EliteGen, Escape to Paradise: Discover jagged volcanic peaks, tranquil turquoise waters...

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May/Jun 2022 Vol. 63 Toronto

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Bioeffect’s fountain of youth


Dior scent for men packs a punch

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EscapE to paradisE discover jagged volcanic peaks, tranquil turquoise waters and white-sand beaches in French polynesia Story & Photography | Renée S. Suen 即使只是想象也已令人悠然神往,更遑論真的身處其中——被南 太平洋溫暖的蔚藍海水環繞,由118個島嶼和環礁組成,面積如歐洲大 小的法屬波利尼西亞;在5個主要島群中,以Society島群最大,除了 包括Windward島,還有首都Papeete所在的大溪地島,以及有着L’Ile Vanille、Taha'a和最受歡迎蜜月勝地Bora Bora的Leeward島。 在這樣的度假天堂,疏落有致的度假村林立,住宿的套間房子矗 立在如水晶般清澈的潟湖上。色彩繽紛的熱帶魚游來游去,鬱鬱蔥蔥 的棕櫚樹遍植於環礁上,遊人可選擇從大溪地的Faa'a國際機場乘搭飛 機或船到達不同島嶼。雖然很多地方都接受美元,但主要貨幣是太平 洋法郎。

隱世寶藏Le Taha'a by Pearl Resorts 追尋低調魅力,寧靜輕鬆氛圍的話,地形如花朵的Taha'a便不容 錯過。這裡彷彿洋溢着雲呢拿的香氣,皆因這裡正是Tahitian雲呢拿的 主要生產地、除了可順道到Vallée De La Vanille參觀雲呢拿種植場, 亦可到由家族經營的Iaora珍珠養殖場採購黑珍珠,淺酌Domaine Pari Pari釀製的當地rum酒,到Coral Gardens和Tautau人跡罕至的水域浮 潛,跟七彩繽紛的熱帶魚來個近距離接觸。

Surrounded by the warm, cerulean waters of the South Pacific, French Polynesia is a collection of 118 islands and atolls scattered across an area the size of Europe. Of the five archipelagos, the Society Islands is the largest. It includes the Windward Islands, plus the country’s capital of Papeete, on the island of Tahiti, and the Leeward Islands that include L’Ile Vanille, Taha’a and perennial honeymooner favourite Bora Bora. Filled with manicured resorts, some perched over crystalline lagoons with tropical fish, the network of islands is reachable by plane or boat from Faa’a International Airport in Tahiti. Here, the Pacific Franc is the chosen currency, although many accept US dollars.

TUckEd AWAy gEm: LE TAHA’A By PEArL rESOrTS For understated charm, a relaxed atmosphere and fragrant vanillakissed breezes, look no further than the quiet, flower-shaped island of Taha’a. consider a visit to the Vallée de La Vanille plantation, producer of Tahiti’s world-renowned vanilla, or the family-owned Iaorana Pearl Farm for black pearls. Sip local rum distilled by domaine Pari Pari, or find serenity snorkelling in the lesser-trekked waters and discover a colourful array of tropical fish in the coral garden and Tautau. Le Taha'a的主游泳池。 The main swimming pool at Le Taha’a. ELITEGEN

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Tehutu酒吧就在Le Hawaiki Nui at Le Taha'a by Pearl Resorts入口處。 Tehutu Bar at the entrance of Le Hawaiki Nui at Le Taha’a by Pearl Resorts.

穿過位於Motu Tautau隱秘入口處,猶如進入另一 國度——精緻、富有文化、跟大自然交融的Le Taha'a。 作為法屬波利尼西亞唯一的Relais et Châteaux成員,這 家溫馨的5星級酒店隱藏在波浪環繞的北面礁石中,客人 可以選擇住宿套房或別墅;既有坐落在迷人的潟湖上的 48座水上平房,還有10座單臥室海灘別墅,以及兩座配 備雙臥室和私人游泳池的臨海別墅。 四周盡是茂密熱帶樹林,這裡的建築物靈感來自 傳統的波利尼西亞建築,以竹子、木材、石材和珊瑚作 建築材料,配合茅草造的露兜樹屋頂、Marquesan樹 皮做的簾幕和椰子衣編成的繩索。遊客除了在潟湖中游 泳、於海灘曬日光浴、到室外的泳池游泳,還可享受Le Taha'a豐富的設施和活動,包括健身中心、網球場、水 肺潛水和浮潛中心。當中的T vai水療中心,所使用的 monoi,是一種傳統的波利尼西亞保濕劑,將Tiaré花的 香氣注入純椰子油中,透過按摩或裹敷,令身心都得以 洗滌舒暢。同時亦有遠足、吉普車旅行、划船探險和直 升機觀光等活動。 Le Taha'a有三間餐廳,讓客人享受Relais et Châteaux美食之旅︰海濱的Titiraina餐廳是享用露天午 餐的理想場所,烤肉以外,亦有清鮮的大溪地吞拿魚沙 律,客人也可每周一次自選當地鮮魚作菜;Bar Manuia 是提供小吃和美酒的池畔酒吧,The Tiki則是於歡樂時光


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Located on the secluded inlet of motu Tautau, Le Taha’a transports guests to a timeless space where sophistication, culture and nature intersect. As the only relais et châteaux member in French Polynesia, this intimate five-star property is tucked within the wave-fringed north reef and offers guests a choice of suites and villas. The property has 48 overwater bungalows that are nestled over a stunning lagoon, in addition to 10 one-bedroom beach villas and two royal beach villas featuring two bedrooms and a plunge pool. Built around existing lush foliage, the tropical sanctuary is inspired by traditional Polynesian architecture that uses a mix of bamboo, exotic woods, stones and coral, along with thatched pandanus roofs, marquesan “tapa” cloths and woven coconut “nape” ropes. It’s easy to feel welcomed at this getaway, thanks to the knowledgeable staff members, who exude warm Tahitian hospitality. you can choose to bob in the shimmering lagoon, or relax on the beach or by the outdoor infinity pool. Or, you can enjoy the other Le Taha’a amenities and activities, including a fitness centre, tennis courts, scuba diving and a snorkeling centre. The T vai Spa can help restore your mind-body balance. It incorporates monoi, a traditional Polynesian moisturizer that infuses the delicate aromas of the Tiaré flower into pure coconut oil for use in massages, body exfoliations and wraps. There are also excursions like hiking, jeep safari tours, boating adventures and helicopter services, but resting and relaxing is the preferred activity for most at this quiet and calm haven. When it comes to on-site dining, Le Taha’a’s three restaurants take guests on a culinary journey worthy of the relais et châteaux designation. The beachside Titiraina restaurant is a perfect retreat for an al fresco lunch of grilled meat or fish, including a catch-of-the-day special, and refreshing poisson cru, a salad of raw tuna marinated with vegetables, lime juice and freshly squeezed coconut milk.

坐在Le Taha'a水上屋的甲板上,欣賞淺潟湖的寧靜景色。 The peaceful view from the shallow lagoon just off the deck of one of the overwater bungalow suites at Le Taha’a.

美味又美觀的大溪地吞拿魚沙律。 Titiraina Restaurant serves a refined poisson cru that’s not only a delight to eat, but presents the raw tuna and vegetables salad in an elegant manner.

和黃昏享用雞尾酒和精選小吃的另一家酒吧。打算好好 享受一頓晚餐的話,可以到供應富創意法式波利尼西亞 美食,搭配各種知名葡萄酒的Ohiri餐廳。 位於樹木之間,俯瞰Taha'a潟湖和度假村花園的主 餐廳Le Hawaiki Nui,供應早餐和晚餐,擅長烹製國際 美食和當地特色菜。在這裡可品嚐雲呢拿rum酒鴨肝醬 或是當地傳統美食korori,那是將在溫暖波利尼西亞水域 生長的珍珠母肉,以酸橘汁醃製,配合芒果、Taha'a的 特級初榨椰子油和松露來提升味道。每個星期二,更會 有現場波利尼西亞表演。追求浪漫時刻的話,可以選擇 由獨木舟將早餐送到房間,在潟湖中間的心形沙洲上享 用私人午餐,又或是在海灘、套房或別墅的私密環境中 享用晚餐。 如何到達:距離Raiatea機場35分鐘車程;從 Tapuamu搭乘度假村的穿梭船5分鐘;或從Bora Bora島 乘坐直升機15分鐘,即可抵達。 Le Taha'a Island Resort & Spa;雙人收費每晚由 $1250起(亦有旅遊套餐供選擇)

Le Hawaiki Nui 供應的美食 korori。 At Le Hawaiki Nui, the traditional korori (mother-of-pearl mussel) delicacy is served as a ceviche with mango, extra virgin coconut oil and truffle.

meanwhile, the Bar manuia offers a pool-side tipple with light snacks. For happyand evening-hour cocktails served with the chef’s tapas selection, head to the Tiki Bar. Those seeking a gourmet experience should find time for dinner at the elegant Ohiri restaurant, which serves creative French-Polynesian cuisine paired with a diverse selection of renowned wines. The main restaurant, Le Hawaiki Nui, specializes in contemporary international and local specialties. It’s here that you can savour vanilla rum duck foie gras. Open for breakfast and dinner, the space is set amongst the trees overlooking the Taha’a lagoon and the resort’s lush gardens. Every Tuesday, it’s also the site of a live Polynesian show. Those seeking a private, romantic moment can choose between a breakfast delivered by canoe to your room, a private lunch on a heart-shaped sandbank in the middle of the lagoon, or dinner on the beach or in the privacy of the suite or villa. How to get there: 35 minutes from the raiatea airport, or five minutes away from the village of Tapuamu with the resort’s shuttle boats; a 15-minute helicopter ride from Bora Bora. Le Taha’a Island resort & Spa BP 67 Patio, Taha’a, 98733 +689 40 50 76 01 $1,250/night (package rates available)


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鳥瞰St Regis Bora Bora。 Bora Bora is known as the Pearl of the South Seas. (Image courtesy of John Kincaid)


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St. Regis Bora Bora的私家Lagoonarium是熱帶魚和珊瑚的水底樂園。 The St. Regis Bora Bora’s private Lagoonarium is an underwater sanctuary of tropical fish and coral.

奢華度假勝地: St. Regis Bora Bora Resort 有 「南海明珠」 之稱的的Bora Bora島被視為浪漫聖地——豪華度假村, 從白色沙灘延伸出來、波光粼粼的乳白色水域;鬱鬱蔥蔥的睡火山島有雄 偉的Mount Otemanu和Mount Pahi山峰,周圍環繞着世界上最美麗的潟湖 之一;熱帶主題公園不但可以觀賞巍峨山景,亦可遊船河,在淺水區跟黑 鰭礁鯊和魔鬼魚暢泳和浮潛,甚至划艇到僻靜的海灘等。 對只講求一流服務和頂級旅遊體驗、不惜腰間錢的遊客來說,St. Regis Bora Bora是不二選擇。由抵達機場那一刻起,已有工作人員等候, 乘坐專車到達度假村,同時獲安排專屬管家,提供24小時鉅細無遺的周到 服務,包括收拾行李、熨衣服、準時喚客人起床並安排茶水等。每位客人 亦會各自獲安排一輛單車,方便於居住期間穿梭面積達44英畝的度假村。 寬敞的客房面積由1,550平方呎起,以富島國風情的高質木材、手工 編織布料和本土藝術作布置。當中的水上屋很受蜜月新婚夫婦歡迎,最近 剛翻新過,在房間地下配設玻璃面板,可以清楚看到下方的潟湖景觀,同 時有獨立休憩空間,露台設置可在內用餐的涼亭。而更高一級的豪華水上 屋,更設有按摩浴缸和戶外花灑。作為適合家庭入住的度假村,St. Regis Bora Bora還擁有海濱或海景礁石花園別墅,提供皇室般待遇,包括私人海 灘,以及應客人要求的私人廚師。

LAVISH rETrEAT: ST. rEgIS BOrA BOrA rESOrT known as The Pearl of the South Seas, Bora Bora is a bucket-list destination for romance. Admired for its unrivalled landscape of luxurious resorts, the island is home to pampering hospitality and sparkling opalescent waters that stretch out from white sand beaches. Featuring the majestic, jagged peaks of mount Otemanu and mount Pahia, the lush green, dormant volcano island is nearly an atoll with a wide reef that encircles one of the world’s most beautiful lagoons. A tropical theme park that has unforgettable mountain views, you can easily spend a day on a boat, swimming in shallow waters with black-tip reef sharks and rays, snorkeling, kayaking, or relaxing on a secluded beach. catering to discerning and deep-pocketed patrons, the luxury leader is St. regis Bora Bora resort with its impeccable service and incomparable hospitality. From the moment you arrive at the airport, you are escorted by the resort’s shuttle directly to the elegant tropical retreat.

五星級度假村St. Regis Bora Bora的房間至少也有1,550平方呎,並有管家服務。 The spacious suites at St. Regis Bora Bora start at 1,550 square feet and include an assortment of experiences, including the five-star resort’s signature butler service.

Tour the sprawling 18-hectare property on bicycles assigned to each guest for the duration of the stay, before being introduced to your room’s butler. The latter, a signature St. regis service, provides 24-hour care that looks after every detail, including luggage packing and unpacking services. They will perfectly press your suit or dress, or arrange coffee and tea service with your morning wake up-calls. The spacious accommodations start at 1,550 square feet and are luxuriously wrapped with warm exotic noble woods, handwoven fabrics and regional art. Popular with honeymooning couples, the seductive and recently refreshed overwater bungalow-style suites feature a bedroom with an adjoining bathroom resplendent with Italian marble. With plenty of glass panels overlooking the aqua lagoon waters below, the suites have a separate lounge and open terrace with a dining gazebo. Premium suites have decks with whirlpools and outdoor showers. The family-friendly resort also has exquisitely designed beachside and reef-side garden villas with royal treatment that includes a private chef on request and a private beach. Spend your vacation relaxing on the property’s three beaches, or try water activities, such as kayaking and paddleboarding. retreat to the adults-only Oasis pool, or splash around in the family-friendly main pool before enjoying a cocktail at the swim-up bar. For a truly spectacular experience, snorkel at the private Lagoonarium, where you can get close and personal with the colourful marine life. Learn about the protective efforts being made during the public fish feeding by the property’s marine specialist, damien mainnemare. roam through kincaid galleries in the concierge lounge for limitededition prints by John kincaid that can be shipped free of charge. Pop into maeva Boutique for unique souvenirs, which might include creating your own monoï oil or other keepsakes. This is also where you can purchase special environmentally respectful fish food for feeding the inhabitants of the Lagoonarium.

工作人員準備早餐之時,另有人先請客人來個短程獨木舟遊。 The luxurious Canoe Breakfast includes the chance to take a ride in the lagoon as breakfast is being set up.


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從207米高的Mont Popoti山峰向下望,觀看Bora Bora的潟湖如何從綠松石化作藍寶石色澤。 The view from Mont Popoti. See how Bora Bora’s large lagoon abruptly changes from turquoise to sapphire from 200 metres above.

度假村共有三個私家沙灘,最宜進行獨木舟和單 槳衝浪等水上活動。主泳池以外,亦有僅供成人使用的 Oasis泳池。然而必試的是到度假村的私人潟湖浮潛,近 距離接觸棲息在珊瑚礁保護區內的海洋生物。每星期三 次,集團的海洋專家Damien Mainnemare會於公開餵魚 時段,分享更多保護海洋生物的知識。 在禮賓休閒區可以找到不少別緻的手信︰在Kincaid 畫廊選購John Kincaid的限量作品後,可免費付運;在 Maeva精品店調製自己的專屬大溪地monoï精油,同時在 這裡買到特製的環保魚糧,適合用於Lagoonarium餵魚。 度假村有適合不同年齡層的設施和安排,配備肌 力訓練和符合人體工程的先進設備的健身中心;面積達 13,000平方呎的Iridium水療中心就在Lagoonarium的中 心位置,提供傳統波利尼西亞Taurumi全身按摩、針對深 層組織的Balinese Puai按摩、熱石、黑珍珠磨砂和24K 鍍金面膜等。 度假村的5家餐廳則讓客人大飽口福,食物以外, 送餐過程也令人難忘。選擇留房吃早餐的話,會由專人 划着獨木舟把早餐送過來,接你來一個潟湖短途獨木舟 遊。回到自己的水上屋,工作人員已布置好露台早餐, 讓你在天堂一樣的晨光中開始美好的一天。 Te Pahu餐廳的早餐款式豐富,有每日更換的健康 果汁、乳酪凍糕和水果沙律,配搭經典的法式多士和是 日熏魚和吞拿魚刺身。星期三是Moana之夜,餐廳會 提供6道菜的品嚐菜單,包括新鮮的當地漁穫,如長吻 裸頰鯛製的魚餅、濃味的油泡蝦和箭魚他他。至於Bam Boo,則是供應日本和中國風味美食,例如壽司、鐵 板燒和小炒等;在Far Niente可享用傳統意大利美食; Aparima酒吧是客人享用便餐的首選,可以一邊享受悠 閒的時光,一邊欣賞海灘全景。


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Those wishing to maintain their workout regime will find a Fitness centre that’s fully furnished with sophisticated strength-training and ergonomically advanced equipment. Others may wish to unwind with a body nurturing treatment at Iridium Spa. Feel rejuvenated with the traditional Polynesian Taurumi, a medium-pressure massage, or the deep-tissue Balinese Puai, which employs long strokes, pressure points and stretching. There’s also the miri miri oil massage that uses Tahitian-grown basil in an invigorating treatment. But it’s the 13,000-square-foot spa’s location in the heart of the Lagoonarium that is worth carving out an afternoon to bask in. Few things can match the absolute serenity felt gazing at an unobstructed view of mount Otemanu while sinking your toes into the fine sand of its tranquil beach with schools of tropical fish swimming by. The resort’s culinary program offers guest plenty to indulge in at its five different restaurants, in addition to in-room dining or a private arranged beachside dinner. For something truly special, wake up to a canoe breakfast delivered to your suite by an outrigger canoe. Enjoy a short canoe cruise around the pristine blue lagoon as the attentive staff set up your terrace breakfast spread that you can indulge in while admiring the morning sun’s glow over the dreamy island paradise. There’s Te Pahu restaurant for an elevated breakfast experience that includes a juice-yogurt parfait fruit salad amuse bouche trio before launching into refined made-to-order numbers that include French toast, daily smoked fish and tuna sashimi. Wednesdays are moana Night, where the restaurant’s kitchen creates a contemporary six-course tasting menu, including delightful long-nose Emperor fish cakes, punchy moorea’s shrimp pil pil and smoked swordfish tartare. meanwhile, Bam Boo serves Japanese- and chinese-inspired fusion cuisine that showcases sushi with teppanyaki and wok cooking. Far Niente caters to those seeking traditional Italian fare and Aparima Bar is the guests’ choice for light meals, including poisson cru and cocktails like the watermelon-spiked Bora. For the ultimate treat, make a reservation at the resort’s signature restaurant, Lagoon by Jean-georges Vongerichten. Start with a flute of champagne to open the St. regis sabering ritual that’s held each evening, before progressing to inventive cocktails on the 727 bar’s overwater terrace.

Bam Boo是提供中日美食的餐廳。 Bam Boo’s Japanese- and Chinese-inspired fusion cuisine may feature Paraha peue, a lagoon fish, from the teppan that’s served with a tropical sauce, fried rice and sautéed vegetables.

面積達13,000平方呎的Iridium水療中心位處Lagoonarium中心。 The Iridium Spa at St. Regis Bora Bora is a 13,000-square-foot haven in the middle of the Lagoonarium. Lagoon by Jean-Georges Vongerichten的菜式標榜選用法屬波利尼西亞食材。 包括改良版的大溪地紅吞拿魚沙律poisson cru。 Renowned for his French-Asian cuisine, the menu at Lagoon by JeanGeorges Vongerichten spotlights ingredients from French Polynesia, including a raw red tuna course that’s a refined version of poisson cru.

Lagoon by Jean-Georges Vongerichten是度假村 的招牌餐廳,需預訂。先來一杯香檳,然後在727水上 酒吧享用同名的的「Le 727」雞尾酒,杯中冰塊上面是 Mount Otemanu山峰輪廓,配以精緻小點,如鬆脆的帕 爾馬油條和迷你松露炸丸子,邊觀賞日落邊享受美食。 透過通透的玻璃牆,坐在Lagoon內可欣賞到Mount Otemanu山峰的壯麗景色,被認為是Bora Bora島的頂 級餐廳。主廚Vongerichten擅長烹製著名的法式亞洲美 食,菜單突出了來自法屬波利尼西亞的食材,可以單點 菜餚,又或是享用招牌品嚐菜單。品嚐菜單內有5道菜, 包括當地漁民的漁穫、新鮮榨取的椰奶,以及由可可製 成的朱古力等。搭配特選法國酒單,精緻含蓄,和諧共 融。 餐廳廚師Nicholas Nguyen設計的菜式包括︰鷹嘴 豆蝦沙律、跟着是改良版的大溪地吞拿魚沙律poisson cru、烤八爪魚配大豆和芝麻調味的白椰菜沙律、烤罕見 的珊瑚魚uravena和八角汁照燒雞肉等。圓滿的一餐自然 不可少了甜品,雞尾酒pina colada作靈感的芝士蛋糕是 點睛之作。 如何到達:Air Tahiti航空公司有需中途短暫停留的 航班飛往Bora Bora島的Motu Mute Airport Raiatea機 場,到埗後有度假村的專線車接送。亦可選擇坐私人直 升機。 St. Regis Bora Bora;雙人每晚收費由$1550起(亦 有旅遊套餐供選擇)

Offering striking views of mount Otemanu through its glass walls, Lagoon is known to attract guests from nearby resorts and is considered Bora Bora’s top dining destination. Specializing in chef Vongerichten’s renowned French-Asian cuisine, the menu spotlights ingredients from French Polynesia that can be experienced à la carte, or as part of a signature tasting menu. The latter is a five-course degustation, featuring fresh local treasures, from pristine local catches to freshly pressed coconut milk and chocolate made from cocoa sourced from the South Pacific. Paired expertly with a fine and predominantly French wine list, this is where sophistication meets restraint. Flavours dance in harmony without overwhelming one another and the quality of the ingredients are apparent. Here, chef Nicholas Nguyen’s opening volley can include lightly poached shrimp on a chickpea salad, followed by a beautiful raw red tuna course that’s a refined version of poisson cru. The latter is dotted with spicy carrot gel, pickled onions, bubbly-crisp rice crackers, cool cucumber water and sided by a shot of fresh coconut milk. Nguyen’s seared octopus course sings against a soya- and sesame-dressed white cabbage slaw that’s matched with the Brasserie de Tahiti’s Hinano amber ale. The roasted uravena—an uncommon reef fish—is an unctuous foil to the spectacular beef-red wine broth that’s poured tableside, while the unassuming challans chicken features a pan-seared supreme on pan-fried rice that’s bathed in the most sensational pho-like chicken teriyaki/star anise broth. For a lasting final impression, the meal closes with a modern pina coladainspired cheesecake, with a rich and sandy coconut sablé base and there’s a gold leaf-christened coconut sorbet, compressed pineapples and curls of fresh coconut. How to get there: Air Tahiti flies (with short stopovers) to Bora Bora’s motu mute Airport raiatea airport, where the resort’s shuttle picks you up. There is also a private helicopter pad for direct access. St. regis Bora Bora motu Ome’e Bp 506, Bora Boral + 689 60 7888 From $1,550/night (package rates available)


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