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Views We Love

Donna Woods Vista

Carl Woods adopted the Donna Woods Vista to honor the 40th anniversary of his marriage to his wife, Donna.

Ann Reynolds Vista at Barker Pass

The Ann Reynolds Vista at Barker Pass was adopted in memory of Ann Reynolds, who truly loved exploring the Tahoe region’s many hiking trails, and in particular, Barker Pass. Ann had a passion for the outdoors and was often seen leading large groups of friends and family members on hikes in search of vistas and wildflowers. Ann’s adventurous spirit, love of nature, and beautiful smile shall be remembered each time the Vista is visited.

The Power of a Legacy

In January of 2021, The Tahoe Rim Trail Association received transformative news. One of our long-time members passed away and chose to leave a percentage of their estate to the Association to preserve and protect the Tahoe Rim Trail. This incredible gift was placed in our Stewardship Fund to invest in major capital projects and program expansion. It will increase our work’s scope to maintain the trail and educate the public on sustainable recreation.

You, too, can leave a legacy to support our trails for generations to come. By joining the TRT Legacy Circle and including the TRTA in your will or estate plans, you can provide a lasting impact on the trail you love. Gifts can be designated to support a particular project or program or support the organization as a whole.

The member who provided this gift was a private person who gave quietly and didn’t want personal recognition. We did not get to thank them for including the TRTA in their estate plan before their passing. We wish we could say thank you! If you have already included the TRTA in your estate plans, please let us know so we can show our appreciation now. For more information about legacy gifts, contact Veronica Palmer veronicap@tahoerimtrail.org.

We are honored that this member entrusted us with their legacy, and we will strive to do right by their vision to protect the outdoors.

“Thank you for the gift that is the TRT! As Sacramento residents, my trail partners and I marveled at the global representation of our fellow TRT hikers, that this incredible resource that draws outdoor lovers from around the world is right in our backyard! We thank TRTA for your labor of love in providing us with this unmatched trail resource.”

—Keith Cherry #2864

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