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Colmore Business District - working for you! Business Improvement District Proposal



Our vision for the Colmore Business District 4 Why should you vote yes? 6 Why is the BID necessary and what will it deliver? 8 Existing Birmingham BIDs 16 Where will the BID operate? 17 What will the BID deliver and how will its impact be measured? 18 How will the BID be financed? 24 How will the BID be organised and managed? 26 How will the BID be implemented? 28 BID Development team 32

What is a Business Improvement District •A Business Improvement District or BID is a defined area within which the local business community work together to collectively invest in projects and services to improve the business environment. •T he BID is operated by an independent business-led ‘not for profit’ company committed to delivering services additional to those provided by the local authorities. •A BID is funded by a fair and transparent ‘levy’ on all eligible business occupiers within the BID area. It may seek additional voluntary contributions from other stakeholders including property owners and developers. •O nly when businesses have voted in a ballot and a majority is achieved both by number and rateable value can a BID be implemented. • A BID can operate for a maximum of five years after which a renewal ballot becomes necessary.




Birmingham Forward, Birmingham Future and Birmingham City Centre Partnership are proposing that a Business Improvement District (BID) should be created in the Colmore Business District. Supported by a broadly based BID Development Group and a wide ranging consultation with the District’s business community, including presentation events, focus groups, one to one meetings and newsletters, we have sought to establish the local issues and opportunities that matter to your business, your staff and visitors to the area. We believe that we all share common concerns and aspirations: To improve, promote and sustain the Colmore Business District as the commercial centre at Birmingham’s heart for the benefit of all professional, financial and business service companies, public agencies and local service businesses, their staff, customers and visitors. These are our ten BID pledges to you. The BID will:

• • • • • • • • • •

Promote a clear identity and profile for the District and the businesses within it. Deliver a high quality and user friendly ‘streetscape’ throughout the District. Achieve enhanced environmental cleaning and maintenance standards. Provide a safe and welcoming business environment. Improve the District’s accessibility and wider city centre connections. Promote local business networking and community engagement. Operate as an effective business led ‘voice’ with the resources to make things happen. Engage with and support businesses Deliver visible improvements and get things done – it will not be a talking shop. Deliver projects and services that are additional to those provided by Birmingham City Council and others.

We feel confident in presenting this BID Proposal for your approval that, together, we can make a real contribution to the District’s future and that of all its businesses.

Gary Cardin, BID Champion Partner, Drivers Jonas


WHY SHOULD YOU VOTE YES? Although well established as the business centre of Birmingham, the District lacks profile and identity. If you Vote YES, you will secure a unique opportunity for your business - corporate or independent, large or small - to promote investment and improve the District’s environment for the benefit of your business, your staff, your clients and your customers. If you Vote YES, the BID will directly generate at least £3.4m additional investment over the next five years in projects and services that respond directly to your concerns and aspirations. We will also use the BID organisation to seek additional funding from landlords and property developers, public sector agencies and grant bodies. We urge your company to capitalise on this unique opportunity and support what will be the first BID in the UK to target its activities and investment into a predominantly professional and business services district. Without the BID, progress will remain difficult, if not beyond our reach. With the BID, Colmore Business District will make the possible, possible!

Thank you

Richard Edwards, Chair - Birmingham Forward Matt Taylor, Chair - Birmingham Future Jonathan Cheetham, Chair - Birmingham City Centre Partnership


Vote YES for a better business environment‌. working for you! Vote YES in the ballot which commences on January 19th 2009.

Vote YES for a better business environment‌working for you! Vote YES in the ballot which

commences on January 19th 2009.


“ The BID’S commitment to ensuring the area has improved soft landscaping and a wider variety of breakout areas all set within a quality streetscape, will be welcomed by all.” Joe Curlett, Asset Manager - Highcross Strategic Advisors Limited

WHY IS THE BID NECESSARY AND WHAT WILL IT DELIVER? Colmore Business District is Birmingham’s premier concentration of professional and business service companies and a vital ‘quarter’ of the increasingly dynamic and vibrant city centre. Currently, some 500 companies employ almost 24,000 people in this, the established commercial heart of the city. Its current and future development will play a key part in the BIG CITY PLAN, the emerging master plan for the greater city centre. The District’s diverse business community prides itself on providing quality services and expertise to regional, national and international clients.


It also sustains an important local service sector offering retail, hospitality, leisure and other facilities to corporate and individual customers. How the District ‘lives and breathes’ has implications for the activities of local businesses, including their trading environment, their potential to recruit and retain staff and the experience of their staff, customers and visitors. Also, the District’s boundaries and influence are expanding, adding new and exciting challenges and opportunities that we believe can best be managed and developed through the BID, for the benefit of existing and new businesses. A proactive business community can achieve more and believes that “good enough is not good enough” in a competitive market place. Significant physical, human and business investment is at stake. Specific issues have been identified from the business consultation and these form the basis for the BID’s proposed objectives and key actions.

Cleaner, greener and attractive Issues Businesses want to be located and will relocate to more attractive and well managed environments for the benefit of their staff, clients and visitors. Whilst the District has a wealth of quality buildings, places of interest and local history, concerns are growing about the less than high quality environment, the lack of ‘green’ public spaces in many parts of the district and the limited extent of street maintenance and enhancement.

Objective • To secure a higher quality ‘streetscape’ commensurate with business expectations and aspirations for the District

Particular concerns exist about key gateways into the District and corridors including Livery Street and Church Street. Encouragingly, Birmingham City Council has confirmed its commitment to work with the BID and secure additional capital resources to directly support this priority.

•P rovide a dedicated ‘attention to detail’ cleaning and caretaking service

Actions •U ndertake and promote a range of environmental improvements involving the creation of attractive and sustainable public spaces, gateways and corridors


Accessible and connected Issues Businesses want the District to be more visible and accessible to clients and other business visitors. In particular, to assist those travelling into the city centre through key gateways including New Street Station and the Aston Expressway, and making their way to their principal destination and city centre facilities.

Objective • To improve accessibility to the District and way finding within it

Businesses also want efficient and timely access and egress for staff by metro and rail at Snow Hill and other local stations; by bus and private transport across the District.

• Provide street warden ‘meeting and greeting’ services


Actions • Initiate and promote a range of street and IT based signage and information media

•W ork in partnership with the providers of public transport, parking and highways to improve the efficiency and customer focus of local services

Branded and promoted Issues Businesses want to secure new clients and customers, not only by raising their corporate profile and promoting their individual experience and skills but also by increasing the visibility and reputation of the District as a whole. Its image and reputation should reflect a dynamic place to do business, where employees are motivated to give of their best. Businesses also need to embrace change, partly in response to external economic pressures and competition but also because the District is undergoing physical expansion with new developments coming on stream, particularly in the Snow Hill area. Currently, the District is experiencing an increased level of relocations and turnover resulting in higher vacancy levels.

Objective • To support local business competitiveness in key regional, national and international markets and assist with the attraction and retention of investment and key staff Actions • Develop proactive branding and marketing initiatives to promote the District’s identity and investment potential in partnership with Marketing Birmingham, Locate in Birmingham and Advantage West Midlands • Provide businesses, candidates and new staff with access to on-line information and ‘welcome packs’


“Having seen the impact of Wardens in other parts of the city, I look forward to their presence in the Colmore Business District. Their professional and welcoming approach will be of great assistance to everyone within the area.” Diane Benussi, Principal – Benussi & Co.

Safe and welcoming Issues Businesses want the district to be safe and welcoming for their staff, clients and visitors. Whilst evidence indicates that this area is not prone to high levels of recorded crime, incidents do occur.

Objective • To present a more user friendly ‘face’ of the District to clients, staff and visitors and secure visible improvements to actual and perceived safety across the District

Negative perceptions and the fear of crime can also be damaging resulting in costly implications if not actively addressed, as for example with the need to recruit and retain staff. Lighting in some streets does not provide reassurance to pedestrians on dark evenings.

Actions • Provide a ‘customer focused’ welcome and reassuring presence through Street Wardens operating across all public areas • Introduce safety measures including upgraded lighting and other physical improvements • Promote liaison and communication with businesses, the Police and other public agencies regarding significant incidents within or affecting the District


Networked and engaged community Issues Businesses want to be well informed and involved in proposals, events and opportunities affecting their activities, their staff and their customers. For example, promoting local business to business trading, information and networking events and joint initiatives can lead to improved business performance, increased financial returns and greater impact in meeting environmental and social responsibilities.

Objective • To facilitate a vibrant local business network and promote meaningful engagement with the wider community

Other important aspirations can be met through involvement with community and charitable activities including, for example, those with arts and culture or education and employment priorities.

• Promote appropriate initiatives for businesses and their staff to engage in Corporate Social Responsibility activities

Actions • Provide businesses and their staff with new channels and events for the dissemination and exchange of information and commercial opportunities


“ Situated as we are at the heart of the BID district, we welcome the plans to enhance the image and connectivity of Colmore Business District as we are confident it will benefit our staff and visitors.” Mark L Smith, Chairman - PricewaterhouseCoopersLLP

Business led and business managed Issues Businesses want a locally managed and business led partnership capable of projecting a clear and effective single ‘voice’ for all businesses within the District – large and small. By championing opportunities, lobbying on issues and problem solving, shaping change within or affecting the District becomes possible. The Partnership of private and public sectors should also ensure that the District achieves synergy with the wider city centre development and management context, including the BIG CITY PLAN and established BIDs in Broad Street and Retail Birmingham.


Objective • To provide the necessary commitment, focus and expertise to ensure that the BID delivers positive outcomes and provides clear responsibility and accountability to all businesses within the BID Actions • Adopt a clear business model involving a ‘not for profit’ company with a representative board of unpaid directors responsible for overall strategic direction and business planning •A ppoint a professional BID Manager to ensure effective and efficient delivery of the BID Proposal

Performance and business driven Issues Businesses want to be assured that existing local services provided by the public sector are being delivered consistently to an agreed specification and that the BID is therefore able to demonstrate real ‘added value’ through the targeting of its own additional projects and services. Businesses also want the BID to be their ‘eyes and ears’ on the ground, accessible and helpful in dealing with day to day and more strategic issues, avoiding the need for individual businesses to act in isolation in search of a solution.

Objective • To monitor, assess and report on the BID’s responsiveness to business needs and its overall performance and impact Actions • Provide a ‘one stop’ problem solving and support service regarding day to day local management and more strategic issues affecting business operations within the District •U ndertake regular monitoring, surveys and reviews of the effectiveness of existing ‘baseline’ and additional BID services •P rovide interim and annual feedback reports on BID performance


EXISTING BIRMINGHAM BIDs BIDs are already making a real difference in the City Centre. The Broad Street BID and Retail Birmingham operate in areas adjacent to the proposed Colmore Business District to improve and promote the trading environment for a total of over 1,000 businesses.

Broad Street BID

Retail Birmingham BID

“ Our experience on Broad Street is that the BID has been a key driver in enhancing the environment in many ways and also reducing crime. However, the most important role the BID plays is giving the business community a voice of influence with the resources to make things happen.

“ Working on behalf of some 1,000 retailers, Retail Birmingham was established as a BID in April 2007 to deliver high quality marketing, environment and business support services in order to attract more shoppers and improve the visitor experience. It now invests in excess of £1m annually, is successfully established as the voice of retail and has gained support from other organisations in the city, recognised as the experts in our field.”

The Colmore Business District will bring similar benefits and provide the infrastructure to enable the area to respond to the inevitable changes that will occur with today’s rapidly evolving business environment.” Gary Taylor, Chair, Broad Street BID


Alan Chatham, Chairman, Retail Birmingham BID


Colmore Business District BID Area Area also included within Retail Birmingham BID* * In order to reflect the optimum extent of the professional and financial services area, there is a small area of overlap with the Retail Birmingham BID boundary. As retail users in this area are already contributing to the Retail Birmingham BID, they will not be required to vote or pay into the Colmore Business District BID. Other business users will be entitled to vote and, should the BID be approved, they will become liable for the Colmore Business District BID levy.


“I am delighted to see the Colmore Business District BID come to fruition. I have been actively involved in nurturing and supporting this initiative from the outset as I can clearly see the benefits it will bring to the business heart of our great city. Alongside the established Broad Street and Retail BIDs, this third area serves to remind us of the importance of commerce in the sustainability of Birmingham.” Mike Whitby – Leader, Birmingham City Council

WHAT WILL THE BID DELIVER AND HOW WILL ITS IMPACT BE MEASURED? It is important to stress that the BID’s projects and services will not replace statutory services provided by public bodies but will deliver additional or complementary improvements that would not otherwise happen. Birmingham City Council and West Midlands Police will enter into an agreement to benchmark their relevant existing services and provide for ‘day to day’ monitoring and periodic reviews of services delivered within the BID area.


These include: • • • • • •

Street cleaning Highways/lighting/street furniture maintenance Car parking and traffic management Landscaping and floral decorations CCTV Policing

The BID will invest a projected annual budget of some £680,000 in new projects and services to meet the objectives that you have prioritised for your business, your staff and your clients. The following table sets out the proposed full Year One budget so that you can see how the BID intends to allocate resources between the BID’s key objectives. In shaping this and future budgets, the BID will aim to keep overhead costs, initially set at less than 5%, to the minimum possible.

Future annual budgets will be kept under review and then set to take account of projected and actual income levels, feedback from BID member businesses and new challenges and opportunities of potential impact to the District. The BID will formally commence in April 2009 for an initial five year period. It is anticipated that, in the first quarter, priority will be given to recruiting a BID Manager, establishing service contracts and planning for key projects. The majority of operational activities will start in July 2009.


Proposed Year 1 Budget Objective




Cleaner, greener and attractive

Streetscape/public realm Study – assessment and concept plan in partnership with Birmingham City Council.


Projects identified, implemented, investment leverage achieved.

Public realm enhancement e.g. greening, seasonal floral displays, art/sculpture, creative/ festive lighting.


Environmental quality/ business and customer user surveys.

District Caretaker Service – dedicated enhanced street cleaning and maintenance services, problem responding/ alerting to other agencies.


Cleaning and maintenance incidents and issues delivered.

Accessible and connected

Way finding – measures to clearly define the CBD from key gateways and assist internal navigation, e.g. signage, maps, digital guiding


Installations delivered, information ‘hits’

Branded and promoted

Develop CBD ‘brand’ and promotional ‘toolkit’ - targeted at business development, securing investment and recruitment, e.g. Vacancy/staff ‘welcome packs’ and joint marketing initiatives with:


Media coverage/ key decision maker recognition, business feedback, development and investment review, recruits assisted.

• Locate in Birmingham • Marketing Birmingham • Advantage West Midlands






Safe and welcoming

Street Wardens – an initial team of 5 CBD uniformed staff providing street based services including information and way finding assistance, meeting and greeting/ safety escorts, ‘eyes and ears’ streetscape monitoring.


Levels of hospitality, business support, health and safety etc, assistance. Levels of reported crime

Incident management – liaison and communication facilities established in key locations.


Networked and community engaged

Events and initiatives – including new themed Spring and Autumn ‘on street‘ events, CSR activities, BID company website, newsletters.


Events organised, supported – business/user feedback. Impact of BID in community.

Business led and managed

BID Manager – based in the District, lead contact/ambassador, project and service management, company engagement and liaison, baseline service reviews, performance management.


Annual appraisal, reports to Board

Operations and Administration Coordinator – information and communications, events support, company liaison.


Annual appraisal

Overheads – office, legal, finance, administration, etc.


Monitoring by Manager/ Board



Business feedback and engagement



“Following the consultation process I am positively reassured that the BID offers a clear plan to deliver enhanced projects and services that will make a real difference.” Joel Kordan, Head of Office, Birmingham - Shoosmiths

BID Performance The Board will consider and approve BID programmes and budget allocations annually. Management accounts will be considered quarterly and annual accounts will be subject to independent audit.

Overall progress will be subject to both external and independent verification and will be reported to business members, other existing stakeholder and potential investors.

Performance of the BID will involve both measurement of direct activity outputs and the BID’s impact on the area. A ‘basket’ of baseline data will be established in the first quarter of Year 1 and, thereafter, monitored regularly. This will include business, staff and visitor perception surveys, environmental quality and photographic surveys.

The BID aims to progressively improve the District by ensuring from the outset that the essential basic services are delivered and sustained and that over its five year term, it meets its vision and pledges to support a competitive, dynamic and confident District.



Proposed allocation of income in year 1 Offices






Retail Other


11.8% 25.0%

Cleaner, greener, and attractive Safe and Welcoming Business led and managed Branded and promoted Accesible and connected Networked and engaged Overheads

Cleaner, greener, and attractive Safe and welcoming Business led and managed Branded and promoted Accessible and connected Networked and engaged Overheads

ConďŹ dent






Clean 60






er of Businesses


“ By aggregating the contributions of numerous organisations, using a fair and transparent formula, I understand that you will deliver a large and sustainable resource to address issues that are important to business.” Ronnie Bowker, Senior Partner – Ernst & Young, Birmingham

How will the BID be financed? The principal source of funding is the annual BID levy which it is proposed will be applied to all business ratepayers as follows: • T he levy will be set at 1% of rateable value. (See note 1) • All business sectors will be included. • T he maximum total annual BID levy payment will be capped at £25,000 for any individual business ratepayer or incorporated group of companies. • N o relief is proposed for vacant premises. (See note 2) • T he levy will be discounted for charitable organisations at the same level as their mandatory rate relief, currently 80% • T hose retail businesses located within that part of the proposed BID which are already contributing to the Retail Birmingham BID will not be liable for any further levy

The BID will pursue other potential sources of income, including: • B irmingham City Council: Already a committed supporter of the BID, having made significant financial and practical contributions to its development phase, the Council has confirmed that it will collect the levy at no cost to the BID in addition to making levy payments on its own premises within the District. It has also confirmed that at least £1million will be invested in streetscape improvements within the first two years of the BID and that approval of the BID by the business community will significantly help to lever other public sector resources in the future • Commercial sponsorships and income generation • Voluntary contributions from property developers/ owners (where not covered by the BID levy arrangements)

Note 1 The BID levy will be applied to heraditaments with rateable values of £10,000 and above, with the exception of private car parks, as assessed in the 2005 Local Non-domestic Rating List as at 1st April 2009. No subsequent adjustments will be made to levy charges for outstanding proposals not reflected in the rating list as at 1st April 2009. Where a property is taken out of the Rating List, the BID levy will apply up to the day before the effective date of removal and the annual BID levy will be apportioned accordingly. Where a new assessment is brought into the Rating List, the BID levy will apply from the effective date as shown in the Rating List. The annual levy will be apportioned on a daily basis. The BID levy will be increased each year by the annual inflationary factor for local non domestic rate bills as calculated by the Government. Note 2 Where, at the time of the ballot there is no current occupational lease, the liability will fall to the property owner until a new lease is confirmed. The owner will be entitled to vote in the BID ballot.


Levy income by Band

Levy Band Levy Band £10000-£25000 £10000-£25000 £5000-£9999 £5000-£9999 £2000-£4999 £2000-£4999 £1500-£1999 £1500-£1999 £1000-£1499 £1000-£1499 £500-£999 £500-£999 £250-£499 £250-£499 £1-£249 £1-£249













Number of Businesses

So, what does this mean?

Levy income by sector 3%




Offices Offices Leisure Leisure Retail Retail Other Other Cleaner, greener, and attractive

The projected total levy income in Year One of the BID is £720,000. However, for the purposes of preparing this BID Proposal, a contingency of £40,000 (5.5%) for non collection of BID levies has been included, resulting in a Year One budget of £680,000. As a number of new property developments are due to come on stream over the early years of the BID, it is assumed that any net movement in future income levels will be upwards only. Office based businesses will account for 92% of levy income. A relatively small but important contribution will come from other sectors, including retail, leisure, hospitality and public car parks. This reflects their important complementary role in servicing other local businesses, their staff and visitors and the potential benefits that the BID will secure for their trading environment. For most businesses, investing a modest amount will generate significant leverage in a fair and transparent way, remembering that 100% of the total annual income, at least £680,000, will be reinvested for the benefit of the District as a whole. 28% all businesses will pay less than £250 each year – less than £4 a week. 50% of all businesses will pay less than £500 each year – less than £10 a week. Larger businesses and organisations are being asked to contribute more, reflecting both their scale and impact within the District and for the largest, contributions will be capped at £25,000 per annum.


“As a service provider within the BID area we are delighted to have the opportunity to work directly with many of our clients in delivering an enhanced offering for our mutual benefit.” Chris Kelly, Owner – Metro Bar & Grill

How will the BID be organised and managed? Organisation The BID will be operated by a new independent and private sector led ‘not for profit’ company (limited by guarantee), Colmore Business District Limited. It will have a Board of Directors directly accountable to BID levy payers for: • Upholding and promoting the BID’s vision and objectives • Effective and efficient delivery of the projects and services as set out in the BID Proposal • Promoting the conditions necessary to secure the active and continued support of business members and other partner organisations • Consulting on renewal of the BID in the last year of its initial term and bringing forward a BID Renewal Proposal as appropriate


Every levy paying business and other organisations making annual financial contributions will be members of the company and eligible to vote at general meetings. The Board of Directors will be led by a private sector chairperson and consist of 18 directors, comprising a majority of representatives from the District’s business community and supported by nominated representatives of key stakeholder organisations as follows: Business directors – total of 10 • • • • •

Major corporates (2) Medium corporate (2) Independents/ SME’s (2) Property owners/developers (2) Retail/leisure/hospitality (2)

Stakeholder directors – total of 8 • • • • • •

Birmingham Forward (2) Birmingham Future (1) Birmingham City Council (2) West Midlands Police (1) Transport (1) City Centre Neighbourhood Forum (1)

Subject to the outcome of the ballot, a transparent process will be initiated to secure the BID Company’s founding Directors. The Board will meet at least quarterly to oversee the overall direction and delivery of the BID’s activities on behalf of member businesses and present an annual update and report on performance. A smaller Executive Management Committee will be delegated by the Board to oversee day to day operations and financial management. To ensure wider strategic planning and coordination, the Chairperson plus 2 other directors will represent the BID on the Birmingham Forward and Birmingham City Centre Partnership Boards.

The City Centre Director (BCCP) will be co-opted to the Board and other advisors co-opted as necessary. Management The appointment of a professional BID Manager will be an immediate priority following approval of the BID. Subsequent recruitment of the Operations and Administration Coordinator will complete the small management team. The BID Manager will act as the day to day ‘face’ of the District and be responsible and accountable to the Board and Executive Management Committee for: • Directing BID projects and services and reporting on progress • Being the single voice, representing the District for the benefit of the members • Being pro-active and responsive to BID member businesses • Securing BID levy and additional funds • Ensuring effective financial management


“ Seeing the passion and commitment of the BID development team, I can see how this initiative will be taken forward, with the BID investing our resources to make a real difference.” Stephen Hughes, Head of Birmingham Office, Bevan Brittan LLP

How will the BID be implemented? Ballot arrangements All eligible businesses with a rateable value of £10,000 or more will be entitled to vote if they were listed as a non domestic ratepayer within the proposed BID area on the date the notice of ballot is published. In the case of an empty, partly refurbished or demolished property where no occupational lease exists, the property owner will be entitled to vote. Each ratepayer entitled to vote will have one vote in respect to each property (heraditament). This means that some businesses will have more than one vote.


For the BID to proceed, the ballot must secure majority support (over 50%) of those who vote, (i) by number and (ii) by rateable value.

Ballot papers will be dispatched on Monday 19th January 2009 and must be completed and returned by 5.00pm on Friday 27th February 2009.

Levy collection The BID levy will be invoiced annually to all liable businesses commencing 1st April 2009 for five years. The levy will be collected free of charge by Birmingham City Council and passed to the BID Company. Commencement date and term The BID’s first term will commence on 1st April 2009 and end on 31st March 2014.

Alteration of BID Arrangements The BID area and BID levy (other than inflationary increases proposed) can only be altered via an Alteration Ballot or when a Renewal Ballot is held. BID projects, costs and timescales can be altered subject to approval by the BID Company’s Board providing they fall within the resources available to the BID.

Before this end date, the BID Company may choose to seek renewal of the BID for a further period and will seek a new mandate via a Renewal Ballot.


BID Development Team The BID development has been led by a small team comprising: Gary Cardin – Partner, Drivers Jonas and BID Champion Richard Brennan – CEO, Birmingham Forward Jenny Inglis – City Centre Director Charles Smith – Boston Fieldgate Ann Tonks – Opus Helen Emmerson – Wragge & Co Sid Muir – Allied Irish Bank (GB) Rob Blyth – Hortons’ Estate Chris Kelly – Metro Bar & Grill Nigel Peardon – Bidology Consulting Julie Moss, Martin Mountford, Chris Hurst – Birmingham City Centre Partnership Jo Sollom, Claire Hawkins – Birmingham Forward The team would like to thank everyone who has supported the BID development


BID Development Costs The resources necessary to develop and promote the Colmore Business District BID have been contributed by the following, thus ensuring that 100% of future BID funds will be reinvested within the District. The BID Development Team is grateful for their support.


Where can I find out more? Further details on the proposed Colmore Business District BID can be found at: If you have any other questions regarding the Proposal, please contact: Gary Cardin Drivers Jonas – BID Champion 0121 236 8777 Richard Brennan Birmingham Forward – CEO 0121 632 2206 Nigel Peardon Bidology – BID Consultant 07804 272895 If you have questions regarding the BID levy or ballot arrangements, please contact: Julie Moss City Centre Partnership – Working Partner 0121 616 2494

If you would like a copy of this document in large print or an alternative format, please contact 0121 616 2494

Join with us… Vote YES Vote YES for additional investment in an ambitious programme of improvements that will benefit your business, your staff and visitors to the area! Vote YES for a better business environment…that works!

Vote YES for your Colmore Business District! 32

Production of this BID Proposal document has been made possible with the generous support of

marketing BHMG Marketing 37 Bennetts Hill, Birmingham B2 5SN 0121 236 2871 This document has been printed using vegetable based inks on 100% Recycled, FSC Certified Stock


Nurton Developments is proud to sponsor the Colmore Business District BID proposal and wishes the BID committee every success in bringing this very important campaign to fruition. As the developer of the adjoining landmark office buildings Cannon House and Two Colmore Square – both of which sit within the Colmore Business District – we are acutely aware of the need for continued regeneration and improvement of this core commercial area, and are confident of the positive impact such a BID will have on the many and diverse companies within its boundaries. The major redevelopment of Cannon House and Two Colmore Square is a strong commitment by us to invest heavily in Birmingham City Centre, and any moves to further enhance this vital area are to be welcomed, which is why we are offering our full support to the Colmore Business District BID.



The printing of this proposal was made possible by the generous sponsorship of:

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