5 minute read

8 Safeguarding Policies and Related Information

Student safety is our number one priority. Here are some important links about student safety and well-being:

• Child protection policy

• Harassment policy (Board Policy #405)

• Policy on transgender and gender nonconforming students

• Suicide prevention policy

• Lower school acceptable use policy (AUP)

• Privacy policy

• Non-discriminatory policy

• Photography, video, and social media guidelines http://www.tas.edu.tw/divisional-handbooks/home/lower-school-handbook

9 Activities

After–School Opportunities

Lower school students are fortunate to be able to have access to after-school classes, clubs, and activities organized by the Taipei Youth Program Association (TYPA). Lower school clubs, such as the Green Club, the Chinese Culture Club, and the Grade Five Drama Club, take place at different times of the year. Information is sent home directly about such opportunities.


TYPA is a non-profit organization which fosters the development of healthy, wellrounded, confident youth, enthusiastic about learning through their participation in safe, dynamic, fun-filled recreational experiences. TYPA is a separate organization from TAS, but there is a close working relationship between the two organizations. TYPA offers over 75 different classes to 2,400 participants each week. The year is divided into two semesters of activities as well as a day camp during the summer. Offerings include dance, music, martial arts, gymnastics, and sports programs (baseball, soccer, basketball, and handball) as well as arts and crafts, scouting, concerts, and ballet and jazz performances. In addition, TYPA sponsors a variety of community events such as music recitals, flea markets, and Family Fun Days.

Camp Experience

We believe that alternative education experiences change students’ lives by promoting emotional, social, and physical development through meaningful, relevant, and engaging activities in nature. The goal of the camp experience for Grades 2, 3, 4, and 5 is for students to foster a better understanding and appreciation of themselves, others, and the natural environment. This is best achieved through living and working together in the outdoors. Participation in camp is mandatory.


• Students in Grade 2 will visit camp for one day.

• Students in Grade 3 will attend camp for two days and one night.

• Students in Grade 4 will attend camp for three days and two nights

• Students in Grade 5 will attend camp for three days and two nights http://www.tas.edu.tw/divisional-handbooks/home/lower-school-handbook

2022-2023 Lower School Student and Parent Handbook

Last revised: January 30, 2023


The location for all four camps is Camp Taiwan in Daping, Wan-li, New Taipei City (Daping is a small community on the "backside" of Yangmingshan National Park, in the foothills between Jinshan and Wan-li on the northern coast.)

Field Trips

Learning extends beyond the walls of the Taipei American School when field trips bring additional meaning to the units of study. Transportation for field trips is provided by the School. Permission for students to attend field trips is provided at the time of student registration.


Responding to Misbehavior

In order to act responsibly with the well-being of the community in mind, children often need support. It is the intent of the School to nurture and educate our students so they make thoughtful decisions and comprehend the logical consequences of their actions.

Continual or deliberate patterns of inappropriate behavior or actions that endanger an individual or the greater student population are handled appropriately, at the discretion of the principal or an associate principal, taking into account the student’s age and with an approach meant to educate and provide all students with a safe, uninterrupted learning environment.

Each case is fact-specific, and the review of each case is systematic. There are always nuances to every situation, as we want to focus on education and communication, not zero tolerance. Consequently, educators who work directly with the students are involved in the process alongside administration to ensure equitable and consistent application of these principles.

We strive to help each child to develop strong moral character. In order to be successful academically and socially, students need to learn cooperation, assertion, responsibility, empathy and self-control. We believe the best process for influencing student behavior is based on common values and respect for the dignity of each student. Our goal is to develop intrinsic motivation in students to become self-disciplined and to take personal responsibility for their actions.

Parents should also know that the School may be required to provide any information requested by a subpoena, a court order, Taiwan law, or the law of the United States.

Behavior Off–Campus and Reach of the School

Our support, guidance, and concern for students developing into responsible citizens does not stop at the school gates. Students engaged in inappropriate or unlawful activity off-campus, including via social media and especially when other TAS students are involved, may be held responsible under school disciplinary guidelines.


Exclusionary Language

Exclusionary language is used to single someone out for parts of their identity: their race, ethnicity, nationality, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, age, religion, or body shape to name a few examples. Use of any language designed to belittle someone including derogatory remarks, insults, slurs, and intimidation, violates several TAS values and will result in appropriate disciplinary action.

Abusive Language

Profanity is not acceptable at any time. Appropriate disciplinary action will result for use of profanity.

Dangerous Items

Students may not bring dangerous items to school. Examples of these include pellet and BB guns, fireworks, knives, matches, lighters, and any other item that can be used to harm our community members. These items will be confiscated, and parents will be contacted. Appropriate disciplinary action will result.


Any student found stealing violates trust and appropriate disciplinary action will be taken.

Damage to School Property

Any student who marks, defaces, breaks or destroys school property will be responsible for the cost of cleaning, repairing, or replacing the damage.

Logical Consequences

If a student commits any of the previously mentioned offenses, is involved in a serious breach of the lower school values or deliberately, significantly, or consistently disrupts and impedes the learning of others, consequences may include:

• Values Learning Plan (VLP)

Students involved in a discipline incident may be asked to complete a Values Learning Plan (VLP) with the help of the administration. The VLP is a tool for http://www.tas.edu.tw/divisional-handbooks/home/lower-school-handbook

Last revised: January 30, 2023 students to describe what happened, reflect on the results of their actions, and design a strategy to avoid repeating such behavior. A copy of the VLP is shared with the student’s parents, teacher and counselor.

• Supervised time outs

• Loss of school privileges

This may include recess or participation in school sponsored activities.

• Meetings with the student's counselor/administrators

• Counseling outside the school

• Restorative work

• In-school suspension

• At-home suspension

• Removal from the TAS community

Being a member of TAS is dependent on learning and living by our values. In support of this expectation, students may be suspended should they exhibit behavior that:

• poses an immediate or continuing threat to the safety of others;

• clearly demonstrates a conscious failure to live within and abide by TAS values; and/or

• deliberately, significantly, and consistently disrupts and impedes the learning of others.

Parent Note: Physical Punishment

In keeping with the school policy and the law in the United States and Taiwan, physical punishment is not tolerated at school or at home. Cases of physical abuse towards children are always reported to social services the Ministry of Education. Relevant information is available in the School’s child protection policy.


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