage the diffusion of ideas and modify patent laws to facilitate entry and encourage competition may be an effective mechanism to encourage innovation.21

However, there has to be a space where people can develop their interest, have a conversation freely, and share what they know and learn more openly with others. It can be just seen as a fulfilling one’s interest, but, in a big picture, we are aiming towards the process of ‘co-creation’. Therefore, open source system will be a manifestation to oppose the system which only protects its vested right in the industry. When a few designers protect their knowledge and intellectual ideas to exclude others to take advantage of them, monopoly will be held, resulting in economic efficiency. Consequently, young designers and people interested in design will feel the entry barrier and it will cause the stagnation of development and innovation.

It is risky to generalize negative opinions regarding the fact that intellectual property discourage the spread of knowledge and resource available, but we have to admit that property rights confer authority over resources. When authority is granted to the few over resources on which many depend, the few gain power over the goals of the many. This has consequences for both political and economic freedoms within a society. Admittedly, as utilitarians argue, intellectual property can protect innovators’ time investment and resource input to encourage the creation, production of intellectual works. The systems of protection such as Intellectual property optimize social utility.22 36

MATERIALS One of the most important issue of the project is to choose a proper material. When it comes to the example like ‘Bastard Chairs’, it needs no speical materials with good qualities other than things obtainable around us in the street. People just pick up boxes, abandoned chairs, bricks, wooden planks to create chairs they abstractly imagined in mind. The outcomes do not have to be nicely designed and fabricated and the makers do not even expect them since they just focus on functions they want. However, the materials have to be considered more seriously than ‘Bastard Chairs’ to attain the whole idea of the project. Then, what is it that we really require when we find the most suitable material. ` 1) cheap enough so that they are accessible to virtually everyone The materials used under the system have to be affordable for users so that they do not feel too much of burden to get the materials. 2) sustainable for small-scale application It is really important to choose materials which fit into small-scale application. The aim of the project is to encourage individuals interested in participating into design and manufacturing processes. It means it is not intended to mass-produce products to the anonymous public despite its possibility to be mass-produced in a later step. On the problem of ‘scale’, Professor Leopold Kohr has written brilliantly and convincingly; its relevance to the economics of permanence is obvious. Small-scale operations, no matter how numerous, are always less likely to be harmful to the natural environment than large-scale ones, simply because their individual force is small in relation to the recuperative forces of nature.


3) compatible with man’s need for creativity This quality is vital to consummate the whole concept of the project, since stimulating human’s nature, which all human inherently possess for creating what they need, is one of the main aim of the project.23 The material is that fulfill the requirements above is wood. Wood is used in the design industry today in many cases as a sustainable material, even though there are many ethical standards we have to follow. Using wood has less impact on the ecosystem compared to other industrial materials such as metal, plastic and so on. Wood is also a material that can be obtainable in local areas. Admittedly, there are many regions where tree cannot grow due to climatic reasons, but it is relatively easier to get than materials that need much more complex procedure to produce. Another desirable material is leftover materials that can be obtainable around us. As Chinese people created chairs with objects they just picked up from their surroundings, the idea they decided to reuse the materials already once abandoned is desirable for the nature and demonstration of creativity, using unusual and unexpected things for creation. In addition, local materials which are easily found in area where people live are the most desirable ones since the local materials mostly contain vernacular and traditional cultures. they have more potential for users to create outcomes close to the cultures they belong to.

suitable materials - cheap for accessiblity - sustainable for small-scale application - compatible with human’s creativity


SYNERGY of Synergies Why is it necessary to challenge the massproduction which has led us from the period of industrialization to the present time? Isn’t the world getting better under this economic system to which we have adhered for a long period of time? There will not be one perfect answer to these questions. However, it is an undeniable truth that the modern economic system cannot solve all the problems we are facing. Some might have dreamed of ‘utopia’ that one system could get rid of the current obstacles. However, ‘utopia’, which is assumed to mean a permanent state of perfection, sounds so naive and overoptimistic. Today is the age of pluralism and we cannot expect one solution to make the whole world perfect. We have noticed these visionary and optimistic trials which are out of fashion have tried ‘dreaming’ and failed after all. However, we should pursue alternative futures in a way from different views. And John Wood suggests ‘micro-utopia’, not ‘utopia’. The democracy, the political system we have been accustomed to, is influencing our mindset extensively. Our democratic society heavily depends on choice and delegation, meaning that the system unavoidably ignores each individual’s opinion and preference. This is not to say the democracy is not valid anymore, but the bureaucratic structure of the democracy, which has intrinsically topdown decision making structure, cannot deeply concern about shared imagination of the public, local involvement, and emerging consensus. If the idea in question is always dismissed eccentric or unimportant, people in the minority group will lose interest eventually. When every decision is to find one with a high chance of success or one that follows the interest of the majority, ingenious and creative ideas could be ignored. Perhaps we are dismissing a number of good ideas without noticing them due to the inflexible decision making system.


In order to explore a more genuinely bottomup approach, we need to acknowledge the role of positive feedback within a given trend. In seeking a more creative, heterarchical society, the transition between competing ideas will become crucially important. This may even mean that the sharing and development of these ideas will therefore be changed from the current ways. A transformation of society can take place once we can create visions, ideals, and methods desirable, attainable, reproducible and maintainable. Thus, it is vital to set up this method and system. What would be required to introduce such a system for change? An answer to these questions is already beginning to emerge by ‘Open Source Design’ as we discussed above. What makes this possible is the internet and online-based platform where people from even different cultural backgrounds and different areas can share their opinions freely one another. This idea is against the representation-based decision making structure. The online communication allows people to be able to obtain knowledge more easily than ever before. Industrial development used to reach only the capital city or another large town, but today the entirely new system is based on attention to people, and not primarily attention to goods. It could be summed up in the phrase, ‘production by the masses, rather than mass production’. What was impossible has become possible and what was not considered has become what producers have to consider. When

Top-down Decision Making of Hierarchy of Democratic System

Bottom-up Decision Making of Open Source System

Fig. 3.1 Comparison of Two Different Decision Making Structures


one designer is able to settle an online platform that users can access and share some knowledge, ‘micro-utopia’ where people share a vision and dream can be spontaneously formed. However, there are several obstacles which hinder formation of ‘micro-utopia’. It is more a psychological reason rather than either technological or political. Generally speaking, for human, the ‘unthinkable’ is synonymous with the ‘unattainable’. This suggests that, merely by moving some issues from the category of ‘unthinkable’ to ‘thinkable’ we could achieve what was hitherto seen as ‘impossible’. All of these terms are, to some extent, subject to change, adaptation, and innovation. It is wise to dream beyond what we currently believe to be attainable. Once we have done so, the next step is to co-imagine the dream in a more shareable form. This means exchanging dreams and seeing how they can be conjoined to enhance one another. The third step is to see how much of the dream is attainable. The fourth step is to share the task of producing and sharing the dream. If enough people try to connect their ‘micro-utopias’ together it may be possible to achieve a global ‘synergy of synergies’. These five steps are what John wood suggested to generate ‘synergy of synergies’ by making links between ‘micro-utopias’. This idea will be the basic frame to establish the online platform.24 1





move ‘unthinkable’ issues to thinkable category


co-imagine the dream in a shareable way

4 discuss how much of the dream is attainable task

share the task of producing and sharing 41

Fig. 3.2 how to attain ‘synergy of synergies’

This online platform will contain knowledge of shared imagination which relates to design. Design is the field which can directly influence human’s creativity. Design has competence to recover the spiritual values we have lost due to the modern economics. I strongly believe the power of design and the power of people who share the same vision and willingness.

Synergy of Synergies encourage local making revive local economy open a new lock market





ONLINE PLATFORM Fig. 3.3 How the Online Platform can contribute for ‘synergy of synergies’




hand-crafting see p.31 line 29

Production Of Labor ProPerty


online plaform

we can break through the rules of the modern economy

INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY bottom-up approach for decision making










1) cheap and accessible to everyone 2) sustainable for small-application 3) compatible with huvman’s creativity see p. 37




people create unique outcomes according to their cultural backgrounds see p.35 line 5

line 18

Fig. 3.4 The Relationship Diagram 03


[My greatest achievement] today is to give a better quality, kill the cost, [and] try to give some, perhaps, acceptable idea to the most people – which is the definition of what I call “democratic design”. And now the democratic ecology and the democratic architecture, which I see. Philippe Stark25



The Objective Of the Project The project is not about presenting finalized products, but about identifying the problems we are undergoing today, exploring and researching a possibility of the design field, and establishing the foundation for the future research. The design outcomes presented here are not perfectly answering to the questions that have been brought into throughout the project. They are much closer to propositions I suggest as a designer to look even more deeply into the present time, and to lead us to more profound question for right answers in the future. Moreover, it also enquires about what would be new roles of designers, which have to seriously be considered by designers in the future. Answering right answers to all these questions is another work in another dimension in the design field. However, this project will be a starting point to open up possible paths vdesigners can take in the future.

diagnosis of ongoing problems

the scope this project covers

exploration of potential break-throughs

drawing more profound questions to the current situation

expecting a better answers in the future from the exploration


As a designer, whenever I designed a space or architecture, I concentrated more on the mass of the building and the relationship between different spaces for human life and activities that happen inside. However, when it comes to design furniture, details like joinery systems have to be considered really carefully. But many joinery systems are not exposed from outside so sometimes it is really hard to see the mechanism of joinery systems. For this reason, I decided to explore joinery systems that are open to people so that people can understand the mechanism and discover the possibility they can build them for themselves. They do not require any high technology to build and their self-explanatory form encourages people to try out building them. The whole idea empowers people to access to the design thinking and even manufacturing process of products they want. I am challenging the closed system of current design industry and attain ‘democratic design’ in the field. ‘Democratic design’ is a tool or mechanism to arrive at a concept or idea in which a consumer can easily translate the concept or idea into their daily life. I strongly believe that there is the power of open information and open communication with everyone to develop design ideas. We can attain the co-creation from the shared ideas in open discussion.


The online Platform The online platform is a basically a website everyone can easily access after they sign up on the website of the system. The online platform contains basic information about how the whole idea of the project is originated and what the intention is. There is a section to introduce basic principles of joinery systems that can be designed with simple ‘forms’, easily understandable for everyone. In addition to the introduction of a variety of joinery systems, how to build them with either handtools or machines is presented with video clips and pictures step by step. Users are able to see only the basics in this section and this is also where users can contribute their creativity by posting their ways of making any kind of joinery methods with their own skills. There has to be a section for discussion among people to develop their ideas. The basic information on the website will not be enough for some users to find solutions for their ideas and they will find other tools they want to improve with. In addition to this, the platform will be a place where people, who have design ideas but do not have profound knowledge about making in practice, can find someone to collaborate with. Individuals cannot always equip with skills and knowledge to achieve one idea. Therefore, the platform can become a meeting point between people with ideas and people with skills. The goal is to enhance mutual benefits for both groups. The advantage of the online platform is that people from many different areas can be connected to each other when they only have the internet. We can find enormous amount of the information in the internet, but it is hard to find if it is useful or not sometimes. Therefore, as a beginners of a certain field, constructing a database in an accessible way at one website can help them to acquire basic knowledge since they do not have to meander in the ocean of random information.


PRACTICAL REVIEW For The Online PlatForm openstructures.net The OpenStructures(OS) use one modular grid system to design any part or component in order for the same dimensional frame work. This means that they should be designed for assembly and disassembly like dynamic puzzles which a broad range of people can collaborate within the system universally. This open modular system has the potential to : - generate flexible and dynamic puzzle structures rather than uniform modular entities - introduce variety within modularity - stimulate re-use cycles of various parts and components - enable collaborative (and thus exponential) innovation within hardware construction Everybody can participate in the system and contribute their creativity. The system recommends to use recyclable materials in order to support infinite material cycles.26

source : openstructures.net



Arduino is an open-source computer hardware and software company, project and user community that designs and manufactures kits for building digital devices and interactive objects that can sense and control the physical world. Arduino boards may be purchased preassembled, or as DIY kits; at the same time, the hardware design information is available for those who would like to assemble an Arduino from scratch. Users can download the open-source Arduino Software(IDE) that makes it easy to write code and upload in to the board. Moreover, on the website, learning section offers instructions people can learn basic principles to get started with the Arduino system. In addition to this, people can share their ideas and troubles they struggle with to develop their projects. The projects created from the Arduino idea are sometimes originated just from people’s curiosity or for fun, but they are what we cannot find in the current market and have infinite potentials that can fulfill people’s needs. The pre-made system enables people to easily access to make trial and error freely and learn computer programming skills by themselves. It has a remarkable educational function even to areas where educational opportunity is hard to reach due to environmental conditions. It can cultivate people with talent through this open-source system.27

source : arduino.cc



Trouble Shooting Share your troubles you are experiencing with altogether. It must be easier than you imagine. FURNITURE A by Jung DESCRIPTION I used clothe hangers to make a hanger. I cut a part of hangers and assemblesd on the wood. But I don’t know a good joinery system to make tightly. Is there anyone who can help me? 3

42 comment : 1

try to use tenon and mortise joinery make the same size as the cutting part of the hanger. Daniel





Design Solution Find solutions for your design idea with altogether. You will be able to make it happen when you share your design.

NO.36 I want a help from you guys. I am making a shelf and I have an ide. but, I need someone to realize my idea.


5:24 PM 3 42

comment : 1 1 I think I can help you. I have tools and solution to make it Let’s do it together.


REFLECTION On the Online Platform The era of the internet enables to empower people to access to the knowledge they want to have more easily than ever before. Even further, people can have an opportunity to communicate with others anywhere in the world. Only thing I, as a designer, can suggest to do is establish a space where people come together to share their interests. There should be knowledge, interesting contents, and comminication spaces to intrigue people to come th the platform, but after that, the process of sharing can make the platform evolved by itself. The most important part of the online platform is ‘forum’. Here are the place where people can find solutions for their ideas or other people who can work together with them to realize just conceptual ideas into real outcomes. That is, it is a meeting point for people with skills and people with ideas. People with different abilities can make unexpected synergy and unexpected outcomes which can even possibly change the world in the future.


The Variety of SIMPLE JOINERY SYSTEMS The joinery systems experimented have simple ideas of combining easily-understandable geometric forms together. Basically, wood materials are suggested since they are relatively cheaper and more accessible than other materials, sustainable when users follow basic ethical standard, and compatible to apply human’s creativity with crafting skills. Surely, other materials, which fulfill the requirements for sustainable development of the society, can also be suggested since the more a variety of joining methods are presented, the better it is for users to experiment in more diverse ways. The joining methods presented are the ones designed with the simple forms that everyone can learn and understand. They have enormous possibility when they are carefully fabricated but do not require either high level of technology or high intelligence.



Wood Workshop Experiences








Dovetail Joint dovetail joints without using any type of adhesiives

a shelf detachable from the component on the wall with dovetail joint

Nomadic Chair by Jorge Penades combination of Japanese joinery system and metal holder to tighten the joint

due to its strong force of metal part that hold the wooden structure, basic types of furniture can be furnished

Whackpack Furniture by Brendan Magennis A hell joint where wooden wedges are driven into the ends of each dowel to pack them tightly inside the receiving hole

giving a special experience of using a hammer to join different members

Useful Arbeitsloser by Sanghyeok Lee A joinery system similiar to a scaffolding structure easy to be constructed and moved way without much attention

possibility to build a diagonal structure according to how the part of the dowels is removed



Through-Tenon Mitered Mortise joinery systems of three components which consist of a tenon, and two differnet mortises

a basic joints for simple structures and furniture

Cable Tie Joint Using cable ties to hold units each other through holes

an industrial product easily obtainable hold modular components simply together

Advanced Lap Joint Addition of another member into the lap joint to build a structure holding each other

an industrial product easily obtainable hold modular components simply together

3D printed Joinery System A disk-shaped component with 3 holes for 3 dowels to go through and pins which can hold the dowels through holes on the disk and the dowels

3D printing open up enormous possibility to make a variety of joinery system really easily



Gemensamma intressen by Gustave Person Each component intertwined together to support each other with no adhesive

a small chair or table which is not too heavy for a intertwining structure

Spänningens FÜrsüt by Gustave Person Stretching force of the wood in a hole to tighten the joint

when it elastic give an elastic

is available to use wood materials, it can experience of feeling the force of the material

Keyed Mortise and Tenon A joinery system with a keyfixed in a mortise

many possibilities for different types of structure or furniture with tight joint

Holes on a pole Simple joints with holes on cylindrical poles for a diagonally standing pole

a simple structure which needs only a frame so that it can be used as a cloth hanger



Cross Lap Joint Overlapping two pieces of materials together, which the some part of material are removed from both of the members to be joined

one of the basic type of joinery sytem that can be used for any kind of structure

Cross Lap Joint 2 Overlapping two pieces of materials together, which the some part of material are removed from both of the members to be joined

one of the basic type of joinery sytem that can be used for any kind of structure

Breakdown by Louie Rigano Joinery system using a peg that hold up the shelves, which cna be easily rearranged

basic type of shelf or chair on which bears not too heavy weight

Architectural Furniture by Jaekwang Lim A vertical frame with hole for inserting horizon frame from four different directions

a small size of architectural structure or chair


Simple Joinery Samples


Architectural Furniture This joinery is a vertical frame with holes for inserting horizon frame from four different directions material : ash, pine


Intertwining Joinery This is a joinery system made of mortises and tenons and each element is intertwined to make a structure material : ash


Night Table This is a structure for a shelf without plates on the top and the bottom, using an easy selfsupporting joinery system. This joinery is completed when the plate on the both sides hold wood bars so that they cannot move to any other directions. material : pine



Table This is a structure for a simple table. It uses several simple joinery systems. Each wood beam holds each other to have a stable structure. material : birch, MDF


Japanese Corner Joinery This joinery idea is derived from a Japanese traditional corner joinery system that plywoods and wood beams hold each other for the structure material : birch plywood, ash


Table with Peg joinery 4 pegs go through holes on each leg to support the top of the table. It is easy to build and deconstruct material : MDF, ash, pine



Rubberband Shelf Rubberbands are holding every cross lap joint of the structure to make it more stable. A variety of colors of rubberbands invigorate liveliness of the structure. material : rubberband, birch, pine


Vernacular Design One of the examples that can be considered from Norwegian architectural tradition is ‘Fiskehjell’ which is translated into ‘fish rack’ in English. ‘Fiskehjell’ is a fish rack generally used in Northern part of Scandinavian countries to dry fish such as cods or other kinds of Arctic catches. The most common type of ‘Fiskehjell’ is a triangular shape that stretches long with supporting timbers along it as shown in the picture. This ‘Fiskehjell’ structure was built in SALT Festival in Sandhornøy, Norway for a gallery space and a sauna in the festival area. This is a really good example which shows a strong link between the architectural structure and its indigenous characteristic.

source : panoramio.com

source : salted.no

When this kind of traditional architecture cultures are interpreted into a modern way with different functions from their original purposes, we can feel totally new ambience and atmosphere in the space. Moreover, since their original shapes are derived from the very cultural background of where they are to be built, users can have a much closer feeling into the structures. The users can feel closer to ‘architecture’ and ‘design’ themselves as well. It can also make people look around themselves to find invaluable values from what they have thought just too familiar and banal to themselves, but what could be totally unusual to some others at the same time. There is another an interesting vernacular structure which can be found in Norwegian culture. It is called ‘kullmile’ in Norwegian and translated as ‘charcoal kiln’ in English. This structure is to reduce some types of wood to charcoal in a process of slow burning in low oxygen. Even if we can find these kinds of structures in many different cultures and areas, the structures found in Norway is distinct from the ones from other cultures. It is dangerous to be rash, but the Norwegian ones has a heap of earth in the middle and wooden beams are surrounded on the heap while being connected with wooden plates that are inside.


When the earth is removed and it is possible to build a self-supporting wooden structure, it can be used as a partition to make a small space in an open space for small activities inside. Saami’s traditional hut,Lavvu is also a cultural heritage of Nordic countries. It is difficult to speak about a unified Saami building tradition as a whole, since they used local resources they were able to obtain from the nature. However, Lavvu is the most typical type of traditional buildings, which was interpreted into many modern architecture by architects. The key of the structure of the hut is to tie wood beams altogether. There will be many different ways to bind them, but my suggestion is to make a part with a 3D printer. This will have holes to put wood beam inside and pins will help complete the structure without using any kind of adhesive or screw-drivers. It means the structure is detachable so that it can be built anywhere users want to build.

source : lavvu.com


In contrast to Norwegian culture, I chose ‘Korean Lettering System’ from Korean culture for design outcome. The Alphabet of Korean Language, Han-geul, has very geometric forms that consist of straight line and circle. Therefore, when several components are designed and combined together to form Korean alphabet, simple Korean words can be made. It can be used as an educational tools for children, which let them recognize meaningful perception out of geometric elements that contain no meaning before they are combined. According to the principle of Gestalt psychology, when the human mind(perceptual system) forms a percept or gestalt, the whole has a reality of its own, independent of the parts. Korean alphabet is the best language to train children’s cognitive process through visual recognition. Thus, designing toy blocks to make Korean alphabet will help children develop their perception ability as well as language. Moreover, when the scale of the blocks get bigger, they can be used by children to build a small spatial elements in the space. It is how Herman Hertzberger tried to develop kids’ at pre-school stage creativity and communication skill with Montessori’s pedagogy. He designed blocks packed in the floor before they are used, but children can take them out from the floor and use them as chairs, tables, or toy blocks to build their own space in the kindergarten.28 Korean Alphabet blocks can also be used in the same way when they become big enough for children. Not only can they learn combination of basic consonances and vowels of Korean language, playing blocks will also given to them as well. 85

source : Space and Learning: Lessons in Architecture 3(2008)






ery join es l p sam


A va in rie er ty y sy of st em



adoption of knowledge from the platform

Fig. 4.1 The Relationship Diagram 04


‘...Synergy is of central importance in virtually every scientific discipline, though it very often travels incognito under various aliases(mutualism, cooperativity, symbiosis, win-win, emergent effect, a critical mass, coevolution, interaction, threshold effect, even non-zerosumness).’ Peter Andrew Corning29



CREATInG SYNERGY OF SYNERGIES Design outcomes from one culture can differ from ones from other cultural backgrounds out of the same knowledge and information given as we can demonstrate as above. It is not really hard to imagine ‘vernacular designs’ when we look into our own culture carefully. However, the reason to establish the online platform is not just to give information for people. They must have an opportunity to build what they want in practice, and this is achieved when a place, well-equipped with essential tools and machines, is established in a local society. It is better to have personal tools, but it is not easy to decide people, who do not have much experience with carpentry, to spend a not considerable amount of money on tools and materials. Therefore, when wood-workshops are built in many local societies, people who are interested in carpentry come here and learn wood-crafting and other various skills to build things. Furthermore, people will find values they could not experience from mass-produced products that they will feel more intimate and personal attachment from what they create and what contains even their cultural background. The online platform will function as a connector of a number of workshops for people to interact with others and give and receive productive feedbacks to each other. People who belong to the online platform can encourage one another to enjoy DIY hobby more and more, and the values that hand-crafting can give to people will spread out to other societies as well. a workshop equipped with tools and machines in local societies

Let’s go!


Fig. 5.1 The Ideal Workshop in Local Societies

Creative Commons There is still the issue regarding the intellectual property. When the information is open to the public, in a certain perpective, it seems creative ideas are not ‘protected’ from copying and sharing without any ‘regulation’ or ‘permission’. However, on the other hand, opening up opportunities for others to access to the information and sharing ideas is one way to enliven diverse ideas which could have huge influence on our every-day life in the future. It means ‘regulation’ and ‘protection’ are not always encouraged for the creation of ideas. For this purpose, I decided to use one of the licenses, Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International(CC BY-NC-SA 4.0), which ‘Creative Commons’ provide to encourage sharing knowledge and open discussion.

Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0)

This mark represents ; Your are free to: Share - copy and redistribute the material in any medium or format Adapt - remix, transform, and build upon the material The licensor cannot revoke these freedoms as log as you follow the license terms. Under the following terms: Non commercial - You may not use the material for commercial purposes. ShareAlike - if you remix, transform, or build upon the material, you must distribute your contribution under the same license as the original


Reflection The whole idea of the project is to recover human’s nature, tool-using and creativity in the current time. We have lost many crafting cultures and considered crafting traditions are only for artisans with specialties. Getting accustomed to consume mass-produced products, we also have lost spiritual values in them. For this reason, I decided to plant seeds of design thinking by inviting people to access to this crafting culture in an accessible way. The online-based platform is optimal for current time to invite as many people as possible to share the knowledge and idea on it. The information and knowledge shareable here do not require high intelligence and technology to understand since they are intriguing users with ideas of combinations of simple geometric shapes. This platform encourages people to create what they need in practice. People who have tools and facilities can try it themselves, but people without them are invited to places which offer necessary facilities so that they can get help from there. They will create each local community in each area, which pursue the same hobby and needs. These communities are linked to each other through the online platform as well. The online platform encourages open discussion and sharing knowledge among people in different cultures. The goal of the project is to challenge the very premise of the modern economy, which producers produce and consumers consume. Consumers become much smarter and have stronger opinions about their preference than ever before. It means the target consumer designers have to face has also radically changed compared to the past. Therefore, designers themselves should position their role differently. Of course, we, designers, have to keep what we have been doing, designing innovative products or services with our own ideas and our own skills and specialty as we always have done, but designers have to extend our field of specialization to the next step. Designers have an ability to draw people’s 93

attention from values, which people are obsessed with under the modern economic system, to spiritual values, which have to be far more respected to build a healthy society in the future. Valuing only the material values will eventually raze not only those materials around us but even what we truly cherish in our deep heart of hearts. This platform is a small but vital starting point to achieve this ultimate goal. There is, however, still reluctance about ‘open-source design’ and the concept of ‘adhocracy’. There have not been really successful examples of open source design yet. Many attempts have just ended up with providing users with fixed templates and using them without any intervention in their original quality, even though they have attained to work as platforms for open source design in terms of how to communicate with users or opening up new ways of manufacturing or ways of sharing knowledge efficiently and effectively.30 This project will try to supplement their faults and weakness and develop huge idea behind all these attempts many designers tried. Every attempt will lead to nourish the idea, establish micro-utopias in which people there can sustain happy life and eventually get closer to ‘Utopia’ which all human-beings will admire with no doubt.

PLANTING SEEDS OF DESIGN THINKING Fig. 5.2 Planting Seeds of Design Thinking


DESINGER’S NEW ROLES designer as a introducer of design thinking to non-deisnger



the trend : personalization & customization hand-crafting too heavy aesthetic standards are not considered.




Designer As A Facilitator for the Alternative Future Design industry is subject to modern economy


ALTERNATIVE ECONOMY efficiency consumerism solipsism


mass-production division of labor intellectual property



spiritual values for human satisfaction is ignored


designer a Communicator of The IDea Through OPEN SOURCE SYSTEM - incapable of embracing changes - incapable of adapting to complex situations - incapable of meeting a variety of industrial needs



Production Of Labor ProPerty



online platform




we can break through the rules of the modern economy



1) cheap and accessible to everyone 2) sustainable for small-application 3) compatible with huvman’s creativity designer as a modeler of possibilities



ery join es l p sam


A va in rie er ty y sy of st em



adoption of knowledge from the platform

Fig. 5.3 Designer’s New Roles


Reference 1. Evans, F.T. (1998) Two Legs, Thing Using and Talking : The Origins of the Creative Engineering Mind. AI & Society. Volume 12, Issue 3 (9) p. 194 2. Evans, F.T. (1998) Two Legs, Thing Using and Talking : The Origins of the Creative Engineering Mind. AI & Society. Volume 12, Issue 3 (9) p. 195 3. Wolf, Evans (2013) Bastard Chair. Works that Work. [Online] Volume 1. Aailablbe from: https://worksthatwork.com/1/bastard-chairs [Accessed : 14th March 2014] 4. Gamper, Martino (2007) 100 Chairs in 100 Days. [Online] Available from: http://martinogamper.com/project/a-100-chairs-in-a-100-days/ [Accessed: 10th, Feb, 2015] 5. Fairs, Marcus (2012) “It’s more than a technological Revolution; it’s a cultural revolution” - Joseph Grima. Dezeen. [Online] Available from: http://www.dezeen. com/2012/10/15/joseph-grima-on-open-design-at-istanbul-design-biennial/ [Accessed : 5th, April, 2014] 6.

Le Corbusier (1986) Towards New Architecture. New York : Dover, p.6

7. Gelezeau, Valerie (2003) Séoul, ville géante, cités radieuses. Paris : CNRS Editions 8. Schumacher E.F. (2011) Small is beautiful : A Study of Ecnonomics as if People Mattered. London, Vintage, p45 9. Wood, John (2007) Design for Micro-Utopia: Making the Unthinkable Possible. Hampshire, Gower Publishing Limited, p64 10. Wood, John (2007) Design for Micro-Utopia: Making the Unthinkable Possible. Hampshire, Gower Publishing Limited, p59 11. Wood, John (2007) Design for Micro-Utopia: Making the Unthinkable Possible. Hampshire, Gower Publishing Limited, p23 12. Schumacher E.F. (2011) Small is beautiful : A Study of Ecnonomics as if People Mattered. London, Vintage, p45 13. Schumacher E.F. (2011) Small is beautiful : A Study of Ecnonomics as if People Mattered. London, Vintage, p20 14.

U.S Const,. art. 1, sec. 8 cl. 8.

15. Bettig R.V. (1996) “Critical Perspectives on the History and Philosophu of Copyright” in Copyrighting Culture: The Political Economy of Intellectual Property, Boulder, West Press, p19-20 16. Kinsella N.S. (2011) Against Intellectual Property. Jounnal of Libertarian Studies. [Online] Volume 15. (2) p.1-53. Available from https://www.mises.org/sites/ default/files/15_2_1.pdf[Accessed: 20th April 2015] 17. Alexander, Christopher (1977) A Pattern Language: Towns, Buildings, Construction, New York, Oxford University Press. p. 18. Assemble Papers (2013) Timeless and Puzzle: Enzo Mari [Online] 16th, May 2013, Available from: http://assemblepapers.com.au/2013/05/16/timeless-and-puzzling-enzomari/. [Accessed: 10th, Februrary, 2014] 19. Wood, John (2007) Design for Micro-Utopia: Making the Unthinkable Possible. Hampshire, Gower Publishing Limited, p4-5 20. Alexander, Christopher (1977) A Pattern Language: Towns, Buildings, Construction, New York, Oxford University Press.

21. Moser, Petra (2013) Patents and Innovation: Evidence from Economic History. Journal of Economic Perspectives. 27 (1) p23-44 22. Spinello, Richard A. (2007) Intellectual Property Rights. Library Hi Tech 25 (1) p12-22 23. Wood, John (2007) Design for Micro-Utopia : Making the Unthinkable Possible. Gower Publishing Limited, p12-13 24. Schumacher E.F. (2011) Small is Beautiful : A Study of Economics as if People Mattered, Vintage, p20-22 25. Starck, Philippe (2009) Philippe Starck, Wallpaper* Guest Editor Discusses Design & Life, http://bcove.me/twzh8ta3. [Accessed: 25th April 2015] 26. Openstructures. (2015) About the Openstructures project. [Online] 2015 Available from: http://openstructures.net/pages/2. [Accessed: 10th , October, 2014] 27. Arduino. (2015) What is Arduino?. [Online] 2015. Available from: http://www.arduino.cc/en/guide/introduction. [Accessed: 3rd April, 2015] 28. Hertzberger, Herman (2008) Space and Learning : Lessons in Architecture 3, 010 Publishers, Rotterdam 29. Wood, John (2007) Design for Micro-Utopia: Making the Unthinkable Possible. Hampshire, Gower Publishing Limited, p143 30. Dezeen. (2014) “We are not in the midst of a revolution, we are between revolutions” [Online] February 2014. Available from: http://www.dezeen.com/2014/02/14/ opinion-justin-mcguirk-open-design-italian-furniture-industry/. [Accessed: 24th Februrary 2014]

List of Figures Figure 1.1

The Relationship Diagram 01

Figure 2.1

Two Elements that influence on Consumer’s Behavior

Figure 2.2

The Relationship Diagram 02

Figure 3.1

Comparision of Two Different Decision Making Structures

Figure 3.2

How to Attain ‘Synergy of Synergies’

Figure 3.3

HOw the Online Platform can Contribute for ‘Synergy of Synergies’

Figure 3.4

The Relationship Diagram 03

Figure 4.1

The Relationship Diagram 04

Figure 5.1

The Ideal Workshop in Local Socities

Figure 5.2

Planting Seeds of Design Thinking

Figure 5.3

Designer’s New Roles

ACknowledgement It is a genuine pleasure to express my deep sense of thanks and gratitude to my tutors, Toni Kauppila, Maziar Raein and Bjørn Jørund Blikstad. I would like to first thank to Professor Toni Kauppila, who gave us priceless education and a variety of experiences throughout the period of my master degree. He provided us with many opportunities that we could challenge our way of working, and a profound understanding of design. I would like to also thank to my tutors of master project, Maziar Raein and Bjørn Jørund Blikstad. Maziar was a very approachable advisor and I was able to gain wisdom and develop my ideas from our enlightening discussions. My work would have been impossible without his constant help and supprot. Bjørn was a really helpful supporter who always showed me his observant insight on my practical works. I could clarify what I vaguely sensed about my project in my mind from their supportive guidance. I would thank the rest of the professors, who gave me invaluable advice about either theoretical knowledge or practical help for two years in Kunsthøgskolen i Oslo: Theodor Barth, Sigurd Strøm, Vigdis Ruud, Terje Hope and Odd-Svein Vadseth. I would also like to acknowledge my friends in Interior Architecture and Furniture Design in Design department. Not only could I have helpful feedbacks from them, but I also had emotional support from them during whole period of my master. Lastly, I would like to dedicate my work to my family, for guiding me through all this journey in Oslo. Their love and support have always been my greatest encouragement to me.

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