The Australian
C areer of the month BeComing a DoCtor
Education Times Issue 1 • November 2013 •
SucceSS Story
Ms. Michelle Rowland, MP Federal
OuTsTanding schOOl
German InternatIonal School Test Zone: Beat the hSC examination BlueS
Literacy Corner
Having a tougH time witH Sentence variety? ICT For Education:
BYOD: LaptOp Versus taBLet
A Sneak Peak News and Views
Test Zone The Australian
Education Times TEST ZONE
Beat the HSC Examination Blues
Local Schools, Local Decisions.
What does it mean FOR MY CHILD?
year 12 -17 years old students and parents
ocal schools, Local decisions", "Gonski", and an "education reform" were buzz words that educators and parents have heard immensely before the recent Commonwealth election, however, now that there is a new Government, the future of Australian schools remains uncertain. One thing is for certain, NSW Public Schools are now part of "Local Schools, Local Decisions". So what does this mean exactly? According to the NSW Department of Education, Local Schools, Local Decisions is an education reform that gives NSW public schools more authority to make local decisions about how best to meet the needs of their students. They further add that it teachers and principals more authority to adapt what they do and how they do it. This means giving schools
Noelene Callaghan is an ICT Teacher at Rooty Hill High School and a Councillor of The Teachers Guild of NSW.
greater freedom to make decisions about how to use the money we spend on public education. According to Teacher Mrs Yasodai Selvakumaran, the rhetoric of Local Schools, Local Decisions appears to be the process of devolving system responsibility under the guise of freedom and autonomy. Despite the advantages for input at a local level, the fact that cuts are being made in a time when Education funding is caught between a slow, bureaucratic custody battle between State and Federal Governments reminds us; that an adequately funded centralised system is more important than ever to ensure Public Education can deliver a world-class education and equity to every school community we serve. According to NSW Teachers Federation Representative Mrs Kelly Campbell, Local Schools, Local Decisions is a devolution policy created by the NSW Government to shift the blame for inadequately resourced public schools. Principal's whose core role should be educational leadership are expected to become business financial managers and spend the schools budget through the RAM model which has already demonstrated flaws in its delivery. Local Schools, Local Decisions will have an impact on education and the resources that your children are exposed to. Part of the Local Schools, Local Decisions
includes a funding model that is set by parameters that determine the school "type" and the budget is controlled by the Principal. The concern is certainly not how the Principal will allocate the funds to each faculty, KLA or area of the school, but lies with the criteria that determines the school type. There are many schools that do not qualify for higher funds simply because, on paper, the school fits the model of having a sufficient number of students who do not require targeted assistance, where in reality, this is not true. We are all aware that there are students with learning difficulties that aren't medically recognised yet receive additional support from teachers but do not qualify for teachers aid or, in this case, additional financial support. This will prevent schools from hiring more support staff or resources that will benefit this group of students. The model is also unclear for those DET schools that specialise in sport, selective tests, the arts etc. It is recommended that upon enrolment, you ask how Local Schools, Local Decisions will impact this school and how it will benefit your child in their learning.
What do you think? How does it affect your child? Please send your views at
The Australian Education Times
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point A to point B before the ship leaves the dock. He doesn't know where he will end up and certainly not at his intended destination. Having GOALS means you set your directions to where you want to go! Our conscious mind is a GOAL setter and unconscious mind is a GOAL getter. Once you set your GOALS, your all body, mind and soul will be focussed on what you want to achieve! Setting GOALS will fuel the energy and propel you towards your GOAL! Start with small GOALS, for example,
t is not unusual that students get high level of anxiety and stress from any assessment tasks and if it is HSC examinations, then the challenge is even greater to deal with it. However there are ways to organise and manage the study time effectively, follow simple examination techniques and be selfmotivated that will allow beating the examination blues.
| Know your syllabus backwards! When preparing examination study notes, make sure all the dot points are covered. It has been found in various HSIE subjects that paper setters pick any one point of the syllabus and convert it in an examination question. Therefore when a student has covered the entire syllabus, it will give immense confidence when he or she walks into the exam hall.
| Understand the Board Of Studies "directive words". All questions start with words like "Explain", "Analyse", "Evaluate" etc., which sets an expectation from the students what they have to include in their answer. So in simple words, student must answer the question and not just write what he or she knows. To get better understanding of the directive terms, do practise past papers and read the markers comments for previous HSC marking centres.
| Deconstruct your question. Students who achieve higher marks in the HSC examination have the ability to deconstruct the exam question. This involves highlighting directive terms, main parts of the questions and planning the answer. This will help in writing a cohesive answer and effective use of the
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| Get motivated: Most of the time, we do things for one of two reasons, either being motivated to achieve a goal or avoidance due to a fear of failure. It depends which way you are facing. Choosing the right mind-set will make all the difference between your success and failure. When facing towards the goal, you will find there is nice feeling and your body, mind and heart are congruent which allows you to be enthusiastic and energised and motivated. On the other hand, when you do things to stay away, due to the fear of failure, your goals will never be realised. Once you are in your "comfort zone", you will keep doing things the same way and at times feel that you are stuck or "treading water". This situation will drain your energy and you may feel tired and frustrated. Let's do a small task! On a piece of paper write "towards" on the right and "away from" on the left. Now write under each heading, in your given situation, what will drive or motivate you to take actions. Under "away from" you may write words which describe a situation you don't want to be in your life, like increasing debt, poor performance, failure of relationship etc. Now write under "towards" words which describes what you want in your life or want to achieve, like financial abundance, meaningful and strong relationships, career advancement etc. You will notice that when you write words under "towards" will give you a nice feeling. Now imagine you are standing between these two set of words. Ask a question to yourself - "which set of words am I facing towards?" If you are facing "away from", no matter what your intentions, you will fall in to your old habits or behaviour. This will create frustration, low energy, lack of motivation and feeling of "stuck" in life. Now let's see how you feel when you face "towards"! These set of words will create energy and enthusiasm inside you to take action and move towards it.
to back down. As Confucius said, "Our greatest glory is not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall." So NEVER GIVE UP, as you don't know how close you are to your GOAL!
| There is no "Failure" only "Feedback": Lately one of my old students met me in the shops and told me he has failed one of his subjects in his University course. That made me think of how often we face "failures" in life? However, in NLP, one of the presuppositions is "there are no failures only feedback". This perspective will enable you to look back and identify the way we went about doing things. For this student, the feedback is that he may not have organised his study notes as he should have or the way he processed his subject content and used it in the examination environment may not have been not appropriate. Now think of your Trial Examination's feedback" and work on it!
time during examination. When writing an answer, student should keep in mind that marker/s don't know the concepts and terms and secondly how he or she can get the marker on his or her side. The former involves defining terms, when used for the first time in the answer, for example, in Geography "Urban Places, term "Urban Sprawl" is commonly used. So student must define the term, in his or her answer. For the latter, start the answer using key words from the question, giving a broad overview in first paragraph what a marker should expect in the answer.
| Use of examples. This is very important for HSIE subjects. Students should use examples to
support their points, from media or any other sources. The above points will help students during the examination time. Now there are some motivational points that will allow focusing on the task on hand "HSC Examination.
| Learn to meditate just for 10 minutes every day. During meditation just relax and feel the feeling of achieving great examination results.
| How often have we been told how important it is to set our GOALS? But WHY is it important to have GOALS. Imagine a Captain of a ship failing to mark the course of travel from
revision of a Chapter in Mathematics, and when you achieve them, pay attention to your feelings! The feeling of accomplishment will give you confidence, faith and courage to set higher GOALS!
| Commitment to your GOAL: "Success in life depends upon going from one mistake to the next without losing your enthusiasm". While working to achieve GOALS, we sometimes enter a phase of self-doubt and feel disheartened. It is very natural as we are all humans! However, at such times just remind yourself of your commitment towards your GOAL! Commitment is a promise to yourself from which you refuse
| Power of Focus: So did you set a GOAL for yourself! Now the next step is to provide that energy which creates the momentum for you to move towards your GOAL! This energy comes from FOCUS! Let me give you an analogy! When we go out we are exposed to sunrays. On a hot day they may make you feel uncomfortable. However when you use a magnifying lens and let the sun rays pass through, the rays will have enough power to burn! So FOCUS is like a magnifying lens through which you pass your energies and these energies then propel you towards your GOAL! FOCUS creates an environment around you which allows you to be motivated to achieve your GOAL! SO GO ON TRY IT YOURELF!! Once you have set your GOALS...and are 100% FOCUSSED... all you need now is PERSISTANCE! And BELEIVE in YOURSELF!
The Australian Education Times
The Australian Education Times
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Winning strategies for upcoming test.
Career of the month
ICT for Education
The Australian
The Australian
Is this CAREER path for you? There seems to be nothing nobler than saving human lives, isn’t it? Doctors being considered as God’s friend have a profession which is often termed very noble. It is unimaginable to think of anyone who does not need a doctor at some point of their lives. Medicine is one of the very sensational and gratifying careers to choose today. Here’s an overview of stages to becoming a Doctor and to be a part of the medical profession.
Year 12 secondary education
Today in Australia, there are two types of medical degrees available: A five or six year Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery (also known as MBBS) and A four year graduate entry medical degree. When one is opting for a five or six year Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery, they will be required to complete Year 12 of secondary education and are required to attain a very high University entrance ranking. A number of medical schools require the candidate to appear in the Undergraduate Medical and Health Sciences Admission Test (UMAT) for an assessment of their personal qualities and skill to be a doctor. In addition to this, an interview with the Medical School is also a usual part of the selection procedure. When one is opting for a four year graduate entry to Medical degree, they will be required to complete a bachelor degree in any discipline. There is prerequisite to sit for the Graduate Australian Medical Schools Admissions Test, this is graduate entry equivalent to UMAT. Here also, interview by the Medical School is a part of the selection criteria.
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Undergraduate Medical & Health Sciences: Admission Test and selection interview
Beachelor degree (any discipline)
Graduate Australian Medical Schools Admissions Test and selection interview
Bachelor of Medicine & Bachelor of Surgery (MBSS) (5-6 year degree)
Graduate entry medical course: Bachelor of surgery (4 year degree)
About the subjects and courses: Presently there are 18 Medical Schools in Australia imparting solid basic knowledge of medicine and giving training in clinical skills that are required to pursue the many paths available in the medical profession. The information about each medical School and the courses offered by them is available in Australian Medical Students Association Medical School Guide. The initial journey: After completion of the medical degree, you are awarded a provisional registration and become a junior doctor which is also known as a doctor –in-training and are given an entrance to the medical workforce. This training which lasts for twelve months is called internship. The interns are required to complete a series of work rotation which gives them an exposure to a range of clinical situations and environments including surgery and emergency medicine. After a successful completion of internship a full medical registration by the relevant State Medical board is awarded. But
The Australian Education Times
before beginning of an independent medical practice, one must complete a program of postgraduate medical training and achieve a fellowship of a specialist medical college.
IS MEDICINE THE RIGHT CAREER FOR YOU? Do you like challenges? Are you interested in how human body works? Are you passionate about science? Do you care deeply for other people, their problems and their pain? Do you consider yourself as a good listener? Do you like listening to others? Does the use of medicine to improve life intrigue you? If you answered "yes" to most of these questions, then you may have the right personality for a career in medicine.
The Australian Education Times
Showcases pathways to a prospective career.
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LAPTOP versus the TABLET A
s Christmas approaches, many parents are considering purchasing their children a technological device of some sort as a gift. However, the question often remains, what do I buy? A laptop, an android device or an iPad? This is a very difficult question to answer as there are many, many things that you must consider that may impact your decision. It was Steve Jobs whom always stated at every Apple product launch that he was not designing products to replace his existing products. He was designing new products that would compliment his existing range of products. This means that nearly all of the products on the market do very different things and are designed to assist the needs of different people.
THE AGE OF YOUR CHILD The age of your child and the year they are in at school will certainly determine which device they require for their studies. In the early years of education, a tablet or iPad is extremely suitable. They are fast, easy to use and provide children with many short-step procedures to complete tasks. As your child grows and enters the phase of writing long answers to questions, essays and short stories, the need for a laptop develops. By year 6, students are expected to know how to fully utilise a computer system (PC or laptop). A laptop/ Computer offers much more functionality 18 |
than iPads and tablets offer. Although Google Apps offer free access to the Microsoft suite, children often find using these sites difficult and time consuming, particularly if they do not have regular access to the internet. By the time a child reaches high school, they should have basic knowledge of using both tablet devices and computers. As students begin to select subjects in year 9, softwares can be purchased to be installed on their laptops/computers in order for students to complete class work outside of school hours.
THE RESOURCES AVAILABLE AT YOUR CHILD'S SCHOOL Unfortunately, access to resources at each school differs greatly. Some schools offer limited wifi access whereas others offer full internet access. Some schools also require students to provide their own internet access (which can be purchased at Telstra, Optus, Vodafone etc). Apart from Internet, charging stations (to charge the BYOD), access to software, a
helpdesk (to assist your child if they are experiencing difficulties) etc are also factors of consideration. It will be pointless to purchase your child a Samsung Galaxy Tablet if all of their equipment, resources and manpower is equipped for Apple products. Speaking to the school and obtaining their technology policy or plan will assist you in determining which device to purchase.
Purchasing any technological device can be expensive. Particularly when you are required to purchase software and addons such as mouse, keyboard, printer, bag etc. Keeping in mind that the device is for a child and not yourself and that the chances of the device being dropped, broken, getting a virus or stolen is a very important. As many schools are not offering insurances or financial support to fix/replace the devices of students, purchasing insurance for the device may be another cost to your family. Purchasing a cheaper device that is regularly backed up onto an external USB or via iCloud will still provide your child with the same opportunities other children are exposed too.
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Enhance learning with technology with in depth reports and product reviews.
Success Story
Literacy Corner and Magic Maths
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Education Times SUCCESS STORY
The Australian
10 Insightful Questions to Michelle Rowland, MP for Greenway
support in the community and then I had to plan a campaign and work towards getting elected.
was your childhood like? 1 How I had a very happy childhood. Being
Being a woman and a mother, is it hard to be a politician ? I think it's hard to be a woman and a mother full stop. There are lot of challenges as we are from the generation where we are the ones being in the parliament, having babies, having successful careers.
he young reporters of "The NEWS CREW" Elizabeth, Stephanie, Sienna and Mausam recently sat down with Ms Michelle Rowland, MP for Greenway, for an exclusive interview about her successsul jouney in politics.
the youngest of four, I was the pampered one. I loved going to school and enjoyed the school holiday, playing cricket in the backyard. During holidays, we would go on trips to Entrance, Gold Coast just about every year. What schools did you attend? I went to Our Lady of Mercy College Parramatta for my high school, and then studied law at University of Sydney.
When did you choose to become a
3 politician and why?
Sometimes you don't choose politics, politics chooses you, but I think I made my decision when I was in High School, since then I was very interested in politics, history and the way the government worked and after that I got involved with students' politics in the university and then I was elected to the Blacktown council and became a member for the Greenway. What step did you take towards becoming a politician? I guess the first step I took was to make a decision, discussed with my family and then decided that this is what I wanted to do. I also had to make sure that I had
Having a tough time with Sentence Variety? Everyone wants to improve their writing style, don’t they? So the best way for this is to improve the variety of your sentence structures. People who are professional writers change the subject-verb-object pattern with other grammatical sentence structures. One of the simplest way for good sentence variety will be fifty percent subject-verb-object sentence openers and fifty percent other grammatical sentence opener forms. So to add spice and flair to your writing try these sentence openers.
are people who advocate for different causes like people who are war veterans, people who are very passionate about certain diseases, raising awareness, getting funding for them. So lot of my role involves either assisting with these causes and listening about them and often these people need funding and government help so my role involves in staying in touch with people and letting them know that I can be approached and hopefully help out.
To improve your writing style, start your sentence with a phrase beginning with one of these common prepositions: aboard, about, above, according to, across, after, against, along, among, around, as, as to, at, before, behind, below, beneath, beside, between,
Remember: Always Place a comma after a prepositional phrase sentence opener when a noun or pronoun follows. Example Behind the haunted house, he found the missing watch
Start with a word or phrase that describes a proper noun, common noun, or pronoun with How Many? Which One? or What Kind? Remember: Place a comma after an adjective or adjective phrase sentence opener. Examples Fuming, the man refused to leave. Happy as always, the kids played in the park.
Start with a word that answers these questions: How? When? Where? or What Degree? Many adverbs end in __ly. Remember: Usually place a comma after an adverb sentence opener if the adverb is emphasized. Example
What is your favourite book of all time? I really liked reading "Withering Heights" and "Julius Caesar". I think Julius Caesar is very well written and there are some very good lessons to be learnt from it, like how to approach people, not being proud, being humble.
9 In politics I haven't had that many mentors but I do learn from a lot of people in an informal sense. I had very good mentors in private sector when I was working as a lawyer, as it was much more structured. So I don't tend to do things formally but I call on a lot of people, even who are younger than me. I also offer mentoring to younger people who are in school and who are interested not only in politics but also in law and different policy areas like education.
8 community?
There are many different roles, a lot of them involve community groups approaching me and letting me know what they are doing and then there
Watch this interview online @
What is your role in developing the
Start a phrase with an __ing word that serves as a noun.
Remember: Usually do not place a comma after the sentence opener. Examples: (Adjective) Falling rapidly, the people were crying for help. (Noun) Smelling the sauce makes them hungry for food.
Start a dependent clause (a noun and verb that does not express a complete thought) with one of the following subordinating conjunctions to improve writing style: after, although, as, as if, as long as, as much as, as soon as, as though, because, before, even if, even though, how, if, in order that, once, since, so that, than, that, though, unless, until, when, whenever, where, wherever, whether, or while. Remember: Place a comma after an adverbial clause that begins a sentence. Example Although better known for its winter activities, Snowy mountains offers much during the summer.
__D, __ED, OR __EN VERBS
Start a phrase with Having and then add a verb that ends in __d, __ed, or __en to serve as an adjective or a noun, referring to something that happened in the past to improve writing style. Remember: Usually place a comma after the sentence opener. Example: (Adjective) Having listened to his mother, he saved himself from getting into trouble.
Start with a group of words that acts as the subject of a sentence beginning with: How, However, What, Whatever, When, Whenever, Where, Wherever, Which, Whichever, Who, Whoever, or Whomever to improve writing style.
Start with To and then add the base form of a verb to improve writing style. Add related words to create a phrase. Remember: Place a comma after the sentence opener, if a noun follows. Examples To smile, even if you are sad, takes great effort. To ride the car, he had to get a license.
Start a phrase with an __ing word that acts as an adjective to improve writing style. Remember: Usually place a comma after the sentence opener.
The Australian Education Times
Remember: Usually place a comma after the sentence opener. Examples Terrified by the noise, I ran out of the house. Eating hastily, the little boy choked on his food.
What advice would you like to 10 give to our viewers? I tend not to give advice but I certainly give my point of view and let people judge if it's a good advice. But if I had to give advice to young people like you I would say "Nothing beats hard work" , "Nothing beats making sure that you are as prepared as you can be".
Everywhere, the people were running; Quickly, the artists changed their outfits.
Start with a __d or __ed verb, acting as an adjective, when combined with a prepositional phrase, or an __en verb, when combined with an adverb to improve writing style.
Do you have any mentors ?
How do you spend your day at work? Every day is different. Some days, I attend a lot of functions one after the other. Some days I do a lot of media, so am often at TV studios, radio stations. Some days like a lot of the schools are coming up with their presentation days, so I spend all day at school and some days I get to be here at my office, meeting people. So a lot of my time is spent working out how I am going to get organised getting from one place to another.
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beyond, but, by, despite, down, during, except, for, from, in, inside, instead of, into, in place of, in spite of, like, near, next, of, off, on, onto, outside, out of, over, past, regardless of, since, than, through, throughout, to, toward, under, underneath, unlike, until, up, upon, with, within, without
Remember: Place a comma after the noun clause when used as a sentence opener if it does not serve as the subject of the sentence. Example However the question was answered, they still won the quiz.
Start with a possessive pronoun (my, mine, our, your, his, her, or their) followed by a verb with a d, __ed, or __en ending to serve as a noun phrase that provides information, but no grammatical connection with the rest of the sentence. Remember: A comma is placed at the end of the nominative absolute when it opens a sentence. Example His friends angry and hurt, he promised to change the way things were.
The Australian Education Times
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The Australian Education Times
Insight to the inspirational journey of Successful Achievers.
Provides practical resources for academic excellence in literacy and numeracy.
Outstanding School
Focus on University
The Australian
The Australian
German International School Sydney
he German International School Sydney (GISS) based on Sydney's Northern Beaches provides a multilingual education in a multicultural environment. Students are afforded a complete education system from Preschool to Year 12 (International Baccalaureate IB Diploma Program). Students do not need to speak or have knowledge of the German language to attend the German International School Sydney. However, all students from preschool to Year 12 have the opportunity to learn German, while students from Years 6 to 12 have the added benefit of embracing additional languages including French and Spanish.
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With manageable class sizes, our teachers are fully committed to helping students achieve the best results they can. It's this philosophy that has seen our students exceed on both academic and personal development levels.
IB - SENIOR SECONDARY Years 11 & 12 at GISS undertake the comprehensive two year IB (International Baccalaureate diploma program) involving a curriculum model which is focused on six academic areas including Studies in Language & Literature, Language Acquisition, Individual and Societies,
Experimental Sciences, Mathematics and the Arts. The course encourages critical thinking and independent study, helping students prepare for university and life beyond their school years. Our Year 12 students obtained a 100 per cent pass rate for the International Baccalaureate (IB) diploma for the 2013 academic year, compared to the worldwide average of 78.44 per cent for the same period. Boasting a remarkable 35.6 (out of a possible 45) average total points, which equates to an Australian Tertiary Admissions Rank (ATAR) score of 94.30, and is significantly higher than the worldwide IB average of 29.81
Language development begins even before birth and learning multiple languages has cognitive advantages on all areas of learning and should be initiated as early as possible. To this end, learning languages is a focal point in our Primary school with six English and five German lessons undertaken by students each week. Other classes include Maths, Social Studies, Art, Music, PE, Library as well as Supervised Homework Time. During the Primary years teachers usually accompany their class for a minimum of two years which allows our teachers the luxury of developing a close and trusting relationship with students and their parents.
JUNIOR SECONDARY SCHOOL (YEARS 5 TO 10) At our international campus we offer a unique high school education with students enrolling in Year 7 without prior knowledge of German, joining the students coming through from our Primary School. Students are integrated
into many different cultures and form part of a truly international community. The Junior Secondary School's internationally recognised academic standards enable students from both streams to transfer smoothly to our IB Diploma Program or other international schools.
The Australian Education Times
Our pre-schoolers are aged three to five and are provided with a creative and interactive curriculum that is embedded in the Early Years Framework for Australia "Being, Belonging and Becoming". Whether arriving to Sydney from abroad, coming from another preschool or starting preschool for the first time; the German International School Sydney Preschool is open to all children. Our preschool philosophy is to ensure each child's ideas take priority over planned programs and their needs considered of primary importance in forming their daily activities. Providing a positive educational environment is of utmost importance to enhancing a child's receptiveness to learn. The daily preschool program is relatively flexible, shaped around a combination of opportunities to play freely, to participate in guided activities including small group activities, circle times, mealtimes and quiet times. The overall preschool framework includes a strong focus on equipping children with the skills and dispositions that will assist with their transition to school and beyond. The GISS Preschool is one of the pilot schools for the "Little Scientists" program, shaping the inquiring and handson approach to learning in the sciences. To organise a tour of the German International School Sydney please call: 02 9485 1900 to make an appointment or visit:
The Australian Education Times
Explains what makes “The outstanding school” different from others.
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Positively educated:
iving the fullest life we can, and preparing our children and young people to do the same, is a challenge for us all. The popular new discipline of positive psychology shows us how. 20 |
Positive psychology was pioneered in the United States fifteen years ago by academics like Professor Martin Seligman and the late Professor Chris Peterson. It has since exploded in popularity globally, and here in Australia the University
preparing children to live the full life
of Melbourne's Graduate School of Education has embraced its potential. With a Centre for Positive Psychology and a Master of Applied Positive Psychology (MAPP) launched earlier this year, the Graduate School has invested
The Australian Education Times
Provides practical and valuable insights to education, keeping Universities in fore front.
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