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Colmore Business District BID

a better business environment Newsletter 2 - October 2008






We need to wo rk with your bu siness on our proposals for th e Colmore Busin ess District BID It is vitally impo rtant therefore that we are spea to the ‘right’ pe king rson.

Making the possible, possible! Welcome to our second newsletter. Much has happened over the last few weeks and we don’t just mean the turmoil in global financial markets. Whilst inevitably the fallout is affecting local business, Birmingham has over recent decades ‘ridden out the storm’ and crucially, fought back! The proposed Colmore Business District (BID) is a good example. Not, of course, because it offers a local panacea to the macro economic climate but that, as in Broad Street and Retail Birmingham, it will make the possible, possible. Gary Taylor, Chairman of the Broad Street BID and a leading champion of Birmingham’s renaissance has direct experience of the benefits that local businesses working together can bring.

Your views count – What do you want to see happen?

“ Our experience on Broad Street is that the BID has

been a key driver in enhancing the environment in many ways and also reducing crime. However, the most important role the BID plays is giving the business community a voice of influence with the resource to make things happen. The Colmore Business District BID will bring similar benefits and provide the infrastructure to enable the area to respond to the inevitable changes that occur with today’s rapidly evolving business environment.

Gary Taylor Chairman, Broad Street BID

We have made good progress with our BID preparations and with your continued support, we are optimistic that the BID will make a positive contribution to creating a better business environment for businesses, staff and visitors.

Julie Moss, City Centre Projects Manager Birmingham Ci ty Centre Partn ership t: 0121 616 2494 f: 0121 616 1629 julie.m.moss@ .uk To find out mor e, contact any member of the BID Deve lopment Team

The City Centre ‘Flower Power’ Award The Birmingham City Centre Floral Trail proved to be a budding success again earlier this month when it was presented with three prestigious awards at the Heart of England in Bloom Awards. The Trail was awarded Gold in the Urban Regeneration category and was also named overall category winner. A Heart of England in Bloom Environmental Award was also given for The ICC Roof Garden. This year’s success will also mean that the Trail will be the regional representative in Urban Regeneration in the National Awards of 2009. The awards recognise the genuine partnership between Birmingham City Council, Birmingham City Centre Partnership, city centre businesses, and the community as a whole. They also acknowledge the quality of planting, environmental improvements and the celebration of Birmingham’s local history and heritage.

We are workin g on your beha lf to develop and pr omote the Dist rict.

Come and join us


BID Basics

In addition to numerous one to one discussions, some 100+ guests have attended two consultation events in August and September. These are designed to give you information about how BIDs are already playing a key role in delivering improved management, promotion and development in other parts of the city centre and to gain your feedback on the priorities for the proposed Colmore Business District.

A Business Improvement District or BID is a defined area within which the local business community work together to collectively invest in projects and services to improve the business environment.

Support for the concept of a BID and suggestions about its focus and actions have been encouraging. For example, there seems to be a consensus emerging about the quality of the streetscape in many parts of the District and a wish to see much higher standards achieved and maintained. Also, that the District’s profile as the region’s premier concentration of professional and business service companies needs to be promoted in addition to improving its accessibility from major city gateways.

A BID is funded by a fair and transparent ‘levy’ on all eligible business occupiers within the BID area. It may seek additional voluntary contributions from other stakeholders including property owners and developers.

We are also considering comments about the precise geographical coverage for the BID and will be reporting back on this in our next newsletter. So, if you would like to discover more and contribute, come along to our next event or telephone to speak with one of the BID Development Team.

We need to kn ow full contact details of the pe who can repres rson ent the needs and views of yo business and wi ur ll be entitled to vote in the ballo being held in ea t rly 2009. This could be at Ma Partner or Chief naging Executive level. If you haven’t gi ven us this info rmation already need to hear fro , we m you…..NOW!! Please spare ju st a few minutes of your time to contact:-

Left to right Graham Redfern (Judge), Judith Piggott (Birmingham Cathedral), Hilary Hall (Chair of the Floral Trail) and Mike Garwood (Judge)

Birmingham Cathedral have played a leading role in Heart of England in Bloom for many years, and for the first time in 2008, the Colmore Business District has been involved. Gary Cardin from Drivers Jones and BID Champion said ‘I am delighted that Birmingham’s central business area has been part of this year’s Floral Trail and feel sure that, if our BID goes ahead, businesses will want to see more floral features and displays in the area in future’. Drivers Jonas also helped to fund the stunning floral displays in the front porch of The Cathedral during the summer months.

The BID is operated by an independent business-led ‘not for profit’ company committed to delivering services additional to those provided by the local authorities.

Streetscape improvements on the agenda BID Champion Gary Cardin and Jenny Inglis, City Centre Director at Birmingham City Centre Partnership have held productive discussions with Birmingham City Council regarding the impact of the Big City Plan on the Colmore Business District. The Plan recognises the importance of the District as a focus for Grade A office space, also playing an important role in linking the main retail area with the Jewellery Quarter.

Only when businesses have voted in a ballot and a majority is achieved both by number and rateable value can a BID be implemented.

Under the Plan, investment is earmarked to rejuvenate the public realm along the Church Street corridor to provide an improved physical environment between Birmingham Cathedral and St Paul’s Church. These improvements will set an example for the regeneration of the BID area, helping to establish a high-quality brand and image to help maintain the area’s competitiveness.

A BID can operate for a maximum of five years after which a renewal ballot becomes necessary.

More details in the next Newsletter.

And finally... Colmore Business District BID Area Retail Birmingham BID Area

Congratulations to the Old Contemptibles for winning the Best City Centre Pub in the recent Birmingham Best Bar None Awards. This follows on from receiving the accolade of being named the Best Designed Pub in the country by industry leaders earlier this year. One of the District’s little gems….check it out!!

BID Information Event 28th October 2008


We are holding our third information event over breakfast at Metro Bar & Grill, 73 Cornwall Street starting at 07:00, with Breakfast being served at 07:30 and a finish by 09:00 to ensure you can be at your desk in reasonable time. Two free places per firm are offered to those businesses within the BID area so please contact Claire Hawkins at Birmingham Forward on 0121 632 2209 to reserve your place or email: Although there is no charge for this event you must pre-register to attend. Feedback from the first two events has been extremely positive and this is a great opportunity for you to get your views included in the BID prior to the development of our prospectus.

Where can I find out more? For more information on the BID or for more copies of this leaflet please contact one of the following members of our BIDs Working Group:

Gary Cardin

Drivers Jonas – BID Champion 0121 236 8777

“The Colmore Business District BID will

bring significant benefits and provide the infrastructure to enable the area to respond to the inevitable changes that occur with today’s rapidly evolving business environment.”

Richard Brennan

Birmingham Forward – CEO 0121 632 2206

Nigel Peardon

Bidology – BID Consultant 07804 272895

Julie Moss

City Centre Partnership – Working Partner 0121 616 2494


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