Kickass Marketing Ideas for Financial Advisors As a financial advisor, you want more clients, and this is the reason you need a foolproof marketing strategy. As a financial advisor, you can’t get enough of marketing ideas. Unfortunately, many advisors don’t even know how to market themselves. One needs knowledge and skills to succeed in the marketplace. Here, we are sharing some tips and ideas for financial services marketing plan.
Set targets It is the first, incredibly important step when molding marketing strategies. Working without a target is nonetheless than wandering astray. Setting goals makes all the difference in your marketing plan. It guides you to the way you should make effort.
Know your target customers Knowing whom you plan to market your service is the commencing point of any financial advisor marketing program. Define your target customers depending on the investment products. Determine the age group, income levels and demographics of your target customers if you plan to serve individual clients. If you also offer business financial advisory services, then determine their relative size. Many financial advisors focus on divorcees, widows, company executive, and entrepreneurs. Ideally, the narrower you will go, the more business is likely to come.
Crowdsource your personal contacts Your personal and professional contacts can be a good starting point for your prospecting efforts. Include your previous coworkers, company owners, entrepreneurs, supervisors and your entire business networking groups, including anyone else who may be able to use your services. Targeting your personal contacts let you establish a concrete reputation as a financial advisor. Also, don’t forget to pitch to the people who already trust you.
Customize your services as per client’s need Almost every financial firm claims to provide customized, high-quality services to the clients. However, most firms don’t have an idea of how to customize their services for their clients. To connect your client at deeper level, you need to understand their motivations. To do this, you need to know about their personal investment goals so that you can build an established, profitable and long-term relationship. It is not just the money but the reason behind the money. The primary goal of several individuals is to take care of their family. When talking to your clients, don’t just talk about the investment product. Also, talk about how it can meet their family’s needs of
education, retirement, weddings, travel and so on. All you require to do is to simplify concepts and provide support to your clients.
Take help of a marketing and advertising company If you are facing difficulty in framing a well-organized marketing program, take help of a marketing and advertising company. Such company assists you with its array of services, products, and holistic solutions, like marketing content, coaching, and strategies to help you grow your business. They also help you with their consulting and software with best practices, marketing letters, scripts, invitation, prospecting campaign and marketing campaigns.
Send thank you letters or emails Sending thank-you notes or emails is a proven advisor marketing idea. They are simple but powerful. Your client will appreciate it a lot. To make it more sincere, send handwritten notes. It does not take more than two minutes to write one such note, but it makes a long-lasting effect on your client, and they tend to stick with you.
Social media Social media is a powerful marketing tool in present time. Leverage social media marketing techniques to access potential customers at minimum expense. Use this platform to share valuable personal finance tips and gain people’s trust. With social media, you can get a peek to their interest without spending much time into individual prospects. Social media can bring clients to you. A concrete marketing plan enables you to promote your business, generate leads, acquire and retain customers and grow your business.