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All too often, well-meaning travelers visit a country with the hopes of “fixing” things. But this mindset can leave them disappointed because successful projects start with the needs of the community — not the intentions of the traveler. Effective nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) and nonprofits enjoy a strong and ongoing relationship with local residents and have a deep understanding of the area’s culture and history. These community enrichment programs thrive because locals work closely with their NGO partners to identify challenges and ways to overcome them.
INTHA HOMEBUILDING PROJECT: Myanmar is a stunning paradise offering white-sand beaches, rugged highlands, lush jungles, and the majestic Inle Lake — the country’s second largest freshwater lake. The shores of the nearly 14-mile-long lake are dotted with floating villages and vegetable gardens, and sadly, hundreds of impoverished families who cannot afford adequate housing.
TAKE ACTION: Most Inle Lake residents belong to the Intha group, famously known for their leg rowing technique. During a visit to the area, travelers can participate in a housebuilding project, which provides new, locally constructed home for families living in perilous structures. Even those who don’t know which end of the hammer to hold can be of service — and doing so means your contribution will have a long-lasting impact on a family in need. To date, traveling philanthropists have helped build more than 100 safe and sanitary single-family homes near Inle Lake.
COMETA: It’s difficult to imagine yet another reason to love Italy, but in the event you do, consider Cometa. This nonprofit organization helps at-risk kids and their families by providing access to tutors, job training opportunities, and recreational activities after school. The program offers a community hub of sorts that boasts an educational facility, sports field, and skills development center designed to help the less advantaged learn a trade and build relationships through teamwork. And the results are impressive! Since its inception, Cometa has influenced over 1,300 kids, 75 percent of which have found work within seven months of graduation.
TAKE ACTION: Guests can visit the establishment and receive hands-on experience working alongside the kids while they learn cooking, gardening, woodworking, and more.
DID YOU KNOW? Sometimes benefiting a community is as easy as ordering from a menu. When dining out, look to support locally restaurants