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9 Activities and Athletics
Clubs and Organizations
Activities and Athletics at TAS include school clubs, student government, varsity or junior varsity sports, forensics/debate/Model United Nations, robotics, newspaper and yearbook publications, visual and performing art events, assemblies, field trips, and social events. All students are invited to participate in our excellent co-curricular program. A list of clubs and activities can be found on the TAS website.
Athletics and IASAS Activities
TAS competes interscholastically as a member of IASAS (Interscholastic Association of Southeast Asian Schools) along with the International School of Bangkok (ISB), International School of Kuala Lumpur (ISKL), Jakarta Intercultural School (JIS), International School of Manila (ISM), and Singapore American School (SAS). TAS teams also compete against both local schools and other on-island and off-island international schools. Seasons, games, try-outs and practices will be announced through the athletics office. The academic year has three seasons.
TAS participates in the following interscholastic sports for both boys and girls: badminton, basketball, cross country, rugby/touch, soccer, softball/baseball, swimming, tennis, track and field, golf, and volleyball. Eligibility for team membership is determined by the following criteria.
1. All upper school students may compete in varsity sports; however, students who have reached the age of 20 before July 1 of that school year will be ineligible for competition.
2. Seniors are ineligible for junior varsity sports without special permission from the athletic director.
3. Students are limited to eight semesters of eligibility during Grades 9-12.
4. Each student must ensure parents complete the online parent acknowledgement form (athletics). Activities requires the parent permission form, and insurance on file in the activities office. Athletics and activities both require a physical examination (annual requirement) on file in the health office before competing.
5. Individual coaches will apprise students of the criteria for making teams and lettering.
6. If there is a conflict with a sport tryout and a practice for another school activity, the student should notify the coach who should bring the issue to the attention of the http://www.tas.edu.tw/divisional-handbooks/home/upper-school-handbook
2022-2023 Upper School Student and Parent Handbook
Last Updated January 30, 2023 administration.
7. The families of all TAS student athletes (freshmen, junior varsity and varsity) and other students participating in IASAS activities are required to commit to housing visiting IASAS participants at least once for each season of participation. Failure to sign up for a housing duty will effectively prohibit the student from participating in the athletics program or IASAS activity.
If students must miss a practice, they must notify the activity sponsor before the practice session. Information for athletes is available in the student-athlete/parent handbook.
School-Sponsored Formal Social Events
Any school-sponsored formal event will have appropriate faculty supervision. All school rules apply to these events.
• During a school-sponsored formal event, all students must stay within the confines of the immediate event area.
• All students must enter the event within one hour of the starting time.
• If non-TAS student guests are permitted, the TAS student must register the guest with the activities office at least two school days before the event. If approved by the administration, a guest pass will be issued.
• ID cards are required at school-sponsored formal events; guest passes are required for guests.
• Students who leave prior to the end of the event must sign out and leave the venue. They will not be readmitted.
Documents and Insurance for School-Sponsored Off-Island Trips
All participants and their parents or legal guardians must sign and return a permission form to the activities office. It is the responsibility of each family to ensure that all necessary travel documents are valid and current. In all cases, students must use a foreign passport that has at least six months validity; individual families are expected to obtain any visas that are required for a particular trip Travel insurance, as well as http://www.tas.edu.tw/divisional-handbooks/home/upper-school-handbook
Last Updated January 30, 2023 accident and injury insurance, are required for students traveling on school-sponsored athletics and cocurricular activities trips.
Adult Supervision and Approval for School-Sponsored Activities and NonSchool Activities
A faculty member, or other pre-approved adult, must be present with students during any school-sponsored activity, including club meetings and “bonding.” School-sponsored activities commencing after 6:30 PM on weekdays or at any time during the weekends require administrative approval. This should be sought in advance. Students are not permitted to participate in non-school sponsored activities as representatives of the school, using the school’s name, unless the school does not offer the activity in question, in which case, students must have prior, written approval to participate from their principal.
Fundraising Guidelines for Student Activities
All fundraising must be for altruistic purposes and for school-related activities. Any club that raises funds must have an agency account in which to place those funds. Guidelines/procedures/policies for clubs and organizations are published in the student club handbook.
Student Behavior While Participating in School Activities
Students involved in TAS classes, clubs, organizations, or athletic activities, whether at school or on a trip, are expected to behave in accordance with the rules of conduct as outlined in the Student Handbook. Students may also, at the discretion of the chaperoning adult or coach, be subject to additional rules of conduct including “off limits” areas and curfews. When a student commits an infraction relating to alcohol, tobacco, drug abuse, cheating, deceit, disrespect, flagrant curfew or “off limits” areas violations, or other serious infractions, or participates or aids in any of the above, the following may apply.
1. The student may no longer participate in the activity.
2. Whenever possible, the student will be sent home immediately and at the parents’ expense.
3. The student will be subject to TAS disciplinary consequences and IASAS sanctions or disciplinary actions for IASAS violations.
Academic Responsibilities and Activities
The administration and athletics department believe that academic standing must take priority over extracurricular involvement. Students who are experiencing academic problems may not be able to participate in extracurricular activities, including IASAS. A student’s quarter grade will be the determining factor for IASAS participation. The following also applies.
1. An F in any class is sufficient grounds for the student to be removed from IASAS participation.
2. Prior to the IASAS event, a list of all participants will be given to the upper school teachers.
3. Teachers must notify the athletic/activities director of students having problems.
Teachers, coaches, administrators, and the student should work together to try to improve the student’s academic standing.