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Summer Life @ Taft
Our student union (or as we call it at Taft, the “Jig”) comes equipped with pool and ping pong tables, a digital video jukebox with touchscreen music selection, a multizone sound system, and a flat panel television with a surround sound theater.


Everyday and everything has been my favorite memory at Taft.
HOMETOWN: Cumming, Georgia
PASSION: I am young and still trying to discover my passion, and the summer program definitely helped point me in the right direction.
GOALS FOR THE SUMMER: To enjoy the experience, have fun, and enhance my learning to prepare for high school.
FIRST IMPRESSION: I thought the campus was beautiful, and it was way larger than I imagined.
FAVORITE CLASS: My favorite class was definitely computer science, which was taught by Mr. Leong. FAVORITE SPORT: Squash, which was coached by the teaching fellows. It was a sport that I never tried before, so it was a new and fun experience.
FAVORITE FOOD IN THE DINING HALL: Definitely the ice cream!
FAVORITE MEMORY: The final dance because I got to hang out with all of the friends I made during the program.

I had an absolute blast this summer! Along with becoming more confident in who I am and becoming more responsible, I am proud of overcoming the challenges of leaving my family and traveling to Connecticut alone. The things I learned will stay with me forever, and the friendships I made will last for a lifetime.