TICC 2021 簡章

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O n l i n e

E d i t i o n





台 北 國 際 合 唱 大 賽

國際評審 International Jury TAIPEI International C h o r a l C o m p e t i t i o n

Jul. 22 ~ Jul. 25 Inessa Bodyako

T.J. Harper

白俄羅斯 (Belarus)

美國 (USA)

Gábor Hollerung

Heechurl Kim

匈牙利 (Hungary)

韓國 (Korea)

Ko Matsushita

John Pamintuan

日本 (Japan)

菲律賓 (The Philippines)

Susanna Saw

Tim Sharp

馬來西亞 (Malaysia)

美國 (USA)

Aida Swenson

Chia-Fen Weng

印尼 (Indonesia)

台灣 (Taiwan)


報名 截止


2021 台北國際合唱大賽將改為 線上比賽 即刻報名享有早鳥優惠!

所有賽事將在台北國際合唱音樂節 上進行首播

2021 Taipei International Choral Competition is going ONLINE Register now and enjoy the early bird discount!

Performances of every participating choir will be live streamed on TICF YouTube channel during the competition.



按音樂類型 by MUSIC TYPE



C2 民謠 傳統音樂組 Ethnic / Traditional Music

按年齡 by AGES

C3 當代音樂組 Contemporary Music

A1 少兒組 Children Choir A2 青年組 Youth Choir

A3 樂齡組

Senior Choir

● 曲目數量及要求 Program 兩首,曲目類型無限制 Two pieces of your choice

● 歌手年齡限制 Age of Singers

C4 重唱及小型合唱團 Vocal Ensemble

● 曲目數量及要求 Program

C1: 兩首,曲目皆須為基督宗教音樂 Two pieces, both pieces MUST be of Christian religions.

A1: 16歲以下 Maximum 16 years old A2: 24歲以下 Maximum 24 years old A3: 50歲以上 Minimum 50 years old * 每團容許有不超過10%之超齡團員參賽 * A margin of 10% over/under aged choristers is allowed.

● 影片長度 Video Length 10分鐘內 Maximum 10 minutes

● 歌手數目 Number of Singers


最少4位(不包括指揮、伴奏) Minimum 4 (Conductor and accompanist excluded)

B1 男聲組 Male Choir B2 女聲組 Female Choir B3 混聲組 Mixed Choir

按聲部 by VOICING ● 曲目數量及要求 Program 兩首,曲目類型無限制 Two pieces of your choice

● 歌手年齡限制 Age of Singers 15歲以上 Minimum 15 years old * 每團容許有不超過10%之超齡團員參賽 * A margin of 10% over/under aged choristers is allowed.

● 影片長度 Video Length 10分鐘內 Maximum 10 minutes

● 歌手數目 Number of Singers 最少4位(不包括指揮、伴奏) Minimum 4 (conductor and accompanist excluded)

C2: 兩首,並符合以下條件 Two pieces meeting these criteria: 1. 曲目皆須為民謠音樂或傳統音樂 Both pieces MUST be folk songs or traditional music. 2. 其中一首必須為所屬國家或地區之曲目 One piece has to be typical of their home country.

C3: 兩首,並符合以下條件 Two pieces meeting these criteria: 1. 曲目皆須為1990年以後創作的作品 Both pieces MUST be composed on or after 1990. 2. 其中一首必須為2010年以後創作的作品 One piece MUST be composed on or after 2010.

C4: 兩首,曲目類型無限制 Two pieces of your choice.

● 歌手

無限 No

● 影片

10分 Max

● 歌手

最少 組別

Min (Co Cat

手年齡限制 Age of Singers

限制 limit

片長度 Video Length

分鐘內 ximum 10 minutes

手數目 Number of Singers

少4位(不包括指揮、伴奏) 別C4團員上限16人

nimum 4. onductor and accompanist excluded) tegory C4 maximum 16.



● 評審團將自A,B,C組中提名決定大獎賽參賽團隊 The jury will nominate the choirs for Grand Prix Competition from Category A,B,C.

● 曲目數量及要求 Program

● 影片長度 Video Length

一首,曲目類型無限制。可選自分組賽曲目。 One piece of your choice, could be chosen from the Category-Competitions.



● 曲目數量及要求 Program 一首,曲目類型無限制 One piece of your choice

● 歌手年齡限制 Age of Singers 無限制 No limit

● 影片長度 Video Length 10分鐘內 Maximum 10 minutes

● 歌手數目 Number of Singers 最少4位(不包括指揮、伴奏) Minimum 4 (conductor and accompanist excluded)

10分鐘內 Maximum 10 minutes



S1 台灣作品組 Taiwanese Compositions S2 無伴奏合唱組 A Cappella Works

● 曲目數量及要求 Program

S1: 一首,並符合以下條件 One piece meeting these criteria: 1. 須為台灣作曲家之作品 MUST be composed by Taiwanese composers. 2. 可選自分組賽曲目 Could be chosen from the Category-Competitions. 3. 可參考「比賽曲目庫」選曲 Could be chosen from CW LIST.

S2: 一首,並符合以下條件 One piece meeting these criteria: 1. 必須為無伴奏曲目 MUST BE WITHOUT accompaniment. 2. 可選自分組賽曲目 Could be chosen from the Category-Competitions.

● 歌手年齡限制 Age of Singers 無限制 No limit

● 影片長度 Video Length 10分鐘內 Maximum 10 minutes

● 歌手數目 Number of Singers 最少4位(不包括指揮、伴奏) Minimum 4 (conductor and accompanist excluded)

台北國際合唱大賽 ◎主辦單位保留活動內容異動權利 TICC committee reserves the right to make necessary modification.


一般規則 1. 2021 台北國際合唱大賽歡迎世界各地合唱團報名。 2. 請仔細閱讀各組別規則:人數、年齡限制、影片長度、聲部類別、曲目數量及類別。 3. 參賽隊伍可報名組別無上限,每組別演唱曲目不能重複。 4. 報名有年齡限制之組別的合唱團,若人員和報名表提交名單資料不同,將被視為資格不符並取消參賽資 格,且不退費。

影片規範 1. 影片需為2019-2021年間拍攝之現場演出或彩排影片,錄影器材不限。 2. 影片總長度以10分鐘為限。如參賽隊伍超過演出時間,總分將會依據超出時間扣分。 3. 影片聲音不得經過混音,影片內容不得製作字幕、浮水印等後製。 4. 團隊自身需擁有影片版權,主辦單位不負責處理版權問題。 5. 影片限定 .mov或 .mp4格式,並透過WeTransfer繳交影片。

曲目及伴奏樂器 1. 參賽曲目若不符合該組規定,主辦單位有權更改參賽隊伍組別。 2. 參賽隊伍需繳交一份樂譜(限PDF檔) 3. 樂譜務必使用五線譜。 4. 除鋼琴之外最多可使用三項樂器。不得使用伴唱帶、麥克風和任何電子擴音及音響系統。

獎勵和獎項 1. 根據分數,頒發金獎、銀獎、銅獎。若參賽隊伍分數未達標準,仍頒發參賽證書 2. 合唱團獲得金獎並為該組別最高分,將成為分組冠軍並獲頒證書。 3. 評審團將自A,B,C組中提名決定大獎賽參賽團隊。 4. 評審團以投票方式決定特別組獎項,並頒發證書與獎金新台幣一萬元整。 5. 於大獎賽獲得最多票數之參賽隊伍,將成為大獎賽總冠軍,並頒發證書與獎金新台幣八萬元整。 6. 獎金依據中華民國法律規定扣稅後發放。中華民國居住之個人,按給付金額扣除10%;非居住中華民國之 個人,按給付金額扣除20%。 7. 評審團將額外評選出「傑出指揮獎」...等特別獎項。

IN GENERAL 1. 2021 TICC is open to choirs from all over the world. 2. Please read carefully the conditions related to each category: the number of singers, age limit, video length, the number of songs, voice type and song type, etc. 3. The choir may register for more than one category. The repertoire for each category must be different. 4. A choir participating in a category with an age limit is liable to be disqualified without any refund if there is a difference between the official letter and the appearance on stage or any other factual aspects.

RULES OF VIDEOS 1. The video MUST be recorded within 2019-2021, live at concerts or rehearsals. There are, however, no equipment limitations for taking the video itself. 2. The video lasts a maximum of 10 minutes. In case of performance time excess, points will be deducted from the choir’s overall score. 3. The video MUST be recorded without the aid of audio post-production. Please do not fill subtitles, trailers, watermarks, or narration in the video. 4. The video MUST be owned by the choir itself which therefore holds the rights. 5. The video MUST be in .mov or .mp4 format. Please send the video(s) through WeTransfer.

REPERTOIRE & INSTRUMENT 1. The committee reserves the right to change the participation category if the repertoire that is presented does not meet the requirements of the selected category. 2. Participants MUST submit the music score. (PDF File) 3. The scores must conform to internationally recognized sheet music standards (five lines staff ). 4. In addition to the piano, a maximum of three instruments can be used. Pre-recorded accompaniment tracks, microphones, and electronic amplifying devices are not allowed.

PRIZES & AWARDS 1. According to the score, Gold, Silver, and Bronze Diplomas will be awarded. The choir who does not achieve a diploma will receive a Certificate of Participation. 2. Choirs who achieve a Gold Diploma with the highest score in each category will be named “Category Winner” and will be awarded a Certificate. 3. The jury will nominate the choirs for Grand Prix Competition from Category A,B,C. 4. The winners of the Special Category will be determined by voting within the juries and will be awarded a Certificate and a Cash Award of TWD $10,000. 5. The choir with the most votes in the Grand Prix Competition will be named “Grand Prix Champion”, and will be awarded a Certificate and a Cash Award of TWD $80,000 6. The Cash Award will be given after taxes are paid in accordance with the law. The tax rate is 10% for Taiwan residents and 20% for foreigners. 7. Additional special prizes, such as “Outstanding Conductor”, will be awarded upon juries’ nomination.


報名第一組為新台幣 8,000元;報名兩組以上,第二組開始每組5,000元,報名組數無上限 TWD 8,000 for the first category. TWD 5,000 for each additional category.

早鳥優惠 Early bird discount

2021.04.30 前報名,報名第一組為新台幣 6,000元;報名兩組以上,第二組 開始每組 4,000元,報名組數無上限。 TWD 6,000 for the first category. TWD 4,000 for each additional category if register before Apr. 30, 2021 報名第一組為新台幣 3,000元;報名兩組以上,第二組開始每組 2,000元,報

台灣團隊 特別優惠




早鳥優惠截止 Early bird discount deadline: Apr 30, 2021 報名截止日期 Registration deadline: Jun 15, 2021


3 主辦單位將寄發最後確認函, 確認所有參賽內容。


TICC committee will send out final confirmation letter to reconfirm submitted materials.

線上填寫報名表,報名成功後 寄發報名確認信及報名費付款 連結。 Please fill in the online Registration Form. You will receive the confirmation email and credit card payment link after we confirm the information you gave is all correct.

2 2021/6/15前上傳參賽影片、 回傳WeTransfer檔案連結,並 繳交樂譜電子檔(限PDF檔) 及參賽人員清冊。 Please upload the following information before Jun 15, 2021: a. the video (through WeTransfer)/ b. PDF files of the scores /c. the Participant name list

大賽官網 Official Website



亞洲最具規模 合唱音樂營


! 開始報名

早鳥方案 截止


Fri. - Sun.

7. 23 8 . 01

節慶合唱團 Festival Choir


Andrew Lloyd Webber: Requiem 駐節指揮 Conductor

嘉保•豪勒隆 Gábor Hollerung (匈牙利)

Sat. - Sat.

7. 24 7 . 31

Sun. - Sun.


Master Class

7. 25 8 . 01


Johann Sebastian Bach: Jesu, meine Freude, BWV 227 師資 Master Teacher

嘉保•豪勒隆 Gábor Hollerung (匈牙利)




Yu-Chung John Ku, Music Director



Ferdinand Ta-Ming Ting, Executive Director

Dirk DuHei, Artistic Director

Email: ticc.taipei@gmail.com Tel: +886-2-2773-3691#114 Ms. Lin 林小姐 Fax: +886-2-2773-3692 Address: 10688台北市大安區敦化南路一段233巷28號B1 B1F., No.28, Ln. 233, Sec. 1, Dunhua S. Rd., Taipei City 10688 Taiwan R.O.C.


師資 Clinician

Conducting Class

哈潑 T. J. Harper (美國)

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