Contact with us One of the reasons why our overall satisfaction score had gone up was that we had improved our response when tenants contacted us with any queries.
h. Keeping you informed about things that affect you as a tenant
79 This meant that 85% of tenants were satisfied with the outcome of their most recent query, which was much higher than the average score one would expect to see (72%). g. Satisfaction with the ďŹ nal outcome of your query
85% In fact, we had made significant improvements on six of the eight questions that we asked about customer service.
Communication and information We were pleased to see that the vast majority of you thought we were good at keeping you informed about the things that affect you (94%), which is 11% higher than the average score other housing associations achieve.
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You also told us that we had made our letters and rent statements easier to understand since 2008.
Tenant involvement The vast majority of you felt that we listened to your views and acted upon them, with 84% positive compared to only 7% who were dissatisfied. A very similar proportion also said that we give tenants the opportunity to take part in decision making (81%). i. SatisďŹ ed that we listen to your views and act upon them
Thank you! We would like to thank all of you who took the time to take part in the survey - the information that you provided will play an important role in improving our services in the future.
We ran our tenant satisfaction survey between August and October 2011 using an independent company named ARP Research. This survey is very important to us, and has helped us to understand what tenants think of their homes, neighbourhood and the service we provide. It has also helped us understand how you think we should improve our services in the future. The survey was sent to all of our tenants, and was also available online. We had 487 completed questionnaires, which was 50% of those we sent out. This is a very good response rate, and was a lot higher than our last tenant survey (37%). This survey followed on from one we carried out in 2008, and also used many questions from a standard national questionnaire. This meant that we were able to compare many of the results with the 2008 survey, as well as against other similar housing providers across the country. This leaflet tells you some of the main results from the survey.
Overall satisfaction
b. What more would you like us to do?
We are pleased to see that the overall satisfaction level with the service our residents have received is extremely good - 91% of you said that you were satisfied while only 5% were dissatisfied. This rating was even higher for tenants living in sheltered or older persons properties (96%).
Help with reducing energy bills
Our satisfaction rate is also 7% higher than the average for other housing providers against whom we compare ourselves. a. Overall satisfaction with the service provided by Taff
Better information on improvement work
Improved repair appointment system
Easier to get help with money/benefits
The clear top priority was help with reducing energy bills, so it is good that around three quarters of tenants were still satisfied with the running costs of their heating and hot water.
Your home
91% The main issues that tenants seemed to be thinking about when they answered this question were value for money of the rent, the general condition of their homes and their experiences when contacting Taff with any queries.
Most tenants were satisfied with the general condition of their home (88%), a result which was slightly higher than the score in 2008 (85%). When we asked about the individual features of your home, most of the scores were the same as they had been in 2008.
Future priorities
c. Satisfaction with the condition of your home
We asked you to tell us what your priorities were for improving our services in the future.
very negative
very positive
The exception was showers and bathrooms, where our investment in improvements meant that satisfaction had gone up a lot, from 69% to 82%.
Value for money Most of you felt that the rent you pay represents good value for money (84%), whilst only 9% believe that it is poor value. This is important at a time when the economy is affecting many of our tenants.
There had been an e. ASB or neighbour increase since nuisance in last year? 2008 in how many Yes of you reported this 33 to us (52%), and we have become a lot quicker in No dealing with it (71% NR 65 3 v 52%).
Repairs and maintenance
Your neighbourhood
Repairs and maintenance is very important to you, so we are pleased that the satisfaction rating for this service had gone up a long way in the last few years. It was also 10% higher than the average for other housing associations we were compared against.
Most tenants were also happy with the neighbourhood in which they lived (80%), and this rating stayed similar across the different areas.
One of the reasons for this is that you told us that quality of repairs was higher, and that we completed them quicker than we did in 2008.
Most tenants who paid a service charge were also satisfied (65%), although in this case 17% were dissatisfied.
d. Satisfaction with this neighbourhood as a place to live
80% Around half of you said that what you liked most about your neighbourhood were your neighbours and the lack of trouble. Nevertheless, around a third of you had also experienced some form of neighbour nuisance or anti-social behaviour in the last year.
However, it was still important to you that we do more to improve the repairs appointment system, with 77% of tenants supporting evening and weekend appointments. f. Satisfaction with the way we deal with repairs and maintenance 100
90 90 80
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